Showing posts with label Developmental. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Developmental. Show all posts

Monday, May 13, 2013

Soul Helper: (Unedited): 12 May 2013:

Everyone carries their own baggage. Your perfect soul mate may be that help mate who assists you in your developmental evolution. C.J.MacKechnie

While you are the help mate to that significant other to assist them in their own developmental evolution. You each become the help mate to one another. The willingness of each to be the others help mate grows and maintains the unity of the one person from two beings. When one of the unity separates and refuses to assist the other. The fracture of the unity begins and grows until what was one becomes a fractured duality. Neither parts of the whole being one. Until, reunification begins.

It is sad to witness two souls meant for one another. Which remains separate from one another because of culture, life style choices, social class division, racial lies and psychology.

The deep layers of the lies and deceptions within humanity. Is the continuing force behind perpetual misery, sadness and grief.Throughout the whole world.