Showing posts with label Enforcement. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Enforcement. Show all posts

Monday, October 14, 2024

No Vote Only Violence +75: (Unedited): 06-14 Oct 2024:

Please bypass my comments if you believe only the quotes are of importance. 
You need to know. I do not like writing like this. I have in the past avoided, deleted or just omitted these things. But, such is not the case when dealing with anything which could be prophetic. The point of writing anything which seems bad and sad is to prevent or mitigate. It is also necessary for each person to make fundamental changes in their own lives. You know the genuine repenting thing. You know the stopping of addictive behaviors. Actually loving one another as well as the other purple words below. 
The eye wall of Hurricane Milton took 20 minutes to pass over where I stayed. It was peaceful and quiet inside of the eye and then all hell broke looses. Most utilities are up and running. Fuel/gas is still difficult to obtain. Be a good human and take care of each other which includes your own neighbors. You know the purple words below requires actual work and effort. 
None of the quotes below are organized or written in order. If that means something to you. 
You need to know that the quotes are far more important than any of my other ramblings. 
You who are associated with any government entity and within any other agencies. If you still have your honor, moral compass, integrity and all of those good pure qualities of what makes a genuine man and genuine woman. Then you must decide if you will remain or if you will leave. Because, when the civilians begin to see your uniform and badge as their enemy. The civilians will kill the uniform and badge. They will not be targeting the good soul within. So do not be a simpleton who will be obedient to every order without any thought. You must decide now, be responsible now for your family. You must make your exit honorable and righteous. All before the first shot rings out from some stupid civilian and then celebrated by the masses. It does not matter what for or who or how many were shot. Read my writings and know that I'm trying to save your life. This is because you the good soul will be surrounded by evildoers who will kill you simply because they were ordered to do so and those will be the same people whom you have shared good times with. You already know this. You already know of those who enjoy all of the excitement and killing. You already know those who question nothing and worse does not even care to question anything. The only thing which can save you, your family is you removing yourself from their equation. You must properly remove yourself from their equation. Cause them to forget about you and they will because they are apathetic wicked evildoers.
You need to know that if all of humanity does not repent then all of the worse prophecies in regards to this time will happen. Guess what the people are not repenting. The Americans are not repenting. What is worse is that no one feels or thinks they need to repent.
Those who thirst and seek after the most superficial joys that humanity has to offer may already have been spiritually convicted and dead. 
Those who are the most dead, thirst and seek after the most superficial worldly joys.
From the sky thousands of columns of fire shall rain down upon the coordinates and addresses of the enemies of the world system.
From the sky and down to the ground the enemies of the world system shall become super heated vapor and no one will know.
All of those who are capable, willing and predicted to resist the emergence of the worlds system shall be fundamentally erased.
While the Christian God is the enemy of the world system He shall purify the planet with great fire. The world system shall erase His children from physical existence with fire.
No one will know. No one will question the deaths and disappearances. 
All of the public figures who teach a way of life in which the world system does not approve of shall be erased and become like fiery dust.
The world system shall eliminate and erase all of the resistance fighters before they even think of themselves as resistance fighters.
The enemies of the world system is already known by the world system and they all will be evaporated before they are even aware that they are anyone's enemies.
Rejection of evil governmental authority and of silence will precede any beginning to any violent act. Then the need to end the vile wicked evildoers in the world.
As the always defenseless good citizen is brutalized by the government. They who know violence and honor the good shall be a compassionate witness. 
As the good helpless citizen's are imprisoned for thought crimes. Those who know war will begin to take action especially after it becomes unlawful to even pray in your own home. 
The local citizens will begin to take the law into their own hands when their own local law enforcement agencies are seen as complicit in the spread of pornographic messages to children in the schools. 
The wicked and evil leaders and teachers shall be killed by the good citizens as a measure for protecting all of the children. Especially, when it is deemed that law enforcement and justice has failed the community. 
A group of politicians must outlaw a certain practice in which they do not financially profit from. Then with proper financial gains and contracts make that outlawed practice lawful. 
Any group of people who are willing to use classified technologies to murder and to destroy their own people for a profit motive is truly wicked and evil. 
For the most financial gain for the wicked politicians it is better to crush, kill and destroy their own self defined useless resource eaters than it is to simply pay them to leave or to continually be allowed to live their wasted lives. 
In your human form it is impossible to have full righteousness, holiness and purity. Just as it is impossible to have full wisdom, knowledge and understanding. You must be made into the incorruptible before those things can be achieved
The door is now open and is your last chance. You must freely choose to enter within as you shed all of your old evil and wicked ways. The shell of the old you shall be burned away as you become incorruptible.
As the wicked evildoers continue to block access to those good people who want to save lives and to ease suffering. The time will come when the good warriors and soldiers who have honor and a strong moral compass must take action and they will. 
The righteous anger of the good warriors and soldiers shall precede their inherent duty to rid the helpless, defenseless good civilians from those who only want their continued suffering and death.
Once the violence begins by those who will secret themselves in the trees and come silently out of the blinds. You local law enforcement officials must prevent the beginning of these actions by ridding yourselves of the wicked evildoers yourself. 
You local law enforcement officers can only hold back the righteous warriors who have always had your back. But, once they deem you as a wicked evildoer. You to shall die with the rest of the wicked mixing your blood with theirs. 
The signs of societal decline always begin with the selfish wants of the self isolationist population.
When the population no longer cares for the great wonders of history and see as any great planned thing as a waste of time and money. Your society is already in decline and you know it not. 
When your societal population prefers minimalist mediocrity over any great deed or any good job done. Your society is already in decline. 
When your society begins to even refuse to do any good necessary thing. Which includes becoming an interplanetary species. Your society is well beyond decline and becoming more suicidal. 
The fear of failure and the fear beginning of any new thing to prevent failure is not just a sign or personal or corporate stagnation. It is a sign of societal stagnation and decline. 
Those who merely follow the world system, are against the world system or doesn't care either way shall all equally perish. As the extinction of humanity shall be the end result unbeknownst to the prideful elites who think themselves as superior. 
The vastly superior and arrogantly prideful elites who is above all shall not even be aware that they have just caused the total extinction of the entire human species. 
The greatest blood covered dupes in all of human history will be those humans who think themselves as the greatest and most important people who have ever been born. 
It shall be the self defined greatest, most important and most wealthy people who start the process to eliminate more than 94% of the human population. But, they will make a mistake and kill everyone. 
It is only the Christian God who comes at the last minute and saves only those whom He chooses to save. If God did not intervene in that last minute then all of humanity would have perished. 
We are in the time of the open door and soon it will close. When the door closes then it is closed. Do not miss the open door invite. This is your last chance. All of the invites have already been delivered in your past and you refused them all.
Those who are already inside if you are not properly adorned with what is only accepted by the Master. Then you shall be escorted out. It matters not if you have been inside your entire life. It matters not if you worked inside your whole life. 
Even the fallen angels were once inside and now they are outside and unable to get back in. Do not be like them. Repent and become a born again child of God before you are shown the door and the door closes with you on the outside. 
Added on 16 Oct 2024: I just found out about an official thing and it seems to be related to these awful things I have been writing about since I stated I will not delete or omit any longer. I may not have written omitted. I have to do research and date checks. I do like evidence. 
Visions: I'm having visions of many different people in many different places and who are able to buy sand bags and sand. Building sand bag defensive positions inside of their homes. End. 
Word Visions: Compliance to the government is absolute but not preferred as the government would rather just send a missile into a families home in order to save their own people. Their reasoning is that they are woefully outnumbered so the more that they can kill with one shot is efficient and sends a message to everyone who is not absolutely obedient.
A government who considers every citizen as a threat becomes instantly murderous. 
A murderous governmental body is made up of wicked evildoers. 
The wicked evildoers who hold all of the power in a murderous government will find joy, excitement and entertainment in the videos of explosive and destroying civilian homes in military operations on outspoken or disobedient civilians. 
Added on 18 Oct 2024: 
Time is coming where you will be forced to reveal what and how you believe.
You will not be allowed to just sit on the fence. You will be required to take an action and it matters not if it is in cowardice or bravery. All decisions can lead to your physical death.
You will not be allowed to be a simple brainless and soldier or conscript as you will be required to know why and to understand. 
Who shall you be most like the foolish or the wise? For the wise already has ample oil and wicks for their lamps. While the foolish just burns smokey hot with their untrimmed lamps.
The untrimmed lamp of the foolish may burn bright and hot. But, in time the heavy soot covers everything as the odor becomes overwhelming as the glass lamp chimney becomes darker and darker giving less and less light. 
The door which is open shall close soon and no power on or in this Earth can keep it open or force it closed. Your final decision can no longer be delayed. You either are or aren't. 
You elder men of your own house. What will they do when they come for you? All because you believed differently. All because you had an offensive stray thought. All because you silently prayed to the wrong God. All because you are different then they are. 
What shall you do when your own heroic soldiers who know not your tongue comes forth to take everything from you simply because their authority to do so was just recently been made legal?
You the disobedient civilian who holds up in their home having become a threat to the government agents shall all die and burn up inside of your own homes that they have come to take away. No one will know the truth.
Comply or die will be your only choice and this will become a celebrated phrase by one great military leader who will be responsible for the extinction of entire Christian families as well non believing conservatives. 
You shall see the soldiers back away and you will incorrectly believe that your winning. But, in truth when the military leader states that you should comply or die. The missiles have already been launched. 
Christians shall be unwelcome in any country and on any land. Even if your ancestors lived in that country for many hundreds of years or more. 
Beware and forewarned that when you hear of the funny jokes that you should be somewhere else or that you do not belong in this place. These are all just precursors to the brutality and killings which is to come.
While in your time of plenty you should always keep back enough to survive the famines which always come in their own seasons in life. Your ancestors taught you the right ways even though you joke about them now. So prepare now before this door closes.
A time will come when and if the wicked evildoer gains power. The military will be used as an invite by local cities and towns. But, in a short time the military will see this relation with local governments as a hindrance to the will of the leader. 
The unrepentant harlot who is no longer a practicing harlot is still a harlot even if she holds positions of great power and authority. 
The unrepentant harlot who has cleaned herself up and wears the most majestic and expensive clothing is still a dirty and unforgiven harlot. 
Added on 19 Oct 2024:
You self important and prideful people who have planned much death and destruction shall not build back anything. You shall only know the destruction and death of all that is important to each of you. 
The pain, suffering and hell you wicked evildoers have manufactured to all of those souls whom you deem as less than you. They each shall exceed you in glory as you endure all of the pain, suffering and hell you have created for each soul. 
Added on 20 Oct 2024: 
You who are not one of the children of God. You shall not even be aware that truth has been taken away from you and the desire to know what the truth is.
You who are the unbelievers shall not be aware that you have been deceived and have become self deceived. All the while that God has already poured out a strong delusion upon the whole of the world.
You who will never become children of God. Shall begin to do all manner of harm to those who are. Because, as long as you see the children of God you will always be reminded of what awaits you and I tell you, you are already in judgement/hell. 
Just as every human was already dead before they became children of their Heavenly Father. You who will never repent and accept the gracious gift of life through Jesus Christ will remain dead and already judged. 
Added on 24 Oct 2024: 
In the Bible the Righteous Children of God shall be hunted and persecuted. Yet, the wicked evildoers seem to always begin with hateful mockery, persecution, abuse, torture and then they shall hunt and kill you all with a joyful glee.
2 Timothy 3:12
Added on 29-30 Oct 2024: 
Wicked leaders who hold power and authority over many badges of honor will select violent encounters over peaceful ones.
Wicked leaders will plan violent encounters with possible or probable innocent people just to enjoy manipulating a defensive response which will lead to their death via cop.
Wicked leaders will always have a choice of a peaceful encounter and a violent encounter. But, because they are wicked evildoers. They will desire the proper psychological response which ends when their men must kill them in order to protect themselves. 
True people of integrity and honor who uphold and enforce the laws will always desire and plan peaceful means to get the possible bad guy without harm. So that a Judge and jury can decide. 
It is never the duty of any person in law enforcement to be executioner prior to any arrest or official judgement. So any plan which involves an unreasonable psychological response by a target person should never be an excuse to commit murder.
You actual men and women of honor and integrity you will witness how your own departments become murderous as you begin to kill civilians who simply become non compliant.
You men and women of great skill and courage will become murderous souls as your own leadership prefers escalation rather than deescalation when they prefer death rather than arrest.
You men and women who have qualified to become SWAT like team members begin to realize that as your leadership begins to provoke and escalate every situation. That your only use is to murder as opposed to protect your brethren or innocent civilians.
You men and women of SWAT related teams will be denied details and thus told you are only to follow orders and do not need to know as you become tools of murder.
You law enforcement snipers will begin to see your own personal numbers of people killed to become equivalent or exceed the numbers of killed seen in the military during war time. 
What shall you do, men and women of honor and integrity as you realize you have only become a murderous tool who has a badge as you equate yourself as someone who will murder any civilian for any kind of non compliance?
How can you allow yourself to become murderous thugs when you swore an oath to uphold the constitution and yet your counting your killings like a prize fighter counts their fights. 
The time is not yet and if you have happened onto these writings you will most likely know it is so, not yet. But, you will see and western European nations will begin to conduct their own atrocities against their own citizens once simple incarcerations no longer sends the preferred messages to their own populace. But, in America every citizen will be thought of as having guns and you men and women of honor will begin to kill people simply because of baseless fears. Can you imagine a civilian police sniper having more kills than a military sniper in war. Can you imagine being a cop and watching your leadership provoke and escalate as every engagement ends in killings. Can you imagine being required killing a family dog simply because a dog must do what a dog must do? Can you imagine being ordered to kill a wife and children simply because they responded to you as a threat? Can you imagine you could have just showed up in the middle of the day instead of the middle of the night in some other controlled environment or your leadership could have simply asked the person to show up at the police or federal agent headquarters? When you begin to see these things happening more and more often they become patterns of murderous intent instead of a law enforcement agency. But, like I have written we are not there yet. Unlike western Europe where they are arresting civilians who are non compliant to how the government wants you to think or how people are arrested for praying silently. The question for you is this. What are you going to do? Save your own soul or become excited at becoming a lawful murderer? 
Yes, I know you have 10 or 15 years in and yes I know you can lose allot of money and benefits. But, you have to decide now before you are put into a position of becoming a murderer. You need to realize this other point. You leaving the department or agency is not going to stop them from abandoning what they were and becoming something the civilians will become fearful of. Those departments and agencies will find those who will not care about shooting probable or possible innocent men, women, children or pets. Those department and agencies will become tools of threats and intimidation with or without you. You can blindly follow orders or not and if you cannot not. Then you must plan how you can properly escape with your soul and sanity. 
You know the Nazi guards in some of the worst concentration camps may not have been directly involved with the horrors being done. Yet, many were killed by the Americans on site and others fled and others arrested and tried. If you know of evil and wicked deeds of your own leaders you can decide to participate or you can not participate. Especially if the state of organized government comes to the point that they will kill you, your family and your friends if your speak up and speak out. You will become a traitor to the wicked evildoers. 
Personal: You know I do not fear the cops as in all of you no matter what badge you have. Do the Feds have badges or just some ID card? It doesn't matter. I do not break the laws and have no intention of breaking laws. If I ever happened upon a stressful event involving any cop I would stop and render what ever assistance I could. Just as any other good American civilian would as which has been witnessed since forever. But, once it is known that cops and agents have the right to become brutal bullies or like the Soviet KGB or like Nazis killing people in the street who only appeared to have committed a crime of some kind and etc. How do you want to be remembered in history? How do you want your God to judge you? How do you want your own children to see you in truth or in the lies of how the new murderous heroes shall be defined? Which seems to have already occurred in many western European countries. How will you take it when your required to brutalize the elderly or the disabled? The time is not yet but the time will become it. Before that does you have to decide what you will do.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.