Showing posts with label Genome. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Genome. Show all posts

Thursday, May 6, 2021

Genetically Changing Compounds Prophecy: (Unedited): 06 May 2021:

 Genome Editing and rewriting. 

We humans communicate by vibrating our vocal chords. We communicate by physically writing agreed upon symbols. We edit our own written communications, even rearranging or erasing entire paragraphs or chapters. The idea of writing books in an agreed upon sequential manner is also agreed upon. Millions upon millions of different Books have been written using only 26 letters of an agreed upon alphabet or code, if you will. All books are set up in numerical chapters. All of the different parts of any book is all in the book of you. Go and look them up for yourself. Search Term " Parts of a Book". 
Your entire human genome is the genetic book of the physical you. Even though your genetic code is a spiral it is also a form of a book. Created and written by a being who is far different than us and yet we were made in the creators image.
The letters in your genetic book are made up of specific and individual chemical compounds. I think there is a form of programming within those compounds. I just have no real clue or even a capability to understand. So what I saw should be simply written. 
This is what I saw. 
Human beings cannot be trusted. The profit motive of temporary benefits without expressing any known side effects. Why use a product once when any person would need to pay for a product many times repeatedly forever. 
The need for a super soldier. A human man which becomes strong, fast, agile. A human man who can go from being a simple human being into a killing machine by just taking the contents of a medical needle. The permanence of the contents within the needle must be temporary. 
The genetic traits of aggressive predator animals can be including into the genetic changing cocktail. 
A genetic cocktail in a medical needle can enhance anything. hearing, sight, muscle density, tendon strength and the list can go on. You can enhance physical strength, power and agility. But, if you do nothing for the lungs and heart. Extended exertion will kill. Plus, if the skin is not enhanced for a greater capability to control the inner body temperature. The body dies from excessive heat. Then if you send your super soldier into the artic and give no physical activity. He may freeze to death much faster. 
Here it is. A method of editing comes into fruition. One where a deletion process in a specific place along the human genome seems successful. Except for this one thing happened and this is what I saw. 
Imagine a book on your computer in a PDF format. You find a misused letter "S" in the entire book. So you highlight that one letter "S". You hit the delete button and that letter "S" is deleted forever. Except this is not all that happens. Slowly every letter "S" begins to disappear. This happens over a period of many months to years. Then all of the letter "S's" in the entire book is just gone. There is no backup capability. The letter "S" on every page of your PDF book is just gone. What started as a simple edit. Turned into a dimensional cascade where a specific patter of rate of deletion occurred. At first glance the "S" disappearances did not seem logical or systematic. The appearance was some form of chaotic randomness. But, it was not. There was a systematic and logical spiral like pattern even though it would be very difficult for a human to discern. Maybe about 90ish degrees out of phase.
But, what happened to those humans who took the shots under false pretenses. They slowly reverted back to base animal instincts with not even the civility of a family of apes. Physical changes even occurred. This affected many hundreds of millions of humans all over the planet. Then eventually their humanoid like forms just simply died after many years of continued de-evolution. 
The humans who just needed to get a 10% to 50% bump in their own intelligence. If a human is unable  to control their own thinking processes. What do you think will happen when they begin to think 50% more. Will their be a critical mental cascade? Does the 50% increase in mental capability also increase the negative parts of the mind? 
But, what do you do with the 5 foot 5 inch physically fit guy who bench presses 400 pounds all day long. While wearing a superman shirt at a YMCA, In New Port Richey Florida. In full public view.
There will be a cost in your humanity when people start taking compounds which specifically change and alter your personal human genome. You will begin to lose your humanity and not even be aware of it. 
Think about this. Your a military leader and you now have 100,000 super soldiers. All of which who can run for ten miles at a 3 minute per mile pace and then engage in hand to hand combat for the next three days. All without sleep, rest or food. What would be the effects on the battle field when your super soldiers are fight average everyday normal human beings? How fast would you take over a city or nation. Think about perpetual enhanced full alertness of your pilots. Pilots with enhanced and sharpened visual acuity. Especially in planes coming at each other at speeds approaching mock 3. Fighter pilots who can stay alert and awake for prolonged periods of time at 12+G's.  
But, what do you do when their military service is over? Give them another compound shot which causes their DNA to mostly revert back to their particular normal's prior to entering military service. 