Showing posts with label One Percenters. Show all posts
Showing posts with label One Percenters. Show all posts

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Entirely Your Future: (Unedited): 18 Dec 2014:

By taking responsibility and ownership of your present self. Your future shall belong entirely to you.  
I see in my everyday walk in life many helpless people. But, who just cannot and will not without someone to do it for them. It is almost a slave mindset in a world where excessive freedom abounds.
There are those who seem to be so fearful of everything. That they just cannot move on their own power and if you try to help them. For them any kind of change or even movement is something to dread.
Then you have those Ten percenters and One percenters. They are those rare persons who seem to be self directed and self motivated into continually moving in the direction of their own self choosing.

What are Ten Percenters?
This is the top ten percent of the total population. Those who seem to just do as they do. With minimal direction, assistance or guidance,

If you put Ten Percenters in a room. What shall arise is another group of standouts which will equate to ten percent of this population. In this group you will also have the one percent. Who will stand above the total.

What are One Percenters?
This is the top one percent of the total population. Those who are self directed and self motivated. Those who need zero direction, assistance or guidance.

If you put One Percenters in a room. What shall arise is another group of standouts which will equate to ten percent of this population. In this group you will also have the one percent. Who will stand above the total. These One percent of the one percent will be the Tenths.
The tenths are the elite of the elites. 

I think Tenths is correct. What is one percent of one percent?

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  “Musings of an American Truck Driver”: