Showing posts with label Transponders. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Transponders. Show all posts

Friday, May 10, 2024

Naval Technological Manipulation Vision: (Unedited): 10 May 2024:

 I do not know how military equipment is transported from one place to the next. I would assume highly sensitive equipment is transported by plane like the C5 or the C130. This vision is based on the use of naval shipping to transport military equipment. The intent of this writing is to mitigate or prevent the action through revelation. Yes, I do understand the convenience of a vision or dream which never comes true and the unconvinced questions which follow it. 
The idea of theft is an assumption on my part. What is observed in the vision may be something else. So read the vision without any assumptions. 
Please know that I'm not an educated person and I'm not military and I do not have any naval experience of any kind. I'm writing the best I can. 
From above I'm looking down below onto this entire globe. I see a ship already loaded with many different kinds of air defense systems like the Patriot and THAAD as well as others which are not as well known to me or known to me at all. I also see a variety of missile boxes all with their warnings and hazmat labels. As well as fuzzy/blurry looking boxes which may or may not exist yet. Would the blurry boxes be more classified than Patriot or THAAD? The ship seemed to have originated out of Gibraltar area or region. Or between Gibraltar to England??? Or was the ship skirting the coast to the Gibraltar area before heading towards the USA???
The ship being fully loaded heads out to sea for the USA. In that direction.
I see another ship heading north from the south Atlantic. The ship looks very similar to that of the US military transport ship used. From the two ships I then could see all apparent ships as identified shipping icons. Then I saw only two ship icons. I'm seeing some sort of tracking system.
Both ships are close to the North Atlantic ocean near the middle. They appear as if they are about to collide. The ships do come together and both ships appear to become each other. Both ships continue on in the others direction. Then, quickly 2 ships become 4 and then 8 and then 16 and then 32 and etc. A technological re-population of ships on a viewers screen. All have the same transponder and tracking codes and all going in different directions. Except the ship which has all of the classified equipment has a heading into the Norwegian Sea and then the Barents Sea. All of their codes changed or altered. I do see men repainting. The ship which appeared to have been switched out has nothing in it and no one onboard. I guess there was an autopilot turned on as it made it's way westward. Vision Ends. 
Added on 13 May 2024: Here is an assumption. Can a governmental entity control GPS systems to such a degree that they can freely program falsehoods into that system? Can they also change identification codes and real time tracking? If this can be done regardless of when a target nation discovers the issues. Can someone just take a ship and then hide it with historical tracking as well as thousands of other tracking information? Can someone then make ships disappear and then be shown else where? 