Friday, April 12, 2019

Aircraft Carrier Vision II: (Unedited)11 April 2019:

Today while working I had multiple visions of being on an Aircraft Carrier.
Just a simple vision. Maybe, personal, self judging, nothing fantastic to learn.
Most likely very boring and non-revealing to the perspective reader.
Additional writing 12 April 2019:
All visions were daytime and far out into the ocean or open water.
I was standing alone on the top of the flat deck. I was in awe and how ultimately cool this was. No planes on the deck. I was looking out from the ship. Huge, massive, amazing.
I was standing on a lower deck or railing outside of the ship. It was shaded and watching the ocean.
Sun to my rear.
I had multiple visions inside of the ship. I had no clue where I was or where I was going. I was perpetually lost. The crew all knew who I was and all were very helpful. They were quick to the point and not offering any sort of extra information. I still have no clue about the arrangement of the ship.
I disliked being inside.
I had to hug the walls and stay away from the flow of people movement. I was allowed to view classified things which have specific classifications. One room was subdued from excessive light as I choose to look down to the floor on purpose. I guess I did that on purpose or directed. I did look up at specific times. As I entered the darkened room. I just looked down and I saw the floor. I'm not sure if it was carpeted or hard. The floor was even a dark type of maybe multiple dark colors. I thought military dark places used red lights. I did not notice red lighting in darkened rooms.
The bridge if that is the actual name of the control room where the officers stand or are seated or running around. I was in awe of everything. Watching heroes doing their mundane average everyday ordinary heroic duties as defined by this lowly janitor.
I sat alone in the cafeteria. A few people would come by and ask if I was CIA or some other intelligence agency. I would say No or nope. I'm just the or a janitor..... Really.... yea nobody of real importance, like you.
I even talked with a few pilots. They were mostly not accepting of me. Well, they have their pride and to have personal contact with a lowly janitor. Well, it would be beneath them. I even expressed that to one and how it was important to see the lowly as human beings worthy of your attention. Especially, those who take care of the plane that keeps you alive. It is not just your skill, talents, physical and mental gifts. Your just a running back on the football team. It is the lineman who causes you to be the hero of the team. Everyone else must do their job better than the minimum standard. In order for you to be the hero of the game. But, then again, You have to keep yourself above the minimum standard. Because, if your men who care for you see you lacking and slacking. Then your actions alone give them all permission to do as you do. This is not to be confused with you admitting (by action and maybe humorous words) that your also a deeply flawed human being just like everyone else.
As a child I knew of these very brilliant men. The kind of men who thought Mensa was an embarrassment/insult. They were some messed up people. All with their own faults and failings. Guess what? Those are the same men and women who thought up the stuff you fly and the missiles you shoot. While on a thousand plus foot steal ship that isn't stable. That you get catapulted from and land back on. Yea, A whole level of cray cray in and of itself.
Personal Note: That was when they knew and my dad knew and I knew That I was dumb, stupid and retarded(IQ-70). My dad honored his country and died with his secrets - all of them. Comment withheld.
I hung out with those who are failing to thrive or failing to perform on board the ship. I talked with them to encourage them. I guess that is one reason why I was there. I do make the whole, better when I'm involved. It is one of my gifts. Even if it hurts feelings.
I began to work out with the physically lacking crew. At the very lowest level of physical fitness. Apparently my physical issues were known and the super athletic in charge person teased me about them in very adult ways as well as my age.
I still had long hair and thought about going to a military cut and wearing only Army. If my legal status permitted. LOL. Being on a Navy ship and refusing to the wearing of naval or marine apparel.
It seemed there was a legal status. Serious.
I have no idea how I could have a serious legal status of any kind. Which basically meant I was in the military service. I even said to the constipated looking mean person. I have serious attitude problems. I would disagree with you, just to disagree with you, even though I knew you were right and you knew that I knew you were right. Yet, I would stand my ground.
Out in the distance. I saw a sub scope above the water. I sensed it was looking at me specifically. So how is it that I'm that important or have become that important? No clue. Yes, there is more..... That is all you get.
How do you even notice some small scope specifically looking at you out in the vastness of the ocean?
I had my own night vision and remember nothing.
I did not see any planes fly or on top of the deck of the ship. I did not see any planes inside of the ship. I do not remember any other weapons.
China. No comment.
South China Sea. No comment.
No comment.
Really. I have no clue.
I have studied the South Seas Island building and am frustrated with how no updated sat images are uploaded as well as other shenanigans. Especially, that one building I focused on.
Add another 16 feet to the width of the next ships and/or add enough width for a fifth shaft/screw.
Add more automated guns and missiles(20 to 1 odds or more). The same stuff I've written about.
Add another reactor. I do not think I have written about odds.
The entire Island has to be re-engineered as a RADAR and sensor platform. As well as a safe place that will not become an impediment for humans from making babies. It even looks cold war and yet most likely very functional and cheap to build. If you can assign the word cheap to a state of the art Aircraft Carrier.
Pointing out. No comment.
When I have to write, I have to write and no one is gonna know what I wrote. But, I was allowed to do as I needed to do. Apparently, I get a look when I have to write. I guess that is my, tell. I did not know that until tonight.
I have no idea of the name of the ship or the number of the ship. But, it was AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!
Way over my head. Fish out of water. Overwhelmed.
There was no war. No threats. No actual battle engagements. There was other stuff. It was all holy bat guano for me. But, for the real heroes. It was no big deal. A matter of fact kind of situation and then drink your coffee. Boring for all of them.
How many times did I go to the bathroom? Yea. Right...
Weeks old vision:
Not sure if this was related. I get picked up by helicopters. I've seen many and one. Blurred. I've seen one and many cars arriving. I remember getting upset about them landing on my "I take it very serious", no comment. May this and the above vision is directly related to my pride and ego and nothing more. I'm not important in the grand scheme of things in the world. No I do not want to be either.
Maybe, If this whole vision thing is a message to me that they know who I am. Well, It didn't work.
I just thought it was way kewl.
New Vision: 12 April 2019@1337hrs:
LCS Independence Class.
A new variant.
How many Universal Missile Cells can be placed in the ship if the flight deck was removed? That is what I saw, just now. Then by building at least twenty sea worthy versions. One for each Aircraft carrier. Then Command on every Aircraft Carrier would have total control/authority over those Universal Missile Cells.
Added on 17 Feb 2020: New dream.
I was on a Aircraft carrier and I was escorted deep into the bowels of that carrier. Yea, I'm still lost and have no idea what is which and where is what again. I was escorted to another dark room and noticed some technology and the large elephant. Yep, A welded to the ship nuclear bomb. One in which could be detonated when the ship was taken or towed to a major enemy port. How would they know or all communications would have to be blocked by the enemy?
I saw an aircraft carrier dead and taken by enemy forces. It was a blood bath and the enemy lost more men and yet the ship was still taken. Then I saw multiple nuclear explosive events over shadowing each other.  I saw the ship emerge from the fire ball by being towed and led away by enemy ships and then exploding again. I saw the ship in an enemy naval harbor and then exploding. The ship may be one or many. I do not know. The nuclear detonations can be just the decision making process of when to detonate. Which is why the many over lays is probabilities.
The big knowing is China takes your ship or ships. What kind and how many? I do not know. I just know that the aircraft carrier or carriers explode.
If many aircraft carrier battle groups are rendered dead by the use of some unknown device or DEW's. How do you as an admiral contend with the loss of your navy and that you actually have no way to defend yourself against a unknown DEW?

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