Showing posts with label Bliss. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bliss. Show all posts

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Joel's Wet Cat: (Unedited): 05 Nov 2017:

Empowered Wet Cat: (Unedited): 05 Nov 2017:
Any cat shall become wet when it is poured upon. But, the cat which is filled from within by the Holy Spirit becomes empowered even more when it is poured upon.
Wet Cat Joy: (Unedited): 05 Nov 2017:
A wet cat which has become poured upon remains miserable. Where as the wet cat already filled with the Holy Spirit. Finds joy and bliss. 
Jail Bird Hope: (Unedited): 05 Nov 2017:
The pouring out by God gives hope to all flesh. Hope even for the jail birds, abused, tortured, damaged, unworthy and rejected. 
Wet Cat Consumed: (Unedited) :06 Nov 2017:
That which brings the wet cat in and out of the lonely cold of night. May not be the friend you see and even want, but rather that which only desires to consume you.
God will in his time pour out his spirit on all people or all flesh. For those who are either Christian or have been educated in the Christian faith. This may or may not be a good thing in the short term. But, afford many more opportunities for every non-Christian no matter how they profess or not profess in the faith.
Think about either being poured upon or being filled from within or both. Three options. The Holy Bible seems to always give us all three options very often or in everything we decide. Think about that alone. You can decide for a thing, you can decide against a thing and you can not decide.
Even if you are not a Christian as solely defined by God alone but are a professional Christian as defined by the world. You may not have the Holy Spirit within you but God will pour out his spirit upon you and everyone else. Almost a great equalizer to counter the effects of all evil in the world. Maybe, the pouring out is to give humanity a chance against those who fell from the Heavens to Earth. I do not know. But, the pouring out will be interesting and may have been interesting.
For all flesh will be poured upon. Which will include those who do not believe, those who are evil as well as those who are a Christian to some degree as they personally define their own Christianity. No matter how truthful they are.
No matter what. All flesh will be faced with something which has happened to them in which they may not understand, know, believe or even accept. Will that person begin to become more prideful and learn how to use the pouring out upon them as a new method to profit more? Will a person become a self ascribed prophet, Psychic, Mystic or a self defined god or the Jesus Christ? I do think the pouring out upon all flesh brings opportunity to each person to freely choose to look towards the true God of all or not to or to just go on with their atheistic lives revealing nothing or just rejecting it all.
Like I said this pouring out is an opportunity. An opportunity for those who are already filled with the Holy Spirit to become blessed even more when God pours upon them all with His Spirit. It is also an opportunity for those prideful and entitled professional Christians who have not been filled with the Holy Spirit to become filled with the Holy Spirit after knowing of their own evidence of the Spirit of God being poured upon them. Can you imagine social Christians, secret Christians, sinner Christians, unrepentant sinner Christians and professional Christians who have not been filled with the Holy Spirit freely decide to become devout, holy and righteous Christians as which is only recognized by God only when presented with the pouring upon from the Spirit of God. It would be like for each of them to be a Thomas. Some may even become embarrassed and emotional. When they are equated with Thomas especially after they have received all of their accolades and parchments of graduations.
For it is with grace that God giveth to all and it is all of us who continue to be unworthy and disobedient. It is all of us who are the prostitute given to a righteous man in order to only teach a lesson forever. (Hosea).
Added on 05 Nov 2017: Later:
I have been thinking about those who are psychic and make declarations of having any of the super natural gifts or powers. If a person does not know God in any way. That person may consider the pouring upon them their powers or gifts which only came from their own being. While others may seek out clubs, organizations or other religions in order to develop their own spiritual skill sets. Thus, a person can be led into one of the many forms of witchcraft and sorcery. Some may join satanist groups and believe that it was satan who gives them their powers. satan will admit anything in order to fool. A similar lie was used against Jesus when satan promised to give Jesus something which does not belong to him.
Added on 06 Nov 2017:
The conversion of psychics, witches, sorcerers, magicians and warlocks can been seen in this way. Most of them have very deep emotional scars and have suffered from mental illnesses. For some reason the powers, gifts and abilities they have and feel like they cover over their deep anguish. While at the same time they are never aware that their life is and has been stolen from them. Causing them to think and believe that the more they suckle from this power source the more life and powers they will have. This is the lie and deception. The truth is all of these powers, gifts and abilities is all from the pouring upon from God. It seems they that more than many believe that these angels, demons and familiar spirits serve them. Which is that blinding falsehood which is used to take their life from them. Some even know that they are going to a very real place called hell and they are satisfied with that. Always, remember that those who have no intention, thought or consideration for any manor of change. In which they all can change. Unless, they actually cannot change. Then each of those souls may already have been judged. It is for you to know. that there is nothing you can do for them except to pray. That is all. But, bare in mind that if they have already been judged. They are already in hell outside of our human senses, reasoning and understanding. Even if it is only a hell of their own creation. Because, think about it hell is one place but, just as there are many places in the heavens and on earth. there are many places in hell. Just as there are many streets and neighborhoods here on Earth. there are also many streets and neighborhoods in Hell. Even though there will be many souls beyond my ability to count. They all will be alone. There will be no parties, no joys, no pleasures, no fun, no powers, no gifts, and no abilities. All of those things were used by the fallen to deceive you into choosing for yourself to be judged to hell forever. All of the fallen have pretended to be your servants, your familiars, your protectors and your saviors. Just so that they can have your soul/spirit. The fallen are willing to put away their hatred for you and they are willing to put away their superior pride over you. In order to have your soul. Your soul is worth that much to the fallen. A being which it knows is a god in comparison to you who are less than a worm. The bottom line is all of the fallen want you, me and all of humanity to be extinct. Making you believe that your gifts, powers and abilities are not from the pouring out from God. Even though they are. The fallen have used this outpouring from God to steer you away from that which truly loves you and cares for you. Jehovah.
Source of inspiration: Pastor Jim Bakker:
 To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Fools Run: (Unedited): 08 June 2010:

Ignoring and fleeing from learning wisdom. Will only prolong your foolishness. C.J.MacKechnie 
Does pleasurable ignorant bliss really bring the illusion of happiness? Maybe if you believe hard enough. C.J.MacKechnie
No matter how far you run from wisdom. The moment you stop running, Foolishness will be there.