Showing posts with label Walkers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Walkers. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

The Walking Saved Dreams: (Unedited): Year 2020, 2021:


Dream: Date Recently. Still remembered.

A narrow wooded enclosed road and a small group is walking. The small group know the evil presence is just up ahead as they continue to walk forward. The enemy up ahead who is all just like them as they are not strangers but rather deceived and disillusioned kin. They are uniformed with typical guns and much larger guns. They greatly outnumber the small group of unarmed walkers and yet they still have fear. 

The opening is just up ahead and this is where the two groups shall meet. The enemy can see the small group approach and can easily see that the small group is not prepared to fight or to wage war. The commander of this military unit orders to shoot and kill them all. Then just as the first man of the small group enters the clearing in the clear of the day. As they walk through they all just disappear exactly when the order is given to fire on the helpless group. Yet all of the bullets fire which number in the thousands which have been fired touch not even the clothing of those devout Christians who just walk through the military unit who were ordered to kill them all. The military unit is now completely unaware of the group while the Christians are now fully aware and feared not as they just quietly and seamlessly walked through.


On an open road. The military unit is ready for the small unarmed mass of devout walking Christians. Up on a distant place and unknown by either group a revolutionary militia sniper team awaits for their moment to fire their deadly shot. The military unit outnumbers the walking group of Christians more than twenty to one and they are all ready to massacre the walking Christian group. The Christian group enters the cross road where the military unit is positioned  and the commander shows himself and in that moment a snipers bullet reaches the head of that military commander and he is dead and in that same moment many thousands of bullets are fired at the walking Christian walkers. While other military units which were held back begin to seek out and fire on the estimated position of the revolutionary militia sniper position. Not a single bullet touches the walking Christian as they continue to invisibly walk through the military unit who continues to fire bullets into where the devout Christians once were. While the Christians who continue to walk in faith intimately see the grimaced faces of their kin as the guns repeatedly fire into them and yet none of them is touched. The sounds of the guns were not muted. The light of fire coming out of each gun was still very bright and frightening even into their Christian faces. The gun smoke envelopes them all and they continue to smell the gun fire on them even after they cleared through. 


In the center of a darkened town. Maybe darkened by evil and hopelessness not sure. But, still dark and stark. A group of Christians enter into the small town and approach the center square. A very large military unit is already positioned with snipers on the roofs. The military unit even has hostages that they will kill and use as a bargaining chip against the Christians who are just walking through. The Christians already know that the hostages will be killed anyway just as they also will be killed. The coming bargain is just a distraction to get the walking Christians outside of the protection of what ever it is which is protecting them. The Christians continue to walk through and appear to just disappear before the military unit as they begin to kill everyone and yet blades and bullets only strike down the hostages while nothing touches the walking Christians. 


In another town, the same thing happens to this group of walking Christians. This time particular Christian men choose to walk outside of the protection of the Holy Spirit. Their hearts, minds and spirit filled with love for one another as they freely choose to save those who are about to die horrible deaths because the Christians just happen to be walking by. A devout man retrieves and saves an unlikely soul which will soon have been killed. Other devout Christian men who freely choose to leave the protection and made themselves known in order to save those who wanted to be saved were killed very quickly as were those whom they tried to save. Those devout Christians who were within the protection could see the lifeless bloodied bodies and the spirits of them who were taken into the bosom of their Lord. For their reward was immediate and those whom they tried to save and could not were already saved as their spirits were also taken. For they believed just enough to be saved as was the man on the right of Jesus was also saved because that man changed just enough. 


There will be many devout Christian groups. All manner of miracles and signs they will manifest. For they will do all of the miracles known and not known and more. The evil in the world will be in full control over every civilian on this planet. Christianity as with other religions will all be superficial with no power, no authority, no miracles. The devout Christians will be like the homeless and it is they who will show much love, peace, harmony and life. It is they who will exercise in all of the powers of the Holy Spirit. They each will be hunted, caught, tortured and killed. Just as Jesus. 


Go and sin no more.

To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.

To Love one another.
To live in peace with everyone.
To exist in harmony with all.
To Cherish all life.
To be obedient to the Laws of God.
To become clean, righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.

All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Saturday, December 2, 2017

Walkers of Inspiration: (Edited): 02 Dec 2017:

The most profound of those who inspire are those who are the walkers in life. They need not speak. Their entire life is an inspiration to everyone who is in their presence. The walkers of inspiration are the ones who always face all adversity and walk through them all. Do the walkers feel like winners or conquerors? Most likely not. Yet, they continually face all challenges regardless. They will fall and be driven back. But, eventually, the walkers always get back up and move forward. Do the walkers of inspiration contemplate quitting, giving up and hiding from the world? Most likely. But, they do not. The walkers of inspiration just always walk forward with that seen purpose.
There will always be the poor among you. There will always be those who continually suffer among you. There will always be those who are homeless among you. There will always be those who are without family or friends. There will always be those who are incarcerated or in the hospital. 
You cannot save them, but you can bring temporary easing and comforts. 
For many it would not be right for you to take away a person's adversity or tribulation. Because, through those fires of life great character is formed.
While on the other hand, if you discover that foster kid who has nothing and no one, whether to support their educational process to some degree or percentage will always be ascertained through your own glass of wisdom. I do hope people of wealth do encounter people who actually struggle without cessation.  Those who struggle without cessation may threaten to give up, but you know their history proves otherwise. 
I do think those who are and have been fortunate should always be on the look out for the non-quitters. Especially, those who have actually freed themselves from hell. Even the kinds of hell in which you may not even be so certain that you would have survived. I think it is the duty and responsibility of the fortunate to aid these tortured souls into achieving a much better life than if you had not been there. Will many of them fail themselves or even you? Yes, that is a very real probability.
You never will know - your best lifelong employee may be one of the unloved, un-cared for, abused and tortured who become more than civilized and productive members of society. 
Miss Janice is any single mother who must daily take care of a needy family member in your city. Sometimes they just need their car fixed or replaced. Sometimes they just need a variety of never ending small things. One or more of which may be your specialty. Sometimes they need rescuing from that slum lord. Just think about that one for a moment and I'm not talking about giving a person like Janice free rent. There are slumlords everywhere who only want and care about the cash and then will not make any repairs on the property. Knowing full well that their renters just can't financially leave. If the renter complains to much. The slum lord has the house/apt or trailer temporarily condemned. In order to force their renter into immediate homelessness. Can you live in that kind of threatening environment? Knowing that your landlord cares less if you live or die in his dilapidated property. Many good people do, who are in never ending unfortunate circumstances.
So as a fortunate person. What can you do for those less fortunate than you and who are in impossible situations in life? Some of those life situations are never ending. So they do need a little more than that once in a lifetime delivery of a casserole.
Heavily edited by RLD.
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Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.