Showing posts with label Chokes Out. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chokes Out. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Poisoned Soil: (Unedited): 17 July 2013:

The fruits and flowers of peace and harmony cannot grow within the poisonous soil of lies and deceptions.  
Stolen Freedom: (Unedited): 15 July 2015:
The poisonous soil of lies and deceptions grow the thorny vines and deep rooted weeds which steals away and chokes out your life of freedom which could have been worth living.
Out of those lies and deceptions which you deeply believe are absolute truths are those tentacles of hatreds, angers and distrusts. All of these things are those deep deep feeling that you internally know that something is just not right or true. But, because there are so many lies and deceptions in this world. It is hard to see the truth when it is presented. Even the truth is as close as you can get to the gospel but because it is taught by man. The elements of lies and deceptions can creep in from flawed and limited human understandings. 

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Musings of an American Truck Driver 