Showing posts with label FFX. Show all posts
Showing posts with label FFX. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

US Navy Fast Frigates: (Unedited): 19 April 2017:

New stuff at the near bottom, Dated. Sometimes I do make minor changes to older content. Just for the C's. This writing is also a learning and evolving process. 
U.S. Fast Frigates FFG(X)

While every nation in the world is building their own war machines for a future war. The US Navy is planning to build what can be considered to be an up-rated U.S. Coast Guard National Security Cutter. It seems to have only the most basic of armaments for the export market and limited capabilities for the U.S. Navy especially at only 418 feet in length or a loss of 35 feet from the decommissioned Oliver Hazard Perry Class Missile Frigates. The loss of 35 feet is also a loss of missile offense/defense capabilities. With a speed of only about 28 knots. It is woefully inadequate in comparison to the new Chinese Three Hull frigates with a limited top speed of 45 knots. Speed is both a defensive and offensive countermeasure in itself.  Also, at only about 28 knots the frigates cannot keep up with the unclassified top speed of the new Ford Class Aircraft Carrier of about 30 knots. Any new surface warship built should be able to stay with the current lead warships which are the Aircraft Carriers at their classified top sustained speed. For the entire time, the lead ship is at top speed. The lead warships should not have to slow down just so the other ships can keep up. This creates tactical disadvantages.
There is another advantage the new frigate could also be used. The new fast frigate can also be used as a support ship for the Littoral Combat Ships (LCS). These ultra-fast 45-knot ships are rumored to be defensively weak and yet can outrun about anything. By creating a new Fast Frigate which can keep pace with the LCS. You enhance the survivability of the LCS ships.
The next new U.S. Navy Frigates should be superior in every way as compared to the decommissioned Oliver Hazard Perry Class Missile Frigates. Even in speed.  The new U.S. Frigates should be in the 490-foot length. The added length adds more lethality to the Frigates. If the tri-hull outriggers are added. Then they should each contain water jets. Which would mean the new U.S. Frigates would have four identical water jet engine capability.  The new ships have a capability on par with older destroyers while yet being capable to distribute lethality across a variety of ranges and at top speed.
The integration of systems is the new buzz word in the defense world. One good integration capability is this new Fast Frigate should be able to integrate fire control while in port. So that if while in port a threat is detected by land and air defense commanders. Then the readily available missile assets on board any U.S. Frigate can be used by them. This one capability can become a mobile air/ballistic defense system for the coasts of America and for friendly nations.  The missile(s) launched by land-based fire control command can be also guided to target. Which means the new frigates should have the Mark 41 VLS and be able to be upgraded to the Mark 57 when and if it becomes available for use.
Because of all of the components needed for a frigate. The German practice of having two variants of ships should also be considered. One standard Fast Frigate missile Fighter and one Fast Air Defense Frigate. If the modular building practice can be useful. Then one hull form can be made while being able to add and delete components as needed. I think this can be useful if a commonality of sizes and shapes can be standardized for weapons and sensor platforms.
Added on 20 April 2017: Comment on Real Clear Defense today. News report above this.
It is easy to spend money when you're not responsible for it. I say that to myself and to everyone else who have their own plans for this weapons systems or that weapons system or the build them all crowd. Sometimes I'm in the build them all crowd. Yea I know. I'm a janitor. So Hey.
I think it is necessary to build about 40+ Air Defense Frigates each in the length of about 490 feet. This would entail that 4 be assigned with each Carrier Strike group. The new frigates must have the capability to target and destroy the knew Mach 8+ missiles at varying distances. I just do not think the actual mechanical hardware of the CIWS is even capable of last defense of these anti-carrier killers.
By assigning these new Frigates or fast Frigates which needs to be able to maintain a sustained speed of 45Knots. Should also be able to fire on any threat as well. The New frigates should be positioned around the aircraft carrier outside the circle of Destroyers and Cruisers. Thus becoming the first to shoot any incoming threats. The new Frigates should also have Mark 41 VLS and be upgradeable to the new Mark 57 VLS.
These new Air Defense Frigates should be able to plug the holes in air defense which may not be adequately addressed today.
Also, Since there may be huge problems with the LCS program. (I'm being nice). Two frigates can be assigned to a primary LCS warship for specific missions. Which is another reason why the new fast frigates need to at least match the top speed of the LCS warships.
The standard Fast missile Frigate. Should also number about 40+ warships. These should be able to integrate into the lead ship or Aircraft Carrier for fire control options.
An optional CIWS missile Frigate. Specifically for the Iranian threats. A frigate which can destroy a lot of fast little ships and destroy their command and control centers at the same time. Maybe even launch some long distance missiles to other secret places that janitors don't know about.
The addition of a new generation of Frigates. Will enhance the survivability of all surface ships involved. By being out there in the line of fire. To be willing to take the first strikes so that mission success will be heightened.
Added on 21 April 2017:
I was just thinking about the US Coast Guard and MAD(Mutually Assured destruction). They should have a certain number of these fast frigates. If they are built. Which could number about 20 or more. Then strategically positioned around the USA. To challenge any threat. Even then 20 is to few as Alaska would need about that many to counter the Russian Navy buildups in that region. That would be 10 Air defense frigates and 10 Missile Frigates.
Added on 04 July 2017:
The US is the only nation in the world associated with MAD. So to change the letters it is now called SAD or Singularly Assured Destruction.
Added on 07 July 2017:
These new Fast Frigates which won't be built. Should have an ability to shoot down ballistic missiles. By placing the Ballistic Missiles directly behind the Superstructure. Especially if the Ballistic Missile  defense missiles are very long.
Since the North Koreans have made more news recently especially with the revealing and a working Intercontinental Ballistic Missile. The game with North Korea has changed. It is now more crucial than ever to build my idea for this fast frigate with anti ballistic missile capability. The USA needs more than 150 Fast Frigates right now.
Added on 11 July 2017: My response to a story on Defense News. I usually get deleted.
Sir, I did notice the comment that you do not want the size of the new frigate to compete with the destroyer. That is understandable. But, if your talking about the size of a coast Guard National Security Cutter. Because, of saving money on a common hull design. I think the CGNS cutters are to short. It seems to have only the most basic of armaments for the export market and limited capabilities for the U.S. Navy especially at only 418 feet in length or a loss of 35 feet from the decommissioned Oliver Hazard Perry Class Missile Frigates. The loss of 35 feet is also a loss of missile offense/defense capabilities. You will not be able to place all of the commonly distributed technologies and a adequate amount of a variety of missiles as well as the very heavy Phalanx CIWS or even increased power generation for future weapons.
I do think the new fast frigates need to approach the length close to the German frigates. Just so you can pack a healthy complement of a variety of missiles. Is that gonna be 490 feet at 490 feet you are getting close to competing with destroyers. If any disagreement gets hot and bombs, bullets and missiles fly. I do not think the destroyers are gonna complain about a large fast frigate shooting down more targets then it was supposed to. But an under gunned warship or a warship lacking in missile quantity. Is gonna cost you lives and equipment.
I do think you need to build five variants of the new fast frigates.
(1).An ASW frigate, Anti-Submarine warfare.
(2).An Air Defense frigate with a ballistic missile capability.
(3).A Anti-Ballistic Missile/anti-satellite frigate which can engage High Earth Orbit Satellites. The anti-satellite Missile batteries can hide behind the superstructure.
(4). A dedicated Naval attack frigate. This fast frigate will deal with swarm style attacks. It should have a big gun fore and aft. As well along the sides of the frigate a bunch of Block 1B PSuM Phalanx CIWS.
(5).Fast frigate with outriggers. This frigate would have four to five water jets or one water jet within each outrigger. Enough Bow Thrusters to quickly turn even at speed. This would also be a multi mission platform. It's primary purpose would be to escort the LCS or the Aircraft Carrier through tight places or dangerous missions. This fast frigate would chase and eliminate threats. In KA mode.The KA model would needs guns and missiles. I would suppose this would be for a short range visual threats. Like pirates.
Mr. Rear Admiral, To compete with China, North Korea, Iran, Russia and other problem places. It looks like you need 150 490 foot long Fast Frigates right now.  
Added on 29 July 2017: This is my comment on
Since everyone in the military deletes my comments. Here they are.
The US NAVY may have an opportunity to build a new Frigate class of surface ship. Modern day Frigates can have a maximum length of about 490+ feet. A new Arleigh Burke Class Destroyer Flight IIA is 510 feet in length. Maybe, it would be better to build new Burkes which is beyond Flight III. Or Build the 490+ foot Frigates as specialty ships. But, what can be achieved with specialty Frigates? How much better can a dedicated 490+ foot specialty frigate than a Burke or whatever next generation destroyer comes about?
A). General Purpose Missile Frigate.
This particular model may be disregarded for the destroyers. Or built for the US Department of Homeland security Coast Guard. And/or built on an already existing smaller 418 foot National Security Cutter hull(To Small). This version may not have a set up for any helicopters. It's purpose is to go ugly.
B). ASW. Mine Warfare Frigate.
Anti Submarine Warfare is critical and is now more than just known submarine classes. Submersible drones is now an emerging threat.
C). Air Defense Frigate.
This particular frigate would stay in close proximity to their lead ship such as an Air Craft carrier. Or it could stay in port in a safe and secure position with all of their systems active and controlled by a distant authority. Outfitted with a variety of RADAR systems and sensor packages. When coordinated and networked together with other Land based and space based assets. You now have a mobile/Naval Air Defense Missile system. Automated Air defense guns are still necessary as they will be needed to defend against drone swarms which may target sensor and RADAR panels. Air Defense against weapons of attrition. So as not to exhaust your expensive primary weapons. Like Israel has done. 
D). ABM and Anti Satellite Frigate. (NEW)
This particular frigate would stay in close proximity to their lead ship such as an Air Craft Carrier. Or it could stay in port in a safe and secure position with all of their systems active and control by a distant authority. This would be a very important design build. A surface ship which has the capabilities to track, target and engage any hyper velocity weapon or rocket. Is a necessary New Naval Platform. This may be the one future Naval platform which may be expanded into other newer classes of ships.

By Pairing together (C) and (D). You now have a layered system. This would be important for places like Japan, Taiwan, Australia, Hawaii, Alaska, D.C., North Atlantic and the Arctic Ocean. Japan alone would need at least 6 pairs. Just to counter their own sandwiched threats. Hawaii would need 4 pairs. Alaska would need 6-12 pairs. D.C. would need 1-2 pair. Each American Naval Port would need 1 pair each. Taiwan under American flag would need 2 pairs. The North Atlantic would need 7 pairs. 
By bringing together (B), (C) and (D). You have a forward, rear or flanking capability which adds deeper dimensional which has not been seen before in any American battle group. Since there are about 20 Air Craft Carriers of different sizes and functions. You will need at least 60-80 specialty frigates. These additional specialty frigates would cause your larger ships and boats to maintain a deeper focus on their own missions. Whereas the mission of the frigate should be the protection of the larger ships or ports.

All versions can be a for sale model. Outfitted with what the purchasing nation desires. Sell nothing to Turkey or India.
New idea for all surface and land based generators, sensors and RADAR installations/units. Air defense against Weapons Of Attrition(WOA). This would be a small caliber bullet (7.62 NATO) to be used against drones and people legally. The definition of small to be determined by those who know more than me. Maybe a miniaturized version of the Phalanx. To be directly connected to the Aegis system. Maybe this idea can be applied to all ships. 
Added on 03 August 2017: Comment on here:

On one hand the National Security Cutter Hull seems like a good design idea for a new US Navy Frigate Class. But when you take into account that the new frigates being built are far more larger than the National Security Cutter. With a length of only 418 feet it is just a bit bigger than the new Russian Corvettes and a bit smaller than the new generation of Frigates. So in capability how will the new US Frigate be compared to? A Corvette or a Frigate? Because it seems that there is a new definition of Corvette and Frigate. If the US calls the new Ship a Frigate. Will it become an embarrassment to the US NAVY? Especially when a new modern era Corvette can easily send the new US Frigate to the bottom. I know it is far to early to debate what it can and cannot do. There is only so much you can put on a 418 foot ship. Especially when the Number one ranked Frigate in the world is the Russian Gorshkov Class is 443 feet long and the number nine ranked Chinese Type 054A is 440 feet long. While other new Frigates are longer coming in at 469 feet for the German Sachsen Class and 453 feet for the Denmark Iver Huitfeldt Class. Then Spain with the Alvaro De Bazan Class at 481 feet. The French comes in at 466 feet. The USA can't allow the French to have a longer Frigate. I'm sorry. NO!
Side Note: I love the French and I'm thankful for the French. But No way in the hot place. My French comment is meant in the friendly competitive manor.
Added on 24 Aug 2017: US Military/Navy: If all of your sensors/RADAR systems can be fooled, spoofed, degraded and/or overloaded. Then all of your ships, boats, planes, missiles and other weapons systems are completely useless, helpless and defenseless. This needs to be fixed. before you do anything else. The US Military may also need a new and more secure generation of 32+ GPS satellites. With zero skimping on money. if all of the modern day technology is tied to the GPS for accuracy and you engineer all of your weapons systems around the fact. Then any attack on the GPS network causes the whole to be degraded. To the point where the human element knows not where their own ship is located. If this is true. Then how can any weapon fired know where it is and where a target is with any certainty. Especially THAAD or Patriot or anything else. Wish I could talk with someone about Patriot. Oh Well. About added capabilities.
10 Oct 2017: Australia in the Frigate news:  (A destroyer called a frigate???)
I do like the new sizes of frigates. Except. They lack firepower as well as other capabilities. I do like the 26. Did I already say not enough guns?
Will the 26 also make it to the US Navy?
The big huge problem I see other than the lack of lots of guns. It is the ability to build it for at least three nations. To build them before 2025. Have those crews trained before 2025?
Here is an idea for the US Navy. Have Great Britain and Australia build their new Model #26 Frigates as well as American frigates. Thus, driving their costs per unit down and selling us those that we want. Also, adding in the American built units. Everyone benefits. Especially, when Japan, New Zealand, and Israel desire to participate.
Go back up and read again how many units and models of units the USA needs right now.
DO NOT INCLUDE TURKEY OR SAUDI ARABIA or India IN ANYTHING.  Whatever high tech military leases you have with these two nations. Let them expire and or move them out then or now.
Do not sell anything to India either. They may realign with China and Russia.
Added on 05 Nov 2017:
Is there really a class of light frigates? or is the USA going to be the ones who go with a new light frigate class of warships?
Added on 04 April 2018:
Well, new news regarding the US Navy Frigate FFG(X) in which no real new news is available. Yes, it will have RADAR and sensors. Yes, it will have a variety of missiles. Oh, wait it will also have up to Seven 11 meter semi-rigid inflatable boats.
If this new FFG Frigate has all of the toys listed as well as modular upgrade-ability. Especially for power. Then this new ship isn't going to be 418 feet long. Cramming that much stuff on a small bass boat won't work. Ask any red neck.  So this new Frigate must be longer than the Coast Guard NS Cutter and hopefully (BETTER BE) longer than the French Frigate. In order to future proof. I do think the French are in the lead for the new definition of Frigates sizes as has been done in the past when new capabilities required longer ships. Go and check your Naval history. It is really fun.  Yes, this does mean that the American destroyers would be now mini destroyers and the soon to be retired Cruisers the new destroyers. Well, maybe by 2040. The new definitions may take place when those ranking folks decide to do so.

Recheck all of the worlds Frigates in Wiki. New stuff is often times added while misleading stuff is deleted.
Also, an update to a new idea I have had recently. But, is listed above somewhere in this post I think. Not just for frigates. All ships.
The new Frigate FFG(X). Should have incorporated into both sides of the ship. 2 - 4 new types of CIWS Phalanx Junior and little sister. 7.62mm and 5.56mm. Each with its own RADAR and IR sensor packages. These should be connected to the Aegis and used for drone swarms as well as little boats filled with dumb people. The programming for these guns should also have a command for all guns for one super threat incoming target. Which means put as much lead into the sky as possible.
By having a pair of 7.62 and a pair of 5.56 on one side of the boat they can shoot in panic mode a swirling fashion in a predictable manner especially when a screwy Russian Hyper missile approaches.
Each of the new Phalanx Junior and Little Sister should have many Tens of thousands of rounds in their fat little bellies. Fat bellies mean happy kids. Right? Especially when your kid is on that warship.
Think about ten thousand attrition damage drones coming at your carrier in a staggered cloud formation and then another coming in at your rear. How are you gonna shoot them all? Then right behind that are the real dangerous missiles. Then right behind the missiles comes the surface ships and planes bent on planting you on the bottom of the ocean or worse capturing your now defenseless ships and crews. Comment deleted-Think about your worst fears Admiral.
24 May 2018: New janitorial mental frigate drama.
I think I'm out of the new Fast Frigate game. I may be in the Frigate game for the US Coast Guard. Thus, Giving the Coast Guard some much-needed teeth. So as long as the US Coast Guard receives about 150 of these new fast frigates with AD/ABM capabilities.
Here is my dilemma. The US Navy has begun building the Flight III Burkes. To a tune of about 22 of them. Hopefully, after the 22 are actually built. Flight IV's will then be built in quantities of more than 20. Yea, I know the Flight IV's were canceled. So instead of building any Navy Frigates how about just build more Burkes? I can go along with that. Except you need at least fifty of these by 2025. AND since nothing is publically known on the drawing board for a new US Navy Cruiser how about designing the new ones with full anti-ballistic missile capabilities as well as anti-satellite? Then build fifty to one hundred of the new Cruisers. Or two for every aircraft carrier no matter class.
I do think all of the current Navy destroyers and Navy Cruisers and all assets. All need to have life extensions. Nothing as in no ships and no boats get retired. Everything gets weaponized, modernized and updated. All ranked in order from Easy Peasy to what in the hot place is that mess. Yes, The US Navy must develop a new CIWS Phalanx Junior(PJ) for all drone and Iranian bass boat defense. Then this PJ gets welded to every and all ships. Including those folks who have never lost a coast.
This just is bad for the USA. Because 2025 is a key year as well as 2030. There just isn't enough money. The US Navy must find every ship and boat and get them all seaworthy as quickly as possible. Then begin extensive training for the next seven or so years.
Added on 03 June 2018: FREMM multipurpose frigate News:
The first thing I immediately notice about the Fremm MF is the lack of guns. I'm sorry. You don't need ten dinghies. If a questionable ship is not going to be obedient to one dinghy. Then you have not shot it enough yet. Besides, do you understand the mess your gonna have with all of those dinghies? I ain't gonna clean it up. It is easier to clean up casings then dinghy stuff. 
Also, the Fremm is rated number what in the world? Sorry. 
Note: The use of the word "Guns" means missiles and every other weapon available. 
I've been looking at the Fremm for the possibility of becoming the US Navy's next-gen frigate. The Fremm can be up to 474 feet long with about a 66-foot beam. The Burke destroyers are 509 feet long and a 66-foot beam. The Burke is only 35 feet longer and how much more weapons and capabilities does it have? So I would choose the Burkes over the Fremm anyday. Since the Burkes are going into Flight III building. I would move all of those Fast Frigate monies into Burke monies. Something which must be considered right now. Is that Russia is out of MAD with the advent of the S 500 and the recent successful weapons test at 480 KM. Really.....  So how did the RADAR see the target let alone engage the target which is moving on the other side of the curvature of the Earth? I really hope you smart and important people see what I do. Russia is out of MAD. period... If you can't see it then you need to go work graveyard at a 7/11 hood store.  So that means every Destroyer, Cruiser and AirCraft carrier must have those necessary updates, modifications, and additions to engage all ballistic targets as well as satellite targets. 
Added on 07 July 2018:
I have been thinking about building more capable Burkes over A new Frigate. It has been over a month. I've dedicated much time on this naval issue. This is what I think. Build more Flight III Burkes and no frigates. Then once the Flight IV Burkes are in the ready. Build them and no frigates. 
In regards to the soon to be retired Cruisers. Extend their lives while upgrading where ever you can. Then engineer a new anti-ballistic missile Cruiser at a length of more than 830+ feet. Build two per battle group or One per critical port.
Added on 16 July 2018:
The USA has been a military leader for the last 50 years and has now found itself on the cusps of losing that designation. I have been thinking more about the evolution of Naval warship sizes. I would suppose that in order to define the current modern day size of a frigate you have to look at your largest capital ship capabilities are. The Missile Cruiser is the biggest ship that any military wants to build. It is apparent that if a missile cruiser has a certain quantity of primary weapons. Then the next smaller ship which is the Missile Destroyer should have half of what the Missile Cruiser has. Then the next smaller ship being the Missile frigate should have about half of what the Missile destroyers have. Then the Missile Corvette should have about half of what the Missile Frigate has. So you cannot build the next generation frigate until you know what the next generation Missile Cruiser is gonna have as its primary weapons. Plus, you need to know all of the capabilities of the current big dog Frigate and that is the Russian Frigate Admiral Gorshkov has ?48VLS?. You have to supersede this top dog frigate. Building from known inferior hull designs is not what leaders do. Sorry. I think adding 12 additional VLS is sufficient to become a top dog. 
Next Generation Missile Battleship or Arsenal Ship should have 480+ Vertical Launch System. 
Next Generation Missile Cruiser should have 240+ Vertical Launch Missile System cells. This number is only for the primary missiles. 
Next Generation Destroyer should have 120+ Vertical Launch Missile System.
Next Generation Frigate should have 60+ Vertical Launch Missile System. 
Next Generation Corvette should have 30+ Vertical Launch Missile System. (Added on 27 Nov 2019 = Israeli Sa'ar 6 now has up to 48 missiles- 32 VLS and 16 others).
Next Generation Coast Guard Cutter should have 15+ Vertical Launch Missile System.
Then once you add all of the other weapons, RADAR's, sensors, power generation, Future weapons capabilities. Command, Control, Computers, Communications, and other C words. You will know just how big your ships need to be. 
Frigate News:
Added on 17 July 2018: Chinese Destroyer Type 055 news.
The US Navy refuses to acknowledge the evolution of warship classes. I do see their point though. If they acknowledge the evolution. The US suddenly has no cruisers, 22 old destroyers and a bunch of aging frigates. All of the US will be undermined psychologically. Especially after 32 years of negligent Presidents. The USA needs to stop conducting wars and return home to rebuild, retrain and re-professionalize. Then this way they will have a fresh reallocation of funding and focus on the newly emerged threats of Russia and China. Begin propaganda of how buying "Made in China" affords China to build warships which may be used in the future to kill your sons and daughters.
It appears that the US and NATO MK 57 VLS is even outdated or undersized or both.
Added on 26 July 2018:
A true leader in the world leads the entire world. Leaders do not lag or fall behind. Leaders can come from behind to overtake. Leaders can leapfrog when those who incorrectly think themselves to be leaders simply by overtaking a real leader. Only to be outdone.
A true leader defines what is and everyone else follows.
So a new definition of what a military Navy is and does must be defined a new. What a military Navy has must be defined as a new. By redefining what is in all of its entirety. You recreate what shall be and by implementing the new definitions. You become what is and what has been become honored history to be respected.
First, you must have to ascertain who and what is the best of the best. Then supersede that which is in every possible way. Discover what has been lost or simply forgotten, recover them all and then advance those old thinkings into the new modern way. From time to time reevaluate. This isn't just about the Navy.
Added on 28 July 2018:

Old Ironsides

Ay, tear her tattered ensign down! 
   Long has it waved on high, 
And many an eye has danced to see 
   That banner in the sky; 
Beneath it rung the battle shout, 
   And burst the cannon’s roar; 
The meteor of the ocean air 
   Shall sweep the clouds no more! 

Her deck, once red with heroes’ blood 
   Where knelt the vanquished foe, 
When winds were hurrying o’er the flood 
   And waves were white below, 
No more shall feel the victor’s tread, 
   Or know the conquered knee; 
The harpies of the shore shall pluck 
   The eagle of the sea! 

O, better that her shattered hulk 
   Should sink beneath the wave; 
Her thunders shook the mighty deep, 
   And there should be her grave; 
Nail to the mast her holy flag
   Set every threadbare sail, 
And give her to the god of storms, 
   The lightning and the gale!
Under The Red Leadership: (Unedited): 28 July 2018:
Under the red of splattered cold blood is where I want you to be. 
Under the dried, red blood of our American fallen sons and daughters is the responsibility which should burn into your soul. 
Under the same red American blood you should bathe to know your every unclean failure.
Under the swift steel of the ancient-Tripoli sword which burns with American blood shed, should burn deep into your own bone as you uncomfortably swallow.
Under the tear filled eyes of a mother you shall stare and explain to her why you did not honor the history lessons of our heroic and honored ancestors.
This is why you build the great ships today which shall be historically celebrated with glorious song in the future. You shall never be released from every and unforeseen failure. This is the self-unforgiven burden of every leader which has been, which is and which is to come. 
Always know that it is you and always will be you who those whom you are responsible for will always know and go to. All of their sufferings, failures, and losses will all be your fault. It is you who must obey the politician who may not even care if your people live or die. It is always the politician who will profit in either victory or defeat. While mothers and fathers mourn theirs loses in either victory or defeat. 
Note: The use of the word Red is not to be associated with any communist state. It is all about the Red in the American Flag only. 
From this writing today. You know where I'm going with this. The USS Constitution. My favorite ship which began its life without respect and accusations of unfairness. The heck with having a fair fight. This is always how the loser whines and cries. 
The next generation of American frigates should leap ahead of the longest and best frigates in the world. They should be superior in anti-submarine warfare, air Defense, anti-ballistic Missile Defense, emerging anti-drone swarm defense, and emerging anti-satellite defense. American Frigates are meant to be able to fight and survive alone. American Frigates are meant to conduct other naval business.
The next generation of American Frigate must always remain faster than the ship of the line or the fastest class of ships in the fleet. It must be agile and maneuverable. A young man's ship who is thirsty for tempered heroism. 
Added on 01 August 2018:
My comment: 
I was deleted again. I didn't save it. It was basically a summary of what I have written here. 
Added on 29 Oct 2018: US Navy Frigate news:
Check this guy. You crybaby delicate types may need to bring tissues and yo mama. Otherwise bring coffee, a brain, and your helmet. He is the real deal as I'm just a janitor.
Yes, it is about the LCS. But there is a relationship to the possible future Lockheed Frigate.
It looks like the US is only going to pay for 20 new or parent generation Frigates. This is not enough to contest against Russia, China, Iran, Venezuela. The new President in Brazil and their friends in Columbia may just go after Venezuela in a war. Mexico may even be drawn into that conflict as with many other regional nations. Which means a mass exodus into the USA. Anyway off topic. The war footing which may come for Mexico, Central America and South American Nations May just cause the Us military to send military assets surrounding those nations. If the US military is only about 80%+/- at military readiness. Then how is the USA going to contest with Russia and China alone? The USA cannot. The Chinese navy is more numerous than the US Navy and China is building ships as fast as they can. While the USA will build only 20 new frigates by 2030. 
The US Navy will most likely use an existing (Parent Building style) hull form and then build what they want within it. The new frigate will or should be heavier than Oliver's. It looks like water jet propulsion is out.
The US Navy needs about 2-4 frigates for each Naval Battlegroup. So the US Navy has about 20 flat top aircraft carriers. That would mean the US Navy needs 40-80 Frigates right now. The US Navy also needs the same in the new definition Destroyers (40-80). The replacement new definition Cruisers 1-2 per battle group.
Also, to note. The US has about 8-12 Oliver frigates which could be/maybe put back into service. That is instead of selling them or that is giving them to Ukraine who may not be able to financially put them fully back into service by using modern-day technologies. The US Navy has 5 shipyards? These can be dry docked and modernized. But, As I understand it. They are all backlogged. So if that is true how does the USA build anything new. Especially when the US needs new definition Destroyers and Cruisers. To add more drama. The new Ford aircraft carrier is problematic. The Zumwalt's is so troublesome that they have been canceled. The LCS may not even be able to defend itself against an RPG in littoral waters. The US does have a lot of Navy issues as they happen when your Navy is getting old and worn out.
I think I've written about this before. The US Coast Guard and the Department of Homeland Security could use real teeth in their own ships. By building an actual new definition Frigate for the US Coast Guard they can shore up defenses along Alaska and the Gulf of Mexico if needed.
Note: * Parent style of building means using existing building hulls for a new ship. The purpose is to lower costs. I am not saying this is not the best choice. But, a leadership nation would lead in definition, design and new technologies. Using an existing form may be a leadership approach if it is in conjunction with a new class definition and new technologies. I only just learned of this parent style building technique this morning. I'm still researching it.
Added on 01 Nov 2018: A mandatory good read about classifications and politics of Navy Ships. I learned much in a short period of time. I may have to go and read it again.
Written in 2017:
Written in 2015:
Added on 10 Dec 2018: 
What should the next American Frigate contain? The new American frigate should contain at least twice as many guns and twice the missiles and twice the capabilities than the newest and most heavily armed naval Corvettes in the world today. The new American Frigate should contain all of the existing capabilities and add new capabilities. Which I have already written about above. The follow on new American destroyers should have at least twice of everything the new American Frigate has when and if it is ever built. The new replacement of the American Cruiser should have at least twice of everything the new American destroyer has when and if it is ever built. The new generation of battlecruisers or battleships should have at least twice of everything that the future American Cruiser has when and if it is ever planned. The new American Aircraft Carrier post-Ford and the Ford's which are being built now should be completed and then halted. The next generation of American Aircraft Carriers should be combined with the capabilities of a next-generation Battle Cruiser. I have written about this in other places within this blog.
Here is the reason why I write this. oldie:
It is necessary for the American Navy to go back to the drawing boards with open minds. The US Navy needs 600 new modern generation ships and boats. All created with a new modern mindset and the honoring of new capability definitions. Even though it was not the Americans who defined what the new ship classes shall be. I think even the US Coast Guard and the Department of Homeland Security should have and maintain their own Corvettes with at least equal teeth to what any other nation has and may be combined. Both the US Coast Guard and the Department of Homeland Security should have within their own fleets at least 30 new definition Corvettes each. Plus the new generation of new definition Frigates as I've mentioned above.
Added on 29 Jan 2019: Frigate Drama. Note: I have become a counter of missile cells and missile ranges. The US Navy has 9,000+ missile cells. The Chinese Navy has 5,000+ missile cells. The Russian Navy has 2600+ missile cells. The UK alone has 700+ missile cells. All of the western European Navies have 1978 missile cells. This is a generic count only.
-----updated link-----
I know some of you people who have read this ongoing blog have many followers and a few much authority. I do understand costs and projections to some limited degree. I do not understand how you can build the LCS knowing that a small Russian or Chinese corvette has as much firepower as it has. I also do not understand how you can build a ship under the cold war definition of what a Frigate is to be in these modern times. Knowing that current Frigates of the world like from Russia and China will offer much more firepower than a Frigate based on the National Security Coast Guard Cutter. I have to ask. Are you trying to get our sons and daughters or fathers and mothers killed or captured? If you build this new generation of American Frigate where it has inadequate firepower and must fear a Russian or Chinese Corvette or worse a Chinese missile boat.  The US military will become the laughing stock of the open seas. 
The new Frigate FFG(X) must exceed the missile cell count of both the Russian and Chinese new generation of Frigates. The number of missile cells must be universal. The missiles installed on the new Frigate FFG(X) must exceed 1,000+ miles and be nuclear warhead capable. You must force the enemy to achieve superior numbers in order to counter your one ship as it was with the USS Constitution. This US Naval tradition goes back to 1797. You just cannot build a Frigate which must back away from any single missile boat or Corvette threat. But, then again that is what you built with the LCS isn't it? and your still building them. This one green water ship cannot come within a thousand miles of any green water shore where there is a single Russian or Chinese missile boat or Corvette warship present.  
The Chinese Type 54A Frigate has a total of 40 missile cells. The Russian Frigate Type 22350 has 72 VLS missile cells. The new US Naval Frigate must exceed the missile cell count of the best Frigate in the world which is the Russian Frigate Admiral Gorshkov Class. The US Navy Frigate should have all universal missile cells which can accept a variety of missile as defined by the mission requirements. This must include nukes. This must have ABM. This must have anti-drone swarm guns like a CIWS Phalanx Jr. type of system.
How do you feel about not taking enough guns into battle? The news reports that the next Frigate FFG(X) should have at least 72 VLS. I say the next Frigate must exceed 72 VLS. Are you a leader or a follower? How do you want to be perceived in the world? Building this new Frigate with maybe 72 VLS means you lag behind China, Russia and Spain (48VLS).
----Repeat Links???---
Frigate Personal Opinion: I do like the length of the Spanish F100 ship and I do know the hull designs can be shortened from the 146.7 m. (481.2 feet). I do not like the top of the tower. Looks cold war-ish and WWII like. I do like Denmark's top side appearance. Especially how the exhaust is used on the sides of the ship instead of in the middle. It almost looks like added protection to what is in the middle. Does this offer a more efficient use of space? 
Added on 30 Jan 2019: Pro HED article.
I agree with the story.
Added on 31 Jan 2019:
Added on 07 Feb 2019:
Added on 18 Feb 2019: 
The Type 26 @ 149.9 Meters or 492 feet in length. 
A total of 72 missile cells for a variety of purposes. WOW.... As a professional janitor, I think that all missile cells should be Universal. Meaning any missile can fit in them. Even if you have to fit multiple cells within a cell. To achieve a singular regular function.
Type 26 has not enough automated gun systems. Only two 30mm DS30M Mk2 automated small caliber guns. These do not indicate if they have their own RADAR systems or sensors. Only two 7.62mm Mini-guns. It does not indicate automation. These mini-guns should be automated and have their own mini RADAR systems and sensors. You do not want sailors on the outside when the RADAR's are in war mode, DEW's activated, Sensors sensing, jamming devices and missiles are being launched and automated guns are firing. While enemy ordinances and drones of attrition are incoming. Even the enemies RADAR's, DEW's, jamming devices and Sensors are all aimed at your ship. After all, you do want your surviving sailors to go home and make living and thriving, children? yes.
Canada has just ordered 15 of the Type 26 frigates. Australia has ordered 9. The UK has ordered 8. Only 3 are being built right now and the first one will not be delivered until 2023. Then comes the shakedown. So 2025 will the first one be accepted, maybe. The complexity of all new machines of modern day warfare is very advanced and everything has to work and all toys must play nice in close proximity with one another or in the same sandbox. 
No matter. The nations which will be building the Type 26 Frigate are not building enough nor are they building them fast enough. The USA should consider the Type 26 Frigate by doubling the missile silo sections and thus increasing the length of the Type 26 Frigate a smidge. Then adding actual good American engines and much more American energy production to the ship. These American frigates should be engineered to tow a boat with a couple of hundred missile cells. 
Question? lol. With all of the modernization's which will begin to happen to the US Navy. Can the USA begin to build up to five Type 26 frigates in a two year period? On top of what is secretly being phased into existing ships and boats. Starting now-ish. The US needs far more than 20 next-generation Type 26 Frigates. Go up and read how many if you don't remember. Cause, I do not remember either. The US needs about 2-4 Type 26 Frigates per carrier group and the US has 20+ carriers. Not counting those ABM specific Type 26 Frigates for national defense. This could be a possibility for the Department of Homeland Security to purchase their own Frigates. While being trained by the US Navy and serviced by the US Navy for a fee. These assets will remain under their own control until a war is proclaimed in which the US Navy will assume control of their naval assets and personnel. This is not to be associated with the US Coast Guard. Did I mention not enough guns or automated guns?
Turkey may very well turncoat from our side of the NATO Team in favor of Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, Venezuela and sometime in the future Turkey. This is prophetically assumed to be true according to our understanding of the Holy Bible. Which means Eastern or Southern Europe must be militarily built up. This should include Italy, Greece, France, and Spain. Think about Rome. How do you defend Rome against an invading force of men who are willing to die? They will not be negotiated with.
Here is something which is real in the spiritual realm and really manifests into our real world as we lowly humans perceive it. Israel. Whoever curses Israel in any specific way also will be cursed in that similar way. Whoever blesses Israel in any specific way is also blessed in that specific way. It matters not what you believe or want to believe. It just is what it is. So, begin to bless Israel militarily and economically. But, also bless Israel with defense and offense. Then become blessed with defense and offense. Bless Israel with political agreements and become politically blessed. In a greedy mindset. Bless Israel how you want to be blessed.
Added on 24 Feb 2019:
I've written this before about the quantities of the new Frigate FFG(X) to be built. The US Navy will need to build 20 new Frigates for the Gulf of Mexico alone. Especially now that Russia is gonna support Venezuela with military equipment. These new American frigates most have enhanced anti-ballistic missile (ABM) capability as well as anti Submarine (ASW). The US Navy should also build a newly modernized construction and support facility. A place where 10 ships can be built, modernized and maintained all at once. Which can be expanded to 20. The Venezuela problem is only gonna get worse and Russia/Putin seems ready to win in a new Cuban missile crisis that it lost face in last time. President Putin is correct as they are using American guidance systems in all of their newly fielded military equipment. The growing threat is Venezuela is developing. Venezuelan nationals which reside safely and securely within American gated communities for the wealthy and rich should be addressed. This should be addressed in all other NATO Nations.
Added on 29 March 2019 - 01 April 2019:
I just viewed some of THALES warship plans. Then it hit me. The problem with building warships in peacetime is no one puts enough *guns on them. No one puts enough capability on them either. This includes those emerging threats like satellites and drones. Remember the Battleships of WWII and how none of the experts planned for any emerging threats. The aircraft carriers ended the Battleship to such a degree that no one thinks the battleship is or can be a viable platform even to this day. These two potential threats will add physical size and an increase of displacement to all war-fighting ship classes. The key class which historically defines the definitions for that era of warships is the Frigate. From the standalone/standoff or up close and personal type of warship. I think just from the Frigate class alone defines the Corvette and missile boats. From the Frigate class defines what Destroyer and Cruiser classes will also become. Since not too many people have even thought of what a modern-day battleship will be. The new battleship class will most likely be its own self-defined class. The new generation of Frigates should have some new continuous use capabilities. Such as towing a drone with a whole lot of missiles or purely defensive weapons or whatever the brass demands. Every class of new ship should have engine capability to tow a missile platform or two continuously. These new towed missile platforms should also have an official designation as well as their own classes. The **Naval knuckledraggers should just call them COWA or Can of Whoop @$$. Its what you open up first when you begin.
Think about their use. You can just uncouple them at a safe distance and they would either drive in circles or slowly pace the fleet to the rear or on a flank. or actually drive closer to the coasts. They could also be filled with fake missiles and real self defense weapons, all warmed up. Waiting for the enemy to pay special attention to them. To me. I'm the type. I would not want any Phakes. If I am gonna have any type of COWA. It's gonna do more than scare you. Poker is not something I understand. That is probably why I'm a janitor. Well, that is not the only reason why. Even though I have been to dozens of casinos and watched. Yet, I was more interested and excited about the Ameristar movie theater and restaurants. 
There is some new news out about Frigates. But, they are pay to read. Basically, this summer is when money will be decided. I think. The LCS line is now called a boondoggle and will be curtailed. This is from important people and not a simple janitor. I do have a plan for the LCS line. Which involves dry dock and a lot of torches.
Moved portion to: New Battleship Vision: It is important and has update on China:
Added on 12 May 2019: Bring your coffee. Only 32 to 48 Missile cells. Bad news. Must have more missile cells. At least 72 VLS Missile Cells.
Added on 29 May 2019:
Added on 31 May 2019: This news is a couple of years old. But, Russia seems to have made a decision. Well, Russia the current leader in the world of Frigate class warships have just recently decided to make the upgrade to the current number #1 Frigate in the world without argument or debate. Russian project 22350 otherwise known as Admiral Gorshkov class frigate will now be built to project 22350M. This frigate will go from 16-24 Kaliber cruise missiles to 48 for the coming "M" class. For a total of 72 VLS Missile Cells. The displacement of the 22350 is at 4500 tons and the 22350M will come in at 7,000 tons. The leaders lead and they set the bar as well as the definition of what any class is to be in their defined modern world. The Russian LIDER Class Destroyer will most likely go through a decision making process from Russia. Either scrap it or modify it. I think Russia will modify the Lider Class Destroyer into a hardy 15,000+ ton destroyer with more than doubling of offensive weaponry. But, the world will have to wait and see.
What does this all mean for the soon to be announced American X-Frigate. Do you lead or do you follow? That is the question for all of the Naval brass who decides such things.
There is one huge drawback to Russia building new warships. It takes them a long time. The demise of the Soviet Union caused a very deep gouge of how to from what was the soviet brain trust. Even today, Russia has not recovered sufficiently.
What will the US choose for their next modern day Frigate?
No more links this time. All of the news source TASS and I have it.
There is a PDF so bring coffee.
Added on 03 June 2019: Some Corvette news. Yes, Corvette news applies to Frigate planning. So Israel is having Germany build four Sa'ar 6 Corvettes at 2/3 cost. This is important for two kinds of blessings which should come to Germany. A cost savings for their economy and a military blessing to some degree. All because they have helped Israel by a third.
The INS Magen is the first name of the new Israeli Corvettes. The ninety meter ship will contain up to 48 vertical missile cells. They are not universal missile cells. So they are split between a 32 VLS and an air-defense 16 cell system. Not really sure how the Israeli VLS works or with what.

My Comment: Because, I get deleted often. I guess official folks don't like janitors to be right.
For you real deals in all things related to the US Navy. The LCS that has been made is an embarrassment. Especially when small Russian and Chinese missile boats can sink the LCS before the blue water ever turns green. Assuming they do not meet up with the new Russian Corvettes and Frigates first.
Germany is building four new Sa'ar 6 Corvettes for Israel. Each have a combined total of 48 missile cells on a ninety meter ship. Yes, a Corvette is that big and the new size definition of a Corvette may be as long as 105 meters in length. You big brass types need to get that through your heads as your the ones who approved a defenseless and offense-less warship. Most people call them cruise ships in which yours is boat ugly. I really wanted to like the LCS. But, you guys made it impossible. You continue to build a ship which has no teeth.
If your a leader then lead in every aspect of leading. Which includes in definition of all things naval. America does need a new generation Naval Corvette. A 100-ish meter platform and a near 20 meter wide aft. It must be multi mission-ed and contain no fewer than 48 intelligent Universal VLS Missile Cells. Universal means Intelligent plug and play. All missiles must be self identified into your ultra cool combat computer. As which seems to be typical with warships of today they do not have enough guns. Automated guns should be everywhere. Because drones are an emerging threat. Just behind the bridge can be placed larger intelligent Ballistic Missile Cells in single file row. Then the ship can be networked into the Aircraft carriers or Cruisers or ballistic and air defense systems. So that the Corvettes missiles can be slaved to their networks even while in Port.
JAPAN Stop Build Order Now!!!
Added on 16 June 2019: Japan to build 22 new generation of Frigates. The CIC in these ships is a massive step forward in apparent ship wide efficiencies. I'm very excited about this new generation of CIC. But, Not enough guns or Universal Missile Cells VLS at only 16 Mark 41 Missile Cells. Think about it. How long does it take to launch 16 missiles? How do you defend against hundreds or thousands of incoming drones? How do you defend against incoming missiles and incoming fighter planes all incoming at once. This is really bad especially since their adversaries will outnumber them in their own waters or even in close by international waters. Just look up in this long drawn out on going story about the US frigates. The Israeli Sa'ar 6 Corvette will out gun this new Japanese 30 DX frigate and it hasn't even have a shape yet. Especially, with 48 missile cells of different types. Read this entire blog of US Navy Fast Frigates. Then make your changes to your new modern day warship. Especially, if your dealings with China, Russia and North Korea goes really bad. You must have far more than just 16 Mark 41 VLS Missile Cells. Your Frigate build counts must be more than 72 and not 22. You must build Ballistic Missile Defenses in all of your ships. I like Japan. This is why I have written these words even though it may be considered improper for a janitor to speak. Assuming you actually read this. 

Added on 18 June 2019: Mr. Japan, China is not going to stop. The only way China is going to hold back is if they begin to see all of Japan as a threat. Stop building the process of the new Frigate your about to build and add many more intelligent Universal Missile cells VLS into this new warship of yours. Your new Frigate does not have enough guns or Missile cells. What is 16 times four? If you want the stress from China and Russia to subside. then you Japan must show yourself to be a threat. That is all either of them are willing to see. You must remember that China is a nation which killed 44 million of it's own people in a four year period and then instituted abortion which has killed more than the population of the USA today. China is a nation which only sees blood. China is also a nation in which it's own population is enslaved to work 70-80 hours a week for 20 cents an hour. So playing nice and being nice will get you no where.
Added on 19 June 2019: How do you effectively deal with Bullies? What the schools in the USA want you to do is wrong and ineffective. In the real world of nations. The only way to effectively mitigate any bully nation problem is with strength. Japan must stand up for themselves because having just a minimalist military will not counter an emerging opposing naval force which will be greater than the US Navy. The Japanese Navy must have at least 80 new generation frigates with at least 40 intelligent Universal Missile Cells VLS. This is not counting Destroyers, Cruisers, Aircraft Carriers. Once a Nation bully sees you as an honorable threat which demands respect. Guess what is going to happen with your relationship with China. A relationship which will grow out of mutual respect.  
Added on 19 June 2019: It looks like the Chinese government has seen this little ongoing blog at least five time today (.top). To bad no hits from the Japanese government.
Added on 21-22 June 2019: Good week for Frigate news.
Note: Because the new Sa'ar 6 Corvette being built for Israel will have 48 VLS Missile Cells of different types, for different purposes. This by new definition means that any next generation Frigate Class must have at least 96 intelligent VLS Missile Cells of a singular kind capable of intelligently using a variety of missiles for a variety of purposes. This also means that the next generation of Destroyer Class must have nearly 192 intelligent VLS Missile Cells. This also means that the next generation of Cruiser Class must have 384 intelligent VLS Missile Cells. This also means that the next generation of Aircraft Carrier/Battle-Cruiser amalgam must have 768 intelligent VLS Missile Cells.  Just like in the days of sail when everyone counted how many guns a ship had. So it is today. HINT-Guess what the new Burkes have? Now you know why I say build, build and build all the Burkes you want, until the new next gen has been engineered. I'm just counting, doubling and using the laws of 2, 3 and 5. The best this janitor can. If the US Navy does build a Corvette Class. Then it must have at least 48 Universal VLS Missile Cells. If a New Corvette Class is built and it contains more than 48 Universal VLS Missile Cells. Then a doubling effect must occur in all classes of warships thereafter. Just as you have seen in my math illustrations already.
I'm still all in on the continuous builds of the current class of American Burke Destroyers. Which means I'm not into building a new frigate as of right now. Just keep building 6 Flight III destroyers at a time until the entire new generation of Corvettes, Frigates, Destroyers, Cruisers and a new amalgam Battle-Cruiser/Aircraft Carrier is engineered. 
WHY? Because, each class of warship must be able to work intelligently, cohesively, networked and efficiently with each other. With the advent of Battle-space AI. All assets whether they be on the sea, under the sea, air, land or space must function as one singular hive minded like war machine. Even though they are made up of many different parts not physically connected to each other. This is the future of the warfare. 
In the Navy, every tradition must be looked into and ascertained if those traditions are still actually functionally safe for the humans as well as for the ship. Such as windows, Are windows still a safe function for the survivability of the ship and crews? Can windows be made to protect against all kinds of frequency based DEW and EMP's? The idea that men and women are to be on the outside of a ship to man weapons during actual conflict may not be such a good idea anymore. The new Japanese CIC from Mitsubishi Heavy seems like the next step in situational awareness. Because, in a fight where weapons hit their marks. Being in the command tower may leave the warship without effective leaders.
And one more thing. You had better not add non lethal water cannons or anything else non lethal. Anyone who decides to engage an American warship should learn first hand just how lethal it is.
President Trump and US Navy Command Staff. Cut a deal with the Japanese PM and sell them 21 Flight I Destroyers as well as one or three old hulk Aircraft Carriers. Then offer Japan American naval yard services for upgrading to their needs and standards, for a check.
Added on 24 June 2019: News story:
My Comment: National Interest deleted and marked my comment as spam. This is how I get penalized. Look for yourself. Is my comment worthy of censorship or deletion because of spam?
The definitions of what each class of warship is and was has changed. The American Burke destroyers are very old cold war warships of that era. Today, the definitions of every class of warship has evolved. This must be taken into consideration when creating a new class of warship. For instance the Israeli Sa'ar 6 Corvette will have a total of 48 missile cells of different kinds. Then if you double which I think you should then you come up with 96 VLS missile Cells for a frigate. Think about Israel and how Israel is surrounded by everyone who wants all of Israel and every Jewish person to be extinct. Under that kind of threat. Israel has engineered a Corvette with 48 missile cells. Even China's new destroyer Type 055 is longer and displaces more than the American Ticonderoga old and soon to be retired cold war Cruiser based off of the Burke design destroyer. Even the Russian small and tiny missile boats have far more lethality than the American LCS. Not counting the Russian Corvettes and the Russian Frigates which are rated at Number One in the world without any debate or argument. With all of these new definition changes in Naval Fleets. The US Navy must come to terms on whether or not they want to lead or become like Great Britain and Spain once the days of sail ended. If The US Navy wants to lead then the US Navy must design each class of ship which is number one in the world without debate or argument. The one category that the US Navy cannot be behind on is in the VLS Missile Cell counts. Just like in the days of sail when everyone counted guns and on how many decks. Because, the US Navy seems to have no clue on what to do. The US Navy should not build a new frigate until the next generation of Destroyers and Cruisers are realized. So I would say keep on building the Burkes until then.
Added on 26 June 2019:
Historically, the USA has always been the few who faced the many. Even today, when the Americans seems to be alone in facing the Red Communist Chinese threats. The political backbone of the Americans seem to be weak as the politicians seem to only want to build a show of force. Like with the US Navy's LCS. Which has no teeth in which to defend itself or even to be used in an offensive manner. Now we have the next generation American Frigate which will also seem to be lacking any teeth or even the quantity of numbers in which to even defend itself against an enemy which will have superior numbers and superior number of missiles, drones and new weapons platforms which will use DEW (Not LASER's and Yes, LASER's). Because, of the lack of defensive capabilities of US Naval ships. They each will be at threat for sinking or worse - capture. This is a very real threat although no one in the media, Admiralty or in Washington D.C. wants to address these very real threats. So the US Navy decides to build a Frigate which is less capable than a new generation Corvette. The US Navy refuses to even acknowledge the new definitions of new ship classes which actually render their old tired and worn out cold war Destroyers as Frigates. Even the old tired and worn out cold war Cruisers have been rendered as Destroyers. Yet, the US Navy refuses and this is dereliction of duties. This is just a continuation of fielding ships like the Littoral Combat Ships (LCS). A line of ships which is only combat in name or worse paper tigers.
The US Navy must build ships by the numbers in each class. Knowing that the numbers will always be against them. So they must build each class of warship which can defend itself and attack at least three other warships of similar class types at once. Plus defending itself against submersible threats, DEW, Air threats, drone clouds as well as space threats.You thinking smart people who only think about war gaming knows these numbers better than I do. When you build few ships they must have a greater lethality than any ship class size known today. So when Israel builds a Corvette with 48 missile cells. What does that mean for the next generation of American frigate? You know I'm right. The American threat environment is one without any supporters and their enemies have created five different types of defensive situations for all American naval warships. The American navy will encounter different tactical threats from each nation of Venezuela, Iran, North Korea, China and Russia. This is not by accident or co-winky-dink. Each American fleet must be able to defend itself from each different kinds of threats maybe even up to four at a time and all at once. If the US Navy does not face these scenarios in their very next generation of warship classes. The US Navy will be at risk of receiving severe embarrassment through the loss of capital ships by being captured. Guess what Navy man who is very important. I have had visions of you Admirals losing ships and men to both instantaneous destruction as well as capture. What are you going to do? Just launch a hundred missiles and torpedoes at your own captured ships or are you all going to be responsible and mitigate/end all of the different threat scenarios? Even if they are simply emerging threats.
How long will it take for a perspective enemy to look into Amazon delivery drones to militarize with a weapon payload that can fly more than 15 miles on a one way trip? This is 2019 flight miles and not 2025 or 2030 flight miles. If Amazon will be able to fly hundreds or even thousands of packages from one warehouse without accidents or incidents. What do you think Iran or China is gonna do when your Aircraft Carrier Battle group enters what they consider their legal waters and it does not matter what international maritime law is. And none of your ships is capable of defending themselves against hundreds or thousands of incoming drones from different vectors and altitudes with bombs on board. China or Iran gets to keep your Aircraft Carriers.
24 June 2019:
Hate and apathy will cause all negotiated treaties of peace to be short lived.
Hate and apathy always seem to grow distrust from one to another. This is why one decides to grow their military and build their war machines which seems to be excessively. Then one day will come when they have had enough and attack. As what was done in the history of humanity when the seasons changed from winter to spring thaw. The wars began. All of it seems to be fear based. Get them before they get you or those people over there are uncivilized savage barbarians. As of today, China is still the trigger which begins the extinction process of all of humanity. I hope that China does make a change and aim all of their military monies towards the stars in peace and with and invitation of world wide involvement. This one act alone may even give us an entire generation of peace. Especially, when all of the old prophets tells of the coming problems for all of humanity and all of life on this planet. In which no one survives. Which includes the history of humanity.
Added on 05 July 2019: FA or Foxtrot Alpha has just reported on the intentions of the US Navy. It looks like yet again the US Navy is not going to be the leader of the oceans as they once were. The new US Navy Missile Frigate will be about half of the displacement of the current cold war designed Destroyers. The very important people still do not understand that they are living in an era where the definitions of ship classes has evolved and become much larger. If this new Frigate is actually about half the size of an antiquated cold war destroyer. Then worldwide Naval war history will reflect on the backward thinking that the entire US Naval department were in actuality derelict in their duties. Which is now evidenced by the failure of the Ford Class Aircraft Carriers(5), The entire Zumwalt Destroyer class and the LCS lines. Then you threw out the basically new Frigates at the end of the cold war with the now defunct Soviet Union.
When you as a leader do not acknowledge your recent historical failures, you are destined to perpetuate more and more ongoing failures. While bragging about just how amazing they all are. C.J.MacKechnie
Includes a 38 page PDF.
Shenanigans in the Navy. You write in a report that if you go from 32 to 48 VLS missile cells. This would add 200 tons to the displacement of the ship. This would only add that much weight if You in the US Navy have already chosen a smaller Frigate Hull design. Which will mean the US Navy is not going with a parent hull of 140-147 meters in length. After all the Burke Destroyers are at a length of 155 meters. So in order to lead the world in warship building the new frigates should use the old Burke hull design. Except with a wider Beam by about 20%. A Flight Four Burke should be built with a displacement of up to 12,000T. Read my old words above. I feel like I'm repeating myself. 
The US Navy is on the cusps of losing the comforts of talking about near peer to peer adversaries into becoming peer to peer and then worse. C.J.MacKechnie
China has been implementing a leap frog approach to weapons platform designs. This is why they build only a few and then upgrade the entire class. Eventually, The US Navy is going to find themselves against a superior china in the terms of technology, sensors/RADAR, weapons and in numerical numbers in every category. The US Navy won't even have the comforts of stand off ranges. Remember the Bismark and Hood encounter. Yes, The Bismarck was eventually sunk. But, the Hood was lost quickly. This is the point. Except China may not go and sink your ships. They may just go and capture them. Besides, which nation is building 5 aircraft carriers which don't work? Yes, that is insulting. China is not the only threat. Russia may have just tested a Deep underwater DEW system which reflected energy back onto and into their submarine causing a fire at depth. There is a water pressure line in which a weapon will work above the line and then not so much below the line. This is also related to deep underwater nuclear detonations. Which is probable/possible as to why a 200 mt nuclear warhead was developed by Russia and put onto a nuclear powered drone submersible. 
Added on 30 July 2019: The effects of nuclear weapons detonations is different the closer you are to the poles than lets say on the equator. So what happens when a deep water submarine detonates 6-ish 200 mega ton modern technology nuclear devices all at once under extreme oceanic pressures in very close proximity to the North Pole? Is this a doomsday plan for the whole world? All of that compressed energy going directly into the core of the earth. Will it fracture the core? Will thousands of volcanoes explode? Will every fault line shift and move -a lot!?!? Will the continents move? No matter how improbable. Christian Prophecy says that the coming Earth changes will be like when the Earth was new (I forgot the actual phrasing). (Revelation 16:...)
You may be thinking how does Bible prophecy make its way into a frigate blog? God can do His will with each human being and we will not even be aware in the absoluteness of ignorance. What if God caused Russia to build those nukes? What if God is going to lead those men to detonate those nukes close to the North Pole? and then allow them to think it is all their own idea. What if this is the how God is going to do what He does on one level. The further you or humanity goes away from the purple words below. The worse everything becomes.
Added on 09 July 2019: Add 300 tons of bone.
Added on 30 July 2019: Not sure if I already listed this or not. A story from 14 March 2019:
Added on 20 Aug 2019:
Coast Guard Cutter Legend Class. I seem to always forget about the Legend class National Security Cutter. Who was President in 2008? President George Bush and the election was won by President Obama. Did you know that the US has warships called the national security cutter that is 418 feet long and it has no VLS Missile Cells. NONE! ZERO! ZIP! ZELCH! NADA! Really, I'm not making this up. Who in their right mind makes a ship with zero missile cells? The USA is gonna have 11 of them. 7 have been made and are in service.  Offering up zero offensive capabilities and nearly zero defense capabilities. But, it has 5mm gun and Phalanx CIWS.

Lets see 11 times 48 VLS missile cells equals 528 VLS missile cells.
Lets see 11 times 60 VLS missile cells equals 660 VLS missile cells.
What are you US Navy people doing? China and Russia are preparing for war and your building ships with no available missiles. But, it has mounts for four Browning machine guns.
Since, so far, all seven Legends have been stationed on the west coast of the USA. They all must have BMD capability.
You do realize that the new Russian Missile boats will sink the Legends, LCS ships. I'm not even talking about the new Russian Corvettes which can launch anti ship missiles or other missiles more than a thousand miles away - accurately!!!
Yea, I know. I'm probably missing some international laws which ban the placement of VLS missile cells on National Coast Guard ships. Remember how this blog started out?
Yet, the news that China can eliminate all American bases in just a few hour. This is why having a large number of universal intelligent plug and play VLS Missile Cells is crucial. Even those come along little ducky ships that are towed behind every warship. All of which contain their properly displaced compliment of VLS Missile Cells. Every coastal Air Force base and every coastal Naval base must have a dedicated BMD Frigate and/or Destroyer.
Added on 25 Aug 2019: Quora Question on the type 26.
Added on 19 Sept 2019:
Communist China wants to end their "peace disease" within their military. Those are their(XI) words and not mine. Communist China is using the monies they make in order to build one of the most advanced and most capable military in the world far exceeding the USA. No other nation in the world is capable of building military platforms as fast as what Communist China is doing. This is all happening because the world has allowed Communist China to become their cheap slave labor manufacturer of all of their goods. All the while knowing that having slaves is bad but it seems OK to buy things that slaves from other nations create. How many times in history has the slave population risen up to take over? Really. Think about it. Will this become the mentality of the Communist Chinese people to seek revenge against those who have forced this way of life through their own leaders. Meaning western Europe and the USA/Canada. But, in reality it doesn't matter the reason why an enslaved society or group of people rise up to over throw those who put them down. 
The bottom line is this. What is China doing and has been doing. Who has China been offending and trying to push around. An emerging bully with new weapons uses those weapons for their own benefit. Without concern of outcomes. An abused person who has been powerless often times becomes the bully so that they to can abuse others who may or may not have tormented them in the past. Go and look at what China has been doing. What concern has Communist China had for any other nations rights? Then when China does go into space and land actual boots on the moon and Mars. China will claim it all. In the same manner as they have done in the South China Sea. By force China will defend all that they claim. Even if in the future they claim all of the land masses which surround the South China Sea. Simply because China will eventually have more than a peer to peer military capability against the USA, Russia and all of Western Europe. All of this because the civilians of the world still buy "Made in China". All of this because all of the media refuse to speak out against China. All of this because the international corporations of the world allow this secrecy to be kept in silence. This includes the new business ventures by Elon Musk. Elon Musk is being deceived. 
It looks like the US Navy is bringing together their next generation Frigate. The US Navy must build a lot of these new ships as I have mentioned somewhere above. I know this is about the next generation Frigate. But, the Frigate is just one thing within the US Navy. The US must get out of MAD. The US must begin to fund NASA and kick all Chinese out and away from the patent offices. Because, even a concept can be militarized like the microwave oven into new forms of long distance DEW emitters. NASA must begin to do what they had done in the 1960's and 1970's. NASA must build science labs on the moon and on Mars and in a variety of orbits in different places. The US Navy must have warship fleets and necessary logistical support in the Gulf of Mexico/Caribbean, Gulf of Alaska/Bering Sea/Arctic Ocean fleets, Australian/New Zealand fleets. All in addition to what is had now.
Added on 06 Oct 2019: AI!!! Limited AI!!! Restricted AI!!! Cooperative AI!!!
On each class of warship. A form of restrictive AI must be developed for self defensive purposes. This limited AI must have a sense of self preservation while saving the friendly lives on board the ship. To go along with this new AI the ship must have a variety of automated weapons systems. This new AI must also be cooperative with other ships in the naval battle group and within the fleet. The AI may also have within itself self sacrifice for the saving of capital ships like an Aircraft Carrier, or boats like a ballistic missile submarine or any other assigned ship of defined importance. 
The days when men manned the guns on the outside of the warship has already ended. But, because of tradition the old people still want to hold onto their now ancient archaic traditions. (I think I'm an old people). The next generation of all classes of warships must each have the capability of tracking, targeting and engaging many thousands of incoming targets from a variety of directions and dimensions, including orbital space. Since men and women have become fewer and fewer on warships. There will not be enough manpower to man weapons systems. Even if you had the man power and the weapons systems how can you shoot at thousands of incoming drones and the incoming missiles right behind those? Then the fighter bombers right behind those missiles? Which one is the greatest threat in a single moment in time. Then how does a man be able to decide the fluidity of ever changing threats from one second to the next? 
How do you put thousands of missiles on board a new modern frigate or even a corvette? You cannot, you do not have the size, displacement and space. What about those cool LASER DEW's? The first generation seems to always suck. But, just in case it does not. Your LASER weapons must be able to destroy a single target in a millisecond at ranges which makes your ships captains and commanders comfortable. Then be able to end another thousand targets without any power issues. What is a thousand times a millisecond plus AI Threat determination time plus tracking and targeting time? Until your cool LASER weapons can do this in a timely manner. Your gotta keep the bullets on hand. 
You gotta have the AI controlled automated gun type weapons on hand in sufficient numbers to deal with hundreds of tiny ships and their missiles. You gotta have enough bullets to defend against thousands of incoming attrition level air-born drones and larger missile carrying drones. You gotta have enough bullets to defend against incoming missiles of varying speeds and then the incoming fighter bomber planes. This is why each ship class must have a variety of automated guns in a variety of calibers. This is another reason why I have always suggested wider ships and a class of Phalanx Jr CIWS. Even my goofy idea of tow along little ducky's(AI/Drone types or just dumb ducks) which can be made with lots and lots of guns (Matrix) and/or VLS missile cells or combo. 
Every class of ship must also have cooperative AI. Which means that each ship within the battle group or battle space will become under the authority of the lead capital ship and then if that capital ship is disabled or destroyed the cooperative AI will assign a new chain of command near instantly. While continually protecting the disabled ship and maintaining the offensive and defensive nature of ongoing warfare simultaneously.
Added on 25 Dec 2019: It looks like The White House has cut the funding for the next generation Frigate. If the US Navy only replaces old hulls of the Destroyer and Cruiser classes while filling the rest of the hulls with Frigates to achieve the 355 ships needed. This seems like a good idea but building only 20 FFG(X) hulls or is it now or will be 10 FFG(X) hulls?
This is why the US must rebuild and rearm the US Navy. Guess what Us Naval brass, The Pentagon and the White House. Your all wrong and I'm right. Communist China and Communist Russia cannot be trusted and neither can their friends in Cuba and South America. Continue to be silent in regards of buying anything Made in China. It is the American people who is paying for the Chinese military modernization and buildups. China is still a long ways away from being able to conduct severe military actions against their enemies. But, China will and they will attempt an invasion of the 48 USA with container ships filled with very professional special forces troops. Most likely at or near the same time that Russia invades and actually retakes Alaska. No nation has weaponized the snow and ice like Russia. The Russian military is the king of cold warfare. Not even the USA can compete in the frigid weather. Russia will kill all Americans in Alaska. China will over take most of Florida with the help of Russia assets already in central Florida. China is going to go after all of their enemies. Both old and new. While Chinese officials play nice to your face. What China is planning will be worse than Pearl.
Added on 27 Jan 2020: Made comment on this video:
If the US Navy builds the next generation Frigate as stated above. Then the next generation of American Missile Frigates will be woefully inadequate. Israels coming Sa'ar 6 Corvette will have more missile cells than this frigate. The US Navy isn't even addressing how the definitions of class sizes has change and have been redefined. This happens from time to time. Look into the history of capabilities, displacement and size changes in history for yourself. The US Navy hasn't even addressed how it will defend itself against the emerging threats of hundreds or even thousands of airborne drone programmed for attrition level damage. What are you gonna do when your RADAR's, sensors and communications are destroyed? The US Navy hasn't even addressed how they will defend themselves against a myriad or different flavored DEW's. Which is more than just LASER's or EMP's. Which will be used and most likely all at once. Especially, the intelligent versions of DEW. Once their warships are very dead in the water. They will be at severe risk of capture and they will be captured. But, this isn't just about the next generation of frigates. This is also about the Destroyers, Cruisers and Aircraft Carriers. By the way American cold war engineered Destroyers are now large Frigates and the American cold war engineered Cruisers are now Destroyers. The next generation of American Missile Frigate must have what I list below just in firepower. Assuming America still desires to be a leader. Remember Israeli Sa'ar 6 Corvette has 48 Missile Cells. I just multiplied by two to get 96 VLS. 96- VLS Missile Cells. Both Mark 41 and Mark 57 used. Along with a new generation of VLS which will house anti satellite missiles hit to kill and nuclear payload. These anti satellite missiles can also be programmed/tasked to attack land and sea targets. 2- CIWS SeaRAM 2- very mechanically improved CIWS Phalanx as in very mechanically improved to track and target all missile threats including hyper-sonic. 2- new kinds of CIWS Phalanx JR. small caliber for drone defenses and water level threats. 2- LASER's at more than 500 KW each. But, they must be tested for many hundreds of discharges before servicing/maintenance. Must be able to tow a drone type ship capable of housing 200 VLS Missile Cells as well as other mission specific technologies or guns. RADAR's and Sensors must have a DEW high power mode. Various high power DEW emitters around the ship. Which means all sailors inside of ship. Many remote operated .50 cal guns around the ship. This can include or in addition to higher capacity small calibers like NATO 7.62. This can include or in addition to Grenade launchers. Anywhere a sailor can stand should have wiring for some kind of remote gun system placement. As the needs or missions dictate. In other words out of sight and out of mind until it is time to install them all. Proper safe storage for all ammunition needs to be in place.
Added on 29 Jan 2020: How would you rebuild the US Navy? The Navy has been spending a lot of money on their existing cold war engineered warships. The US Navy may not even have the funds to do anything different than what they are doing now and you just cannot stop the existing process.
The US Navy has more than a few options. The US Navy can start small and begin to use the now existing modern day definitions of what each warship class size, displacement and capabilities are today and then look into what they will be in 10-50 years. Then you have to decide if your gonna lead or follow. Then you have to decide if your military assets, weapons platforms and weapons systems will be the best in the world. China has already decided what they are gonna do and they are doing it. Five actual warships completed last month alone alone.
I have already done this.
The US Navy should do as I suggest.
All warships must be Extended life, modernized and weaponized. This includes all boats, aircraft carriers, cruisers and destroyers. Money should be spent on keeping all warships and boats in full use and war fighting ready.
Begin to rebuild all classes of warships. Starting with actual Corvettes and frigates. At a three Corvette to One Frigate ratio.
Added on 12 Feb 2020:
Added on 23-29 Feb 2020: Porcupine Warships. Every class of next generation of warships. Will have porcupine elements extruding from the sides of the warships. These will be DEW RF related antennas.  How about putting whiskers on your warships. Does China already have operational weapon whiskers (DEW's) on the bow of their aircraft carriers?
Added on 29 Feb 2020: The Crew on a frigate:
By building into any class of next generation of warship. The number of crew will be less than what has already been in previous classes of warships. The automation in as many areas as possible while at the same time having a manual feature when the automation fails in some degree. Having remote operated gun, grenade, LASER and DEW systems will also play a role in having fewer crew on each class of warship. Think about gaming or E warfare gaming. A single player can operate many different types of weapons platforms and weapons systems at once. This too can be done on a Naval warship. You can have your Gold Crew and Blue Crew on every class of warship. Especially, when you have a singular common warfare system on board every ship. So that one sailor can go from being assigned to a frigate to a destroyer to a cruiser to an aircraft carrier with very minimal additional training. So on board every next generation class of warship must have as much commonality as possible. The more your sailors are cross trained the more efficient your ships will operate especially in a heated violent environment. 
The US Navy should also consider having a ghost crew. In which these specialty men and women can be insert on-board any warship which is about to enter contested waters/space. These ghost crew volunteers are highly skilled and more cross trained war proficient than other types of standard crew members. They also volunteer to be on-board ships which will most likely experience the stresses of warfare. This should be developed because once modern next generation warship crew levels reach a certain low numbers point. The warship may not be able to function or execute necessary emergency repairs. So a third crew may be necessary for high stress environments and added man power.
I really hope they do not select the National Security Cutter as it is far to small to be a modern day frigate as already defined by other national navies in the world. The new modern size and displacement definitions of every class of warship is much larger than they were during the cold war era. Basically what this means is that a cold war era cruiser is now the size of a modern day destroyer. A cold war destroyer is now the size of a modern day frigate. A cold war frigate is now the size of a modern day corvette. The increase in sizes, displacements and capabilities do become redefined in each era. Go and make your own historical comparisons to each class of warship.

Think about this the coming Israeli Sa'ar 6 Corvette will have combined 48 missile cells. The US wants a frigate with only 32 missile cells. If the US does this. Their new frigate warship will be woefully inadequate in comparison to the Sa'ar 6. The US Frigate may also maybe inadequate to even the Russian Corvettes which can accurately and reliably launch missiles at targets of more than a thousand miles away. China is already building modern day destroyers which are the size of old cold war era cruisers. Just like in the days of sail when everyone counted guns. Today, everyone is counting missile cells and adding all of the different varieties of DEW's(LASER,RF).
Leaders lead. Followers follow and the old guard becomes a relic of the archaic past trying to be as important as they once were.
DEW Note: How about whiskers on the bow of warships.
Added on 05 March 2020: CIMSEC: Very important read as to why The US Navy must build the ships with maximum VLS Missile Cells as well as all of the other capabilities I foresee. Here is the story.
---------Stop buying anything which is Made in China-----
Note: Look for my corvette writing. 
Added on 14 March 2020: Russia is forcing a different Frigate than what as been thought of. Russia will build more Admiral Gorshkov Project 22350 with a grand total of 72 different kinds of Missile Cells and a length of 135 meters (443 Feet). Russia will have six of these monster Frigates by 2025. The US Navy must exceed these two parameters. Here is the story below. So how will this new frigate design affect the US Navy plans? Especially, since 1 is active, 1 is in trials, Four more will be built and 1 will be completed by July 2020. Be sure to make your comparisons with the American Burke Destroyers.
Added on 21 March 2020: My comment because I seem to always get deleted. 
The next generation of Frigates, Destroyers, Cruisers and drone fleets for the US Navy must all be like puzzle pieces which work together to form a singular picture. Those who make the decisions to build these new ships must have in mind that the definition of each class of warship has evolved yet again. In order to see what is on the horizon for the new classes of warships. You must look at the Sa'ar 6 Corvette for Israel. You must also look at what Russia and China are building for their specific classes of warships. They seem to be leading the world in warship design. While the US Navy lags behind even in mentality of old definition of warship classes. The US must also look at where their failures and hardships have been with the Ford's, Zumwalt's, LCS, F35, Inability to effect repairs, cancelling leadership and strategy development classes. This list can go on. The entire LCS line may even be retired soon as some bad person can hole the ship with an RPG or be sunk by a small Russian Missile boat. The F35 has a critical flaw which cannot be fixed without being re-engineered. The Zumwalt's still does not have ammunition for it's guns. The Ford's are still having problems with their elevators. Some corrective efforts are being made albeit slowly. The US Navy must focus on the quantity of missiles aboard each class of warship. The US Navy must also work on sensor and RADAR packages in which every class can stand alone while also being able to seamlessly work within a fleet environment. The new DEW's (RF and LASER) must have their necessary power and cooling requirements and be able to eliminate thousands of incoming drones, missiles and human piloted planes all at once. While still being able to protect their crews from the effects of all forms of DEW uses. Which may include windowless warships. Which may include having a variety of remote operated weapons systems around the ships. The entire leadership must get their stinking thinking out of cold war thinking mentalities and evolve. If not then losing capital ships and entire fleets to capture may become a reality.
Added on 07 April 2020: I guess it is time to sell the new Frigate idea. All without identifying the scope of what a new class of Frigate shall be. Whether the new Frigate will be defined by cold war definitions or today's modern day definition of ship classes, sizes, displacement and capabilities. This must be ascertained because the cost of a modern day defined Frigate will cost nearly the same as a cold war defined Burke class Destroyer built today.
The US Navy may even be in a good position for new and improved engineering considerations. After the fact when a a naval officer reveals crucial/classified information on the status and well being of personnel on an actively deployed aircraft carrier fleet. This can become a positive thing. I do not know anything about the capabilities of defensive bio-hazards on board of warships. The idea to keep all personnel within the confines of every new class of warship is something which now should be seriously considered.
Added on 18 April 2020:
How the US Navy and the Navies of the world will conduct Port of Calls or shore leaves will all change because of what China has done with the possible accidental release and planned deployment of this bio-weapon Covid-19. This may even change the engineering parameters of future generations of warships. China now knowing just how the world will respond to any release of bio-weapons. The nations of the world will keep all things NBC classified and as they probably should. I think the world is a better place because of keeping very specific information classified. Because, who wants WWIII? Who wants the release of anything NBC in and among the civilian  population? Maybe, in fifty years the civilians of that era will know more than we do today.
There is new news for the US Frigate. To slow down or to steam ahead? Yea, really. 
If you have read my mess of words above. You already have an idea of what should happen with the next generations of warships. Except, now the US Navy must add additional bio hazard or NBC cleaning devices into the air systems on-board every warship as well as US Navy Boats.
It also looks like new plans and new engineering must be developed in order to protect the work crews in the build of new warships and all of those classified things which goes into them. 
Either way, The next generations of every class of warship/boat must be rethunk about. Before any more steel is cut. In light of the realities of Covid-19. No matter if this was all natural and all accidental. How any Biological, Viral and Chemical can be delivered naturally, accidental or by a long thought out plan must be defended against and prepared for. Before any new next generation warship is issued Build Blueprints.  
Added on 09 May 2020: The US Navy was awarded to Fincantieri Marine. The type 26 Frigate still appears to be the superior ship. 
Read all of the above comments and you will already know the evolution of this writing.
This new Frigate FF(X) must be as listed below.
150 meters in length.
25 meters in width. New modern day ships must be widened.
96 VLS Mark 41. Israeli Sa'ar 6 has 48 missile cells. A frigate should be doubled.
The new frigate must contain and service an F35 as well as the next generation of helicopters. As well as drones.
Dozens of remote operated automated gun systems with their own sensor packages for a variety of detection's like drones and small surface ships with welded on missile launchers. Lots and lots of guns and grenade launchers.
Many new generation of CIWS Phalanx Jr. at calibers like 7.62 or 5.56.
2 CIWS Phalanx.
A variety of defensive and passive DEW systems all around the ship.
Recreate the new Japanese CIC and close the windows  in order to protect against DEW attacks or DEW spurious signals.
Classified DEW systems.
No personal should be outside of the ship. Except for service and repairs. Locked down and locked in.
Read more above.
You the reader must realize that the enemy and it is Russia, China, Cuba, Iran, North Korea and Venezuela. A very strong naval consideration as it always has been is how much fire power you can bring to an enemy which has more ships. That is American naval history. The enemy always has more. So since this seems to be a historical norm. You have to count your guns as was done in the days of sail except by today's modern standards and not the cold war standards you have to count the VLS Missile Cells.  This is how you deliver pain to the enemy. Especially, when your enemy is building very modern and very capable warships faster than you can build them and they are building them with more VLS missile cells than you. That is just plain embarrassing, unwise and irresponsible. It is just like how you built the LCS which can be attacked by a Russian missile boat and destroyed a thousand miles away and the LCS wouldn't even know who shot what. Then you build the Zumwalt class with a gun you cannot even use because it is too expensive. Then you build an F35 that cannot even fly its maximum speed without self destructing. The Ford class aircraft carrier only just recently stopped being a cruise ship except for the corona virus outbreak. Then without a real fix present. You decide to build three more Fords. The Fords still are engineered with a cold war mindset and have not been engineered for new and incoming threats. Read my prophecies. Guess what I'm on your team. I'm not against you. Every vision I have had with an engagement in Asia all leads to the capturing of your ships and not there destruction. Then Russia goes and takes/invades Alaska unimpeded. While taking over all of the bases in Alaska with ease.
Added on 14 May 2020:
I think I wrote somewhere that the best Frigate for today would be the Arleigh Burke Class Destroyer. By adding into the hull new capabilities, advantages and a new beam/width to about 25 meters. This would allow adding more future technological capabilities. Yet, still calling the Burke's destroyers. I think this would be the best option for the least drama. By building more Burke's would also cause you to gain more VLS missile cells and other known capabilities than you would by building a Fincantieri ship. Then the US Navy can build a new class of destroyer and cruiser. Which will be needed more by 2025-2030 than a lightly armed frigate. The math for the new frigate does not add up. The new frigate will have almost 75% of the displacement of a Burke while only having a third of the VLS missile cells. That is not smart nor is it a good idea.
Added on 12 June 2020: 
I had a thought many months ago about the next generation Frigate program. I still hold value to those thoughts. I spend a lot of time ???, thinking, researching and figuring stuff out. I do not think the next generation frigate program should continue unless it is called a Corvette. While the current build of the Burke Destroyers become Frigates. AND you don't have to admit it or tell anyone.  I think monies would be better spent designing and engineering the next generation Destroyers and Cruisers. If you have read all of this one blog you already read it. Except now let the Burke destroyer be about 75% of the displacement of a next generation Destroyer with a doubling of Missile Cells. Then the next generation of Cruisers would have a doubling of missile cells over the next generation destroyer.  
Remember the lead ship in this modern era is the Israeli Sa'ar 6 Corvette. From this ship class you can see old thinking mixed with new thinking all tied in the fear that everyone wants them dead. Do let a Corvette out missile you (Israel)or out range(Russia) your new next generation Frigate. That is not being a leader of anything. 
Added on 20 June 2020: 
The cost debate begins and as the capability of the new Frigate is in question. The capabilities of the new Frigate may in fact be less than 40% in firepower over the aging cold war engineered and continually modernized Arleigh Burke Class Destroyers. While at the same time the new Frigate goes up to about $1.5 billion for the third ship and the Cost of a Burke class Destroyer Flight III is $1.8 Billion. This is why the next generation Frigate should be stopped and those monies should be invested into more Burke Flight III destroyers. With the Burkes you increase Universal VLS Missile Cells counts per hull as well as over all capability. This I still think is the best way to go until the new hulls of an American Frigate, Destroyer and Cruiser are finalized. This is what the US Navy should and must do in order to remain the leader of the seas. The leader defines what is to be and not what has been defined by others. If any nation loses the lead in definition, design and engineering. Then that nation becomes a follow and behind in times. The Israeli Sa'ar 6 is the defining class of the Naval  Corvette and from that definition of what a corvettes capability is. Every larger class size should be at least doubled in capability. Even the Russians are planning new Corvettes. 
Added on 16 Oct 2020: Well here we are. You know I'm not ever going to be happy with any weapon of warfare. You know those purple words below that you the reader most likely overlooked. Growing up the way I had and knowing sometimes you have to fight. There isn't a choice. There is no walking away as that choice has already been taken away from you. Then when you prepare for that eventuality it is not a permission to ever become a bully. Just like what China has become and Russia is re-establishing themselves in the world. Each of them have chosen to become bullies because of their own fears. Their fear is most likely justified because of what they have seen America do and what America continues to do. Even though President Bill Clinton gave and taught Russia how to build Americas best NASA guidance systems. Yea, Bill Clinton actually did that. It is historical record and still on websites until they are not. What did Russia do? Russia immediately began to implement those new found guidance systems into everything and then began to sell those newly made weapons systems with those new guidance systems to all of the world who could cut a check. So as of today, the world is a far more dangerous place than it was 20 years ago. My dad was guidance and he honored his country by taking his secrets to the grave. But, I learned much from him. Like it didn't matter how many rockets and missiles that your enemy has. If they can't get to you in one piece at your exact location. Then it doesn't really matter how many tens of thousands of nuclear bombs a nation has. Yes, this is an over simplification. But, today, because of Bill Clinton every nation which wants ballistic missiles with nuclear weapons can get them and with Americas best guidance systems. Which means that any nation that can cut those checks can attack any of their enemies anywhere on the planet. Because, of Bill Clinton this also means that Russia has become the first known nation to actually place a space warship in space/orbit and has already used it to carve of some dead satellite. The world is a much more dangerous place. Research at the space and rocket capabilities of North Korea. What the North Koreans can now do and have been doing is really amazing for a closed off nation. But, North Korea is not really closed off. Because, The Russians have been teaching them and giving them nuclear materials as is China. Yea, North Korea(NK) is just a tool in order to bother the Americans, Japanese, Taiwan and South Korea. Yet, North Korea is more of a threat to the Americans than 20 years ago. North Korea has up in Low Earth Orbit(LEO) two satellites called "Bright Star ##" Do you know what a nuclear explosion looks like in space? A bright star in which the timed duration of the flash is evidence on the power of the explosion. Except when it is engineered for a focused EMP detonation as has been engineered by Russia. So if one or both of those NK satellites contain a nuke. Then the North Koreans do have the power to kill the United States in one shot. But, no one really knows as Russia launched their space warship satellite under the guise of science and communications. The US saw and got that communication of Russia military science in action. Iran now has secret underground Ballistic missile launch sites. Which means when the US Secret people went into a panic it was most likely a real deal and hopefully that nuclear material from NK was stopped and taken by the Americans and not delivered to Iran. But, civilians will never know as all  things NBC is classified. This leads to why is this posted in Fast Frigates? Because every surface warship that America builds and all of her allies. Must have ABM installed as well as the capability to attack satellite in LEO and any ballistic missile. This includes the new American frigates. 
Did you read my posting about not building the frigate at all and just continue to build the Burkes. It is just above this and dated. Well, I got into a heated debate about numbers and money and how much every square foot of hull is added and costs here and cost there. Well, that person was mad at me. Tough. But, he had a valid point and still does. When the costs of a next generation Frigate is comparable to a cold war Burke Destroyer. I choose the destroyer because you gotta have your guns or in the modern era sense, your VLS Missile Cells. So even today and right now. I still choose the Burkes over the FREMM Frigate. Then I would put more money into a new Destroyer and Cruiser. Recently the SECNAV just named the new class of Frigates and it was awesome. The Constellation class as in a reference to my favorite class of warship ever. The old ironsides of the Constitution class. Man, I was excited and still am. Sometimes, you just have to enjoy the moment. Then the following news is related to the next generation of Destroyers and most likely soon the Cruisers. 
The constellation class seems to be an amazing name of historical value. But, Those who are in charge of the US Navy seem to still be stuck in their victorious cold war mentality. The parameters of what a modern Frigate class is supposed to be has already been established by Russia, China and other nations. Even Israel's new Sa'ar 6 Corvette class is a finger which points to what any new Frigate is supposed to be. Israel's Sa'ar 6 will have a combined 48 missile capability. Which means one should at least double the capacity of the next class of frigates with 96 VLS Missile Cells and not less than. Beside, how will you contend with Russian Corvettes when they can already out range you and out gun you and you have not even laid the keel? Any new American modern  Frigate is not supposed to be less than a Corvette. Even though some nations use the Frigate Class as a catch all class. The Americans have always used specific class sizes of warships as what they are supposed to be. So that needs to be continued and already the complaints about costs has resumed in regards to the new Frigates. In which over time they will most likely exceed the cost of a very modernized cold war engineered Burke Destroyers. because, that kind of news is now common place as is the tradition of building new things with engineered flaws already inside of them. Look at the Ford's, The entire troubled LCS line in which the new Frigates are engineered to replace as reported. The lack of the proper amount of VLS Missile Cells capacity and ships overall beam is still lacking. These are just two easy to see issues. Which puts the draft closer to 28 feet. A wider ship aids in a shallower draft. A wider ship aids in the eventual modernization processes. A wider ship also aids in the possible addition of remote operated guns. But, can a wider ship also hold a Mark 57 VLS? 
Added on 23 Nov 2020: The engineering and planning of the current Frigate design is lacking as a future combat ship in the US Navy. The believe the costs will balloon to the degree that it will equal the costs of the current Arliegh Burke Class destroyers. Since the Burkes have more fire power. I believe that the new frigate should not be built or bought until modern naval warfare thinking within the US Navy actually exists and the old cold war thinking dies. 
Added on 12 Jan 2021:
Even a lowly janitor figured this out a long time ago. Which is why I say stop build on the LCS, Ford, Frigate and any other Destroyer, Cruiser, Corvette and Missile Boats in the planning. You have to do the math first. You have to start counting missile cells just like what was once done in the days of sails by counting guns. You have to know what is already out there. You have to know what the enemy has and what their capabilities are and will be. You already know better than anyone.
If you want to lead then every class of warship and boat must be seen as the best of the best. Period. If yo
u build a LCS with extremely minimal guns and missiles. Then expect the world to laugh and they have. If you build a next generation Destroyer and you can't pay for the bullets of your main gun as the world laughs. Then the world watches as you put a lot of RADAR reflective gear on the outside of your warship. The world has already laughed at you. Then the embarrassment of the Ford Class. If one doesn't work then build many more that probably won't work either. Let's not forget the F35 that cannot maintain maximum speed for more than 45 seconds without destroying itself and yet you still make them. How many defects does the F35 still have to this day? 871 flaws in the F35 as reported the other day. The LCS is a train wreck and yet you still make them. Why? Why continue to build failures.
The new Israeli Sa'ar 6 appears to be the standard in missile capability. The Russian Frigate appears to be another standard. The Chinese Destroyers which have been called Cruisers is yet another metric to be considered. These three ships classes have clearly defined what the future holds in Naval warfare. If you want to be leaders then lead. Do not build a Frigate which is outgunned by a Corvette. Do not build a corvette class which is out gunned by a missile boat and can be easily destroyed by a missile having been launched a thousand miles away without any ability to see the origin or even be able to retaliate.
The VLS Missile Cells must evolve, become more capable and become smarter. The number of missile cells per ship class has risen greatly and so should any and every American warship of every class. The Sa'ar 6 Corvette has 68 Missile cells. A single missile cells should be in place and all of the existing US LCS Corvettes must have at least 68 VLS missile cells on them. The next generation Frigate must have in excess of 72 VLS Missile Cells, Plus 2 Phalanx and a lot of remote mounted guns. The next generation Destroyer must have in excess 150 VLS Missile Cells. The Next generation Cruiser must have in excess 300 VLS Missile cells. Sure smile and laugh. In the last twenty years the world has advanced and evolved at least twice. While the US Navy remained in their victorious cold war state of mind. I forgot another thing. All bodies must remain inside the ship.
Added on 16 Jan 2021
The US Navy says they want to put an end to the problems they are having with the Ford's, LCS, Zumwalt's and F35. The math behind the Frigates do not add up. The ship seems to be too short and too narrow for any kind of future modernization. You can only add another 500 tons to the hull?. Seems insignificant for any meaningful future modernization. The available firepower is insignificant as many Corvettes already in service with other navies have more firepower and capability. This new Frigate must more than double the physical presence of the Mark 41 VLS Missile Cells. The new Frigate must also add a lot remote operated guns. Physically bigger engines. Physically bigger gensets. This current iteration of the next generation frigate from the US Navy is evidence of stagnant cold war thinking. Need to build the needed hull which will be required for future proofing. A hull which will contain everything you want and will want. Then only add the stuff you can afford right now. Then every few years find funding for more capability to be added to every hull. You also need to build the hull with availability for 96 Mark 41 VLS Missile Cells. If you can only afford 32 VLS then have 32 VLS. The engineered hull is crucial. You have to get this one component right and correct first. If you do not. Then you may end up with another LCS or F35 on your hands. The F35 with such a critical flaw or many that they cannot be fixed. Oh Yea, Stop build on the F35, LCS and Ford's right now. Put everyone who made decisions on those three programs alone in jail until the issues are fixed.
Added on 15 Feb 2021: PDF: Get your coffee and comfy chair. About 47 pages and a new link which has a boat load of PDF info.
My Comment on USNI News:
From Page 22 in the PDF: The VLS count must rise from 32 to 72 and include the VLS counts on a towed/autonomous LUSV. The reason for such a large number of VLS now is that VLS count evolution has risen just in the last few years. To the point that the new Israeli Sa'ar 6 Corvette has two different VLS Cells one being 32 Barak-8 and the other 40 for C-Dome. That is 72 VLS missile cells on a Corvette and Plus an additional 16 Gabriel missiles. According to the math of ships. This new Israeli Corvette should be the starting point on VLS missile counts. A truly new next generation Frigate should have more than double of the capability of a Corvette.
The Russian New Project 22350 Frigates will have 16 VLS, 24 VLS and 32 REDUT VLS.
The new Chinese Frigate Type 54A has 32 VLS but an awful lot of other weapons. Which would make the new American frigate slightly less than comparable or threatened.
Added on 02 Oct 2021: Propaganda News: The drive seems to have the best writer for these selections and not just copy and paste. 
Initially, I was all gung ho in the American next generation ship class. But, as you read. This ship is the same as any other ship except for length, width and a few other changes. So this entire class is not a next generation. The Constellation class is just an established hull form which can be modified over time. But, the one thing that I do not like about the ship is the lack of initial modernized firepower. To the degree that the new Israeli Corvette can go toe to toe with this so called new next generation Frigate from the USA. This new Frigate also seems less than the Russian and Chinese versions. So what happened to the it takes two or more warships to even consider going up against a Constellation?
Those who have designed what goes into this Frigate hull are not forward thinking. Removing the front sonar while adding a drag sonar is an indication that the two systems have not been combined in order to make location and identification of any sub surface object exactly known. The two systems should mutually work together. 
A second Mark 41 VLS of 32 should have been added. 
Can the flight deck contain a F35?
More remote gun stations should have been added. Because, to be forward thinking you will need to contend with the hundreds of drones coming at each warship in the future. The classified drone technology left behind in Afghanistan is now in the hands of our future enemies. The classified and encrypted communications gear of all kinds left behind. How much other classified material and content was left behind? Which is now all in the hands of our future enemies. Has the new GPS systems been compromised? 
For instance, How does North Korea build the rockets that they do, the nuclear weapons that they do and now hypersonic missiles??? Really!!!! Then the news media positively reports on this as something which is amazing. Somebody is helping them. Russia and China both. 
And the scrapping sale of old aircraft carriers and other warships should be stopped. Those ships should be offered to our friends so that they can fit them out with their own technologies and capabilities. Like Japan, Australia, New Zealand and Israel. This won't happen with Israel now that Americas elected officials hate Israel. In which the American people will suffer for in regards to relational curses from God. This needs to be done right now instead of scrapping. The gifting or the selling of to be scrapped old warships should also save many millions of dollars(assumption). 
If you truly want a 355 ship Navy, Then you have to stop the scrapping process until 355 is achieved and then you can start gifting those old ships to actual friendly nations. Yes, I know costs can or will be prohibitive. But, The enemies which are rising up against the USA will out number the USA with numerical superiority and very peer weapons capabilities. So your screwed and it doesn't matter about the acoustics. 
But, then again, You have to consider the delusional and political insanity of Australia and Canada. Are and will the Canadians become the new enemies of the USA? As they flirt with the unrealized nature of totalitarianism. or am I getting a little paranoid? Probably, so. But, nations in human history have flipped and have stabbed their former best friends in the back without ever mentioning "Oh, and by the way were enemies now". 
The things in which I've written about warships should be seriously considered. Especially the addition of remoted and computer operated gun mounts on all classes of warships. While drones may not ever sink any warship class. The use of drones will be used as weapons of attrition to the degree that your ships will no longer be able to see, hear or communicate. 
End of rant. 
The development of anti-drone/anti-ship guns with their own dedicated RADAR/Sensor packages should be developed and these new data sets should be easily seen and combined with other sensory data sets. These anti-drone guns should be numerous and work similar to the CIWS Phalanx gun system. These should use typical ammo in the 7.62 and the 5.56 NATO. These must surround the ship or each ship. These should be used until a RF DEW or LASER weapon can be developed which can instantly destroy drones instantly at ranges beyond 250 meters through 900 meters. The two numbers represent two layers of drone/ship defense. If you keep the guns and are able to develop an actual working RF DEW or LASER weapon which can instantly destroy all technologies at a distance greater than 900 meters. Then you will have three working layers of drone defense per ship. Why is this such a threat? Because drone will be used to deplete your weapons stores first. Then when your weapons stores are depleted or your trying to reload your missiles. What is your tactical word for "Incoming" and a lot of them!. End of battle for you. If you care for your men/women of honor and respect. If you car about your service with pride and dedication. You will follow thorough on my words. Because, I do not want you to lose or face the ultimate embarrassment when your entire battle group is captured. Yes, I have seen that blood bath as you run out of bullets. I have seen the blood flowing off of your decks. I have seen the blood pumped out of your ships. I have seen the news stories about captured American ships in which an American Aircraft Carrier flies a new Chinese flag. 
I personally believe that if some idiot nation wants to bring their ships to be up close and personal. Then they should encounter a wall of armor piercing lead. Even though it will most likely be ineffective against the ship. The sensors and RADAR systems are not protected. If the command deck still uses glass to see out of. Then make it difficult to see out of. The enemy humans outside of their ships will also die. No, I did not forget about any remote operated and computer controlled mark 19 automatic grenade launchers. With an effective range of 2000 meters. So think about other larger calibers. 
All of these plug and play gun systems, Self identify into the system and also uses all system data sets to properly aim at any target. So while you may have a dozen new gun mounts on each side of your ship. You can also appear to be peaceful, politically nice and friendly, as those guns are safely stowed away. That is  until those pleasant thoughts end. Then your crew can mount each gun type and allow the computerized alignment process to begin. 
The number of Frigates to be built is to low. The US Navy will need at least 10 Frigates, 8 Destroyers and 5 Cruisers in the Caribbean, central and South American regions of the Atlantic Ocean, Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Sea. As these emerging threats potentially rise with the involvement of both Russia and China in those regions. 
---------------Comfy Chair and Tea/coffee time------
Added on 02 Nov 2021:
Well, more bad news for the new Constitution Class Frigates. They're not even in the water and they each will woefully be outranged and out gunned by the new Russian frigates. If they each run out of missiles the Russian Frigates can out range by more than twice the distance with their 130mm gun. I just read the wonderful story and got caught up in the Mk110 57mm hype and then I thought I remembered something about the new Russian Frigates. Yea, they have a bigger and more capable gun system and they can outrange the new American Frigate which has not been built. The people in the Pentagon just screwed this ship class up. Just like they did with the F35, No new MBT replacement, No Destroyer or Cruiser replacements, LCS and Fords. The Navies own dry docks have not been modernized in almost 50 years. Plus, a lot of other bad things that has just slipped my mind at this time. 
Will America's new Constitution Class Frigate even be ranked in the top 5 or top 10 in the world? Especially when there are Corvettes which seem to have more firepower and more capability. We will see. But, I think the Russian Frigate will remain Number 1 in the world as it can easily out gun Americas paper tiger of a warship. 
Added on 01 Feb 2022: 
I woke up thinking about the Frigate class. I'm still not happy about this. But, anyway. I still think the new Frigate class should have enough of a garage facility to house an F35 or what comes after the F35. Which mean that every class of warship should also be able to house one, two or more F35's or what comes after. As well as helicopters in whatever kind of organization. 
Added on 27 June 2022: War is once again looming. Enemy warships encircle Japan. Belarus to become a nuclear state. Putin threatens London with a nuclear strike. Ukraine will fall soon. The US send MLRS to Ukraine and continues to pour in money in which will have no effect. Russia now has an excuse to attack the USA because of American continual involvement with Ukraine. 
So, now is the time to double(64) the Mk41 VLS Missile cells before the critical deign review is finalized. This must be done now. The addition of remote gun stations must be added as well.  Just like in the days of sail when guns were counted. So to today, VLS missile cells are counted. You cannot go into any war stance with a lack of guns and bullets. You cannot take a minimalist approach in this one thing. 
Added on 10 July 2022: The LCS Line is worse than you think and has been for years and years.
Added on 18 July 2022: 
It is a good read. With the threats which are posed by Russia, China, Iran, NK, and their allies in Central and South American. The procurement rate should be increased to include more builders. The US Navy will retire the LCS's. In doing so should cause the US Navy to build 30 more Frigates. Also, The US Ship builders could build for other nations as well. Assuming ship building capacity is increased. They still have to more than double the VLS missile counts.
Bring coffee and comfy chair time. 33 page PDF warning:
Added on 26 Dec 2022:
Added on 27 March 2023:
Added on 30 March 2023: 
Added on 18 Jan 2024: Still confusion among the learned writing warriors. 
The evolution of my writing is apparent as nothing is deleted unless some people advise me to delete. 
The problems with The US Navy compounds every year. Stupid decisions at all official management levels
is even apparent down to civilian janitors like myself. The point here in this wisdom is this at one time guns 
shot one bullet or ball at a time. Not we have guns which fire many thousands of rounds per minute. It is
destructively amazing. So to are we in the age of missiles. The capability to launch many thousands of 
missiles at once at one singular target will happen and in many ways already has. The expense of each missile
is still very prohibitive while bullets are still cheap. Defensive and offensive DEW's seem to still be a pipe dream.
So what must be done as the US Navy is now in second place? How about a do over as harsh as a suggestion as that may seem it is still valid. All the way from docks to surface to subsurface ships. The US Navy is becoming incapable of fighting in any real conflict with a peer adversary. Especially, when the US Navy has had ships and boats in for repairs and service for about 8 years now. While the idiocy of Littoral and a 600 ship number are still at the forefront. I tell you that doesn't matter if you cannot fix any damaged ship or boat in a timely manner. Then what happens when your aircraft carrier battle group encounter 1,000, 5,000 or 10,000 incoming missiles which are followed behind by manned planes. Or what happens when an enemy is able to mature a DEW system and turns your warships into metallic objects in a microwave oven.  
Solutions: Build new and efficient US Navy manufacturing facilities while at the same time repairing old facilities from the most strategically important to least. Add new remote and automatic anti drone systems by the many per side of each ship. The Pentagon must quietly acknowledge the change in every class of warship to the next size larger. The pentagon must also acknowledge the more than doubling of VLS missile cells per class of warship. This must happen right now. You can read my other writings but I use a Israeli Sa'ar 6 Corvette as a base line. The Sa'ar 6 is also full of old thinking design flaws. The US Navy is no longer a leader in any degree of war fighting even though the USA operates 20 plus aircraft carriers. I did read an admiral and he was right when he said the porcupines of old will reemerge in new modern day designs(paraphrase memory). The problem is also in what has not been reported. Which is the lack of a moral/honor compass in the leadership of the US Military from the top down. 
End Result: The ultimate in embarrassment is this. The capture of a fleet of capitol ships or two and then those ships repurposed and used against us. I'm trying to save lives. Heed my words. Even if it means a tactical contraction in order to reinforce infrastructure. The idea of classified materials and conceptualized information must be upheld to the highest degree that not even a politician can get out of execution for revealing or selling anything classified even if he or she is the President. 
Money: There is a point of when you have to spend money you just have to start cutting checks. Sucks to be you but in a way it sucks to be us when and if a hot war breaks out and American civilians are killed because of many decades of corruption. Those who wear the uniform on those terrible days will be to blame as they will have to do more than anyone else before them. Much like in the days of world war when I had relative(s) who fought the entire duration of WWII before American involvement. So to will it be in those days.
(Membership Required):
Added on 02 Feb 2024: One should always make as close to equal comparisons to a leading smaller class warship like the Corvette Sa'ar 6 from Israel and the next size larger class warships like the American Destroyer class to assume offensive and defensive capabilities. Like I've written in these writings. The US Navy designers are stuck in the cold war era and have not ascertained how each class of warship sizes seems to get larger over time. In this modern era it seems that the American Navy Constellation class Frigates is comparable to the modern day Corvette Sa'ar 6. While the Burke Destroyers could be considered modern day Frigates. So the USA is already building frigates under the classification of modernized cold war era Destroyers.
The really bad part with being stuck in your old cold war arse thinking is that when the enemy whoever they may be becomes able to fire many hundreds or thousands of drones and missiles at any warship. Your warship may only be damaged to the point of becoming captured and at best sunk. Which is worse captured or sunk? as you watch your crews tortured and executed all over the internet, forever. It looks like someone has been reading my writings all the way back to 2020.
 So this does bring to the forefront of what must be done with the Ticonderoga Cruisers? They each must be modernized for extended service life. According to Wikipedia 13 Ticonderoga's are still in active service while 14 have been retired. That will be a loss of almost 3,294 VLS Missile cell capability. That is a very large negative hit in total VLS missile cell capability of the US Navy. But how to do that when ship yards are at maximum capacities, are not being properly maintained, quality employees not found or trained. New remote operated/automatic gun mounts must be put into place for cheap to shoot drone defense. The USA cannot lose any VLS missile counts. VLS Missile cell counts is the modern day gun counts in the days of sail. Yes, I still in the boat of stop build on all LCS and Constellation Class Frigates. The new modern day Frigates are the Burkes.
Read more of my Naval writings. Please be mindful of my own learning curve. I'm just a janitor.
Added on 30 May 2024: Frigate News: Construction Halted: Already Problems for a severely inferior warship. This is a warship that everyone/I could love and then the brass ruined it, knew it and then tried to fix it only to ruin it more. Janitorial summery. Go and read the below evidence.
Added on 12 June 2024: Oh. the Frigate that could have been. Comparisons being made with the worst class of warships, the LCS's. In which they are still being built. Go and read the link and study the picture. Then realize they have started building this Frigate without actually knowing if it is actually gonna work in the computer first. It's awful. But, no matter the new American frigate will be less powerful than actual modern day Corvettes like the Sa'ar 6 for Israel. Because of the new concerns of becoming overweight. It will be slow and low in the water.
Added on 17 August 2024: News.
Added on 13 Nov 2024: News Story in regard to President Elect Trump:
Added on 27 Nov 2024:
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second. 
To Love one another. To live in peace with everyone. To exist in harmony with all. To Cherish all life. To be obedient to the Laws of God To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.