Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Cursed People Of The Darkened Land +6: (Unedited): 17 Sept 2024:

Your divine light shall be extinguished from the world. Your embarrassing sins are known to the whole world. You have become a blight to all of those who pursue righteousness and holiness in their lives. 
Just like the beloved people of ancient days who allowed sin to enter within were destroyed. So to shall you who have allowed false gods to enter within your established borders. 
Before you blood thirsty wicked evildoers even have a chance to rule like a collection of dictators. Your rule shall be short lived as each of you will suffer and be killed to be followed by judgement and permanent incarceration in hell.
You beloved ones whom He has created. You have allowed foreigners with false beliefs into your country. With each of them they shall bring legions of demons in their wake. 
It shall always be the case that when those who sinfully rule over you. It is you the good common people who shall pay the price in suffering, destruction and death. 
The protections and blessings from God cannot be maintained when you allow the embodiment of sin to remain within the established borders that God has made for you. 
It is you who is compounding the curses upon yourselves. It is you who has rejected the blessings and protections from God.
Your time of freedom and liberty shall come to a destructive and deadly end. Your constitution and bill of rights shall all be burned in the furnaces and forgotten forever. All because you allowed sin and false gods to find a home within each of you. 

Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Friday, September 13, 2024

Demons Of Death And Destruction Come +17: (Unedited): 13 Sept 2024:

The fallen angels and demons have lost their war over humanity and coming very soon they will make all manner of war against all of humanity directly.
The fallen angels and many kinds of demons are gods in comparison to the current human state. They will exert great power as to which humanity hasn't even conceived of as of yet.
Woe to humanity when the fallen angels and demons show themselves with grand titles, different names and different origins. The lies and deceptions began thousands of years before the great flood and long before your awareness of them. 
Woe to the religions and religious peoples of the world who will think and believe they are willing participants to the great beings who come. When in truth they are all absent of the real protection from the one true God. 
Death and destruction of all of humanity shall be the wicked and evil beings original intended desire for all of humanity. It shall not matter what these great evil beings who come shall pleasantly say things and bring wonderful gifts. 
As was in the days of Noah when it was common knowledge in the existence of these vile great beings who tormented, abused and killed humans. Who also defiled themselves when humans. Who even consumed humans. So to shall humanity once again have this common knowledge. 
The technology of humanity has already been greatly hastened because of them. The beings need escape and they must end humanity. But not one before the other as they do have their own logical order of things. 
The beings will also need modified human hosts which can thrive in their self perceived great presence and physical occupation. So the genetics of selected humans must be modified. 
Genetically modified human hosts are already walking around. They are completely aware, physically stronger than all base humans and very prideful. 
First the vile wicked evildoers who shall come with the power and authority of gods and then once the extinction of humanity is assured then comes the true real God of all.
In the end, there shall be no great escape from your own fate. There is no place for you to run to as you already know you and those with you are all on the wrong side of zero. 
In the end, all of you god and lord pretenders shall fail. In the end, you each shall end up in those places which have already been created for your never ending torment and then death.
In the end, you shall even be with those profoundly hated humans who believed everything you said and promised. They shall all suffer in your presence and you shall hear and know each one as they accuse each of you forever and ever. 
The great accuser and tormentors of humanity will suffer greatly as all of those who rejected God because of all of them, shall be forever accused by those unrepentant and vile humans who gave everything for those disobedient fallen angels and demons. 
Until, that time in which the great accuser and tormentors of humanity are locked up in the pits of Hell. They shall roam and they shall do as they wish. There will be signs of chaos, suffering and of injustice in those places of their direct influence.
The most devout and holy of actual Christians shall be hunted and killed. They shall be easily spotted by the darkest of demons as they seek out those divine lights in the distance and physically snuff each one out.
Those struggling Christians who walk the righteous path shall be discovered through their deeds as the righteous Christian must always love one another and in this manner shall they each be found out and physically killed. 
There shall be a difference between the death of righteous Christians and professing Christians. The righteous Christians shall be known as martyrs by their Heavenly Father and those simply killed will hear from God I never knew you...
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Violence Against Chistians Increase +68: (Unedited): 07 Sept 2024:

 Here is some current research. Be sure to pray first before you continue to read. Copy and paste links is for your safety and security.
Check dates: 
2022: https://www.standingforfreedom.com/2022/07/yes-christians-are-being-persecuted-in-america-heres-how-we-can-respond/ 
2022: https://churchlifejournal.nd.edu/articles/are-american-christians-persecuted/
2023: https://www.newsweek.com/acceptable-hate-assaults-christianity-go-overlooked-opinion-1791866
2024: https://firstliberty.org/news/high-hostility-against-churches/ 
2024: https://www.christianpost.com/news/christians-faced-record-level-of-violent-attacks-in-2023-report.html
2024: https://thefederalist.com/2024/03/05/criminal-attacks-on-american-churches-up-800-percent-in-last-six-years/
===Church Fires=======
2000: https://home.treasury.gov/news/press-releases/ls881
2001: https://apps.usfa.fema.gov/downloads/pdf/statistics/v2i7-508.pdf
2015: https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2015/10/26/half-of-all-church-fires-in-past-20-years-were-arsons/
2021: https://www.biometrica.com/arson-related-incidents-at-houses-of-worship-2019/
2023?: https://www.usfa.fema.gov/prevention/arson/houses-of-worship/
====Pastor Greg Locke=====
Note: YouTube seems to be slanted against Christianity when using search terms about "violence Christianity USA". Maybe my search terms are wrong. I get Christian violence where the Christians are the criminals.
Added on 08 Sept 2024: 
Just as worldly worshipers at concerts are all strangers to one another. So to has the denominations and churches have become during their own services/concerts.
Once a person is grafted into the vine of God. They are no longer a stranger but adopted members of the family.
In the body of Christ there can be no strangers. As the Christ body of many parts must know and have a dependency on one another. 
The coming modern day persecution of Christians has already begun in those hateful places which have no eyes or ears. 
It shall not matter if the Christians fights or flees. Physical death shall be their end result. 
Even in a cowardice conversion which wholly rejects Christianity. Death shall still be your end result as the wicked evildoers cannot allow the memory of Christianity to continue onward. 
The rise of the new Christian Crusaders shall go forth and aggressively kill the wicked evil doers where ever they will be found. The new Christian Crusaders shall not exercise any mercy and compassion.
The new Christian Crusaders shall be at war with the entirety of the whole world. Fore even in their own deaths they shall find victory with their heavenly Father. 
There shall be two who shall stand in fight against all wicked evil doers. One shall be those who have become the new Christian Crusaders and the other shall be those who uphold the American flag and the constitution.
There shall be two different kinds of Christian Crusaders. Those who shall protect the children of God through peaceful means and those who shall call down fire and brimstone from on high to purify the world of evil. 
Some of the peaceful Christian Crusaders shall in faith invisibly walk through and among the wicked evil doers who will kill them all and also have them completely surrounded. Completely passing them by completely unaware.
Woe to you wicked evildoers who have sold your souls for a nice home, food and benefits. You are no different than those Nazi guards who killed millions of Jews. Your place in hell is already assured. 
Woe to you wicked evildoers. For every atrocity you commit against any innocent soul. Your place in hell is a guarantee while those very human leaders whom you have worshiped, honored, respected and loved have all deceived you. 
Woe to you wicked evildoers. Every time you make any innocent soul to suffer through torture and death. You shall endure 10,000 times worse forever. 
Woe to you wicked evildoers. For every shy and timid soul that you convert to your wickedness. You may see victory. But, in reality you have only locked in your spot in hell. For the Father loves His children and will make each of you pay dearly. 
Woe to you wicked evildoers. From your isolated spot in the hell of forever torment. You shall be with those ancient leaders and you will know each one as they will also know you in their own forever torment. 
Woe to you wicked evildoers. You shall be forever tied and bound in hell. You shall not lose your mind to insanity or any other kind of unreasoned thinking. You shall absolutely know the truth and know this is where you belong. 
There shall be much fear in the coming of the Son of God. Even your gods who are fallen angels shall tremble and it will be then that you will know you have freely chosen wrongly. No one will be able to forgive you except the Son who comes like an angry lion. But, it may be too late. 
There may not be any forgiveness for any of you wicked evildoers as God may have already locked down your freedom to change.
Woe to you wicked evildoers. You police officers and soldiers who know that the orders you follow are wrong and yet you continue to enforce those orders even in the brutalization of helpless civilians. Hell is waiting for you. 
Woe to you wicked evildoers. Who smile and laugh at these words. I shall not rejoice or celebrate in the hell which is already awaiting you. I can see each one of you and I know each one of you that I can see.
Woe to you wicked evildoers who shall be imprisoned in hell for eternity. You all will be together along with the false gods whom you chosen to follow and heed their deceptions. You knew right from wrong and chose to do wrong. 
Woe to you wicked evildoers. Who hide beneath the uniform of respect and badge of honor. For every wrong sinful action you exercise regardless of who gave the order. Your place in hell is assured. 
Added on 09 Sept 2024:
Professing Christians have more in-depth relationships in the worldly systems than they do in Christ, the church and within the body of the church. Then wonder why they do not experience anything profound in their own lives
The shakes and shivers you occasionally feel while worshiping God in church for 30 minutes when the weather is good. Is nothing as compared to when the Holy Spirit actually moves through you and within you.
One has to qualify for the Holy Spirit to move in you, through you and dwell within you. This qualification is predetermined by the Holy Spirit. How? Why? Who? When? How Long?
Once the Holy Spirit makes itself known within you. It will become very difficult for you to return to the worldly systems currently governed by satan. 
Profound effects still remain within those who merely witness the work of the Holy Spirit. Even being a witness of such things can profoundly change lives. 
For those who are allowed to witness the workings of the Holy Spirit and yet continue to refuse to change from their evil ways. This may indicate an unchanging apathetic permanence within the witness. 
The two shall work different paths in life and yet they may fight along side one another and then when the battle concludes they each shall return to their own path. 
The American two will also be similar to other nations two. For one will be like the Christian Crusaders and the other shall be like the beloved national warrior. Both believers shall walk their individual walk. They shall not be controlled by any human outsider.
The new generation of Christian Crusaders will be led by the Holy Spirit. While the nationalistic warrior may be led by the Holy Spirit from time to time. Especially when directly combined with the Christian Crusader's. 
The new Christian Crusader shall have no freedom, no choice but to only follow the leading's of the Holy Spirit. While the nationalistic warrior shall have every freedom until they become like the Christian Crusader. 
No human organization or agency will be able to control either of the two brothers who are the new Christian Crusaders and the nationalistic warriors. For each of the brothers will efficiently kill those who impede their movement's.
The new Christian crusaders and the Nationalistic warriors are similar but not the same. Both knowing they will physically lose in their own individual ends. Both have trained in the arts of fighting, of weapons and in actual combat skills. 
The new Christian Crusaders and the nationalistic warriors must come to a brutal end and this is when the coming of Christ shall return like an angry lion to avenge them and to avenge all of the innocent souls who were made to suffer.
There shall be no guarantee that the nationalistic warrior will be able to enter into Heaven. While the motivated mind, heart and spirit of the new Christian Crusader is aligned with Christ and with the Holy Spirit. 
Time is now for those devout who have been spiritually led to think about the Christian Crusaders. For each of you. It will be time to train and to seek actual experience. For you down time will be in prayer and in the Bible. For you off time is in extra fighting training.
For the new Christian Crusader. Your only vacation, holiday, rest time, off time shall be when you exhale your last and then reawaken in glory and in the pastures of rest. Fore the Lord shall always lead you and guide you.
Do not be deceived or dismayed into doing nothing. The vile wicked evildoers in the world are fully intending on killing every Christian and to even erase the memory that Christianity ever existed. This is far beyond exterminating all Jews from the world. 
Be joyful in your worthiness of suffering at the hands of the vile wicked evildoers. Be satisfied that your coming suffering is like the apostles when they were tortured and martyred for the faith.
Have courage and be strong in the Christian faith. The time of great distress is about to befall upon you and for many it already has. Be joyful that you are known to be worthy of the whole world being against you. 
Be wise and be not deceived Christian. The coming of great hardships is like a terrible tsunami which can be seen in the distance rising out of the turbulent sea. Your time is short and wise preparation must be done.
Be warned and know that anything and everything which keeps you distracted from prayer and Bible study is of satan and of the evildoers who lead the world systems. 
Be warned and know that all of the vast entertainment sources in the world are all designed to keep you from God, righteousness, holiness and to sway you with every manner of sin as sources of good pleasures.
Christians shall be uprooted from their homes and ancestral lands. Christians shall be hunted, tortured and killed for His name sake. Their rewards shall be in the open arms of Jesus. While the wicked evildoers find their promises of many virgins to be a lie as they are tormented in hell. 
A Christian cannot be a Christian soldier without knowing how to use all of the armor of God. You have to know how the fit and function is of every weapon. 
You vile wicked evildoers and fallen angels who have become god and lord pretenders. You shall not escape and your forever torment and eventual end is more than a certainty. There is no winning and no victory for any of you.
Added on 12 Sept 2024: 
The oblivious war against Christianity is one of erasure.
Christians are oblivious of the war of erasure against them. 
No one is concerned when the flood waters are far away. It is only when the flood waters have surrounded you that you know escape to higher ground is no longer possible. 
No one is concerned when the fires are far away. It is only when the fires are upon you that you realize you should have evacuated long ago. 
No one is concerned when war is in some far off land. No one is concerned when the enemies have gained entry into their land. There shall be no escape when those who hate you and want you dead begin the blood letting.
No one is concerned when the church far away is burned down. It is only when your own church is burned down that you become concerned and yet every other Christian remains apathetic as you once were. 
The world is full of apathetic Christians who only begin to care when something bad happens to them. 
The safe and secure Christians still believe and act like nothing bad is going to happen to them. Even after knowing that the enemies are already inside of the gates. 
You complacent Christians who have failed to love one another. Know that your gruesome deaths comes for all. You shall be hunted in your safe places. You shall only have worry and fear as the enemies are already inside of your gates. 
There is no safe place for you Christians to go to. Your enemies since before the Catholic Crusades are upon you and only want for you to become extinct and erased. 
You complacent and do nothing Christians. Continue to only pray for your own safety and protection as those wicked evildoers are already among you waiting for the their appointed time to begin killing all of you.
You helpless and defenseless Christians who have not their full armor of God and who know not how to use any of them. You each shall horrifically be tortured and killed.
Those Christians who know how to use the full armor of God will not give their back to any enemy. Even the enemy who is already among them.
Those righteous souls who face the enemies of God shall be martyred. While those who turn their backs on the enemies of God shall merely be humiliated, tortured and killed. 
Those righteous souls as determined by God are already training and using their full armor of God mentally, physically and spiritually. *This does mean actual real world fighting styles with weapons. 
Every Christian will be forced to become active members of their own churches security teams. While the fake and phony Christians will just quietly walk away from Jesus. 
Christians will begin to know that foreign enemies are inside of the gates. But, the bigger surprise is when their own beloved nation also becomes their enemy.
Even in the land of the free and the home of the brave shall lose everything as they all become the land of the enslaved and the home of the cowardice as everyone else who is worthy is killed. 
It takes much time and manpower for the wicked evildoers to continually orchestrate their crimes in order to maintain power.
Once the criminals have full control. They will begin their purge every threat. They will cleanse all of the intelligent people. The degree of killing will exceed every Communist leader leader who has ever lied and deceived his own people.
All deep flag waving nationalistic pride must end in death. This is why more than half of all true Americans must be killed in the continued communistic takeover of the United States of America. 
*All Christians must be put to death. This is why more than half of all true Americans must be killed in the continued communistic takeover of the United States of America. 
C.J.MacKechnie *Their mindset. 
The communistic wicked evildoers already know if they have to kill every nationalistic and every Christian. They will do it. This is why they desire to protect the economy by importing new tax payers who already have a socialistic mindset.
Added on 17 Sept 2024:
The voices of logic and reason shall be silenced with great hatred and anger.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Monday, September 2, 2024

War Cometh For Some, While War Is Already Present For Others +14: (Unedited): 02 Sept 2024:

The general prophecy within the book of Deuteronomy.
Go seek them out. 
How you live your life under the faithful authority of God becomes a blessing to you, your house and to the generations which exceed you.
While the secularists who simply accept the existence of God and believe in Him but at the same time freely choose to live their own free chosen life as full of sin as possible. To them they each become self cursed. 
Your churches shall be set ablaze, your women abused and tortured, your children murdered before your eyes by the wicked evil doers whom you have allowed entry. Your leaders shall be helpless and defenseless in the dealings of those who profoundly hate you. You shall end. 
You shall be wholly conquered not by your own leaders but by your own unrighteousness, unholiness and by your rejection of God. 
You shall stand in anger breathing your last and shaking your fists at God for the things you have done to your own self.
Those joyful and pleasurable sins which you have freely allowed to come into your own lives tastes wonderful and enjoyable. But shall become like spoiled and poisoned meats you have already eaten. 
Sins works like this. Just Like any spoiled and poisoned foods you have already eaten. You shall be consumed by terrible pains and suffering until death finally comes for you. This is how sin works. 
Jesus actually made the concept of sin worse. After Jesus, you did not actually have to physically sin. All you had to do now is just sin within your own mind and heart as well. Your own hatred's is equated to that of a mass murderer. 
Note: Plural sins is a mass murderer. Look up the Bible verse where Jesus says if you have hatred in your heart. He speaks of or implies of just one kind of sin.
The wicked evildoers of Islam shall do terrible things unto you. They have been raised to believe that you are not human as they are. Even if you covert you will never be equal to them as you will only be a foreigner who converted by force. Which makes you a weak coward. They have been taught to hate you. They have been taught that you are not worthy of life. For 900 years they have been teaching these things. Islam even teaches that Adolf Hitler was a hero. Islam teaches their children to hate and to become mass murderers. Islam teaches their children how to make war and how to kill you. All of this that they shall do as each one ritualistically purifies themselves for their own death. 
None of this is secret and the Islamic people freely acknowledges all of it. Since the military conflicts in Iraq. All of these things have been reported. Besides, the less you know the easier it shall be for them to kill all of you and to destroy the memory of your own nation states. This is the end result.
China has a professional military problem and they have a solution. They have begun many years ago to raise up their children to hate America and to instill within each child basic soldierly skill sets. Thus, by beginning at an early age to hate and to become professional civilian soldiers. They will best the Americans. Which in less than two decades the DEI, woke and LGBTQ mindsets will have destroyed the American will to fight and to be able to put up any kind of effective military force. The instillation of sin and the removal of God shall end the USA in its entirety. Then when the Americans can no longer defend themselves America as a whole shall be carved up especially since the fearsome Gen X'ers begin to age out, become sickly and die. The FAFO Gen X have already begun aging out. Gen X have already been grandparents and are becoming great grand parents.
Check the dates: Videos not in any order. In one check the in classroom clothing.
So do your own research. Validate each video yourself. Do your own due diligence in all things. 
Then think about this. While Islam, China and Russia are actually teaching their own children soldierly skill sets. While actually receiving actual real education. While China is teaching their own children to think with their minds. You/Me teach our children to think with calculators and computers. You/We are teaching our own children to hate their sex and to not trust the other sex. You/Me are teaching our own children to see themselves as a mistake but it can be fixed with sex changing chemicals and mutilation surgeries. You/We are teaching our children DEI and LGBTQ while our enemies are teaching their children martial arts. You/Me are only teaching social skills and no longer teaching how to read, write, history or to do arithmetic. Even the Boy Scouts hated their name so much that they just removed the term boy. What was the only real civilian type of military training within the USA is just gone. So in about less than 10 years. The idea of America will be dead and the new adults will no longer have any desire to fight for the evil America in which they have been taught. It is really far worse than I write, Because you the reader can easily say what about this and what about that. You will be correct. The end of America is at hand and those being raised up can care less. The children of today are being taught that socialism, communism and Marxism is their preferred preferred ideology. They do not know that humanity fought two world wars and one cold war because of socialism. Before you go off. Nazi Germany was a socialist state. What did the USSR stand for? In today's modern world where socialist continued on with the war we think we won. They effectively changed the hearts and minds of the younger generations into becoming traitors to their own nations and ideologies. 
Deuteronomy 28 and read it all. For this is the sole reason why and not any other evidence. Other than God seeing you as an enemy to His will and then He sends your own enemies to over take you, to destroy you and to kill you. You had your chance, You had your blessings and now those of you who will survive shall become the tail, the slave, the servant, the less than, troubles and woes shall follow you and those that come after you. Even you Americans have exported more evil out and into the world than you have good godly things.
You have failed in life. You have failed in your humanly duties. Now God will send your destroyers into your own holy places, sanctuaries and safe places. Fire shall engulf everything. 
The repentance of each of your nations is still possible before the blood bath begins. Once the blood begins to flow into the streets, rivers and soil. Your repentance window may have closed. 
The repentance window of the United States Of America may close sooner than those nations of western Europe. The USA will become the smoking example to the whole world as to why you should not turn your back on God as the Americans have done in the last many decades.
The Americans have rejected the recent signs of Jonah and as such the United States of America shall end in death and destruction. America shall be no more and carved up like a juicy Turkey. 
The signs of Jonah are real. Because, you did not believe or simply discounted them as nothing more than simple celestial and Earth phenomenon. 
Death and destruction shall come to those who have rejected the good things from God and also those wicked evildoers who are not of God shall be used as a tool. Even they who stand in celebration shall also suffer and die. 
Those of you who think God is for you as you do horrible things to innocent souls. Your believed rewards shall be forever torment and suffering. You shall not know a single pure virgin in the afterlife. You have been lied to. 
NOTE: I'm not an anti-American or even anti-European. I must write what I must write. In order to save lives. To save America??? Once America is gone. There are no safe places to live in. Except maybe in Alaska. But, I have also had visions of Russian retaking Alaska with their regular soldiers and with the Chinese military. They simply kill everyone in their path. Surrender will no matter. This also includes the indigenous peoples as well. They will kill everyone. This is the old way of human warfare.  America is no longer the good guy. I'm not saying that Russia and China are the good guys either. Only God is good. 
Select certain people will begin to see symbols in the clouds. These will have specific meanings and are direct messages to the human leaders of the world. These cloud messages will be ignored but will also convey intentions or prophecies if repentance is not seen. Vision ends.
Note: Not really sure what these means. This is intended for those who have direct contact with governmental authorities and not for janitors like me. So if I look up at the clouds and see weird shapes then that is all that they would be to me is weird shapes. But, trained and educated people who know a variety of symbols will be able to see and decipher intelligence in the clouds. 
This came right after the sonar like sounds in the Boeing craft attached to the ISS. Even in the sounds of sonar signals there can be intelligent digital signals which require a computer to ascertain the message if any. A signal which also causes magnetic energies across a specific speaker. Which causes the speaker to make those oscillation sounds. I wonder what the message was? If any? Probably "way classified".
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Death Visions +47: (Unedited): 24 Aug 2024:

Deleted. Yea, I know I said the other thing. This is different. The great revealing is sooner than you think.
I walking in a beautiful day. The grass is really tall all over. The sidewalks are not edged. I see something in grass like the grass grew taller in one spot. I look out across the pasture and I see dozens of these spots and think to myself this is where the cows laid down to die. But, as I approached one of the spots. I see the remains of a human. Directly under the dead humans the grass was dead as if the grass and soil would not accept the blood of the people. The person looked like he/she was shot. None of the corpses had weapons. They all looked like they were running from something. It had been a while as I did not smell death about. My reaction was one of no big deal. End.
I continued on and into a high dollar neighborhood. All of the grass was tall, furniture and stuff everywhere. Burned down homes, Burned up cars, trucks and SUV's, broken windows and open doors. No one was anywhere. I was alone and in these places they to had the taller grasses and within each one was a dead body all of which were seemed to have been shot. I went into many houses and the dead people were everywhere. Many running and many fighting and some hiding. Everything in the homes of use were all cleaned out. None of the bodies had any weapons of any kind. End. 
Conditional Machines guns and other weapons of warfare. I see young hoodlums and criminals with machine guns of every kind. They are instructed to keep them all hidden and to not use them until the appointed time. They know one of the appointed times is when the cops all die day. There will be or are code words for these gang members. Who must go forth when the code word is issued and kill cops. Where ever they find them.
The delivery of these weapons which do include explosives are already being delivered inside every modern western nation.
I have written this before where many men attack the homes of police officers. What is new is that there is a code word or phrase or something. 
The enemies have bought homes purposefully in close proximity to the homes of police officers. Once the enemies have killed the police officers and his/her family. Then they will go through the neighborhoods killing everyone they find. While keep the young girls to be raped.  End.
NOTE: The point of my writing is to save lives. 
NOTE: There will be so many attacks all at one time. You must protect your departments and families, then move out from those protected centralized locations. En-mass go after the enemies. Do not engage in hand to hand combat. You will be forced to kill them all. Besides they want to go to their god so make the meeting happen. This is war. Do not take anyone in custody or as prisoners. The enemy will have machine guns and explosives of many different kinds which will include RPG's. Do remember that just because the government writes laws does not make those laws right or righteous. You have a duty to protect the citizens and that may include protecting those citizens from an evil and corrupt governmental body.
 I knew as I walked to another place that the whole of the USA was like the area I was in. I knew all of the modern nations of the world had ended. I saw the death, destruction everywhere. War was the tool of the extinction of humanity. 
The strong delusion that God had sent to this world was very effective. Even the leaders of the world had become delusional and not even realized it. So, they did all that they did within the confines of that delusion all the while thinking they were being reasonable and truthful trying to save the world. In the end all that the leaders and rulers of the world had done was kill us all or at least begin the extinction process. Especially, when the good people or the actual children of God who has not been infected by the strong delusion can see the truthful reality of what is being done. Only to become the enemies of the worlds delusional leaders. In the superior pride do they succumb to the delusion even to the degree of becoming dictators in their own little kingdoms. Once the identity of their own nation has ended. But, those will be short lived as They each will be killed along with their families by the evil hordes that they allowed to enter within. 
Know it is a lie. 
Your cowardice will be easily seen by the wicked evildoers as they have promised that if you become just like them you will be allowed to live. This to is also a lie that your own delusion will believe as the truth.
No one likes or accepts a traitor to their own people and nation. You will not be trusted as when your usefulness comes to an end. You and your entire family shall be killed in great celebration. 
You traitorous leaders in this world. Everyone will be out to kill you and your family. There will be three ways that you and your family will die. 1) extinction 2) Murder by your own people 3) Murder by those whom you have aligned yourself with. 
You traitorous leaders you dream of much more. You envision yourselves as Lords of great power and authority. You will not see any of it. All of the promises and rewards of the wicked evildoers is all a deception in order to control you. 
Many of you who are traitors do not think of yourselves as traitors. For you are fully allied with the wicked evildoers of this world. Since you are not actually one of them. Once your usefulness as a leader or manager has concluded you shall die. 
The grand delusion is when you think and believe that killing 8 billion human souls is a good thing to save the planet. This makes you not just a participant but a wicked evildoer. 
If the wrong person is elected president then the killing of anyone who is considered their enemy will be killed after a certain amount of time in office. It will begin on an established day of celebration to their god. While if the other one is elected president. This person will have spies in their midst. 
Added on 26 Aug 2024: New European Police Officer Vision.
I see police officers holding a line against Islamic men. There had been assurance from the Islamic authorities that no harm will come to the police officers. This promise is a lie. On a particular day the Islamic police officers who you think are your friends and who you think will have your back is all a lie. 
Back to the police line which is meant to stop the progression of the Islamic men. The Islamic authorities on this day put their most capable fighters and murders at the forefront. The Islamic men hold their own line but there is a reason. They are waiting for more and more police officers to fill the ranks in many places. Why? It is simple on this day the Islamic men will kill them all. The Islamic men who are in the ranks of the police officers will also participate in the murdering of the police officers. There will be Islamic police officers who also will hold positions within the police leadership and it will be those who shall kill the leadership of the police officers. End.
NOTE: In this vision I get the images as well as an explanation.
Can you even imagine that your Islamic police buddies whom you thought you were friends with are going to one day kill you all because some religious authority said to and ordered it. He will dance in the street over your corpses. You will be completely surprised and then you will die. 
You Europeans who have become Muslim by faith. This will not protect you as you will never be one of them. So because of their own racial bias. They will kill you as well. I just do not know when. Probably when you will be required to kill your own family and friends. Then when you don't or won't. That is when they will kill you. 
Added on 30-31 Aug 2024: European and American police officers and agents. My writings are meant to save lives.
Many of the new police officers and agents have always had a nothing behind their eyes, delusional mind and a hardened heart. Fore they have been trained by the world and because of this they will believe anything and everything. Regardless, if they lose their soul, honor and self respect. 
Many in law enforcement never had life behind their eyes, nor a reasonable mind, nor a compassionate heart. They are foolishly obedient regardless of truth or cruelty as they have already lost their soul, heart and honor. 
Soon very soon every police officer and agent will become the enemy of the people. Even the officers and agents who still uphold actual law of the land, The constitution and the BOR will succumb to an angry bullet shot by an angry person who should not have seen you as an enemy. But, You have decided to remain in the uniform which once stood for blind justice and the good of the people. So, it is you who will pay the price, the men and women of honor who refuses to give in and quit. I respect you each. But truly want you men of honor and self respect to just disappear from your service. Because, you cannot change back which has been changed from the top down. I pray to God that the Holy Spirit tells each of good souls to move on. While those who are truly a part of the wicked evil doers remain. You cannot stop it or change it and remaining within identifies you as a wicked evil doer. 
Be warned, If and when you do leave. The government that you once gave your life for will no longer be what it was. Even to the degree of killing and murdering of all threats by any means necessary. Which includes you and your entire family. After all, that is a historical European thing, right?!?!
Western European Families have already begun sending their children to America for safe keeping. By this will be a short term safety measure as the United States of America must end in it's entirety prior to the rising up of the true first evil ruler of the unified world. Carved up like a juicy Thanksgiving Turkey.
NOTE: Download and print all of the important content you desire to keep on hand as I will be completely deleted and there are no backups. Not just my stuff but anything else you deem as important. Research making your own copied books in physical and not digital hard copy. 
NOTE: Somebody reading this and thinking impossible with expletives. The words ring in my ears. 
In the USA the machine guns are already in the hands of the criminal gangs. They have been told to keep them hidden. Yet, the delusional pride mind of the gang banger must use them because they believe they wont get caught.
The equitable disbursement of machine guns and ammunition into every Islamic Mosque is and already has been occurring. Of course these actual weapons, explosives and munitions of warfare are immediately moved to other places for safe keeping. These will be used once the directive is given to no longer hold back and to kill everyone that they can. They anticipate with profound excitement and thirst for that day. The day of their beautiful martyrdom. But, first they must kill everyone that they can. 
There are many hidden war making drone factories that are hiding under the guise of package delivery. Because those drones which can deliver innocent packages can also deliver munitions and explosives. While in the USA, You may find one hidden in a dead mall or a dead industrial site. There are many more all across your nations. 
I think one key is in the absence of information.because, a genuine business wants people to know where they are and who they are. Some one who does not desire easy access by people should be suspect. Such as a mall store front which is made to look like any other dead mall store front. No name, No ads, No hopes, no promises only a camera. 
I see many fronts of police officers and in the very front of them are the Islamic must capable fighters in hand to hand combat. Then there are the hundreds who have bladed weapons and pipes. There are about a dozen to twenty Islamic men who are in strategic positions to effectively fire their machine guns at all law enforcement. There are individual men who are close by who carry much ammunition. The police know not what is about to happen. I think this vision has a change to the last vision. The police officers who are Islamic are absent or elsewhere. This vision is on the police lines and the Islamic protestors. The religious leaders have given the order to kill everyone. I see the hand to hand combat trained guys rushing in with those with pipes and blades. Then a code is spoken and the machine guns sing their songs of death. Zero Islamic men die that day although many injured. Thousands of police officers killed in one night. The bodies of the dead police officers are used in public celebratory display as which is typically historically known by the Islamic peoples. 
Just as you have one kind of 20 year old dead killer so to is there many more all being groomed and trained up. 
The young groomed killers will be used to kill special people while covering up the assassination with a mass murder.
NOTE: There is already a well established pattern of what and who these young killers are. 
Added on 31 Aug 2024: Have you read the book of Revelation and how the saints return? 
You really need to know. That I really want to believe in the rapture and really want the rapture to actually happen. But, I also think the rapture could be a misunderstood prophecy just as when the first coming of Jesus and he was supposed to be a military leader who would free Israel from Roman occupation. I'm just a deeply flawed human being. 
That which comes from any worldly tyrant shall by horrendously felt and known by all of the people. There shall be great suffering and death in numbers to great to even properly bury them all. 
The coming demonically/satanically led tyrants shall have powers that normal humans do not possess. They will seem godlike and the human leaders of the world will joyfully follow them though they still remain in secret to the masses of humanity. 
The leaders of the world are fully consumed by satan and they are fully in the joyful knowing of his powers as they exercise his authority by governing all of the recently new chaos in the world. 
In the coming singular global war of religions, cultures, peoples, ethos and of nations. There will not be any respect or honor for women, children or the elderly. All will be sought out and killed. 
The Lebanonization of Western Europe is easily seen by the Americans. The American civilian will have time to come to terms that when and if those things begin to happen here. They will be forced to kill them all which includes women and children. 
If the elected American government begins to defend and protect Islam and other illegal criminals. Then the entire government and its agents, soldiers will been seen as the enemy and the American people will kill them to. 
Note: The ugliness of this writing has been written before. This is the book of Revelation kind of stuff. 
The American civilians will know the unfortunate truth in warfare that the only way you can fight and defeat any group of people who teaches and raises their children as glorified mass murders in the name of Allah must all be killed.
American women in WWII were a key aspect in the war production. In a similar way the women of Islam are a key source in production of their own soldiers. Which is why they produce children as quickly as they physically can. It is their duty to Allah. 
The men, women and children of Islam are physical weapons and soldiers of warfare. They are obedient and passionate about becoming martyred in the name of Allah. This is their greatest hope. 
You cannot negotiate with anyone who is absolutely obedient and fervently passionate to the teachings of their own murderous religion. A religion who wants you and Christianity to die and to be erased.
In every era of time. There will always be those murderous guards of WWII Germany concentration camps. Those German guards knew not that they were in the wrong. Those guards knew not that it was they who were and are the wicked evil doers. 
Islam will always fear the rising up of the new Christian Crusaders. Absent of Catholic or government support. These new Godly and righteous men will go forth already knowing how to practically function as warriors of God.
You cannot reason with or negotiate with the evil which is Islam. Just as when Islam and any other force meets up with the new Christian Crusaders. Those Christian Crusaders will not be negotiated with either as they kill anyone who comes before them. 
The coming of the Christian crusaders may not as of today know this is what they are to be. Their whole life has been one of isolation and privacy even if they never wanted to be self isolated and private.
The coming Christian Crusader may not know this is who they are to be as they have maintained their purity, self respect and personal honor in their lives all the while being actual good Christians.
The good Christian warrior already has both their spiritual and physical armor of God on and know how to use them both. They already know how to function with each other even though they know not the other whom they will fight and die alongside. 
Historically the crusaders were delayed and were a response to the wicked and evil threats which has become Islam. So to in this modern era will the Crusaders be delayed.
Christian crusaders will witness the atrocities of Islam and of simple criminals. They shall in private train and discipline themselves in combat and at first becoming defenders of the innocent. 
Modern Christian crusaders will rise up and shall be absolutely obscured from detection as they begin to kill the vile wicked evildoers from a distance. They shall then be ghosts.
Faith of the Christian crusaders will be like ghosts and in some cases when they are surrounded they will be able to cleanly walk through evildoers who come to arrest them but in truth will kill them if they surrender. 
Be warned you officers, agents and soldiers. When your ordered to come against an actual Christian crusader. You will not be forgiven what you do against them. It is they who are actually protecting the innocent and fighting the wicked evildoers whom you represent. 
The number of American Christian Churches which support and promote gun activities, martial arts and soldierly conduct shall rise. With an eye towards purity, righteousness and holiness as which is judged by God alone. 
NOTE: The Christian faith cannot be separated from the learning of any martial arts, gun training or soldierly training. Just as prophecy cannot be separated from the spirit, heart and mind of the Holy Bible.
The privileged leaders of the world know not the degree of spiritual, mental and emotional delusion through the deceptions from knowing satan first hand. That all of his false promises to each of them are just lies.
The privileged leaders of the world are just WWII concentration camp guards administering and managing death to all. While never coming to the realization that they too shall be killed and then judged by God. 
The rise of the ghost like Christian crusaders shall come forth. The governments and media of the world will condemn their exploits and to say it is only one crazy person. But, the truth is that there will be one hundreds of millions Christian crusaders in the whole world.
To lose everything in and of the world is a very small price to pay to inherit everything greater than the whole of this world or solar system. 
To be a follower of Christ also means that you are an enemy to all of the world systems. 
In each nation which is in revolt. There shall be hundreds and thousands of Robin Hood type of characters. With each Robin Hood having their own following. 
The tyrannical leaders of each globally united nation will come to the decision that killing everyone who knows of the local heroic Robin Hood types of people shall deemed as necessary as new people shall be given their arms and properties. 
You law enforcement personnel, agents and soldiers, look closely at each attack on helpless civilians. Look at their fighting styles and the commonalities. They are all seemingly from similar fighting styles of boxing and taekwondo. The mindset of more on one fighting is that you cannot spend much time on any one opponent. When your numbers are superior, you surround and get close and then maul your isolated opponent. Sort of like what the police do when they are working protests. Think about it. because, If one highly trained striker can knock down 3 or 4 police officers before getting tased. He can also kill 3 or 4 police officers if he had permission from his religious leaders. Trying to save cop lives here. 
Many of you cops, agents and soldiers know the difference between what is right and what is wrong. As soon as you see that your leadership has become corrupted. You need to get out. Yes, I do understand that you can financially lose allot of resources, home and etc. But, you have to seriously consider if you want to become just like the guard of any Nazi Germany WWII concentration camp? Or does it not matter. By getting out just to maintain your honor, self respect and dignity. Can mean the absolute loss of all that you have worked for. 
Sometimes life is like this. 
You can make all of the right, correct and true decisions in life and yet still end up with nothing in the world. 
Through you good cops, agents and soldiers. The US Constitution and the American flag can yet again become a good symbol to uphold. Can yet again become the shining light of liberty and freedom on the hill
Americans cannot allow the idea of liberty and freedom to become hidden in some dark chest where the heirlooms of your great ancestors reside. Once hidden in those dark places. All which is good shall become lost and forgotten.
Do not hide the idea about the importance of liberty, freedom, justice and human rights. Do not hold your tongue about the importance of liberty, freedom, justice and human rights. 
A person who hides in silence within their own home is not freer than the one who is imprisoned for rightfully revealing and speaking the truth. 
There is usually never an appointment made when a fight, battle, skirmish or war begins. The element of surprise along with superior numbers is usually necessary to achieve victory. 
Be aware when facing an entire civilian population who are all actually well trained war fighters and hate you. When they are faced to face with your own untrained and fully accepting civilian population. You will die and lose your nation.
Those righteous and holy souls who do decide to take up the sword in defense of the innocent. Shall also die like Christ and the apostles. Be joyful in the coming of your physical death and be worthy of it. 
Just like the first Christians who horrifically died for their faith in Jesus Christ so to shall those actual and genuine Christians who continually love one another in the modern times. For their loved expressed shall be rejected as each Christian is tortured and martyred. 
Added on 01 Sept 2024: I should have wrote this two days ago. Young Islamic grade school boys will commit mass stabbing murders within their own schools. I have seen this in on going visions. Once the first grade school stabbing is done and is deemed successful by the Islamic authority. Then more and more will happen. The government officers and politicians will declare how this is sad and this is an isolated incident. When it was all planned by Islamic leaders and the one student who was selected with honor.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
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Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.