Monday, October 14, 2024

No Vote Only Violence +35: (Unedited): 06-14 Oct 2024:

Please bypass my comments if you believe only the quotes are of importance. 
You need to know. I do not like writing like this. I have in the past avoided, deleted or just omitted these things. But, such is not the case when dealing with anything which could be prophetic. The point of writing anything which seems bad and sad is to prevent or mitigate. It is also necessary for each person to make fundamental changes in their own lives. You know the genuine repenting thing. You know the stopping of addictive behaviors. Actually loving one another as well as the other purple words below. 
The eye wall of Hurricane Milton took 20 minutes to pass over where I stayed. It was peaceful and quiet inside of the eye and then all hell broke looses. Most utilities are up and running. Fuel/gas is still difficult to obtain. Be a good human and take care of each other which includes your own neighbors. You know the purple words below requires actual work and effort. 
None of the quotes below are organized or written in order. If that means something to you. 
You need to know that the quotes are far more important than any of my other ramblings. 
You who are associated with any government entity and within any other agencies. If you still have your honor, moral compass, integrity and all of those good pure qualities of what makes a genuine man and genuine woman. Then you must decide if you will remain or if you will leave. Because, when the civilians begin to see your uniform and badge as their enemy. The civilians will kill the uniform and badge. They will not be targeting the good soul within. So do not be a simpleton who will be obedient to every order without any thought. You must decide now, be responsible now for your family. You must make your exit honorable and righteous. All before the first shot rings out from some stupid civilian and then celebrated by the masses. It does not matter what for or who or how many were shot. Read my writings and know that I'm trying to save your life. This is because you the good soul will be surrounded by evildoers who will kill you simply because they were ordered to do so and those will be the same people whom you have shared good times with. You already know this. You already know of those who enjoy all of the excitement and killing. You already know those who question nothing and worse does not even care to question anything. The only thing which can save you, your family is you removing yourself from their equation. You must properly remove yourself from their equation. Cause them to forget about you and they will because they are apathetic wicked evildoers.
You need to know that if all of humanity does not repent then all of the worse prophecies in regards to this time will happen. Guess what the people are not repenting. The Americans are not repenting. What is worse is that no one feels or thinks they need to repent.
Those who thirst and seek after the most superficial joys that humanity has to offer may already have been spiritually convicted and dead. 
Those who are the most dead, thirst and seek after the most superficial worldly joys.
From the sky thousands of columns of fire shall rain down upon the coordinates and addresses of the enemies of the world system.
From the sky and down to the ground the enemies of the world system shall become super heated vapor and no one will know.
All of those who are capable, willing and predicted to resist the emergence of the worlds system shall be fundamentally erased.
While the Christian God is the enemy of the world system shall purify the planet with great fire. The world system shall erase His children from physical existence with fire.
No one will know. No one will question the deaths and disappearances. 
All of the public figures who teach a way of life in which the world system does not approve of shall be erased and become like fiery dust.
The world system shall eliminate and erase all of the resistance fighters before they even think of themselves as resistance fighters.
The enemies of the world system is already known by the world system and they all will be evaporated before they are even aware that they are anyone's enemies.
Rejection of evil governmental authority and of silence will precede any beginning to any violent act. Then the need to end the vile wicked evildoers in the world.
As the always defenseless good citizen is brutalized by the government. They who know violence and honor the good shall be a compassionate witness. 
As the good helpless citizen's are imprisoned for thought crimes. Those who know war will begin to take action especially after it becomes unlawful to even pray in your own home. 
The local citizens will begin to take the law into their own hands when their own local law enforcement agencies are seen as complicit in the spread of pornographic messages to children in the schools. 
The wicked and evil leaders and teachers shall be killed by the good citizens as a measure for protecting all of the children. Especially, when it is deemed that law enforcement and justice has failed the community. 
A group of politicians must outlaw a certain practice in which they do not financially profit from. Then with proper financial gains and contracts make that outlawed practice lawful. 
Any group of people who are willing to use classified technologies to murder and to destroy their own people for a profit motive is truly wicked and evil. 
For the most financial gain for the wicked politicians it is better to crush, kill and destroy their own self defined useless resource eaters than it is to simply pay them to leave or to continually be allowed to live their wasted lives. 
In your human form it is impossible to have full righteousness, holiness and purity. Just as it is impossible to have full wisdom, knowledge and understanding. You must be made into the incorruptible before those things can be achieved
The door is now open and is your last chance. You must freely choose to enter within as you shed all of your old evil and wicked ways. The shell of the old you shall be burned away as you become incorruptible.
As the wicked evildoers continue to block access to those good people who want to save lives and to ease suffering. The time will come when the good warriors and soldiers who have honor and a strong moral compass must take action and they will. 
The righteous anger of the good warriors and soldiers shall precede their inherent duty to rid the helpless, defenseless good civilians from those who only want their continued suffering and death.
Once the violence begins by those who will secret themselves in the trees and come silently out of the blinds. You local law enforcement officials must prevent the beginning of these actions by ridding yourselves of the wicked evildoers yourself. 
You local law enforcement officers can only hold back the righteous warriors who have always had your back. But, once they deem you as a wicked evildoer. You to shall die with the rest of the wicked mixing your blood with theirs. 
The signs of societal decline always begin with the selfish wants of the self isolationist population.
When the population no longer cares for the great wonders of history and see as any great planned thing as a waste of time and money. Your society is already in decline and you know it not. 
When your societal population prefers minimalist mediocrity over any great deed or any good job done. Your society is already in decline. 
When your society begins to even refuse to do any good necessary thing. Which includes becoming an interplanetary species. Your society is well beyond decline and becoming more suicidal. 
The fear of failure and the fear beginning of any new thing to prevent failure is not just a sign or personal or corporate stagnation. It is a sign of societal stagnation and decline. 
Those who merely follow the world system, are against the world system or doesn't care either way shall all equally perish. As the extinction of humanity shall be the end result unbeknownst to the prideful elites who think themselves as superior. 
The vastly superior and arrogantly prideful elites who is above all shall not even be aware that they have just caused the total extinction of the entire human species. 
The greatest blood covered dupes in all of human history will be those humans who think themselves as the greatest and most important people who have ever been born. 
It shall be the self defined greatest, most important and most wealthy people who start the process to eliminate more than 94% of the human population. But, they will make a mistake and kill everyone. 
It is only the Christian God who comes at the last minute and saves only those whom He chooses to save. If God did not intervene in that last minute then all of humanity would have perished. 
We are in the time of the open door and soon it will close. When the door closes then it is closed. Do not miss the open door invite. This is your last chance. All of the invites have already been delivered in your past and you refused them all.
Those who are already inside if you are not properly adorned with what is only accepted by the Master. Then you shall be escorted out. It matters not if you have been inside your entire life. It matters not if you worked inside your whole life. 
Even the fallen angels were once inside and now they are outside and unable to get back in. Do not be like them. Repent and become a born again child of God before you are shown the door and the door closes with you on the outside. 
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Friday, October 4, 2024

The Shining One Reveals +24: (Unedited): 04 Oct 2024:

An illuminated prophetic sign in Helene has just passed.
Prophetic signs of all kinds are not important for those signs only point to that which your supposed to pay attention to. 
A prophetic sign is just like any other sign seen on the road. As they are all signs of a prophetic time line like the Dead End sign or the yummy food up ahead sign. 
Hurricane Helene reveals the truth as which was hidden in the dark. 
In the dark the wicked evildoers can hide, prey and pounce on their victims.
Wicked Evildoers are like apex ambush predators who take advantage of anyone or anything which is not paying attention. This includes those who are thirsty and hungry. 
Once the shining light of a created Helene was formed, controlled and directed. She revealed the entire truth of all directly related entities. 
In the aftermath the wicked evildoers will prevent and threaten the actual good people from doing their good works. 
In the aftermath the wicked evildoers will take from the good people while they plan on how to disrespect and desecrate the beloved corpses in secret as they erase the memory of what was.
In the aftermath the wicked evildoers will pretend to be helpful as they slither around like the snakes that they are committing all manner of crimes.
In the aftermath the wicked evildoers who wear the uniforms and badges of honor shall reveal their true nature as they take away your God given rights with threats and with arrest. 
In the short shining life of the very destructive Helene. She revealed to all of America that their elected government officials are truly the enemies of all American citizens. 
The American government does not have the right to give permission and threaten people with arrest who are following the new law of God to go forth and love one another. 
In the after glow of the destructive Helene. All can now see that the American government has become the easily seen monster in the room.
While the people continue to suffer and die The American Government can easily be seen as the new threat to all of the American people. 
As the American government continues to conduct their wicked evilness to it's own citizens. It will be the citizens who shall ring out the first shots in a new civil war. 
You good agents of a now easily seen wicked United States. You cannot simply follow wicked and evil orders without paying the price with your own life. 
Once the last free people on Earth sees that you are treading on them. They will kill your agents and then kill you all. From the top down. 
You actual good and honorable agents, cops, soldiers, warriors and detectives it is up to you to not to be dumb, blind or bought in order to conduct evil deeds for the benefit of the government. 
If you good agents, cops, detectives, soldiers and warriors do not honor your old oaths to uphold the Holy Bible, The Constitution and the Bill of Rights with your own lives. Then all will be lost for all of the innocent souls your own heart demands for you to protect. 
You actual good agents, cops, detectives, soldiers and warriors who do not sacrifice everything for the benefit of all of the citizens. You will become that last line where all good things become destroyed. 
You actual good agents, cops, detectives, soldiers and warriors it will be your very harsh decisions and actions against the elected leadership which will save the whole idea of freedom, liberty and human rights for all. 
Always be wary of whom you follow or take orders from. Your guiding light shall only be the Holy Bible, The Constitution and the Bill Of Rights. Your actions shall only be righteous and holy as which is defined by God alone. 
You actual good agents, cops, detectives, soldiers and warriors. Your power to take power and control must be short lived and that once the house has been cleaned. It will be time to leave. 
You actual good agents, cops, detectives, soldiers and warriors. If you do not take righteous action or if there is too few of you. Then 150 million American souls will be killed.
My words are about saving lives. My words are about what can or will happen if the good people do not take action in a forceful but peaceful and non destructive means. If the American civilian begins to use their guns against their perceived enemy which is now believed to be all aspects of government. Then 150 million people will be killed or die. If the good people continue to do nothing. Then the end of this American experiment will end in a blood bath. A blood bath which will include many nationalistic entities who will violently cut their own piece of the left over spoiled American pie. 
Added on 05 Oct 2024: As of today spoken violence against anyone who stops free men from doing good works for the benefit of those who are in desperate need has begun. The professed enemy of the American people is now officially the US Government. Hopefully cooler heads will will be engaged instead of active violent rebellion. But, once the first actual engagement begins so to shall the blood bath which will be greater than the first American civil war. So. Lets not start anything. Let the process work or fail and then decide.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Advanced Flying Perceptions Dream/Vision: (Unedited): 28 Sept 2024:

 I can see myself climbing into an unknown physical ship or plane of some kind. I saw myself putting on some kind of gear which was a direct connection to the ship or plane. Once I put on the head gear which seemed substantial. My awareness suddenly changed. The ship, all of it's physical components as well as my physical body simply disappeared and yet they were still there. All of my external awareness was just that an awareness of everything around me. I can see everything in a full 360 spherical shell all at once. Do the degree I thought allot of data infusion. I can discern all things out to a much greater distance than my human eyes ever could see. I think I remained in place for a time just taking everything in. But, I was not thinking about time just all of the data input. It was amazing. 
Then I wanted to go up and without really thinking any kind of movement thought I was straight up and went very fast. I held that point in space and then realized that I felt absolutely nothing. No G forces, no gravity, no movement of any kind. Once up on high. More data sensory data started coming in as now I was not on the ground. The ground was blocking sensory data. 
Then I began to move and had the sense that it wasn't me which was moving it was the entire planet and universe. I knew this was some kind of locked in perception of things. It was like sitting in one of those cheesy fake roller coaster movie boxes which lift, turn and shake on hydraulics. I knew that once your aware that you can turn off those senses which can fool you into thinking your on a roller coaster when the truth is your not. You just stepped into a cool looking box for $10. Basically inside of this actual ship or plane. I genuinely felt that I was not moving and that everything else was. Even though on the outside and not connected you can see the entire ship or plane doing all of the moving.End. 
Flight time is racing time. Like in a dream you can go where ever you want and as fast as you want with exacting precision. All the while not feeling any of the physical forces or even having any psychological sensations of movement. Passing a commercial building or a speeding plane is all very similar as they each do not seem to be moving. There seems to be a close relationship with mental speed and time. I can catch any plane at any distance very very quickly and not have to wait to catch up, match speed, match altitude and match heading. It all seem near instantaneous and yet is not. End.
No audio, pure focus and processing power of the human brain.
The human brain grows and adapts to input and to the demands placed upon it. When the human brain is no longer learning and adapting to new things. The brain begins to diminish in size, capability and capacity. So when a human mind encounters a machine like this. I would suppose there needs to be time for the human brain to become acclimated and to develop. The brain needs to make and grow new connections within. All of that takes time and is accordance to the health and age of the human brain.

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

The Rise of Robin Hood's +32: (Unedited): 24 Sept 2024:

The rise of Robin Hoods will spread across the planet. They will be seen and become murderous villains. But, in reality they shall be the killers of wicked evildoers who hold positions in Government.
From a distance they shall execute every wicked evildoer in government who holds any position of power and authority. 
You bullies of the badge who have already begun your cruel acts against the innocent, helpless and defenseless. You will be met with suffering and death.
You bullies who have already begun your own criminal acts against the good citizens. It is you the wicked evildoers who have refused to listen to good council and instead foolishly obeyed direct orders to be cruel and hard hearted. You shall suffer and die.
You bullies of the badge who have already become treasonous traitors are truly the fools in clown costumes as you continually torment the good people. They all will see you and know you as dishonorable traitors. 
You traitorous bullies who hold badges of honor, integrity and the power of law. Every act of cruelty against the innocent, defenseless and helpless only causes the good people to know that you are worse than the Nazi's of WWII.
Once the good citizens see and know you as the enemy. Your badge becomes the symbol and sign of a person who must die. 
Because of the acts of the Robin Hoods and of the Zorro's in the world. Countless retired soldiers and warriors along with their families shall be killed by their own beloved government. 
Robin Hoods and Zorro's must know who each one is in order to avoid friendly fire. This will be a huge and a serious risk to the whole in their own locality. 
The Robin Hoods and Zorro's will not establish any governments or criminal organizations. They will only sacrifice their lives for the betterment of the innocent and tormented people. 
There shall be those very special souls who can become both Robin Hood and Zorro. Because of this everyone and anyone who has knowledge and skills in any Martial Arts shall be killed. 
 ========Not Related--Immediate=====
Do not! give any slack! to those who dress in green and black.
The hateful and like minded traitors are plentiful but the soldiers for the treasonous cause is few.
The equipment, arms and ammunition has already been promised. The organized militaristic training of treasonous civilians has already begun. The immediate leaders are former special forces personnel. 
The enemy combatants must gain shelter, food and energy resources as their military organization is established. 
The enemy combatants must establish regions or theaters of control and a budding intelligence network. 
The enemy combatants will have a time of transition from intimidation of civilians to the killing of government personnel and anyone else directly related to infrastructure care. 
The enemy combatants will do everything in their power to intimidate local politicians and law enforcement. This is a stalling tactic so that their migrating people can become better trained and armed.
NOTES: The spy networks of the enemy combatants will begin to seek out apartments, hotels/motels as well as those indoor shopping malls considered dead malls. The enemy combatants will also exert intimidation's against fuel and truck stops. Just as Islamic peoples have already done in the last 20 plus years inside of the USA. Have you read what I have written about the Indian people from India. How they have focused on the purchasing of hotels and motels. This one process alone can enable them to house the criminal element, traffic people and move terrorists as well as enemy combatants. 
The civilian American insanity in how they continue to financially support a variety of organizations who want the American and the western way of life to end with blood shed and destruction. Like all of Islam, China, North Korea, Iran and other nations. You are supporting the extinction through every dollar you spend on any of their products and business models. 
You good people who still hold the badges of honor and your solemn oaths to the Constitution. The good citizens know your importance and respect your positions. Do not ruin it, allow your partners to ruin it or allow your chain of command to ruin it. 
The constitution is more important than any man or any organization. When the organization and people becomes a treasonous criminal entity which has abandoned the Constitution and rule of law. It is your duty to stop them.
You the good ones who have maintain a good mind and heart. You may have to decide to leave and become a Zorro or Robin Hood. You will not get rich or attain power. Your death shall be good and righteous. The people will remember you with honor and respect. 
You the good Robin Hood's and Zorro's you may not be able to save America or your Western European nation. But, you will be able to save good innocent people who are defenseless and helpless.
It shall be a Zorro who can save the Robin Hood just as it can be a Robin Hood who can save a Zorro.
Just as the threats and stresses will be never ending, so too shall the Robin Hood's and Zorro's will be forever sober and vigilant. 
The shelter of the Robin Hoods and Zorro's shall be lighted by the stars of Heaven themselves and the bed shall be of the fragrant grasses and soft sands. Their walls and doors shall be of the trees and mountainous rocks. 
Once the Robin Hood's and Zorro's begin their dutiful path. Their only assuring comfort shall be when they rise into Heaven.
The only way a human soul can become a Robin Hood or a Zorro is that they were already men and women of faith to their Christ Jesus. 
No one can prevent the total destruction of the USA. Most Americans and foreign nationals must genuinely repent of their sins as which is only accepted by God. If there is sufficient repentance then maybe we will see a reprieve as Nineveh saw. 
NOTE: I do not see sufficient evidence of any meaningful level of repentance inside of the USA or for the world for that matter. Which means all of the sad and bad prophecies which have been told to the global human population is going to happen. The only way to prevent the extinction of humanity is for the majority of humanity to genuinely repent as which will only be recognized by God alone. So that means those who are will to endure unto the end. Must do what they can to mitigate that which is coming until that time. 
All that I write is to save all lives. Through revealing is offering fore knowledge to those who can save their own physical lives. Hopefully.  
CONUS will be depopulated and global starvation will begin.
Those wicked evildoers who think they can manage the depopulation of the entire planet will fail as they unwittingly initiate the human extinction event. 
Once the human extinction event begins no human can stop it. There will nothing that can be done. It will be an absolute failure by humanity.
Genetic alterations in many small things can have a very large changing impact over all. To the degree that genetic codes can begin to unravel. Even a single insect bite can initiate the process without anyone being aware. 
Changing one commonality can cascade the whole and spread to other life forms which share the commonality. 
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Monday, September 23, 2024

Thousands Of Zorro's Prophecy +17: (Unedited): 23 Sept 2024:

The great return shall commence beyond south of the border.
The war hero of a foreign land shall return to their native lands. 
Tens of thousands Zorro personalities shall rise up and return good life to their own lands. 
Heroic soldiers shall become Zorro like in the land of their ancestors.
Thousands of heroic Zorro's shall return to their homeland but so to shall the wicked evildoers who will become like broken records which continually repeat with different faces. 
Each Zorro shall bring fear to the wicked evildoers to such a degree that they shall not enter within.
Comment 01: The fictional Zorro was rich. The coming very real Zorros shall not be rich. 
Comment 02: I think this is directly related to the great move back home of the Latinos/Hispanics. 
It is crucially important that you Latinos and Hispanics continue to send money and equipment home to your families. This is because all of the worst kinds of people in each of your nations are now in the USA and they cannot or will not return back home. Which is one aspect of the coming blessings for your people and nations. Do not let the wealth and skill sets each of you have accumulated to go to waste. Take care of your families south of the border. Then when and if you must make your way back home all of your good things will already be with family. But, you will know. There will be signs for the actual righteous among you. Just be sure your families down south have expanded food productions and have built new homes for all of those who shall return. You will be a blessing to your own people and families. But, you have to prepare. You also have to make your own transportation. The visions I saw were of cruise ships and people would get off and not return. They were all going home. But, like I said there will be signs and it will not matter who wins this presidential elections of 2024. Once hard fighting warfare begins that will mean you all have to leave. Enemy combatants are inside of the USA and they are from many different places and their intent is to carve out their own new country. The use of NBC will happen. 
Keep reading every so often when and if more updated writings happen. In which they will be dated. But, as of right now it is not looking good for the good ole USA. 
Added on 29 Sept 2024: 
The coming of the Zorro's and Robin Hood's shall bring great fear to every vile leadership of the wicked evildoers. For they shall fall dead where they stand or sit.
The good people of today know not that they will become a Zorro or a Robin Hood type. Yet, they continue to train without and idea of what the end of their journey shall entail. 
The good people of today have been training their whole life and know not the path that they are on. The wicked evildoers of these world systems will be the ones who reveal not only their path but also their destination. Satisfaction and genuine good joy shall theirs. 
Prior to the outlawing and killing of the Zorro and Robin Hood's of the world. They each will be offered positions and benefits in the worldly systems as all aspects of the purity of Martial arts shall be bastardized.
The vast majority of the Zorro's and Robin Hood's shall be killed and erased from memory. Their physical existence and their historical existence even in fiction is to powerful for the wicked evil doers of the worldly systems to allow to continue. 
The world systems will ban all weapons and the knowledge of weapons. This include the coming erasure of all martial artists who refuse to become a part of the world system. To refuse will mean that you will be killed as well as anyone who knew about you.
You martial artists and former soldiers will be hunted down and killed. Along with your family and friends. The new emerging world systems cannot allow any hopeful idea of rebellion to become entertained thoughts among the civilian population of the world. 
The new emerging world system will redefine how a martial artists, soldier or warrior retires by actually killing them and then telling amazing false stories on how they continue to live in glorious deceptive promises.
In the new emerging systems of the world. The idea of retirement among the working class will be a wonderful promise to look forward to. But, the hidden truth behind all of the beautiful and peaceful promises will be your immediate death.
Once inevitable and undeniable evidence is presented to those who have spent their whole lives training and teaching others. It is then when they discover that they have become Robin Hood and Zorro like. 
There will be those martial artists and soldiers who will become hidden in plain sight. The civilians will begin to call you Robin Hood's or Zorro's. They each may never know until they each have become legendary heroes and protectors to the suffering people.
You Robin Hood and Zorro types must understand that when and if you do any good thing for the benefit of the people. The wicked evildoers of the world may erase the entire town who holds any memory of you.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Proverbs 29:16 Leaders Sign +17: (Unedited): 23 Sept 2024: 
This is about church leadership but it is about any leader and any manager.
Sometimes I wonder if anyone actually readers the Holy Bible. Because, The Holy Bible does tell us all what happens when vile wicked evildoers are in charge of anything. The people who are directly related to that leader become embarrassed, suffering, destroyed and death.
Look around you in your small part of the world. How do you suffer? How does your community suffer? All of it is directly related to evil leaders.
Good times mean you have good leaders and bad times mean you have bad leaders. 
The public signs of sin, decadence, immorality, rampant crime are direct evidence of the presence of a leadership who are wicked evildoers. 
Vile wicked evildoers are blind and deaf and they lead the foolish people who are also blind and deaf into their own death and destruction. 
While wickedness is allowed to run in the streets. The righteous and the good citizens become criminalized. It is always the wicked evil doing leaders who actually lead the actual criminal into what was the good communities.
The good citizens shall begin to take responsibility for justice and punishment when it has become evident that the rulers, leaders and mangers have become known as wicked evildoers and they too shall be punished and killed as well. 
The good citizen revolt shall happen as it has already historically happened many times before. The evil leaders and their followers shall be punished and killed. 
Once the good citizen has had enough and they refuse to become self exiled from their own home. When they realize that no one is coming to save them or help them. They will take up arms and take the law into their own justified hands. 
Once the good law abiding citizens realize they have no where to run and that their is no longer safety or security in their own communities. They shall take up arms and lay a hold of the leaders who have proved they are wicked evil doers. 
When a community has become overrun with corrupted rats. You have to cleanse your entire community of all that is vile and wicked before you can reimagine a better community for everyone.
Be warned you officers, deputies, detectives and agents who still have a good heart and mind. You will be seen as an evildoer when the once good law abiding citizens take up arms. You shall be harmed and killed as well. Make your decisions now before that time comes. 
Yes, I know you have already invested much time and energy into your honorable profession. Yes, I know that your locked into mortgages and other debts. Yes, I know you may have multiple x spouses and x children. I also know this in my writings. That the real bad people within your organizations have already identified you as a good person and thus a genuine threat to their evil ways. You the wicked evildoers as friends and partners. Yet, they have already entertained thoughts of killing you over the beers and burgers they have shared with you. Those wicked evildoers have already decided so that when your evil chain of command orders them to do evil things. They have already decided to go through with it. So, your time to get out is now. Wicked evildoers in the chain of command will conduct their own purges and they have already identified you. You the good guy will become one of those who cannot be trusted. The transition from a perceived good government to a bad government is already well underway. 
The importance of you good cops will become important in other places in society. 
NOTE: I wonder why I keep writing about cops, deputies, detectives, agents? Especially saving their lives. Will all of law enforcement become cruel Nazi guards or brutal bullies with a badge of honor? is that the prophecy? What is the absence of information in these writings? Probably not for me to know.
A reversal shall and is taking place. The absence of actual Christians from the church is already happening. Just as good cops will encounter the good people in their daily lives instead of the bad people. 
Added on: 05 Oct 2024: 
Once your leadership is will to destroy everything and murder anyone who is even unknowingly in the way. You no longer are citizens of that once perceived nation state. 
When your leadership begins using classified capabilities to murder and displace their own civilian population for any reason. You are no longer a free or wanted citizen of that nation.
When your elected officials become very wealthy on their meager incomes and begin making laws which benefit themselves and other wealthy people. You the regular civilian are no longer wanted citizens of that nation.
The last sign of any once free nation is the death of justice. The first sign of any new born nation which is vile and wicked is a justice system which crushes the common person while excluding the preferred people. 
The signs that you live in a new nation are always apparent and are often times simply ignored as you blind yourself to advertisements online or out on the road.
The wicked and vile leaders who have already overthrown your nation does not require you to know what has happened or even your approval. 
The wicked and vile leaders may desire to remain in your own delusion of belonging to your flag waving nation of birth. Because, the longer you remain in that delusion the less likely you are to angrily revolt in civil war.
You so called good, do nothing self proclaiming Christian. The more you ignore all of the signs around you and mask all of your anxieties with sports and other forms of entertainment. The more you will lose your beloved nation forever. 
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Militarized Shopping Mall Vision: (Unedited): 17-20 Sept 2024:

I can see many indoor malls. All at the same time. The overlays all seem pretty clear. Except for the military personnel as they all seemed like they were very blurry almost like they don't exist. So what would that mean for the clear view of all of the equipment and then the blurry men, no men and no unit ID's, flags?
I see single story indoor shopping malls and two story shopping malls.
They all had a few things in common. They were all taken over by the military. Which military? I do not know. But???
I see military observation points in every corner, entry and egress points. I even see two layers of plywood being laid down at two different angles. I see sand bags positioned everywhere along the perimeter of the mall roof. I see various types of these observation points. Some with roofs and some open to the sky. I see many drones in the off position close by. I see other unknown things, large boxes. I see hardened machine gun placements. I see these observational points being dark. I think there is more looking down and looking far away then looking far away and up. I'm thinking Indoor malls on high ground. 
I see military styled perimeters established and layered. With manned security personnel. I see lights at night pointing away or outwardly. The parking lots appear to be empty. Which means long clear viewing.
I see sand bags as walls and exterior hallways with roofs everywhere and mostly at the entry points into the indoor malls. Even these points have layered security. Deeper inside the mall I see old American HumVee like vehicles with machines guns all pointed towards the entrances. I do see some Bradly's and was thinking ?really? inside of the mall? Then deeper in the mall I see lines of military vehicles in a few of the overlay visions. Not sure why? Me thinking not smart? While some indoor malls I see empty halls and beds inside of all of the now empty store fronts. I see sand bags as walls. I see nothing which could identify any unit name. I do not see anyone. 
I'm walking inside of a indoor mall and I look up at the sky lights and they are all painted black. I'm then walking on the roof and am looking directly at the sky lights and then are covered with whatever non reflective material is found to cover them. Then I'm back inside of the indoor mall walking around. There is no one around. Almost like the preparations are complete and there is the waiting game.
I'm walking around and I see individual men in civilian clothing just sitting as if in staged places. Each one has perfect military haircuts. All very athletic looking. None of them cared enough to look my way. I see one older distinguished thin man, probably younger than me walking with a small gut. He too had a perfect military haircut. But his shaved face maybe a few days ago. All white men except one black man. 
Not sure related. 
Two men in civilian clothing approach me and I offer my hand to each one. The first man I verbally ask. What classified information do you know after we were already shaking hands. I then said I will know it in about a week or a few. Then I offered my hand to the second man. He quickly refused and I said I will know your sins and crimes. The man on the left was startled. End of layered vision of those two. LOL. Now when I meet them. There will be no handshakes. Because now they know. To save time. Bring local law enforcement with you. Maybe, they will wear suits now. There are other variables and multiple meeting places that they choose. In one, I call the police and the deputies show up all hot and bothered. Paying full attention to you two. By the way, I do not have to say words.
Audible Vision: Monies will be spent on these indoor malls to guarantee that the infrastructure all works as well as new A/C air handler units. Prior to the known event happening and staging.
It is day time and it is dim as I'm walking through. I clearly hear screams and cries of ongoing torture. Yet, I know it is ahead of me someplace as I'm walking. The person being tortured I feel like he has already lost his mind. Yet, his torture is continued. I do not see him or them but, as I turn a corner I'm elsewhere as the sounds of his torture is suddenly silenced, in visual time and or space, a different mall, I'm at a stopped escalator and it is very dark, no sand bags, everything is silent and no one is seen or heard. I look into the darkness and I'm in another mall. It is just odd to know this has become a military base and yet I'm looking at a children's play area as I'm walking around. 
I feel like time was all mixed up. But, still all in one year and in one season.
Added on 18 Sept 2024:
I see a drone attack on a military base. I see suicide self directing/guiding drones exploding against glass windows and then moments later dozens of drones with explosives enter inside at a high rate of speed. All of which selecting human targets and then dropping their explosive payloads all at once and then leaving very quickly out the window they entered in. Then each returning to home base once their payloads are delivered.
I can see thousands of drones conducting this kind of attack on military bases. I can see these drones automatically dividing themselves up into smaller units and then surrounding the enemy while flanking with absolute precision. I see drones targeting lights and other specialized sensor equipment. I see the disabling of RADAR systems. I can see individual attacks on humans in defensive positions and those who are running away.
I see an indoor mall attack. Where many squads of drones enter through various(all) doors and windows and searching for humans to kill with their explosive payloads.
Assumption: I think this is why I was seeing so many sand bags inside of the indoor mall vision. I think this is why I saw so many machine guns at every entrance. I think this is why I saw how the sky lights in many malls were covered up. I think this is why I saw so much equipment inside of the malls. There wasn't fear of cruise missiles or artillery. It is all fear of the drones and the havoc they can create when they achieve this next level of operational capability. In which I think I have written about in the copy and paste link below. 
So you people who are military minded. Your holed up in an indoor shopping mall with a few thousand of your closest brothers and sisters. You suddenly are attacked by thousands of AI Hive mind like drones. Which can pilot themselves and automatically seek out targets. How do you defend yourself and your military family? How do you not shoot through the walls causing harm and death to your own people? How do you impede, disable and destroy the thousands of hive mind AI drones? Without hurting or killing your own family? Would that be the use of lots and lots of sand bags? Think about this. How can you live in a tent when a drone has explosives or a thousand drones come in and target every tent in your post/base or MOB.
You, who are in charge of military stuff. How are you gonna evolve out of the tent mindset when drones evolve into the state I have seen. Because, How many explosive drones will it take to effectively disable any MOB? How can you effectively defend your post, base or MOB? From this yet to be evolution of drone warfare.
NOTE 01: How many soldiers had died in order to cause this evolution of military action with the sand bags? Was there a typical size to the drones and is that why the openings of the sand bags were small?
You must remember the point of my writing is to save lives. 
NOTE 02: So from within an indoor mall how do you design effective fields of fire while preventing friendly fire? In order to maximize your defensive positions while shooting down the drones which must fly out in the open without any cover or concealment? 
NOTE 03: Are there a such a thing as fully automatic belt fed shotguns?
Added on 20 Sept 2024: Double windows and double doors.
I was walking inside of the indoor converted mall and came across an entrance. It was a narrow passage and had two doors. Spaced apart as if to only allow one person in at one time. I'm assuming the door rules are similar to Faraday cage radio rooms or indoor gun range door rules. 
The windows also had two different layers of glass/plastic glass. These were wide and narrow. Could these also be gun ports? I still see no people at all or are they already all dead?. Not even any bodies. Not even any personnel effects. No dirt, no clutter, no destruction, no differences in sand bags. Everything seems perfect. This is very odd. Why would I even be allowed to walk in an obvious acquired military base all alone? Or is it apart of a process? Do I have a process or a developing process? 
I'm seeing curtains behind windows and doors. Seems like just added. How would a curtain block a drone? What kind of material? One curtain appears like the material of an old duffel bag. It is like it is really close to my face as if I'm being forced to take notice. Yet, I see no one.  
As potent as drones have become. They are still very delicate. Simple disruptions can cause a drone failure. Especially if you can cause simple damage to any of the propellers. 
I'm in the dark narrow entrance. I'm looking up and see hanging sheets and I seem to know that if the drones goes up to high it can get tangled in the sheeting and fail. 
I see a variety of staggered hanging materials. This might be sheeting which can defeat thermal imaging and other sensor capabilities. Can many different kinds of sheeting be sewn together. Is that why I'm being forced to see it. I'm thinking in the vision "How Rude" but it is not. Just a thing which seems to be important. 
Now I'm seeing hanging string and the memories as associated with bird control on the gulf coast of Florida and on some Florida small family farms. Now, I'm seeing hanging reflective strings with reflect the light of a variety of emitters. 
If the hanging strings and reflective strings get caught up in the propeller blades of the drones. Then the drones will get tied up and become defeated. Even though they may still be active and wait for a human to pass by and then drop their explosive package or self detonate.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.