Showing posts with label Eternal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Eternal. Show all posts

Monday, May 6, 2013

Key Contamination: (Unedited): 05 May 2013:

A key to eternal beauty is the avoidance of internalizing outside contamination. C.J.MacKechnie

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

All That: (Unedited): 21 Oct 2012:

All that which is good is from GOD, ALLAH, Grandfather.
All that which is from GOD, ALLAH, Grandfather is eternal.
All that which is eternal cannot be altered, corrupted, or destroyed by humanity or by any other natural cause.
God speaks to the person who is willing to listen. It matters not their culture, religion, color, national origin or planet of birth. All that which is good and spoken or written by human beings is from GOD. So as long as the intelligent communication does not disagree with this partial and basic formula.


Even if you are in a disagreement with any culture, religion, color of man, national origin, even planetary birth or however else you choose to separate or isolate yourselves. It is still right, correct and true. You probably should consider to choose those words which are in agreement with the formula of LIFE. To be against the good words is to be against GOD, ALLAH Grandfather.

For you or anyone else to be upset, angry or even hateful over another destroying or burning any Holy Text is wrong for you and thus removes you from the presence of GOD, ALLAH, Grandfather by your own choice. For you to kill, murder or even wage war because any person, culture or nation has dishonored the teachings of the Holy Texts in any way, is contrary to the formula of LIFE.

Even if all of the Bibles, Qur'an or any other Holy text in which i know not, of the world are destroyed and burned. Would not GOD call upon any person of HIS choosing to re-write HIS HOLY WORDS? Of Course ALLAH would. Do not become so prideful to assume that any human could destroy The words of GOD. Even if our planet fell into our star. The HOLY WORDS OF GOD would not be destroyed.

Will be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:

Monday, June 11, 2012

Without Appreciation (unedited). 01/31/2011

The person who has sold their soul. Can take all they can from you without appreciation. Even your life. C.J.MacKechnie
 The great mortal human deception. The selling of your soul in the receiving of your selfish desires. To receive the gifts from the evil one who rules this world. The false illusion that when you die, all of you dies. Yet, you refuse to believe that your soul is eternal and that you even retain your identity. Minus environmental and human genetic dispositions. You are you and you will always be you, even when the physical body, the real you resides in stops working/dies.
The selling of your soul is possible and it is a no win and a losing situation for you.
Just search YouTube for "Selling your soul". It is sad.

Musings of an American Truck Driver