Showing posts with label Remnant. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Remnant. Show all posts

Monday, June 11, 2012

All Man (unedited). 31 March 2012

When all of the catastrophic prophecies for man converge. Know that it was all of mankind who allowed it and worked towards its manifestation. It will be all of mankind which perishes. Save for the remnant protected and saved. C.J.MacKechnie
You must fully know that all of the catastrophic prophecies of man which leads us all to extinction is all the fault of all human beings and not of GOD. It is from GOD who revealed the warnings of our own extinction. Humanity is to blame for the extinction of humanity.
 "Prophecies are predictions of probability", and as such all prophecies can be altered, mitigated, managed, prevented and manifested. No matter who speaks any prophetic words. Know that the prediction can be created or prevented. It is solely up to each individual. It is the collective individuals who has the real power and not of the political powers or of any other organization. Because, It is always the organization which seeks and actively manipulates the populations or so called common peoples to it's own special, selfish and entitled will. 
Beware of the evil which espouses and looks forward to death and destruction. It can only be evil which embraces death and destruction. 
To begin a holy path, one must embrace Love, Peace, Harmony and life. By choice and without any expressed fears, intimidation's, Hells promise or threats. To continually grow and evolve in the holy path. One must embrace a strict morality, honor, integrity, "secret" and public righteous living, To live and exist in purity. From this logical thought process. The eternal spirit, which is within us begins to show itself through the daily expression of miracles worked from GOD through each of us. So much so, That super natural miracles becomes like breathing or blood flowing through our veins.
Our commune with GOD becomes constant and personal. With no intermediary needed.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Not Separate (unedited). 27 March 2012

The selected/chosen remnant. Which chooses not to separate from the cloth will have to endure unto the end.

The remnant will be called to depart that which they have honorably dedicated their entire lives to the church and GOD. For some they will not heed the call to depart. Leaving their homes, friends and extended families will be to much for them. It will be important for them to know. They were and are one of the chosen. It is their choice. A choice which will be honored by GOD. In a way that only GOD will choose to Honor.
 To be one of the few chosen ones is an honor and you will be honored. No matter how you decide. Even if your decision ends in your physical death. You will not die. Your identity is already assured.
Will be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:

Raptures Movement (unedited). 26 March 2012

God's chosen remnant have been separated and isolated from the whole cloth. So, that when the word of raptures movement is pressed/pushed into their being. They will form into groups and move in the direction.
The protected remnant will still be on this Earth. But, in a something else. All they will sense and known of those left behind will even be aware of them who have been taken or selected.
You who are to be the unselected or the not chosen. There is hope for you right now. Flee from your sin and repent. Pray and meditate often. Burn your self pride in the fires furnace.
The next time you go to church look around with out looking around. See not the obvious religious person and sense the human holiness of that perceived odd ball of the church. You can feel that secretive prayer warrior who seems to always be silently around. Know this from your own frail human logic. These few human holy people within your own church, will be chosen over those who are outwardly religious. Know this to, that one day they will be gone from your church and barley will the rest of the congregation take notice. If you are reading this. pray and meditate. Flee from your sin. Repent. Repent. Repent. Do these things with the heart of choice and not because of fear or threats. Do because you want to or need to. Not because you only wish to save yourself from an Earthly hell to come or from the Hell you may reside forever. God knows your heart and your intentions. 
This is a prophecy for the protected remnant. 
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.
To live in peace with everyone.  
To exist in harmony with all.  
To Cherish all life.  
To be obedient to the Laws of God.  
To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.  
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Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Rain Salt (unedited). 26 March 2012

God's raptured or chosen remnant who are the salt of the Earth. Must still always be concerned with the rain of their own personal choices. C.J.MacKechnie
The consequences of your thoughts, emotions and actions will be experienced by those who are to endure to the end or who are raptured. Genesis 19: Stay focused upon God and cleave to HIM.
Even while being saved and protected by the Hand of GOD. One still must choose to obey the word of God. You must fight and struggle with your own desires for the world. It is easy to live in the world and by the rules of the world. But, you have been called and directed to live in the world and not of the world.