Showing posts with label exactly. Show all posts
Showing posts with label exactly. Show all posts

Monday, August 25, 2014

Free Memories: (Unedited): 25 Aug 2014:

The excitement of knowing the retail value of your families heirlooms is exactly what your willing to sell those memories for. Even if you just give them all away. 
We have been watching antiques roadshow.  It is interesting how to watch people get really excited about the values of their own families heirlooms and the notion that a limited financial wealth an come from such things. I guess for me I see this as incredibly really insulting. To sell the memories of your own family for temporary wealth. Those ancient things give real tangible/physical meaning to your own families history especially when teaching the importance of what the ancestors had done in their own lives, long, long ago. Even if some of those memories are bad, sad and ugly. They still should be remembered in order to teach those important lessons to the new generations of your family. 
The wonderful successes in your family which have garnered substantial worldly wealth. Are more valuable remaining in the families possession and the stories of enduring hardships in order to achieve them. Is crucial for the young generation to know that achievement is more than possible. So as long as you continue to endure without cessation. After all it was achieved by your family members before you. So, you can to. Except now you can learn from the stories of their successes and failures. In order for you to more easily to achieve your own dreams as you define them.
Without any tangible memories within a families history. The young ones have no guide lines no ancient wisdom to work their own lives. Wisdom taught is often more essential than only knowledge learned. Wisdom brings with it an understanding gleaned. Thus, you have a compete circle for successes potential. That potential is tied directly to the intentions of your resolve and the desires of your heart. 
What does it mean "Even if you just give them away"? It seems like a lot of episodes of Antiques Roadshow. There is always that person who bought this or that from Goodwill or some other non profit thrift store. Some family gave away their family secrets either by willful choice after their family member had passed on. Or they knew not the stories behind those objects of importance. Which makes me sad.
Why? I'm one of those people who was born to a family and then was adopted. Growing up belonging to neither and not sharing or creating any useful memories for long term positive growth in adulthood. Memories are very important to young ones. Even if that distant uncle was captain of some unknown Naval ship. Yea, I saw that US Navy Award box with the absent guns in the display. Apparently the guns were of more importance than the official US Navy awards to those surviving family members. Those memories of achievement will probably never be known or taught to the next generation of that family. Important memories and achievements lost forever to that family. That box sat in a Goodwill Stores office for months. They were trying to figure out how to honorably and respectfully handle it properly.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Exactly Sudden: (Unedited): 28 Dec 2012:

When you suddenly know that there is nothing you can do. That is exactly when you must do everything you can. C.J.MacKechnie
The assumption of outcome is negative and not desirable. This is back to that fundamental question. When do you just give up and quit? When is it OK to do nothing or surrender because it does not matter?
No matter what you think of Sun Tzu, It is important to understand his ways of thinking. No matter how insane you think he may be. Like his theory on death or desperate ground. Sometimes we purposefully place ourselves in dangerous situations. Much like this old Chinese war general who would think it OK to place his men into a strategic point and not tell them the whole truth. Think about WW2 and D-Day. Our own troops had zero option for retreat, zero option for flanking, zero option for protection, concealment and/or cover. The only option those men had was forward movement under a hail of flaming lead. Then look at the end result of D-Day. Those men who survived became living legends. They became men like no other. They faced and conquered all of their crucibles presented before them. Unlike those unfortunate ones. That when the ramp doors came down. A rain of lead was met with explosive blood.
Actually it matters not whose fault it is when you find yourself on desperate or death ground. What you do or don't do, will define who you will be for the rest of your life.
So when is it OK to just give up? When?
When is it OK to just sit down and quit? When?
When is it OK to do nothing? To just hide? to run away? When? 
No mater what unexplainable or unimaginable thing or danger or threat is before you, right now. You do not quit, you do not stop, you do not give up, you do not relent. Become like Sun Tzu's men placed on the ground of your certain death. Fight like there is no tomorrow or like there is no next 15 minutes. Fight with such a holy fury that those in hell, will know who you are, and they will shut the gates that Jesus broke opened, before you can arrive.
No matter who you are. No matter what your purpose is. Your freedom is yours to own. Let no person, no leader or no force take it from you. If you do not own, protect and care for your own freedom. Then someone else will and you will be enslaved because of your choice and lack of conviction and lack of resolve. 
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 