Showing posts with label Friendships. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Friendships. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Serpent Ends You: (Unedited): 04 Aug 2016:

The serpent which you choose to follow. Shall be the one who decides when and how your free will shall end you. 
Think about this. In most every culture there is wisdom in regards to the snake. You carry the nice snake across to the other side of the river and then it bites you. The snake replies to your cries of why. Well, the snake says, You knew I was a snake.
So it is with your friendships. There are many snakes in human form. They seem cool, informed, fashionable. They are still snakes. Those that follow the snakes are just the next meal to be had by the snake or they will just be the next to be sacrificed by the snake in order for the snake to save it's own slimy and oiled skin.
How do you know what is the truth. When good has become bad and evil has become good. Justice for the criminal has become righteous while the good citizen is criminalized into an evil doer.
No matter what the law states or what the officer demands of you. Good will always be good and evil will always be evil. No matter how twisted society becomes.
For example. This just popped up in the news. Assuming it is true.  I just read a story where Heirloom seed collectors are now considered Agri-Terrorist. I have no idea if that is an actual fact. But, I have known where dairy farmers have had their milk destroyed by machine gun toting law enforcement persons. Really...How does a reasonable person or a group of reasonable people who choose to go into a public service with honor and integrity and then intimate farmers with an extreme over kill of weapons. While their are gangs, drugs and terrorists every where in this country. You cannot say the politicians passed the laws in favor of food corporations and that makes it a lawful right. It is the snakes which are making the laws and it is you who blindly follow those laws which cause you to choose to freely give up your honor.
Are you as an honored law enforcement person. Willing to give up your honor. So that you can arrest or harass peaceful people who cause no harm to anyone. Except maybe, when they are driving their horse and buggies on the road with horse droppings as a trail of crime to be followed. I'm just waiting for that photo of (APC) Armored Personnel Carrier to be at the farm house showing evidence of milk crimes against humanity. While military clad men pointing their machine guns at a people who will only pray for them.
No I won't be following this story and it is your duty as a reader to take information to the source. Not just to some reporter who reported on a thing. Because, with the demise of the newspaper industry so to has truthful and respected reporting.
What do you do? When the profession of service to your fellow citizens has become insane with laws which criminalize your fellow peaceful citizens. Really, Is this further evidence of our former peaceful government becoming an Oligarchy. As law Enforcement persons arrest people who grow natural seeds, foods and raw milk. How does a cop maintain his honor and self respect? In an environment where everything seems backwards. Where crime is rampant and heirloom seed collectors have become the focus for attention by Law Enforcement agencies. It is just to weird for me to understand. But, it is a part of prophecy. Where a person in Law Enforcement no longer knows what is good or what is evil and must obey all laws, rules and direct orders without question. Even if that means losing their own honor and self respect.

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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Friday, July 5, 2013

Factual Concerns: (Unedited): 05 July 2013:

Not being concerned with your present will translate into your future. Your future state of being will be the factual result of what you truly cared about in the past. 
That which you think about in the here and now is that which is important to you right now.  So in your irresponsibility you desire to spend all of your time playing games instead of growing your intellect or evolving your soul. You will have neither and a profound sense of critical stagnation in your life. A stagnation so profound that achieving victories in new games or using new more powerful machines can not even quench.
If you do not begin to spend time in developing your intellect and physical skills. You will find yourself unable to even play the games you really want to play. Your gaming friends will migrate away from you as they migrate away from the old and obsolete. Your real life friends will begin to disappear as they go off to college and develop new friendships which will go along with them in their journeys. Then other friends who do not go off to college will begin their working careers out of trade schools. Thus, a third tier of friends which will leave you. You need to realize that it was you who became stagnant by choice in a universe that is constantly moving. So, just by doing doing which will benefit your life is the fundamental choice which ended all of your friendships. It is not your friends fault. They could not and would not remain stagnant just for you. Doing so would jeopardize the quality of life in their future.
For you it is not to late. Get focused back into your studies. Create a plan. Work the plan until it is completed. No quitting. Quitting is not an option to even be thought of. Accept no excuses. Start over if you have to. Begin at the bottom. End the stagnation in your life by you moving forward under your own power. Even if you have to go get that GED. Then do so. Then go to a trade school and get a trade. Then don't stop there. Keep going. Go to college and get that Associates then Bachelors, maybe 2 or 3. Go for that Masters or 2. Follow up with A PHD. Your limitations in this life is created by you or those which you have agreed with.