Showing posts with label Loyalty. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Loyalty. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

True Spirit: (Unedited): 12 June 2010:

No matter what front a man puts forth. His true nature will always be seen first by those who can view the spirit before hand. C.J.MacKechnie 
Learn to see the spirit of any person. Look beyond their words and see through their intentions. In doing so their motives will be revealed. The truths and their deceptions easily known. The content and condition of their heart recognized.
A good man will be loyal to those who he deems as family or friend. Maybe, even to a fault. Adolf Hitler deceived an entire nation and still had his blind followers. Even after the sins were revealed. Then again, maybe those followers were not blinded and had become equally evil as Hitler.
So you, the good man must ascertain the heart of your friends and family. You must ascertain the life path they are on. Then decide if you want to join in on the grand party. Even if the cool mans path is on the highway of death. If you choose to be on that party path of death. Know that when the destination is finally reached. The same end will be for you as well. It won't really matter much, because even a good man will begin to lose his identity the longer he is on that path of death. All of the goodness and innocence within you must die first. Along with your good caring heart. All to be replaced with apathy, selfish hate, and selfish anger.
Once you begin to laugh, ridicule and tease those who use those extreme positive and compassionate words of inspiration. The disease of apathy is already within you and spreading like an incurable virus. The apathy disease is using you to further spread apathy throughout your personal world. Until, such a time that the whole world no longer cares enough to even exist.
The death of the disease of apathy comes when you force yourself to take the big pill of love, the cough medicine of peace and the chicken soup of harmony.
The life path is one where you will discover Love, peace, harmony and of course life. You will encounter compassion, mercy, forgiveness and other such wonderful words within your own spirit.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Love Lust: (Edited): Teen Rated Warning: 06 Feb 2013:

Lust often begins when that which is searched for is easily seen. Love often begins when that which is not easily seen is discovered. C.J.MacKechnie
Lust always begins when you seek and search for those physical traits which are acceptable to you and then you give into those physical feelings. Knowing the mind of that person isn't of any importance. Knowing the heart of that person isn't even a concern. Knowing the spirit of the person may not even be believed. The spirit, the heart and the mind of a person is and can be of more importance than only the physical traits easily seen outwardly.
The mind of a person is necessary to know before you decide to give a person your time. The traits of a person in their outward life, such as honesty, dependability, reliability, loyalty, integrity, confidence and others.
The heart of a person is necessary to know before you decide to give your own heart to a person, such as compassion, love, mercy, empathy, forgiveness, affection, warm-heartedness, devotion, courage, trust, tenacity and others.
The spirit of a person is necessary to know before you can give all of who you are to the one who shall be your one and only, such as their connection to the Divine, vision, principles, openness, commitment, steadfastness, persistence, gentleness, patience, faithfulness and others.
It is important for you to make wise decisions in your life, especially if you desire that one true love with whom you can begin your own family and walk hand-in-hand with even when you have been rewarded with crowns of silver.
Always giving into your lusts may in fact prevent the love of your life/soul mate ever to be known. What if the love of your life/soul mate is not womanly or manly enough for you? Yes, you may know physical pleasures that you could not know with him or her. But, you will never know the heights of the heart, the mind and the spirit. How much is that for a loss or absence in your life? Choose love over lusts. The growth of love grows forever in life. Whereas lusts fades over time and the bodies age becomes limited. Love is forever.

What is deemed important in your culture may actually be of zero importance in life. In fact, your acceptance of a cultural wrong may be harmful to you in regard to your physical, mental and spiritual health. Do not settle for lust's pleasures when it will cost you the love of your life and the loss of your soul mate.

Happy Valentine's day