Showing posts with label Terrorist Attack. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Terrorist Attack. Show all posts

Saturday, September 1, 2018

USA Dimensional Attack Vision: (Unedited): 01 Sept 2018:

To take over the USA without inflicting much physical damage. This was on my mind and how would it happen?
I see many places in the desert and in mountain areas. I see oceans and beaches. I see cities and towns.
I can see from Earth orbit and all I see is the earth. I can see the sea right at the surface of the water. All unknown locations.
I feel a waiting and more waiting and more waiting has occurred. I sense many people know as in a lot of people. The number of people in the field are in the hundreds and involve many nations in a planned coordination.
These persons who are being who they are not. Suddenly not go to work. Suddenly may mean days or even a week apart and may be dependent on how much time it would take for each of them to get to their target site. For each of them it is sniper time.
For many their targets are out their windows out in the distance is the RADAR tower and/or generators. (NEW NOTE: RADAR can mean any kind of technological sensor equipment.)
Some even live very close to military installations. In which their target is close by or out their window. A few may have a prepared sniper positions as in being employed at their sniper position.
At least one in each target area is only for the strong distraction in order to draw away all law enforcement and Federal agents to the fake attack area. The fake attack area will be very real and very serious. But, there will be a time element in the fake attack area. The fake attack area may be a stagnant location involving much time to conclude. So as the federal agents and local police can converge on that location and set of their command centers/trucks and get established. Which will be far away from the actual target location. The actual target will be a RADAR tower, possible or probable emergency power generators. I think yes on emergency power generators attacks. Doesn't make sense yet. There will most likely be other Infrastructure attacks on the power grid. (Commonly Known).
A massive coordinated power grid and infrastructure cyber attack begins once the federal agents and local police realize of secondary attacks with military base/post involvement and civilian airports involvement. There will be a line of RADAR darkness which emerges.
There may be both a physical effort and a cyber effort to shut down all nuclear power plants and engage maximum cooling effect on each nuclear power plant. I feel this is uncertain or yet to be decided. If these nations plan to take over the USA. This had better be a part of their planning. Because if those nuclear power plants go critical. You might as well stay home. It's over. You wasted everything and lost as only an incompetent loser can. The USA will know who you are and your ballistic missile defenses and air defenses will be wiped out and you won't know what or how it happened. As I write this it is all changing already.
From the water the nuclear tipped missiles fly low. Their nuclear product is designed for EMP effect.   Uncertain how many locations for low level very high power EMP detonations.
A number of EMP detonations from Low earth orbit will occur over a period of time. The first or most likely second may occur when all manner of vehicles are out rendering aid to the civilian population. The worst fears begin for the Americans in total silence, darkness as the 1400's begin with no one really knowing how to live or survive in the 1400's.
Not sure why this: I see obvious Islamic peoples and family groups going into unclean retail establishments right now and have been for at least one week. This is also a coordinated effort to gauge American civilian response to their physical presence.  There is a reason why this is occuring right now all over America. This feels like the same thing and it may not be the same thing just before 09/11/01 occurred. This may be related to one planned terrorist attack, intelligence gathering, or the actual day of jihad or something in between.
Actual events seem to be hard to know when decisions have not been made. In any kind of prophecy. One must always know that once a prophecy is known and revealed. Everything can change or those who have made the plans see their victory in the prophecy. Every prophecy which is directly related to any decision or planned action made by any human being can be wholly mitigated and prevented. These can be prevented by actually doing detective work and finding these sleeper people and making them disappear. Without any American civilian every knowing anything. Including me.
Opportunistic Islamic attacks: There may already be permission for those who will wage Jihad war against civilians when a massive attack begins. Like a total power outage.
The Chinese military have plans to eliminate all satellites. Prior to any hot war. That just popped into my head.
Investigate who has actual Faraday cages with equipment inside.
Not related to the intent of this posting.
The American civilian needs to invest in very large caliber guns as well as high capacity shotguns.
Deleted website.
Deleted shotgun.
I feel this is really important. Have no idea why. I only know it would be used at killing something really big, really strong and really quick.
Anything smaller than a .308 may be ineffective.
When going against any foe which is more powerful. Never ending attrition is the rule.
Added on 05 Sept 2018: OK.... I got your messages and, saw and heard. You can manipulate YouTube "Recommended" and then once I saw and heard what you wanted me to see and hear. You took all of those things away. So, now what? Those were not evidence except for the first one on Google Pro Maps. But, even that can be easily explained away. But, the sniper guy was just telling a story on a show. It was a show. Which means that anyone can say anything on a show without providing any evidence.
So is what I was shown related to the above. Is this related to my unwritten thoughts on how all of the military buildups worldwide is related to what I was shown? Does this mean your also manipulating my thoughts? ugh. Yes, I saw my number and saw the same numbered objects.
OK I found it and now I deleted it. So do not add the sniper? But, I gotta type? This is getting weird. There is more to come and ....   Dude you know I have barely any readers. This is primarily for my family.
Added on 09 Sept 2018:
Civilian Military training and physical conditioning.
Could air-soft shooting sport games be a key training suite for civilians gaining the skills necessary to defend an attack against ... .
I met a guy today. He was one of those who knew too much and didn't really want to know anything more. Do you know what I mean? When a person has been in classified stuff for a long period of time, unto honorable retirement. They usually have this automated response, which I will not share and no I cannot explain it. Because, just explaining it reveals. It is one of my little cues when I hear it from people. I know that they knew stuff because it was a part of their job. This guy may have known things which he really did not want to know and now he has to endure life holding onto that memory. At least he has a young Asian wife to care for him as he journeys into EOL. When he said his words. He said them with a saddened emotion. Almost like he can't take anymore. I will have to be careful around him.
That got me to thinking about all of those old classified guys who are now mostly dead and gone. Except one that I know of. They all seemed to resorted to drinking too much alcohol. But, what else can a human being do when they actually know that all of humanity is actually less than maggots compared to ... . Can you handle the actual thought and the actual believing/knowing in that you and all of humanity is less than a maggot? No really, I mean this. Your (Humanity is) less than a maggot or worm as compared to those whom you think you want to know or meet. Then you need to turn it around. When was the last time you spoke with a maggot or worm. Oops, I mean with what ever living thing is actually less than a maggot or worm? When was the last time you respected the life form which is less than a maggot or worm? When was the laws passed which guaranteed the lives of those living beings which are less than maggots or worms? Do human children and adults still put worms onto fishing hooks after stealing those worms away from their homes and worm like families. Never to be seen again. Then to be torn apart and consumed by frenzied fish. While still alive and drowning. Be sure you still remember we human beings are less than maggots and worms. It says so in the Holy Bible(Implied by Job). How is your pride now and that position in the food chain. In the grand universal scheme of things. What is our true and real value and worth as human beings? Are we really deserving and entitled to life as a species? What about justified? What about we have the right? Who gives that right? Does a big fat squirmy worm have the right not to be impaled upon a jagged hook many times and then not to be drowned and then not to be ripped apart by ravenous fish? Not even those tree hugging environmental freaks cry for the saving of worms or maggots. Doomsday Preppers have recipes for cooking worms and maggots.
So let's just think about this some more. Unless you're already too depressed to go further. So these men whom I have met and who all thought of me as something stupid/retarded with an IQ of about 70. These men who all could act normally with their IQ's north of 200-really. None of them were the withdrawn savant types. Whom could not be trusted to cross the road alone. Were all made to believe that they each are less than maggots and worms. By continuous interactions. Kind of humbling. But, they never seemed to be humbled as they returned to their humankind more superior than before.
Back to air-soft. How many human beings would actually fight? How many would worship them? How many would play along with what they would do for humanity. That is just before they got bored and exterminated all of humanity. Besides, how many of you would honor your promises to a living being which is less than a maggot and worm? How many of you would truthfully honor any negotiated deal with a living being who is less than a maggot or worm? Really and you guys think your so smart and responsible. Then if the deals you made with those living beings who are less than maggots and worms went south. How many of you would feel sad if you ordered their extinction? Really. How many animals who are actually greater than worms and maggots have been harmed and killed by human scientists? Do you feel guilty about that? So.... Who are we and who are you?
You had better get ready. Full revelation is coming and it will end in our extinction process beginning.
Expect censorship from things which a civilian would not expect to be censored. All without any answers or explanations.
Added on 22 Sept 2018:
You government military types need to develop a gun which can kill a being who can be taller than 12 feet/3.65 meters tall or taller and weighing up to and more than 3,000 lbs/1587 kg's. While it is wearing advanced armor and can be killed at a greater distance than its awareness of an individual. This weapon must also be used effectively by a small frame civilian female with minimal training.
Added on 25 Sept 2018:
Just as many will psychologically refuse to acknowledge a localized natural disaster and continue to work or live life. So too when the end of what they know and how they live comes to a sudden ending. They will refuse to believe and make plans to restart was has ended. This false hope will continue even when enemy soldiers march through.
Well with my weirdest writing yet and I have reached the Blogger limit of 1500.
Added on 24 Nov 2018:
You shall be faced with things in which you have never conceptualized before. In that moment you will know and you shall watch the physically and mentally frail ones fall dead in your presence. You also will see people who see the destruction's going on but not know who or what is doing the destroying. Once your of the knowing your opportunity to believe in the God of the Holy Bible may have already ended.
As it was in the days of Noah so to shall it be your life's experience in the end of days. All of it even if you believe a truth as a lie and a lie as a truth. The entire truth shall be known to you. In that moment you will know that God is, Yeshua is, The good angels have always been. The fallen angels only want you dead. satan is real. We are not alone in the universe and I/you/ humanity am/are less than maggots or worms in comparison to them. Even that comparison is laughable. All of these actual truths and many more you shall intimately know in a split second. In that split second. Your fate may be guaranteed except for the compassion and mercy of God just for you. You will know your fate because he when you know you are unwilling to change and become a believer and clean by the blood of Christ. You still do not choose. this is because you cannot choose as you have already been judged and that one freedom has already been taken away from you without you even knowing.
Ye Evildoers: (Unedited): 24 Nov 2018:
Ye who have studied the prophecies and yet have not remained clean from the blood of the Holy Son. 
Ye who have not disciplined and learned how to control yourself by fleeing from all sins of the mind, heart and spirit.
Ye who have not pursued the path of becoming holy and righteous in the accepting eyes of God only.(Also Purple words).
Ye who are in positions of ministry and have withheld these things.
Ye who are in positions of ministry who have accepted, tolerated and celebrated sins in holy places and in the world.
It shall be you who will endure all suffering of the coming tribulations and then when you die you will hear the words of God *"I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!".
NOTE:* Quote taken from the Holy Bible. It is highly recommended that you read the entire chapter 7 of Matthew. Or just read the entire Holy Bible and seek out a Bible believing church and ask how to become a Christian.
Nations and Old Guard Fighters/Warriors Notes: If your going to fight them, the fallen angels and their own created nephilim. You will need lots and lots of big bullets and grenade launchers. You must keep your sniper distances. Getting to close or even establishing one on one *communication with them can give them that personal connection to get into your mind and cause you to believe what they want. They can also erase your memories and make you believe you are something embarrassing. But, they will choose something perpetually terrifying. That you cannot get out of your mind. They can even upload what they want you to know including information and new languages. While deleting things from your brain they do not want you to know like languages and belief systems. They can even make you thirst for what you once knew as obscene. They can even make you believe child's fantasies are real. So as long as those fantasies induce a frantic panic.
You shall also lose their heads and destroy their heads. You shall incinerate all body parts in different incinerators and then spread all of those ashes in a variety of places.
Communications Note: Many of you have the experience to know that when the talking is over the fighting begins. Once it begins there is no real need to talk or communicate. Especially when life and death is at stake. Christian Prophecy dictates they will make themselves known again. When they do make themselves known to all of humanity. The time for any communication is unimportant as they only want for our human extinction. Besides remember we are the maggots and worms in comparison to them. Remember the words above. Use your free will to seek out a Bible believing church and become a Christian. Keep and maintain your own nations oaths. No one needs to know if your one of the knowing. Not even pastors or any other clergy. You have chosen to hold onto those memories and it sucks to be you. You should not share them with anyone else and "what am I doing?" Even though.
Lies and deceptions Notes: Who has the power to cause people to believe a lie as a truth? I have been thinking about this for sometime. This has to do with transgendered people. If you have all of the male body parts then you are a man. If you have all of the female body parts then you are female. To believe you are male when your a female is a lie believed as a truth. To believe you are female when you are a male is a lie believed as a truth. To believe that you can love anyone and anything in a depraved and sinful manner is evil and not natural. To believe that depravity is natural is a lie believed as a truth. This level of false belief systems even though the evidence is present can only be done by the very powerful fallen angels.
Added on 25 Nov 2018:
For those of you who are in the knowing. You can follow those who have shown you their powers, technology and knowledge or you can follow the one who still remains silent. For even the silent one is the one who has caused those who were trapped to be trapped. The great lion which is silent is still the greatest of threats to anyone who chooses not be Clean, holy and righteous. All based on a foundation of Love. For the great silent Lion will roar and those who you have decided to be obedient to their will they themselves tremble with a great fear. For they all know their end is imminent. Right now they know their time is short and they are angry. With a great anger and a great ferocity they will try to cause all of humanity to perish. Including all of those who have decided to follow and worship them all. You need to know. That those fallen angels and demons who have caused you to believe they are gods and have made many promises of a great life with great rewards are not in a position to make good on any of those promises. For they only want you to die and all of humanity to perish. So what the fallen ones are doing is a great con job and a great deception against all of humanity. In the end you will see them as your great personal betrayer and you will see in them a great enjoyment of causing your complete deception and humanities total extinction.
While at the same time the one true Holy God of all will also be your enemy and you will be His enemy. The one true Holy God of all is that Great Silent Lion who has only been loving, merciful, compassionate, patient and waiting. He will pounce alone as His own righteous angels watch. He will devour all who has come against Him and His ways. Which includes all of you who have freely chosen incorrectly. What all of this means is that not only do you have false powerful gods by the perceptions of human beings all who pretend to be friendly and helpful. But, you also have the one true God who will also be against you. There is no win win situation. There is only lose physically and lose spiritually for each of you who have not chosen the right path that each of you have always known. Can you see this? There is nothing you can do to survive. There is no wealth for you. There is no upper class society. There is no power and authority. There will be no servants or slaves for you to command and or enjoy. Only a physical death and the judgement of the second death. Which is your spiritual death and the real you. But, there may still be hope for you. Leave behind all that you know. Give all you have unto the poor and follow Jesus Christ. Give your life to Jesus Christ. Go and find a small Bible Believing church and repent continually of every sin remembered. Flee from all sins and remain clean. Seek and remain on the path of becoming righteous and holy in the accepting eyes of God only. Learn how to love the human beings. Take care of everyone who is weak and sickly. Protect the defenseless and helpless.
Even if you already know that within you you cannot change and become a Christian. For you may have already been judged. Use your free will for any good that you can do for others. Maybe just maybe God will take a second look into your heart and maybe... Though unlikely but God did withheld judgement against Nineveh for a while. Maybe God knowing that you knew you have already been judged because of the impossibility within you to become a Christian. Maybe just maybe you can have the slightest bit of hope. While you go forth saving and rescuing all of the good people who you can without any expectancy of a promise, reward or even a reprieve. Or you can be like them who only swear, curse, rape and murder all that is actually good with a putrid joy of celebration. You can end your life on a good note or you can end your life on their note of putrid joy at seeing you die-twice.
I hope you think deeply about this.
I remember about 27 years ago. I was in a jail in north Florida. The metal doors opening and closing. Still makes me tremble and I was just a guest. I was shown a glass or hard clear plastic isolation room. A man was completely uncontrollable and insane. Screaming and accusing, Threatening and swearing. Full of hate and anger. I could not hear his words. He was not really paying any attention to anyone passing by. Except when I was suddenly in his eyesight and then he paid me all manner of attention. I knew that he knew that I knew the power within him was demonic and that his thinking processes was being rewritten. I saw images of him flying a fighter jet and he was in pursuit of something. That I was not shown. Then he decided or had the intention of shooting. This is all prior to the taken of action of doing. That is when they attacked his mind. Up until that point all he knew in his life was family, duty, honor, education, fun times, hard work. Just normal everyday stuff. He never knew of anything other worldly or spiritual or angelic or anything weird. He had no clue and then. I was then taken by the officer and told that he was an air-force pilot. Apparently, I stopped walking. I knew the officer was intimidated by his affect on him. Even though he was under control . There was still no control. I looked over to the control booth. Which was shaded and saw the other men paying attention to their duties which did not include me, the officer or the former pilot. Apparently the pilot was contained, safe and well watched. End. This is a clue. But, remember your still less than a maggot and they are vastly superior beings and they want all of us dead. No matter what they have given or done for us. Your only hope is with the one true God. The God of the Holy Bible.
Added on 29 Dec 2018: This news came out on or around 11 Dec 2018: Russia is to build a bomber base on a Venezuela Island named ISLE LE ORCHILA. Russia has been flying bombers on very extended and long missions. Google Earth verifies very long runway activity but does blur and shade over anything recent. You can tell new runway is being resurfaced and still much of the runway is aged. You can tell new buildings have been recently been built or painted or reconditioned. But, is difficult to tell as Google does not allow you to zoom in those areas. You can also see the outline for a naval port.
Here is the  issue of what may come in the future. Bombers are basically helpless for their size. So they require fighter escort. This lesson was learned in WWII. So in the near future a wing of fighters will need to be placed there. No you have a helpless airfield which needs to be defended from the evil Americans. So you will need to develop a networked and layered air defense and ballistic missile defense capability for your new Russian military airbase. A naval force will also been needed to protect the island from any American threats. So placing the new Russian corvettes and the number one rated frigates in the world on the island will also be necessary. You need to know the new Russian Corvette has the capability to sink an American LCS warship and also a Burke destroyer. The new Russian Frigates are said to be near equal to the Burke Destroyers in certain capabilities. What has been written before. There is a big RADAR hole in the western side of the Gulf of Mexico. A Russian bomber can utilize freedom of navigation in the Gulf of Mexico and there is nothing the USA can do to legally stop the Russians. The USA does not currently have the ships or the air-power to defend itself from this new Russian activity. I also see that some time in the near future that Cuba will ask the Americans to leave Guantanamo Bay Cuba. In favor of placing Russia back on the Cuban Island. Where long range bomber refueling flights can begin as well as a new fighter base and a new signet base.
The USA will and must expand their military base in Puerto Rico and other places in the Caribbean. The USA must modernize their south Florida bases. The USA must put into place new generation of OTHR systems and RADAR installations from Texas to Florida to Puerto Rico. The USA needs new Fighter planes built and stop moving planes around to fill critical needs. The USA needs full combat ready planes on each aircraft carrier. Yea, we don't have those. The USA needs to stop building the LCS warship and begin building a more modernized and updated Burkes. The USA needs to build a new Cruiser.
Added on 05 Aug 2024: Some minor editing done. 
That which you think is unimportant is probably the most important. Especially if your the logical and reasonable type. I have not thought of that former Air Force Pilot is some time. 
Instant vision: A man puts a yummy candy in his mouth as well as his spotter. They are thinking about how amazing the candy is as they spot their target at a distance. That is all that they did and were unnoticed. In their too cool for me ear piece played a child's repetitive song on low volume. The target was one of them. But, there is no guarantee of the men's safety and well being. They may have well been spotted but since they are not perceived as a threat in that moment in time. They might be OK. 
Time is short and they are already here. Very soon they will reveal themselves.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Schools Dream: 10 Oct 2015:

Last night dream. 09 Oct 2015: Very rough sleep. Very difficult to wake up in the sun. Not typical.
I see what looks to be great wide open fields of grasses. Close by a highway/interstate and close by a couple of large commercial buildings. Which appear to be a school or schools. maybe elementary/middle-school or middle-school/high-school.
I was anguished and felt panicked.
Added on 13 Oct 2015:
No new information of the above dream.
Will there be a major terrorist attack in some school somewhere? Maybe and most likely. The after effects of such a brutal attack upon children.
There were not enough security cameras. To see what was going on within the school at the time of the attack.
I saw a 3D representation of a video which showed where everyone was within a classroom. Without the use of typical security cameras. All done with computers desk tops and laptops. There was a program which brought all of the classroom videos together into a single image to show all that was happening within the classroom.
Every computer monitor within the class room had a camera installed. It was wired with it's own dedicated power supply and it's own direct connect internet access. No extra cables were visible. All internal wired. The cameras had their own addresses. Thus the external ability to control them.
So if a bad person entered the room. They would have to completely destroy the monitor. Instead of a single bullet into each monitor or at the onset completely disable all internet access to the school.
In this view of the classroom I saw. I saw a replacement of the dry erase board with a giant monitor. The monitor had a camera. Every student and teacher had their own classroom computer monitor with camera.
I can also see new fire alarms, smoke alarms and motion detectors with their own built-in cameras.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Water Weapon: (Unedited): 13 Sept 2012:

A possible weapon to be used if it is to be used. (Confusing). The vehicles may have already been created and or related businesses. The decision not made yet. Even though the personal plan of the individual terrorist has.
A van or vans are created. With official markings water agency markings. These vans will have powerful high pressure injection pumps. They will have large plastic chemical tanks inside. The suspension upgraded so as to appear normal. Inside the vans will be parts and accessories which will enable a direct connect to water main hydrants. Then when the high pressure pumps are turned on. They can inject their terrible chemicals, Viruses and biological's directly into the drinking water of a selected population.
The places for these injection will be in obscure locations not typically or easily seen by people. Such as industrial parks which are closed at nights, holidays and  weekends. Poor lighting or lights continually shot out. Until, The power utility company no longer repairs them. These persons may already be in the water business or have been hired by local water authorities. To where they would have daily access to pipe fittings which would attach onto fire hydrants. They would also have daily access to high pressure water injector systems which are self contained in van type of vehicles.

All of the terrorists know the demise of the USA is eminent. Which may be the reason why the hold on any substantial attacks on the American populations. If there is a final event which causes the final fall of the USA. The hold will end. In which millions of enemy combatants already within the USA. Will go forth in their own self chosen direction. That means millions of different and simultaneous attacks. There is no more front lines in warfare. The peoples involved are Islamic peoples, China, Russia, Latinos, African Americans,  White supremacist and anarchists of all kinds. (Clarification of the races described. These are devout anti-Americans who only want the end of the USA. They will be willing to take any and all necessary actions to bring about the demise of the USA. These are communists and anti-religious. The majority of the races will become victims and unlikely participants of the attacks). There will also be a piling on effect. Once the attacks begin. They will be against every American asset around the world.
(Racial re-statement. The idea of the various races on this planet is an outright lie and deception. As proven by the completion of the Human Genome project over 11 years ago. The former president Bill Clinton even stated that more than 99.9% of all of our (human) DNA is Identical. This is absolute proof that all humans are a singular race and thus brother and sister to one another.  The truth of the verbal stories and the truth of the holy texts in regards to our origins from a single man and woman is proven.) At about 8 minutes and 50 seconds Thru 9 minutes and 26 seconds. Listen real good. 

Here is the real key of this possible planned demise of the USA. No real and substantial damage is done to the infrastructure of the USA. Cant profit from it if it is destroyed. Cant profit from it if a radioactive cloud contaminates everything for thousands of years. 
That is the evidence of the suspicious activity. Its always about the money.