Wednesday, March 2, 2022

School Bus Vision Personal: (Unedited): 02 March 2022:

 While driving home from work at about 1645 hrs. I encountered a school bus in front of me. The bus driver stopped at the rail road crossing for about 10 seconds. I continued to follow and not pass. We both made a right hand turn at the traffic light close by. We both had the green turn and progressed onward. The school bus chose the middle lane and I continued to follow behind the bus. I turned on my left turn signal to indicate I was passing on the left and into the far left lane as I had an upcoming Left turn soon. While in the left and and still behind the school bus. I had a very strong vision.

A school bus moved into my left lane and destroyed my car. Police were everywhere. Ambulances and fire trucks lights flashing. Helicopter overhead. I looked at my destroyed passenger side and the tire marks over my hood. I was unharmed. I knew I could not afford another car. I knew I had just lost my job more than 15 miles away. I knew my family might even become homeless and all other manner of negative and impossible thinking. The vision quickly ended. 

I proceeded to pass the school bus on the left hand side. The school bus turned on his/her left turn signal and then just went into my lane. No waiting, no hesitation. I immediately braked hard as soon as I saw the school bus turn signal. The bus missed me by a few feet. Yea, all of my brakes work including my anti-lock brakes on my 315,000+ mile car. That still gets 24 MPG.

Yep, This really happened. 
This is reinforcement of what I tell people who always ask and question about prophecy. Prophecy is only an absolute when the bad and sad events have already begun and now your in judgement. meaning you have already been judged. But, the function and purpose of prophecy is to either mitigate or prevent. You mitigate and or prevent when you actually change from your evil ways, evil war making, evil thinking's and evil game playing and evil etc. 
There are rules to live by and no rules to die by. 
This is a warning. Beware of those who encourage to live however you want to. The if it feels good then it must be good crowd. Because, they are leading you to your death. 
You can have your own truth as well as the delusional belief that it is actually true.
I have written this. You are allowed to believe whatever you want. You can believe lies as truths and truths as lies. You can accept or reject any evidence you want to prove either way in regards to your own belief systems. 
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Tuesday, February 15, 2022

The idea of Christian Micro Economies Importance Realized: (Unedited): 15 Feb 2022:

Note: Sometimes when I do add quotes. They may not belong to that particular blog. You should keep that in mind. I write in puzzles, my timing is off and I do  not write in a particular order. 
Look for additional writings in this space. Which I do often for many of my blogs. Reading once should not be a practice. Especially, when you see no quotes. Quotes, sometimes do come later. Others times not so much. If what I write is of importance. You should consider copy and paste content and put onto actual physical paper. Anything digital will disappear especially if it is contrary to the governments. You should do this for every digital thing you consider important. 
The Canadian Banking system can now freeze/cancel accounts for any reason. Which is deemed against the Canadian state. Is this accurate? I'm unable to find actual sourced data which is not associated with any media group. Will this become a common practice in other nations where freedom and liberty used to be important standards? 
The tyrannical Canadian Government just evoked emergency powers and seized the funds against the freedom protest. This will eventually cause the citizens of Canada and the USA to consider other financial assets to freely use. Will Canadian civilians begin to distrust their own governments leadership as they freely choose to transition away from the Canadian currency as well as traditional banking. Any other nation which does what the new dictator Justin Trudeau has done. May see their own economies and currency fall.
As which has been prophetically spoken and written by other prophets, cultures, religions. Difficult times are a coming. A days wages for a loaf of bread and yet this one prophecy does not address if the wage is that of a homeless person, poor person, middle class person or even someone a little more wealthier. 
The governments of the world seem to have all sided with some form of mixed dictatorships, socialism, capitalism and communism. Canada has become a nation which has brought the world the Christian sign of the underground church. Now Canada has become the nation which reveals the second sign. The sign of money and if you disagree with the state in any degree. The state can now revoke your financial privilege's. Thus, the state can now force you into homelessness, starvation, denial of medical care, energy needs and more all because you disagree with your self emerged ruling regional dictator. If you go out of your home and protest. You will be arrested. If you protest online you will still be arrested. 
So how do you survive these coming dictatorships? You have no time to delay. This is a partial list and not in order for your needs. Seek out all of my previous writings. Using specific terms which are important to you. Use caps for the first letters. 
1). Get out of debt. Begin to establish interconnected micro economies. Begin to learn how to live without established monies and economies. Not even Crypto is safe.
2). Refuse to participate in the emerging one world society/civilization. Stop buying products made in any other country like China. They will be against all religious doctrines. You cannot allow your children to be taught by worldly people, government's and institution's. You will even come to a point where you will not be able to participate with any form of entertainment. 
3). Begin growing all manner of wild edible foods for your growing region. Be sure to only use antique, heirloom seeds. Plant them everywhere and in secret. Burn all hybrids and GMO and anything else which is not natural. Remove and get rid of all ornamental's and plant only edibles. Learn how to effectively retrieve, store, organize, document seeds. Look to the Amish or Mennonite peoples. Use these for trade. To save time. You may be forced to begin cloning practices as to naturally wait for first fruits can take 5-7 years. Then full fruits can take an additional 1-2 years more. 
4). You must begin to learn how to raise farm animals as well as manage the wild animals in your area. Managing wild animals cannot be done by yourself. Your entire community must be involved. Look to the Reindeer herders (Sami).  Use these for trade. 
5). You must begin to learn the necessary skills prior to the development petroleum fuels and electricity. You must have functional skills use. Use these for trade. look and do your research in your local or regional museum's. 
6). Natural Gas propaganda is emerging which declares natural gas is bad for the environment. So how will you live with severe energy restrictions? Will the governments forbid the burning of all wood products? 
7). You must begin to be responsible for your own renewable energy creation for your specific region. 
8). You must begin to educate yourself to begin educating your own children and grandchildren. In secret. 
9). Just as it was in the ancient days. Where it was forbidden to count your people. This practice should also be instituted once again. The government shall not be permitted to know your numbers. 
10). You must realize that if you actually live by the laws and commandments of your religious books. Even if you cause no harm, no suffering and break no human laws of violence, theft or any other moral laws. Then the government will come and kill everyone. The government will also come and take your children, homes and lands. Just as what was done to the indigenous peoples around the world. Prophecies from some religions state the good peoples lose and the evil doers win. It should be noted that when the good peoples are killed. They will be with their God. It should be noted that you will be killed for His name sake. You will also be abused, tortured by every method and then killed. This is the prophetic future.
11). To be prepared to be perpetually mobile or homeless. Like the ancient Sami or the many tribes of North America who followed their herds. Even though there currently is laws in many places which outlaw homelessness and the feeding of the homeless. This means you will have to become invisible. This means you will have to create communications in the edible plants, edible bushes, and edible trees. Which means you will have to be physically and mentally fit. Those who require medical care, like myself will die before the world gets really bad. So you have to prepare and plan for the leaving of the sickly like me behind with love, peace. For I will next see you all or meet you all in Heaven. 
12). Limited technological involvements. Being connected to the world may not be a good thing as instant location will be instantly known as well as all of the various addresses of your machines will be instantly known. This also includes transmitters. Single use will mean instant known location of the transmitters.
Added on 19 Feb 2022: 
Once you know the wolf in sheep's clothing. All you shall ever know thereafter is the wolf.
Once you have learned to worship, love and follow the wolf in stylish sheep's clothing. You shall either become one of the pack or one of the prey left to die. All without any mercy, compassion or love. 
Powerful miracle working wolves who seem to share the power felt within you. Is nothing more than a blood thirsty charlatan who teaches the joyful mysteries of god. As he or she expects all of the sheep to worship the human him.
Beware of the pastors who teach things which are not of The Holy Bible. Beware of churches which are magnificent nestled in the surroundings of injustice, suffering, addictions and the poor. Beware of those churches which does nothing for the community. Beware of those churches which have very minimal people who actually goes forth to love one another and yet has a congregation of  thousands and many, many thousands. Beware of pastors who allow the traditions and actions of worshiping other gods. The power which you may witness from them is of the occult. Especially, where there is an absence of love, mercy and compassion. 
Emptiness and hopelessness surrounds those places which are absent of love. While within they are full of empty people who desire to be happy for an hour. 
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Saturday, February 12, 2022

Feet Of Clay Prophecy To Be Commonly Known: (Unedited): 12 Feb 2022:

 That nation of the great and powerful Eagle which is known by all nations and all peoples to be wealthy, mighty and strong. Shall be seen in a single moment of time as one of the poorest and weakest nations on the planet.
The peoples of the world will show no mercy or compassion. The peoples of the world will declare that it serves them right, Karma, Justice. The peoples of the world will turn a blind apathetic eye to the suffering of all people in what was known to have been America. 
I have seen vision and dream visions and images of future military disasters. I have seen American Aircraft Carriers along with other surface ships in the battle groups captured and then repurposed. I have seen military warplanes quietly fall out of the sky. I have seen missiles by the hundreds go off course and miss their preprogrammed targets. I have seen blurred images of a variety of means which destroys America. I have seen dozens of simulated bright stars in the sky at various times. A few you could even feel the over pressure. I have seen natural disasters which may not have been natural at all. I have seen human bodies in a variety of states of  decomposition out in the open. I have seen fires by the millions from Low Earth Orbit. I have seen battles with the Chinese and Russian special forces on American soil and all local police forces lose badly. In which the Chinese and Russian forces did not take any prisoners, captives or allow citizens to live. I have seen Alaska returned to Russia with a complicit and traitorous Canadian government. I have seen how the Russian slaughtered everyone and it did not matter if they were American, socialist Americans, pro Russian, anti-American or indigenous. I have seen the American Tet Offensive as led by Islamic, Chinese and Russian forces. To the tune of a hundred thousand terrorists attacks in one day. I have seen the American government secretly murder entire American families for no more reasons than they just stood up and voiced a counter opinion. As well as much worse things. They were all successful against America. Once it was realized that America poor, weak, defenseless and helpless. I'm starting to think the global reset is going to be absent of any Americans or the indigenous peoples of Turtle Island. 
Note: You know it doesn't matter what belief system you have or not have. It will not matter if your a Christian, anti-Christian, satanist, atheist, hindu, yoga instructor, bowler, or any other religion or non religion identification. It will not matter if your blood burns American red or if your a devout anti-American. Those enemy combatants whom will come to kill official looking Americans in uniform will be celebrated by you. Then when you encounter those enemy combatants. They will not hesitate to kill you even though you have cheered them on. The idea which is America must die and you have that memory of freedom, human rights and liberties within you. So you must die in order for the world to forget that America ever existed. 
Added on 13 Feb 2022: 
This is not one of my prophecies. This is just about revelation or the revealing of Biblical prophecy. 
Added on 18 Feb 2022: 
I have known of this. people will actually go into a dojo or a martial arts studio and challenge the sensei/teacher. Can you imagine someone coming into your business and trying to assault you on purpose. Most of the times these things fail and the mentally ill person leaves embarrassed. This is the clay in the feet. But the mentally ill person may have been in street fights and watched many UFC fights on TV. This is their mixed strength in the clay. 
The delusional strength mixed into the pride of their own clay cannot stand when any manner of threat, trial or tribulations comes their way. They will fall, every time.
When the delusional and mentally ill person challenges the teacher. They often times become completely aware of their sudden helplessness and their dependency on the mercy of the teacher who they have dishonored and disrespected. 
So to shall the prideful Americans come to know of just how defenseless and helpless they have become all without knowing or understanding the realities of their current state of being. The sudden revelation to the American people will open their eyes into knowing that all of the politicians, the powerful, the elites and the wealthy all knew and all planned for their own worldly salvation. While leaving the American civilian to suffer and die within the totality of this so called coming reset. What do you think will happen when you on purpose and by plan take away all of a working persons or nations property rights, retirements, built up wealth and all other aspects of wealth? Then what do you think will happen when they(??UN??) force every civilian to make repayment of all debts via forms of indentured servitude or slavery. Which will be titled by a different naming convention?  
Think about it. Foreign ownership of American property exceeds 6 Trillion dollars and rising. Those foreign entities will demand repayment, security for their assets and they will get it. Just as Russia goes into Alaska and kills every civilian in secret. 
Added on 19 Feb 2022:
The scent of new and old death shall permeate the air everywhere.
Added on 03 July 2023: The Christian mixed feet prophecy. The USA is both the most powerful nation in the world and yet defenseless. The USA is seen as the wealthiest nation in the world and yet the most indebted. The USA is known as a Christian country and yet the evil of abortion, gay rights and all other sins are it's greatest exports. The end of the USA shall come if "We The People" do not repent. For when the curses and disciplines come for the blessed people. Know that God's beloved people were destroyed many times for their sins. Many people in Israel thought themselves as good and worthy still suffered and perished. So to shall it be with "We The People".
Follow the purple words below. 
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

World Freedom Lost, +4: (Unedited): 05-12 Feb 2022:

 It is interesting to note that where ever freedom and liberty was something of importance to the civilian populations of the world. Only a few are standing up against their governments for their rights. It is not a coincidence that the national leaders of the free world have been restricting and taking away existing freedoms and liberties. These restrictions to the civilian populations is an organized plan as agreed to by the so called leaders of the world.
In which nations are the civilians making their stand? Currently Canada, Australia, 
Can the civilians of the world have their very first global civil war? A war where the civilians of the world actively cause, violence and death to those leaders and their families. The civilians will lose as the civilians of the world have no real military assets and in the emerging age of AI, Robotics and Drones. Cruise missiles will be used in the dead of night. NBC weapons of every unique design will be used on civilians. 
Added on 12 Feb 2022:
The western civilization becomes lost as the civilian populations continues to elect leaders who are fully delusional and apathetic to the citizens needs. 
Just as Rome collapsed from within so to shall the modern western society fall to from within. The foundation is not made of concrete and steel. The foundations are made of good people doing good things continually. The physical expression of what the foundations do is in the prevalence of freedoms, liberties and rights. 
When the good citizens of any nation or planet forget to be good and to stop doing good. Then all that they know will collapse. 
Once the foundation of any great thing disappears. The whole crumbles into a tear filled  fool hearted mess. 
When the clowns of the free world are leading nations. Those nations shall become like grand circuses in which you must pay to play. 
It shall be the foolish clowns who come together in the great circus who shall find joy in the taking away of all freedoms, liberties and rights. It shall be the clowns who become entertained by the suffering of the audience. 
The audience is the civilian population of the world. 
Added on 19 Feb 2022: Can you count how many leaders in the world have become against their own people in the recent 3 years? Australia, Canada, Germany, France and the USA. More and more national leaders will progressively come against their own people. 
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Saturday, January 29, 2022

Enemy Forces In The USA Prophecy: (Unedited): 29-30 Jan 2022:

30 Jan 2022: Added minor content and some minor editing, updates. 
Note: Watch the words. I first wrote this "Enemy Forces Enter The USA Prophecy", Then I changed it to what is titled now. I do not understand or know why. 
Note: Remember, the red wave, the blue wave and any other color of individual do make up the colors within the rainbow tsunami as which was talked about and planned about prior to the removal from the internet(2016). This is important to know. That if you are for the blue or even the red. Neither color is for you, nor do they represent you. They represent those who are apart of the power behind the rainbow tsunami and their illusive singular leader. So be reasonable and be logical. Ask questions and seek actual real factual answers absent emotion or opinion. 
 I have written of these things before. I just cannot remember where. Let me go look. Except now and in the recent past. Enemy forces are entering into the USA. These enemy forces are being invited in and have already been invited in by the powerful political forces of the USA. It is not that they knew not. This is apart of their plan. A plan they work towards and start but lose all illusionary and imaginary control. A form of control they believed they had but when the truthful realty sets in along with a great fear. That all will be lost and everyone hates traitors. Even the true enemies of the soon to be former United States will all hate American traitors within the soon to be former USA. To the degree that the wealth associated with the American traitors will be considered dishonorable blood money. They and their families who they have made safe. Will have to live their lives is secret and seclusion. With a never ending fear of being discovered like those family members who are from Venezuela. Except, all of their lives will be perpetually threatened. 
The money is and has been wonderful for the entering enemy combatants into the USA. These men have been and already have been delivered to their perspective locations by commercial airliners and commercial buses. They all have been provided with credit cards, apartments, homes, benefits of all kinds and contacts of those who will provide when their fully automatic military weapons, armor piercing ammunition and military bomb stuffs arrive. All of it delivered by commercial big rig 18 wheeler tractor trailers. In which every weigh station will allow bypass or was closed as each tagged and tracked commercial truck passes by. Once their weapons, gear and assets are secured. They each will disappear from public observation. They will in some way receive their orders for a certain day. In which they each will already be in close proximity. They each will have many attacks that they each must accomplish in a specific order. The American Tet Offensive plan will not be a straight line for each one. They will be random places in random directions by each enemy combatant. On the first day alone. There will be a hundred thousand military attacks on American soil in a single day. Everything, will be attacked with all manner of terrorist bombs as well as N?BC type of weapons. 
When the American Tet Offensive begins. It will not matter what color of the rainbow tsunami you're a member of. Your families and friends will be victims of this coming attack. It will not matter how obedient, compliant and dutiful you have been to the anti American plans or very American way of life. You, your families and friends will all die as Red, White and Blue Americans. This is because those who hold onto the ideas of freedom, rights and liberty must all die with those ideas. 
If you're an anti-American inside of the USA. You must get your family members out of the USA right now and plan for all of their living needs for up to or more than two to ten years. Once a particular color figures out they are going to lose. Their only option is to send the order and to blame the other side for conducting all of the attacks. They will succeed to such a degree that all local law enforcement personnel will be given addresses of conservative terrorists and be killed along with their families. No option of arrest will be given. Missiles will fly from drones and they will launch their missiles into homes of sleeping former military personnel along with their family members. In one night thousand's of homes will explode but, the news will report that it was bomb making materials inside of the homes that exploded. It is really worse than than I can express. 
I think:
Added on 30 Jan 2022: 
I saw a vision where snipers in various cities had their secreted places to hide as if they already knew where the protests were going to be. In the dark, the police lines established. The media already reporting full coverage of the police. This is where a kind of duality takes place. Both images blurry and happen on top of each other or overlaid. It is all based on which political supporters are conducting their protests. I'm unable to see their signs or colors. 
1). From a secluded position in every city of a protest. Maybe 20 or so feet above the ground or second or third story rooms. They each have selected their targets and are given orders to fire one shot and then evacuate. If that is the correct terminology as I only see the intention and assume the words ordered. But I see many men as one shooting their sniper rifles. 
A). Cops are shot and the cops instinctively return fire into the innocent crowd. A mass panic on both sides. The cops panic and begin shooting everyone. The vests are discovered to not matter. Militarized Christian Conservative X-military people will be blamed for this action. 
B). The sniper round a mere 12 inches over the police officers heads kill the civilians. The police will be blamed as the bullet found will be from a type used by the local police. 
Added on 01 Feb 2022:
There will be evidence of foreign military activities. Those of you FED's and local law enforcement agencies who still love America know way more than I ever will. There will be signs, which lead to other signs. Military forces do have to keep up with their training and the evolution of mission skill sets. But, you have to be able to ask the questions that I'm not even capable of formulating. Where? when? and how?
Hunters and hikers will disappear. Maybe, even security and local police personnel will disappear as well. You have to be careful, because if your an idiot FED and you hap hazardly happen upon these foreign military forces. You will disappear as well. 
All local police officers and Sheriff's Deputies need to physically prepare, right now. You must get into physical shape and start learning military techniques and skill sets. Or you will end up like the Dallas cop and the Dallas police force trying to contend with one militarized crazy person. He was just one guy against the Dallas police. It may be too late. 
You Sheriff's need to find out where all of your hunters are and who they are. These are they who will be able to support you. Do not end up like many North Mexican towns and cities. Yes, you are going to have to make some very hard decisions. Those who are perpetual criminals may be treated as enemy combatants. Because how are you going to contend with those who are captured? How will you house them? AND IF.. The current people who are in charge of the USA are in fact actually bringing in enemy forces into the country. How are you going to deal with that unfortunate dynamic? This includes you Mr. and Miss federal officer being employed by traitors. Assuming what I'm writing is accurate and true. I just cannot believe it myself. 

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Natural Gas: (Unedited): 17-18 Jan 2022:

No prophetic content. No quotes. Only questions, news and possible outcomes. 
So I was taught a long time ago. Natural gas is one of the most clean energy products humans use. It is probably more clean and with less waste than nuclear energy or batteries of any kind. So why would the governments of the world want to ban this one clean energy source? 
Why am I writing is because I saw a bumper sticker. "Make Earth Green again. 

So what does that actually mean. How far are the governmental authorities going to go in this green effort? The end of modern day transportation as in all of it. From electric batteries to all combustion engine driven vehicles of any kind. Will that mean horses and working cattle become more valuable than a high performance vehicle of today? But, if every family began to have their own farms and the land to feed those very large animals. Would not the natural methane heat the globe faster than natural gas? Can you imagine horse congestion on the road ways? But, asphalt and concrete harms horses hooves. So roads and highways will have to disappear. Can you imagine 300 million horses and 400 million beasts of burden in the USA alone? 
But, the dangers of oil, coal and nuclear power plants like Fukushima, Japan and the damage they cause. So all of those will have to be outlawed to the entire human population of the Earth. Power plants of all kinds are being decommissioned without new ones to replace them. So this is not prophecy. If there is steady growth in the human thirst for more and more power. More power plants will have to be built or more instability and the loss of regular power is coming for all human beings. Think about the Chinese or worse the North Koreans. 
The world was the greenest before humans learned about fire. So does that mean ban all fire making anything? (humor)Those smokers will be further criminalized, professionally, socially excluded from any smoking activities. What about charcoal, propane and other forms of gas grills? What about any other kind of fire like camp fires, fire places, wood burning stoves and ovens, candles, oil lamps, gas lamps, trash fires, burning leaves and etc. Will all of these burning activities become outlawed? Burning any carbon wood product puts a lot of smoke into the air. Although the Tonga volcano eruption may put more smoke into the air than all of humanity has even had knowledge on how to make fire. So, how far green do you want to go? 
What about the stories where humans will think meat consumption is a treat? Without meat, humans will become physically smaller and weaker. Really. This will occur with the next humans born and not in generations down the road. What about the consumption of fish. How is fish going to feed all of the 7.9 billion people on this planet right now. The fish populations in the oceans are depleted. Tonga volcano probably killed billions of fish. There is no way to feed humanity if meat is banned or outlawed. How will you cope and take care of your family, your church and your community? How many edible antique, heirloom edible trees, bushes and plants have all of you planted. Especially, knowing that it can take 5-7 years for first fruits and then another year or two for full fruiting. This will be after much pruning and much care. When and if you begin planting. Be sure to think about being as close as possible to year around harvesting every month or so. 
Everyone who reads this should really consider a life off grid. Learning the necessary functional skills of living a thriving lifestyle like humanity did in the 1800's. 1700's, 1600's and etc. Off grid living is not really fun if you are used to the very modern way of living in America, Western Europe, Japan, South Korea and other very modern nations. Off grid living can be very problematic in different weather situations, seasons and climate changes. If you really want to go green in the world. Then a world with any artificial electric lighting will not be in your future. 
Well this is problematic. All news is about how bad natural gas is and how it is worse than you think. This new news only goes back as far as 2019. That is as far as I went.
The news which says that natural gas is good only comes from energy providers. So what does this all mean? You have to do your own research into the actual data and not paid one sided opinionated parrot talk. You have to know the difference. 
Added on 27 Jan 2022:
While the above news states that natural gas is bad. The news below has a promise that the USA will deliver Natural gas to Western Europe. Guess what? You can't deliver natural gas if Americans are using it all. So. could this be a possible explanation to the new ongoing propaganda for Americans.

Sunday, January 9, 2022

Babylon Planet Prophecy: (07-09 Jan 2022): (Unedited)

 Note: The reason why I put (Unedited) in all/most of my titles is because I do not have anyone to speak with about these things I write in order to arrange in some accurate manner and to test personal perceptive truth. I do not want to ever state these are my personal truths in which any personal truth can be devoid of outside logical and reasonable tests. So all of my writings are in the raw form. It is for you to ascertain the order of each puzzle piece within each puzzle piece. Do you get it. My writings are puzzles pieces within puzzle pieces. What is the puzzle piece? What does the picture look like? The picture is not a certainty but rather a probability. If you can see the human picture of probability and do not like the outcome. Then go to the purple words below and begin to change it within the confines of your own personal and professional worlds.  
Note Form: No quotes at this time: 
Coordinated Attack On Humanity:
07 Jan 2022: 
1). Minimizing or limiting natural human reproduction:
2). Reduction of the human life span.
3). Genetic limitations of intelligence and athleticism.
4). The commonality of human population controls and authorities. 
5). Absolute governance of all aspects of life from water, foods, medical care, housing and accesses. 
1). Humans cannot be allowed to procreate when ever they decide or naturally. 
2). Human beings do have physical and mental limits. So in order to ensure that there is enough to go around. Humans must have shortened life spans to about 40 years of age. 
3). Human intelligence should not exceed of about 80 IQ points. Nor shall athleticism and physical coordination be allowed to be trained up or tested. Done through genetics. 
4). Every nation which is already under the control of the emerging first one world ruler is already causing their own populations to be trained up in acquiescence's. All of humanity will become like the peoples of North Korea. Except they will learn to love and be joyful in their obedience and compliance. Humanity will be taught how to find purpose and meaning through the worshipping of the emerging of the first and only world ruler/god. 
5). Absolute governance/control of all aspects of life, From food to water to medical care, to housing and modern day accesses. Humans will not be allowed to make decisions of any kind. Even the decision of what to eat and when shall be made for all of humanity. 
 Conceptual And Organizational Attack On Humanity: 
07 Jan 2022:
1). Denial of knowledge of history, rights and freedoms. 
2). Denial wealth, comforts and ownership.
3). Denial of family ties, friends, communications, access to the world. 
4). Denial of education beyond what is necessary for your specific job.
5). Denial of any arts.
6). Denial of any aspect of reason, logic, strategy, tactics and any form of advanced thinking.
7). Denial of any form of fighting and combat.
1). Humanity will not have any conceptual idea of what human history is. Humanity will not have any conceptual idea of what rights and freedoms are. Humanity will not have any conceptualized idea of what is right or wrong, good or evil, honor or dishonor, courage or cowardice, success or failure. The American idea must be forgotten. Which means all aspects of what America is must disappear.
2). Humanity will not have any idea of what the idea of wealth and modern day comforts means. Humanity will not even have a conceptualized idea of ownership of anything. Humanity will know and not even internally question the idea of individuality and self discernment. All of humanity will know that all they are is just a worker and to work is what brings to each of them purpose and joy. 
3). Humanity will not have any conceptual idea or an importance of what or who family or friends are. Each human will become an isolated entity. To speak to any other human will be considered a great offense. The worldly access that humans know of today will not even be rationalized. The modern day machine, robotics, vehicles, rocket ships, clothing, shoes, hair styles, makeup, jewelry, pets, gaming, cell phones and computers will be seen as the magic of the god(s).
4). Denial of education. The command of the language will not be taught. The slave like slang shall be a dominant language base. The advance forms of communications will not be known and forbidden for any human to speak beyond what their job duties are. Any mathematics beyond basic adding and subtraction will be forbidden as any advanced mathematics is the foundation of any advanced forms of reason and logic, strategy and tactics, architecture and planning.  Advanced mathematics and language of any kind also leads to any creative thinking.
5). All forms of art will be forbidden. Music of any kind is also a form of mathematics. The conceptual idea of music will be seen as forms of undesired noise. That being quiet is necessary. Humans will not know of any aspect of any kind of art. Any art seen or heard of will result in death to the person or to the entire group who have seen or heard of the art work. 
6). Humanity will not understand any form of reason, logic, strategy, tactics, planning or organization. For the human only to show up on time and to exactly do as told and nothing more will be of importance. In this humans will find their joy and purpose. Like a good dog. 
7). The conceptual idea of any form of fighting and combat will not be in any human mind. The idea of taking up arms will not even be considered as something real or even possible. Games which teach any aspect of fighting, combat, strategy, tactics will not even exist. Games like checkers, chess, One, Risk and every kind of video game will not even be known. The idea of martial arts, baseball, rugby, soccer, tennis, golf, bowling, football and any other combat style game will no longer exist. For these and most other games teaches advanced thinking like planning and coordination of defenses and offenses. 
07 Jan 2022: I had a dream where I saw two groups of humans/people. One group was short and autistic in appearance. The other human group much taller, very athletic and handsome in appearance. As if I already knew that neither group of humanoids were purely genetically human as with our understanding of today or 40 years ago.
07 Jan 2022:  
The human genetic purge vision.
More than 90+% or all of genetically natural human beings will be killed/exterminated. 
 All because of their human genetic traits. Any genetic marker which has been deemed as excellent or above the newly established average in every genetic category will be enough reason to kill that particular human lineage. This will begin when the human genetic code within the entire human population cannot be permanently altered in a fast enough amount of time. Human compliance and obedience will also be factors.
Human Extinction Vision: 
07 Jan 2022: 
The extinction of humanity will happen by every means possible. It matters not if you know each one or not. When the extinction of humanity becomes a mathematical certainty. The one real and true God will manifest in a great and terrible way. Which will be beyond the scope of human understanding and conceptualization. The changes to come will be beyond imagination and time. Even to those fallen and evil entities, angels, aliens. 
08-09 Jan 2022: vision:
human god like ruler of the zoo world:
My physical attention was thwarted to the scene at hand. The emerging one world leader or god was at hand. I was off to the side and yet unable to physically witness. I was unable to look upon him and yet I still knew he was not wholly human and neither was he holy or righteous in any way. I know of the darkness within him and yet his emanating light could not hide the darkness. His genetics have been altered and he may have been fully human at one time and now he knows he is a god or god like. He knows the intentions of all men as most of the known psychic powers have been opened to him. These were all genetic alterations to his physical being. The fate of humanity shall be one of extinction as even this god man is still less than even the fallen angels who control him as they are all his gods. Even the fallen angels will still see this human as a stupid ape in comparison to them. In which the fallen ones will lead this phony human god like creature as you would any zoo animal. Hear the great lion roar and know that an empty cleaned cage is awaiting this great human god like king. 
09 Jan 2022:
Spiritually Opened UP Humans:
Through genetic manipulation and all unknowing of any human being. The spiritual human defenses built into each human being by God himself shall be opened up. What this will do is allow for any disembodied spiritual entity to gain access to any physical human host. The spiritual beings can come and go as they please into any opened up human form. Right now and historically, the only way a spirit being can gain entry is when the human host is drunk or drugged up in some fashion. It seems to take great effort to still gain entry but it can also be easy for them as well. Especially, if the human is open and is willing for them to gain entry. There is usually a lot of deception to cause this. But, right now or in the near future all humans who have been properly genetically altered will be fully open to any spiritual being. The spiritual beings will even fight amongst themselves for the ownership of the best human hosts. Once this Genetic change has been accomplished. It will not matter what the human host wants or desires. Ownership of the human body will be forfeit to the much stronger and much more powerful spiritual beings. The human spirit and soul will be severely repressed under such over whelming power. Then the physical and mental changes to the human form begins. To the point that what was the humans personality and thinking processes cannot ever be seen or known again.
The evolution of this process is when a human host can be created and the spirit beings can assume them as they desire. Thus, while a human host may die or is killed. The spirit being will just assume another and continue onward. 
09 Jan 2022: 
Prophetically speaking. There is a reason why Babylon the country or city cannot be easily recognized. This is because many nations and many cities have become Babylon. This is because many different kinds of people groups have become Babylonians without awareness of such.  While those interested in prophecy are all looking for the next Babylon. They do not see or know that the entire planet is becoming Babylon. 
10 Jan 2022: 
What this all means is this. Genetic humanity will become extinct as humanity is right now or was 40-60-100 years ago. So yes, humanity loses as the the people are split into at least three different groups. Those who are autistic like, those who have interactions with the autistic and with the super humans. There may be other specific limited forms of bipedal like non genetic humans. The other group may be AI robotic like who become the go between for the different kinds of people groups. The so called super humans will be physically and mentally superior. This super human group will have everything and with a variety of psychic powers. The super human group will also obviously evolve at their own will. In the direction of their own will. But, even for this so called super human group. They will hit an evolutionary wall. Something unknown and unseen will prevent them of attaining the next evolutionary step in their current human like state. This will be because, They have made so many genetic changes in their own individual genome. That it becomes impossible for them to truly become gods or equal to God or greater than God. Because, they see just how insignificant they are in comparison to other beings, aliens, fallen angels. But, they will blame each other, they will hate each other and they will war with each other and they will consume each other and they will cause the total extinction of all life on this planet. But, the God will return in a great and terrible day. God will do as He desires as which has been prophesied in the Holy Bible. 
The end result will be the extinction of all human life forms on this planet. So the fallen angels apparently win and the humans lose. While the God is victorious in everything.  
So you humans who already have much power, authority and control over your portions of the world. Your ever lasting thirst for more and more. Will lead to you losing everything. So even as you decide to alter and enhance your own human genome for more time to remain alive. So as you alter your human genome for a genuine youthful appearance and other physical attributes. You will become locked into your own ego, pride, supremacy as you become greater than any other. As you genetically gain the abilities to read minds and to cause lesser humans to become bent to your will power. You are actually losing more and more with every genetic change. 
The insignificance of being 5 foot 7 inches and in just a few months you can be 6 foot 4 inches and then taller and taller. Just to ensure your a head above everyone else. Your IQ stunted at a human average of 105 and in just a few short months your IQ can be 140, 150, 180 and higher. But, with every change you make, you actually rob yourself of your own humanity and the natural evolutionary process which has been built within the code. But, you will see how making too many changes affects some humans as they horribly suffer and die. Even in the successes those who have been experimented on will still be killed.
Added on 11 Jan 2020: Temporary and permanent genetic alterations: 
The creation of a Babylonian military force. Called by a different and more politically correct name. The Babylon will military will go from nothing to the most powerful military force the world has ever seen or known. None in the entire history of humanity will come close to the might of this new power. 

There will be a discovery by accident that you will be able to temporarily change the genetics of any human being. Temporary meaning for a period of a year or so or for months or so. I do not know. This is because the human genome can fix or correct itself which is seen by the human genome as an error. I may not explain it correctly. 
So this temporary process will be used in order to create so called super soldiers. Men and women who will be able to do great physical feats in every category without risk of injury. But, there must be a build up. This will not be a Captain America type of serum and then step into some light machine. There will be injections and then rigorous physical training in order to build up bones, cartilage, muscles, tendons and all of the other physical components. This will take time. Just as a normal human being must also build themselves up in order to be athletic so too must the new emerging super soldiers. This process can take months and moths to build up. Then when the injections stop. Each soldier will have some sort of withdrawal's as their individual bodies return to some kind of normal human state. This also will be a process which will take months and months. Even if they are discharged back into civilian life. I have seen this (deleted) in a super man shirt. Pridefully showing off in full public view and he knew he was not supposed to show off. 
The nation which does create for themselves 100,000 plus super soldiers wins. Because, any nation which goes toe to toe with these super soldiers must have numerically more than ten to one in men and even then there will be no guarantee of victory for the superior numbers versus the super soldiers. But, here is the where the commonality is. The super soldiers bodies will still typically react to how a normal human body is blown up from artilleries and claymore mines. When bombs are dropped on a super soldier, they will die. The super soldiers must also have their own typical support systems. 
The same goes for specific mission set super soldiers. Like a super pilot who will stay conscious in high "G" maneuvers. But, If a missile hits their high performance fighter plane. The super pilot will still die. 
The same goes for super geniuses who will become much more smarter and much more creative for a specific period of time. 
A mission specific super soldier who has a much faster thinking brain functions coupled with a very coordinated and fast physical response times. 
This is not the torture of the character of Bucky in Captain America. 
These super soldier building process will be directly tied to very intense mind altering psychological programming or brain washing or mind control. This process will fundamentally change how the person thinks and acts. because, a good person will not do evil things. A good person cannot be trusted to follow orders. Most people are good and of good conscious(yes, I believe that). The rebuilding of the mind of a super soldier who will follow all orders without second guessing, without judging and without delay. The process of altering a mind will most likely take less time than it will take to train up a developing body of a super soldier. 
When the new worldwide Babylonian military is being built up. One super soldier can be used to kill every human being in a small town or tribe. That means a super soldier will kill every man, woman and child and do so without a second thought. They will do so without any guilt, remorse or any thought of wrong doing. 
This is crucial to understand. A simple civilian will not be able to defend themselves against these created super soldiers. A localized police force or militia group will not be able to take these super soldiers down without severe losses. No I'm not suggesting these super soldiers are bullet proof and a single magic bullet will end the terror they bring to any locality. But, the costs will be high and the locality must understand that when and if a super soldier comes or even a squad of super soldiers. It has already been decided that they are all gonna be killed. There will be no other choices. 
Roman Rotation in practice. 
The super soldiers may be used in the threes of ancient Roman military practice. 1/3 resting, 1/3 active engagement, 1/3 in defensive, training, planning positions. I think that is correct. Something like that. 
This will be important to know for anyone who goes against the super soldiers. Everyday it will seem like you are going against fresh super soldiers and you are. 
The super soldiers are being trained up right now and have already been used. 
This will be one reason why humanity will lose and lose badly. 
A small city or town in which the super soldiers were sent to will be cleansed. There will be no evidence that specific dissenting people were ever present. They will be erased. They will not have any access or visibility on any media source. No one will ever know. 
The new Babylon military force will conquer all who come before them. 
Thus, the end result will be the end of all things. Which is the intent and purpose of those evil fallen beings who have already come to help humanity - die. 
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
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