Showing posts with label Suffering. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Suffering. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 20, 2023

A Falling United States: (Unedited)+20: 18-20 Dec 2023:

New Reader Note: My quotes are more important than any words that I think I know. The foundational purpose of any and every bad and sad prophecy is to either mitigate or prevent. So, if you cannot prevent any of them from happening. Then you must mitigate the loss of life and the destruction of property. You mitigate first for the benefit of your own family, friends, church, community and other like minded peoples. 
Beware, prophecy is not about being first or being right. I do know what I'm saying and how it sounds. The point of prophecy is to save lives. The point of prophecy is to communicate the need to change ones life/repentance so that everyone may begin to pursue holiness and righteousness. The purple words below. 
Just how life is in Mexico, Central America and South America, so to shall it be in the former United States of America. 
Just as those regions in those nations do not have any governmental authority. So to will many nations inside of the soon to be former USA. Regional corruption will become rule of law just as judges for their own profit will also administer judgements with no justice. Kidnappings of all kinds will skyrocket. Missing persons will become uncountable. Home Invasions with murders will become common place.
Both the friends and enemies of the United States of America shall continue to do those self serving things even if it means causing the end, suffering and death to the American people.
The United States military will run out of resources, manpower, bombs and bullets fighting foreign military forces inside of their own land.
The United States American civilian will also run out of water, food, medical care, manpower and bullets.
The US Military with actual Americans will be forced to conduct warfare against US military forces who are foreign nationals.
The former United States civilian's will be killed and maybe buried on their own farms.
All of the enemies of the USA in the world have already sent and continue to send their own military forces into the USA. Each enemy will carve out their own region of interest and then conduct warfare forms of expansion into every other American place. The former American population will be treated like any other worthless indigenous tribe. The indigenous tribes of North America will also suffer genocide yet again. 
Note: The term worthless is my understanding of how the so called civilized modern day peoples think of the tribal peoples no matter where they hail from. Why value the lives whom you consider worthless. Genocide works this way. 
Every enemy of the United States is flooding into the USA. Each enemy group is going to silently mass together and await their "Go Orders" in which they each will establish a beachhead and take over those hundreds of places of their interest. 
Each city, county, region or state will have to deal with enemy forces who have been militarily trained. The local police officers will not be able to contain this coming threat. The police forces will be brutally killed. Entire cities and sates will be taken over and will become new nations with Asian, African, Hispanic and Islamic names. The United Nations may even accept this new nations as new people groups. While mass slavery of former Americans will become non peoples with no legal human rights. 
Many foreign national civilians who are capable are rushing into the USA for their own self interests and who also have no desire to become American citizens. They each will happily take for themselves and then become angry and violent when the taking and the giving to them ends. 
The enemies within are victorious and know they are victorious this is because the do nothing Americans and Christians continue to do nothing.
Do nothing Americans and Christians know they are being invaded and yet they still do nothing.
Do nothing Americans still remain fat and happy in their own individualistic lives free from proving their American identity. Soon even that identity shall be taken away through brutal force and there will not be any emergency services to come and save each and every American. 
In the same manner that the American government has allowed the drug trade to flourish so to will the unrestricted import of all manner of foreign military weapons into the hands of military foreign nationals. The end of the USA shall be manifest.
Can you and will you still worship God as you live and die in your own blessed nation which has become a blight into the world?
The blessed nation is to be a great light of freedom and hope into the world. But, has become its own self chosen blight into the world spreading disease, death and all manner of darkness. 
The blessed nation of the world has turned its back on God. The over pressure of darkness shall cease and the result of the cessation of darkness emanated will result in all of that dark energy rushing back into the void with magnified power and energy.
rewrite poorly written. 
All of you do nothing Americans think and believe all you need to do is fly your beloved flag and sing your national anthem. You will suffer and die as your identity is taken away all because you allowed sin to enter within. 
sin within is every place from your personal to your professional, from your community to your nation, From your places of profit to your places of religion and every where else. You cannot allow sin to into Israel and Israel is everywhere. 
Added on 24 Dec 2023: 
The silence and invisibility of your favorite super important people will be a last sign that you should have done something and should be doing something now. 
If there is a sudden and unexplained silence of your favorite super important people. Coupled with other fearful evidence may be a sign that your opportunity to save your family and yourself is coming to a close. Which means you may not even have a chance to get to your safe places. 
Actually, this may be a key sign to actively look for. Super important people are those persons who will most likely know that something terrible is about to happen and then quietly disappear. While on the other hand all of the political people will suddenly and at once declare trips and messages of non important things. Just as how all of the corrupt news media sources all put out the same script about "false news". No one knew it until someone discovered the same script read with different emotional inflections. Then how long was it that you found out that odd thing coupled together in one.
Suggestion without delusional worshiping of those famous people. Keep an eye on them and what they are doing. Then when you know their common patterns or speech and travel. When you see something odd. This can also be a sign that something traumatic is happening to them. This is above and beyond psychological care or detox.  
Added on 03 Feb 2024: 
Once you begin to realize that the leaders of your own country wants the bulk of their own populations to die. All of humanity is in dire straits. Once you realize that there is no more justice in your nation all of the common peoples can be enslaved, incarcerated/forced labor or just killed at any time. Once you begin to see that certain groups of people have more rights than other groups of people. Know that your suffering, misery, torture and death is near. Also know this that when sin is publicly accepted as a human right and freedom. Know that your belief in holiness and righteousness shall be criminalized. Just as it shall become a right to the new privileged(Ancient Rome term) or preferred citizen shall be able to accuse you for making them feel guilty/remorseful and to have any other sad feelings as this shall be hate speech. Your existence as a godly and righteous person shall be an offense which must be exterminated. 
This does include corporate leaders as well. But, with the corporate leaders who have become vile, wicked and evil. You can just stop buying any of their products and services. 
Here is the kicker though and it is the God thing. Once God sees that justice has ended in His selected nations and peoples as which is only judged by God alone. It matters not what we lowly humans think or believe God will do or not do if and when in His own selected time. But, we can go by history. Justice is usually one of the last things to depart or to be taken away by the evil wicked rulers of the land. All manner of hardships will befall the land and the people as which has been written before. All of it will seem natural and may even prove global climate change or whatever they are calling it now. But, that is a lie as it is now evident the rulers of the world wants to depopulate this planet as indicated by their own term use of a post human world. So by stating that global climate change is the reason it will be used to mask all of the evil and wicked things the rulers of this world are doing. God responds to evil wickedness with weather events, asteroid events, global flood and God will purify this Earth in fire. So the purple words below is of importance. 
In the USA, A new preferred citizen group will be established by the new American government. In which new and different terms may be used. If the coming elections are deemed unwinnable a new emergency event may emerge which will not be from God. It will be a planned disastrous event. This begins the end of the United States experiment and the rise of a new nation with a new constitution, rights, freedoms and liberties which all must be earned. Just like in ancient Rome where citizens were expected to participate in order to keep their citizenship.
The super elites or whatever they call themselves now or in the future. They and their families will be excluded from all laws which will restrain the common peoples. This is not about being above the law and more about how the laws of this world do not apply to any of them so as long as they follow their own rules and keep their mouths shut. 
In order to quell any future uprising as which is being seen all over the modern world. Freedom of speech must end. Freedom from being overly *educated will stop. Freedom to bare arms must end. Freedom to learn any kind of martial art must be eliminated. This is only for the common people.  
*NOTE: In the USA education is now seen as a racist action. This is how you enslave a population. When your population cannot communicate(reading, writing, speaking), logically think(math and science) then they all will begin to revert to their base animalistic human natures. Then when you remove meats and other what was once wholesome foods the physical size of the common people will be more like the North Koreans. Then when you administer more and more vaccines the life span of the common people will be in their thirties or early forties. The common peoples will not be able to give birth to healthy children. These will not be curses from God and God will be blamed. No one will even consider it is all Scooby Doo. Go forth and watch the old Scooby Doo shows and wait for the end when the source of the fear and suffering is revealed. It is always a revealed human who always wants more for themselves. No matter what it costs for the innocent ones. So to are the worlds leaders who only want more and more for themselves and to rule over a world as self created gods.  
Added on 04 Feb 2024:
 In human history there always seems to be commonalities to how any significant nation falls. When the people and leadership no longer repents of their sins and no longer live their lives in truth, righteousness and holiness. Then all of the blessings they have known will be taken away. As the people and the leadership begins to live their lives in lies, sin and all manner of immorality. They will heap upon themselves all manner of stench and curses. God will then curse the modern day nations as He had the ancient nations. It will not matter how much technology and advancements the once blessed or beloved nation has. All efforts made shall be erased and met with calamity. 
As the numbers of vile wicked evildoers grow in numbers the ignored voice of the holy and righteous ones will become less. So as it seems that there is no one to tell these fallen people to repent from their evil ways. The truth of the matter is that they have always known and God knows the contents of each individual heart and each mind. So, those curse which come for everyone in that fallen nation will be perfect and pure justice. Where as tens of thousands of souls will receive their judgement with weeping and the gnashing of teeth. The few innocent and righteous souls who perish at the hand of the wicked evil doers. Shall find their reward in Glory. 
Once a wicked evildoer has committed an unforgivable sin their heart and mind becomes locked and unchangeable as determined by God alone. When the immediacy of judgement is administered the final judgement from God on each soul shall be perfect and righteous.
Added on 05 Feb 2024: 
When the governments of the world no longer serve their own people. Then the people no longer have to pay taxes or honor any unrighteous, anti-freedom, anti-liberty and anti-constitutional laws. 
The criminalizing of the good civilian who begins to defend themselves when crimes are committed against them is a sign of an emerging Sodom and Gomorrah. 
Anti martial arts and anti gun training in the land of the free and home of the brave are only preludes to eliminating the constitution and bill of rights. 
Added on 13 Feb 2024:
In the United States there are now preferred citizens and non preferred citizens. Your status can change on any whim which is profitable to the political leaders. 
In the United States there are now those people who are excluded from law and justice while there are those who are under the brutal thumb of the law. 
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Sunday, September 10, 2023

The Coming Woes Already Evident Prophecy +26: (Unedited): 10 Sept 2023:

The good people of the world are now so deceived that they no longer will believe a massacred has happened, is happening or even will happen. Despite what many and any of the eye witness is saying or have said.
The evildoers of the world are becoming as one mind and as one intention. Before they can rule over the masses they know they must depopulate the world. 
Human history has shown to those who mean to absolutely rule as if they are gods that uprisings occur when the numbers of the servant and slave class is far greater than the ruling class. 
The new emerging ruling class of the world now own the technology to cleanly massacre any population that they desire at any time. All without any of them becoming contaminated or offended with the foul stenches as associated with the dead and dying. 
The new emerging ruling class will own nations and carve up nations as one would a wonderful sweet cake to be fully consumed and then treated like that which comes out of the body about a day or two later.
Those human souls who hold onto their old time religion, national and family beliefs will be fully excised from existence. 
No one will ever realize that the population of humanity is declining even when there is space available in big crowded cities or when those big cities begin to be demolished one old building at a time.
The common people will be thought of and cared for as much as after you put your trash onto the curb or into the fire. This is how much the emerging ruling class will consider the common peoples. 
The surviving indigenous peoples of the world you will be in a worse condition than other common people groups who shall be under the the grasp of the emerging ruling class. Your special status will be dissolved and forgotten.
The common people groups who follow along on the plan from the emerging ruling class shall be allowed to exist so as long as they are not considered useful idiots. 
Once a tool is no longer of any use it is discarded or thrown into the fire no longer thought of. So to shall be useful idiots when their purpose and function is no longer required. They will be killed.
Once the population has declined and the ruling class is fully in control along with their own worshipers. Those who were paid to be useful idiots and who conducted all manner of violence and crimes shall be exterminated as their vision of a utopia begins to be realized. 
With smirking secret smiles the emerging ruling class will joyfully proclaim their intentions of causing harm, suffering and death of those human souls who are less than any of them. 
Like happy children who have learned grand secrets. The emerging class will pridefully and joyfully know themselves to be specially entitled to everything there is as they openly in secret orchestrate the killing of millions of souls. While also providing the solution which kills many millions more souls. 
The apparent sporadic killing and deaths will all seem accidental when discovered outside of family ties. There only ties shall be strange unheard of diseases and ash.
Ultimate power will be pridefully realized when the emerging ruling class has more than one kind of their ultimate weapons to be used against any nation and any people. 
The absence of information and of evidence shall become covered in the ash of those killed.
The total number of human souls who shall be killed by the emerging ruling class shall be greater than the ash spewed out by volcanoes. Which shall be taken by the winds and blown away.
Cremations shall become the only method to dispose of any human corpse as the emerging ruling class shall not want bodies buried in their lands. 
Just as kings and gods in ancient human history all owned all of the air, water and land. So to shall the new emerging rulers of this modern world. Who will also become as gods and kings.
The remaining corpses in every grave on this planet shall be dug up and cremated. Every grave stone shall be destroyed as the existence of any grave site will become an offense to the emerging ruling class. 
Just as kings and gods in human history have had their own memorials in death to be forcibly remembered, respected and worshiped by all lesser peoples. So to shall the emerging ruling class make for themselves. 
Military personnel will believe themselves to be fighting and following orders for their flag and their people. But, the unknown truth is the military people will be blindly and unknowingly fighting and dying for the emerging rulers of the world.
A good believing person who becomes a soldier shall become disillusioned as they realize that there is no honor, no meaning and no purpose for their deadly and destructive actions except for making the emerging rulers more rich and powerful.
There will be paid for limited freedom's for dedicated services rendered by worshiping people in the coming new era where emerging ruling humans shall declare themselves as gods.
 Just as you today see lowly humans serving dictators, communist and socialist officials. So to shall the emerging rulers have their own military forces which shall fly the flags of other nations that they own.
 For they shall discover the code for real time genetic manipulation which will cause them to be god like. While the commoners shall all be afflicted with a variety of autism like genetic stunting techniques.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Thursday, April 14, 2022

Imminent Shortages Is Not Prophecy or Prophetic: (Unedited): 14 April 2022:

15 April 2022: Nukes are in play. Not a funny or humorous comment. This is an indication of why you should take those necessary actions which are important to you, your family, your friends and your community.
The coming suffering against the American, Canadian, European and all other modern day peoples is not God against you, it is the world and your own Government's against you. This is not prophetic nor is it prophecy. What has been planned is out in the open (Reset), this is one group telling you what they are going to do to you and all of you. Then saying with a straight face. That you will all be happy. But, at the same time many of them will be sad about the suffering and death they will cause to all of you. They all know this. Yet, they will all go forward with their so called reset plan. Kiss your retirement plans, wealth and property bye bye. Kiss your way of life bye bye as you begin to live your life like North Koreans, Africans and many indigenous tribes who still follow the ancient ways. 
The coming shortages of goods, energy and foods is not the prophetic event foretold in Biblical prophecy or in prophetic messages in other cultures. This is a planned human event and not a discipline from God. If this were a prophetic event from God than nothing any human government can prevent or stop it from coming except for what all life within Nineveh did when Jonah walked their streets. So, This is a orchestrated human event to illicit their changes that the human leaderships have already planned for. For all of the suffering to come to humanity on this planet has already been deemed acceptable by those who already rule over all peoples. 
What is the time frame? ???Months???. 
You must begin right now and have already the planted of all of the necessary heirloom, antique and wild food crops that are needed to stave off all aspects of starvation. You must already have purchased rabbits, chickens and all other consumable animals to raise up. 
How will you stay warm in the winter and cool in the summer from within your modern day home without any energy/electricity/gas/oil? 
You also will have already planted heirloom, antique and wild food plants in every place possible in your own region. Especially in those places which are not frequently traveled by vehicle or foot. Every church and park should have already planted food plants everywhere. All ornamental plants should be pulled up and replanted with food related plants, bushes and trees. 
All of your ornamental plants, bushes and trees have already been replaced with all manner of edible heirloom, antique and wild foods bearing plants, bushes and trees. 
Do not forget olive trees as these will bring you oil for ancient oil lamps. 
The time may even be too late to wait the many years for first fruits and then another year or two for full fruits. So the consideration of cloned plants, bushes and trees which are already fruiting may be a necessity. 
At least use my question marks as a test run. A test run which will not cause psychological harm to your own children, grand children and other very sensitive family members. For when your children see what you are doing they will need no words. Then when something uncontrollable happens they will see and know and become just like dad or grand dad. Let your children be kids for as long as possible. Think about it this way. There is a reason why a soldier returns home and does not speak of what they have seen and done. This is because they return home and are protecting your good memories from their own bad and sad memories. Yes, it is their continuing duties for the benefit of their own family. Just as you must not induce continuing fears and fright in your own children, wife and others. Unless your spouse is like minded as you. Do not force your wife/spouse. Do not force your children. Teach the skill sets absent of the paranoia and fear. This is how the ancient peoples do it. This is how the good boy scouts did it and ?still? do it. They do not prepare, educate and train in a spirit of fear or other negative emotions. I think the Boy scouts are going bankrupt????? No longer will American be able to train boys to be actual men. 
Chinese related goods is about to slow up. You should not buy any Chinese goods, clothing or electronics. Because, China has been using their profits to build up all aspects of their military to kill people. Just as what Russia has been doing with their own profits from energy sales. Look at what Russia has been doing in Ukraine. Any nation and peoples which is and has bought Russia energy sources is at fault and is responsible. 
What this means is this. You must begin buying products made in your own city, county, state, region and nation. Trucking and logistics is going to slow down. So how will your truck driving family members get home or get to their self defined safe place?
So when the American forces fully commit to the European theater of war. Look for China to begin their own operations against Taiwan in order to finally end their civil war. Just as the numbers of dead will not be fully known from Ukraine. No one will see the 10 million deaths in Taiwan or even find the bodies. 
If you have bought Chinese clothing. You already know they wear out fast and do not last long. So you must replace your Chinese made clothing, shoes, undies with American made clothing or end up naked and shoe-less. You must begin this ASAP.  
The USA already knows that their military will not conduct military actions against their own people. Just as Russia is learning about soldier rejection right now. So how would the US Government conduct military actions against their own civilian populations? How about bringing in hundreds of thousands of military aged fighting men from other nations who care nothing for the American people to follow their orders. So when the American civilians plead and beg in English with the new imported American soldier it will not be understood as they only know Spanish or some other language. They will be far more numerous than the total men and women in all American police agencies. How many is that? Not even the police forces will be able to defend themselves against these invading forces who wear the American uniform. 
Vacation, holiday and retirement time is over. Get fit, get healthy and make those very necessary preparations for your family, friends and community. Make the best emergency transportation plans for your own family members to that safe place of your own choosing. Even if you already know that  you will not be one of the survivors. Save your family. Save your friends, save your church and save your own communities. You who are in the wise and silver generation must do these things right now. It may already be too late. 
Get out of all debts. Debts of any kind will mean slavery to you and your family. 
This is not investment advice. Do your own Due Diligence. I'm only a janitor with zero wealth, zero assets, zero real estate, zero retirement, zero savings, zero education in any aspects of economics anything. Who is using a 12+ year old computer. Because, it is the best I can do. 
If you invest. Then invest in American manufacturing in your city, county, state, region and your nation. Only invest in those manufacturing entities which are only nationally owned with zero foreign ownership. 
New Sign. Bird poop on the President and bird poop on the American flag. I'm being nice here. Figure it out with your own hoodlum slang terms. Yes, I do believe this to be a sign. God does and has used birds to deliver signs and food in the past. They have been deemed as such and this is one as I believe it. But, it can also be just dumb luck at a bad time for the President. I have not received an Email from God on this matter yet.  
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Friday, November 12, 2021

Americas Sadness Prophecy: (Unedited): 12 Nov 2021:

 For Americans sadness will come for them all. So as long as they remain away from God. So as long as they choose their lives of sin and evil doing. Everything that you try to do will become problematic. Every fight you take up will be met with unfortunate and unplanned circumstance. This is while knowing that a single bullet will kill a man so to can one EMP detonation can kill the United States and yet the Americans continue to go forth in harms way without ever a single consideration of a retaliatory murderous strike. From those so called lesser nations. For now because of Russia and China all of those lesser nations now have NASA technologies which include guidance and they have had those things for more than a decade now. 
The nations of the world have begun more than two decades ago, to modify their militaries and economies to be able to survive without an existing America. These nations are not exactly there yet. But, as time goes on it will not matter what the Americans and former Americans do. The world will survive without them/us. The world has already committed to a world without the USA and they see it as a necessary occurrence to further all of their own individualistic plans. For many of so called Americas friends have already conducted their own treasonous acts which to include Canada and many European nations. The USA can no longer trust those nations they once did trust and protected, still do. 
What will Happen to America? Total loss of everything with only a minimal loss of infrastructure and assets. But the killing of Americans can be known to a tune of about or more than 90% of the entire civilian population. While at the same time those politicians and their families on both sides of the spectrum/aisle will not know the coming suffering to their own families. Except for the disabled family member or the family member considered a failure who dies for some valid reason. For they all have been in collusion to the murder of all aspects of America for many decades now. That sad suffering which will come for all Americans has been planned and will be orchestrated. There will be a singular conductor who will relish in Americas sad suffering. There will be profound joy as Americans die in real time viewing. I know you cannot understand this. But, it is true. For there is great wealth to gain and profits to be made from the enslavement of the former American survivors. 
This great American sadness will happen all because "We The People ..." choose to leave God and the ancient contractual agreement with God. So all of the benefits in which God has given to the people and this land will become forfeit. All things which happen will happen to everyone and not just those evil doers. All Americans are all "We The People..." and what happens to one happens to us all and it will. Regardless of which side you have been conned to fight for. 
So how can you avert the coming and planned disaster? The purple words below is a start. The Jesus Christ thing is actually only way, but you cannot just say the words, become baptized and go forth in life as you always have. You will actually have to do your part.
ASAP does equal to T->(2-10 years):
If you cannot and will not abide by the purple words or the Jesus Christ thing. Then I highly suggest that you leave this country ASAP. Because what comes will enslave you assuming you survive. But, you cannot just leave this nation. You must wholly disavow all aspects of the American ideal, dream and way of life. You must surrender all aspects of your American citizenship and identity. You must do so ASAP. Because, as I have told you the American citizenship as well as all of the foreign nationals in this country will perish if they remain here. Yes, your nation will make attempts to rescue you and your corpse. But those gestures will be for their own political and propaganda gains. 
This also means that if you own assets in this country(USA) and do not have any power and authority within your home nation. I high recommend that you sell and get out. Use your wealth to bolster your families real assets in your own home nation. Zero out all of your debts. 
The denominations and the churches must flee from all sins which includes tolerating sin. The denominations and churches must force all all leaders who maintain their prideful sins and forcibly disallow them to stand in the holy places. While at the same time honoring the purple words below. Any truly devout Christian which is in those fallen denominations and churches. A time will come when you will need to express all manner of holiness and righteousness. For you remain in those evil places for a reason. You are their last expression of hope. Before God comes as their Holy Judge and speaks those words "...I have never known you...". You already know and do not fear. That those evil denominations and churches will do some very ugly things to you. They will beat you and throw you out. Some will visit you to cause you even more harm and physical death. Find joy in this for you're worth and do not defend yourself in any way. Just praise God and give all glory to God. Do not allow fear to enter into you. Become and be joyful that you are worthy and God knows it of you. God knows it of you. 
Think about this. People within the denominations and churches will come for you to kill you. They will think of themselves as holy and righteous as what they do unto you as true and right. They will do unto you as falsely knowing they are justified. This is more than just duty and a sense of protecting the church from you. For they do not know that the purity of loving one another means to cause no harm -ever - and in any way. They know not what they do unto you. For you may very well have been their last hope at repentance, holiness and righteousness or the purple words below. 
The denominations and churches which have become most like or exactly like the ancient churches of Philadelphia and Smyrna will begin to do these things. In conjunction with themselves and with other churches. Even if they have not become like Philadelphia and Smyrna. You will begin exclusive club like memberships (COSTCO, Sam's, Eagles clubs). You will each establish your own micro economies. 
You will each start planting all manner of edible and medicinal trees, bushes and plants for your region. All debts must be zeroed out by all persons. A society similar to the Amish and Mennonites must begin. You may need to inquire of them for their long historical knowledge's, wisdom's and understanding's. These things must be done ASAP. 
You will also need to continually encourage all persons. To plant those edible and medicinal trees, plants and bushes on their own properties. Even if it means removing all ornamentals. While at the same time doing the math for how plant life will have to endure in Revelation. Just because I do not and have not stated very much about an agrarian lifestyle in totality. This is what I mean. The development of skillsets like welding, electricity, plumbing, A/C, Heat, Refrigeration and all aspects of mechanics. Which should include robotics and fabrication of every kind in the near future.  All of these things should be directly tied to the established micro-economies. 
The coming woes of great sadness to the United States of America can still be averted and or delayed as was seen in Nineveh by Jonah. Even though Nineveh was destroyed some 60-100 or so years later when they forgot again. Thus becoming Mosul, Iraq today. Only The Holy Bible and actual history remembers Nineveh. This will be done when the bulk of all Americans genuinely repent of their evil ways. When all Americans begin to choose to live their lives without causing harm to any other soul. Causing any kind of harm is a sin as you are not loving one another. 
When as they vote and they lose the election in 2022 or afterwards. Super majorities are achieved in the Senate and the House. All the while holding the seat of the President. The USA ends. That they all actively show up in their own city centers to quietly and peacefully protest. Remember, you cannot cause any harm at any time and this does mean something as littering. If this election cycle is stolen and maybe once again. Then a hundred million people must flood their own streets and force the vacancies of all house, senate and even the president to vacate their offices, immediately. When and if those who hold all of the power and authority knows their end is to come. They may exercise their own planned dead hand. Which means up to or more than 90% of all Americans will die within the first year o the event. So Yea, There is that. 
Vision: I saw a warplane flying as high as it can. Armed with an EMP nuclear device. The time must be exact as that so called satellite will pass over at a specific time and place. The fighter pilot who is foggy, blurry and shady or some kind of out of phase or pixelated(?digital?) to me is undiscerned. He points his fighter plane towards the sky and launches his nuclear tipped EMP missile. The missile has a proximity or timed fuse. As the missile gets close to the offending satellite it detonates. All technologies dies and so does the American people in a single year after this event. 
The politicians publicly perceive this as an attack by either Iran or North Korea as they each have satellites knows as or something similar to a bright star. Satellite tracking confirms the placement of the satellite as this is seen as absolute evidence. 
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Americas Time Is Short Prophecy: (Unedited): 11 Aug 2020:

This is an ongoing blog. New content at the bottom and dated. Some days I do add more content throughout the entire day. Typically, the more quotes I write the more accurate the writing seems to be. Most of the time I high light the quotes but, sometimes I miss them. So if you see them. Then that is more and maybe for you. Repeat quotes is also important. 
The blessed nation has turned away from God. Just as the beloved people of Israel have done many times before. Your time is short America and Americans. You must repent and retake the nation I have given unto your ancestors. If you do not, then your nation will be yours no more.
Great suffering shall come to all of you and each of you must endure unto your end. You will be forced to be jobless, hungry, thirsty and homeless. You will become criminals as it is already a crime in many places to be homeless and to be fed while being homeless. You will become more criminalized because of my name. Many will endure much greater sufferings, many shall die. While many shall no longer choose to be Christians. They shall take the mark of the beast so as not to watch their own children suffer and die. The persecutions you have heard of in far away places shall be lived and experienced by every caught Christian. Your non Christian family and friends will only see you as a mentally ill criminal who is a threat to each of them personally. They will smile and welcome you as they call the new police forces who shall take you away for crimes against the new emerging nation. Christians will be known as actual traitors and active terrorists. Even though no Christian will know of anyone who has committed a violent action as reported by the new media. The whole world and everyone will fear every Christian. When Christians are killed in the streets. It will be celebrated by all.  No matter how bad life becomes for each of you. I your Heavenly Father shall always be with all of My children even in your own darkest and loneliest of time. As you are about to fall asleep for the last time be in prayer and sing praises. For when you wake up, You shall be with ME in glory.
for if we live, we live for the Lord, or if we die, we die for the Lord; therefore whether we live or die, we are the Lord’s.
The great bait and switch of the American Presidential campaign has a name. Kamala Harris. It is she who will be the President when Biden becomes to ill to perform his duties. The democrat party has already been destroyed by the Marxists. If Biden wins. Then the next elections must fill both the House and the Senate with a super-majority of new democrats. With this super majority. A complete change of America will take place. The end of freedoms and rights. The end of the constitution. . That may go by a different name related to socialist but will be exactly like any other communist-Marxist regimes.  Those who go against the new party shall be a traitor and deserving of immediate death and they all will die on T.V.
A nationwide police force will be created. A nationalized police force full of battle hardened mercenaries from other nations like Russia, China. A police force which is beholden to the new American Communist Party. They will begin their hunt for gun owners and attack them violently on an individual level. These violent actions will be a great show on TV. What actually happen was a quick killing spree of the civilians. But, the orchestration will show lots of shooting with explosions and fire. The new police forces will report many dead officers when in reality very few or none died at all. While all of the people inside died. Fake neighbors will report on their crimes and how fearful they were and how thankful their nightmare because of those Christians is now over.
Added on 13 Aug 2020: The plan Democratic plan to take the White House and all of America. The Democrat Party is no more as it is now a Communist-Marxist political Party. They are all traitors. The rising of the Rainbow Tsunami is rising higher and higher.
1). The ramping up of more health fears within the Christian and conservative American civilian. This will cause the elder Christians to not Vote. A new strain of a possible more deadly virus will come again in a couple of months.
2). The Democrats own all access to the computerized voting machines. In which a certain number of Republican votes will be deleted. While other votes switched. Democrat votes may be duplicated. So as long as maximum expected numbers are not exceeded.
3). Early Mail in ballets will be redirected from pro Republican states and new votes recast for Democrats. Added on 14 Aug 2020: Postal service drama with threats. This is a partial hit to early  for now. See below. 
4).The news media outlets will all declare lower turnout expectations and fewer than expected mail in ballets. The news media will show lower turn outs by Republicans and greater turnouts by Democrats.
5). The news media outlets may begin embarrassing news reporting about Christian sins, crimes and immoral wrong doings. Old news stories will be continued to fill the airspace. This news blitz will result in protests of churches all over the nation. Christians will be attacked, mocked and ridiculed while going to church, while leaving church. Christians will be followed home and to after church restaurants and stores. Where they will be continued to be harassed wherever they may go. Christian children will be brutalized on the way to school, in school and going home from school. Christians will have so much fear of their own safety that they will forget to vote and just hide.
By changing everything which can be changed. It will be difficult for any one issue to be searched for. The democrats will win everything by all that they have done.
But, God likes to ensure that when He does a thing it was not by any human intervention or by any human part which was played. God will do His will and no human or any fallen angel can prevent His actions and His desired outcomes.
No matter what comes or what may happen every Christian must vote in every election cycle. Especially if you the Christian want to have a say in this Country God has made for you. Every capable Christian must run for every elected office and Christians must only vote for those Christians which have a proven history within the church. Do not believe the lie that a Christian has no right in public office. Because, once the house and Senate has a super majority. Once the evil doers hold the white House. You Christians will be criminalized and denied access to any public access. Which includes work, banking, Internet, schools, hospitals and this list goes on.
The Democrats are doing everything they can to prevent the Christians from taking away their government again. So everything that can be done will be done to ensure their collective victories.
Once the democrats win the majorities that is sufficient. The police forces of the every community will be replaced. The men and women who shall become the new police forces will only swear allegiances to those who hold the power. This must be done first and anyone who refuses this change while upholding The American Constitution, The American flag and the American ideals. Shall be harshly dealt with. So how to Marxists Communists conduct themselves when then begin to purge all threats out of their country? They kill and murder in secret. So all police officers who have actual honor and honor their nation with their oaths. Shall be killed. This goes for all former military personnel. Former special forces personnel will have no choice and they will simply be hunted and killed. The doomsday prepper types, the survivalist types all will die as in entire families. The bodies will disappear. News stories generated to establish terrorist attacks were being planned and the treasonous prepper group put forth a horrendous firefight and killed many new police officers.
Under the newly established government. In which none of the news media sources will report that the USA is no more. All manner of military weapons will be used against the entire civilian population on American soil.
Those rioters shall become their soldiers and police forces. The law that they each shall enforce will be as they each define it. If any civilian wants to be left alone or protected. Then they will have to pay the officer a bribe. But, this will be tough to do as any person with any kind of wealth will become hated in their new society. The wealthy people shall be brutalized.
Anyone who has guns or has been trained with guns. Shall be killed as it will be reported that every gun owner is a criminal terrorists. They will be easy to find.
So do you remember God? Well He has the final say and what He says and does cannot be prevented. If President Trump is His last man for America. We all will soon know in November. But, if God allows President Trump a second term. Then a short delay for Americans as the Democrat led states will begin to implement their last chance plans. It will take some time. Because the democratic state governments need to pass laws and to implement their plans.
Those democrat led states and cities will plan their secession of the USA. Thus, legally forming their own nation. If you as a Christian reside in a democrat led state. You must sell all assets and move out. The entire economy will collapse. Every nation and every person of the entire world will demand the sale of all of their stocks, businesses and properties.
The civil war begins. Foreign military's will align themselves with the new government. Mercenaries from around the world will also become police officers. In which they will just either beat you or kill you.
More than 200 million Americans will die over the coming decades of the new government. Assuming Russia and China do not invade with their own peace keeping forces.  When Russia and China do invade. The American death toll will reach 300 million and there won't be graves or mass grave sites. Which can be used in international courts of law.
Added on 14 Aug 2020: I just found news about the US Postal Service and so it begins. To Blame President Trump for what happens in the future in regards to the mail-in ballots.
The complicit nature of the Republican party is a crime against all Americans. Joe Biden is not fit for any public office and the entire Republican party knows it. Yet they say nothing officially or make Joe Biden health issues a blocking point for the election. The Republicans can still maintain the HIPA laws in regards to this. Because of this it seems that the Republican party is in collusion with the democrats as the democrats are no longer democrats as once was known. The great American bait and switch which means Kamala Harris may be heir apparent. This is troublesome to think about.
I have written this before. I was in Tampa when the Republican National Convention was being held. I witnessed many prostitute looking women with three security badges enter into the arena and they are supposed to be believing Conservative Christians. I saw the falsehoods, the deceptions that the Republican party was playing with the American people. Maybe, God does need to end the USA since there is no more morality or honor and legalizing sins in the American government.
15 Aug 2020: I saw just now in a vision. The media showing the huge numbers of democrats proudly and happily voting while in comparison showing maybe less than 10% Republican voting. Thus the perception is that since so few Republicans are voting as reported by news outlets, Any large voting numbers can be used as a criminal act by the Republican Party.  The media reporting the huge numbers of democrats voting is or will be a lie but believed by everyone.
16 Aug 2020: The rise of the false prophets is now evident. Mathew 24:24. The false prophets will be everywhere. Their evidence will be without cleanliness, righteousness or holiness. They will tolerate all manner of any sins. Especially those sins which have been legalized by the laws of men. While all other aspects of their life will be held secret.
So who will begin to teach that we are all Messiahs? or little messiahs? and we must all become our own self professing Messiahs. If we are all the sons and daughters of God? Then are we not all just like our big brother Jesus Christ? So do you this how this falsehood can spread. I bet you can even pick and choose in the Holy Bible in order to prove the validity of this little falsehood that I just wrote.
Major power outage and lost all data in this section. Today's writings have been a struggle. Should be noted by you and also tested. Well, everything must be tested. 

You false Christians and unbelievers will not hear the intelligence in the coming global thunder. You shall not even be aware that a prophetic event has even occurred let alone be accepting of the news. Which will not be played in any news media organization.  You shall not even be aware that the chosen ones are even gone. For you most likely never had any real relationship with any of the devout. Other than you thinking that they were weird, odd or insane.
For it shall be those professing Christians who have run back into the immoral and sinful world after they have been made clean. For it shall be those professing Christians who have refused to become holy and righteous as determined by God alone. You shall not know that Christ has already taken His away. Who shall not know that the second coming is at hand and has already occurred. You false Christians shall endure unto your own ends and then you shall hear from Your God that He never knew you as you are cast into one of the hells. You generational Christians have rejected wise, holy and righteous teachings all your life. You social Christians who only want to feel good and to be entertained. Shall not be invited by God, His angels, By The Holy Spirit or by our Lord Jesus Christ. Just like only 8 adult souls survived the great flood. About a billion souls died in that flood. This is how you define what a remnant is. 8 out of about a billion is a remnant.
There is still hope for each of you. Repent. Repent. Repent. Then remain clean. Pursue holiness and righteousness in all aspects of your lives.
2 Corinthians 7:1 (NASB): Yes read all of chapter six and all of chapter seven.
Therefore, Having these promises, let us cleanse OURSELVES from all defilement of flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God.
Christians should only have exclusive business with one another as indicated in 2 Corinthians 6:14-16: From this it is very important to begin the creation of exclusive Christian Church clubs and their own micro economies. Thus creating employment and service opportunities with only Christians. Regardless of what the laws of men dictate.
14 Do not be bound together with unbelievers; for what partnership have righteousness and lawlessness, or what fellowship has light with darkness? 15 Or what harmony has Christ with Belial, or what has a believer in common with an unbeliever? 16 Or what agreement has the temple of God with idols? For we are the temple of the living God; just as God said,
Added on 21 Aug 2020: Is there any evidence that Americans are returning to their God? Especially since the early 1970's and the events of 09/11/01? I do not think so. In fact I think that the American departure from their God has only been hastened as well as the American departure from the form of government which was created as a template for the whole world to freely choose to follow if they each so decide. So, I have been writing this since 11 Aug 2020 and I have delayed adding some critical information in a timely manner. It seems that Perry Stone is being spoken through by God as well as Jonathan Cahn. I probably should view them more but I do not. I find it interesting that they each come to similar conclusions without conflict. From what I have seen that is and that is all I can do as I cannot spend any money or travel. But, Jonathan Cahn has now revealed just enough information in order to be predictive as all of American is lost and Americans become no more. That is the point America is gonna be destroyed and maybe hundreds of millions of Americans are gonna die. Most likely within the first year of an initial event. If that event is EMP or RF DEW related. I think there will be an American Tet Offensive. I think Russia is going to retake Alaska. I think China will invade The USA. In the evil world view. America must be neutralized in order for the worldly evil doers can do as they want without interference from those busy body Americans.
In the Holy Bible. All of the stories are dimensional. Meaning a pastor who has thoroughly studied the Holy Bible can teach a story like the one about Jonah a dozen different ways without ever conflicting. I wonder if God is using men like Stone, Cahn and others in a dimension manner? I think God would in order to distribute the whole picture like a puzzle box and each individual person has their own realized puzzle piece.
So About Biden. It has been suggested that Biden is to old and his cognitive function is greatly impaired. If Biden has age related health issues which diminishes his cognitive function. Could that be a misunderstood prophetic sign that if Biden is suddenly healed that he would become one of the evil ones as foretold in the Holy Bible or even Nostradamus?
I think either way the left, liberals and the Marxist Communists will mobilize in order to hasten the change from the freedoms of what America has always known into a socialist and Marxists Communist society. If the liberals, left and Marxists Communists lose then terrorists attacks will begin. Which will include causing food poisoning to those customers who appear to be on the right or Christians. Besides so called evile rich people own restaurants. So causing the entire restaurant industry to become untrustworthy. The Marxists are against the rich and wealthy as they will demand that the rich to pay even more in taxes. They will close down as the common American will stop going out into the public.
Added on 28 Aug 2020: Christians must begin to decide to home school their children. The public school system cannot be trusted. The teachers can no longer be trusted as they teach socialism and marxism to your children. As they teach all manner of sin as a fundamental right for all. Christians must begin to live as they were Christian and not believe that they must tolerate sin in their lives. Sin cannot be tolerated. Your time is short. Your time to prepare may be too late. But, you should prepare anyway and if you have to move. You should move. Repent. Repent. Repent.
What comes again in this later part of 2020, may yet be another hard lesson reprieve or it may be judgement. Time is short. Make your final decisions now and live your lives accordingly. Be more than just a professing Christian for 1.5 hours only one day a week. God sees through your own self created deception. Even if your own deception is more than 50 years old.
Added on 29 Aug 2020: Before you read the books or view the video shorts. You must repent, repent, repent. You must remain clean or become clean. You must turn away from all sin. You must become holy and righteous as which is only accepted by God alone. You must do these things without pride, ego, arrogance and supremacy. You must pray always and read the Holy Bible always.
If you have not done the above for this day listed. Then when you know what will happen from below. The outcomes may be different for you as which will only be judged by God alone.
You need to know. I'm not affiliated with any aspect of Jonathan Cahn and he most likely is not even aware that I exist or who I am or has even heard of me.  I cannot read the books or even buy the books. Yes, I'm that poor. This is not advertisement for me. All thanks, praise, glory goes to God alone. No need to acknowledge me in any way - ever.
Jonathan Cahn: Harbinger II: Your required to view all of the videos. Your required to buy both books. You need to study this evidence. You need to prepare and get all of your business in order. You will already know if your required to move and that is something you already know. The angels are not gonna drag you or beg of you. You either go or don't. This window of opportunity may already be past. Unless another reprieve is given. Your decision will be as you will it. I highly recommend that if you give to churches and to people of God. Please consider Jonathan Cahn and yes of course Jim Bakker.
I use copy and paste for your safety and security. What you see is what you get.
Added on 29 Aug 2020: If there is a Reprieve. It may be the result of this Return.
Christian families must remove their children from the public school system ASAP. If you must financially reorganize your life then you must do so now. If you must leave the state you reside within because of this one lack of freedom. Then you must move. Your now adult children must attend Christian related universities and stay away from the now traditional college institutions.
If you have been blessed by God financially. Then you must hire only Christian people and begin to learn how to only do business with other Christian entities. From Christian related micro economies. You must remember the prophecy in Revelation that there will be a war against all of Christianity because of the name of God.
R words key in this writing for today
Added on 30 Aug 2020:
This is for your Christian preppers and Christian survivalist types. This is another one of those coming events in which you have and are preparing for. Use this time as a test tool for your final testing, preparations and evaluations. Just in case there is a reprieve. If there is no reprieve from God. Then this may in actuality be the real deal where courage and faith are extremely tested. As with other times before which have come and gone with fear and anxiety. This to may be also another time but it may not be. No one knows except God alone who has judged His beloved people Israel many times before. The USA and it's Americans have fallen away from God and God may very well bring judgement to Americans especially after it has been 19 years after 9/11/01. This is a fearful time coming for all Americans as we are all "We The People...". We are not them's,those and they's. So any judgement which comes for America will come for all Americans even to those who have not taken any vows but have led an American life. Hope and pray for whole hearted repentance for the entire nation and her people. It would be a good idea to begin now and continue on until the end does come however that may be for you-individually speaking. Pray and hope that a reprieve comes for America as it had come for Nineveh in the days of Jonah. That reprieve lasted for forty years and then Nineveh was destroyed and never was again. Mosul is where Nineveh was. The improbable reprieve for America may not last for forty years and may only last a few years. Only God knows and will be defined by what The Americans actually do in their lives.
This is not a posting which demands war or conflict of any kind. This and any other of my postings are not permissions for anyone to commit any kind of violent act, strife, chaos or even war. We are all to love one another and to be at peace with all of our human brethren. You should not take part in any violent action. No matter how much it is your legal right to do so.
#USA #America #American #Judgement #prophecy
Added on 31 Aug 2020: Be warned of politicians in which you already know this truth Christian and yet you still continue to play their games of lies and deceptions. Even the Republican party is not a political institution for the conservatives. They are self serving just as the democrats are. This is why the Christians must retake all aspects of government through the election process. Assuming there shall be a reprieve of judgement from God. I hope and pray there shall be. If there is a reprieve then all Christians who have a long history in the Church must run for every elected office in the city, county, state and federal government. In doing so may America see a continued reprieve as which was seen by Nineveh in those days of Jonah. Those of you who have studied the Holy Bible know that God has sent judgement upon Israel His beloved people many times and many times God has also caused Israel to be reborn and continue on with great blessings. So to can America regain their blessings again in the world. So to can Americans regain their honor and respect from the whole world once again. But, Americans must repent and turn away from their sins. Americans must become clean in mind, in heart, in body and in spirit. Americans must begin to pursue what it is to be holy and righteous and then walk that path. In doing so then maybe America and Americans may see their reprieve. If enough numbers actually make the turn away from sin and evil and turn themselves towards God once again.
Note: I do not think a reprieve is possible or even probable. Only God knows. Because, I still see the depopulation of all of America and I see the people of the world not knowing what happened to the Americans or the suffering of the Americans. I see no one asking where are the people? I still see the depopulation of America to occur within one year of events. The goal is to preserve all of the infrastructure while the Americans are allowed to suffer and die. All of this happening while the civilians of the world know nothing and do nothing. America and Americans will lose badly in every way and yet no one outside will know this truth. Many in the world will say they(Americans) deserve what has befallen them with hatred or apathy. Yet this anger and apathy for what has become of America and Americans will not be seen as a sign for what will also come for them as well.
Do not acknowledge me or give me any thanks in anything. All glory and praise goes to God alone.
Here is some Perry Stone videos. I recommend that you view and study what Perry Stone says. Being a different part of the prophetic body. Just as Jonathan Cahn (Scholarly Puzzle Master) is who he is so to is Perry Stone(uk nickname) is who he is. I see them as equal and yet they are not equal to one another. But, they are equal in the Glory to God. Just because there is only one video. Only means I have to go to work. this is a progress or you can just go to Perry Stones YouTube page and view for yourself. If you give to churches and to people of God please consider giving to Perry Stone.
Added on 31 Aug 2020:
Modern day prophets are like parrots repeating that which sounds good.
What is the difference between a good prophet and a bad wannabe prophet? A good prophet is one who offers an option to either mitigate or prevent his/her own words from becoming real and valid. The bad wannabe prophet only cares for their fame, fortune and the pride of being right or first. Besides what kind of insane person would speak or write bad and sad words without ever offering up a way to prevent or mitigate.
This is what has happened to humanity because when a self professed prophet speaks he is only telling what will go wrong and when that event happens or not happen.
I continuously tell you how to stop the coming judgement of America. This must be relayed to all Americans. We may in fact coming to the time of Nineveh and God may not send an actual prophet so that we have an opportunity to change from our evil ways. If we do not and begin taking over the responsibilities of this great nation under God. Then God will judge all of American and every America. This may in fact be our last call to return as one of the children of God. If we do this in sufficient numbers according to what would be accepted By God only. Then maybe we will have our reprieve. How long that reprieve will last is solely up to God. A reprieve can last 40 minutes, 40 years or some other time in between.
Have you read my lessons on prophecy and what they actually mean? Any true and real bad and sad prophecy is intended to be either mitigated or prevented. This is crucial to understand. Prophecy is not supposed to be I was right or I was first proclamations. Can you see the intense risk for someone to speak prophetic words in order for all of the people to cause mitigation or prevention. If a prophetic word is prevented then how do you know if the prophetic word was ever real. In the Holy Bible a very real living word of God. Any good and positive changes we make in our lives will alter our fate. Not just American lives but all of humanities lives. Then something interesting will happen. The entire Holy Bible will be altered to reflect those changes and we will not even be aware of it. This is also because the Holy Bible is also a timeless life form. A incredible life form which was God, Is God and became the Son of God. The Son of God who lived and died and still lives forever.
31 Aug 2020: Vision a few days ago. Trying to understand it.
A saw the reason why the Republicans stopped any additional funds for American citizens. The democrats did not even put up a good fight in relation to paying Americans any kind of funding once it was discovered how many guns and unnecessary stuff was purchased. This is because a large number of Americans bought guns and bullets. While others bought T.V.'s, game platforms and lots of other unnecessary stuffs. How many actually use the government funds to actually pay for necessary expenses and bills? I can only say for my family. We spent the majority on necessary things like bills and food.
But, that is what I saw that the republicans do not want to give money to Americans so that they can buy more weapons and ammunition. The republican party as well as the democrat party as they are now must end and stop. This is why actual Christians must run for every political office at every level of government. Every professing Christian must only vote for actual Christian candidates at every level of government.
I stopped being a Republican right after I went to the Republican National Convention to do some work. The number of prostitutes I saw with three security badges was a very large number. To know the Tampa cops and myself could not even get through the first security check but high class prostitutes can be approved by the Federal authorities. So the republican party is not the party of the conservatives. The republican party is the party of self serving individuals. Very similar to the democrat party.  The level corruption and treasonous people is on both sides. This must be stopped by sending them all home or to prison or the the execution chamber with every single election cycle. This must happen by the actual Christians. If this is not done then all of America will be lost.
Added on 03 Sep 2020: The 2020 American Election may not matter at all. It will not matter if the Republicans win or the Democrats win. In this window of opportunity through the near end of September. If the American population does not genuinely repent in sufficient numbers as which would be defined by God alone. If the American population does not remain clean, pursue holiness and righteousness. Then the USA will experience judgement as which Israel has endured many times in history. This Judgement when executed will depopulate the land mass of The United States. The USA will experience invasion by many military forces. Which will include Canadian military forces and they will kill genuine Americans who will in actuality be defined as non peoples by The United Nations. While those whom were considered illegal immigrants will have full human rights guarantee as which is defined by The United Nations.
Added on 04 Sept 2020: Expatriates or soon to be expatriates.
Your time to act is now. Your time to move is now. I do not foresee that Americans will do what is required of them and that is genuinely repent of all of their sins, Remain clean and pursue holiness and righteousness. Although, it is still early in this possible last window of opportunity. A reprieve from God may not come. So in order to save yourselves you must move to your already research safe locations. One possible new and emerging new location may be Russia. The only real threat which is against Russia is the USA and when the USA has destroyed itself from within. There will be no real threat to Russia. So Russia will become a safe place. That is until China has sufficient military strength to finally go after every nation who ever was a threat and enemy to them. But first when the USA ends. China will utterly destroy Taiwan and Japan. While at the same time conducting invasion operations of all deep water ports in the former USA. There will also be a great panic by The United Nations to secure all nuclear weapons of the USA as well as negotiate with all Naval commanders to surrender their ships and submarines to approved of nations. There will be a time limit on this and when that expires all military ships and submarines from the entire world will hunt all of the former American ships and submarines down. So yes, If you have already thought of leaving the USA. Your time to get all of your finances and businesses in order and making that move is now. Your time to move retirement accounts away from American assets is now. I cannot advise on financial anything. But, it seems like the next financial down turn will be in the Fall of 2022. If the fall of the USA is timed to this 2022 event then having direct access to your wealth in some fashion may be preferred. You need to understand I have no idea what I just wrote in regards to financial anything. One more thing. When you leave the USA your intention must be to become citizens of that nation you relocate to. If that option is not available to you. Then moving to that nation which will not allow you to become a citizen may not be a good idea. Like I wrote yesterday, If the Americans do not do as required by God. God will send judgement as has been done to Israel in history. If God does not offer a reprieve. Then the coming judgement will be very harsh as in a near depopulation of the USA. I'm not talking about moving or escaping. Once the judgement begins it will conclude, there will be no escape even for the actual prophets of God. Who they themselves must endure unto their own endings.
Another point in choosing a nation to move to you is one which does not have USA protections or agreements. Moving to those nations as an American will be very risky but you must have the intent of denouncing your American citizenship prior to moving and becoming a citizen of that nation. But, you have have all of your finances, business and personal effects in order first and legally moved. You must do these things quietly and only mention these things to only your best friends that you actually care about and want to encourage them as well to do as you are doing. So no matter how the election goes. It will not matter if the Americans do not repent. Because, it is improbable that Americans will go back to God. Judgement will come for all as we are all "We The People..." But, it is OK to save yourself and to save your like minded family and friends. There is and will be a time limit as which is only known by God. The economy should progress in 2021 and you should receive sufficient real estate profits from any sales assuming those holdings have matured and your not upside down. You must contact your own financial advisor for proper and legal advise. In accordance to your own situation. 2021 is the time to renounce your American citizenship and to move to the accepting country of your choosing. Especially if your not a believer in any of that God nonsense or the American constitution which only oppresses people.
For in one single moment of time. The wealth of America shall disappear.
NOTE:When I use the word depopulate. I'm being nice. The other words in my mind are far worse and graphic than depopulate. The time for depopulation could be 1 to 3 years from the beginning event. Once the beginning event occurs. All others which follows cannot be stopped, prevented or mitigated. This judgement which comes if God does not offer a reprieve as what happened with the people of Nineveh. Will be far worse than anything which has ever happened to any nation even Sodom and Gomorrah. For the people of Sodom and Gomorrah had nothing and the Americans had everything. This is key to understanding as well as from prophecy.
Added on 05 Sept 2020: There are a lot of prophecies on the YouTube. It is very difficult to ascertain the timing. Especially when you have to account for human decision and intention. America can still have her reprieve and yet America can utterly be wiped out this winter of 2020. The length and duration of any reprieve from God will be as it comes. The Judgement from God can even be nearly immediate after the window of repentant opportunity closes. What I've written in yesterday for the expats is one of hope for them. The expats are those who basically have had enough and the American ideals for whatever reason is no longer suited for them. Those soon to be expats may have a 2021 which may see a financial benefit for their decision. So that they can save themselves and move out of the USA permanently. 2022 is the next projected economic downturn. So in order for you to gain your most profits. Your final sales should occur prior to this coming economic fall. I'm not a financial expert. But the time table is accurate all the way back to before the 1980's from what I'm aware of.
This is one thing that is true. If President Trump is reelected then a response from the whole world may be immediate. President Trump is a laughing stock to the leaders of the world. President Trump is a very real threat to both Russia and China. An American depopulation plan may very well include multiple EMP detonations at multiple altitudes and over multiple places. There are prophetic differences between human plans, decisions and implementation. Just because a plan is in place does not mean that plan will be implemented. In prophecy the more sensitive you are the more you can see. China does have plans for invasion of the USA and their invasion points will be in the deep water port cities. China is preparing for this right now. Russia is planning on retaking Alaska and Russia has been rebuilding infrastructure for this endeavor. Which includes a nuclear powered ship for additional power. Russia needs this additional power to make all of their technology work as well as their new RF DEW's. The RF DEW site east of Carbonera Cuba is nuclear powered and can generate physical effects beyond Atlanta, Georgia. This RF DEW site is already in use against the USA. With correct pulsing and at their power outputs this site may be able to knock out airplanes plus other interesting effects which would not be pleasant and yet very confusing to the civilians to the world.
Because, of MAD agreements. The USA is both at the same time the most powerful military force in the world while at the same time the most helpless and defenseless. Do you remember the statute in Bible Prophecy. How strong it looks and yet the feet is made out of what kind of weakness. This statue can also represent division. In which both explanations do not conflict so they can both be valid. The depth of Bible interpretation is very dimensional. It is just like how many different ways can the story of Jonah be taught? All without any conflict.
Added on 06-07 Sept 2020: All of you church leader at every level must begin to repent. Yes, every denomination, every church, every pastor, everyone. From genuine life changing repentance comes the seeking the face of the Lord. From life altering repentance comes the asking of the Holy Spirit to purify your entire being and then dwelling within always. This is when a very real revival can begin. But, first the old dead you must die and become like ash blown by the Holy Winds of God. This must begin in every denomination, every church, every pastor, every theologian, everyone.
A genuine nationwide revival may lead to a reprieve in judgement from God.
Time is far shorter than you think or want it to be. The end of America is at hate. The enemies are already within our gates and virtually no one cares or is taking action.
What is next? The time and days of Noah was also of knowing of certain things in which we know not of today with certainty. For in those days everyone knew of the angels and about the angels. They knew about the angelic war and of the abuses that certain groups of angels perpetrated against humanity. Today, we know not with any real certainty. This will change as humanity of today or within the next few *decades will come to full knowledge of the existence and realities of space aliens. The word has changed from then and now but not the meaning. Humanity will be humbled by their presence and the immediate realization that we are truly sheep in comparison to any of them. Humanity will all know that we as a species is not the pinnacle of life and that we are more likely compared to that of whatever is less than maggots or worms.
NOTE: *I do not think longer than a few decades. Most likely much sooner than that.
If humanity and Americans are to have any kind of reprieve from judgement against America and a judgement against the whole world. The people of the world must have a genuine, meaningful and profound repentance of doing evil in life and entertaining any sort of sin.
If Americans do not repent. America will become a sign for what will become of the whole world.
As the evil doers demand justice for themselves and to do away with cops altogether. They are doing the will of God. For God will have his own justice and judgement. This protesting and rioting is a sign from God. Think about it how can criminal evil doers who hate want justice? They want to be able to do whatever they so please without any repercussions. Isn't that what all sinners want to be guiltless and if you sin often enough you will not have guilt any longer.
Remember Lot and those men who came for the angels to have intimate relations with. Then they threatened Lot but threatening Lot as it was their right to want and get what they want.  No matter how evil it is. God is using this to communicate to America and no one is listening or acting upon this coming closing window of opportunity.
07 Sept 2020 early AM: The evil doers want justice. But, not the kind of justice a normal person thinks of. Think about the deeds of the protesters and rioters. What are they actually doing to their communities? violence and destruction. This is the truth even though their truth is based in lies. Yet, they have chosen to believe lies as truths because it feels right to them and they can be violent and destroy without risk of arrest or incarceration. The evil doer finds joy in chaos, hate, conflict and death. While at the same time denying the right for anyone to cause them any sort of suffering or pain.
The evil doers may not even know this or even are aware of what they are doing. Their message is clear. They demand justice and if they do not get the justice they want then they are going to bring judgement. Which is their message. The fallen angels and all of those aligned with them know that their time is short. When they to will experience justice and judgement. So while the fallen angels do as they will it against humanity they also bring the message from God without their own awareness of what they are doing is from God whom they have disobeyed and have gone to war against and lost very badly.
Here is something you should know. Even those people who are not clean, holy and righteous do not believe that God judges anyone, ever. God does judge and there is historical evidence of judgement throughout history. Even Israel will be judged again for their own transgressions. Just as the United States of America will be destroyed just as Israel has been many times before. The downfall of the USA will be a sign for the rest of the world. So that they all know that they are next to be judged. But, they may not ever know that the fall of the USA has become a sign for all of them as well. For if God will do as He has to his blessed USA. What will God do to the rest of the world. God will return the Earth back into a pure state with fire. The whole of the world will be purified.
Added on 08 Sept 2020: Go forth and pray. Seek ye the missed meals of holy fasting for a singular dedicated purpose of nation wide and global revival. Come back or begin this day to be a child of your Heavenly Father. Repent and become spiritually clean. Do not allow any entity to dissuade your efforts for the evil doers will press upon you in order to prevent you from becoming holy and righteous. Those powerful fallen beings know their time is very short and they will cause their human evil doers who rule over you to cause you to cease your holy and righteous activities. Find joy in your suffering, incarceration and death. For in your joyful suffering. Revival will come where you are. For in your jail cell. Revival will come to those prisons and in death your victory, glory and reward shall be known.
Before the spirit of truth will bring revival. You must know that God admonishes 5 of 7 churches. So this can mean that 5/7 of the entire church body must have organizational and life changing repentance. As repentance genuinely happen so to revival and the possibility of a reprieve from the coming judgments of God.
Added on 10 Sept 2020: 
The blessed people of the blessed nation may not be given a last chance prophet like Nineveh was given for their own reprieve. 
A last chance Jonah like prophet may not be given to the blessed who have already received every necessary blessing, wisdom, knowledge and understanding.
The blessed nation and the blessed people who have already been given a savior as well as every necessary blessing and then rejecting all of it. It will be these blessed people and blessed nations will be turned into a warning sign for all peoples to be a witness to. 
Added on 10 Sept 2020 but written on 08 Sept 2020:
Before the spirit of truth will bring revival. You must know that God admonishes 5 of the 7 churches. So this means that 6/7 of the entire church body must have organizational and life changing repentance. As repentance genuinely happen so to revival and the possibility of a reprieve from the coming judgments of God. 
Added on 12 Sept 2020: The fires are not an accident. They are planned and on purpose.
Added on 13 Sept 2020: 
A life of self sufficiency is not a life isolated from God or separate from a life of righteousness and holiness.  
A life of self sufficiency is a life absent of full dependency on God and His intimate instructions for each person on a daily basis. 
It is God who wants for all of His children to be wise. Being prepared for trials and tribulations should be anticipations for each of us as we are all about to be tested. Only the selected remnant shall be saved as those holy and righteous souls shall utter those last words of Jesus Christ, Steven and others. 
Except then humanity knew not what they were doing. The blessed people of the blessed nation know exactly what they are doing and have chosen naught. For this they all shall be judged as we the people...
Ye, Christians stop feeding the angry dragons of the world which has come to hate you for my names sake. Begin to feed one another. Begin to lift up one another. Begin to serve one another and in doing so the blind will come to see the truth, the deaf will hear the truth and their now open minds and hearts will become one with the Lord. 
Added on 14 Sept 2020 Post 9PM. : Jim Bakker show segment on YouTube. Dr. Peter Vincent Pry.
The most important 10 minutes in your American life. I thought I knew about the EMP effects. I learned much in those 10 minutes and i'm amazed at what this guy knows.
-----------------------------------   47 minute show: Bill Walton.     57 minute show. Jim Bakker show on a different channel. May be deleted if not legal to show. The Jim Bakker website had not updated their viewing selections. 
Added on 14 Sept 2020: All day during my work day and in these last few days and weeks. I have been having led visions in certain areas. Christians are going to disappear but not in ways that you think of. Christians who are called are going to leave the big cities and move to places where they can learn how to survive without any technology or modern day conveniences. How to live without any electricity or gasoline or diesel fuels. How to live without nuclear power. How to live without grocery stores or shopping malls. How to live without any internet, telephones or cell phones, water, sewage, garbage pickup, electricity, 911, police, fire, medical care, pharmacies. 
If you get a dream or vision or an actual strange person or an actual angel who is telling you to leave. Then do not negotiate and I hope you do not reject these warnings. Because, They will most likely be your only communications. You either go or you don't. 
California. God is going to bring the most evil to California. While allowing His missionaries to remain in place inside of California. While also allowing the professing Christians but who are not to remain blissfully ignorant to what is coming. While God send messengers to those whom He wants to leave California to leave and your time is very short as in you need to get all of your business in order and go. Pray, Pray, Pray and then trust and have faith in and then go. Yea, it will be tough with much uncertainty and worrisome. 
If Biden becomes the elected who will not be President but shall be. Will his first actions as President in which it will be others actions who control him in every way. Will one of the first things which are done is to arrest Donald Trump right after being sworn in? Will the arrests be made of many others who supported Donald Trump. Will this be shown as an action to show the world that the legitimate leaders of the USA are now in control. Since the leaders of the world hate Trump. The actions taken by this possible new President shall be Harris. The democratic bait and switch. The great democratic con job on the American people. The USA shall become the United Socialist States of America. The constitution shall be retired as well as all known freedoms cancelled. 
Everything that I have ever written shall disappear in one single day or used as evidence against me or both. 
Added On 17 Sept 2020. Perry Stone Vision explained.
Comment on YouTube.
Pastor Perry Stone. Is not a pearl like a stone? I understand your five pearls vision. I like how your trying to restring the 5 pearls. The string is the gospel and is the Holy Bible strung together in the old days. You have mentioned your an antique man. So you know how the string works in old world book creation(I Think). Your not the one who unstrung the 5 pearls. Your not the one who broke the 5 pearls from their divine connection. But, it is you who is responsible for the re-stringing. Can it be that your more important than any religious leader on the planet? How to you keep yourself free from pride, ego, arrogance and supremacy. Or are you like a Joseph who must save the world? You are correct. You standing back from the crowd and not included within the crowd. While the emergency is ensuing. Your the only one who is doing the important thing. Like restringing the five pearls. Everyone is starving and is desperate need and your playing with pearls. This is the understanding and wisdom of the world. The world is wrong and what you are doing is right.
I will tell you who the five pearls are. They are 5 of seven pearl. Two pearls are not seen or known to the world and yet they are already within the divine nature. The five pearls are the fallen churches as perceived by God and by our own human perspective. There are more than 500 fallen churches and entire denominations. You are the one who is trying to keep the candle sticks together and divinely lit. I see it. Thank You Lord. This is prophecy. So does your nickname come now? Comment saved to my Americas Time is short prophecy.
In your vision you, I'm the guy on the corner watching you and everyone else. I thought this was down town Tampa Florida.
My perception of Tampa Florida is where my own visions occurred. In which I saw the crazy guy doing odd things with his own hands. I was not able to see then as I do now. But, it is a perception of the world. The true prophets are just not right in the worldly sense.
How do you save the world? By bringing together all of the lamp stands of God. While knowing the 5 or 5/7 of the Christians are admonished by God. Is this a valid assumption of mine?
Does this mean that Perry Stone will have a nickname as well.
So how do you restring what was formerly divine pearls on a divine string in which none of them can be perceived by human senses?
אדם המחרוזת פנינים

What would the pronunciation be?
Added on 18 Sept 2020: Supreme Court Judge Ruth Bader Ginsburg has passed away. This is a sign for the Christians in this current window of opportunity. Judge Ruth Bader Ginsburg was known as a liberal activist judge who voted her political view instead of voting as what the Constitution has dictated. Americans must repent before this window closes. Christians must all vote in this election cycle and each one here after. Until, the only ones who hold elected offices are those souls who have a history within the Christian churches. All denominations must repent and reorganize. All pastors, preacher and all clergy must repent. All Christians must repent. From these actions may cause the Holy Spirit to initiate a genuine revival inside of the United States of America. Time is much shorter than you think it is. This window of opportunity closes very soon.
If President Biden wins. It will get very bad for all of Americans as President Harris will put into Judge positions those who are Marxist Communists or even socialists. These are life positions. Either way a socialist or a communists are enemies to freedom. But, none of this actually matters as if the Americans do not repent. The USA will become just what has happened to Israel in the past. <GONE>.
This could be Americas Nineveh moment. Except a prophet who hates Americans may not come as The United States of America has been given everything. So this could be a time when my first quote I've ever written comes to mind.
"Be Your own Hero and save yourself"
Added on 19 Sept 2020:You each must watch out for the self professing prophets and psychics who have determined a future event. Yes, some may be accurate but if there is no offering of prevention or mitigation. Then their intentions should be questioned and their motives clouded. These are the lessons from Jonah and Joseph. Actually Jonah brought a reprieve. Though the reprieve only lasted 40 years or so.
The reprogramming of humanity changes with every definition change of every word. Think about this your computer is not aware or even self aware as you may be. So when a word changes definition your not told and when you read up a word definition and it has been altered you will not even question it. Such as a Christian word like reprobate. Go forth and laugh about it.
Added on 20 Sept 2020:
From the holy spirit comes the holy wind felt by the stubborn evil doers as a bad wind. For even the wicked evil doers can sense that their end cometh as they continue on with their unrighteousness and evil deeds. The holy spirit brings down the cleansing rains felt by the prideful evil doers as fiery needle pricks on their skin and through to their spirit. The bad winds, bad rains and bad times come for hardened unrepentant souls of this world.
Genuine Repentance is mandatory. A permanent fundamental change in how you live your lives and conduct yourselves in every way is mandatory. A permanent and profound change in the leadership and actions of every denomination and independent church is mandatory. A mourn filled cry of a genuine guilt felt heart must be felt by God by every preacher, pastor, theologian, teacher of any and every church body. Every American must also repent and permanently become honorable children of God. For your days are short, shorter than you think. You know this and still yet you disbelieve what you know. The Lord your God has given you everything and He will cease given you any blessing. For you were once His children and you have fled away. Just like the prodigal son. Just like His beloved people Israel. You are His blessed people. Just as Israel has always been His beloved and so to shall you always be His blessed. But, because of your evil doings and lack of doing and the lack of responsibility in exercising the power over the Nation He has given unto you. It shall be taken away in one terrible day and all you shall know is want and needs. You shall be thirsty and not have drink. You will be hungry and not have a single berry to eat. You will be cold as the rags you wear shred apart because of age. So repent, repent as a desperate mournful child repents of the full knowing of their evil doings to their own human father. From this repentance shall come the comforter, the redeemer, the healer and the full presence of your Heavenly Father and the Holy Spirit. So repent, repent, repent. Your time is very short. The doors of any good opportunity is closing. Seek ye the face of God.
Added on 21 Sept 2020: Can you see what is happening. The United States is becoming just like Sodom and Gomorrah. As it was in the days of Noah so to will it be also of the Son of Man. In California pedophilia is now a lesser crime with a lesser punishment. Every law amended or passed to enable all aspects of immorality to be legalized. Is another step towards judgement and a step away from God. The more of these steps we all take means a very real coming judgement for all of the "We The People".
I had another disturbing vision today. While sitting by myself at a table in a far corner of the cafeteria. I saw the lights out and heard silence of no people and no machines. I looked up to see the age of the windows and they were still intact. This is like a snap shot vision. I knew the people rushed home the best they could. All of the teachers, staff and students all left in their own direction. The mode of travel was not seen. But, I could only hear silence.
Written on 15 Sept 2020:
Those who have been good at surviving will most likely continue to be good at surviving.
Here is the problem with surviving. It is easier when justice and the law is present. But, when there is no law and no justice. Surviving becomes entirely a different matter. In order for the Biblical prophecies to manifest. All of the people must begin to see every other person as an enemy. Since we live in this modern world where we only go to the store to get what we get. The idea of survival and preparation has been forgotten. When people begin to go hungry all other people who are suspected to have food, water or the opportunity for illicit pleasure which is called rape. These things will happen and far worse than what has ever been experienced for a blessed people who have freely chosen to walk away from God, righteousness, holiness, honor, respect, civility, purity, morality and etc. We are becoming a people absent of any good value and as such will be destroyed. Unless, We The People genuinely repent. This repentance must happen very soon, as in maybe days. Then the countdown ends and the judgement begins. Which may be a ramping up or a sudden attack by an enemy we know as friends. They will invade only to get our secrets and disable our military apparatus. They will kill everyone and the bodies will just disappear. Judgement of America is coming and what must be done must be done very soon as in only days left. Remember this the people of Nineveh only received a reprieve of about forty years before they were lost in the sands of time. So to shall America will be lost forever. It is time to make amends with your loved ones. Seek forgiveness for any wrong doings on your part. Think about how to safely bury your loved ones by your own hands and a shovel. If you own a shovel.
You need to understand. This is really hard to write. The immediacy of what I'm feeling and what is filling by brain. If your unwilling to repent. Then you need to prepare for all manner of harshness where there will be no law, no order, no human rights, no property rights of ownership, no justice, no medical care and no services whatsoever. No services mean no modern day anything. You will suddenly be living in the 1300's and will be forced to fend for yourself. Within the first year about 90% of all Americans will be dead and this is according to the DHS report to the President of the USA, President Trump.