Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Corporate Enemies Of Humanity +15: (Unedited): 04-07 March 2024:

Quotes are more important than my other writing. You should consider them as stand alone. The extra writing is usually how I try to understand the quotes.  
Humanity will begin their silent rebellion of all corporate entities.
In a way this has already begun. 
Humanity will finally figure out that the corporations have become the enemies of humanity.
The common peoples of the world are beginning to see the corporations and their own governments as their enemies. The majority of the common peoples are still confused by this thinking process. But, once those ideas solidly sticks n their fore front. Suffering and death will result. In which both entities are willing to create so much chaos that their end results is suffer and death to the common peoples.
This does include the federal agents and police officers who are only obedient tools to the rule of law regardless in those laws are righteous or demonic created. The federal agents and police officers are still common people in regards to their own chain of command. How will they decide and on which side will they fight for? Most likely the evil and wicked governments and corporations. They shall lose their honor and souls to their wrong decisions. 
There is a war waging against the common peoples and they are not even aware of it.
This war has already been publicly announced by the enemies of humanity who have already orchestrated their owned and bought nations to create a post human world or should I say a world absent of the common peoples. Except for those few souls who will only serve them likes the gods they desire to be. Then think about it. When 7+ billion common peoples are dead. Why would they ever need federal agents, police forces or military forces. Especially when robotic soldiers who are obedient to their every will replaces all of you. Thus, ends the threat of any future rebellion. Because, wicked evil doers cannot do as they wish when a lower class human such as yourself has a governing conscious. "Humans cannot be trusted".
A new kind of war the likes which have not ever been seen. One that focuses on the attrition of the common peoples until it gets to the point where the common peoples begin to starve and suffer. 
The death and destruction of food was an act of genocide against the indigenous tribes of North America. This action has been evolved to be used against the undesirable modern day common peoples.
This is not just about the indigenous tribes of America. This is about all of the indigenous tribes around the world. They all have been abused, murdered and displaced by every so called modern world nation state. The lessons learned have been updated such as small pocks in blankets to medicines which end up killing people. In which no justice happens. The end of fair and equal justice means the end of a nation.
It is the corporations which own the political leaders and all of the secret weapons technologies. In which they will and have been aimed at the civilian populations. 
Think about it for a moment. Who makes and creates the weapons of war within the USA? The corporations. With the advent of robotics and AI who is the power and authority? The corporations do and not the governments or politicians. Will the corporations come to the point and ask themselves why they still need politicians, political ideologies, government entities and nation states. When they can become their replacement. Because what is the effectiveness of a soldier, federal agent, police officer absent of their technology? Has this begun to happen? Is this happening? What will be the final conclusion? The Holy Bible suggests that God intervenes when the extinction of humanity has become certain. So all of humanity loses. Including those who desire to be like gods.
Kings without kingdoms will be similar corporate leaders who own nation states. 
Corporate leaders who have bought and paid for their politicians also control those politicians who write and make laws for their sole benefit. Regardless if the common peoples can no longer seek justice for the harm in which they have incurred and continue to endure. Even unto their death.
Corporate leaders who have bought and paid for elected politicians own that nation via proxy.
Elected political Puppets. The end result is the suffering of the common peoples. 
The laws passed which favored the corporations will become those same laws which will cause all of the common peoples to suffer, starve and die.
The worse kind of kings are those without kingdoms. Fore they will not have any love, mercy or compassion for those souls whom they rule over.
Who and what are the owned properties of the kings without kingdoms? The politicians who will be expected to absolutely be obedient to their owners. Like dogs the politicians have become. 
Soon very soon the common peoples of the world will all begin to freely decide on their own to only spend their hard earned monies locally and not with any corporate entity.
This has already begun. I think this began when McDonald's made more money selling coke products than they did selling burgers and fries. I'm not sure what year that was or if it is a common thing. For me when I heard that one piece of news data. I thought it was important. 
Once the common people of the world all realize that the corporations are poisoning us all, selling us all artificial/fake foods and ripping us all off. The common peoples will stop participating in the corporate economies. 
This practice has already begun. Look at McDonald's. Then what will happen to Chick-fil-a  and Popeyes when the people find out that the only reason they love those two restaurants is because they use up to 30ish-40ish addictive chemicals in their food processes. Taco Bell is now selling a single Taco for more than $3.30. Burger King, Wendy's and McDonald's meals cost over $13.00. I personally do not eat at Pizza Hut or KFC because I always get sick eating their foods. Then they will begin to question the Chinese restaurants and why they never advertise and yet the people rush in knowing about MSG and not knowing of the other addictive chemicals used. The common peoples are being manipulated through addictive chemicals used which are legal. 
Once the common peoples of the world begin to distrust corporations. They will not go back to financially supporting any corporation.
Remember the history of Black Friday in the late nineteen twenties? How people refused to use banks. Look at Walt Disney and how much money they have lost. Look at the fall of Fox News in process right now.  Look at the rise of Crypto developed by those very smart young people who watched their own families suffer because of the changes in corporations and banking.
The corporations will begin to fail and this does include Microsoft and Bill Gates.
The rise of tax free underground markets will happen in which the people of every community will protect themselves and defend themselves against all federal agents and officers.
In history do you remember the American alcohol prohibition. How many people were killed and what was the end result? The common peoples will begin to refuse to pay taxes of any kind so as long as their own rulers do not support their causes, traditions and rules of law. Your agents, officers and military personnel will be killed. So to will scores of common peoples. Civilian to officer deaths will be much greater than 10 to 1 or 20 to 1 or 50 to 1. The common peoples will lose. You agents and officers who remain will see those men who do not speak in your tongue wearing the uniform which once was honorable and respected. In that time you will know that the common people who speak in your natural tongue have become the undesirable peoples while those who do not speak as you do have become the preferred peoples.
It will be seen that the federal agents, officers and soldiers are the bad people who are just the thugs who do the will of their unknown despot. 
You federal agents and police officers. You must decide now. Time is getting short. Will you be for the good people of this planet or will you continue with your worldly government's who will brutally torture and kill the genuine good people on Earth? 
Do not become the Federal agent or police officer who is willing to kill mothers and children like the FBI had done. Do not be one of the wicked evil doers who is willing to burn down women and children in Waco, Texas. Because if you remain where you are. You will be forced to participate in the coming human atrocities. Guess what, you will win and the good people will lose. You will begin to look at any unknown person and know that you would kill them if ordered and it will not matter if they are suspected of any crime or not. This is one way how you know that you have become evil.
The farmers protests which are happening around Europe is only the beginning. Government leaders must change their laws and their activities or your agents, officers and soldiers will be killed. They will die because of your evil and wicked rule. 
NOTE: I do not want anyone to suffer or die. 
NOTE: Prophecy does suggest that the wicked evil doers of this world will brutally torture and kill the good people. Which means you win. To a tune of about 5-7 billion souls. But, you also screw up as you cause the beginning of the extinction process of all human life on this planet. So you will. There will be peace on this post humanity world. Even in your own blind arrogance also means you all die as well.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Friday, March 1, 2024

Saving Your Small Town Prophecy +1: (Unedited): 11-25 Feb 2024:

This will be regularly updated as I remember: Go here to read much content.
I almost feel like I have been uploaded with much content. So my writing must be down as It is pressed upon me. 
Becoming a defensible community with your own laws which benefit the whole of your community.
What God is going to do is what God is going to do. I only offer some hope. The only way to stop what is coming is for the entire nation to repent and then you will only have a reprieve. Think about it. What happened to Nineveh about 100 years later? Nineveh was destroyed and eventually buried under Mosul, Iraq. The Name of The United States Of America will only be important to archeologist in the future. If there is to be a genuine third section to the Holy Bible. The end of the USA will be highlighted.
The only way to stop what is coming is the purple words below. This must be done by everyone within the USA, your own nation and the entire planet.
Hope and pray that the rapture understanding is true and real. I for one hope and pray that the pretribulation rapture is true and real. So get yourself right with God. No matter how things end up. If you die then you shall be in the presence of your Heavenly Father. If there is to be a rapture then you shall be saved. Either way it is a win win and your town won't matter as it is eventually purified by fire. 
The purple words below will most likely not matter if your not a Christian. God will know if you have only become a Christian to physically save your own skin or have other selfish or other fearful reasons which concern you. As well as the absence of love, mercy, compassion, self sacrifice shall be seen in you from God your judge and not your loving, caring and merciful Heavenly Father who shall say to you ...I never knew you... Regardless of how many decades you worked in the church, how many vacation mission trips you went on or any other good work which you solely preferred. If many people in your church, community or town know of your good works. Then your doing something wrong. Do not let your left hand... 
NOTE: ... before and after means for you to find the words in the Holy Bible. Do not just read the verse but the entire story or chapter.
=====THE LAWS===
Regardless of what the constitution says, Bill of Rights, Federal laws, State laws, International laws or any other human made laws or customs. If any law or custom of man is contrary to the laws of God. Then you should freely decide to be disobedient to those immoral and sinful laws which goes against the commandments of God or not. Which is the most righteous and holy choice?
You cannot allow any sin or immorality to reside inside of your town, business, or home. You cannot do business with any sinful or immoral entity. You cannot allow any immoral and sinful human to have any kind of authority, management or leadership position within the town.
You cannot allow any human who is in sin and immoral to remain employed, present or even participate in anything.
All criminals must be made to leave town. If they do not then death shall be the other option. There shall not be jails or prisons in your town. There shall not be any alcohol, drugs or tobacco. There shall not be any mind altering substances of any kind. 
Your churches shall be most like the churches of Smyrna and Philadelphia as those were the only churches which were not admonished by God himself.
You shall grow and raise all of your own food sources and resources as it pertains to your specific growing region. So any plant or tree which is not a food resource or a food source or is of necessary functional use. Must be removed. For every tree which is removed no matter the reason. Ten more trees must be planted in its place and this can be multiple varieties of trees. 
Added on 01 March 3034: Written on 20 Feb 2024:
The sad and depressed seek out sad and depressing songs in order to perpetuate those negative emotions.
The wicked and decided unbelievers shall shall joyfully sing songs how life's beauty have become death's dust.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Tuesday, February 27, 2024

WWIII May Not Be What YouThink +36: (Unedited): 27-29 Feb 2024:

 The great worldly rebellion in which the common peoples of the world go to war against their own worldly leaders. 
A great war where the common peoples of the world begin to fight and die against all of those who are in authority. Men, women and children stand firm as they each fight and die. 
Who would ever think that in the future that WWIII was started by globally united farmers, fishermen and freight haulers. All because the world leaders want to end them as they begin to depopulate the globe of common peoples.
The farmers, fishermen and freight haulers all know that without their efforts huge masses of common peoples will suffer, starve and die.
The big three which benefit all of humanity the most are the farmers, fishermen and truck drivers of the entire world. The global leaders of the world know this and this is why they have been making laws against them all.
The purposeful plan of the worlds leaders to depopulate the earth is public and the actions that they take is why the farmers, fishermen and freight haulers have taken their stand.
To stand and face your enemy or to hide as you watch your own family suffer and die because of their decision to depopulate the Earth of you. How will you decide? Choose now! Do nothing or something. Either way you very well may perish. 
What if WWIII is not what we all have been told what it would be? What if WWIII is the common peoples of the world against all of the force of power held by the leaders of the entire globe? 
You must be aware, You must realize, You must understand that a post human world will be absent of you and your family. All planned by those who have declared all authority over you and yours. 
Do not be afraid and fear not. Go forth in the holiness and righteousness of Christ. Though you may lose the whole world. You will wake in the Glory of God.
For the righteous and holy warrior of God. There is no losing anything. Because, no matter what happens you shall be with the Lord your Heavenly Father.
You who always mindlessly and heartlessly follow orders shall also become awaken in those last moments when you have just been Benghazied by your own beloved and trusted chain of command.
The actions taken in regards to Benghazi was only the beginning to this new type of decision to be made. Because in the end all you really are is just a common person who you have been made to go to war against.
This is also for all of you men and women of genuine honor who hold onto their badges of police officers, Sheriffs Deputies, FBI, and other agencies around the world. Do not give your good heart and good conscious away. 
Once AI machines of war are made and put into use by the leaders of the world against all of the undesired common peoples. All shall be lost on this planet and the full extinction process has become a certainty for all of humanity.
The leaders of the world already know that they cannot trust any human. But, they will trust the coming AI robots which will replace you and your family. No longer will you be deceived into thinking that you were ever important to any of them.
Added on 29 Feb 2024:
Great realization shall come to the worlds leaders and to the common peoples of the world when the censored global news media outlets cannot control the truthful and non propagandized information getting to the common peoples. 
When the global leaders, news media corporations and the social media outlets of the world cannot control the narrative and the truth which comes forth to all of humanity. They have lost because the people will realize and know the truth and the planned murderous deceit they all express.
Evolution of police action against the farmers, fishermen and truck drivers will become more and more pronounced. To the degree that police violence will be used against the protestors. 
06 March 2024: Happening now in Poland. This is only a beginning. 
New vision: A method of disabling all vehicles by the government will be mandated.
The leaders of the world will ban the ownership of large vehicles and farm equipment all because of the current farmers, fishermen and truck driver protests.
Newly defined preferred citizens will be put into positions where the newly unaccepted citizens have protested or supported protestors. 
Before the governments of the world can commit any atrocity against their own civilian population a complete technology blackout and turnoff must happen prior to the governmental ordered violent act.
Note 01: Just as the governments of the world can send every electronic device an important message, can they also turn them all off and keep them off.
Note 02: If the common peoples of the world are using technology to subvert the official messages then all of those devices must be turned off in some way so that the leaders of the world can conduct their evil and wicked deeds without the people becoming aware or ready. So all modern day technology must be remotely turned off. If the governments do not have this capability then they must create a criminal use narrative in order for the new capability to become either ignored or accepted by the common people.
Note 03: Ham radio and the use of any transceivers may also become illegal to use as they are no longer broadly used by common peoples.
Note 04: Opposing views which is counter to the governmental or worldly narrative shall also be quietly removed along with those persons who speak out and against the government. 
Added on 07 March 2024: Before any nation conducts any atrocity against their own people. All technology must be turned off with a simple flip of the switch. The farmers protests all over Europe is a good example why this will need to be done. 
Step 1: Preloaded software update at the ready for all technology devices. This includes all vehicles like farm equipment, trucks and cars of any kind.
Step 2: A single switch to turn off or shutdown. For specified amount of time, hours, days, weeks or months, maybe even years. 
Step 3: The restart with new automatic firmware updates. Which cannot be prevented by the end user. All history's, audio, videos and pictures will be automatically deleted without awareness from the end user.
Since the vile corporations actually rule the evil and wicked governments of the world. All necessary firmware packages can be created and put at the ready for use by all governments when the time becomes necessary. Then the governments will disallow the use of antiquated vehicles and deem them as unsafe. Then when the farmers of any nation begins to protest with their tractors. All of the tractors shall be specifically turned off. If the truck drivers go on protest. Then all of the trucks shall be turned off. 
Then obedient soldiers or police officers can go forth and arrest everyone involved individually even at their own homes can entire families be arrested, found guilty, lose their lands and homes or just executed. Then those whom the government considers as their favorite or preferred citizens can then be given to use those lands and home so as long as they are obedient and keep their mouths shut. All of this can be done when the Governments and corporations have absolute control over all new modern day technologies. Thus, all atrocities conducted which include the death, erasure and disappearance of entire families and towns can be done without any awareness by any outsiders.
The escalation from civilian confrontations to a war footing shall be done by the governments of the world.
American police officers are taught to deescalate every situation. But, it will be their chain of command which will on purpose escalate any civilian uprising simply because of their pride and ego.
Can you imagine the evil wickedness of leaders who are willing to kill civilians simply because they have become frustrated by your evil and wicked deeds. Then ordering the police to kill you if necessary. 
Civilians all over the world have become confused and upset with your evil and wicked plans. Out of their frustrations they are peacefully demonstrating and crying out for you to end your foolishness.
Corporate leaders will have their victories over the common peoples of the world. Those purely corrupted politicians and their families will be killed. 
Traitorous and treasonous politicians think themselves above all. How things shall change when they and their families are killed like wild rabid dogs and diseased rats that they are.
Before the deaths of evil and wicked politicians can happen billions of common peoples must first die. Then comes the extinction of the human species.
The great evil human with great power will lead all of humanity into extinction. Even his human host will perish. He is lying to all of his followers in which they will make the Earth a better place without humans.
The followers of the great evil one all think the depopulation of humanity will greatly benefit their life experience in a Earth that they each will get to participate in. The truth is all of humanity will become extinct.
The deceived followers will think that they screwed up once the extinction process begins for all of humanity and it cannot be stopped. Those logical deceived ones will never realize that was the plan all along.
The deceived ones who know that they have screwed up and caused the extinction process for all of humanity. They will know that their god will save them all and then does not as their gods human host dies as well.
When any governmental entity limits or prevents your access to water, food, medical care and education while limiting or preventing your God given liberties and freedoms. Those governmental entities are evil and wicked.
Added on 23-24 March 2024: 
Black Swan Events are like BOOB's except for those who are in the know,who have trained and planned for the Black Swan Event or BOOB's.
Black Swan Events are known planned events.
The essence of a surprise attack is a black swan event.
The delusional and foolish people who knows their enemies wants them to die and yet they still ignore the visible events which leads up to a black swan event will witness their own final fate.
The point of this is this. Someone knows and most likely allot of people know. Just because you do not know only means you're not important enough to know. Which means if you are only a common civilian then you will be strongly urged to believe the propaganda narrative which is put out to the unimportant masses. When you hear only news about any kind of Black Swan Event only in concept form. There is a reason why the government controlled media wants you to know the concept ahead of time just in case. You need to be aware that any Black Swan event can either be against you by an enemy force outside of your boundaries or an enemy force inside of your boundaries.
BOOB= Bolt Out Of Blue is a military term. 
Added on 27 June 2024: Troop Movements: 
You will only hear about this locally or if you study individual military websites. 
Every season and every year the US military have many war games. The US Military moves a large amount of military equipment via rail/train. So when you see allot of cancellations of war games or their is zero communications about no war games taking place and yet the US Military is moving allot of assets to the East and west. This will fundamentally mean war is being planned.  When the heavy military equipment is being parked on the coasts waiting to board ships and planes. This is how you will know and then it will only be an assumption. When you discover your military friends have quietly disappeared on vacations or holidays and realize they made no actual plans. This to might be a sign. Especially, when the wife and kids are still at home. But, if the grand parents are in some kind of isolated or low population town. Then may be another sign for you.  If they just disappear and their home is for sale. either you were not much of a friend or your military friend is protecting his family from a non-communicated threat to civilians. There will be other such signs that you most perceive which is out of the ordinary.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Saturday, February 17, 2024

Chinese Terrorism Inside USA Prophecy: (Unedited): 17 Feb 2024:

No quotes. Unless you see them. 
The Chinese military and Chinese police officers who are already inside of the USA will begin or have already begun to extort monies from businesses owned by foreign nationals inside of the USA.
A Chinese national in civilian attire. Driving a relatively new Dark color Toyota. He sits in his car at the front door and eating his food. The husband and wife are very shaken as they know their business has fundamentally changed. The idea of freedom and liberty has been taken from them. Now it does not matter if they work hard and smart every single day from before dawn to after dusk. They now must pay the Chinese man money in order to remain safe. While knowing that China is still on a war footing with India and their own families members who are still there. 
Just as China is and has been harassing all of their neighbors. They are now expanding the harassing of every enemy civilian wherever the Chinese finds them. How do I know this? I'm just a simple janitor mr. agent man. Read on.
In the same manner as how typically known or suspected mob and mafia organizations operate inside of the USA. So to is or shall China begin to operate inside of the USA.
There will only be One. All crime organizations will end. All organized crime organizations will be controlled by the Chinese Communists. All local, state and federal leaders will be wholly owned by the Chinese Communists. 
Chinese soldiers and Chinese police officers will go forth and extort monies from their enemies who are originally from India and who are owners of apparent legitimate businesses inside of the USA.
This is not just about the Indian people who have come to America for a better life. This is about all enemies of Communist China. They all will be found and extorted. There will be no recourse.  
Chinese soldiers and Chinese police officers will also inflict all manner of pain, suffering, torture and murder of anyone who comes against them. All without guilt, remorse or any other kind of negative thought.
The person who refuses the will of the Chinese Communist soldiers and police officers which are really arms of the organized criminal organizations. The person, their family and their friends may all be tortured in horrific ways and then killed. Even if their bodies are dumped in the streets. The federal and state agents, local police and detectives will not be able to do anything as the Chinese Communists know everything about each one of them and their families. There will be no justice for any victim. 
Chinese soldiers and Chinese police officers who are operating inside of the USA will have access to all intelligence data and will know who they each are dealing with, including American Federal agents, their families, state detectives and their families, local police, local detectives and their families. What this will mean is this, no federal agent or police officer or detective can ever go to work and protect their own family and friends at the same time.
I see dedicated Chinese satellites over the USA which offer immediate communications to and from China. It is they who will send intelligence reports about each encounter with any American civilian, soldier, federal agent, police officer, state detective. Can you imagine that your a detective, agent or police officer and a Chinese national has a file on you and your entire family. Would you continue to investigate? How can you protect you parents? your in-laws? your siblings and their families? your own family? all at the same time. 
What you think is a local Chinese criminal organization is in fact the Chinese government, their Chinese soldiers and they are all better then you in conducting military style activities. They even have the power to conduct military styled activities in every city that one of your family member lives in and they have those intelligence reports. Do not get close to them, do not engage them alone and do not be alone with them. I have deleted permanently aggressive content.
NOTE: Maybe not now but soon. In my mind right now now is sometime in the near future. 
China is right now still trying to get their chosen forces in country. Then goes their duty stations and their territorial boundaries. Then comes their organizational status. Then comes equipment. They will then be self funding hence the complete takeover of all criminal organizations through the extinction process. Then comes the ownership of all politicians. 
NOTE: What kind of equipment? Every kind of military equipment. Shipped to each of them without inspection. Exactly how all of the drugs are getting into this country.
Mr. secret agent man, former soldiers, police officers, detectives. When you discover that there are now or soon to be Chinese nationals and you have your own encounters with them. What are you going to do when you realize that your own badge, constitution, bill of rights, federal laws and state laws no longer apply? What can you do? What will you do? Then what happens when your own chain of command tells you to stop. Even though you know what you know and have the evidence to prove it all in court? Mad Max Time? What are the actual options? Then who will be your chain of command when the official officials have failed you, failed the good citizens/civilians whom you will never meet. As your job forces you to mostly have encounters with the worst that society has to offer at your specific level of enforcement.
You know something agents, detectives, officers and deputies. Do your due diligence. The time may not be now but it will be soon. Without attracting attention to yourselves. Take care of your families. Without causing fear express to each of your own family members to become self motivating and to become effective with weapons and tactical training. It takes time to train, plan, prepare and to fortify. 
You guys and gals may be the last ones who must protect the good civilians when civilization breaks down, when justice ends and still do those dangerous things for the helpless and defenseless without any more paychecks or benefits. Are you willing and can you even say what you will decide right now? Do you still have your idealistic heroic soul or have you reasoned it to death?
Added on 22 Feb 2024: 
Hiding an act of war behind or inside a strong natural occurrence is a good strategy. So as long as the act of war can be continued and perpetuated. 
Didn't Japan hide behind a powerful storm on their way to attack Pearl Harbor. Imperial Japans failure was not holding Hawaii. They attack and then departed.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Royals Egress Prophecy +4: (Unedited): 17 Feb 2024:

No quotes unless you see them.  
Added on 01 March 2024: Found some quotes. I think unrelated. Dated 12 Feb 2024: At the bottom
The point to any of my writings is to save lives, to prevent destruction, to mitigate or prevent the bad and sad visions and dreams. I do not want or desire any of these bad and sad things to happen. I do not have any negative feelings for any royal family and nor do I desires to see anyone hurt or harmed.
In my day today life. I do not view TV or watch the news. I do not think about any royal family or even the Catholic church very much. I do not really ever think about the royal family in any nation. This is very similar to my writings about the sacking of the Catholic leadership in Rome.
Yes, I do believe that all bad and sad dreams and visions can be mitigated or prevented. This is the fundamental purpose for dreams and visions. Depending on your own perspective of course. This also means that if your enemy reads this. They could come to the conclusion that they will be successful. Your enemy also needs to know that these kinds of communications and revealing of their own plans makes everything change. Yes, I do know how that sounds and it is not in my way to receive any attention or recognition.
Some assumptions are mixed in to the vision. I'm leaving them in. You can ascertain the difference. 
I see darkness all around like it was night time. The soldiers inside of the gates were all doing their predictive duties. I'm only looking in from outside of the gates. Then all at once I see vehicles all crashing through the gates and perimeter. I see thousands of men rushing in all with guns. The royal soldiers all stood their ground killing hundreds and giving their lives. The mass of enemy men made entry into the royal building('s). The royal soldiers running out of bullets. I do not go inside. But, eventually windows are broken and the building('s) all begin to burn. I do not see or know what is happening inside. But, from my outside perspective everything burns.
Out in the streets everyone and anyone who is not like the enemy is brutally killed. All of the civilians are helpless and defenseless. Your own police officers cannot even contend with an enemy force who is well trained in hand to hand combat and who has the will to die for their cause and actually hopes to die. There is many fires and much smoke. There is more darkness than before. Maybe, no electricity. In the end the major royal building('s) are sacked and burning.
It seems like all of the electricity is shut off. Is that apart of your plan? If not then the enemy will attack all of the C's and necessary infrastructure as well. The C's are Command, Control, Coordination, Communication and other necessary C words.
This seems similar to the Catholic Rome attack. Except in this one I saw no royal family members being killed and tortured. Does this vision mean that they survive? No. It just means I did not see them at all.
Added on 01 March 2024: Written on 12 Feb 2024:
All glory and praise to God who stomps out all unrighteousness.
All glory and praise to God who utterly destroys the prideful nations who has become a blight unto the world.
All glory and praise to God who can erase the impossible to defeat vile and wicked nations.
All glory and praise to God who will end all manner of wickedness upon this planet with fire.
All glory and praise to God who shall purify this planet and replant life after humanity had corrupted and contaminated all of it. 
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Thursday, February 8, 2024

One Text Away Prophecy+23: (Unedited): 08-12 Feb 2024:

15 March 2024 @ 1924hrs.: Minor editing and added some brief comments here and there. If you copied previous versions. then you will know the differences.
Soon all will see and experience the physical downfall of the United States of America and it will happen with just one single pushed text message. 
May happen in many European nations as well. This also includes all other western nations. The first nation will most likely be the USA. The USA must end in order for global chaos to be magnified. 
Added on 11 Feb 2024: Can you imagine that the end of the USA comes with just one single mass email/text. Can you fathom that one little detail of being able to be a person who can send a mass text and the USA ends? This means all of the organization, training, logistics a profound American traitors have all been bought and paid for without knowing what is actually in store. The profound American traitors only think and believe what they have been told. That it will be they who will forever be in power and be able to make a country of their own design and intention. But, The USA has already been carved up. Those enemy agents by the millions are mostly in their places. All that is needed is the continued delivery of every kind of weapon and ammunition. The enemy combatants will mostly stay out of sight and out of mind. They will not have any contact with any American civilian. Each team and each individual will go forth and gather intel for all of their missions that they must accomplish. 
The end result is the end of the USA as of right now. I do not know about any other nation. But, once the text is sent. The USA is over.
The winds of a sudden vacuum will also fan the flames of global chaos.
The winds of global chaos will pick up the flaming embers and spread even more chaos all over the planet. There shall be much suffering and gnashing of teeth.
Many hundreds of millions of deaths in a short period of time. Billions and billions of deaths in a period of about 3.5 years.
Compounded Chaos happens when the worldly leaders orchestrate many layers of chaos upon the layers of the human population.
Chaotic fire starts on the smallest of corners and then grows exponentially into a blazing inferno like hell on earth. This is being done by those in power on multiple levels by those intent on ending it all. Except for themselves. 
The truly evil and insane who currently hold all of the power over the United States will burn it all down if they can't have it all. Just like any greedy child who refuses to share. They will destroy it all. 
The truly wicked evil doers genuinely believe that the destruction they have planned for the United States will reemerge as some sort of purified phoenix rising out of the ashes of all that they have destroyed and innocent souls they have sacrificed to their fallen angelic gods. 
The wicked evildoers who hold all of the power in the United States will kill, burn and destroy everyone and everything if they cannot have it all. 
As the United States burns, it's people being murdered, It's infrastructure destroyed the wicked evildoers will blame everything on the Christians and conservatives. Everyone will know they are lying and yet there will be bodies in the street, buildings burning and destruction everywhere. 
Even the new power brokers inside of the United States must become obedient to their evil and vile will. Even to the degree of committing severe sin in their presence to prove themselves. 
Soon the enemies within will have their weapons of warfare sent and given to them. Just as the new incoming soldiers will find their already hidden weapons and explosives caches. 
Just as their is illegal drugs in every city. Soon their weapons of war as well as explosives devices of every kind will be everywhere inside of America. The very same transportation platforms will be used as both the politicians and federal agents who are all in the know shall become surprised. 
Lets all play where are the politicians, their family and their wealth? Those who are in the know will be out of country apathetically eating ice cream. While the so called staunch good Christian or conservative politicians, their families and wealth become dead and destroyed.
 The American civilian will become defenders or victims. Victory only comes to the offensive aggressors. While those civilians who are helpless and defenseless shall become victims. 
The civilians who die during the coming great American Tet Offensive will be seen as sacrificial pawns to the gods of the wicked evildoers who pridefully see themselves above all other humans. 
The great American and European Tet offensive will be called another name as which will be defined by the victor. You need to know it is not the good guys who always wins. Think about Lebanon in recent history. How about the Chinese civil war in which the good guys lost.
6, 8, 10, 12 full mags will be needed per engagement and in the days of the Tet. A single American civilian fighter may have to endure many engagements before they even get home. 
While most of western humanity celebrates the new year on 01 Jan. The new Tet will become more than just a new year as the wicked evildoers celebrate the fall of western society, America and many European nations. 
Define Tet. Research the intent of the Tet offensive. What was the defining result? It matters not who won or lost. Think about it.
NOTE: Copy and Paste is for your safety and security. 
Added on 21 Feb 2024: Every time I have used the word Tet in any of my writings everywhere else. My thinking process with the word usage has always been related to The Vietnam war. 
There is a Tet or Teth symbol for number 9. There are prophetic snake representations in many different cultures and religions. There is a physical snake problem in Florida. The indigenous tribes have a snake prophecy as well. Surrounded by who or what? Could this mean the uncontrolled mass migration into the USA? Could it be the American civilians have or are becoming surrounded by enemy persons within their own national borders? Twisting can mean the twisting of the truth and of every other aspect of a good life as which is defined in the Holy Bible.
Ye agents and officers who have spent your entire life building a life for yourself and protecting your investments. Will you finally become the good guy once you realize that your own chain of command failed you, failed the citizens and failed your nation?
You agents and officers of the free and the brave when will you become the good guys protecting the precious documents you swore an oath to or will you continue to enforce every unrighteous law which comes down from your own chain of command?
You agents and officers when did you lose your way? When did you become soldiers of fortune while still holding onto the badge of the people? When did protecting and serving becoming all about your retirement and other forms of wealth building?
What shall you do Mr. and Miss soldier of fortune when the leaders you serve burn it all down, burn your families and send you off to burn? The wasted life of hell only begins then and you shall be surprised.
You agents and officers know how to detect Bravo Sierra. Use your Bravo Sierra meters on your own chain of command and then do what you must prior to the coming burn. 
 You see, I'm trying to save your life and your own families lives even though I know you may never become the good person you once were if you ever were. So what is plan B and C and D and then when everything continues to suck for years what are your plans for your own family for all of that? 
But, I know this. Your the key to saving lives in the face of treasonous people whom you feel like you must honor and protect right now. Do your job and honor your oaths. Promise nothing else for it may make you into a liar. 
Some times walking away will save your soul and your family. Sometimes holding tight may mean your the holder of a single bullet to end the coming reign of murderous treason before it can get a foothold. Which may mean you will get to live with the memory of surviving while many hundreds of millions souls die before your deaf eyes and blind ears. 
How much destruction, death and suffering must you endure in those days to come to suddenly become passionately heroic?
As you survive each and every engagement. You will hold onto your memories and share them with no one. Except with a person like me. But, I will be dead within the first few months(Seen It).
Know that you will not have enough friends or bullets and friends with bullets. 
Go get more bullets and genuine friends with bullets.
Added on 12 Feb 2024: How do you tell a very diverse group of people that their beloved country is about to end if they do not take action right now? How do you tell a people that the only way to save their beloved country is to abide by the purple words below and to become an actual Christian. Becoming a true Christian is not an and. 
Added on 21 Feb 2024: Enemy combatants are here in the USA will most likely do their shopping in ethnic stores and in thrift stores. Staying out of sight and out of mind of the typical American. When they do receive their single message to begin their attacks until dead. They will look like any American or an American wearing thrift store attire which may or may not match. 
As you have already seen. The super bowl parade shooters who targeted children are not identified. This is evidence in my previous writings. If you have a not welcomed lifestyle or a political affiliation. The news will not be shown which favors your belief system. Not even on Fox News as even that entire network is now slanted very Left/Liberal.
I have seen some reports of Cartel people conducting operations in remote places. These should be considered military exercises and training operations. Foreigners who seek out guns and ammunition before shelter, employment, clothing and who continue to refuse to become a part of the American way of life. Should be considered enemy combatants.
Soon very soon. Shipments disguised under false information will be delivered in the same way that all illegal drugs are delivered in this nation. The origin of some of these illegal drugs is from China. So to will many thousands of Chinese Rifles, ammunition and explosives as well as every other small sized military weapon system.
Americans who live in remote places like farmers and offgrid people. Must begin to know who is in your your remote places. You must begin to prepare for zero help from any government agency. Your local police forces and their families will have already become threatened. In which they will keep those things secret in order that you remain at ease inside of your own self confined delusion. You must decide to physically support your local law enforcement agencies or not. If you do decide to physically support them all. Then you must step forward all on your own. It matters not if you do or do not. Everyone suffers and/or dies when the text message is sent. Especially, the local law enforcement community first.
Just as no one knows the day or time when the text message is sent. Know that it will eventually be sent and when it does 100,000+/- terrorists attacks within the USA in the first day alone. Each individual enemy combatant plan will be to attack, escape, attack, escape, attack, escape, continue until dead or survive until time to reform up into military units. Then take and hold lands while killing every American. Especially the useful left liberal idiots who cannot be trusted and have no honor. It is they who will not find respect, acceptance, mercy or compassion. This is not saying that anyone who stands against them will also die. Even if they are respected and honored. 
Once the typical good civilian thinks and believes that there is no longer any justice or law enforcement. Each civilian will begin to decide to defend themselves in the best way that they can. Now that criminals are running around in broad daylight armed with guns and are able to commit any crime they want without any fear from any kind of interference from law enforcement police officers. No longer will the good civilian stop and call the police. They will just begin shooting as bystanders are taking video. No one will even attempt to call the police until afterwords and that will become a maybe.
As local law enforcement are just a regular person going out into the world where the worse of the worse humanity has to offer. Soon a police officer will issue commands and just begin shooting. This is because of actual street training and dealing with bad people who will shoot cops without and fear or regret. Bad people will pretend to comply and then at a moment of their choosing shoot/stab the cop and just drive off.
Added on 15 March 2024: Bomb Makers:
Yep, young redneck like young people are gonna continue to make their little pipe bombs and probably continue to blow their fingers, hands and arms off. Just like they always have. Should they be kicked in the tail end and properly educated. Yea.... But, I'm not talking about these ignorant young people or stupid curious kids. 
I'm gonna talk about proof of concept people who have on purpose learned how to and was taught how to on purpose make bombs of various kinds with the intent of killing and murdering.
So every reported explosive event must be reported to the proper investigative authority.
The problem if this writing of one text away is actually true and real. Especially, if you the investigative authority do not find the actual sources of the conceptualized text source. This is not just about bombs. This is also about grenades and other weapons of actual weapons of warfare. In which out of shape law abiding civilians will be out matched by those young men who are physically in shape and have all of the weapons of war they will need. The police officers and deputies will also suffer and die as well. So, my writings is all about saving lives. Especially, those brave souls who on purpose goes out into violent situations every single day.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.