Showing posts with label Christian. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christian. Show all posts

Sunday, October 3, 2021

Prophecies Are For The Believers: (Unedited): 03 Oct 2021:

Christians, Churches, Denominations and non-denominations must come together within each community and share people resources. The plantings must begin. The development of micro economies must rise. If you are to survive that which cometh. 

Prophecies within a culture and a religion is for them who truly believe in their own prophecies. Those who actually live their lives in accordance to their belief systems will believe in their own prophecies and act upon those words to either endure unto their own ending or change how the prophecies will manifest as which the people of Nineveh(Mosul, Iraq) had done a long time ago and yet they forgot and were still destroyed.

This weekend I have seen many Christian social media sites and so called stars of the Christian bobbleheads speaking about the coming economic collapse or reset. It does not matter if this whole reset thing is all being planned or not. The actual Christians who are actual believers have already begun their preparation for when things get really rough. They are the one who have already planned how they will endure unto their ending however that may manifest. The true Christian believers have their oil for their oil lamps. The true Christian believers have been wise and not foolish. Those who have done nothing and continue to do nothing are the foolish virgins and may not even be Christians themselves for they have spent many decades serving their pastors and their church. Yet, when they finally see God their Judge. They each will hear those words from Him "I have never known you". But, what is really sad is to spend all of that time, all of those decades in the church and never have truly known their own Heavenly Father and their Heavenly Brother Yeshua(Jesus).

Time is getting short for the preparations. Truly devout Christians will continue to go forth and continue to plant all manner of heirloom, antique, organic or natural fruit, nut trees, bushes and plants everywhere they can(Olive Trees). All hybrids and GMO's must be cut down and burned. Denomination's and non-denominations which have not fallen to the evil spirit will also plant their edible and food bearing plants everywhere they can. This also must be a global effort done in secret by every believing individual, church, culture and religion. Time is short and the idea of using cloned plants may be more ideal. Instead of growing plants, trees and bushes from seed as they may take 5-7 years before going to first fruits. Growing from the process known as cloning my fruit in one season. But, there are rules and techniques for cloning. Such as if you select from a tree or branch which is known for few fruits or sour fruits. Then the clone will grow few and or sour. So the trees, bushes and plants must be known and identified with particular colored ribbons which can be identified by you and your group. The clothing and shoes you buy must not be of Asian origin for their hardiness is very questionable. The development of skillset which would have been profitable in the very early 1900's or late 1800's. 

Denominations, Non-Denominations, churches and individual Christian people will begin to develop their own exclusive Micro economies clubs. Like in organization and protection of laws, similar to Sam's and COSTCO Clubs. Like the drinking Bars called Eagle's Club and others.  But, in reality nothing like them. In which they all will be economically self sufficient. In which they will also interconnect with other churches and people who are similar in their own belief systems. If you want to lessen the coming global starvation. You will begin to do these things right now. 

Think about this. The Christian prophecies state that Christians will endure mocking, persecution, torture and death. How are those things supposed to happen if we are already raptured? Then there are the Bible versus stating that we must endure unto the end. In which the end is not really defined. While on the news we know once again that entire Christian churches are being killed in Afghanistan. We have seen this in Egypt, Iraq and in many other countries. Where Christians are being killed and the rapture was not for them. So how can you say and believe the rapture is only for you, your family, your church, your community or your denomination? 

In the United States of America, Canada, Australia and other nations. The persecutions of Christians and of those who will not be compliant or obedient to the will of government shall be no longer be employable. Do you understand that last year nurses were the heroes and now those nurses who are non compliant and disobedient are losing their jobs, right now and considered bad people. The governments of the world now seem to demand compliance and obedience from all citizens and if the citizens do not, then they will be harshly dealt with and forced to become compliant and maybe obedient through the use of a variety of torture methods.
Personal Note: 
As of this week. I have not know anyone personally who has died from Covid/Sars. Now, I do. I know of a fifty year old Grandmother who was obedient and compliant and got her Vaccinations. She has just died from a months long fight in the hospital. Yes, she had underlying health conditions and yes she was hospitalized within a week of after getting her last dose. I do not get out much and do keep to myself. I am very poor. 
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

True And Devout Christian Prophecy: (Unedited): 29 Sept 2021:

The people, churches and denominations which is most like the righteous churches of Biblical Philadelphia and Smyrna shall be destroyed by the world systems. 
The people, churches and denominations which is least like the righteous churches of the Biblical Philadelphia and Smyrna shall be assimilated into the worlds new religion for all.
These shall not call themselves Christians any longer. There shall be an evolution away from the Holy Bible, From God, From the Son of God. Their prayers, promises and dedications shall go to the proclaiming god or gods here on Earth. Especially, after their time of suffering. They shall be happily accepted back into the world. The stresses of being unaccepted, rejected, accused, blamed, homeless, threatened, starved, sickly, weak, and non-employable shall fade away. 
The fake and phony Christians will disappear when the mocking, persecutions, abuses, beatings and all manner of crimes which do include murder become common place without a care for any kind of justice. All of these things are Biblical prophecy. Could this be how the people disappear from the churches? 
The fake and phony Christians will disappear when threats to their livelihood becomes a real possibility or even a real probability. The fake and phony Christians will disappear when they begin to see the actual harshness in the lives of Jesus, the disciples and the rest of the Christians in their underground churches. 
As the news media seems to be ramping up on the discretization of Christianity. Be warned all Christians will be seen as just like those criminal pastors of recent days, weeks, months and even years. The civilian population will begin to think that all Christians are the worst of humanity. Just as many think that only pedophiles lead the Boy Scouts. In which that is a lie but, I have met those who think it. Just as many people still think and believe that foster kids and former foster kids are not worth befriending or offering any degree of acceptance, mercy, compassion or love(Even in the church body).
Many Christians will begin to be pressured out of all aspects of society. Especially when the news media sources begin reporting every pastoral and church crimes/sins continually. This will become continuous national reporting and will evolve from just a local one time reporting event. The citizens will begin to see all Christians as being exactly like those being reported about. This will lead to continuous mocking, persecutions and beating in schools, work sites and in all other aspects of society. 
The actual and righteous Christians as which is only recognized by God alone. These shall see many miracles which will be unrecognized by the world. They shall walk through military and police people who will be hell bent on killing them all. Even when they are all completely surrounded. Only to be touched by them with love, mercy and compassion they shall be changed forever. Those evil doers who become newly touched shall become truly awakened to their realities and in those whom they support. The memories of their evil deeds shall begin to convict them. Some evil doers who become touched may even kill themselves. Those suicides shall be blamed on the Christians as having the power to do these things. Making people kill themselves. This will not be true. But, in the world systems, the truth is unimportant. Only obedience and control is important in the worldly systems. The devout Christians shall walk through the military personnel who have already been order to kill them all, only to see them disappear as a few or many of them are touched by their love and become ruined to the world systems and the ways of the world. This is a kind of how dangerous these actual devout genuine Christians shall become. While it shall not be seen as a failure or as something lacking in other Christian groups as they become tortured and killed for His (Yeshua) name sake. Their suffering should and will be seen as something joyous as they have become worthy to suffer torture and death for the the name of their Lord Yeshua or Jesus Christ.
These truly devout Christians will manifest miracles which will be powered by Love, Mercy, Compassion and understanding. Any violent manifestation's of miracles will come from the Angel's of the Lord who are protecting them in those occurrence's where very aggressive miracles occur. The truly devout Christians will not thirst for violence or aggression. They will not become prideful after any violent miracle which occurs in their presence for those violent events will not come from them. Many devout Christians may even become sorrowful as those souls shall not enter into the Kingdom. 
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Monday, September 27, 2021

Heartless Souls Of The Worldly Prophecy+5: (Unedited): 27 Sept 2021:

New content is near the bottom of this writing. 
In the days and decades(1-2) which come. The world system will only want those humans who are absolutely obedient and compliant to the will of the worldly system. Just like in dictatorial, communist and socialist societies. The key personnel who prop up their evil systems of rule and authority. They have become the evil doers in the world. These people will do everything possible to maintain their lifestyle. They will be absolutely obedient and compliant to all instructions. You will find these evil doers at all levels of the worldly system. Not only will they have missiles, bombs, and guns. They will also order missile/rocket strikes on all dissenters homes. They will also wear the costumes of what is typically known as the good people who save lives.  Like doctors and nurses. For even these life saving people must be compliant and obedient to the directives of the worldly system even if they know it is all a lie or an orchestrated secret killings. For even the life saving people will begin to kill and murder what has been deemed as the worthless humans all without sadness, guilt or remorse. Just to maintain their lives in the worldly system. If you are non compliant and disobedient no matter what profession you hold in the emerging worldly system. You will no longer be employable in any field. Once your name has been deemed invalid. You will eventually be denied access into any store or market place. For I tell you the truth there will be no difference in the evil to come of that of a military person killing a person in broad daylight in the street and the people in the medical profession who knowingly allow people to die or purposely kill those who can no longer function in an emerging society. To kill those who are a drag or a burden on society. Is how they shall support their beloved rulers and ease the burden on the whole of society. 
Only those heartless souls who are absolutely compliant and obedient to the worldly authority will be employed, fed, clothed, safe, secure and living well.
Mathew 24:12.
In the coming next couple of decades. Those who will be employable will only be those who have become approved by the worldly system. I can seen the psychological conditioning process begin. I can see the psychological founded lies told as truths and truths told as lies. I can see the propaganda machine affect the world. All the way back from that first old woman fighting in a grocery store over toilet paper in Australia or New Zealand. Then the result from that one scene was a global hoarding of toilet paper. I do think she is the first one. That viral video. Maybe she was an old American woman. I do not remember any good audio. Then right after that. Everyone began making videos of people hoarding toilet paper from the stores. 
If your belief systems cannot allow you to be obedient or compliant to the worldly system. Then you will be denied any access to the worlds benefits. It matters not if you starve to death or die from contaminated water. Either way your death benefits the whole of the worldly system. If you are injured or become sickly and then you die. Your death becomes a benefit to the worldly system. If you are in the good graces of the worldly system and decide to take a stand. You will lose everything and your children will lose everything because of you. In which you may get to watch your own child die from the lack of clean water, lack of food and the lack of everything else. Can you as a Christian do that? Can you truly become like a homeless Jesus who says Come and follow me as you become unemployable and homeless yourself? Can you walk away from the worldly system? and live like Jesus and His followers? And exactly how did the disciples of Jesus die? So much for prosperity teaching, huh?
The worldly system cannot allow people to just walk where ever they want or to freely migrate from here to there in accordance to the seasonal changes. So the worldly system will invite each group out of the cold. They will be offered all manner of new things and new opportunities. They will be offered medical care, food and water. The surviving children will be offered education or just taken away. But, you cannot just walk away. Once taken. But, if you deny after you have been captured. You each will be euthanized and then your bodies burned in mobile incinerators. Your ashes will return to the Earth which will most benefit the worldly system. There will be no mass grave sites to be used later on in courts of law. People will also just disappear as well as entire families. In which they will tell everyone they are moving and then as they are moving to a more wonderful place. They shall never arrive and are met with medical personnel and incinerators. All aspects of their lives and things will be deleted, burned  and destroyed. Nothing which can identify them as ever existing will survive. 
Inside of the USA or will be what was known as the USA. Exactly how the what shall be the former American military and how they killed individual people or groups of people will exactly be how they will kill all dissenters within what was formerly known as the USA. How can you protect yourself from that kind of an attack. Especially, when the news will tell the story on how you are a cell leader planning to kill children, the elderly, attack shopping centers or other innocent places of civilized gatherings like a beloved sports team event. You will be immediately judged guilty by every worldly person and the government will be seen as compassionate and merciful by all of the viewers. The missile used to destroy you, your accomplices were seen as to dangerous. So a missile launch was necessary.
For the reality will be. You are already dead. The government fills your home with explosives' and then launches a missile. The excessive explosion seen on the news will be know as the right and best choice by the government. The military experts will all note the excessive explosion and say it was the right choice to send a missile. Which saved the lives of many good men who sacrifice for all of you viewers. 
Just like Israel lost their country each time when they turned away from God. The last thing to go was Justice. When Justice ends within the USA. The end of the USA will also come. The end of freedom, liberty to any degree. The end of everything. You will be no longer free and self determining Americans. 
Each person must repent. Each person must begin to reject or flee from all sins. Each person must begin to pursue holiness and righteousness. Which can only be seen and accepted by God alone.
Added on 27 Sept 2021: 
There will be heartless souls who are in all levels of law enforcement as well as all of the branches of the military. A time will come when they will be offered early retirement or early contractual releases if they refuse to reject all aspect of their Christianity. Here is the ticker. Once these honorable men and women go their own way into the civilian world. The governments will track their movements and then kill them all. All aspects of their life will be erased. Family and friends who are associated with them may also be targeted and killed. Starting with those who would be considered the biggest and greatest of threats down to the lowest. The government at the same time will need replacements for their shrinking military and law enforcement communities. Unfortunately these men and women will be the lowest caliber of humans possible. They will have no morals at all. They will break the laws of their own government routinely and it will all be covered up with victims and witnesses killed. These immoral men and women will become nearly as skilled as those whom they replaced. They will be brutal. So it will be seen by the government in regards to their immoral, criminal and uncivilized activities as a justifiable cost. That must be cleaned up on a regular basis or to provide what they need in a protective and safe environment. Because a protected and safe environment is always easier to hide from public view. 
Christians will be persecuted and killed because of the name of Jesus. Yes, you and I will be killed. 
Christians will be hated for teaching "To Love One another", To go and sin no more, To pursue holiness and righteousness. You and I will be hated because of Jesus and all that is represented. 
I say again. How did Jesus die and how did the disciples die? How is it that you can expect anything different in your Christian walk. 
Added on 04 Oct 2021: The global world system can be seen if you look with righteous and holy eyes. Those who are of wealth, in leadership and hold much power are in the center of the whole organization. These are the kings who have no kingdoms. Those who do not go along with the plan will die and most likely with their entire family. Those politicians who are not going along with the global worlds program will also watch their family members die and they will die as well. They all will die from very reasonable illnesses, diseases and accidents. 
The coming new diseases will continue about every few months like clock work. Those who die or become permanently harmed from vaccination's will not be reported in any media and will not be publicly tracked/reported by any government agency.  Individual families must be the ones who do the reporting of who dies from vaccination's and this will be unlikely as they are in mourning from the death of their loved ones. But, in order for the people to know the truth. They each must communicate what they have experienced. 
More severe diseases will come. To the degree that doors, windows, garage doors will have official paintings that indicate deaths, bodies and or survivor's. Doors and windows will be locked and secured from the outside. 
I think one disease will kill a very high percentage of those who have been vaccinated. No one will know how they got sick as they have been compliant and obedient to the governments commands. 
There will be a difference between the wrath of God and the governments forced control over their populations. With the wrath of God a whole lot of people will die. Which by percentage will be a lot more than this pandemic of .00_%. 
Global starvation will begin. Only those who have already prepared may survive. Those who have already planted heirloom, organic, natural, antique fruit and nut bearing trees, bushes and plants of all kinds. In which they have already had their first fruits. Those who have already saved and organized their heirloom, antique, organic seeds. In which those families will see harvests nearly year round. This is on top of growing vegetables. This is on top of raising free roaming animals of all kinds. 
Think about this. If you're aware of the brutal attacks on farm lands from deer, wild hogs and other animals as they become to numerous. These may in fact turn into a blessing. So wild animal management is and will be necessary. When transportation stops? When the electricity and other services becomes rationed. Where will you get your meat? 
Those who have built their cold root cellars connected to their homes will fare better than others. 
Those who have built their water wells connected to their homes and which is only accessible from their homes. Will fare better than others. 
Those who have become out of sight out of mind will fare better than others. 
Those who have made their things secret will fare better than others.
BUT!!!! Those who have established actual relationships with their church and communities will fare better than others. 
Added on 05 Oct 2021: 
(Warning: I'm not a financial or economic expert. I'm poor and own no real estate and never have. I do not have any wealth and will not have any kind of real retirement plan. Yes, I'm that financially poor.) 

I believe in the time line of Sir Isaac Newton. I think he is the closest in accuracies. Is he perfectly accurate? NO. I like to use him as a guide. His time time is I believe to be in the late 2040's. No, this does not mean you can wait until 2049 to act accordingly. The wars may start in the 2030's or sooner. The demise of the USA may happen in soon after the 2022 mid term elections. You do however need to insure that you have plenty of olive oil in your lamps. So, yes if you can grow olive trees in your region, then plant olive trees everywhere you can. (Yes, this does mean you should actually have olive oil for actual oil lamps. But, If you know of the Christian prophecies and the ramping up of things to come. How long does that take and yes do include the wrath of the bowls and everything else. So what, I write below is not for you to be a panicky Pete or to be foolish/unwise. There is a reason why God has made you wealthy or financially comfortable. Because, you have a proven track record of being financially responsible. Even during every financial down turn of the Shemitah's. We have just entered into a Shemitah year, Maybe even a major Shemitah year, I do not know. So do not buy any more real estate and reasonably sell off those real estate holdings which will have a minimal impact upon the people whom you're responsible for. Yes, Your renters are people who you are responsible for within your community. So be wise in the selling off of real estate. Sell off those stock types of wealth which is higher than they realistically and logistically should be. Let them fail and then re-invest when they are low again. I know CEO's who do this every few years. This is how they make money. Then when they know their corporation has financially devalued. Then they re-invest into it once again. Now read below.
I suggest that you remove all or the bulk of your financial wealth from the global economy and begin to realistically and responsibly invest in your local community. First begin by eliminating all of your debts and your family debts. Along with the understanding of not creating any more new debts. Then buy good lands in those perceived safe places. Plant plants and manage animals as I've written in this place. Invest in your church and community establishing micro economies and growing all manner of self regenerating natural foods in your region in secret. Invest in people who have skillsets which may be beneficial after an emergency. If there are any people to invest in. Which causes the whole planet or the entire USA to revert back to those times before the 1900's, 1800's or further back in time. Will these things be profitable? Probably not in the global worldly sense. But, the survival of your family, your church and your community may survive after you. You will need to be wise in a world of selfish foolishness. You will need to pray and fast for in which direction every dollar you spend, donate or invest in. You must already be rejecting and fleeing from all sins. You must already be pursuing righteousness and holiness as which can only be seen and accepted by Your Heavenly Father. 
I know what I'm writing is very scary. It is scary for me to even write these things. But, when the world seems to be going insane, absent of wisdom and reason. Then maybe your involvement within the world needs to shrink and focus upon God, The Holy Bible and your little place in the world.  
Added on 05 OCT 2021: Late Night: Cryptocurrency:
Cryptocurrency will become worthless assuming it cannot be controlled by the global worldly system which is emerging right now. So that means as that wealth grows and grows much beyond the 2,2 trillion invested in them all already and still growing daily. There will only be one kind of global money which can be absolutely controlled. The rest of the monies around the world will become worthless and this will include cryptocurrencies of all kinds. The key to this question is when will it happen? Or will all of the nations one by one all outlaw Cryptocurrencies as China has? And this is how it will happen, until the panic sets in and the sell off begins. How many people have leveraged against their cryptocurrencies and by what percentage? 150% or more? So, you better watch out or you better wisely and responsibly manage all of your accounts and pay off all debts and leverages. Especially, in this Shemitah year. It could be a big one and it has already started for China. Who is next? and when will the panic begin? For how long of a duration? 
Added on 06 Oct 2021:
In the age where it is culturally accepted to be selfish and greedy. The belief that my lifestyle and my life is more valuable than any other human life. Thus, grows from these seeds of murderous humans without guilt, remorse or a need for repentance. 
In this emerging age of absolute compliance and obedience. Those who do, will have and those who don't, shall not have. Those who are, shall have a life of safety and security, and those who refuse, shall have a life of perpetual suffering and misery of pain and anguish of starvation and sickness. 
Public shaming, mocking and embarrassment shall be used to motivate the population to either become or maintain their compliance and obedience. (Sign of evil).
The civilian population will self organize into two distinct social groups. The haves and have nots, although known by different names. The haves will keep to themselves and ridicule the have nots for trying to be something they are not. Which is one of the selected and accepted. 
Written on 29 Sept 2021:
The three Christian tormentors are mocking, persecution and killing. Mocking and persecution are twin tormentors. The killing tormentor is the big powerful brother. For when the big brother arrives the twins become silent.
C.J. MacKechnie
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Thursday, July 15, 2021

Former Hardened Government Bunkers: (Unedited): 15-21 July 2021:

In the last 10-20 years the wealthy, the worried and those who inaccurately see the importance of purchasing hardened former military, communications and other government properties may actually be a bad idea and a bad investment. If this was 10-20 years ago and I actually had the funding to purchase a retired missile silo, I would have. But, now that I understand a lot of the risks such as reconditioning costs. I do not see the viability any longer. I also, have a clearer understanding of Christian prophecy as well as prophecies from other religions and cultures. Knowing these things also would sway me not to buy even a retired ATT communications bunker built during the cold war. Then there is the idea of a military invasion of North America as not being possible. This is a false belief which must be entertained before you spend any big monies on properties. Then there is the knowledge of the new weapons systems that are coming online such as HP RF DEW's as well as the old weapons like EMP engineered nuclear bombs that enemy nations like Russia, China, North Korea have and have most likely sold to Iran. So you have to know how close you are to any nuclear power plants as well as knowing if your upwind or downwind. When you try to grasp this picture I'm trying to create and where to safely live and raise your family. It is very difficult.
  Christian Prophecy for the United States of America. The United States of America was originally founded by the those first colonists who wanted the freedom to worship their Christian God. They even named this land by a different name and this has since been lost or scrubbed to the point that I can no longer prove my assertion. Before Great Britain involved themselves in the new land by their perspective. The first ones called named their new place either New Israel and New Jerusalem. I'm going by memory of what I learned more than 30 years ago. I highly suspect this place was called New Jerusalem before Great Britain got involved and changed the name. But, after the the Revolutionary war was over. Those leaders conducted prayers and promises to the Christian God. This nation is supposed to be under the protections of the Christian God. But, the people or the majority of the people and even the majority of the professing Christians have abandoned their Christian God from their hearts, mind and in deed. The Americans seem to now prefer the worldly ideals of the freedom to sin as they see fit without any guilt or remorse. Because of this, The United States of America will fall in totality as the revelation of truth is realized that the Judges have been corrupted. The ideals of what created and made the United States of America will not be remade. Even though the old guard who still love and believe in the American sense of freedom and liberty will all die and fail in their efforts. Even though I celebrate and honor them all before they even begin. Just as the Christians will greatly suffer and die for their beliefs. Except for a number of those select Christians who seem to be the most devout, who rejects and flees from all sin even the sin of their own minds and hearts. Those select Christians who have actually chosen to continually pursue holiness and righteousness. These select Christians are chosen by God because they each have in some way do the things that they do, not because they have to but rather because they want to, because they want to be and have become good sons and daughters of their Heavenly Father, because to do what is right and true is good and that is a good enough reason. They have become true children of their Heavenly Father. But, even they in certain uncertain situations will also suffer and die, but it is and shall be their choice and they each make their choices out of the greater good. They each will joyfully do as they do, even though their joy may appear insane by others who are not of them and only pretend to be. For in their suffering and death, each of their rewards will be seen and known. For they each will hear those wonderful and loving words from their Heavenly Father. 
Here is one problem with all of those cold war era hardened nuclear war sites such as old missile bases and communications bunkers. Everyone within 300 miles all know where they all are and will see them as a safe place to go to in any severe emergency. Let alone every survivalist and prepper knows where they all are. Just because a person, family or group are survivalist or preppers does not mean they will have any respect or honor. It does not mean they are good and well intentioned. The go it alone mentality has been infectious like a rotting disease in which they each have no clue. These persons, families and groups may all head into those commonly known areas in which they define as their best safe place to live out their existence. At which point upon arrival to your commonly known safe bunker complex. They will lay siege and do what is necessary to get what you have worked hard to build. Yes, they will kill you even if their psychological warfare effort's are successful in causing you to open your doors. These kinds of events may be ongoing for the first 6 months after a severe 24 hour long Carrington Event or an actual limited nuclear war with the use of EMP and other HP RF DEW's. 
The continued belief that North America still remains as a nation which cannot be invaded is a lie. Because, do you remember when the US Military used commercial flights to deliver their troops to Iraq back in the day. So do not continually assume a falsehood about invasion not being possible. China has a very large fleet of container ships which can easily transport hundreds of thousand of troops and military cargo across an ocean. Russia already has the machines and ships to invade and take back Alaska. 
All of those old hardened military sites and communications bunkers can be and will most likely be used by invading enemy forces. So you may think you have paid for safety in those old missile silos. But, these may only turn out to be the place where you will be killed and murdered. As your lovely daughters are taken to become intimate slaves. Think about that. China has more men than women. Because of selective abortions. There are lots of pretty women in the USA and these will be taken for the service of soldiers. That is until those women become a problem in which they will be killed and discarded. 
So your best opportunity for survival is building your own underground bunker which can be hidden and kept secret. 
The biggest problem I have seen with survival communities and those with survival bunkers is the absence of fruit and nut bearing trees. The absence of self replicating food and medicinal plants. If all you have is a one year supply of emergency foods inside of your secret bunker. Then you will starve to death once those emergency foods run out. You must have an organized method of safely storing seeds. You must plant trees by the hundreds asap, because a fruit or nut bearing tree can take up to 5-7 years before first fruit and then it can take more years before continual pruning causes the tree to bare the most it can. I also see the lack of planting of resource trees for lumber. The absence of olive trees for oil lamps. Do not plan for your survival with the hopes that the government will come in to save the day. Prophecies predict that the USA will end and not be reconstituted. A government will most likely come to America and make everyone slaves by a different acceptable naming description.
Every Christian church and Christian community must plant and cultivate all manner of edible plants, bushes and trees. This must be done to stave off the prophetic coming starvation. After, the planting's have been done by every church, community, family and person. Then is when the whole can begin to save foods and seeds just like Joseph in Egypt. You cannot save in the time of plenty if you do not have anything to save. Then when the times of famines come and they do from time to time. Many or all will starve in your communities. 
Your churches, communities and families must buy farm land and begin planting ASAP. 
Think about the history of warfare. Every military forces uses every asset they come across for their own purposes. This too will include all known homes and missile bunkers. The US military used Iraq's palaces for military purposes. This is just a continuation of what has always been done. So too shall it be in the future. Then depending on who the military force is. You will be told to move along or be killed. 

Sunday, June 6, 2021

More Than One Deadline Approaches:

 This is primarily for the American Christians. I was just reminded about the logic and reason as associated with mathematical statistics. So, I'm struggling and not really wanting to write these things below. While knowing that humanity or America may actually be in the negative and undesirable of certainty as defined my own deeply flawed brain. So here it is from obedience. 
I also, know and understand if the Christians won't even read their Bibles, pray or actually live Christians lives more than 1 day a week. Then how are Christians going to do anything else? The Christians will continue to be pushed out of society, culture, out of the work place, out of the mindset. The Christians will lose everything which will also include their own freedom, liberties and rights. Christians will even lose their right to personhood. Christians will go to jail for simply being Christians. Christians will be hunted and killed and no law enforcement agency will desire to investigate those killings which will not make any news source. But, every crime done by any Christian/pastor will be televised for weeks at a time. This is what is coming for Christians In America. 
Yes, The underground church in Canada is a birthing sign. It will only get worse from here. 
The evil doers have won, but. I'm writing this. They think themselves as the good guys and you as the enemy evil doer who must be eliminated. There will be an evolution of their thinking processes.
Denominations and independent churches must come together locally. Put forth one single candidate that will represent Christianity. Then come together in one unified voice. 
How to verify vote counts per voting area? Then having one hundred percent Christian turnout before and after the election. Quietly and peacefully force all electorates, officials to see and know the truth. What happens before must also have every voter making continuous digital communication to each elected official personally. These activities must happen and must happen today, not sooner and not later. All Christians must begin all manner of digital communications with every elected official on a daily, weekly, monthly and even for each specific mentioning news event. These things must happen right now. 
Christians must come to terms that this world has left them behind and do not want any Christian communication, acknowledgement, participation or involvement. 
All Christian mass gatherings must be silent and everyone cleans up after themselves and each other. All must be polite. 
The organization of any mass gatherings can be for a single day with one group of people and then replaced with a new group of people. 
Deadline dates can change without your knowledge.
Added on 07 June 2021: 
The days of plenty are waxing thin. 
This one little statement, you know to be true and yet you speak of it to no one. Yet, each church is not prepared to even care for a handful of people, let alone the many thousands who will come to each church begging for help and assistance. What have you done to become an empty building devoid of any love, mercy and compassion? Maybe, this/you are a reason why the Lord returns like an angry lion. Maybe this/you are a reason why the coming of the Lord is a great and terrible day. For the many of you have hidden away inside of your empty buildings siphoning away the wealth for your own selfish purposes. Then sending those desperate church members and needy strangers to other entities for help and assistance. Then feeling good that you have done your godly part. 
You cannot feed the hungry if you have not food. You cannot store up food if you have not grown it. You can not replenish or expand the process if you have done nothing. For the wise prepares and are prepared. The foolish depends on the wise virgins. Get it. 
Where is your new seed? Where is your stored up foods? Where are your crops? Where is your new wine skins? Where is your extra oil?  The days of plenty are waxing thin. How do you love one another? Is it really loving one another when you send a needy person to another church, food bank or government entity? Go and sin no more. 
The great and terrible/dreadful day of the the Lord comes ...
Yet, you do not even describe the words terrible or dreadful. Why? Why does the Lord coming be a dreadful or terrible day? Why can't the coming of the Lord be a great and wonderful day? 

Sunday, April 25, 2021

The New Foreigners Prophecy: (Unedited) 25 April 2021:

I met an ole Cuban, Well he is only 5 years older than me. But, he was kind and he made it to America is a very trying way. But, he made it and he is free. I said to him that I was glad that he is in the USA now. The property of his house looks rough from a distance. But, when you look closer. You see natural medicines, Mangos, Papayas, Avocados. Just what can be easily seen across his fence line. Recently I met a Puerto Rican and his back yard has become a farm. He was nice as well. There is a point to this and how God leads me to witness things. You the individual devout Christian  may go forth and make contact with those churches which only cater to specific people groups. Go and teach your skill sets and learn from them their skill sets. All in the name of Christ. You should do this along with your church. But, if your church will not support you. Then seek out a different church which has many different kinds of people groups. Remember, only the church of Smyrna and the church of Philadelphia were not scolded by God.  These churches suffered and yet they pleased God even in their suffering. While all of the other churches fell away from God. So look for the church which most resembles Smyrna and Philadelphia. Yes, even if you have life long friends and generational friends. Yes, even if you and your family have went to only one church for generation's. Don't just get up and quit. Do much praying, fasting. Try to work within your fallen denomination and church to effect holy and righteous change. God will prepare a way for you. 
 Every Christian Denomination and every nondenominational church must go forth and embrace each other. Every Christian must be able to go forth to love and support one another. Every Christian must go forth and teach their own skill sets. This is where things get very important. The people from their old worlds who have come to the USA for liberty and freedom. 
If the churches and denominations or if your church and denomination refuse to mingle with other churches and denominations in the name of Jesus. Then you have the answer to your question which you may not even have posed yet. Any church and denomination who seems to desperately want to keep you inside of the church where you do not have to do anything else but cut a check for your tithe is in the wrong. 
The prophets are beginning to speak their prophecies. They may not even know why or understand. But, they all know that severe hardships are coming. People are going to starve to death. People are going to die because their medications and medical care will be unavailable. People are going to die because of exposure to the element's. People are going to die of thirst and old diseases which are not typically seen in the modern world. 
So all of you need to tell everyone else that they must begin to start planting food crops as which I have written before. Did you know it can take 5-7 years for a natural organic and wild tree to bear fruit or nuts. This alone could be a time frame of things to come. Unless the election of Trump to the presidency was a time marker as well. For the next Shemitah is in 2022 and the next American elections is on 08 Nov 2022. Which means if the Democrats who are not gain a super majority of the house and then senate. While holding the Presidents chair. They can effectively change the whole of the USA into a new nation as defined by them and not you. If what Trumps does say was true and all of the reporting and all of the things seen on the election of Biden/Harris are true. Then any election thereafter will not matter. They will just put on a show for their audience. Like watching a WWE professional match where all of the drama is scripted. 
Just as the foot does not compete against the eye and the hand does not compete against the spleen. So to must everyone work together for the benefit of the whole body of Christ. 
You must be able to understand the purpose of prophecies. A prophecy can have many parts. The natural events which cannot be altered and the events which are based on human decision which can be prevented. The natural events can be mitigated as which was told in the Biblical story of Joseph and the Pharaoh of Egypt. Seven years of plenty and then seven years of a great famine. They prepared as so you must and you must tell everyone and motivate everyone to prepare. Time is short.
Just as God will send a prophet to one specific people group. So to will God send the many prophets to all of His children everywhere. They will speak the same basic words and may even add others. But, they will say there is coming a food shortage or something similar and they will not conflict. 
But, beware of those who watch the prophets and say the horrible things to come and God will protect you by sending "ME" money. Do not be swayed for they are the children of satan.
A genuine prophet of God is going to say/write their words of horrifying things to come and then bring forth what you need to do to overcome these coming hardships. If there is no second half of actions as which was done by Joseph. Then they are not of God. Fore God wants His children to survive and to thrive. God does not want you to die of thirst, starvation. So go forth and prepare. Read my previous posts and see what you should do. You do not even have to send me any money or even acknowledge me in any way. Go forth and save all of the lives that you can. Cause the people to become empowered enough to plant all manner of wild/organic fruit and nut bearing trees, shrubs, vines and other plants. Do so right now. Go forth and begin to plant new plants from seedlings and them give them all away. I'm already do that with a lot of papaya seeds, peppers and beef tomatoes. But, teach people how to do it. There is an urgency here. 
Here is a concept in which you may not even be aware of. Teach people to plant a variety of plants which which will give food in a specific month of the year and then plant your permanent wild plants so that you have food every month of the year. In that way you will have foods grown fresh every month. Teach people how to recover those seeds in your region and to begin planting for their own use. 
For you wealthy people who own much land. Begin planting all manner of edible plants on all of your properties. Even on your rentals. Then do not worry about the animals or the people who take what they can. If you own a pond or a lake. Then enhance those eco-systems to the fullest in your region. So that they will be self sustaining. 
The denominations need to mandate all forms of preparations for their churches. The question on how to effectively use the land in order to sustain their peoples. Then those answers must be quickly put into action. The lessons of Joseph must begun to be taught. Think about this. Joseph was beaten up by his brothers, thrown into a hole, sold into slavery, abused and wrongly accused as a slave, put into prison and maintained his faith in God. Then once freed he did not hold grudges or seek retaliation as it became obvious he still loved his family and saved his family. No matter how badly they treated him. Joseph even saved the kingdom that he was an imprisoned slave to. Joseph acted out of love even though by our modern day understanding he owed them nothing and his family owed him everything. Yet, Joseph save them all. Out of your love for everyone which includes those who deserve it and don't deserve it. Plant your plants and remake your community into a human created pseudo Garden Of Eden. Cause your entire community to be a place of plenty for everyone. 
The time is coming. When life will become harsh and starvation becomes a reality. Where people will starve to death. If you have read and not prayed and then you do nothing. I'm sorry that you could not believe the words of a poorly educated janitor who is trying to save your life, your church and your community. Like I said, You do not even have to acknowledge me what so ever. I do not want you to acknowledge me at all. I do want you to give all glory and gratitude to only God alone. 
Think about it. Who do I write for? Why do I waste my time writing if I do not want any credit, recognition or acknowledgement? 
Something else to think about. How long does it take for fruit bearing vines like raspberries, elderberries, black berries to fully take over a sun drenched fence line? How long does it take for a fruit bearing vine of any kind to become plentiful enough to feed your family, friends and neighbors? Yes, you take on the responsibility to feed everyone because you love everyone. Which is a commandment from Christ Jesus. Jesus did not say to love yourself and to the hot place to everyone else. Jesus came to love and serve everyone. Jesus knew what his fate would be. Jesus knew that humanity would falsely accuse Him, wrongly judge Him, torture Him, hang Him on a cross, mock Him and pierce His heart. Jesus did all of what He did because He loved first. Jesus did all that He did with full knowledge of what was gonna happen. Jesus Loved one another first. This is what we all must do no matter what fate awaits. 
A community of people is more likely to transition from surviving to thriving. A person who goes it alone will most likely transition from surviving to simple existence. A person who goes it alone will most likely die alone. Of all of the Joseph like plans to be made. Plan on loving one another. Do not allow yourself to be forced to make a decision to allow other people to die because for what ever reason which seems valid.  
Go and sin no more.

To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.

To Love one another.
To live in peace with everyone.
To exist in harmony with all.
To Cherish all life.
To be obedient to the Laws of God.
To become clean, righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.

All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Thursday, April 15, 2021

Underground Churches Sign Revealed: (Unedited): 13-15 April 2021:

 In the last century the world has fought socialism and communism. Many millions have died in those wars. We all were told how the bad guys lost and yet the world has embraced socialism. The common people of today will feel the full brunt of socialism in the very near future. The awakening of the power of socialism has already begun and most likely begun in early 2000. The awareness of socialism has only recently become to the forefront of the common peoples awareness. This awakening awareness is still in the becoming aware and usually after an "aha" moment. In the Christian faith this "aha" has become if the actual Christians are even aware of this new sign which is located at Grace Life Church in Alberta Canada. The Underground Church has officially been recognized. Those who are new to the topic of underground churches may even be aware of the Underground Church in China. Where the Christians endure all forms of abuse and torture. Yet, they sing hymns, worship Him and all manner of praises unto the Lord that they have been deemed worthy for such a unfortunate treatment. 
Added on 14 April 2021:
The denominations, churches and the clergy must repent and reject all sins and evil ways. Especially if they all realize that they are not like the Biblical churches of Philadelphia and Smyrna in the Book of Revelation. The actual Christians who attend churches regularly must also begin to seek out those denominations, churches and clergy who are most like those ancient churches of Smyrna and Philadelphia as indicated in the Book of Revelation. Then become members of those churches. Then begin to not only tithe monies but also of your time. Can you imagine a church where 100% of the church body does works?
The plans and actions of the modern day church must not be mentioned on any modern day digital media service of any kind. Just as any military unit does not advertise their positions, intentions and status. So must all of the churches who become like the ancient churches of Smyrna and Philadelphia.
The denominations, churches, clergy and all other actual Christians must begin to plan, orchestrate, build and assign places to become locations for underground churches. These things must be done off line, off grid and without modern day forms of communications or any electronic devices which can be tracked. In which a cell phone, Fitbit like, electronics, and a modern vehicle can be tracked. 
The denominations, churches, clergy and Christians must become mobile and have it in the back of their minds that they must become permanently mobile. There is still time for this but, it may happen in the future of less than 10-20 years. These plans must remain secret and not even printed in any Christian news media service. 
The denominations, churches, clergy and Christians. Must begin planting all manner of wild and organic self sustaining edible plants, plants, bushes and trees. You must know it can can 5-7+ years in order for some trees to even go to first fruits(for your region). Even fruit bearing vines can take years before they can provide enough for one person, one family or even one community. You must also plant with the idea that you can harvest fruits, nuts, vegetables every month of the year. Also, include actual fruit bearing trees as many beneficial things comes from olives like oil for lamps. Plant according to your region. This will require planning and is important so that your community will have food to eat year round. Properties must be purchased for these endeavors. Strategic planning of farm locations will be essential. Become involved with your local farmers markets (without revealing intentions) so as to recoup some financial offsets. At the very least you will be able to support jobs. You must not advertise this service on any modern day electronic service. Create names like special projects and such. 
The denominations, churches, clergy and Christians must begin to buy housing properties for the passing through of Christians on the move. These must not be advertised on any digital or modern day services. Low cost rentals will also aid in struggling Christian community members. Low cost rentals does not mean 50 year old trailers that you wouldn't allow your own pets to live in or homes without plumbing, water, safe electricity, A/C and heat, leaks and other physical issues. Leaving one vacant is like the old custom of leaving an empty place setting at the table. 
The denominations, churches, clergy and Christians must all create little micro economy cells. In which you interconnect with other Christian micro economy cells. Yes, only Christian Micro economy cells as this is for self preservation and the maintaining of secrecy. By starting and doing these things you create a level of prosperity which will be immune to any global financial uncertainty. By teaching that all Christians should only buy, sell and trade within their own community brings stability. No matter what the rumors of war are. Encourage one another to stop buying any product made outside of your micro economy cell and from other nations like China. Stop buying products "Made in China". 
The leaders of denominations, churches, clergy and Christians must put forth plans of communication routes so as to immediately change plans when members who hold secrets are captured. For each of them will be tortured and chemically induced to speak those secreted truths. So an action plan must rise in order to protect those who are in the dire need of secrecy. 
The leaders of denominations, churches, clergy and Christians will become deemed criminals and mentally ill in the eyes of the governmental propaganda to the public. Christians will be deemed as a threat to everyone and will become hunted down arrested, tortured and killed. Their corpses will be cremated so as not to leave any evidence behind of their murders. There will be mobile incinerators. Most likely in secrecy by the government entity. 
Added on 15 April 2021: 
Mobility and the ability to leave all of your wealth behind. Worldly reason and logic cannot contend with the actual knowledge of Christ, of God, of The Holy Spirit, of miracles, of knowing things without being taught, of gaining wisdom and understanding on things even if you have no formal education. Once you become one of the knowing without knowing. Once you see, hear and feel that which is unreal to the world from which you were born to. You become reborn into the realities of the spirit of the impossible. You become knowing and from the birth of this knowing. You cannot return back to the worldly ways of doing things. Once you learn of the love of God and actually meet up with those who have fully embraced those things which are of God. That which is experienced in this world may not seem like a valid reality. Even though by human perspective this is all we know and perceive and yet once you realize how limited our senses really are and how human do not even have additional senses that other creature have. You discover than humans are not the top of creation. Yet, we seem to be. Especially, when human devise their tools, inventions and gadgets. 
The realities of God brings forth the knowledge of the limitations and restrictions of this world. Enough to cause a wicked person to change from their evil ways. Enough to cause a real man/woman of the world to leave it all behind. Enough for an intellectual scientist to consider all he/she knows to be juvenile and full of folly. Enough for a devout political believer to simply walk away from all of that foolishness. Enough for a person who has been abused, tortured, rejected, unloved, uncared, unworthy for to know love and acceptance. Even though deemed dumb, stupid and retarded. What God has for each of you is very much overwhelmingly sufficient and given freely by His own flood of good grace. 
What is coming and fast approaching is the rainbow tsunami. This rainbow tsunami has already destroyed both political parties(Republican, Democrat). Now it is coming in for the rest of your liberties and freedoms. What do you do when you see a tsunami coming? you run, you flee, you go up hill and to the highest point. But this rainbow tsunami is not going to just stop at the first high obstacle. This rainbow tsunami is going to destroy and kill everything which is contrary to the origins of it's creation. Which is not from God. Then out of the destruction and death will come forgetfulness and obedience to their ordered ways. To such a degree that there shall not be any dissent in your own thinking processes.
They will use technology to reprogram your own brain. The corporations which have embrace a corporate form of communism have seemingly all have come into alignment. The rise of the corporate oligarchs from President Trump. 
Humans cannot be trusted to make the right decisions for the benefit of the world.
The new signs to come: So the advent of temporary physical gifts. Take a pill or get a shot and receive enhanced abilities. The strength and power of 5 men. The intelligence of 250+IQ. Spiritual gifts of every kind. But, for those who shall hold the power comes physical, intellectual and psychic powers. For they shall become the new gods to humanity. So as it was in those days of Noah. The public awareness of actual space aliens/angels without any attachment to any God. 
1). The men and women of renown greatness. 
2). Technology will have a Piggy Backed signal in which will completely brainwash every viewer into a signal alignment of thinking and believing. Research my name and Piggy Back Mind Control.
3). The so called God gene turned off.
4). Natural psychic awareness's, abilities and spiritual gifts turned off. 
5). The stunting of intelligence and physical growth in humanity. The average IQ among the population of the entire planet must be lowered and prevented from rising above 90+/-. Physically stunted brain growth. 
6). The average physical height of humanity lowered to 5 feet tall.
7). The average level of athleticism for all of humanity shall be lowered with added growth limitations applied to the lungs and heart. 
8). The average lifespan of a common human being will be lowered to 30+/- years of age. 
9). Medical care ends for the common human. Once injured or disabled. The common human is killed for the benefit of all.
10). The natural spiritual defensive mechanism which is in humanity shall be disabled.
11). With the advent of all of the genetic changes into the common human being. There will be what shall be coined by another name a cascade effect that will become like an avalanche. Unpredicted changes which start out small and slow then will cascade into a fast avalanche of genetic changes. Which will seem like chaos, unpredictable, random. But, are not. They are very specific and exacting. This will also lead to the extinction of the human species. Even those who have chosen to super evolve themselves genetically. They to will suffer cascade effects in the generations of their own children. Extinction occurs and it will be done by our own arrogant hands by ignorant choice. Can you imagine being able to live forever and not being able to change back to your normal, dull, limited base human self. While knowing that your offspring shall die before you in a horrible manner. But, with those arrogant genetic changes shall also grow a level of apathy not ever know by any human. Maybe, known by the worst of the criminal and insane minds of humanity.  
Added on 16 April 2021:
Denominations must fund there own wild edible organic plant farms. Denominations must communicate to all of their churches to buy additional lands and begin to plant wild edible organic plants, bushes and trees. Churches everywhere must also take upon their own decision to buy additional lands in order to plant wild edible organic bushes, trees and plants.
You must also buy secluded and strategic homes for those who will be in need or just passing through. 
All of these things must be done in secret. 
Your life long and generational members must be at the forefront of these kinds of real estate investments. The whole congregation must be secretly involved. The whole congregation must also plant on their own properties. They all must do so ASAP. 
I'm not a financial expert and you really need to pray on this. You must begin to divest of all retirement stock market like investments. Then divert those funds into more real investments like preparing for the future without modern day conveniences, real estate and becoming debt free. You have some time. This must be done in secret or not told to any outsiders who you cannot trust. If you cannot trust family members or any other known people then they are outsiders. You cannot cause panic, worry or fear. To do so will cause the investment markets to make drastic turns before other Christians can make beneficial financial changes.  Remember, the real estate markets are high. So be sure to buy with intelligence and reason. Remember it is not wise to buy high and sell low. So making arrangements with large tract Christian landowners may be more necessary. Besides you will be planting all manner of wild/organic edible plants, bushes and trees. You may even build hidden residences by your own Holy Spirit guided creativity on those properties. The next Shemitah is in the fall of 2022. If you study market volatility in relation to market downturns and the Shemitah. Then you will know more than me and be able to make the wisest of decisions. So between now and then. Be smart and obedient to the Holy Spirit. Reject and flee from all sins. Pursue holiness and righteousness. Go forth and love one another. Prepare for everyone. Do not be in agreement with any go it alone attitudes and thinking. 
You must also not make any ripples or waves. Do not break laws or join any organization which actually does not love one another. In all things be considered a good model citizen. Do not cheat or harm. Do not deceive or unforthcoming of truths. Do not hide issues which can or will cause problems. Do not mislead or misdirect. In all things that you do or say. If you cause sadness in any way you have caused harm and causing harm is not loving one another. If you potentially can or will cause sadness in any human being. Then you are not loving one another. 
Warning: If you do not accept all of those who are holy and righteous no matter how they appear. Then ... of you.
My comment: You are more than 99.9% genetically the same of those people who are of a different skin tone as you. You are more than 99.9% genetically the same as every person on this planet. Do not allow the lies  of the races of humanity to cause fear, hate and distrust within you. Only be obedient to the Holy Spirit. The more you spend time in the Holy Bible, The more you spend time in prayer, The more you go forth and love one another, The more you flee from all sins, The more you pursue holiness and righteousness, The easier it will be to listen to and to be guided by The Holy Spirit.  
Added on 17 April 2021: 
The sign of the Christian tribulation? The sign that food will be close by? The olive tree. 
I suggest you do your own research research on pre-trib, mid trib, post trib and no trib. Be forthcoming and try to prove each one. Then conduct a historical analysis on how many times did God remove His children from any situation. What if all of them are right and what if all of them are wrong? I won't be giving you any answers. You have to find all of your answers in prayer and in the Holy Bible. Typically you may discover that God allows people to live through the situation instead of a complete removal. But, even a brief moment of sin can result in judgement and becoming a pillar of salt. That was pre-Christ. There is a point to this. There is a point to my writings. That all of your actions must  have a foundation of Love. That you the actual devout Christian and very real child Of God. Will begin to follow through on these writings for the benefit of those who will come after. For they in their own needs and tribulations will see the provisions that you have started in the name of God. Even though they will not know who you are or were especially after... For through your obedience will those who come after you will find their way back home. Remember fruit and nut bearing trees can take up to 5-7 years for first fruits. Olive tree(s) may be their sign that they are getting close. Possibly one of many signs. 
Added on 19 April 2021: 
Churches will be forced to financially support their poorest members as they will be denied benefits for membership to the Christian church.
Your wealthiest corporate donors will be disallowed to give to any Christian denomination, church or charity. If they do then they will lose their corporate jobs and become unable to gain any employment anywhere. 
A new sign of the churches which are not of Smyrna or Philadelphia. The starving and homeless poor will make their way to the wealthiest of churches in such numbers that the pastors and church staff will respond in anger, hatred and in violence. 
While the actual Churches of Smyrna and Philadelphia will not turn anyone away as they learn to develop a new kind of independent and self sustaining micro economy. 
Note: Purposely left small so that readers would miss it more easily. 
I do not think voting in the USA or in any other country really matters anymore. Socialism has won the world and as such the Christians must form their own self sustaining micro economies. Christians must become like the Amish and only do business with the Amish or Christians only doing business with Christians. 
BUT... All Christians must become organized and run for every electable office as soon as possible. Then the denominations and churches must get together and only vote for that one Christian for that one specific office. By doing so, in about six years. Only Christians will hold every electable office at every level of city, county, state and national offices. All Christians must become organized right now. If not then America as you know it will cease and it most likely already has. The 2022 election cycle may see a super majority in the Senate and in Congress. The same election fraud games which were used in the 2020 elections will be used again. Once the super majority is seen in the senate and in congress. The Bill of rights, the Constitution can be changed or just written out of legal use. A new constitution can be written. A more socialist version where the government has sole authority over all states. Where the President or administrator becomes only a figure head. The idea of liberty and freedom dies except in how you find your own pleasures. This country becomes like Sodom and like it was in the days of Noah. 
Can you imagine a government which is anti-Christian and then demands from every church a 30%-80% tax on the value of all assets by every denomination, church and pastoral leadership. It will matter not retirement status. To make up for their historical tax free status sins. Then when each denomination, church and pastoral leadership cannot pay the huge tax load. All assets will be seized in the new socialist government as repayment to the people that you have stolen from. Think about the propaganda as you do the research today on the wealthiest pastors in the USA. 
This is almost four years old and is the top 100 in the USA. Think about this. All of them attacked by mobs of people at the direction of the socialist/Marxists leaders of the USA. All of them attacked nonstop by every news media source. Continual disruptions of every church service.
But, because of this writing a few or many will move their wealth to foreign countries.. They will begin to sell their assets in Late 2021 and early 2022 before the Shemitah of the fall of 2022. Sell when high and buy when low.  This must be done before the elections in Nov 08, 2022. 
Many Christians will also move out of the USA. Especially, if the house and Senate become a Democrat super majority in support of Biden/ Harris. They will be criminalized and lose their moneys as the taxes will be demanded by the US IRS. To the point that many hosting nations will ban American citizens and American Expatriates. Better be careful and do your own due diligence. But, you need to know one thing. There is no place to go on this planet. There is no other nation that has true liberty and true freedom. Remember in the Holy Bible in Revelation the last two Christians are killed and laid in the streets for three days. The whole of the world celebrated their murder in real time as if it was a new Christmas like holiday. The giving of gifts to one another. Real time viewing is coming to the whole world as Elon Musk and others complete their own services like Starlink.
Basically, This is how it is going to pan out. The actual devout children of God will not renounce their faith and they will lose their jobs and their homes. They will go hungry as their entire families tag along. They will be imprisoned for the criminal act of being homeless and trespassing. While the vast majority of professing Christians will just silently disappear from the faith when their jobs, livelihood, families are threatened. They won't have to be threatened when they continually watch Christians beaten to a pulp on the internet and news channels nonstop. When not a cop or emergency medical personnel anywhere, many will die. Those videos will not be deleted. 
Added on 30 April 2021: Comment on a YouTube Channel.
God will communicate with many people and peoples. Each with dreams and visions of a coming hunger and starvation. Each Christian, each denomination, each church must plan like Joseph. In this season of plenty. All Children of God must begin to plant all manner of edible wild, organic and self sustaining plants, bushes and trees. It must be understood that it can take years for first fruits can come. It can take much longer period of time before each edible fruit, nut bearing plants to produce enough to feed more than one person, one family and one community. Before you can store up grains and other natural foods. You must first individually grow it. Then you must be able to regrow it through proper seed recovery and storage. You plant your plants everywhere even in those secret places where the underground church will begin to move from place to place.
Churches and individual Christians. You are hereby warned about inflation. You are also being warned about future IRS investigations. Individual Christians you may also be warned about IRS investigations for having a history of giving to the church. Churches, You high dollar corporate people who tithe will stop giving to the church for fear of IRS investigations and losing their jobs. Churches and Christians must eliminate all debts.
Added on 13 May 2021:
Go and sin no more.

To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.

To Love one another.
To live in peace with everyone.
To exist in harmony with all.
To Cherish all life.
To be obedient to the Laws of God.
To become clean, righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.

All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
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