Showing posts with label Chrysalis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chrysalis. Show all posts

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Free Flight journey: (Unedited): 18 Dec 2014:

The beautiful butterfly must emerge unaided out of it's own self created darkness. Just to discover their journey of free flight. 
A basic truth. We are all of our own isolated minds and bodies. We do not share each others actual minds and or bodies. Except in extreme situations. Which I shall not go into. Basically, we each are alone within our own skull. Spiritually we are also isolated from one to another. This is a basic truth.
So when you free your own mind from the continual entrap-ping's of the world systems. It is you who must discover your own journey into the new found freedom of flight. It is the same for spiritual freedom as well as physical freedom. The butterfly must must exert force in order to free itself from it's own self created chrysalis. This is crucially important and is beyond my understanding.
Helping a person is not doing for them. To do for them causes much unseen harm. Even is much gratitude is expressed and happy freedom is greatly felt. It is the same with the butterfly. If you cut it free from it's chrysalis. The butterfly will never fly and will die. It is the same with those who are on their own isolated journey in this life. Through our encounters we can learn from one another we can advise one another and we can express what we did wrong. But, we cannot journey to elsewhere in your shoes. We cannot learn what it is is essential for you to learn in this very life journey. Walk your walk in the shoes of your own creation. Fly into the winds with the wings you grew yourself. See and witness a new kind of perception from the greatest of heights. For it is only your journey to make by the freedom of your choice. So choose your direction and go. Where ever you may journey to. There will be other like souls which have journeyed in a similar manor as you. Even for a short while or even through the completion of this life. Journey well beautiful butterfly. Go in peace and love.

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  “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:


Beautiful Emergence: (unedited): 18 Dec 2014:

Those persons who become entrapped by their own self conceived anxiety may never emerge from their darkened chrysalis as a beautiful butterfly. 
It seems to be easy for us human beings to become anxious over many many things.
The psychology of being cared of everything, any thing or many things. seem to be common amongst people. Everyday, I meet people who are scared of something or many somethings.
I met a young woman who actually turns her back to the world and resides within her own self created fantasies. To the degree that if she forgets to eat or drink it is just not a valid concern. Well, you can see where this can lead to. So, if someone who notices that she isn't eating or drinking and goes and gets it for her. She becomes offended but she still eats and drinks what is in front of her.
I myself still get very anxious if anyone pays any attention to me.  I do not even desire any sort of accolades of any sort. I still do not have birthdays or celebrate them. Just the fact that people would all of a sudden pay attention to me is just to overwhelming for me. There is a story behind it and much psychological conditioning as well. I'm pretty much over it, I think. But, I have conditioned those around me to not to celebrate my day of birth and I've said nothing about it. Which is also a possible sign that I still do not desire the attention. But, I can go to any other sort of party and it won't bother me. So as long as I'm useful or along the perimeter. I think a big part of that is being a very sensitive empath. If to many people are focused upon me. Then it's like sitting directly in front of very large concert speakers at a high volume.

Physical contact used to be a very real cause of anxiety for a number of reasons. Physical control which equates to eminent physical danger. This is directly related to my adoptive mother who beat me on a regular basis. The arm grab. Which led to the beatings if I could not escape. Did she already have a belt or not? A belt meant a long time. The hand on the head meant knocked out quick. If she was indecisive, then escape was possible.
Physical contact is also difficult for me in another way. The wind is the wind of oneness to the normal person. When the wind blows upon you, you feel one wind. When the wind blows upon my skin. I feel every single hair follicle reacting to the wind or even the temperature differences of sun light and shadow. So one grab on the arm was essentially a thousand grabs all at once. Loose clothing feels traumatic to me.

Sounds have also caused me anxiety. For in a room full of people. I could hear many different conversations at once and keep up with them. I could also feel many more emotions. A walk in the mall can cause me more anxiety then lets say a college game with 80,000 people. The 80,000 people are typically of one mind and emotion. The people in the mall can have a variety of mindsets and emotions. So crowds are not something i prefer encounter. Though now I am better at it and can adapt to crowds much better now. Which is based solely on the awareness and development of my gifts. Many young people have gifts and know not they have them. Which becomes curses to them.
I also had a gift for music. To the degree that I could hear in between the notes and individual instruments. Which was never realized.

I had much anxiety as a child. Being very small. I tended to stay away from any person or groups.

Each of us is a beautiful butterfly. Even before we enter into the Chrysalis as a fat caterpillar. That which becomes beautiful must have already been beautiful to begin with. That which is ugly in mind, in heart and in spirit. May in fact be physically beautiful. But, this will only happen for a short while. Until the ugly mind, ugly heart and ugly spirit completes the transformation into total ugliness. So always be on your guard and reject anything which is ugly while accepting all that is beautiful. You will surely become what you take into you.

At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  

  “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Escape Shell: (Unedited): 17 Sept 2014:

Ran out of time. Worky worky. 

The shell in which you escape from. Is something you leave behind. 
The butterfly does not take with it along its journey their chrysalis. It is no longer needed.
Just as the butterfly, the reptile and the bird must destroy their shell of protection for their own life to continue and to evolve. So to must you. Leave behind all of the history which may have vexed you. Even the good and heroic things which can be celebrated from time to time. Leave it all in the past. Just as VE day is celebrated every year. Do not forget there was great horror and suffering which led up to the victory. The past is in the past. Do not even re-align your rear view mirror to continue to see that which you have left behind.
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Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Faith Barrier: (Unedited): 13 June 2013:

Those who through faith breaks through their own absence of information barriers and brings that intelligence back into themselves gains more than the information provides. C.J.MacKechnie
There are many physical representations of the absence of information barriers.
Limitations of the commonly accepted natural senses. 
Spiritual to physical barrier and the physical to spiritual barrier.
Daytime atmosphere.
Van Allen Belt
Oort Cloud
The invisible barrier sphere which surrounds galaxies.
There are probably more. This is just all I can think of at this moment.
Any time when you have limited or maximum information from a known thing. When you reach out into the unknown. There is a absence of information barrier present. It may be a very real physical barrier, spiritual barrier or even a psychological barrier.
The absence of information is all around us at all times. Our human species is incredibly limited in every sense organ we have.There seems to be virtually every animal which has a capability superior to human beings. When the proper comparisons are made.It is almost like that human were created for some where else and then brought here. Oh wait, we were in the Garden of Eden. Where ever that place is.
When we are capable of breaking through those barriers which have been put into place against. A person must first ask why this has been done. It is because of sin and disobedience that we now have these invisible barriers in which many are still not even aware of. But, to get through these one must become obedient to the word of God. You must become righteous and holy as defined and judged by God. To be righteous and holy means something which is beyond just being merely religious.
For many religious people the connection to becoming righteous from just being religious is to far a leap into those deep dark and stormy waters where the Lord is. But, the essential truth is the waters are not deep, nor are they dark or stormy. This is just the barrier which is between the religious and righteous.
 The essential keys to seeing through those invisible barriers is you being able to transcend from your worldly physical and worldly mental states into the whole of your self. Which is your physical, mental and spiritual states. Becoming harmonically in tune with the oneness which is of righteousness. Thus, becoming holy in the welcoming eyes of your Heavenly Father/God.
Added on 07 April 2015:
Even though I write these words early in this still darkened morning. You must know that I am still yet a deeply flawed human being who still does have obedience problems. Even though I may be like Peter who goes out into the dark stormy water. It seems I always end up treading that water and spitting it out. This is the truth of me.
The time for all of humanity is becoming shortened. Soon very soon. The leaders of Man. Will make war with one another and the end shall come. Soon very soon the common people of the world shall make war with one another. For any reason as each warring individual may find. The red horse of blood shall go forth and when it does. All civility and reason shall be gone from humanity. The process of extinction shall begin. To the point where The God of all shall burn this planet all the way to it's core. Not even those leaders or those fallen angels shall survive deep within their own underground fortresses. Where in that time it will be the end of all living things. While at the same time the earth shall be reborn. Only those who are to survive shall be the select chosen by God. Those select shall not be every soul who is merely religious. You cannot deceive God as easily as you have deceived others and yourself.
What keeps you in a state of peace? Logically what makes up genuine peace? Think about this as part of a greater formula. Where as Life = Love, Peace, Harmony, Law. My arrangement is most likely in error. Never the less those words are all elements of a far greater formula and each element has it's own elements. So I ask you who is way smarter than me. What are the elements which makes up each element? What makes genuine peace? That is what the red horseman shall take away from humanity. It is not a physical thing as our physical being may comprehend. This will or may be on the order of the human alteration/change/reprogramming as what happened at the tower of babel. Think about that word. Reprogramming of the human mind. Delete one language and add another. But, not just one person but to an entire population. With a multitude of languages. In a short period of time. All As defined by God.
Bet you have never heard it that way before?
 To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books