Showing posts with label Noah. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Noah. Show all posts

Monday, July 28, 2014

Humanity Mutated Prophecy: (Unedited): 28 July 2014:

The truth of the fallen angels/aliens. They have always been here and still remain. We have lived and existed among them before and after the flood. They have eaten us and we have killed them. This is the truth from the ancient holy texts such as the Holy Bible.

The historical aspects of the fallen angels/aliens as told by ancient holy texts. There is an absolute certainty that they can be killed. The time of Noah is approaching and the fallen angels/alien will bring gifts of long life and perfect health. The outcome of these gifts will ultimately destroy our unique evolving genetic identity of humanity. We become Nephilim or humanity mutated. Which humanity will easily become as we all have been taught through innocent comic books and entertaining movies that it is OK to be a mutant, a freak or just different. I would suspect the advanced physical genetic altering gifts won't just be long life and perfect health. There will be other genetic changes and they will warn us. Even though humanity will not listen because, we do not even heed while listening or reading the warnings from medical pharmaceutical companies. We are being prepared to blindly accept/trust without questioning or using reason in our decision making processes. Go and view any pharmaceutical video without sound and look at the paid actors.  An actor is a paid liar and deceiver.

This truth that angels/aliens can be killed. Gives all of humanity some hope. But, the gifts presented to humanity becomes the purchase price for global enslavement. In which humanity ends in the guise of becoming something better. Yes, maybe in the short  in grand scheme of things. But, in the long term. Losing your evolving humanity to become something you think is better under the control and authority of supreme beings who care nothing for you except that which you provide. Your physical body in some yet to be discovered way. 
 Maybe, to genetically cause the physical human body to no longer support a spiritual being or to change the energy fields which surround the human body protecting it from outside spiritual influences. Yes, it is called the aura. My odd photo is my aura from over a decade ago.  I believe this aura is some kind of advanced bio-engineered spiritual force shield. That we each have. Assuming you are not actively taking any mind altering substances. No matter their legal, medical, social and cultural status.
Do not become deceived. Do not accept any of the gifts from those who may soon reveal themselves. Because, when the fallen angels/aliens do reveal themselves. That in itself will be Biblical prophecy realized.
 Warning by refusing any of the gifts will also mean you will not be able to participate within any aspect of society, culture, religion. You will have to become migratory because you will not be allowed to own anything. It will be tough if not nearly impossible to want to refuse their offers as their natural abilities are incredibly superior to us lowly humans in every way. This includes all of the psychic abilities known and unknown to humanity.
To know more about this and other Biblical Prophecies. Visit your local church which is not in accepting of any sin as taught through the Holy Bible. It doesn't matter what is now a legal right or freedom. This also includes those churches which preach and teach prosperity, stay away from those to.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.
To live in peace with everyone.  
To exist in harmony with all.  
To Cherish all life.  
To be obedient to the Laws of God.  
To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.  
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Declaring Noah: (Unedited): 02 March 2014:

I'm declaring:
We are in the time of Noah.
This is short and simple. This is directly to the point.

The world/religious leaders, elites and those selected entertainment persons are in full knowledge.
The leaders of the world is anyone who is in any position of leadership. Even in the entertainment industry.

The common people of this world seems to be unaware of the truth. When the truth is finally realized. Then it will be to late for any common person on this planet to ever achieve any kind of freedom, justice or fairness.

The new leaders of this world who are already becoming or have become something more or less than human as we think we know it today/now. Because of this. When their numbers achieve a point in which they can cause the extinction of the lesser humans. So shall it be. Then will the world be fully theirs to re-create what they will it to be.
Something similar happened to the leaders of the world as which caused humans to become who they are now. The fruits from the tree of life have been re-introduced into humanity. Creating a new species. The exact how and why is lost to me. Just as any new species is introduced into any environment. The weaker or lesser species which competes for the same resources become extinct. Just the natural way things occur.
In the time of Noah. The angels walked amongst humanity. You can call the angels space aliens if you like. In which many of them pretended to be gods. So, when these space aliens or fallen angels are in the full awareness of all of humanity. That is when we are in the times of Noah. That time is coming very soon. When it does. Those who live of the world will suffer greatly and die. To a tune of more than 5 billion souls in a short period of time. This is Biblical prophecy. Do the math of the events. Which I might also add does not take into the account of those who will die after the events.

Weird news from Yahoo news. Really? This conspiracy, all off the wall assumptions and questions without any real facts.

Did Aliens Force Pope Benedict To Resign?

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Friday, October 4, 2013

Meek World: (Unedited): 04 Oct 2013:

The truth and understanding of ancient prophecies revealed to late, will not prevent your predicted demise from occurring. 
Added on 17 Aug 2022: 
Your physical demise or death is not of importance. Your knowledge and understanding of prophecy is of no importance. Your relationship to the Heavenly Father is what is of importance. Such as this is. Living your life as God has always intended for you is all you really need to know and understand. If you have any manner of unfortunate death. Celebrate that when you close your eyes for the last time. You will open your eyes in the presence of your Lord. Glory in that.
This world has become a sick and demented place? or has it always been so?
The secret truth is just now being revealed to everyone and no one really cares. As it was in the days of Noah...
All of those who apparently are in positions of power and authority have been lying and deceiving all of us. Now it may just be too late for you the common person to do anything. Except to repent, pray and meditate upon GOD. It is not enough to just repent and continue on living as you desire or as the whole of the world expects of you. You must repent and flee from all sin. Pray and meditate always. This is essentially the red river of redemption or the sacred path along the red road (as i currently understand it). 

I have studied prophecies since the mid eighties, for you young-lings that's about 1985.  It has always been known that the Holy Bible has been sealed up until the end. Tonight, I believe the Holy Bible and all of the ancient understandings associated with it and other historical documents and places is now fully open and understandable to all persons who seek to know. The lies and deceptions we all live under is nearly of totality. So much so, that when the truth of the way things truly are is openly revealed, it is not believed. Even if the truth is revealed by an embodied evil person. This may only be evident that it is just to late. In the grand scheme of things and how time revolves around the cog wheel of the universe. We can only perceive our individual part in it all. That part is very small. 

As it was in the time of Noah so it shall be. Which means the angels are about to walk amongst us or has already been doing so and that to shall be openly revealed soon. (The definition of soon may take another 40 years or 40 years from 2008, who knows.)  No one shall know the coming of the son of man. You have heard that phrased in many different ways. Do you know why it is? It is related to the laws of prophecy. If any prophet puts forth their words of things to come and they be pleasant or unpleasant. Then those who hear or read those words with knowledge and understanding. Has to choose the path which suits them best. Once those decisions are made and actions are taken. The words of prophecy spoken or written by the prophets can be made to manifest or absolutely prevented. Either way it is both your choice and our collective choices to make the prophecy happen or to prevent it. Until, that time no one can know except for GOD himself. For me personally I would like to See the coming of the Son of God. Just not when HE is angry.
Musings of an American Truck Driver 