Sunday, June 23, 2024

Lost Things Dream: (Unedited): 23 June 2024:

 I had a dream a few nights where I was out and about. I began to lose things out of my wallet. I was very concerned and worried. I knew I should have changed out my old wallet for a new one a long time ago. Never the less, I knew I would have to make a trip to many places in order to put a stop to finances and to obtain new ID. End.
I have had a new wallet for more than a year now and just never replaced it with the old wallet. So I have replaced the old with the new. If this is a prophetic dream it should have been prevented. 
Something to think about Update: So, if this was just a fanciful dream then no big deal and nothing to think about or be worried about. Why even remember it many days later. So here it, if this was an actual prophetic dream and then this dreamed prophetic event never happens. Was it prophetic at all?

Saturday, June 8, 2024

Ship Dream: (Unedited): 08 June 2024:

 I was being led to some kind of intelligent blob of white or something in its neutral state or zero state. The person was telling me about this ship and how it can take him anywhere he wants. The ship can also become anything he wants. The ship still in its neutral state suddenly became something which was very appealing to my visual senses. Very sleek and appearing to be very fast. It had multiple levels/decks as it became very much larger than what the neutral/zero state showed. 
We went aboard as I was still not looking at the being who was leading me. Once on board everything on the inside remained in the zero state. I asked why and was told because you will not know what items are and you will not comprehend or understand. I want to know. End.
Note: I do not think the inside was the inside it was only inside by my own perception and understanding which may have been in error.
The ship was a wonderful curved wedge shaped design. With an amazing teal, dark blues and black types of coloring, I thought of ocean going private yachts. Then it occurred to me. That even if I went onboard a yacht. I would not have any clue about the ship. Yet, I knew this ship in my dream was not for the oceans of Earth but for the oceans of this solar system and the oceans within and outside of this galaxy. 
The size of the ship in the neutral or zero state was a blob of about 6 feet across as it was not a perfect sphere. Just a blob which expressed weight. Then when the ship was activated it measured unknown as I was not allowed to see the whole. Maybe 60-100 feet long. But, I was inside and then I went inside. The space was space as it was the same but not the same space for me???? Then I remember that the outside space which was a different inside space was also in a neutral or zero state. Which can mean that data was being kept from me??? Bummer.
I think the more you know about any aspect/capabilities of the blobs neutral or zero state. The ship conforms to your desires. The ship just automatically knows about the person/being and what they want and then the ship makes itself into that. The ship becomes a physical representation of you. 
Added on 11 June 2024:
I have been thinking about that dream. What if it was only a ship because that is what I wanted it to be? What if that blob in its zero state configuration can be anything. Like a house, a camper, a bus, a business, anything else, a restaurant. Yea, I mention a restaurant. 
"Can you imagine going into a restaurant, sitting down, catching your breath only to be told you don't belong here, then almost mindlessly and with zero emotion getting into your truck and driving away, Driving for a few miles down the highway and then realizing what just happened. Turning around, Going back and not being able to find that place where you could eat and park for the night." 

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Chimeras Open Secret Vision: 04 June 2024:

 A prophetic sign is the coming of Chimeras. They are here and only the most worldly important people can obtain them. While keeping their existence secret. Which won't happen as these people like to brag and show off. 
The amalgam of the Chimeras are mixed and created by the cutting of a simple check. Those checks are very big.
You get to choose your mixture of small animals. At first it will be two different small animals and then three and then more as stability and predictability become more common. Along with no new emergence of any new illness and diseases. Which can or could be transmitted to humans. More and more different animal types shall be created in which Revelation 9 may be indicated as such???
Long old wood hallway and rooms full of massive paintings. I've never been in a massive mansion or castle. So, I would suppose this would be the picture. Here comes a cute fluffy animal which does not immediately look right. Then there it goes like it owned the mansion or castle. The creature looked harmless. A predator mixed with a prey. Delete. End. 
It seems I was made to look down and at the chimera animal. I wanted to look around at the architecture. There were humans but all I saw was slacks. 
Is the mansion or castle an indication of very old money? 
Comment: The delete is nothing negative or problematic other than it was a very viable chimera. I just do not want to describe. But, think about this what two animals would you choose to guarantee the safety and well being of your own family? And yet still own something that only you could obtain? 
NOTE: The whole thing is problematic. Revelation 9... 
Added on 05 June 2024: Once there is revelation of the cute Chimeras. Time will have passed. It will be necessary to ascertain the date of the first one as well as the date when common knowledge of the Chimeras has occurred. Only those smarter than me will understand why. Probably data points to add to prophetic time lines. It will also be necessary to track the dates of the combining of two, three and more animals together as well as humans. Have you read Revelation 9? With an eye on Chimeras? I speculate that just as a learned person can dimensionally teach the story of Jonah 10 different ways without a single conflict. The learned person may also see the dimensionality  of this one thing or any other with no conflict. 
When you can get beyond the children's teaching of Jonah. This is when you are going beyond the first dimension of this one specific story. It is the same with every other story in the Holy Bible. The Holy Bible is actually many *thousands of book in one. 
NOTE: * I know not the actual number. So my use of a thousands is speculative and ignorant on my part. But, you get the point. Yes?
Biblical Prophecy Revelation 9. 1599 Geneva Bible.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Monday, June 3, 2024

Trumped Up Charges +26: (Unedited): 03-5 June 2024:

NOTE: 05 June 2024: Some editing and changes. new content.
The quotes are superior than anything else I might write. 
I'm no legal eagle. I'm just an invisible janitor.
What this all means. I do not have a clue. I can only express the words which came to mind.
The intention of this writing is to save lives and to change violent mindsets/heart sets. 
Once an undesirable thing is revealed. The event or events can be mitigated or prevented. Most of what is written below can be prevented. But, some things are going to happen but even those things can be mitigate when prevention is no longer possible. 
I usually delete violent content. But, to do so is no longer helpful. Think about that.
Do not become violent. The change and awareness is now evident.
People are already becoming violent with one another for any reason and this will only get worse. The purple words below are of importance. But, your relationship with Jesus is of superior importance.
The Trump Precedent will be used to exert absolute control over the wealthy and powerful.
The wealthy and powerful must toe the line as defined by the political elites who have become excluded from the law. 
The political elites have become the power of the law regardless if there is a law or not. For it is they who can condemn any man for any reason regardless of truth or evidence. 
The wealthy and powerful can be above the law so as long as they adhere to the will of the political elites. 
All corporate officers, all business owners and all other wealthy people who are the driving force of the economy discover that the Trump precedent will be used against them. They each will realize that just moving to another state is a waste of time. 
American Corporate officers, American investors will suddenly come to the wisdom of what just happened to President Trump as they begin to plan how to move their assets out of America along with their families.
But, Too where? The USA is the last great hope for humanity. 
You will see a slow methodological rise in certain asset groups which can be easily obtained in other parts of the world. This will initially not be noticed or recognized.
Purely American assets will be defunded and avoided.
Vast amounts of economic working wealth will just disappear and then in places which has not been known to have wealth will become wealthy.
But, even in those places new assets and wealth will only seem protected until it isn't. Research how citizens made a run on banks in Cuba and how bank accounts may have been deleted. Research my words and do not assume I'm in the know.
The old American standard financial institutions will see a steady decrease in accounts and in liquidity. This will be explained away as the Gen X'ers retire. But, That will only be part of the truth. 
The unexpected power in this truth is in the actions of "The People" who are funding the Donald and voting for the Felon.
The actual political felons appear to be now excluded from the law. 
The wicked evil doers trump card has all of the praise and glory but soon the trump card of the wicked evil doers shall be Trumped if all of the freedom loving players play their cards true.
Freedom Loving People shall once again buy more warfare gear, guns and ammunition.
There will be other signs. Such as the people beginning to refuse to do business outside of their own locally owned businesses. Yes, when the Federal agents show up so to will the civilian population with guns and their mindset will be to shoot you. So you Federal agents, which side are you on? The people have now realized that the political people are liars and have been lying forever. It is only now that they are going to buy the milk they want and not feed it to their pets. The people are right and those of you who continue to side with wicked evil doers will be easily known by the freedom loving people. 
Unrighteous and lying laws which is enforced by any law enforcement person is also unrighteous and a liar. 
Freedom Loving People will not care if the bank and credit card agencies know and report as once this tattle tale act becomes more and more known. They will not be liquid, nor profitable. 
The freedom loving people will vote with their money and once they vote they shall not return. Watch what happens when the people begin to realize that they have been funding the anti-American organizations with their retirement accounts. They will individually decide for themselves to remove all of their money in each of their own true awakening.
They shall even control all aspect of their communistic woke local governments. To the degree that when the enemies of American are recognized they shall not be accused but rather driven out or die.
As federal agents come into many towns in their alphabet combat gear. They will be met by a civilian population who have had enough and they will be illegally armed no matter what the Federal law states. 
The era of when combat attired alphabet agents can come into a town and threaten pacifist dairy farmers will come to an end as the people of the town will stand firm, die where they are standing or kill all of the federal agents if necessary.
Once each individual civilian begins to see that justice is truly dead. They to will all begin to see that those gray and black colors on those cool flags were already current symbols of death and begin to mourn.
When each civilian truly sees with reasoned clear eyes they will begin to see people who are above the law, excluded from the law and those who know the full force of the law. This will end in the sudden realization that the land of the free has ended and they knew it not until now. 
As more and more people begin to know that justice has ended. What respect or fear they had for the law and law enforcement shall no longer be honored as each civilian becomes their own judge, jury and executioner. 
Once near absolute chaos rules the land. Those who have been enemies or friends of the now former USA each of those nations and peoples will carve out their own self identifying place to call their own. In which the United nations will recognize the new peoples and their new nation states. 
Those who are excluded from the law shall out of their good graces allow certain persons to be above the law while brutally forcing the undesirable masses to be under the brutal thumb of the laws.
Conviction and innocence shall be known before hand by those who are excluded from the law. Judges shall be one of the political classes who are excluded from the law. 
Judges shall make decisions prior to any case which comes before their court. Fore the judges have become jesters who put on a show to pretend justice still reigns. But, unlike jesters who have no power or authority. The judges have power over life and death, freedom and incarceration. 
The judges of the political class can condemn any person of any crime regardless if there is a law or not. While granting an innocent judgement to people who are actually guilty of many crimes. 
Current vision: I do see American missiles targeting American towns. I do see American military clothed persons killing every single civilian regardless if they are a threat or not. End vision.
I do see a connection of the historical genocide to the indigenous tribes. A new replacement population comes forth and they look American, wear American, have American things but are not American at heart, in mind or intention.
Yes, I read it and still do not understand it. 
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Killer People +40: (Unedited): 01 June 2024:

 All through human history there have been entire nations which raised up their entire population to be killers. You can see it on every continent to a variety of degrees. During WWII the Americans saw it with the Imperialistic Japanese empire. The Americans knew the only way to win was to kill them all. After all they were raising their own children to kill. In WWII Nazi Germany it was necessary to kill the civilians as they too were teaching their children to kill. It is the same with many other peoples in many other places. This is just a part of human history. So to now we have another nation which suffers at the hands of a different people. The different people teach their own children to sacrifice and die for their cause. The different people have been doing this for many decades now to the degree that their entire population has a mind set of genocide to anyone who is not like them. With people like this you cannot negotiate with them, you cannot logically reason with them and if you tolerate them they will joyfully kill you and celebrate with your corpse in the streets. So how do you coexist with a people like this who will forever plan your murder and when they decide it is time to kill you they would as is now a historical fact from their actions in the past. 
I'm a deeply flawed human being. I do my best to treat others well. But, maybe, I have too much Scottish Highland and Viking blood in me. Because, I believe people when they say they want to cause harm, suffering and death. This is what they actually do as you watch them refocus their life's work on the genocide of you. Then they back it up with the building of infrastructure to more efficiently kill you.
Note: Think about my word use of "genocide" and "You". "You" means more than you and can mean a larger group of "You". 
Demonically controlled will begin to see that they each have the freedom to self justify murder for causing their inconvenience or annoyance.
=====How old are these signs?====
When you see young people playing sports and then they resort to violence simply because they perceived themselves to be embarrassed in a game. This is an initial sign of what is coming.
When you see parents responding with violence because their child is not as good as they thought or not doing well against another team. This is an initial sign of what is coming.
When you see team supporters responding with violence simply because their team is losing or winning. This is an initial sign of what is coming. 
When you see people who will get out of their cars to fight another person just because they felt insulted in some meaningless way. This is an initial sign of what is coming. 
It takes time to grow a tree, just as it takes time for a generation of humans to become more evil than the last.
Just as a tree is no longer just a seed. The evil human generations are no longer the good seed. 
Once the human generations were meant to be good trees. Now the humans have become killer vines which covers and kills everything which is truly good. 
Note: You already see it. 
Added on 18 June 2024: 
Those who appear to be socially and culturally powerful may seem like they also have all of the wealth. That is until those who cater to their offensive belief systems are unable to make any profits on their entertainment projects.
Those who actually have the real power will individually make those decisions not to give their hard earned money to legacy organizations which have succumbed to offensive belief systems.
Those legacy corporations which have embraced offensive belief systems will continually lose wealth as well as respect as the truly good people of the world refuse to support them by any means. 
There are more than a hundred ways to kill the majority of the human population on this planet and all of those ways will be used to actually kill off up to or more than 90% of the human population.
Those wicked evildoers who think they have all of the power and wealth believe that they can manage all of the coming death and destruction of humanity. But, they will on one hand succeed and while on the demonically led other hand will fail as they each realize the extinction of humanity becomes a certainty. 
There shall be nothing to gain for the human wicked evildoers. They shall not win anything. They shall not be served. They shall not become like gods. They shall only know weeping and the gnashing of teeth. 
Kings and queens, princes and princesses with and without kingdoms who have become the wicked evildoers as decided by God alone. It is they along with their followers who shall know great fear and suffering as when they die shall shall know not any wonderful and everlasting promises.
The mindless followers of the wicked evil doers you shall not use "I was just following orders" when you stand in judgement. For your suffering and misery shall be equal to those whom you have freely chosen to follow. 
It will not matter that you wear or have worn the uniform of great honor. When you have chosen to be obedient to the wicked evildoers. You will share in their great suffering as you to shall only know weeping and the gnashing of teeth. 
You who think themselves to be good and yet believe in offensive things. You to shall reside beside your own heroes suffering greatly with weeping and the gnashing of teeth forever and ever. 
Added on 29 Sept 2024:
Wicked evildoers are like chained up wild animals. When they are released from their confined imprisonment. They have immediate joy.
Wicked evildoers are like rabid dogs who upon release from their restraints experience immediate joy as they run forth causing all manner of pain and suffer to whomever they meet.
Wicked evildoers who have been restrained by their own lying masters find great joy in their release as they joyfully seek out that is good and destroy it. 
Wicked and blood thirsty dogs must be created and maintained by very evil beings. Who expects great that their dogs will run forth with great joy causing all manner of chaos, death and destruction.
Evil beings become greatly entertained when they release their wicked and blood thirsty dogs upon innocent and defenseless people. 
Evil beings who have trained up their wicked and blood thirsty dogs have promised to give them all of their desires. But, the truth is all that their dogs will be given is death.
Evil beings and evil humans have been lying to their murderous and blood thirsty dogs the entire time. To the degree that those wild dogs have become evil incarnate themselves with no desire to be good, reasonable or just.
Dogs which have been trained to become blood thirst and who can be entrusted to kill every innocent soul must be destroyed.
In a layered world system controlled by a great evil. Every perceived side will have their own trained up deadly dogs who will simply follow orders and kill anyone who their attention is trained on without question.
In a world system ruled by great evil and controlled by obedient murderous dogs. It is the righteous who must train themselves up in the guided expression of of destroying all that is evil and wicked. While protecting the innocent and all that is genuinely good.
Wicked evildoers are like feral wild boars who will destroy and uproot all that is beautiful and lovely while protecting all that is dirty and nasty.
No good righteous person can stand in the face of wild dogs and feral boars. Only those righteous souls who have been trained up in violent ways and who have restrained themselves from all manner of sinful things can dutifully protect the innocent. 
The true in heart righteous person will sacrifice themselves in the protection of the innocent all without being asked and without any expectation of gratitude. 
The true in heart wicked evil doer will only do what they are told when they absolutely believe the from their masters as they become unrestrained to run forth killing and destroying all that is before them. 
Those who devalues the rise of the righteous crusader in the face of extremely violent wicked dogs and feral boars. Has no mercy, compassion or love for any of their brethren. 
Those human souls who train up to only protect the innocent of the world while living their lives fully entrenched in the world systems in the full absence of a great and might God. Is truly a delusional soul who will falter in the end.
The vile and wicked masters of the world have a duplicity in their lives. they can live in absolute sin and experience all manner of entertainment and joy. While pretending to be righteous and holy in the presence of their trained up dogs who have nothing.
Trained up apathetic killers who know how to follow orders without question are the most deceived in the wicked and evil systems of the world. Their souls have already been lost and many know it not or care not.
The most deceived and delusional of all humans are the ones who who become apathetic to what actually is the truth. It is they who have unknowingly become wicked evildoers. While thinking they are good themselves. 
One cannot even begin to become good, righteous or holy absent of God, His Son/Word and the Holy Spirit. Then it shall be God alone and not any other human who declares anything good about you. 
You cannot become a true warrior of God while your still drowning in the dark depths of the world systems. 
If your absent of God, His Son/Word, The Holy Spirit then you are fully a wicked evil doer. It matters not what good you think you have done in the world or how many times you have done good or cut a check to have any good done. 
A genuine killer does not only have to kill people or animals. A genuine killer can also kill innocence, hopes, goodness, freedom, liberty and every other positive good thing.

Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Friday, May 24, 2024

Civilians Of Peace Death Day Dream: (Unedited): 24 May 2024:

Written after a long day of hard manual labor outside. I still remembered it. Mostly will be written out of order. 
The point to writing these dreams and visions. Is to communicate that change can happen. People do not have to suffer and die. The end of the USA does not need to happen. The point is to save lives and to prevent destruction. This was a very rough day for me. The USA can be saved. 
More times than you think. A plan which has been secretly perceived can be averted by simple revelation. 
How many cops know you support them? 
Before you read. I'm pro American/USA, pro constitution, pro bill of rights, pro cops/police. 
This dream can also be purely emotional content from deep within me. 
No I'm not a prophet but I am a deeply flawed human being. 
NO QUOTES: Unless you find them. Then you know more than me and that is ok.
Local officers doing their typical duties suddenly become attacked, shot and killed. In the dream I'm with many cops and they are pulling over cars. A person smiles and is friendly even apologetic. Then from out of view the driver pulls a gun and shoots the cop multiple times who now has his guard down. I'm with another cop who pulls over a car. the driver is obedient and quick with license and other necessary documents. Then like a Bolt Out Of the Blue a person quietly and quickly approaches from his blind and shoots him many times but this time she(Not Revealed). She knows or has been trained how to kill a fully uniformed cop. The officer dies. A car approaches with a smiling person and asks an off the wall goofy question which makes the cop smile and the driver shoots him in the face. This goes on during the day and at night. Some kind of home dispute and cops show up. It is almost like the neighborhood surrounds the responding cops and they shoot them dead. For some reason I think this was a first day or on one day. Which then becomes many days or a new normal. 
Also, in the dream I see many foreigners doing crimes all knowing that the police will no longer do anything. All manner of wealth and things leaving the USA by every means necessary. I see a strange man with a strange tongue in a tow truck which is not his looking for cars to steal. I seem to know this is not a single person but many. Unable to get jobs the foreigners who now number more than 50 million strong begin to declare their own nation states through theft and murder. If you are not like them then you die. There is no negotiations. The desperate need for guns and ammunition by civilians.
I see men shaded and speaking in strange tongues and others who don't but they speak not. They only do with glee. The American traitors who become joyful when they murder, rape, destroy. No one knows the one who is already present and working in the world. They are hidden from me and I'm told the day the cops die is a planned event. This is because the American cops are those honored and trusting people who have sworn oaths to their beloved Constitution and they must die. Even their wives and children shall be killed.
Those who are in leadership are intent in maximizing chaos, destruction and death. It matters not if you follow and believe in them. You will die as well since your not one of them. They will joyously send you to die while knowing your just stupid for going thorough with it in the name of duty, honor and country.
Vision: The election returns are in. All election counts are excessive or more than the residents in every voting district. The 100% vote is all for Donald Trump. Donald Trump was not involved but that is what will not be what is reported. What do you think will happen when every vote cast is for Donald Trump? What will the result be? The final end of the USA. During this final end of the USA does the plan to kill cops precede?  Will this be when foreign men begin to take every valuable thing and put them on every kind of ship which departs what was the USA.
If you have wealth of any kind and have a hatred for the USA. If you want to save yourself, your family. Then you must leave as soon as you can. Once the USA ends. There will be nothing good, honorable, merciful or kind left. The USA was once the only great hope of liberty and freedom in the world and that has now ended. That which follows the end of the USA can not have a part of its foundation anyone on the planet or former Americans who has a memory of freedom and liberty. 
If there is any real validity to any of my writings. Then if and when the day of killing cops happens. Who will the enemies of the USA go after next? Christians? Red necks? Texans? Floridians? who???
If the USA falls then humanity becomes extinct. This is not pride of American importance. It is the idea of what American is supposed to stand for. If that dies so does all of humanity. 
Added on 27 May 2024: For all law enforcement personnel. Use copy and paste. Share with your own. This is not about the spreading of fear. This is about saving lives and empowerment for each of you. You cannot have a prophetic utterance and not have the cure to go along with it. You are who the civilians look up to. You are who the civilians call upon when they are in need. You always show up in force to lend a hand or a fist in defense of the innocent. You are usually the first ones to arrive and last ones to leave. Well that is how it is supposed to be in a perfect world. You each became cops for a reason. I hope those reason were because your heart was overfilled with mercy and compassion along with righteous anger. Yet, you're able to keep your righteous anger bridled as you arrest bad people to go before a judge.
Becoming Benghazi-ed doesn't mean that your special forces or any other military unit. Your own local government can Benghazi you. If an outside enemy force gains entry into the land of the free and the home of the brave. You are going to be the front lines and very possibly become the first victims. How do you save your own life from such a surprise attack know the decision has already been made but the orders have not been communicated? The dream was very clear and to me that indicates a form of certainty. 
There will be signs which precedes this orchestrated event. The signs will be in the actions of the Federal Government and how they continue to conduct world affairs. It will be the enemies of the USA who will act out against the American people and it will be Americas own Knights who must protect all of us. Yes, I equate cops as knights. 
1). Keep and maintain a good heart which is what you once had or still have. 2). Keep yourself in good physical condition. 3). Practice tactical techniques with your weapons more than you should. 4). Continue hand to hand combat training(UFC-like). 5). With other cops practice military skills. 6). Stop parking in places where bad people can approach unseen from your blind spots. 7). Park police car in a closed home garage (not out front easy to see by all people including enemies of the USA.  Who will use your location to go after your family when your working. 
Added on 23 June 2024: I'm not able to read the whole thing as I feel all of it. I guess that means this is still active. It has only been a month. 
Note: Any where you read "delete" you need to know it is worse than you think especially if your a calm and peaceful person by psychology. The reason for the delete comment is to make sure I don't go back to write it again. This is to prevent self fulfilling prophecies to a degree. I do not want to give bad people ideas. 
NOTE 02: Added a brief it's ok sentence above.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Friday, May 17, 2024

Driscoll Dream: (Unedited): 17 May 2024:

Just had a dream about Mark Driscoll. Yea, I had to research how his name spelling and for his first name, again. I hope that is correct.
Note 01: Me writing about Driscoll does not mean I want or desire anything from Driscoll. I write because I have to. That is all.
Note 02: No quotes.
We were in a room full of light colored wood bars. I wondered if this was a church. It was sparsely filled with people. There were shot glasses of different sizes all around. Some small, some normal and some large. The bar was well lit up. I did not hear any music and in walks in Driscoll. I knew it was Driscoll and that is how I heard his name in my brain. Driscoll. This was not insulting or disrespectful. It was just Driscoll.
My wife and I were already sitting at a bar. There was not any thing in front of us. We were just sitting together. Driscoll is walking around saying his words and many people were insulted and many were laughing. My wife was laughing and I was as well, sometimes. You know some people need to be finger thumped on their noggins/foreheads in order to get it, understand it and make those necessary changes in their lives. Maybe, because I'm a deeply flawed human being is why I did not laugh allot. Maybe, my wife is perfect and everything was funny to her. Interesting, Funny to a Vulcan. The Driscoll comes over and hugs on us. UGH!!! Now everyone is looking and paying attention to me/us, well more me. He says meaningful and funny words that I'm supposed to remember. Well, that didn't happen. I do not think anything is funny to a Klingon/me.
A young woman comes up to me and asks why "he" is mean. I then say some people needs to be thumped on the noggin in order to actually change. Getting thumped is never pleasant but necessary. Especially with those people who are drunk to the world. End of Dream.
The shot glasses and everyone had one. Except for my wife and I. They were different sizes. Some were in various states of being filled. I reached over and brought one closer to me. It was empty/MT. Many people who were distantly sitting around were holding onto their shot glasses in a variety of ways. Some had more shot glasses and the many had few or one each. Some people even had less then one. 
The lightly colored bars seemed simple enough as these seemed to be just light colored stained wood beams on simple pedestals that still allowed bar-stool styled seating. 
I think people are drunk on the modern day life and the idea of God no longer has any importance. Besides when you drink and are drunk what do you actually care about? Nothing but your drunken state or maybe a skirt or slacks. 
I did notice that we were close to the exits. No one was coming in and no one was leaving. Driscoll had no support staff/security present. It was just Driscoll. 
While worldly pastors are doing everything they can to entertain the masses and to make the masses feel good about themselves. Driscoll is gonna hurt feelings so that everyone who hears him reconsiders their actual Christian status? Think about it. We are all already dead to God and it is only Christ Jesus which makes us all alive. So what is more foolish is thinking your alive when your still dead. Even if you have been thinking and believing that you're a Christian for the last many decades or worse have only been a social Christian or worse only pretending to be a Christian for business purposes. 
Is it better to have few people who listen and repent or to have many people who continue on in their drunken worldly lives? Isn't there a story in the Holy Bible where humans wanted many soldiers but God only wanted a few? 
How you drink can be a sign of what kind of warrior you are. 
Judges 7
=====UNRELATED NOTE===========
One more day. Wonder if anything is gonna happen? Were these even real signs from God? The 04/11 I think was real as the revelation of much information has happened in the last month. 05/18 is forty days past the Jonah eclipse and the one before that was the peace eclipse and the USA/NATO is staging assets for war that they have planned for. The USA and NATO are not the good guys here. The USA has allot of air assets observing their own coastline in the Atlantic Ocean. So, how have you American Joe and Josephine civilian prepared for war you know nothing about? This will not be a surprise event if anything happens. The USA always stages assets prior to any conflict in any region and the USA is and has been doing that. Staging and moving assets is always a sign of future conflict/war. Think about it. You cannot go to war if you have no materials of warfare present in your chosen theater of operations.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.