Saturday, March 9, 2013

Cleansing Rain: (Unedited): 16 June 2010:

Even under the clouds and in the rain, one can still experience a peaceful cleansing.
Do not fear the gentle rain showers in life.  Fleeing from the cleanliness to come after a rain shower. Will prevent you from experiencing the freshness to come into you with every inhaled breath. 
Do not deny yourself a wonderful pleasure of feeling a beautiful rain shower. You have work hard. You have become sweaty and dirty. Allow the natural rain shower to clean you all the way into the depths of your soul.

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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Friday, March 8, 2013

Look Up: (Unedited): 08 March 2013:

It is easy for a short person to always look up, just as it is easy for a tall person to always look down. No matter your height be like one and not the other. C.J.MacKechnie

I was just at Publix buying American Cheese. There was this older couple approaching their mid 80's. They were rather short. Shorter than my 12 year old daughter. Their attitude and outlook in life was remarkable. They were vibrant and physically mobile. The insight of this sub 5 foot elder and much wiser than me woman. proclaimed to me. The key in life was to always look up. Just amazing the insight of this woman. So, to her is the inspiration of this little quote.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Life Sings: (Unedited): 14 June 2010:

Even through the pain and suffering of everyday human life. The sun still shines and the birds still sing. C.J.MacKechnie 

Illuminate Truth: (Unedited): 15 June 2010:

Lies and deceptions whispered in the shadows, will fade once truths light illuminates. C.J.MacKechnie 
To the common person. This is a truth. The common person seems to have a need to believe anyone in authority. The common person even wants to believe anyone who has a high level of education. So the lies spoken as truths is difficult to prove. When those in authority or with High levels of education have themselves been deceived. 
The creation of lies and deceptions are often created in a capitalistic society, when money and resources can be gained. In a socialist society lies and deceptions are created when money and resources are lost to the common person. In a communistic society lies and deceptions are created which will only benefit the communistic elites, for any reason as defined by them.
For the common person, who cannot depend on any modern form of government today, to put forth the truth. What and where can they go for the truth? Self empowerment and self direction is key. The truth is in the non-physical. Through prayer, meditation and contemplation. The truth of the question will manifest within the person. The person will begin to know things without being taught.
A person who becomes wise, knowledgeable and understands a great many things from prayer, meditation and contemplation. Can become prideful and selfish. He or she may begin to have a desire to have followers for their elevation into a holy status or godlike status. It is not for the individual person who has achieved wisdom, knowledge and understanding to acquire for themselves. It is for them to raise up everyone who is willing to achieve a similar level or greater.
Added on 11 Oct 2013:
The importance of Education.

Infinite Soul: (Unedited): 13 June 2010:

When the positives and negatives are equal in your relationship. Infinity with your soul mate may be experienced by the ONE or both of you. 
 I'm not sure about this one. I think the math is off. Not really sure what I was thinking at the time. I suppose the infinite symbol and how it applies to a relationship. I think the reason why the word "ONE" is in caps is because when the two individual souls cease being individuals and merge to become one soul. The the souls become mated or married.
Imagine the infinite symbol. To the right or left you have what can be thought of as male and female, right and wrong, more or less, and etc. But, in the absolute middle you have the joining or connection.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Waters Edge: (Edited): 13 June 2010:

From the middle inland, I can still hear the waves' echoing roar. From the deserts west, I can still taste the moist salt in the mists. From deep within the northern forests, I can still feel the powerful waves crashing through my whole being. The deep emerald greens of these southern waters have colored my eyes. The warmth of the swirling coastal waters surrounds me and comforts me. The living waters of the gulf fills me with a natural, everlasting energy. To swim gracefully along side the dolphins out in the ocean's deep is a freedom my heart desires. (R) C.J.MacKechnie
The (R) means wife approved and edited. Well, maybe just edited.

Workers Test: (Unedited): 06 March 2013:

Welcome and love those who test you. They are the construction workers of your resolve. C.J.MacKechnie
No matter the evil intentions or harmful plans that some will have against you. Welcome them and their questions, comments and deceiving stories. Even if their intent is for their own entertainment value.
Even from the lies and deception of their own mind. Many fruitful lessons can they still learn. While they walk away cursing you and your group. The seeds you will plant and the weeds they will become. Hopefully choking out the evil within them.