Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Abomination Of Desolation Signs: Human Avatars: 15: (Unedited): 09-11 April 2023:

 The abomination of desolation is not just one event, one place by one man/being. The abomination of desolation can happen in any or many holy places. When you see persons of sin stand in the holy places. Know that you are a witness. When you applaud persons of sin for being brave and prideful of their sin. Know that you are apart of and in agreement with the abomination of desolation.
Once the abomination of desolation begins to be seen in the holy places. You must have already made preparations for yourself and you family in the mountains. Then you must go there to hide. 
The term mountains I think is symbolic as those places devoid of humanity, cities.
The abominations in your life, your family, your city and your nation will always precede absolute destruction/desolation. 
Just look at any family where sin/abominations have taken place. The family becomes destroyed. The family name ends and is no longer recognized.
As the demons reside in more and more humans. The only way you can tell if a person is demonically owned is in their actions, their words, their pronouns and the alteration of their human physical representation. They each can be legion in one human form. They each can be masculine like in a female or feminine like in a male form. They each can become that which controls the physicality.
The physical representation of any human can be the avatar of the demonic spiritual being which resides within the human physical form. 
Just as you can alter and dress your own games avatars physical appearance, so to does the demonic spiritual beings do to those physical human avatars whom they choose to reside in. Just as you can have many gaming avatars so to can one demon have many human avatar forms. To be used one at a time. 
A single legion of demons under one voice can spiritually occupy one human form. That very same legion can also individually divide itself to occupy a legion of fully open humans.
In your age God will send those who reveal those sins which is occurring in your land. They may not be righteous or holy as determined by God alone. They may be profound sinners. Repentance and revivals shall be offered for a time. Then as which has happened to other lands and peoples shall to happen to you as you will have always known the writing was always on the wall. Death and destruction comes for you all. So flee into the mountains and return not home when you have become surrounded by the enemy. 
(USA, Trump, Asbury University, Israel)
The denominations and churches which have defiled themselves with sin, debauchery and decadence. They will die horrible deaths and the physical destruction of their now spiritually dirty, contaminated and corrupted churches shall be utterly destroyed. 
For those who still do pursue holiness and righteousness. For those who still reject and flee from all sins. You must make a safe place for you to hide in those far away mountains/places. For the time will come when you see the impossible surrounding your land and you will know that imminent destruction shall follow. Do not return home and just go there. 
Be like Joseph in heart and in spirit. Be like Joseph in deed and in action. You can see that which is coming so plan ahead and take action before death and destruction comes for those who are evil and those good souls who will be just in the way of the impossible invading enemies. So plan your hiding place.
Joseph in The Holy Bible saved everyone. Which included everyone who caused him great harm and an unfortunate life. Go and read about him. Jesus came, lived, served humanity through his healing's and teachings and then died for us. So that we each may live. He was abused, ridiculed, tortured and then died in full public viewing. Be like Christ. Love one another. 
Good people and the good guys die in horrific manner in a variety of happenings. The good guys do not always win. Just as the good people do not always survive to tell and sing their stories. When you begin to see your nation become surrounded by the enemy. Know that it is already to late to prepare a safe place.
Your only safe place is in the Lord your God. So continue to pray and to read your Holy Book. 
As you see and witness the abominations in this denomination or in that church. Know that time is short. Repentance and revivals are still possible. The demise, death and destruction of your people and your land is still very probable. Though not certain. But, when the opportunities for revivals and repentance become entertaining shows with no real life changes. Your safe place in the hills and in the mountains must have already been prepared. For as it was prior to each time when Israel was destroyed so will it be for you and your nation. 
These are actual signs for you to witness. But, if you choose to remain blind and deaf to the goings on around you. Then you may become like Lots wife who was chosen to be saved and then was not. Wasn't there members of Lots family who were chosen to be saved and then decided to remain? So you can be saved and deny it. You can still be saved and then your preferred sin in the slightest of moments of time will override your rescued saving. How many families Jewish families in the days of Moses refused to be obedient to their instructions for the bypassing/Passover of plagues? And they suffered and died. So to shall it be for you and your own family. Do or do not. Be obedient or disobedient. Embrace your sins or reject your sins. The choices are all for you to make in those last chance times. But, it would be better to make those good and right choices now than in those last chance times. Because, in those last chance times you will not be aware that it is the last chance times. There will be no "Dead End" signs. So turn back now. 
Go and read my answers on Quora.
You must prepare just as Joseph prepared for all of the people of his day. Which means you do not only prepare for yourself. You prepare for your whole family and your friends. You also spread the word so that others will be inspired to prepare as well. Because, as the news continues to threaten global food shortages. What are you gonna do to feed yourself, your family, your friends, your church and your community? So encourage everyone to prepare for themselves as well. Which means planting all manner of fruit and nut trees, vegetable gardens. This also means to also raise all of your own animals. This also means building your own all natural and mostly not powered green houses. You also need to realize that it can take up to or more than five years before a fruit tree to go to first fruits. An avocado tree can take more than ten years to go to first fruits. It takes time to gain your own foods. This is not something which can be done last minute. 
In order for your family, your friends, your church and your community to survive. You and everyone else must do their part to assure the opportunity of survival. Being chosen to survive and actually surviving can fall to your own choices. Such as Lots wife. 
This is not financial advice. But, what has been happening to your retirement accounts? The threats against your bank accounts? Do what you think is financially best for your own family. If that means that you have to go back to work especially after retiring. Then do so. Begin to consider to buy that safe location, build your safe house with a basement. Consider to begin supplying your safe house with all manner of supplies. These things require much research, planning, engineering, surveying, water testing prior to buying or building anything. Consider building a buried monolithic dome home. 
Your retirement may be over. Especially if you are an older person. Your elder status sees with wisdom how the younger ones are fairing in this world. You being one of the last ones who knows what a pension and retirements are. You may have to step up to financially plan for the survival of your own family as insanity and war embraces the world. Especially, when you see that no one is talking peace, wanting peace or expecting peace and only planning for war. Because, you know history and you know that the civilians never win and are never safe. Civilians are accused by both sides, abused and killed. So what do you do? It is all up to you. Assuming you even care and I have seen many of you elders and how you abandoned your own children.
Prophetically the meek shall inherit the Earth. Which one? This Earth after it has been purified or another earth? or many other Earth's? Only God will know.
Added on 18 April 2023:
Being delusional or insane are not indicators of bravery or heroism. They are signs that reason and logic no longer apply within your own life. 
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Justice As One Of The First And Last Signs +15: (Unedited): 05 April 2023:

 There seems to be a meaning to Trumps actions even if he is completely unaware. 
Just as a trumpet can relay a variety of different songs and messages. So to it seems that Donald Trump is relaying spiritual messages in his song. Even though he knows it not. 
When Donald Trump was elected as President of the USA. His message refined down to only one word was this. It was one of "Revelation". Because, President Donald Trump revealed to the whole word just how corrupt the government of the USA actually was. 
Last night The former President Donald Trump had a new message for the American people. It was one of justice within the USA. How justice was split in two or how that there are two kinds of justice in America. Which basically means there isn't really any justice in the USA. What happens to Donald Trump in this next year will be an indication to every American who keeps up with Christian spiritual things. Will the USA be destroyed by those evil doers who are within? Will the actual American Christians actually run for every political office at every level and retake what was their country? Will the American Christians actually only vote for those who actually have a history inside of the church? Only time will tell. If the American Christians do not take actual action for the restoration of their nation. Then it will all be taken from them and the Christians will become criminalized just as all of the LGBT people had been over time.
Their Christian nation will be theirs no more as the United States of America disappears into the history books of forever if even remembered at all. Which also means that the United States of America will have a new name in which will be difficult for the English speakers to pronounce. Just as this land was once called Turtle Island and then North America. So to will the names of all things change. 
So what happens now that the trumpet has sounded with this different message? Reveille, Assembly and taps is just a few well known bugle/trumpet sounds which sends a message to all who can hear. 
As the tattered and worn American flag is silently pulled down for the last time taps will play in the forlorn hearts and minds of those who had sworn everything and yet had done nothing. 
As the flag of the United States is no longer honored or respected it too will be mindlessly tossed into the fire without a single thought for what it once represented.
The idea of the United States of America will be lost and forgotten to the whole of the world. The conceptual end of freedom, liberty and the pursuit of happiness shall be burned out of the hearts and minds who uphold those righteous ideals. 
Those heroic souls who hold onto the ideals of freedom, liberty and the pursuit of happiness shall be brutally put asunder and cast into the fire. 
Those who pull down what is to be known as the flag of the former United States of America will do so in victorious celebration. While the on lookers who have sworn their oaths of allegiance thousands of times before. Will stand by in silence while knowing they could have done something and never did anything. 
Only the very few who sworn their oaths those many thousands of times will actually go forth and do what is needed to be done and yet they will be brutally destroyed along with their own families. They will be remembered as the lunatic fringe and yet no one will know who they were. Deserving of death as it would have been too expensive to go through the process of justice. 
The end of justice is both the last sign and the first sign. The sign which signals the end of that which was good and the first sign which signals the beginning of that which is evil. This is more than just believing that good is bad and bad is good. 
It is still not too late for all of humanity to save the USA. Once the USA falls it will be the end of all freedoms, liberties, legal rights and human rights on this planet.
The religious concepts of sin becomes a lawful right as the concepts of holiness and righteousness becomes criminalized actions in thought and deed.
Those who uphold the teachings of actual goodness, holiness and righteousness shall earn the right to be abused, tortured and murdered. 
The creation of chaos in your own local world which was created by those who made those decisions for the benefits of the criminally minded. It's purpose is to cause the population to be more concerned about other people than it is to be concerned about those who made the laws and judge the laws which cause the chaos in your own local world.
Chaos is used to as a cloak to hide the actual goings on of the evil doers who hold office of leadership. 
As the non doing good people continue to do nothing. The chaos and uncertainty in all of your lives will only become more and more unbearable until, you have lost everything and you wonder just how your own children and grandchildren have become evil doers who believe themselves to be the good ones. 
Not even the meaningful origins of your own *nation shall remain intact. All of it will be destroyed and remade into the image of the greatest evil doer who has yet to be revealed. 
Note: *nation. Means every nation on this planet. Not just the USA, GB, Canada, European Union. 
If Donald Trump is convicted in a court of law. You the civilian will not know if the truth of justice is real or not. If the end result of the USA happens. You will know for certainty that there is no justice within the USA. As Justice ends so to your own national identity in entirety. 
Could Trump be the last trumpet/sign for what is to remain the USA?
The bugle or trumpet call is an efficient method of communicating intent. 
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Thursday, March 30, 2023

Pressures of God+9: (Unedited): 30 March 2023:

 The power of curses sent to certain select peoples will feel like an ocean wave which impacts every cell in your own brain. 
 The most sensitive of people will feel this pressure in their own brain even though the curses sent from God is not for them. Just as Noah and his family felt the waters rise and the waves impact their boat. They were safely in the presence of the wrath of God. 
The most sensitive of people will feel the present and coming curses from the wrath of God. Just as in the days of Noah when God sent His flooding judgements upon the whole world. The Jews in Egypt knew the plagues were not for them and yet they still had to remain obedient to His directives. While the people remained safely locked away in their homes the Spirit of God passed over all of those who were obedient and yet all were fully knowing of what was happening and had to live through it all. 
So to is it today when the most sensitive of people can feel the weight bearing down upon their own minds and their own thoughts. The power of the great delusion is upon all of humanity like a great tsunami. You can today see this great wave in the effects it leaves behind whose minds are drowning in lies and deceptions. For they had to first refuse truth much like refusing to learn how to swim and yet still running out to a deep lake and jumping in. 
Those who hold onto the truths from God shall see, feel and know the curse of God in presence. Yet, still know it is not for them and still feel all of the sadness which surrounds the effects of the curses. Though free from the curses they may not be free from all of the sadness which emanates from the aftermath of the curses from God. 
The curses sent from God will be used as tools by the truly devout Christian which can be used to guarantee their own safety in a timely manner. 
Those who become fully encompassed by the drowning power of the curses from God shall be known by the elect of God and they shall flee from them who have become vexed from Gods wrath.
The elect of God must separate themselves and hide themselves from those who have already been judged and who are fully within the drowning curses from God. Just as Noah and his family had done. Just as the Jews in the time of Moses as also had done during the plagues.
For what ever personal reason from the Christian who do not plan for what is coming. It will be the same for each of them who were not obedient to the word of God. For they to shall experience the curses just as Lots wife had. For she was saved until she sinned. How long does it take to look back with sin in your heart? 
It will be easy for the truly devout Christian to see who is drowning in delusion and who isn't. Those who are not of God will be easily seen from the effects of the powerful delusion sent from God. So, the powerful delusion sent from God will be used as a tool for devout Christians to ascertain who is and who isn't of God, of Christ and of The Holy Spirit.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Surviving Nuclear Attacks: (Unedited): 29 March 2023:


Question: How do you actually survive a nuclear attack?

Actual Reality Comment: Russia and China are right now mandating nuclear war (NBC)preparedness. Russia has mandated gun training at the high school level. China has mandated gun training down to the elementary school level. While the USA is focused on LGBTQ rights, freedoms, training at all levels of education and professional life. China is actively pursuing economic warfare with the USA by encouraging all nations to move away from using the American dollar. While the Americans have no knowledge and continue to buy all products and services Made in China(PRC). America has expelled a couple hundred Russian diplomats as a prelude to war. The American civilians have no clue. Banking collapse is ongoing and they are told everything is OK.

Present Answer: Do not be present or downwind of any place which is suspected as a target. Research all of the training materials online by your government.

Preplanning Answer: You have to plan and train yourself. You cannot depend on your western government to protect or save you. If your in a nuclear target zone you have to have a 72 hour BOB(Bug Out Bag). When and if a government warning is actually made. You have to know how and where to seek shelter. Then you have to remain there for about 72 hours and hope the building doesn’t collapse. But, now matter what happens or how it happens it will be just dumb luck and it sucks to be you.

Skill Set Answer: you need to acquire the necessary modern day skill sets which will enable you to work from home. Starlink makes this very doable now, assuming availability. You will also need necessary functional preindustrial skill sets.

Location Answer: You need to be located upwind and far away from all nuclear target sites which are military, nuclear power plants, large cities, rail ways, major highways. Enough land to grow and raise all of your food sources and resources. Hint: A Chicken hen is a food source and also a food resource through her eggs. You must be able to feed all of your family, friends, surprise people and animals by what is on your land. You will not have any access to any farm or feed stores after a nuclear attack.

Home/Water Answer: Your home must be engineered to withstand all commonly known natural weather events, forest fires, flooding, extreme heat and cold. You should also have a reinforced and hardened basement. You should have a two room root cellar under the basement. You should have a secret and hidden water well under your basement(powered and Manual). You should also mitigate all noise and vibration of pump use and water movements. The use of water filtration, Reverse Osmosis, UV, Distillation and alkaline systems is your choice. You should have a really large and all natural green house, room for germination and safe seed storage. Research the solid concrete monolithic dome homes. Which can be buried, partially buried or be built above ground.

Food Answer: You need to acquire at least a years worth of foods per person. This should be a layered approach. Such as canning or jarring all of your own grown and raised foods, Typical emergency foods, and military MRE’s. Because what is the point of surviving if your just going to starve to death. Which means you need to have already been growing fruits, nuts, vegetables and animals. This is how you survive food shortages.

Clothing Answer: You need very strong and durable clothing. The clothes and foot wear from China and Asia just do not hold up to work and farming. So if you do not want to be naked. Then you should stop buying anything and everything which is made in China(PRC).

Economic Answer: Get involved with your own local micro economy. You do this by only spending your money within your local community. You do not shop at any big box store. You do not shop at any corporate retailer where your hard earned money goes elsewhere. Get to know your local farmers and farmers coop’s. Only do business with them. Do not break your purchasing promises. As this creates massive hardships for each farmer. Buy only locally made goods and services. This is how you survive any economic down turn.

Church And Community Answer: Become active participating members of your church and community. Through established friendships and the need to take care of each other.

Final Note: If you can successfully do all of the above. Survival is possible and not promised or guaranteed.

Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
Musings of an American Truck Driver books


Friday, March 24, 2023

Cusp Of Christianity: (Unedited): 24 March 2023:

The cusp of Christianity is emerging from the fog of times progression. Soon Christians will have to decide to be of the world while living in the world. If the Christians cannot then they will not. But, the Christians who do, may not have ever been. 
Devout Christians will in the reality of the world will be pushed out of all aspects of modern day society. Which will include the denial of utilities and services. Which will include medical care and every kind of EMS. But, this short list is not the entirety. 
The world will have their accepted Christians. The worlds accepted Christians will embrace all manner of sin and decadence. Even to the degree that the expansion of what has already been seen where persons of deep and profound sin will stand in the holy places and become easily seen and applauded by the body. 
Devout Christians must become out of sight and out of mind. This is because the true Christians have refused to take part in the leadership of their nation at every level. This is because they have allowed the offensive social engineering of their own children through the public educational process. Devout Christians will see their own children walk away, absolutely reject Christianity and walk away. 
The disappearance of the actual devout Christians will mean the celebrated death of all that is actually good in the world. Leaving a voided absence to be fully occupied by all that is evil, wrong, bad, abusive and murderous. 
Christians must begin to live their lives free from all debt. Christians must live their lives within like minded communities. Christians cannot allow sin to be in their presence, in their homes, in their church and in their communities. Christian survival will be one of out of sight and out of the mind of the worldly ways. 
There will be no justice for the devout Christian who is abused, tortured and murdered. The worldly police and worldly military's of the world will kill you* all and it will be done in secret. There will not even be any evidence that you ever existed. 
You* Means all that which is good, pure, just, reasonable and innocent.
This is the intent of all that which is evil in the world. 
That which is pure, innocent and beautiful must be wholly ravaged, destroyed and burned.
That which is holy and righteous must be wholly ravaged, destroyed and burned. Which includes the entirety of their historical existence and memory***.
This is the final goal of the evil doers of the world. Regardless if they are in agreement or are aware. This also includes the absolute destruction of every Christian, Catholic, Islamic and Jewish holy place and document. Anything and everything which teaches anything good must be destroyed and burned. This is the intention of that which are the evil doers. 
Note** This also includes the indigenous tribes. 
Memory*** Any tool of the evil doers who hold onto the memory of their evil deeds against that which is good. They to shall also be killed, their family, their friends and they all shall be erased.
It is not enough to simply reject all that is good. It is not enough to simply choose good over evil. It s not enough to believe good is evil and evil is good. All that which is good in it's entirety must be absolutely murdered, destroyed and burned. This is the intent of all evil doers. Even if the evil doers are not fully committed or unaware in this point in time.
The full corruption of the FBI already seems very apparent. The corruption of the IRS and the ATF is coming into full swing. The corruption of the entire justice department is becoming more and more evident. These and many other agencies will be used against all devout Christians. These federal agencies will be able to manufacture all manner of evidence to be used against you in courts of law. AI will be able to manufacture your exact likeness and your exact words to the point that what is real and what is fake is indiscernible. 
You federal agents who still knows the difference between right and wrong, good and bad. Once your ordered to go after actual good people and that you physically know that they are not criminals or bad. If you continue on doing evil and bad things against them. You are in fact an evil doer after your own good thinking processes. You have made evil and bad choices in the name of career advancement and retirement. Which means you are willing to evil deeds for money. Even you federal agents will begin to see that fewer and fewer good agents exist. You may even try to hide yourself from the awareness of others. But, in the end and in-spite of being a good and honorable person. You will have to decide that you will just need to go find other work and a different life absent of the Federal Government.
.Vision time, I think. I see..deleted. Federal agents. Not bad or violent against agents.
You need to understand this. One of the very last things to happen to Israel every time they were destroyed was the loss of justice. Once justice ends so to the nation of God. The cusps of change is already apparent. What is one of the spiritual meanings of the black bird or Crow? Change? 
Christians have refused to be the leaders of their nation. Christians have refused to only vote for their fellow Christians. Christians have refused to be responsible for their nation. So Christians will become refused by their own nation. Christians will become criminalized by their own nation. Christians will be declared as insane by law and no longer having the legal rights of person hood or self decision. Christians will become rejected from all aspects of a modern day society. Christians will no longer enjoy any manner of freedom or liberty. Christians will lose. Those who are of the world will win. They will glorify in their power, authority and strength over all that is actually good in the world while never understanding that it is they who have become the most evil of all tools.  
These are just some of the things which may lead up to Armageddon.  I tell you the truth Armageddon has already begun with the ongoing rejection, death and destruction of good ideas and good belief systems. With the confusion of good is bad and bad is good. Think about it. War is not just physical, it is mental/emotional, it is intellectual and spiritual. What does the Holy Bible say about principalities and powers? 
Think about it as more and more humans believe their own self created delusions as truths. As humans believe more and more truths as lies and more and more lies as truths. This is also evidence of Armageddon at play prior to the prophetic ending. The end game of evil is the extinction of all humanity. In which all of humanity is the enemy of the evil ones. Which means even though you as a human work for, has committed to the evil ones. You to, human, once your usefulness has concluded shall be killed, murdered by that which you have sworn your allegiance. For you are human and you must end. This is the intention of the evil ones. Your just a useful mindless and stupid tool for them to use against your own human family. 
Even the humans at the highest and most secret levels of governmental existence. You are all just a useful tool for their plans against all of humanity. Which does include all of you. Even though you may even be fully committed and fully trusting of the actual evil ones who are pretending to be the good ones who only have the best interest of humanity at heart. Know this that when you are no longer needed. You will be killed very quickly. Fore your very human existence is offensive, undeserving and vile to them all. 
This might be a very basic assumption. In order for the evil ones to be happy. All of humanity must become extinct. It is also very important for the the evil ones to know that it is they who is orchestrating the extinction of humanity by using humans against each other dimensionally. This is how they wage war. Unlike human warfare which has began and evolved because of them.  
You the reader needs to know. I'm not the first to say the words I do. I'm just saying the time for you to make the most profound decisions of your life is imminent.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Black Bird Satelite Image: (Unedited): 21 March 2023:

On March 18, 2023 @ 1247 hrs. : 
Something or nothing. 
I saw a cold blob expand and take the shape of a great black bird spreading its wings over North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota. Like a bird spreading its wings in some kind of protecting manner. 
End of satellite video image. Tried to save it but failed.
The blackness of the bird was or may have been one of an absence of information.
The blackness is also an indication of coldness.  
Where did I see this black bird? From the NASA 
From time to time. Images can be seen in atmospheric images. Even in satellite images which can be strung together to form a video. 
If this is something then it is most likely the local native tribes to make that determination. I'm in the thought that it is nothing bad really interesting as the image was really clear. To the degree that you would say that is a crow like black bird.
For the indigenous and those who are spiritual. There is a spiritual meaning to the black bird or crow. This would be a single bird.
Added on 03 May 2023: This may or may not be a sign. Crows are very intelligent and can be trained to do things which seem to be impossible. So I have doubts but I also understand that this could be a sign. Because, I do not keep up with the news. I do not really know what is happening inside of Israel or where ever that flag was.

Sunday, March 19, 2023

One Family Becoming Extinct? 10: (Unedited): 19 March 2023:

 As humanity gets closer and closer to their self chosen extinction. There will be fewer and fewer genuine prophets to foretell the future. 
Genuine mentors will be the first to disappear while the last prophet will speak those last prophetic words when humanity can no longer be saved. 
The end of the world as you know is coming. The end of promising to do it better next time is a falsehood among many to be believed. 
The individual snowflake which is alone in it's own free fall flight knows not it's own story until it becomes a part of the stream, a part of the river and a part of the ocean. Then and only then will the snowflake know who it's true brethren are. 
The mists, the fogs, the rains, the snows and the ice know not one another until they become once again a part of the wholeness of the ocean currents. 
The mist fights with the fog. The fog fights with the rain. The rain fights with the snow. The snow fights with the ice. The ice fights with the mists. Each obviously not like the other and yet they each are not aware they are all one and the same. 
The turbulence's, pressures, turmoils and heats in your life may change your state of being and you may blow whistling steam from time to time.  Yet you cannot change who you have been but, you can change who you are today and tomorrow. You cannot change how you began but you can change how you continue on and how you complete this journey in your life. 
You have the power within you to change any predicted unfortunate certainties in your life just as easily as you have the power to change any other vague possibility which may be seen or perceived by deaf eyes, blind ears and confused minds. 
You the individual snow flake has the power of change from one fate and into another. Fore at one time you were separate elements, then you were the fog, the mist, the rain drop, the ice rain, the stream, the river, the lake and the ocean. It is humanity who continually divides even though the ocean and all of the water is just one entity. So to are you and all who are around you and not in your presence. For the whole of you all(humanity) are one and always have been. 
It was not the confusing of your tongues which divided your single human family. It was your individual decisions on how you handle and deal with a presented difference being caused upon you/us all. It was your human ancestors who choose to divide themselves from the whole. It is you humans today who continue to divide yourselves into the nothingness of forever.  Your human family is and still is whole as indicated by your revealed genetics in which even the author signed His own name into your/our code as any artist does with the finished canvas they created with love. 
Where is your hope? Where and what is your state of being? Who are you and are you really certain that you are who you think you are? What if I told you we were brothers or you were my sister? Do you even have the capacity to believe my words as a mater of fact? 8 plus billion human souls on this planet and we are all one family and of one artistic creation/design. We were all meant to love one another, to live in peace with each other, to exist in harmony with all things and to cherish all life. Any human which causes you to become the contrary of the purple words below is they themselves deeply deceived or fully knowing and has embraced the deceiving evil that is within them. 
God put His name in your DNA. Think about it and what are the odds of that occurring by accident or random happenstance? You cannot argue the math. All of humanity is more than 99.9% genetically the same. The supporting math is more than 99.99% accurate. This is as close to certainty that humanity can achieve at this state in our human development. 
The hope in the survival of humanity is in the purple words below. But, those purple words below is just a part of the whole truth that this simple lowly human can even begin to understand.
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Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
Musings of an American Truck Driver books