Showing posts with label Dimensional. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dimensional. Show all posts

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Dimensional Warfare Threats: (Unedited): 08 Aug 2015:

As warfare and plans for warfare become more dimensional . The heartfelt desire to remain within the old and solidly established single dimensional thinking processes. Will sink your warships in unexpected ways and turn your very own old new missiles into war implements re-directed against your own assets.
As modern technology for warfare advances so to does reliability, destructive power as well as pin point accuracy as well as the multiplicity of unseen and unknown threats. Thus, leading the leaders of the world to falsely think and believe that war is survivable. Well at least survivable for the select and chosen group of people. Who will not be the majority common people on this planet or any other.
The expansion of weapons use cannot be controlled. As civilian populations must eventually be targeted and destroyed. In order to limit the number of foot soldiers and those who manufacture weapons of any kind. That is until robotic influences warfare to a degree that the known though that humanity cannot be trusted with absolute evil and immoral orders.  Modern warfare cannot be survived by any group. The select chosen or the rejected commoners. Once modern warfare has been decided. The only survivable option is to already have an established life breathing/giving planet in which you can live in peace. That is until your enemies find you there or that you breed new enemies from within to cause more war for yourselves. Because, the sensitive young ones who love beauty, compassion and mercy. Will see the ugliness and the absence of love within you. Thus, a new beginning of warfare will rise up. This new warfare is not because of them it is because you are absent of Life, Love, Peace, Harmony and righteous law.
In which this is the foundational truth. You are the cause of war. So no matter where you may go. Your extinction will follow you. You cannot survive your own war mindset. Because, you are the creator of war. From this intimate revelation. You shall have no life. Nor anyone who shall be associated with you. Including the hopes you have within your own children.
The Cain mindset only murders that which you love through your own uncontrolled jealous rage. The Cain mindset is that of eventual warfare and death. So any belief system which leads to warfare. Is a belief system of death-total death-extinction. This includes any religion, any political thought or any ideology. 
Is it life that you want? free from your enemies who are genetically more than 99.9% your own brothers and sisters. You must first realize that the theory of the separation and division of the races here on Earth are absolute lies with absolutely zero supporting evidence. The factual evidence of a singular race of human beings is contained within the Holy Bible and has been proven to be accurate with DNA Finger Printing and the completion of the Human Genome Project. Now, It is an absolute fact that humanity is a singular race of one type of people. This cannot be argued or debated by anyone anymore.
So how does any person, any leader or any manager turn away from those false belief systems in which they are deeply rooted in? Or that those false belief systems have become so deep within their Psyche that the false belief systems are who they are. How do you correct this? Can it be corrected? or should death be given to those who are so deep within the false beliefs that they are willing to freely give their lives for the cause? These underlings who have been raised up in the false beliefs most likely have come from the commoners and to return means they shall return to nothing.
The absolute logical law of life. May be just enough to alter a persons controlled thinking processes which have become ingrained within every part of their being. By infusing this absolute logical formula may change begin to take hold. Thus, like a great poison killing all that there was into that which may be. During the course of transformation, Self destruction may be chosen by the person who learns the light truth is overtaking all of the darkness that they have found reward and comfort in. Thus, They may choose to return into the darkness of perpetual sleep and spiritual containment.
**NOTE* I have no idea what spiritual containment is. It does seem to be real and a part of some kind of prelude to justice. The word spiritual containment is my best word for an unknown thing which occurs. If spiritual containment does occur. Then the Judgement may not go well for the spirit which is contained**.
I've already written of this logical formula of life many times and the inverse logical formula of death as well. I do know these are partial formulas and I am only to know this small part it. It's actual logical arrangement is just my best guess. I did fail general math. So, the arrangement would look similar to know scientific formulas with known variables. Like I said these are partial formulas. Just like every scientific formula known or theorized by humanity is in fact a partial formula. I have written about his as well. Good luck finding it if your of interest. I have no clue as to it's location.
Life= Love, Peace, Harmony, Law
Death= Hate, War, Chaos, Lawlessness.
If you mix any aspect of the death formula into the life formula. Death shall result in time.
If you mix any aspect of life formula into the death formula. There is no guarantee and most likely death shall still prevail.
Love is the most powerful element. It is seen as anti-logical in a formula filled with emotions.
True peace can only come from love. True harmony can only come from love. True life can only come from love. Even in death there is total peace, total harmony. In death there is no law or lawlessness. In death there is no Hate. In death there is no chaos. In death there is no war. In death all that there is - is nothingness. No Joy, No Purpose, No meaning, No Hope. I have been there and it is different than hell. Quieter.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Expected Creations: (Unedited): 29 May 2013:

A good leader creates an expected positive work life which can be predicted by a good manager. C.J.MacKechnie
It is the responsibility of a good leader to create good life probabilities for all of those persons who are involved with his/her creations. A good manager is one who can see the creation of the good leader before it is manifested. Then the good manager can make it and continue it.

The good leader is not creating a new thing just so it becomes present. The creation become dimensional in its own existence. Even if the leader is abstractly blind to anything more than the creation. All that is created from the creation is livelihoods for all of those involved. It is the responsibility of the good leader and good manager to ensure that those involved have the ability to live a life as they define it. This is a part of freedom.

It is also the responsibility of the good leader and good manager to protect the livelihoods of those involved and must be a part of the negotiating process in any transference of responsibilities.  All the way down to the broom pushers.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Neither Zero: (Unedited): 21 Dec 2011:

Zero resides in that place which is neither positive or negative.
 This is also a place and a non-place. Where all of the logical supporting mathematical structure exists for all of the real and not real universe and universes. Do you get this. Because it is all flowing with stagnancy and frozen with movement. All at the same time. Weird. Then it responds and not responds to your intellectual attention.
Random Note form of thinking. I may edit and add and delete as i think more on it. Which may take years. 
The word use of zero is that something which I cannot perceive as something to be. So out of the nothingness of my own mind. I call it zero. A common thing, place, state in which all is expressed into something from that we/I can only perceive as nothing..
Added on 25 Oct 2015: Zero Point notes.
The energy release of sub-atomic level objects may/will have enough luminosity to be faintly reflected by zero point structures. Which may be seen. Originally declared of some kind of anomalous artifact/errors within the sensing equipment. It will be disregarded for a time. The distorted images will need to be stabilized with an eye in regards to time.
Since all things are intellectual representations of the zero point structure. All of the information is in constant, ebbs and movements. While the zero point structure is unmoving and is unaltered by any time related artifacts.
For Instance:
The Earth rotates on an axis at it's own speed. The Earth revolves around it's own central star at it's own speed. The solar system revolves in a descending orbit around a black hole powered galaxy. The galaxy moves and is influenced by another galaxy in which they are both moving in their respective mutually confused directions within specific ebbs and flows of the unknown and not discerned dark matter fluid state. What ever that is. Which may just be unintelligenialized matter. or matter without specific energies of specific frequencies or intelligence.
So every zero point structure only appears to be speeding by all that there is represented. Never to be seen again. In fact it is us which is speeding by the motionless zero point structures.
All the while the zero point structures remain motionless, timeless, matter-less, gravity-less, and many other lesses that I know not about. Except for apparent contractions and stretchings of every individual zero point.
Since all things are representations of the perfect dimensional math of all zero points. The power which can be tapped into may not be available as mentioned in many different science fiction shows like Star-Gate SG1. Because to tap into and take something out of it changes all of the math and zero will no longer be an answer. So, I do not think there is infinite power available.
Stretching and compressablity is a capability of the zero point structure. This occurs in all dimensions, possibilities and times. Every zero point is interconnected with every other zero point any where, every where, every dimension, every times.
Everything perceived within this dimension of what we call space time is a fluid and flowing expression of intelligent information.
A certain energetic particle which encounters an energetic wave in which the certain particle shares zero/no" energetic or vibratory identity/relationship with. Both the wave and particle will act as if nothing was encountered. If that singular particle was associated with it's own wave. Then the two distinctly different waves would simply pass through one another without every having any kind of reaction.
Added on 26 Oct 2015: Zero Math Time Notes:
The formula for linear time must be fluid within all things. Time can be both compressed and stretched.Which may feel like within the human mind as time has been quickened or slowed. Of which those perceptions may also be a simple bored or excited mind.
A generalized time related formula should/must be included in every other formula. The passage of linear time can be perceived by living beings. In the form of growth, age and antiquity.
The mathematical representations of time must of should be incorporated within every 2 dimensional formula. Which is to be merged with other directly related formulas. Within a certain exact space.
Everything which has a specific motive force in a defined direction. Shall have both a forward pressure front and a receding negative pressure wake.
The connectivity of all math formulas must evolve out of flat two dimensional representations and into multi-dimensional representations which is fluid in time.
Every known and unknown formula shall be interconnected in a mutually agreed point in exact space. in which the absolute answer should always be zero.
The human mind cannot quantify the finite number of zero points in all of dimensional space. For there is a very specific point for every dimension. Within 1 square inch of space can be A number infinitely greater than the grains of minute sand in a great desert.
The interconnected formulas remain unmoved. While the quantifiable intelligent information is what moves.
Just as a star continuously emits an incalculable number of photons of light every microsecond. So to is the similarities as to the number of math formulas connected to every single point in any dimensional space.
The variables within every single math formula which are all connected to the structure of zero point foundation. Shall always be in agreement and equal to zero.
As quickly as all of the individual photons of light exits the star. So do the variables change. This can be seen as waves within every individual formula.
Every star in it's own vastness. is very similar to the mathematical singular point of zero. Where as every photon of light is an individual mathematical formula.