Showing posts with label Sin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sin. Show all posts

Friday, July 13, 2018

Enslavement Consequences:+4: (Unedited):12 July 2018:

All of the consequences you have suffered in your life is your bonds of enslavement.
All of the consequences you experience in life is the result of sin. It could be your sin, your parents sin, your grandparents sin. The consequences in your life could also be the result of choosing wrong friendships. No matter how the consequences materialized in your life. They are all your bonds of enslavement. Then if you begin to go through your life assigning blame to them, him or her. You create more bonds of enslavement in the form of excuses. Freeing yourself from the eventual curses of sins.Will give you an early taste of freedom. Even while those consequences of old sins will see you to your grave. But, in the here and now. Becoming sinless in mind, heart and body. Will give you freedom even if you must sit or lay and wait for death. Which will also free you from your body.
Sin Consequences: (Unedited): 12 July 2018:
To free yourself from the consequences of life you must begin to live a life free from sin.
Some consequences in life. You cannot free yourself from. The diseases which result from sin. The crimes which resulted in your incarceration. Your meanness which may result in your untimely death through some poor souls plans for revenge. Right now you can free yourself from the future consequences of sins. Right now you can begin by repenting of everything. Then believing in the son of man. Yes, you even have to do more than just believe. For the fallen angels believe and are obedient to Jesus and yet they are all not forgiven. Find yourself a small Bible Believing small church and enquire of them. If they allow the perpetuation of any sin. Then leave.
Becoming a Christian will not free you from the consequences you have made for yourself or have inherited. But, becoming a Christian does give you an end date for all of those consequences. Assuming you actually become a Christian which can only be accepted and recognized by your Heavenly Father.
For instance, You may go through the whole public process of becoming a Christian. Yet, if you continue in your sins without any effort to change. You may not be a Christian. But, if your as bad of a human being as I was/am. Then your process may take decades. I like to use these men whom I have known of. If your a slumlord and you have been to church every time the doors were open. You tithed big time and have been a church member for multiple decades. You may not be a christian simply because you continue to cause harm. As you get deeper and deeper into the Holy Bible and in prayer. Look up the signs or evidence of being a real Christian. They all usually begin with love.
Sour Consequences: (Unedited): 12 July 2018:
Every sin that is within you will eventually become an outward expression by you. Like every fruit which develops in darkness. It's sour taste will be known by you through the consequences in your life. The consequences in your life shall become a sour taste which cannot be humanly washed from your mouth.
To sin all you have to do is entertain any of those sinful desires. All you have to do is think about them and then desire them. You do not actually have to commit the sin. You can silently hate a person without them ever knowing it. You can imagine a secret person whom you hate to be harmed. This is all sin. Even playing a video game where you kill and destroy is sin. Especially, when you know the right answer if it is wrong or sinful to kill and yet you spend much time killing and harming real people or digital people. Then you call it fun and entertaining.
One of the signs of you actually becoming a Christian. Is severe and heavy guilt for all of the people whom you have harmed. You may even begin to hate yourself for what you have done. This is really a good thing and it is a sign for you. For you were once was the person of your memories and now you are born again with making new memories. Pray for all of those whom you have harmed. Know that making contact may not go well for the person whom you have harmed. Even though you have changed. I have had that experience where prayer and complete disappearance from their personal world is better.
Genetic Sin: (Unedited): 12 July 2018:
All of your sins shall become the genetic markers that your children and grandchildren must decide to suffer through or to avoid in entirety. 
Humanities return back to God is one which may take more or less than 70 generations. All of it begins when the entire human population decides to become holy and righteous. All of it begins when the entire human population begins to sin no more.
What if this is how the perpetuation of sin works. All of your sins including those which you wrongly think are private or secret. They are all passed along within your DNA into your children. So as you begin to become holy and righteous. Those sinful genetic markers begin to disappear. Once the second and third generation of children are raised to become holy and righteous. Those sinful precursors begin to disappear. Over the next generations of children being born. Humanity will cease devolution and begin to evolve back to the point where humans can recognize lesser angels and then the archangels. As humanity evolves back to it's original state. Those humans will be able to walk in the full presence of God once again.
Sinless Freedom: (Unedited): 12 July 2018:
Freedom in life is sinless living in life.
Imagine raising a child to be free from sin. imagine a child who decides for them self to walk through life refusing to sin. The consequences in his life will be none to few. Of course humanity today cannot imagine a life without consequences as everyone of us live our lives full of consequences upon consequences upon consequences. We are all at fault for pushing more and more consequences onto everyone else. All of the sins and consequences in life will just continue to add up with every generation. Until, all of humanity is no more.
Added on 19 July 2018:
Even the consequences of those sins in my adoptive parents lives are still experienced by my own biological children. The consequences of my childhood is still felt by my children and lived by my wife who knew not about it then. This is very serious.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Saturday, July 7, 2018

Unaware De-evolution: (Unedited): 03 July 2018:

The pride and arrogance of man is so blinding. That all of humanity is unaware of their own de-evolution. Humanity will continue to de-evolve to the point of losing all conceptualization of civilization. 
De-evolution of humanity can be seen during the time periods of Adam, Noah, Balaam, Moses and Jesus. Adam could be in the physical presence of God. Noah could be in the knowing presence of the angels and speak with God. Balaam spoke with God and had to be altered in some way to speak to a donkey and be aware of the angel. Moses spoke with God and was altered in some manner while in some kind of very limited presence of God. To the time of Jesus and no one was aware he was the son of God unless it was revealed to them. By Jesus himself or The Holy Spirit.
Go and check this for yourself. Go get your Holy Bible and look it all up with the mindset of de-evolution. But, before you do. Pray and meditate upon the Lord. Fast if you think you should. Then if your are compelled to write or do whatever it is you do to get this teaching out. Then do so. There is no need to acknowledge me or credit me in any way. If this just doesn't touch you in any way. Then it is OK to leave it.
Ask these questions. Do you think humanity is evolving? how? When humanity is advancing so much?
How is humanity devolving? is it because of sin? Did not Adam and Eve separate themselves from God because of sin? Then as humanity sins and sins and sins some more. How far are we getting from God our Heavenly Father? and to what end point?
If humanity is devolving as a species? How to we stop it? How do we turn back to God? How long will it take? *70 generations of male and female in **equal pursuit of  righteousness and holiness.
*70 generations of righteous and holy breeding back into the human species may naturally change the human DNA back to what it was prior to Noah or back to Adam. Will those human offspring which achieve the seventieth generation begin to have the original glow of Adam and Eve?
I have no idea.
** Equal Pursuit. Need better terminology which escapes me. This has to do with animal husbandry but for humans with the same righteous and holy intentions being bred back into the human species. Does that make sense?
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Sunday, June 24, 2018

Powerful Delusion Poured: +1: (Unedited): 24 June 2018:

From satan we all experience lying wonders, deceptions and permission for all manner of unrighteousness. While from God we all have revelation poured upon us powerful delusions in which is a gift for His sheep of unshaken minds, hearts and spirits. From this powerful delusion those who are truly in the family of their Heavenly Father. Will clearly see the wicked wolves and goats pretending to be something they are not.
Do not be fooled. By the words of a possible wolf or goat saying that Jesus would have flown in a million dollar airplane to spread the Word. Jesus is already the Word of God. The Word is already represented by all of the Heavens. Jesus choose to ride on a donkey which has never been ridden before. I suggest you give that a try. Jesus could walk on water. Jesus could disappear and then appear elsewhere. Jesus had unknown numbers of angels at His calling. So why would Jesus need anything from any human creation? It is like a human trying to build a temple good enough or even adequate enough for God. Look that up in the Holy Bible.
How many people in the Holy Bible failed God, tried to fool God, tried to negotiate with God, Tried to get God to promise a thing? Go and look it up in the Holy Bible. Let me know when you find anyone who made zero mistakes, crimes, poor choices or sins.
The thing about pastors, preachers and theologians. They are no better than anyone else. They make mistakes and succumb to a variety of sins as we all do. When our church leaders make errors, mistakes and sin. We are supposed to love them and not their errors or sins. We are also supposed to forgive them as well. Then we all should learn that even though they each are in positions of great responsibility. They are all just human beings. Just like we all are. If we or you as the church body raise up your pastor, preacher and theologian to be greater than they really are. Then your collective church sin of idol worship needs to be addressed. This goes for anyone else in church leadership. Even the church body has a responsibility to the whole church body. Your legs will never run off leaving the body behind. When danger is afoot. Your hands and arms will protect the whole body and not just themselves.
The point is it is everyone's responsibility to take care of the entire church body and actual church property. It is not about the duty of good works. All of your good works should be done in secret and flow out of you like a river of love.
People can get all caught up in putting on a good show.
Pride Seen: (Unedited): 24 June 2018:
Pride is easily seen and known by the pictures of accomplishments and assets hanging or set besides your walls. Thus, becoming your idols you show off. Proving to all who see just how great you are.
How many planes do you have on your walls? How many parchments of educational accomplishments do you own? How many medical devices are sitting in the entrance of your church? Why do you think God wanted men to go out into the world with only their cloaks?
I can tell you this. If you cannot allow someone to burn your actual documents of accomplishments. Then you have a problem. If you cannot allow a truck to take those medical devices to various medical facilities to be used by those in need. Then you have a problem. Where and how is your pride, ego, supremacy, entitlements and arrogance showcased?
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Thursday, June 7, 2018

Edith Righteous Judgement: +2: (Unedited): 05 June 2018:

While Lot's wife was walking away from the sins of the world. That which was still within her heart was deserving of righteous judgement.
Sodomite Edith: (Unedited): 07 June 2018:
Edith/Ado was chosen to be saved from the righteous judgement coming to Sodom. An unknown sin was found in her heart and as she turned to looked she was instantly convicted as one of sodomites. For she was once saved and then she was not.
Note: It is suspected that the name of Edith or Ado is the name of Lots wife. I use the name to personalize the quote. I almost feel like you can substitute you name in its place. The best way I can phrase it.
Luke 17:32 "Remember Lots wife."
Yes, read the whole chapter and figure out way Jesus would say that. If you teach prophecy. You should include this or in the coming of the Lord many souls may become like Lot's wife. Also remember that what will Jesus be like upon his return? A loveable fluffy wuffy? No an angry lion. It will not be a good idea to negotiate or whine like those in the Holy Bible had done. Ever try to negotiate with an angry lion? How do you think it will go for you?
I suppose you also must consider Moses and Aaron. Both were chosen and both endured righteous judgement for sinning against God.
It is not enough to just leave sins behind you or to even leave the sins of the world and become a self isolated cave person. If the sin is still in your hearts and in your mind, Then you are at risk right now of becoming like Edith or Lots wife. Once saved always saved is a truth. Unless you only spoke the words and those words entered not into your heart and mind. Only God will judge you and no human can. Human beings can assume in error or correctly whether or not you're a Christian. This can and will always be seen in your abundance or absence of love, mercy, compassion for every other person. The landlord who gives much to the church but causes their own tennants to suffer much.The salesmen who causes/manipulates the buyer to buy a thing which they do not need or want. The service technician who fixes things which does not need fixing. Any and all of your current secret sins. Because nothing is secret to the Lord and God of righteous judgements. If that is who you want to face. Then it is your choice and that choice will be seen in your actions rooted from the outpouring of love from within you.
Even if you have been in church for sixty years or one week. Go to your Bible believing church and repent of your sins and then intend to sin no more. Become holy and righteous which is only accepted by your Heaven Father. If your a pastor or theologian or Priest or preacher seek solitude in your time of repentance. Seek out other pastors in confidence. If you cannot break the binds of sin in your life. Then with what honor and self respect you have left. You must step down. At least you won't become public news like the others before you who have been caught in sin and crime. The search term are "Pastor in jail" "Pastor caught in sin" "Pastor stealing" "Pastor child abuse" Be sure to include your state and time frame. The search terms go on forever. It is to hard on me to look up sinful pastors any more.
Initial Sin repentance: (Unedited): 07 June 2018:
Repenting of a sin while planning to sin the same sin again is not repentance. Repenting once is only for those who have never sinned after their initial repentance. 
This is like the professed Christian who is a car salesman who always hides the problems with the cars he sells. Then lies about not knowing when a severe problem is discovered by the new owner. Yet, the church loves his tithes and keeps quiet about his business practises. The non Christians see what church he goes to and thus his reputation becomes the church. Swallow on that. how many more dishonorable business owners and managers go to your church. The reputation of the people who go to your church do have an effect on the reputation of your church.
Protection Until Sin: (Unedited): 07 June 2018:
In Prophecy you cannot forget Lot's wife. For even she was under prophetic protection until she sinned and instantly suffered righteous judgement.
Lot's Wife was selected to depart from Sodom and Gomorrah. So she was to be a saved person. Think about this so was Moses and Aaron were also chosen and then denied because of their own sins. Who else in the Holy Bible was chosen and then denied in some way?
Do not get me wrong. I'm not being disrespectful to anyone who has been in the knowing presence of Angels. We must respect that. Just as we must respect those who have been in the knowing presence of God and in direct knowing communication with God.
The bottom line is it doesn't matter what her one sin was or her many sins were. God exercised his righteous judgement upon her in that moment.
So if Lot's wife was under Prophetic protection with direct contact with angels and then Jesus mentioned Lot's wife in relation to future prophecy. What does that say for each believer? The purple words below get more real now don't they. But, there is a catch. You cannot do those purple words with a foundation of fear. Your foundation to accomplish the purple words must be from LOVE.
Be sure to become a member of your Bible believing church in your community and consult with the pastor.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Thursday, May 3, 2018

Khabib Abdulmanapovich Nurmagomedov Vision: +8: (Unedited): 03 May 2018:

This is a message for all of the Martial Arts Community around the world. It matters not if your traditional or mixed. Spread this message in your own way. No need to mention me in any way.
All new content is at the bottom and above the purple words. If your new to reading my blogs. The quotes are more important than any other words I write and should be considered as stand alone. Even though I try to explain the quotes. The intention of any of my writing is for you to take from them a positive message. 
It is important to note. That any revelation to any future event can alter that event by simply revealing information about that event. Because, anyone who has bad and sad prophetic words brought against them can either mitigate or completely prevent the bad and sad occurrence from happening.
I had a vision about the upcoming Nurmagomedov McGregor MMA fight. Mr. Nurmagomedov Wins and brutally destroyed McGregor. Mr. Nurmagomedov refused to knock out McGregor instead wanted to cause him to refuse to fight or become unable to fight. The first preference is or will be the plan.
It is one thing to knockout or to tapout. It is another to cause a person to not come out and fight another round.
Added on 15 May 2018:
The recent Amanda Nunes/Raquel Pennington fight.
I think the corner was right and also failed Raquel. I do not think Raquel was properly prepared for the fight and knew it early in. Fortunately and hopefully Raquel will be OK and heal well. 
Here is why....
The purity and wisdom which was associated with the Martial Arts seems to be dead.
As with Mr. Silva and with Mrs. Rousey. They each were the best in the world. They each had their flaws which was severe disrespectful pride and sin of taking a husband married to another.
Anytime you integrate a wrong/sin into your life it always infects your current level of your defined achievements. The wrong/sin can cripple you so much that a fall from your attained personal or professional greatness. You will appear like lightning falling from the heights of the heavens.
So to will Conor McGregor fall hard. For his pride has deep anger and rage. His lack of public self control will go badly against him. I would recommend that Mr. McGregor retire from fighting and begin his older life. Once he takes time to contemplate things. Hopefully repentance and then walking a righteous and holy life.
Of Course. What do fighters do? They fight and if they don't fight then who are they? As the emptiness sets in. If it does for either fighter as they are both 29 years old and about to hit that milestone of thirty. Depending on your genetics and skill levels. The way you fight must be altered in your thirties. You gotta fight smarter and be in control of yourself. Ages 34 to 45 are old and in these days of continual evolution. We may not see a forty year old any more. Although GSP is looking forward to retirement at 40.
For Khabib Abdulmanapovich Nurmagomedov: I suggest for you to maintain honor, respect and humility. Respect even if a person may or may not be deserving of it. Honoring the person before you is honoring yourself and your family even if the person before you is deemed to have no honor or self respect. Humility no matter how fast or long the victory takes. Shows your class and status as a genuine human being of deep and profound value. God/Allah does not like pride.
Do remember that any fighter you face does have the ability to win. Even if it is a lucky shot or you make that unlucky attack. So to with Mr. McGregor with you. Remember the red words above.
Note: I do not believe in luck.
Added on 15 May 2018:
Honor and respect just after the Victor Belfort/Lyoto Machida fight. When these highly skilled men and women are in the ring. The fight can end in any way. One surprised shot can end it. The obvious 2.5 or 4.5 round loser obtains a desperate tap out from what would have been the obvious victor. Either way honor and respect should be shown.
Martial Arts Rage Animals: (Unedited): 15 May 2018:
Men and women of the Martial Arts do not have to become animals of rage and anger. Then to symbolically spit in the face of their opponent or future opponent.
And there is the quote. Must mean something.
Woodward TV.
Added on 18 May 2018: Respect and honor as well as about the martial Art. Wisdom. Goals of truth.
Added on 26 May 2018:
Georges St-Pierre has been accused of being calculated and boring. I tell you that when you know your opponent better than he knows himself. Victory over your opponent can become a greater probability. Then all you have to really contend with is your own well known and self known imperfections and errors in timing.
If the viewer only wants to see body damage, blood and unconsciousness. Then they will never see or experience what perfection within the hallowed ring of combat. The viewer who only wants for bloody excitement will not see how one person has not only conquered themself but have also perfected the Martial Arts styles of their own choosing.
Added on 16 Aug 2018:
Well pride and arrogance is becoming evident in the Nurmagomedov family. Having fun at the expense of those who are suffering to any degree is not right in any society or culture. But, in many societies a work must be exchanged or should be exchanged for a free gift. But, their laughter is what appears to be demoralising to those whom they may have been helping out. What is more interesting is how now it is suddenly necessary to care for those who are desperate when foreigners poke fun at them. You know it can be comical when trying to even speak with the homeless who are severely mentally ill. While at the same time denoting the serious situation of each homeless persons plight. Look at the videos below.
Mr. Nurmagomedov, watch your pride, ego and arrogance my friend. These are those little things which can grow into the blind monster within which can lead to your downfall or failure. Even if that pride, ego and arrogance is from a beloved family member or friend. These negative emotions can even infect you and your performance. There are many ancient stories of where one sin led to sudden defeat.
I certainly hope that you revisit the teachings in the Holy Qur'an. All about pride and arrogance.
So you and your entire team must repent of your pride and arrogance before you face Conor. All of you must be properly clean.
This one thing which has happened publicly can be the one thing which leads to your first defeat. It won't be a defeat by some crazy irishman it will be your unaware sins which will defeat you.
I gotta go read that link. It is a lot to digest.
Added on 16 Sept 2018: I just had this vision earlier today.
I saw the multiple fights with Conor McGregor and Khabib Nurmagomedov. Conor is fast. Conor knocks out Khabib in the first round. Khabib had no chance. Conor's boxing was brutal. Then things began to change. Conor changes his fight plan to cause a brutal and long term suffering and defeat to Khabib. Just like what I wrote above in regards to Khabib. Then the fight was altered again into a any fighter will win when the other takes command of mistakes of the other fighter. Then it changed into mutual pummeling of each other. With Khabib coming out as victor in a dozen different ways on the mat. I do not think any of the fights I saw where Conor wins after the third round. It all started getting hazy and fuzzy. You know what that means? There is no certainty for either fighter. Especially, when both fighters seem to focus on the same game plan to inflict as much trauma as possible. Which means back up to the top of this writing and switch names.
If Conor goes in to fight to win only. Conor will win. If Conor goes in to just beat Khabib. Then everything gets murky for Conor. If Conor allows his emotions and his pride rule over him than the logical plan to defeat Khabib. Then Conor will lose. The same for Khabib. The biggest fight for Khabib is his pride and ego. What does your Holy Book say about that? and how many times?
Added on 05 Oct 2018: ALHAMDULILLAH
The Connor Khabib fight is tomorrow. I'm still in Khabib's corner. I chose the apparent righteous man and the better martial artist. I won't be able to watch it until much later on. It is the way of the poor person. All that I've written above still applies.
Added on 06 Oct 2018 @ 1648 Hrs.
Fallen People Sign: (Unedited): 06 Oct 2018:
A sign of a fallen people is they will cheer for the bad person and boo the righteous person. The children of the fallen people will emulate bad attitudes and bad actions of the bad people who have become their heroes.
While in prayer. I got the words "Prophetic Sign". Is this fight to be a prophetic sign? Can the brutality of what has become of the martial arts within the UFC be a sign from God. Will God use both fighters to His multi-dimensional teachings for the people who are willing to look, listen and seek for the prophetic messages to come from this fight?
Witnessed Action Permission: (Unedited): 06 Oct 2018: @1700 hrs.
Disrespect and disobedience of authority is a teaching of the evil doer. One where the children watching are given permission through witnessed action to be like those who are disrespectful and disobedient.
What Mr. Conor McGregor teaches the young people is that it is OK to do as you will it. It is OK to break laws, It is OK to lead a gang. It is OK to harm those not involved. It is OK to be a bully. It is not OK and these teachings without apology or humility will only cause society to fall even faster into the abyss of a hellish society. Of course it is not Mr. McGregor's fault it is all of society which has failed him in his youth and it is all of society which has cheered him on and encouraged him to continue to be the bad guy.
It seems obvious that he is not religious at all. Actually, Mr. Conor's religion is of himself. Maybe, this is where God will call upon Conor. Will this mean a severe loss as Saul had encountered. After all saul was the upcoming man. Saul was gonna be the man. Saul was hunting down and having Christians murdered wherever he found them. Then Jesus Himself caused Saul to become Paul. Pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy was striped away from Paul. All of the entitlements which Saul had been promised throughout his life was also taken away. Paul was then suffered throughout the rest of his life.
Then again Coming prophecy dictates that the saints will all lose and even the two witnesses will also lose and be killed. Since Mr. Nurmagomedov is seen as the righteous man. Will he be the sign of losing badly in such a public spotlight? What will this sign mean to the whole of the religious world?
Will a Khabib victory be a sign for all of Islam to go forth and conquer all that is before you. For God has raised up many nations to conquer and murder His very own chosen people. Except for His chosen remnant. Especially, when His chosen people have strayed away and become sinful.
If your still reading this. I will not be able to watch this fight until it is available basically for free. So, I will not be able to see what and how things happen and how things lead to other things. I will do my part and in time I will respond. Time now 06 oct 2018 @ 1728 hrs. Florida USA.
Personal Note: Usually when I write quotes. They are more important and should stand alone over anything else I write. Since I wrote two quotes today. This are of importance to some degree.
Added on 07 Oct 2018:
Congratulations on your victory Mr. Khabib Nurmagomedov.
I have not yet seen the fight. But, have been looking at the news involving the fight. Conor McGregor was reported to have been easily defeated by Khabib Nurmagomedov.
I have seen the fight.
The apparent righteous victor defeated the evil doer. Even after Conor struck you with illegal moves. Even after Conor did illegal acts to just hold on. Even after the referee refused to acknowledge many of Conor's illegal deeds. You stood toe to toe and in Conor's face. And then the apparent righteous victor dishonored the victory by going gangster. Yes, Conor McGregor insulted and disrespected everything you love and hold in great value of importance. Because, the evil doer acts crazy does not give you the right to be as crazy as the evil doer. For once your mind leaves God, You become just like the evil doer. For now you must be obedient to the world authority. You must be repentant to the world authority. The world authority is completely against anyone who is clean, righteous and holy. Your sin of losing control and your prideful sin of selfishly bragging that your right was in the clear sight of everyone who watched. For in that moment you were just like every other unbelieving evil doer. How easy is it? If you happen to have read this. Do not assume I'm more than I am. I'm not. I'm a deeply flawed human being.
Battle Continued: (Unedited): 07 Oct 2018:
Bad or evil intelligent beings who are wholly defeated, do not suddenly become good, righteous and holy. They become more hateful, angry, enraged and vengeful. So the battle led by the victorious righteous warriors must continue on.
The difference between a bad and a evil intelligent being is the bad intelligent being can become good. While the evil intelligent being has already sealed their own fate. Is Conor bad or evil? I do not know. If this one defeat changes his life and he has claimed with the birth of his child. Then we will see in the evidence he presents. Did Khabib act in a bad or evil manner after the fight? Which fighter was in character and which one acted out of character?
Who was at fault? Conor McGregor is at fault. Khabib Nurmagomedov is at fault. The entire UFC organization is at fault. The media and all of it's reporters in MMA is at fault. All of you encouraged and/or allowed bad attitudes to develop. All for a greater profit motive. What all of you do not see is that all of the younger generation will see the bad attitudes, bad characters and evil that all of you perpetuate. The young and impressionable souls will see all of you as their heroes and do their best to become like you. Bad attitudes and poor decisions in their everyday adult life. This is not what I think that Bruce Lee had envisioned for his dream of a mixed martial arts. Especially when he spoke of wisdom often.
Animal Brutes: (Unedited): 07 oct 2018:
Animalistic human brutish thugs without any wisdom, respect, self control and honor are just devolved cock fighting chickens.
Added on 07 Oct 2018 @ 2309hrs.
Good video from martial artist expert. From fightTIPS
Added on 08 Oct 2018: The question: Should Khabib be stripped of the belt?
NO. Khabib should not be stripped of the belt that he fairly earned. Conor was cheating. Dean allowed it. The UFC promoted the ugliness, hate and anger. Nevada and the Athletic Commission permitted it. They all saw it happening.  Khabib still beat Conor after all of that nonsense since May with a tap out by Conor. What is bad is that Conor lost while cheating many times. It seems obvious that the UFC wanted Conor to win as Dean allowed Conor to cheat many many times. There should be an investigation of the UFC. Go and watch the fight.
Added on 10 Oct 2018:
Are you ready for this comment? Conor McGregor was correct when he said he and his team won. I believe Conor is correct. But it is not like you think. Read the above again. All of it. Any time an evildoer can cause a righteous person to lose or leave their righteousness and become just like every other evildoer. Even for a moment. All of the righteous persons credibility is out the window forever as perceived by the evildoers of the world system. The evildoers and the world systems will never forgive or forget a righteous persons sins. Especially the sins which has become very public. So yes, Conor is correct he and his team won.
Added on 11 Oct 2018: Comment on fairness and Conor antics prior to the fight. What should have happened to Conor? I agree there should not be another rematch.
Business Core Values: (Unedited): 11 Oct 2018:
Honor, integrity and respect permeates all aspects of the Martial Arts life. This includes business. It is not only just business when you remove any of the positive core values in Martial Arts so that you can act the fool in order to make more coin.
Martial Arts Devalued: (Unedited): 11 Oct 2018:
A professed Martial Artist acting a fool in the public spotlight. Devalues all of the Martial Arts and Martial Artists regardless if they fight, coach or teach the younger generations. 
Added on 12 Oct 2018: The media is going after Conor and his "It's only business" comment.
No honor for Conor or Conor no honor.
Much worse. Conor is now being called a female dog in heat in very disgusting tones.
Added on 20 Oct 2018:
The Positive Messages Returns To All Of Martial Arts.
Khabib Nurmagomedov as well as Georges St, Pierre can become the two martial arts powerhouses which brings back all of the good things to all of the Martial Arts Community. GSP is most likely going to retire and Khabib Nurmagomedov is the new champion. As with all things the elders must retire and the youngers must carry on in their own way. So to as is should be in the martial Arts. While the elders remain to offer wisdom and knowledge where they can.
Khabib Nurmagomedov is now in the position to be more than a fighter and more than a martial artist. People from all over the world will begin to follow him and follow his wisdom, knowledge and understanding of the way things should be. For the western society this may be a return back to when we once had honor, integrity, respect and all of the rest of those important positive words that all of humanity should be governed by. For even Khabib as a son of almost thirty years old is still under discipline by his own father as a good son should be willingly obedient even through his ongoing disciplines. it should be noted that Khabib truly does not have to accept any discipline from his father, clan/tribe, religion or place of residence. Right? Yet, It seems evident that khabib is obedient even with a smile.
Think about all of this Khabib who leaps out of the cage like the eagle that he is. Now all of a sudden khabib is a bad person. Look at the great Bruce Lee. Didn't Bruce lee as legend tells go looking for fights and participating in fights? Many of those fights were provoked and unplanned by those who Bruce Lee happened on. Wasn't there even a real movie fight involving Bruce Lee and someone who wanted to beat Bruce Lee. It is now said that Conor McGregor was only building a fight any way he wanted to even if it means getting arrested and injury innocent bystanders. This was tolerated by the UFC, Disciplined by the UFC, Disavowed by the UFC and then all of it was promoted by the UFC in order to make even more money. Who are the bad entities here? Is it first the UFC? Is it second Conor McGregor and third the Nevada Athletic Commission who permitted everything and continued to allow all of the shenanigans after the bad attitudes and illegal acts occurred. Is the forth bad guy Khabib? Now it is evident that Conor's corner team was saying some very ugly comments. Conor had been cheating through the entire fight. The referee seems to have allowed it to continue. So Khabib being angry at everything occurring went after the loudest voice outside of the octagon. What would you have done after experiencing all manner of disrespect, dishonor, cheating by everyone except by your own people? Your ugly opponent just quits and you still have all of that energy which seems to be turning into rage as you fly like an eagle. Wait is that a song?
I use copy and paste for your security and protection. What you see is what you get. 
Somebody made the connection 9 days before me. I am not making light or disrespecting of this event. But, anyway. Here is the video at 571 views, 21 likes and zero dislikes.
Original song. I think? Steve Miller band. Fly Like An Eagle.
Skip this:
Personal Notes are typically for my family: I can remember hearing this song in my early youth. I seemed to have been stuck in my fantasy world of top 40 hits and batman. It is all I really had and I knew I was becoming a bad friend to my one and only best friend as I had already cracked his head open with a thrown piece of metal and pulled a knife on him once. I had already become a bad person. This is all I was ever told in my life. I guess this is why I was called "TAX" in foster care because everyone was gonna pay and they eventually did. Today the nickname "TAX" is insulting and saddening to me for it is who I was and no longer am. Yet, TAX somewhere still lurks deep within. I guess it is with all formerly bad people who actually had done bad things. The memory of the past. No names hold any importance to me except for how my wife and children call me. A hard false truth for someone who always knew they were "No One" in their youth and young adulthood. For a short period in my life I was gonna to change my legal last name to "MacNoone". I knew I was so bad that I needed to be away from anyone who was good.
Yet, in my mind in between Batman and songs. This one by the Steve Miller Band "Fly Like an Eagle" Was a good song for me. For I wanted to be the Eagle which was not bound by the Earth for its rest and the limits of the sky as its cage. I wanted to be that eagle which escaped all that there is here and just go far into the empty dark and towards whatever was out there - God. This was before anyone knew that I had 20/900+/astigmatism eyesight. So my view of the night sky was all dark and no moon. But, I knew the stars and planets were up there. I knew there was supposed to be a moon and in my dreams at night my vision was perfect as I flew above the rooftops, highways and cars on Clearwater nights. The concepts of freedom and joy I felt as I flew were feelings I could not conceptualize in those days as those emotions were alien to me. So when I felt very overpowering positive emotions of any kind. I did not know how to react to them in a proper or accepting manner.
By the time this song was heard. I was already in foster care which included shelters and foster homes somewhere in Pinellas County Florida being starved again, being told to keep quiet, being beaten as a fun form of a ping pong paddle game and etc. Foster care was a form of prison for me. They were prisons as I was always told to stay in the room and keep quiet. Only bad people go to prison and were forbidden to go to school. Not that I was ever welcomed in school or wanted to go. Foster care solidified within me of just how bad of a person I was. I was separated with other bad people and taken care of by bad adults. (Except for the D and G families).
The song fly like an eagle was a fantastical mind escape for me.(Escapism).
End skip this:
Parental Authority: (Unedited): 20 Oct 2018:
A son and a daughter should be under the respectful authority of their parents in a good and honorable manner. 
What can I say to this. It is unfamiliar and alien to me. For I have been without. It does seem true to me.
Added on 24 oct 2018: This seems like a closing to this blog. So I'm gonna close this one out. With a final words.
Each of you fighters are more than just mindless chicken cock fighters. Each of you fighters are representative of the entire martial arts community worldwide. Each of you are even far more important than martial artists as each of you are representatives of your communities, nations and more importantly your families. Regardless if your family is like mine with no active relationship or being able to respect your own family and yet you still should respect and honor your family. Even if you or them are undeserving. If in the past or even the recent past. You can begin to respect and honor whomever you face in or out of the ring. Revenge, anger and hatred does not have to enter into your heart, in practice or the ring.
It "seems" that Conor has had his pride evaporated. While his crime, dishonor and disrespect was shown to the whole world. Conor will forever be in those Karma videos. Conor is now known to be a female dog in heat. How that will translate in all of his extra businesses will be eventually seen and known? I hope that Conor finds his humanity and that the value of honor, integrity and character are far more important than building business and profits for the show to come.
Conor can still become one of the best fighters of all time or he can disappear into a typical business suit. Khabib can be defeated in the ring but will not be defeated in life. The question for Conor is, will your defeat in the ring lead to your defeat in life? Conor your righteousness is still available to you and for you.
Added on 05 Nov 2018: I thought this was the end.  This is a must watch video.
Quora Question:
Added on 20 Nov 2018: Khabib Abdulmanapovich Nurmagomedov news:
I've seem to always live in low income neighborhoods as the shadow of homelessness looms as a coldness in my own mind. I have seen first hand what alcohol, smoking and drugs does to families. I have seen how alcohol, drugs and smoking destroys. I have seen how wayward, worldly, sinful  lifestyles destroys marriages and people. I have seen those self destruct with the use of these things and then follow through with various crimes, violence and suicide. America had its sexual revolution back in the 1960's and today the destruction of the family is more than evident. Having many sexual partners is destructive to the person and leads the person into loneliness and a variety of depressive states. Which leads to mental illnesses and perpetual never ending use of medications for the control of various depressive disorders. This isn't freedom it is self destructive. To the point that a person chooses their own physical pleasures while sacrificing family and their own spiritual development. Having absolute freedom does not lead to enlightenment it leads to the devolution of a darkened and hopeless soul. It is the same for the LGBTQ belief in their rights, freedoms and false acknowledgement that this is how they were born. The LGBTQ lifestyle leads to the extinction of the family name and genetic line. Then if this deceptive LGBTQ belief system overtakes a nation. The nation will die.
Added on 17 Jan 2019:
Khabib still hasn't learned. He is still falling victim for the out of ring fighting and internet fights. Khabib still hasn't learned that when someone says bad things to you or about you. They are exercising their own control over you. They control you when they cause you so much anger that you respond with anger. Who is in control over your own emotions? You or those who seek to only embarrass you or make bad media? To turn you into the bully or bad guy?  Keep it in the ring and in doing so your respect and honor will not be tarnished. It is only my hope that Martial Arts return to honor and respect. Even if those don't earn it. Those who have proven themselves in the ring are typically the ones who dictate what honor and respect is. Does Conor have respect and honor? depends on how it is defined. Does Nate Diaz have respect and Honor? Again who defines it and how? I define respect and honor the original old school way of thinking. Not the street cred or the hoodlum way or the gang member rules or the prison culture. All of those other ways are animal kingdom rules and who is king of the jungle animals. Humanity is more than that.
If you happen to be inspired by this writing. Use it as you see fit in a respectful and professional manner which uplifts all of Martial Arts all over the world. No need to mention me in any way.
Added on 06 April 2019:
Well, I really thought I was not going to write about Conor McGregor any more. Conor just verbally attacked Khabib Nurmagomedov on Twitter. Then Khabib responds. In which I do not think he should have responded. The proper response would have been silence and let the world, all of the athletic commissions and the UFC handle it. I just do not think that Conor has earned the right to fight Khabib next. Conor has to earn that right. Conor has a sexual related assault charge against him and he is married - I think. The fall of Conor has occurred.
What was allowed by the UFC and the Nevada Athletic commissions should not be allowed again. Because, those who pay I'm pretty sure no one wants to see a murder or a killing televised or in person. I'm not just talking about these two Martial Artists. I'm talking about any fighter.
All of the Martial Arts and fighting related Athletic commissions in the world must speak out about this and fine, suspend or ban Conor McGregor.
Mr. Khabib Nurmagomedov your best choice in this is to maintain your self respect and honor with silence. Conor McGregor has already lost to you in your previous fight. That was a one sided fight. You were the clear victor and are the current champion. I am and have been a fan of yours even before your became the champ.
Added on 09 April 2019:
What does Islam say about dealing with the mentally Ill in personal life and in professional interactions? This would be my advise to Mr. Khabib.
My personal advise is there is no honor and no self respect if you fight with Conor in a cage or even engage in internet styled rants and accusations. Conor is disrespecting himself, his family, Martial Arts, UFC. So anyone who continually engages with him is not helping him. If you have to make a merciful and compassionate comment and then that is all.
All of the UFC and every athletic commission all over the world should not promote and or tolerate such behaviors. One tenant about Martial Arts is self control. Another is self respect. Another is honor. Another is not being a bully.
Added on 30 March 2020: Respect and honor.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Sunday, April 29, 2018

Growing Your Faith: (Unedited): 29 April 2018:

Growing your faith is simple and does not require you to spend money on many books and/or many faith building conferences. The path to becoming more faithful and to becoming a stronger believer is simple. The hard part is actually doing these steps.
1). Repent of all of your sins daily. Flee from all sin.
2). Continually read the whole Holy Bible as if your starving or dying of thirst.
3). Pray and fast always.
4). Become obedient to all of the Commandments. Not because you have to but because you want to        and it is the right or righteous thing to do.
5). Seek and mediate on becoming holy and righteous in the accepting eyes of your Heavenly Father.
6). Meditate upon all that is holy and righteous.
7). Love one another without cessation. Even if a person expresses zero gratitude or is taking
      advantage of your deeds.
8). Live in peace with everyone.
9). Exist in harmony with all things.
10). Do these above things with no pride, no ego, no supremacy, no arrogance and no entitlements.
I have found listings for 167 books on how to grow your faith. Many two day conferences on how to grow your faith all over the country.
Here is the bottom line. You can spend hundreds and even thousands of dollars learning how to grow in faith and in spirit. But, you will never be able to approach God your father if you do not become holy and righteous by HIS own accepting eyes only. You cannot become holy and righteous if you are unrepentant and/or have zero intentions of sinning no more. You cannot become repentant if you do not believe and have faith in Jesus Christ. It is all tied together. For even the worldly pastors have deceived many and when many of these pastors die. They will hear from God these words. I never knew you.
I just saved you a ton of money and you didn't have to switch to Gecko.
Just remember Job and how God knew his character. Go and have the character like Job.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Monday, April 9, 2018

Safe Places: (Unedited): 09 April 2018:

The safest places shall be those places where the local population rejects all sin while striving to become holy and righteous in the accepting eyes of God.
This is prophecy. Those who find a good place do not hold onto it with fervor. For if the angels of the Lord come to you and say it is time to go. Do not whine, Do not complain and do not negotiate. Just go and trust that your loved ones decide to go as well. If asked or approached.
Do not allow sinful people to curse your holy place or your family. Tell those who wish to remain dirty to go and be dirty elsewhere. It may be better for you and your family to go in silence and in secret to another place. Do not argue, do not debate and do not fight. You may not even need to know where you are going. Always trust in the Lord and the Holy Spirit to be your sole guiding compass.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Children Grieving Gifts: (Unedited): 22 March 2018:

IAM shall do what HE wills it. IAM does not need your approval, acceptance or understanding. There will be many places which shall be devoid of all repentant, righteous and holy persons. While there shall be few places where the stench of pride and arrogance shall not see ME. They are not MINE. They have refused MY SON and have profited much from HIM. That shall be their only reward. Yet, they will pretend to be one of those who has no lies or deceptions within them. 
Your own children shall bring you grief and suffering. For you have agreed, accepted and celebrated all manor of sin. For you do not value life or love and so you shall watch your own children become sickly, demonic and murderous. In your confusion your only answer shall come from a mirror. 
If ye had only remained in the WORD, in prayer, and in proper fasting. If ye had been repentant, had persevered to become holy and righteous in MINE own eyes. You would have been able to steer away from the strong delusion I have sent unto all of the world. The strong delusion is for those who are repentant, righteous and holy. The strong delusion is for MINE own children as a sign of warning to stay away. So that they can know the wolves who are in sheep's clothing. 
Time is short and very soon MY children will have to decide like Lots wife had to decide. For many loved ones and close friends will not hear MY calling or they will hear and refuse to heed the MY call. You to will have to choose and then immediately proceed to the place I shall lead you. Even though you will know not where it is you shall go. 
I do not write like this very often. This is tough and difficult. I was going to bed.
I think this is about the religions of the world. Especially the whole of Christianity and how many denominations have fallen. How many of the teachers are truly wolves and have been absent in those necessary teachings. The teachings of repentance, righteousness and holiness. The teachings of sins and pride. The rest of the purple words below.
The time is now for you to unplug from all entertainment. The time to read the holy texts and to live your life by them. Not because you have to but because it is the correct course of necessary action to take in your life. It is time for every Christian to work in their own personal mission fields. For those whom you do not speak to may become lost forever. When you leave the presence of any person speak these words. "Go and sin no more."
The demons have been loosed upon us all and it will become more and more obvious everyday. The demons will not target those whom they already have. While at the same time they cannot attack those whom are protected and sealed. The demons will target those who represent Jesus Christ and every one of their sins will become public forever. These preachers, pastors, teachers will be under constant demonic attack. The demons will also become more fierce within those who are already deeply cursed and evil. The demons will jump from body to body for the greatest effect upon all that is good in the world.
What shall the unbelieving good cop do when the one who he/she is forced to shoot had a demon and then the demon chooses them for a singular act of career ending evil? What shall the good birthday person do when they have drunk to much or smoke just enough for the demon to choose them for a singular act of evil? and every other perceived good person on the planet including children.
There have been more than 44,444,444+ abortions in the USA. Will God use 44,444,444+ living children to use against those who accepted and agreed with the abortion law? Who was number 44,444,444 baby murdered? No human will know but God knows every soul. The USA is most likely past forty five million baby murders right now.
The USA will not survive unless there is repentance and a direct effort by everyone to become holy and righteous. It will not matter how much money you invested in or stole from the American people to build your doomsday bunkers. They will do you no good.
This is prophecy.
at 0902 Hours.
Can you imagine working for all that you have and then leaving. That is exactly what is going to happen. Many will be close to retirement. Many will have established homes, family and friends. Yet, they will be chosen to choose to remain or to go immediately. How many of you would just up and go. With only the clothing your wearing right now. Leaving behind your expensive toys. Leaving behind family and friends. Because many will choose to remain behind as many did when Sodom and Gomorrah was destroyed. Then if you choose to leave. Do not look back or you may just become like Lots wife.
Do not be sad for those who will choose to remain in the world. For they have chosen their own fates. If you choose to remain with family who choose to remain in the world. Know that while they choose the world they have not chosen God or you. While you choose them over God even though you have rejected the world. The relationship dynamic will be altered in sad ways you will not expect.
Any and all nations which are killing their own unborn children will end. Any nation which accepts and celebrates sin will end. Any religion which has become contrary to their original purple word below will end as it is known today.
At 0920 Hours.
China's Corruption Fight: (Unedited): 22 March 2018:
A corrupted body which publicly fights corruption will only achieve secret corruption which is greater than before. 
As public corruption becomes more secretive and yet accepted. Those who are deemed undesirable will be murdered. This will lead to the loss of the soul of China. The soul of China is the glue which holds all of what China is and the greater good China can attain. The loss of soul has already began the crumbling of all that the Chinese leadership is trying to accomplish. Which will end with the absence of anything that is honorably good.
This is also meant for any other nation as it is easy to see how the USA has lost it's own soul and is crumbling. Learn China of what is to become of the USA. China can still become the friend and big brother it once was with the USA. China can still urge change from the USA.
As of today and right now China is still to be the trigger which leads to the extinction of humanity. It is not to late, yet.
22 March 2018 @ 2100 Hours.
Threats of a trade war between the USA and China are in the news now.
Neither the USA and China are the victims. Both have profited greatly from their agreements. Yet each of their greed's and ideas of the other taking advantage harms each of their own arrogant pride.
But what of the American civilian population. Will the American civilian population begin to see that the new Chinese war machine has been paid for by the Americans? Will the Americans begin to see how the Chinese war machine was specifically built to be used against the USA and again all paid for by the American civilians. So when the American begin to cease their purchasing of any Chinese made goods. The Chinese economy will collapse and then the Chinese will demand repayment of all American debts. In which the American economy will collapse. The question is how to save both Nations? It is very simple and yet the Chinese will remain blind and intolerant just as the American government will also remain blind and intolerant.
The answers are simple and even a lowly janitor can see it.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books