Showing posts with label death. Show all posts
Showing posts with label death. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Abomination Of Desolation Signs: Human Avatars: 15: (Unedited): 09-11 April 2023:

 The abomination of desolation is not just one event, one place by one man/being. The abomination of desolation can happen in any or many holy places. When you see persons of sin stand in the holy places. Know that you are a witness. When you applaud persons of sin for being brave and prideful of their sin. Know that you are apart of and in agreement with the abomination of desolation.
Once the abomination of desolation begins to be seen in the holy places. You must have already made preparations for yourself and you family in the mountains. Then you must go there to hide. 
The term mountains I think is symbolic as those places devoid of humanity, cities.
The abominations in your life, your family, your city and your nation will always precede absolute destruction/desolation. 
Just look at any family where sin/abominations have taken place. The family becomes destroyed. The family name ends and is no longer recognized.
As the demons reside in more and more humans. The only way you can tell if a person is demonically owned is in their actions, their words, their pronouns and the alteration of their human physical representation. They each can be legion in one human form. They each can be masculine like in a female or feminine like in a male form. They each can become that which controls the physicality.
The physical representation of any human can be the avatar of the demonic spiritual being which resides within the human physical form. 
Just as you can alter and dress your own games avatars physical appearance, so to does the demonic spiritual beings do to those physical human avatars whom they choose to reside in. Just as you can have many gaming avatars so to can one demon have many human avatar forms. To be used one at a time. 
A single legion of demons under one voice can spiritually occupy one human form. That very same legion can also individually divide itself to occupy a legion of fully open humans.
In your age God will send those who reveal those sins which is occurring in your land. They may not be righteous or holy as determined by God alone. They may be profound sinners. Repentance and revivals shall be offered for a time. Then as which has happened to other lands and peoples shall to happen to you as you will have always known the writing was always on the wall. Death and destruction comes for you all. So flee into the mountains and return not home when you have become surrounded by the enemy. 
(USA, Trump, Asbury University, Israel)
The denominations and churches which have defiled themselves with sin, debauchery and decadence. They will die horrible deaths and the physical destruction of their now spiritually dirty, contaminated and corrupted churches shall be utterly destroyed. 
For those who still do pursue holiness and righteousness. For those who still reject and flee from all sins. You must make a safe place for you to hide in those far away mountains/places. For the time will come when you see the impossible surrounding your land and you will know that imminent destruction shall follow. Do not return home and just go there. 
Be like Joseph in heart and in spirit. Be like Joseph in deed and in action. You can see that which is coming so plan ahead and take action before death and destruction comes for those who are evil and those good souls who will be just in the way of the impossible invading enemies. So plan your hiding place.
Joseph in The Holy Bible saved everyone. Which included everyone who caused him great harm and an unfortunate life. Go and read about him. Jesus came, lived, served humanity through his healing's and teachings and then died for us. So that we each may live. He was abused, ridiculed, tortured and then died in full public viewing. Be like Christ. Love one another. 
Good people and the good guys die in horrific manner in a variety of happenings. The good guys do not always win. Just as the good people do not always survive to tell and sing their stories. When you begin to see your nation become surrounded by the enemy. Know that it is already to late to prepare a safe place.
Your only safe place is in the Lord your God. So continue to pray and to read your Holy Book. 
As you see and witness the abominations in this denomination or in that church. Know that time is short. Repentance and revivals are still possible. The demise, death and destruction of your people and your land is still very probable. Though not certain. But, when the opportunities for revivals and repentance become entertaining shows with no real life changes. Your safe place in the hills and in the mountains must have already been prepared. For as it was prior to each time when Israel was destroyed so will it be for you and your nation. 
These are actual signs for you to witness. But, if you choose to remain blind and deaf to the goings on around you. Then you may become like Lots wife who was chosen to be saved and then was not. Wasn't there members of Lots family who were chosen to be saved and then decided to remain? So you can be saved and deny it. You can still be saved and then your preferred sin in the slightest of moments of time will override your rescued saving. How many families Jewish families in the days of Moses refused to be obedient to their instructions for the bypassing/Passover of plagues? And they suffered and died. So to shall it be for you and your own family. Do or do not. Be obedient or disobedient. Embrace your sins or reject your sins. The choices are all for you to make in those last chance times. But, it would be better to make those good and right choices now than in those last chance times. Because, in those last chance times you will not be aware that it is the last chance times. There will be no "Dead End" signs. So turn back now. 
Go and read my answers on Quora.
You must prepare just as Joseph prepared for all of the people of his day. Which means you do not only prepare for yourself. You prepare for your whole family and your friends. You also spread the word so that others will be inspired to prepare as well. Because, as the news continues to threaten global food shortages. What are you gonna do to feed yourself, your family, your friends, your church and your community? So encourage everyone to prepare for themselves as well. Which means planting all manner of fruit and nut trees, vegetable gardens. This also means to also raise all of your own animals. This also means building your own all natural and mostly not powered green houses. You also need to realize that it can take up to or more than five years before a fruit tree to go to first fruits. An avocado tree can take more than ten years to go to first fruits. It takes time to gain your own foods. This is not something which can be done last minute. 
In order for your family, your friends, your church and your community to survive. You and everyone else must do their part to assure the opportunity of survival. Being chosen to survive and actually surviving can fall to your own choices. Such as Lots wife. 
This is not financial advice. But, what has been happening to your retirement accounts? The threats against your bank accounts? Do what you think is financially best for your own family. If that means that you have to go back to work especially after retiring. Then do so. Begin to consider to buy that safe location, build your safe house with a basement. Consider to begin supplying your safe house with all manner of supplies. These things require much research, planning, engineering, surveying, water testing prior to buying or building anything. Consider building a buried monolithic dome home. 
Your retirement may be over. Especially if you are an older person. Your elder status sees with wisdom how the younger ones are fairing in this world. You being one of the last ones who knows what a pension and retirements are. You may have to step up to financially plan for the survival of your own family as insanity and war embraces the world. Especially, when you see that no one is talking peace, wanting peace or expecting peace and only planning for war. Because, you know history and you know that the civilians never win and are never safe. Civilians are accused by both sides, abused and killed. So what do you do? It is all up to you. Assuming you even care and I have seen many of you elders and how you abandoned your own children.
Prophetically the meek shall inherit the Earth. Which one? This Earth after it has been purified or another earth? or many other Earth's? Only God will know.
Added on 18 April 2023:
Being delusional or insane are not indicators of bravery or heroism. They are signs that reason and logic no longer apply within your own life. 
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Tuesday, March 7, 2023

End Of A Nation Prophecy +29: (Unedited): 07 March 2023:

 The more a nation created by God openly and outwardly worships the demonic as their gods. The more that nation will suffer and end as Israel had in the past.
Once a nation celebrates in their own personal lives the absolute freedom to sin in the light of public viewing, acceptance and with the backing of laws. That nation will end with much violence, suffering and death. 
One clear sign of a failing modern nation is when the freedom to disagree with any nationally accepted belief system is absolutely censored and erased. While the ability to sin, to pursue all manner of sexual immorality continues on with the excuse of the governments inability to exert control. The truth is, one is not accepted while the other is accepted by the authority. 
Like Lot, his wife and family were chosen to be saved as they separated themselves from the world in which they lived in. Be warned the preference of being in the presence of sin while not participating in the sin is still sin. Sin within your own mind and heart. A time is coming and may already be here that as long as you remain in the sinful places. You will have to endure the judgements and consequences which will come.
Those who plan and implement their plans to escape the sins of the modern world. Will save themselves. Those who choose to remain with that sin will surely be judged and die. 
Those unbelievers and evil doers who heed the words of prophecy and flee in order to save themselves. May in fact save themselves from a single act of judgement. But, they still will not have the protections and safety from God and His chosen angels. As each one of the unbelieving heathens shall still perish and be judged in their own self defined safe space. 
The evil doers can run and hide from the coming of judgement. They all will be found. The only way to save yourself from final judgement is to simply believe and accept the good graces from God. Then to reject and flee from all sins. Then to pursue all manner or holiness and righteousness. 
Entire denominations and churches have already been rejecting all of the power of God, the grace from God, The Holy Spirit and the Cleansing blood of Christ. While their own unbelieving worshipers happily praise their denominational and church leadership. Be warned not a stone will remain in the glory of those empty filled denominations and churches as they all will be destroyed. To the absolute disbelief of their unbelieving followers. 
Do not the devout believers in false gods and religious practices become very upset as their entire belief system is utterly destroyed. God knows your mind and heart. God can see the truth behind your own self created delusions, imaginations and lies. All of the falsehoods that you believe as truths and all of the truths you believe as falsehoods shall be completely destroyed with your own destruction.
Billions of humans will die in a very short period of time. The evil doing humans will rejoice and celebrate in their victories over that which is good, righteous and holy. This in when they all will know that their judgement, death and destruction has instantly come for them all. Just as it has times before in the past.
All of the martyrs shall suffer and die. But, they shall already have been saved with the cleansing blood of Christ. For their rewards are in the Heavens. While the rewards of the world systems must remain on and in the Earth. 
Criminal Christians will be forced to flee out into the wilderness. Christians will be chased and corralled. Martyrdom shall be their reward. 
Those devout Christians who have already prepared the way in the wilderness will have a better time of all that which will come. But, becoming a martyr may still be their fate as they aid and abet as many Christians as they can.
The select chosen and meek of all of the faithful shall be saved and protected. They shall be completely surrounded. Their capture, torture and murder is assured. Then they shall disappear and walk silently through the evil doers who hunt them down. 
The chosen faithfully meek shall be able in their own silence and disappearance shall convict the hearts of the evil doers who hunt them down. To the degree that the evil doers become believers and become killed by who was once their own beloved brethren. 
Entire teams of evil doers shall be killed by their own leaders for simply witnessing and believe in the God who protects and saves His own. 
The heart and mind changing power of witnessed miracles shall be evident. To the degree that the evil doing leadership will just kill everyone of his own who were unfortunate enough to just witness the miracle. Regardless if they have become a convert or not. 
The hunters, soldiers and warriors who witness the miracles from God. Shall know of their fate for simply witnessing as they may have already killed their own brethren who simply witnessed. For they will choose to become a protective guard of the blessed meek who has already been given the whole of the Earth. 
The protective guard will intimately know their fate as they will go forth as long as they are allowed, knowing that they each must die in their new found faith. For they are not meek and cannot remain on the Earth.
The reward of the lonely protective guard is martyrdom. Yes, the protective guard shall be alone as they cannot associate with any of the meek. Not even in friendly greeting. For if one of the young meek were to simply desire to become like a warrior of God just like him. Than that young meek soul and the family may lose their Earthly inheritance.
People may pay the price of admission to demonically worship during the half time show. God knows who is there for the game or for the show. Woe to the nation when the half time show becomes a 24/7 entertainment event. 
Woe to the nation and people who continues to participate in a demonically led nation.
Woe to the nation and people who are one of the believing faithful by word of mouth alone. For their individual faith will be one of rejection and judgement and surprise to hear those words from God ...I never knew you... .
Woe to the nation and people who choose to be of the world while in the world. There shall be a cost to absolute freedom. The freedom to cause all manner of suffering, torment and death. For their price to be paid shall be everlasting torment. In which there will be no escape. 
Woe to the nation and people who choose to prefer a life of sin over a life or holiness and righteous. For you shall be spat out like an offensive and foul thing. To be utterly destroyed and forgotten. 
In the twinkling of the eye all of your greatness, power, might, authority, influence and wealth shall be over taken with impossible ease. All that you have shall be given away as a slave to the world you shall become. The world shall have no mercy or compassion for the fate which you brought unto yourself. 
The least of the nations shall be the ones which causes the great evil giant to fall hard into death and forgotten disappearance. With one great stone the giant shall fall into a rising fireball. For the greatest of the nations have not even become aware that they are the personified evil in which sin comes forth out of. As the great and might giant falls a greater evil shall rise up.
Note: *the word may replaced with shall. 
The end of any great and evil nation may come with wicked celebration. It matters not if that great and evil nation was once created and blessed by God. For it is the people who define what their nation has become and because of the peoples wickedness shall come the curse of fire and brimstone. For it is the people who curses themselves.
You who are still holy and righteous in the eyes of God. You must choose very soon to disassociate with the worldly systems or become like Lots wife.  For Lots wife was saved and then she became a pillar of salt. In that single moment in her time her sin overtook her.
Added on 03 April 2023: Did some minor corrections, editing.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Thursday, July 21, 2022

Gulf Of Mexico Nuclear Detonations Vision: (Unedited): 21 July 2022:

Please remember, the vision itself is what is of importance and not how I try to explain it or understand it. If I write quotes. These to are of importance. So the visions are stand alone and the quotes are stand alone. There seems to be an importance in the visions and the number of related quotes. The more quotes the stronger the visions. And that is my assumption. My assumptions, my reasoning's and my understandings are of no importance.   
The purpose of all bad and sad prophetic writings is to either mitigate or prevent. In order to save as many lives as possible. 
More content can be added as time goes on. So visit those other writings and this one that you may be interested in. They are all free to you. Just remember it is the purple words below which are repeated with most of my writings. Do not just get used to seeing purple and then ignoring those words.
I think I've written about this vision before. But, I'm unable to find it. You should be reminded that prophecy can alter over time. This one has, I think. The simpleness of evolved decision making can change the future. Just like if all of humanity simply began to love one another, Live in peace with everyone, exist in harmony with all things and to cherish all life. The vast majority of all bad and sad prophecies will change. Except for those which cannot change and must be mitigated. So in summery your actions and your decisions can change and alter the future not only for yourself, your family, your friends, but also for your community and the for the world. 
The vision begins with a massive nuclear detonation of not one, by two massive underwater nuclear devices. I can see them from an Earth orbit looking down. From the distance they do not seem as much and then I am focus in underwater and see two torpedo shaped devices a distance apart and laying on the sand. I have seen a couple of underwater nuclear detonations and this seems like less than them. Except they were resting on the Gulf's bottom. All at once a terrible fire and a terrible sight begins to rise up from underneath and begins to boil the ocean waters with a terrible ugliness. The sight begins to spread forth. I cannot describe the expansion or the reason why. But, the boiling and ugliness lasts for much time and seems to never stop. Time goes on and on and everything changes. The ugliness of it all goes around Florida and into the Atlantic. There is nothing which can be done to stop it. end.
My perspective changes and I barely see a shimmering force rise out of the ocean and move towards land. It looked like a clam beautiful day. It encompasses much of Northern Florida, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana. This invisible cloud moves in a North Easterly direction. The people by the millions upon millions are just dead and just laying where ever they are(I do not know where all the people are from). There is no blood, no bruising, they are not dirty or soiled in any way. They do not have weapons or wearing any other warfare like clothing. They are shopping or doing whatever any other civilian is doing. It is as if they all just laid down or fallen down. I do not understand why would people just be walking and then just lay down or fall down. My gaze is upon a map in which I look onward up to the northeast USA. end. 
"nuclear detonation". A hint of some kind of backwards replay. This is written correctly.
The Russian Navy has just received the massive Belgorod multipurpose submarine. So it is in service right now. This submarine also has 6 massive autonomous torpedo's called the Status 6 or Poseidon. These contain up to 100MT nuclear devices. The largest nuclear weapons ever made. I think that once they are launched they cannot be recalled. I hope that is not the case. 
Russia can launch those Poseidon's from any where in the world and because they are nuclear powered they can travel the seas for many years without refueling. This also means they can be launched from the Arctic Ocean and take the longest and deepest journey necessary in order to get into the Gulf of Mexico unseen and undetected. Then once at their destination just lay on the ocean floor until their preset set times. Then explode. I think this is what I see in the visions. In which why would you use a weapons which causes a global catastrophe. Unless, you had no idea or unless, you didn't care.
In the Gulf of Mexico there is a massively large quantity of gas and oil resources. There is also a massive quantity of methane gas locked into the soil so as long as those underwater temperatures stay very cold. Could the massive nuclear detonations burst the underground gas and oil. That is under very high pressures. What about the already established and capped well points which are in the Gulf of Mexico. Could those have burst as well which would seemingly release a forever amount of high pressure gasses and oil? All of that would be uncontrolled and remain an expanding stain upon the whole planet. I do not think that would be fixable. Radiation, heat, fire
Added on 21 July 2022: Evening. New Vision this afternoon. 
The waves from the twin nuclear explosions by Russia which caused the other continuous explosions sent massive quantities of "Tsunami's" water south and west ward towards Mexico, Cuba and into the Caribbean Sea. Death and suffering toll was very high. Every human being on the Coasts of the Gulf of Mexico will suffer greatly and die.
I saw people suffering all over the East coast of Mexico. I saw much sickness. I saw much death. I saw how people who fished could no longer fish. The water is poisoned. The people of Cuba also began to suffer and die as the Gulf stream passes on by on it's way to The Bahamas. The people of the Bahamas began to suffer and die greatly. 
The waters of the poisoned Gulf of Mexico also began to flow into Caribbean Sea. All life within the Caribbean sea began to die. 
The island people will suffer and die the most as all life which surrounds their islands will die. They will not have any food from the seas or Ocean. 
The friends of Russia will see what destruction that Russia has caused to the whole planet and will be very upset. END. 
Added on 22 July 2022: The Great black Earth Blot/Spot: The great ugly blot will be easily seen from space. It will be compared to the naturally forming great red spot on Jupiter. Except it will be noted to have been done by humans to other humans in an act of war. It will be known that the Russians did this. But, even this information will be forgotten when humanity becomes extinct.  
A great black/gray cloud which stretch itself out across the planet. 
This one nuclear event will cause more damage to the planet than anything that any human has ever done before. It will take the Earth thousands of years to repair what has been done or should I say will be done. That is unless the humans can change from their evil and wicked ways. 
Added on 25 July 2022: 
Mr. Putin, can it be enough to know that you will win a future war with the west? No matter how the west spins your continual losses in Ukraine. Some humans, like me in the west already see your victory. Can this be enough? and then to start seeking peaceful solutions? Just like during the cold war The USSR and your allies would have lost a hot war, I saw that as well. But, as the west would have danced in the streets in their victory of the USSR. The extinction process would have just begun for all of humanity and there would be no stopping it. No matter how much hope would have been expressed by the politicians of that day. Today, is very different. The west relishes it's own delusional pride and ego.
I know that your a professing Christian. You do not have to take part in end of day prophecies. You can refuse. 
I know your a martial artist and as such you already know what to do if some arrogant person who knows nothing tries to fight with a genuine martial artist. The martial artist can kill that arrogant person in seconds, but typically the martial artists does not. Just the delivery of arrogant relieving embarrassment and maybe a bloody nose or a noggin impacting of thinking correction or is that knots of understanding across the forehead? 
Sir, I can tell you this. I'm deeply troubled with those things I've seen and it revolves around you. What is the point of victory if you are directly responsible for the the extinction process beginning. Even if your actions are defensive in nature. I have seen you many times over the years stressing your points of the wests/NATO expansion and from the point of view of this janitor they seem very valid. How do you have a peaceful resolution with the threat of extinction. In which I have seen a variety of ways extinction looks on this planet. How do you have your war and if it goes nuclear in which you're ready for that as well as NATO. How do you contend with 440 nuclear reactors going critical? Especially those from France and Germany. In which if those which are in Western Europe go critical. Each one has the potential of becoming a continent killer. How ill you protect your own people? You can't is the answer. The planet dies. Granted it might take a thousand years for the planet to die, But, it will and I've seen that. I also see humanity dying first within about the first one hundred years after war is done on this planet.  
Oh Yea, One more thing. When China sees you at your weakest. The Chinese will take all of Russia and I see their total success over all of Russia. 
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
Musings of an American Truck Driver books
========== May 2022: ========================

Thursday, July 7, 2022

When will war stop on all parts of this world?: (Unedited): 07 July 2022:

 This is from a question on Quora I answered. It will not post unless accepted. So I posted it here as a preventative measure to save my content from disappearing.

The List Answer: There are a few reasons why war will stop regionally or world wide. But, from human history there and always have been wars every where. #1. Unable to fight anymore because of the lack of manpower or weapons. #2. No will to fight. #3. So called peace agreements which are temporary. #4. All sides have physically destroyed each other. #5. Extinction #6. All of humanity begins to live their lives as the prophets have taught.

Evolving Answer: All of humanity does not need to evolve in anyway to achieve true and real peace. All humanity has to do is freely choose to live in a good way as which has already been taught to humans in ancient religious texts. Humanity needs to stop believing lies as truths and truths as lies. Like the idea of the races of humanity is a falsehood believed as a truth. Even while the scientific truth from 2003 was evident from the Human Genome Project which concluded that all of humanity is more than 99.9% genetically the same. The math which supports this one conclusion is very strong at more than 99.99% certainty. The differences we see in each other is in the remaining less than .1% of our total human DNA.

Peaceful Extinction Answer: True and real peace can only come two different ways. They are by all humans making good choices by their own free will and through the conclusion of the extinction process. There is peace on Mars, Mercury, Earths Moon, Venus and everywhere else in the universe which is devoid of any life. The Earth will also have peace when all life on this planet is erased and this is prophesied in the Holy Bible when all of the waters and air of the first heaven is removed. When the entire planet is purified by fire. I believe these actions will be done by God because while humanity is destroying and killing each other more and more efficiently with each new war. Humanity ends up causing so much harm to the planet that the only way to cleanse the planet is with fire. A force of fire so powerful that all of the water and air is removed from the planet AND IT IS ALL OF HUMANITIES FAULT. All of the life on this planet dies because of humanity. Humanities suicide also kills everything else.

Good Peaceful Answer: The prophets have already came to teach the basics of how to truly live our lives. The ancient religious texts taught us how to live our lives and how to not live our lives. Each of the major religions in the world toady can be summed up into one basic word each. These basic words are Love, Peace, Harmony and Life. It is easy to see how every religion has really messed up the world and this is because of self serving leaders throughout human history. But, never the less the fundamental purpose of each religion teaches these things and are real spiritual truths. Despite how the religions are today. If your religion or sect or denomination practices contrary to the basics then your really the worst kind of human follower.

1). To LOVE one another. Even your enemy. This means that all of humanity should love each other, serve each other, take care of each other, be compassionate and merciful to each other. It is really that simple as all of humanity is a singular family or as the native indigenous tribes of Turtle Island have always said that we are all of one relation. So no matter how any other appears to you. Your all directly related. We are all brothers and sisters to each other.

2). To Live in PEACE with each other. We are all supposed to be peaceful to each other and not seeking out argument, fights or conflicts. It is really that simple. But people have to learn to love peace. This is how peace on Earth will benefit all life on this earth when humans want to be at peace with themselves. This is a free choice.

3). To exist in HARMONY with all things. The entire planet can exist in harmony as humans were meant to be the caretakers of this planet. This once humans grow in sufficiency they will bring all of the good things to other planets in the solar system and in the galaxy. Can you imagine the power of harmony in all aspects of life and what it can do for all of humanity? But, humans need to know, understand and love what harmony is. Without a fundamental love for harmony in each individual human life. This planet will die. This is really that simple.

4). To cherish all LIFE. No matter how small or how large any life form is. Life should be loved. All of humanity should cherish that life as something which is uniquely important. The killing of babies should sadden you. Life is an important quality which enables the opportunity of harmony to happen.

Simple Summery Answer: To achieve peace on Earth each human being must freely choose to love love, love peace, love harmony and love life. These principles are the pathways to a real and genuine living peace which can be experienced while humans are not extinct. How do you want your peace alive or dead? These two choices are what is prophetically coming for all of humanity and for this entire planet very soon. Either way it is your individual human choice.

Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
Musings of an American Truck Driver books
========== May 2022: ========================


Saturday, November 27, 2021

Chasing Currents: (Unedited): 27 Nov 2021:

Swimming against the current is not an act of antisocial behavior or disobedience. I may not be interested in the waterfall that everyone seems to be excited to experience. 
Racing the current and passing a multitude of other fish while avoiding rocky dangers. Will get you to the finish line faster and ahead of most. But, you should be concerned with what the finish line actually is.
The finish line could end at a waterfall's sudden stop or into the ocean in which may not support your kind of life. 
I remember a dream in which I'm next to a calm pool of water. Very close by is very aggressive rapids water. Many people come in close proximity to me and I offer my hand to pull them out of the water. But, the thrill of the experience is too strong and once they each catch their breath, they push off and continue on down the rapids. It is not too long as it seems I was their last chance for survival and I watch them go over the cliff to their death. A death which I cannot see as the mists occlude their final demise and screams as well as the woohoo's. 
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Friday, May 22, 2020

American Idea Ends: (Unedited): 22 May 2020:

I just awoke for a myriad of war dreams. All of them filled with fire, death and destruction.
If the American people and the Christianized Americans do not repent and seek salvation. If the American people and Christianized Americans do not pursue righteousness and holiness. Then a new genuine American revival will not occur as led by the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit shall depart and their total destruction shall begin.
MALMSTROM Base is overtaken in it's entirety. I see no smoke and no destruction. Yet, Only Chinese military is fully in control with a myriad of new equipment along with all of the former American equipment. I sense this isn't the only base overtaken by the Chinese.
There were other bases in which this was also done to. Maybe all of them. They were all fully taken over without damage.
The word Malmstrom was audio in a very authoritative deep male tone. A single word with the knowing of what it was. Why only Malmstrom?
The Chinese with their lies and false promises causes all Americans to freely walk into invisible death. Nothing else follows.
I have written about this before and adding anything else may contaminate this dream part.
I see clean suits with their families, all white folk. I think they are the safely hidden politicians. They are secretly killed. They die like everyone else in spite of their treasonous acts. They knew they were dealing with Communists who have their own criteria for self defined honor and respect. No one has ever honored a treasonous person who would allow the death of their entire population and they still knew it when they decided to allow the Chinese to take over and kill every American. They just believed the promises of the Communist Chinese.
The American socialists and communists are also rounded up and killed as their communist belief systems no longer matter. They all still die. All Americans are killed. None are captured.
In dream idea and personal opinion.
The American idea dies and shall not ever return. Besides how could it. The Chinese are the trigger which begins the extinction process. No one survives who remains on this planet.
The Chinese military fully takes over all bases. Including those secret places where there are to many tunnels to see. The tunneled places in America are fully opened to the Chinese military without evidence of a fight. The tunnels were clean as they went dark or is that clean dark tunnels without any smoke. I did not or was not allowed to see any further inside these classified locations or even to know where these places are. I was underground as I viewed them from within.
Personal Note: Every Chinese military soldier I saw was calm and unhurried. They seemed like they were in a non war state as they had no helmets, gear and rifles. So the takeover has long been over or was that fast.
As the Chinese and those who lead the emerging American rebellion of the Chinese military. All I see is fire, death and destruction. Both the Chinese military and the former Americans burn everything and kill each other. No survivors, no hostages, no prisoners. Everyone dies. The blood of more than 300+ million Americans flow into the soil. The blood of tens of millions of Chinese soldiers also flow into the soil. The Chinese did not bring enough troops to die here. American military equipment as driven and flown by the Chinese are used against all Americans.
Wheat fields are burned and every other farm type is burn and destroyed. All farm animals are killed. All farm equipment is destroyed. Death of former Americans become a freedom.
This leads to slavery of all Americans. Which includes sex slavery by all former American women. The reason for this prominence is because of the Chinese had aborted babies in which the majority were females. So now the Chinese have an over abundance of males.
End of everything begins. There were no saviors. There were no rescues. No help is coming. There was no 911 on the phone.
These dreams seem like a change from dreams I have had before as before there seem to be some hope. Now, I do not see any hope as Biblical Prophecy's seems to become more of a certainty.
I was finally able to write a quote that had been on my mind for years and was unable to form the quote.
It is always important to learn the lessons of Prophecy in the Holy Bible. The certainty, The delayed, the mitigation.
The certainty is Noah and the flood. The delayed is Jonah and Nineveh. The mitigation is Joseph and Egypt.
Maybe, finally writing this one quote has led to the dreams. It seemed like a dozen or more dreams and all very fast. I do not remember them all. But, They were all crystal clear. Even though I do not understand them all. 

Monday, April 8, 2019

Obedience to God Disobedience to World: (Unedited): 08 April 2019:

Obedience to God often times mean you must be disobedient to the laws of the world and the edicts of religions. Especially, where the expression of love, mercy and compassion is necessary.
How many Christians became criminals in the world? How many Christians were killed because of their crimes and faith? How many apostles were killed?
In Tampa Florida and in dozens of other cities it is a crime to feed the homeless. This is spreading across the USA. These are laws which will criminalize any Christian who feels a need to respond to the urging of God to do so.
It is also a crime for a homeless person to sleep in a public space in many cities in the USA.
The Banning of the Holy Bible in California may very well become law.
The banning of Christians in Texas may very well become law.
This list can go on and on.
Christians are running out of time. Christians must run and become elected to every public office available. Christians must go out in mass and only vote for those persons who is recommended by the church. Even if it is against the law. The USA is a Christian nation and must be run and operated by actual Christians. If Christians do not become elected to offices in their cities, counties, states and in the federal Government at every level. The Christian may find themselves criminalized by those who continually stand against them. In the next few elections cycles it is crucial. As the monster of the deep has already risen its head and it is representative of the rainbow of the world today and not of the rainbow of the Holy Bible. These young rainbow people who have already decided to run for office will win. If the Christians do not come together and act right now. even the elder democrats are at risk of losing everything as the leader of the rainbow tsunami will just tell the old democratic guards in private to just go away and die. You are no longer of use. The old democrats will die and all of their wealth will go to the new democratic party instead of family members. It will all be legal in appearance for they so loved the party as the wills will read.
When the new young rainbow warriors of the coming rainbow tsunami have the numbers to pass laws at every level of government. They will criminalize and imprison every Christian. They will also outlaw your very participation in every aspect of society. Which will include being employed, buying, selling and having a place to live. The homeless are already outlawed. It is already against the law to feed the homeless. While feeding and giving of clean water to a abused and neglected stray animal will be seen as merciful, compassionate and the right thing to do. The laws against Christianity will be celebrated and gladly enforced. As those who work for the police and are Christian will be ousted and replaced with those who will prefer to just shoot a Christian. Any suspected Christian death or murder will not be investigated. This is prophecy.
New Anti-Christmas Holiday: (Unedited): 08 April 2019:
The prince of this world will lead his rainbow warriors to victory with the final elimination of Christianity. The Prince of this world will choose his Antichrist and give unto him/her much power and authority. Even the agents of the Antichrist will have powers to use. They will kill them all even the last two killed by the Antichrist him/herself. A new world anti-Christmas holiday will be born.
Added om 19 July 2020:
Revelation 13:1: Alternative meaning which is applied to today or 2016. The beast rising up can mean an amalgam of minority groups which come together as one great Rainbow Tsunami. In 2016 the media coined the red wave and the blue wave. This other alternative political power called themselves the Rainbow Tsunami and these people who are affiliated with this Rainbow tsunami are not saying much right now as they need to subvert the Christians and cause as much fear as possible so that Christians do not go out and vote. Even an incoming tsunami looks small and insignificant out in the distance and makes a loud roar as it comes forth destroying everything. More can die after the event than does during. Before the enemies of God can go forth and subdue the whole of the world. The USA must be neutralized, negated and made to become impotent. All things must be respectfully questioned. Because, even the Jews knew the Coming of their messiah was to be at the appointed time that they knew. Except it was known that the messiah would free the Jews from Roman occupation. Because of wrong conclusions and being taught to everyone. They could not see and because of their pride and arrogance the Jews could not accept. The sins of the blessed nation will not go unjudged. Just as the beloved people were judged time and time again. The church will divide and those who think of themselves as the first and the best will be last and the worse. Five of seven churches are admonished. While the churches of Smyrna and Philadelphia were not. The Churches and Christians of today which become more like the church of Smyrna and Philadelphia. Shall be blessed and it is they who shall be given incredible powers. REPENT. REPENT. REPENT. Every church and Christian. Flee from all sins and tolerate no sin. Begin to become Holy and Righteous in the accepting eyes of God alone. You must all vote or else. Once the evil doers hold a super majority in the house and senate. While at the same time own the Presidency. New evil judges will be selected. Then begins all of the bad and sad of the Biblical prophecies become non-debatable, real and enduring.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become clean, righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Christians slowed the blue wave but the rainbow wave emerged: +6: Prophecy: (Unedited): 08 Nov 2018:

Typically the new content is near the bottom. If your a new reader. The quotes and visions are meant to be stand alone. I do write commentary as my way of trying to understand the quotes. The quotes and visions is what is important.  You should pray, meditate, fast and always have your Holy Bible ready and accessible. All links are copy and paste for your security. I make errors and I have no one to check my works against the Holy Bible. You should Bible check everything no matter who writes it or speaks it always.
If you use these writings anywhere or anytime. No need to mention or acknowledge me in any way.
Where were the Christians? Why did only few showed up to vote but still enough to stem the blue tsunami. But, hidden within the blue tsunami were about 240 LGBTQ candidates. Where were the Devout and professed Christian candidates? Were more Islamic persons elected to office than Christians? 13??? actual LGBTQ persons were elected or held onto their offices. Where are the Christians who are participating in elected government offices?
-------Adult Warning news content below may have mature content-------
Apathetic Sea Prophecy: (Unedited): 08 Nov 2018:
As the christian tide recedes the LGBTQ tsunami will come forth drowning and destroying all that is genuinely good upon the land. LGBTQ monster shall come up out of the sea apathetic unknowing.
Does not the term LGBTQ plus their new letters and symbols mean many as one? Does not a monster act as one even when it has many heads? The many heads of a monster does not attack itself. For if it were to do so. Then harm and death to the whole would occur.
Rising Rainbow Tsunami: (Unedited): 08 Nov 2018:
Slowly rising out of the sea an apparent great rainbow monster shall rise up. Gaining speed and height in proportion to the receding of the Christians from the world. As the Christian tide recedes and is forcibly pushed out from awareness the rainbow monster with many heads shall rise up out of the great sea with admiration and celebration.
Added on 09 Nov 2018:
Out in the distance it is difficult to see an incoming Tsunami until it is to late. Just as this election cycle is showing the LGBTQ persons who either held onto the elected offices and the new ones who became elected. Their numbers are small but growing. Just as a tsunami seems to slowly grow. Can anyone debate that the Christians are or are not receding? While the evil doers are rising up for more and more power, authority and control. The evil doers will even continue to define what is good and what is evil. Such as what is bad becomes good. What was once good is now evil. The evil doers will they themselves become the standard for what is good and right.
Tsunami videos. Adult and mature warning. People lost drowning and dying.
Let us just watch a tsunami coming in while on the beach with kids. Yes, I am being cold. But, get the point, please. (1:43 and 18+million views.)
Did you know this?
Look up the winning candidates. I originally stated 13 and it was a huge error. Watch their terminology.
Rainbow Monster: (Unedited): 08 Nov 2018:
Once the rainbow monster has control and power. The suffering, torment, displacement and death of the saints and all that is good shall begin. 
Added on 09 Nov 2018:
NOTE: It is important to know that I have never heard of the blue wave/tide, red wave/tide or the rainbow wave/tide until this election cycle. I have never even heard the word tsunami in relation to this election cycle. I think this is a prophetic sign.
NOTE: For those of you who speak and show yourselves publically. I have no one to check my work, You really should pray, fast and meditate upon all that I've ever written before you use any of my written content. Everything should be fact check against the Holy Bible. There is a difference between the Holy Bible and human understanding. The common human understanding may be widely accepted and false but the Holy Bible is never wrong. I'm not an educated person. So my writing and understanding of the quotes and visions are deeply flawed. But, the message and intent should be easy to understand. As typical. There is no need to acknowledge me or credit me in any way.
Added on 09 Nov 2018: This is what is coming. For all Christians. Especially those who remain clean of mind, heart and spirit. Those who struggle with becoming or remaining righteous and holy in the accepting eyes of God only. For you are His sons and daughters. For you are His saints and true holy people. This is not for those who merely speak they are Christian and yet the world knows not your faith in action and deed. For God knows the difference and you cannot con or deceive God.
Repent and flee from all sins of your mind, heart, spirit and of the world.
Sin Identity: (Unedited): 09 Nov 2018:
Sin is not a freedom in which you can still identify with being a child of God.
gods of Sin: (Unedited): 09 Nov 2018:
Freedom to sin as your right is proof of who your gods or fallen angels are who rule over you.
Sins Preference Maintained: (Unedited): 09 Nov 2018:
If you maintain your preference for sins of any kind everyday. God will not be your loving Heavenly Father but will be your God and Judge.
Search term "Antifa attacks christians" You do have to select different date filters.
Where, oh where can I be safe when the troubles and the Tsunamis of world come to overtake me? In the bosom of your Heavenly Father. While on bended knee upon the tall righteous and holy mountain of His presence. While walking upon the rough and dark waters. No matter what happens your spirit shall be free to walk upon all waters no matter who sent the waters. All you have to do is listen for the calling of your Heavenly Father and go to Him. Hillsong United "Oceans"
Can you see the difference in How God uses water in His teachings and in His judgements? Can you also see how satan and the fallen angels will also use the water for their destruction of the saints. When asserting control of their newly defined christian church where all sin is acknowledged, tolerated and celebrated.
Enduring Prophecies and Judgement: (Unedited): 09 Nov 2018:
A Christian church absent of repentance and righteousness will be forced to endure all coming prophecies prior to their final judgement. While maintaining full denial and inability for change.
Note: From my flawed vantage point it does appear that Hillsong is a fallen church or a worldly church raised up by the fallen angels. But, God does what He wills it with peoples who He may or may not call His own. Even without them knowing.
Added on 10 Nov 2018: Does anyone really know Nazi germany History? Do you remember early in at the formation of the Nazi party in Germany. Who and what kind of people did Adolf Hitler use in the beginning? Now think about the American antifa? The question is who are those in the background supporting all of these minority groups who have come together under one banner to overthrow all of the American society?
Added on 10 Nov 2018 @ 2230 hrs.
To all of Christianity. This is a prophecy just for you. If the denominations and churches do not repent and flee from all sins. Your physical suffering is guaranteed. If the denominations and churches do not come together as one body which supports one another. Your demise is guaranteed. If the denominations and churches do not participate in all levels of government. Then your country will no longer be yours. Then when you lose your country. You will become outlawed and denied access into the new evil society. When you become former Americans. God will send the already prepared enemies that He raised up with your monies to purge what remains of America from the world map and the world will not be kind in your memory.
20 Nov 2018: You professing Christians have been warned and warned and warned. Yet you professing Christians still remain in those churches which are absent of the Holy Spirit, Jesus and God. If you can feel the air conditioning or the lack of heat more than any movement of the Holy Spirit. Your in the wrong house of the wrong god. Repent. Flee from your already planned sins. Seek out righteousness and holiness. Once you become clean remain clean of body, mind, heart and spirit.
It shall not be enough for you to make decisions to save your own skin. Your decisions will be known based on your love for others. If you do for others and still hate or are apathetic towards the least among you. They will be blessed and you shall not. For you are doing good with an expectancy of an entitlement or what is owed to you as a profit motive.
The failure of the professed Christian body will see much suffering, tragedy, turmoil and uncertainty. The professed christian who is only a christian by mouth will see and intimately know what tribulation actually is. For once you were clean and then ran back into the filth of the world. Righteousness and holiness are alien to you as I AM to you. You have rejected MY wisdom and MY prophets. You have accepted and tolerated sin. Not only in your lives but in MY Holy Places. Sin cannot reside in Israel and each one of MY children who are clean, holy and righteous shall be protected because they are Israel.
The end of America is coming. It can only be stopped by you christians. The rainbow tsunami is already rising above the other waves of red and blue. The rainbow tsunami will over take both the red and blue. Then is when the rainbow wave will need neither and just push them out with deadly violence and embarrassment. Once the rainbow has their power they will use it to their defined fullness. This is when the Christians will be outlawed, become legally mentally defective, tortured and murdered. All without a single media report. All without serious police investigation.
NOTE: I'm a deeply flawed human being. Do not assume that I'm holy, righteous or clean. I sin daily. Though I do not plan to sin unlike many who I do know who plan to sin everyday and yet try to keep it secret. For in your professional world. For the head of your household. If your deeds causes one of the children of God to suffer even more than they do. That time is coming when those evil deeds you have done on purpose, in secret, by omission, by apathy will be magnified upon you and your entire family.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books