Showing posts with label death. Show all posts
Showing posts with label death. Show all posts

Friday, May 10, 2024

These Colors Don't Run, They Fade, Bleed, Tear And Burn: (Unedited): 10 May 2024:

American Flag Images - Free Download on Freepik
How do you define the fade and bleeding of your precious and beloved colors? Have you grayed out or blackened your colors? Have you added new colors or simply deleted the old colors? Do you see what you have done as cool, while looking at other peoples colors and are offended? 
Blue isn't blue and red isn't red any longer. 
The bleeding of the colors was always intended to happen in the origin. 
The introduction of new colors will always contaminate the original intention and ruin the purity of the whole garment or flag.
It does not matter if you think and believe the addition of any new color is cool, offensive or constitutionally acceptable. 
Do remember that your chosen grayed or black colors of your own displayed flag can be a symbol of death.
Bleeding out is also similar to the bleeding within. 
The death of one when it bleeds out and is the ending state. While the bleeding in transforms the other into something that is not of it's original state. Either way the original does not continue. 
The belief system of the ole red, white and blue has also been discontinued and soon to be criminally outlawed. The cost will be you and your families death.
The American voting system is completely and criminally corrupted. No effective changes have been made by any side. This is a sign.
Even though it is now public knowledge that many key states have now known obvious issues which seem to have been planned, coordinated and orchestrated. Yet, nothing is being done. This is a definitive sign of the end of the nation has already occurred.
The end of the USA begins when their God is rejected, laws of protected sin are created, outlawing good actions and the end of justice. Once you have people who are above the law and excluded from the law while everyone else is under the ruthless thumb of the law. Your freedom loving nation has already ended and you know nothing of it. 
2024 and 2026:
Can you imagine that up to 20 states can become blue states in the next two election cycles? From the top down. From the federal government down to the state, county and city level. All turns blue. A severe form of justice will swing against those who are and remain Christian's and constitutionalist's.
Law enforcement will continue to be tasked with ignoring some laws while brutally enforcing laws in which the old good citizens are discovered to be breaking. Just as what you are witnessing right now and neither the red or blue are stopping any of it. When the conservative does anything wrong they shall be killed or imprisoned while the wicked evil doing leftest liberal can destroy businesses, monuments and government buildings and nothing is done. This what you are seeing right now and in recent history will get worse as all law enforcement will protect the wicked evil doers and brutally attack the historical good nationalists. This will evolve into the sanctioned use of military warplanes and missiles against the new home grown terrorists and all other former military personnel and their families. 
2028 and 2030: It will become known that the good guys have lost just as the good guys lost in the Chinese civil war and in Lebanon. It seems to be rare that the actual good guys really ever win. Just study how many nations were Christian before the rise of Islam. Look at the spread of Communism and how many died. We fought two world wars against socialism. Saved the Jews from extinction and now the young people of the world sing songs about the goodness of genocide.
So, What are you gonna do? What can you do? Do not get me wrong I'm not questioning your honor, commitment or bravery. Sometimes all that you can do is the purple words below and all of those are impossible without Christ Jesus. 
Update 11 May 2024: I guess the use of an American flag got the banned. Trying another image. Second image banned as well. That second image was from a free site.
Note: I'm not anti-American and this is not an anti-American posting/writing. 
Update 12 May 2024: Looks like I will have to make my own American flag image.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Thursday, March 28, 2024

Wicked And Perverse World Shall End Prophecy +23: (Unedited): 28 March 2024:

 A wicked and perverse generation cares nothing for holiness and righteousness.
There is only extinction when people turn their backs on all that is actually good in the world. 
A wicked and perverse generation doesn't care if God, satan or any of their perspective agents existence and actions.
A wicked and perverse generation doesn't care for any other person and only wants the best they can get for themselves regardless of who it harms or enslaves or who is made to continually suffer.
It is entertainment value when a good person is brutalized as the onlookers laugh. It is OK to buy any product made by slaves hands while saying it is wrong to own slaves. 
A wicked and perverse generation who has been educated in the worldly ways doesn't care about the signs in the Heavens as they are just commonly occurring events of no real significance. 
As worldly education is considered to be right and true all the while declaring the Holy Bible as evil wicked and wrong. The Christian and other religious views shall be criminalized. 
A wicked and perverse generation doesn't even care about their own species continued existence. 
Only care in the now. Only care for their own perverse gratifications regardless who is harmed or killed. By thinking not and caring not for the future of your species will end with the extinction of all of you.  
A wicked and perverse generation will purposely not involve themselves in any other humans plight or emergency.
Just walk by on the other side of the road and keep your gaze the other way. Just drive on by as others are harmed and suffering. Ignore all wicked evildoers as they each conduct their sins all out in the open. Continue to do nothing and allow sin to enter and to remain inside of your cities, counties, states and nation. The end of We the People cometh sooner than later.
A wicked and perverse generation will not even care if children are being raped and killed in any way.
A wicked and perverse generation which has become so corrupt and dead in their own mind, heart and spirit will consider the validity of other peoples immorality and sins as actual rights and freedoms.
Your blessings have been taken away and you know it not. Your protections have been taken away and you know it not. Your power has been taken away and you know it not. Your already dead and you know it not. 
A wicked and perverse generation will face the horrors of their own fate with questioning confusion and fearful rage to the god or God of their understanding.
Do not be angry or full of rage as it was you who had rejected God. Who had broken the covenant. Who had chosen wickedness and perversion over godliness, holiness and righteousness. When God removes His blessings to the blessed people do not become surprised for it was you who done all that is about to befall you. 
A wicked and perverse generation who has turned their back on holiness and righteousness will look upon satan and his demonic followers and wonder why all of humanity is becoming extinct when that was their known plan all along.
A wicked and perverse generation will return to the Earth in every horrific way imaginable. 
How horrific will it be to know that your physical form will return to the Earth as either ash or soil? All without a box for burial. 
The wicked and perverse generation shall return to the purifying Earth as ash and dust in a very horrific all encompassing impossible fire of absolute destruction. 
You shall become like ash and soil as the remains of your physical body is absent a burial box or a burial site.
The spirits and souls of a wicked and perverse generation shall remember as they each are severely disciplined in the pits of Hell's fires. There shall only be weeping and the gnashing of teeth. 
The wicked and perverse generation shall not even care if there is an end time to all of their awful and terrible deeds as they shall continue on in their apathetic and heartless lives even unto their own physical deaths.
They shall be locked into their own evil and wickedness. Their capacity to change shall not even be evident or considered. They are locked. 
Even the part time religious who are actually one of the wicked and evil generation shall know the death and suffering which will come for them but even they are too deaf to see and too blind to hear the coming of their final fate.
You have put on a good show for the brethren. You have been a good religious follower for the least amount of time as you used every excuse to do as you will it. Then as you go forth in your own profession you willingly and planned to commit all manner of sin and unrighteousness. You knew this even while you expressed believable emotions at the worship center of your own choosing. You shall be judged and you shall be in the same place as those who were honest and truthful in regards to their own evil wickedness. Those vile and wicked evildoers never claimed they were good but stated they were good at it. There is a difference.
Even the professionally religious who only have acquired and accumulated for themselves. They will continually teach how great and wonderful everything is as the musicians play their worldly worship songs of fake pleasures and feigned happiness.
You professional church leaders. Many of you are the same as the part timers and pretenders. For God knows the condition of your heart and the intentions of your mind. It matters not how many hours, years or decades you put forth the goodly effort. You cannot buy your way into heaven and you shall be in the same place where those souls are weeping and gnashing their teeth. So continue to be happy and positive as even you will become locked into your old performing and professional ways. What joy and happiness you pretend to have on stage shall be your only reward prior to judgement. So go froth and continue to have your gatherings and parties for those who can afford it. While the poor go home from church hungry for not even your worldly church is willing to feed a desperate person more than once a month or twice a year.
The stench of the wicked and perverse generation is known to them to be a wonderful odor and in their own self ascribed delusion. Just like any other stinky trash all of them shall be tossed into the furnace's fury. 
Can you sing of the victory of God as He cleanses the whole world of all who are wicked and perverse?
All of the stench of the wicked and perverse world must be washed away in a purifying fire.
Can you praise and worship God even after you and your loved ones suffer and die?
A wicked and perverse world is on the big wide path of death and destruction. Confusion, delusion and anger shall only be expressed to God as they all horrifically suffer and die horrifically. 
The wicked evildoers shall shake their fists and clench their teeth at God in bitter hateful rage. 
Can you, will you and would you celebrate and worship God as he cleanses the earth of all wickedness even as you greatly suffer and die?
Can you, will you and would you... even after you witness billions dead and nations destroyed. Can you, will you, would you... even after your own blessed nation has become a ruinous Heep of poison, smoke and death.
Can you,Will you and would you denounce your own beloved and blessed, wicked and evil nation/people even while honoring, celebrating the coming actions and disciplines of God which would result in the death and total destruction of everything?
The outpouring of the United States of America is one of war, murder, all manner of sin and immorality. The USA was once the positive light unto all of the world. Now, the USA has become a darkened blighted cancer. Which infects the whole of the world. Which must be surgically excised.
You soldiers, police men, agents, deputies who have sworn your oaths and sacrificed everything. Can you, will you, would you continue to do your job for the betterment of all souls while worshiping and praising God. For your genuine hero types you still get to do your job except now God is your only commander. Can you, will you and would you continue on doing genuine good things and being the lights unto a darkened world even if your own nations has become destroyed by all of the evil it has put forth?
Added on 11 April 2024: Written on 09 April 2024:
Physical life and death is very important to humanity. Physical life and death is not very important to God. But, when humanity begins to kill and murder any life including their own unborn babies. This is when the extinction process of humanity shall begin.
NOTE: All aspects of life which humanity may or may not fully know about is actually important to God. Because, He made us and everything else which means everything which is good is important to God. Ezekiel 37: God has the power over life and death and the time frame matters not. God knows every soul which is buried in the oceans even though no aspect of their physical form exists by our limited human understanding. Revelation 20: So this is how my words "Not very important ..." should be considered. Is their clarity here?
As the modern day nations and people excitedly celebrate the warning signs of God as scientific astronomical wonders. they all shall equally know not their collective destruction as a final judgement.
Once humanity reaches that secret point of no return as which is solely defined by God. The extinction process of humanity begins and the purification by fire will cleanse this planet. 
NOTE: It is actually more than just the purple words below.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Saturday, February 17, 2024

Royals Egress Prophecy +4: (Unedited): 17 Feb 2024:

No quotes unless you see them.  
Added on 01 March 2024: Found some quotes. I think unrelated. Dated 12 Feb 2024: At the bottom
The point to any of my writings is to save lives, to prevent destruction, to mitigate or prevent the bad and sad visions and dreams. I do not want or desire any of these bad and sad things to happen. I do not have any negative feelings for any royal family and nor do I desires to see anyone hurt or harmed.
In my day today life. I do not view TV or watch the news. I do not think about any royal family or even the Catholic church very much. I do not really ever think about the royal family in any nation. This is very similar to my writings about the sacking of the Catholic leadership in Rome.
Yes, I do believe that all bad and sad dreams and visions can be mitigated or prevented. This is the fundamental purpose for dreams and visions. Depending on your own perspective of course. This also means that if your enemy reads this. They could come to the conclusion that they will be successful. Your enemy also needs to know that these kinds of communications and revealing of their own plans makes everything change. Yes, I do know how that sounds and it is not in my way to receive any attention or recognition.
Some assumptions are mixed in to the vision. I'm leaving them in. You can ascertain the difference. 
I see darkness all around like it was night time. The soldiers inside of the gates were all doing their predictive duties. I'm only looking in from outside of the gates. Then all at once I see vehicles all crashing through the gates and perimeter. I see thousands of men rushing in all with guns. The royal soldiers all stood their ground killing hundreds and giving their lives. The mass of enemy men made entry into the royal building('s). The royal soldiers running out of bullets. I do not go inside. But, eventually windows are broken and the building('s) all begin to burn. I do not see or know what is happening inside. But, from my outside perspective everything burns.
Out in the streets everyone and anyone who is not like the enemy is brutally killed. All of the civilians are helpless and defenseless. Your own police officers cannot even contend with an enemy force who is well trained in hand to hand combat and who has the will to die for their cause and actually hopes to die. There is many fires and much smoke. There is more darkness than before. Maybe, no electricity. In the end the major royal building('s) are sacked and burning.
It seems like all of the electricity is shut off. Is that apart of your plan? If not then the enemy will attack all of the C's and necessary infrastructure as well. The C's are Command, Control, Coordination, Communication and other necessary C words.
This seems similar to the Catholic Rome attack. Except in this one I saw no royal family members being killed and tortured. Does this vision mean that they survive? No. It just means I did not see them at all.
Added on 01 March 2024: Written on 12 Feb 2024:
All glory and praise to God who stomps out all unrighteousness.
All glory and praise to God who utterly destroys the prideful nations who has become a blight unto the world.
All glory and praise to God who can erase the impossible to defeat vile and wicked nations.
All glory and praise to God who will end all manner of wickedness upon this planet with fire.
All glory and praise to God who shall purify this planet and replant life after humanity had corrupted and contaminated all of it. 
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Secret One Prophecy+8: (Unedited): 30 Jan 2024:

The prophetic one ho is already known is already here, has already been here and was already here all along.
Those who hold the real worldly power, authority and wealth on this planet already know who he is. They are not talking and not revealing. Even the demonic forces are !NOT! revealing anything to their own human agents. But, what are the wealthy doing at this time in the prophetic time line? They are building their safe places in the holes on the earth and mountains. While knowing the coming truths as they try to do everything possible so that they each may survive while sacrificing the rest of humanity in some small hope that they will be sparred. In which they will not. This is because those fallen ones want for all of humanity to become extinguished and to die and to become extinct. Even the memory of humanity shall be excised from all physical memory. They believe they will make God do this to His own creation. They believe they will make God admit His failure.
This includes all of their special agents and special people whom they have gifted much worldly rewards and entitlements.
The prolonged planned torture, suffering and death of their special agents and special people shall be relished like an awaited great meal.
You special agents who have been thinking and believing that you have been in control of any of the demonic beings or fallen angels who have been revealing all manner of things to you. You think you are care for, loved and cherished. All each of you are is just a strong enduring bad taste in their mouths. In which they must cleanse themselves of your existence. What brings each of them joy is how they are going to torment, torture and kill you for as long as possible. They each will find great joy in your continued suffering and misery. For them it is like a human baking a wonderful cake. You must do everything exactly right, use all of the perfect ingredients, set the oven temperature correctly and then wait patiently. You get all of the pots, pans and dishes washed, dried and put away. Then once out of the oven you must wait for the cake to naturally cool itself. Then as you cut into that first slice. You start to feel that expectant joy of your sweet rewards. This for the demons is what it shall be like when they see their own special agents continuously tortured and killed. Yes, they know they you do truly love and care about each of them. This is what makes your torture and suffer so amazingly sweet to each of them. This is their level of hatred for every human being. Who to the demonic must all cease being.
The rise of all things chaotic is his evidence of his artistic work. From his orchestrated chaos will come death and destruction on a global scale.
To his eyes and ears watching all of humanity tear itself apart shall bring him great joy. The smell of fresh blood and rotting human corpses shall bring him great excitement as he desires to splash all of that odor all over himself like some expensive perfume. 
The more things which becomes chaotic it is you who should refuse to participate in anything which goes against the foundational principles of Love, Peace, Harmony and Life.
He is a master of fomenting distrust, anger, hatred just like a great wine maker knows how to ferment his lovely wines.
Just as a great wine maker desires for each partaker to enjoy his labors of love. So to does the great tormentor desire for each human everywhere to suffer and die within the chaos he patiently creates for all of humanity.
The great artistic tormentor is using the earth as his wondrous canvas that will become an offensive molten ball of fire by God Himself.
The great artistic tormentor shall use humanity to paint all manner of death and destruction all over the face of the earth just as easily as a simple human painter uses brushes and paints all over his little canvas.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Sunday, January 14, 2024

The Poison Of Feminism+11: (Unedited): 14-15 Jan 2024:

Thought about a few days ago.
Feminism is a poison which kills the joy of the purity of motherhood and fatherhood. Thus killing the foundational structure of a fully intact family.
Feminism is a poison which kills the joyful oneness of a wife and husband.
Feminism is a poison which kills the hopeful joy of a young woman and a young man of ever realizing the true meaning of two families being combined into one. 
Feminism is a poison which ends the continuation of commonly two known family structures.
Feminism is the poison in which a life long feminists will not know the joys of their children's birthdays, Christmases and any other event which is celebrated. All the life long feminist will know in her later years is quiet alone time.
Feminism is the poison in which the life long feminist discovers no joy in her life as she is all alone in her last days of life. 
Feminism is the poison in which feminists can completely destroy what it is to be a good man as it is taught that men are no longer needed in any feminists life. 
The idea of feminism which goes against the teachings of the Holy Bible should have been the first signs seen that the idea of feminism is a falsehood. 
The absoluteness of feminism ideology which grants the right to murder ones own baby should have been known as an anti-God belief system. 
Even if a life long feminist has another female mate. She will still celebrate other peoples families as her own family comes to a quiet end. 
A life long feminist will commonly choose emasculated males as their mates as she always exercises all control and power in her out of balance relationships. Which shall never lead her to any joy or peace.
A feminist who always holds all of the power and authority in every relationship can never have rest or peace in her life as she will always be the one who must do everything all of the time.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Friday, December 15, 2023

Evolution Of Violent Language+16: (Unedited): 15-16 Dec 2023:

The evolution of violent language will see the erasure of inspirational historical quotes from the early formation of the United States of America. 
In the near future great American quotes such as "Give me liberty or give me death" will be seen as violent language and become erased from history.
Any quote or any ancient writing which inspires or teaches the concepts of freedom, liberty and any aspect of human rights shall be erased from existence. 
Stagnancy of the human population shall be mandated. To the degree that all any human will know is exactly what has been planned for them to know from the supreme authority. There shall be nothing new to be known or taught. 
The physical size of basic humans shall be diminished through mandated diets. Life expectancy and intelligence levels shall also be diminished. While the preferred special humans shall become on average much taller, physically athletic, more intelligent(on average 150+IQ) and their functional life expectancy shall be greatly increased.
Basic education shall be mandated for all civilian populations of this planet. Basic math and basic word knowledge shall not be exceeded. To exceed what you are taught can mean death to you, your family, your friends and those who know of your existence. 
Basic humans only need to know enough to be obedient to both machines and preferred special humans. Basic humans will not need to know the written language or mathematics beyond addition and subtraction. Basic human may not even be able to memorize a string of alpha numeric like the alphabet or numerals. Since the alphabet is 26 characters, A basic human may not be able to memorize this sequential string. 
The concepts of words like freedom, liberty, human rights and hope shall be erased. Those who try to invent or have knowledge of these and other concepts in any likeness shall be eliminated.
The erasure of the idea of the United States of America shall be mandated. This will coincide with actual end of the USA in all aspects. 
Basic humans shall forget the USA ever was just as the conceptual ideas of freedom, liberty and human rights shall not be taught. Those three words and the many other words associated with them shall be erased. Any basic human who feel a need to invent those basic concepts shall be killed as well as those associated with them. 
The supreme authorities will use their concepts for basic human knowledge with an eye towards balance. As humanity begins to forgets concepts of any violence, tactics, strategy, war, fighting, argument, debate. A more controlled human population will result. 
For decades the do nothing Americans and do nothing Christians have resulted in the loss of their blessed nation to wicked evil doers. Who will sell everything and then begin a population replacement.
The great and terrible day of the Lord is coming. His children will praise His return while those who are not shall know much suffering and gnashing of teeth.
The great and terrible day of the Lord shall inflict much fear and trembling in those souls who have rejected Him. While His own children shall praise and worship Him as they have always done. 
The whole of the world will see the Lord coming. A few will cheer, praise and worship His coming glory. While the majority of the rest of humanity have only planned for war against the Lord. In which they will all lose completely and quickly. 
Worldly humans will war against the Lord as the special humans will be safely locked away in their secret places inside of the Earth. The Earth itself will spit them out like an offensive taste. They all will die, be judged and only know wailing and gnashing of teeth. 
The word of God. The Holy word of the Lord. The righteous Holy Son of God has become violent language unto the blessed nation. In the presence of their new gods and idols. They all shall witness the true reality of God. Their delusions taken away be the Holy Truth of the Word of God. 
Just as all of the fallen angels and demons know the truth of God so to shall all of humanity. 
Great harm shall befall humanity as the very reality of God and all that pertains to Him becomes evident in their being. The children of Cain and of the devil shall suffer greatly. There shall be great wailing and gnashing of teeth. While the true children of God shall be protected/covered from His divine and holy anger.
Only the children of God shall have hope in the Lord. For this is all humanity has as not even the fallen ones or the demonic have hope in any aspect of the altering of their righteous judgement and final fate. 
Yet there are still many humans who still have some time to repent and to become His children. Do not miss this offer for even this offer has a time limit. 
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Monday, December 4, 2023

Emerging Unlikely Prophets +8: (Unedited): 04 Dec 2023:

 It's unheard of or is it?, an elected official could be a prophet of God. Bringing forth promises of a coming end while at the same time declaring that we all should collectively repent.
#3 if I remember correctly. Moses became #2 in all of the land.
Collectivity is of "We The People ..." Which will mean in order for this one blessed nation under God we must all turn away from our individual sins and repent. If We The People ... do not then there shall be not any one of us left. If God will do to His beloved people all of those times He did it. Then He will most certainly do unto His Blessed nation for their collective sins. 
Added on 05 Jan 2024: In death however that may come His children shall be rewarded while those who are not shall be forever tormented in the hot place. So even if and when the USA ends. His children may physically end as well but they shall be awaken in the Heavens. 
The prophets of God will reveal the sins of the whole nation and people. The prophets will urge each person to genuinely repent from all of their sins. If the people fail to heed the words of the prophets then doom, death and destruction shall come for them all. 
Revelation from the prophets of God is a sign of God through His prophets. You should know that if the prophets have come regardless if you accept, believe or not. It doesn't matter. Doom, death and destruction shall come for "We The People ..." very soon. 
When a person is in a position of power and authority begins to speak like a prophet. The end of the blessed nation is much closer than you think. Better heed his words. 
Because, he is in the midst of vipers, lions, wicked evil doers. Humans have a history of killing and silencing the actual prophets of God. 
Once the prophets disappears and is not replaced by another prophet of God who actually has a position where everyone has an opportunity to hear and to see what is coming for the blessed people. The end of the blessed people in the blessed nation shall come. 
All they will know is great suffering and gnashing of teeth as the die. Because, there is no safe place for the former Americans to safely run to. Those who uphold the Flag of the former USA will die along with anyone who is witness to the flag. All who remember the concepts and the Idea of freedom, human rights and individualistic lifestyles shall die along with everyone who knows. 
The Americans, former Americans and even expats shall all be killed by the citizens of foreign lands who come upon you. 
American deaths and murders shall be celebrated. As with every Christian.
When doom, death and destruction comes for a wholly unrepentant nation like the blessed nation of God. There will be no place to flee to as the nation which once was is no more. The blessed nation of God was the last place of freedom and human rights.
The idea of freedom and human rights in the world ends when the blessed nation of God becomes a smoking hopeless heap of disease, despair, depression, disillusionment and death. 
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Sunday, September 10, 2023

The Coming Woes Already Evident Prophecy +26: (Unedited): 10 Sept 2023:

The good people of the world are now so deceived that they no longer will believe a massacred has happened, is happening or even will happen. Despite what many and any of the eye witness is saying or have said.
The evildoers of the world are becoming as one mind and as one intention. Before they can rule over the masses they know they must depopulate the world. 
Human history has shown to those who mean to absolutely rule as if they are gods that uprisings occur when the numbers of the servant and slave class is far greater than the ruling class. 
The new emerging ruling class of the world now own the technology to cleanly massacre any population that they desire at any time. All without any of them becoming contaminated or offended with the foul stenches as associated with the dead and dying. 
The new emerging ruling class will own nations and carve up nations as one would a wonderful sweet cake to be fully consumed and then treated like that which comes out of the body about a day or two later.
Those human souls who hold onto their old time religion, national and family beliefs will be fully excised from existence. 
No one will ever realize that the population of humanity is declining even when there is space available in big crowded cities or when those big cities begin to be demolished one old building at a time.
The common people will be thought of and cared for as much as after you put your trash onto the curb or into the fire. This is how much the emerging ruling class will consider the common peoples. 
The surviving indigenous peoples of the world you will be in a worse condition than other common people groups who shall be under the the grasp of the emerging ruling class. Your special status will be dissolved and forgotten.
The common people groups who follow along on the plan from the emerging ruling class shall be allowed to exist so as long as they are not considered useful idiots. 
Once a tool is no longer of any use it is discarded or thrown into the fire no longer thought of. So to shall be useful idiots when their purpose and function is no longer required. They will be killed.
Once the population has declined and the ruling class is fully in control along with their own worshipers. Those who were paid to be useful idiots and who conducted all manner of violence and crimes shall be exterminated as their vision of a utopia begins to be realized. 
With smirking secret smiles the emerging ruling class will joyfully proclaim their intentions of causing harm, suffering and death of those human souls who are less than any of them. 
Like happy children who have learned grand secrets. The emerging class will pridefully and joyfully know themselves to be specially entitled to everything there is as they openly in secret orchestrate the killing of millions of souls. While also providing the solution which kills many millions more souls. 
The apparent sporadic killing and deaths will all seem accidental when discovered outside of family ties. There only ties shall be strange unheard of diseases and ash.
Ultimate power will be pridefully realized when the emerging ruling class has more than one kind of their ultimate weapons to be used against any nation and any people. 
The absence of information and of evidence shall become covered in the ash of those killed.
The total number of human souls who shall be killed by the emerging ruling class shall be greater than the ash spewed out by volcanoes. Which shall be taken by the winds and blown away.
Cremations shall become the only method to dispose of any human corpse as the emerging ruling class shall not want bodies buried in their lands. 
Just as kings and gods in ancient human history all owned all of the air, water and land. So to shall the new emerging rulers of this modern world. Who will also become as gods and kings.
The remaining corpses in every grave on this planet shall be dug up and cremated. Every grave stone shall be destroyed as the existence of any grave site will become an offense to the emerging ruling class. 
Just as kings and gods in human history have had their own memorials in death to be forcibly remembered, respected and worshiped by all lesser peoples. So to shall the emerging ruling class make for themselves. 
Military personnel will believe themselves to be fighting and following orders for their flag and their people. But, the unknown truth is the military people will be blindly and unknowingly fighting and dying for the emerging rulers of the world.
A good believing person who becomes a soldier shall become disillusioned as they realize that there is no honor, no meaning and no purpose for their deadly and destructive actions except for making the emerging rulers more rich and powerful.
There will be paid for limited freedom's for dedicated services rendered by worshiping people in the coming new era where emerging ruling humans shall declare themselves as gods.
 Just as you today see lowly humans serving dictators, communist and socialist officials. So to shall the emerging rulers have their own military forces which shall fly the flags of other nations that they own.
 For they shall discover the code for real time genetic manipulation which will cause them to be god like. While the commoners shall all be afflicted with a variety of autism like genetic stunting techniques.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
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Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.