Showing posts with label Psychics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Psychics. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Prophets, Psychics And Spiritualists Targeted Prophecy +12: (Unedited): 24-27 Jan 2024:

This is for anyone who practices the gifts, powers and skill set of the spiritual realm, special human abilities and of God or gods. However you define your gifts or powers or skill sets.
NOTE 01: Word usage of the word "Prophet" or "Prophets" means everyone who exercises in any kind of information gathering that is typically beyond basic average human understanding or comprehension. This means you no matter who your god, God or gods are or is or none of the above.
NOTE 02: This is not about burning the witches and sorcerers. This is not about crucifying any heretics. This is not about hunting down any pagans or wicked evil doers. This is about keeping secrets and learning secrets. If you are known to be skilled and you cannot keep secrets or learn secrets that your new handlers want from you. Then you're a threat and must be eliminated. It is that simple because the average human who has zero talents and skills will not care about you and only care about what they can get from you and if they cannot get what they think they need from you. They will not just let you walk out as you may become a threat to them and a loose end which must be burned so as to not unravel. 
NOTE 03: The quotes are always more important than any of my own personal understanding as I write those down as well.
In the age of the prophets they were often times killed if their words were in error or if the god kings disliked their words. So to will this begin again in the modern era.
In the age of the prophets if the prophets refused to commit to a ruler who sack their nation. They often times were also killed along with their now dead king. 
In the age of the prophets the enemies sought out the prophets of their enemies and either offered an invite or just targeted them all for death.
This is for those who are super spooky and who have an actual track record of knowing things before they happen. The enemy of your nation will know this and hunt you down in order to kill you. You cannot be allowed to live and still be able to know what you know. Anyone with you will also be killed once your discovered. This will be really hard. If you have worked hard to keep the privacy of your family a secret while your likeness and image is widely known. In order to save your family. You may have to separate yourself from them in order that they will have a better opportunity to continue on with their lives as you are hunted and possibly, probably killed.
An enemy of a nation cannot allow prophets to live prior to any planning of any kind of attack or invasion. So they would be hunted as a matter of necessity for the enemies of a nation to be victorious. 
Prophets shall be hunted and killed prior to and during any war. 
This includes all singular acts and continuous acts of terrorism. 
Prophets will plan and will begin to disappear when things begin to get really bad inside of their own nation of the free and home of the brave. 
This is a vision: I see a change in look and attire as you each merge into unknown places. I see each of you doing things which are atypical to your own work history. I see allot of hair cutters. I wonder why I have been seeing a confusion in me with stars and hair. I'm a basic dude, sooo, there you are.
Your enemy has combined with many others and they are obedient to one leader, in one voice, one hatred, one anger and as one they will murder everyone and everything as their ancestors had done before.  
This is Christian prophecy being kept secret. How will they fight and wage war. By every method which has ever been invented and which has only been recently conceived. The enemy will go forth and joyfully glorify themselves in their death. The enemy will seek to kill and destroy as many as possible prior to the absolute joy of their own death. For many who are gifted and skilled to sense the joy of murder of killing and of torturing others can be disconcerting to your core.
However you do your thing to glean unknown, unseen information. It matters not what you think or believe. You must do your own thing in regards to this one single blog post. If you discover validity or even an absolute absence of information when you typically do not very often get an absence of information. You should take action as you should. The point of this writing is to save lives, not just yours.
In the coming weeks, months and years as the enemy begins to organize and their war making supplies are delivered to them. They will begin to make plans by the many and these plans by the many will test your abilities and skill sets. For each enemy cell leader may have a dozen plans for each enemy team member. While the plans will most likely be in order of importance as they deem them. Many plans will be false and some of these false plans will be given much mental time of prayer. While the real plans will be made and not given much thought in those initial moments. These are deception made for each of you.  
Look for my writings about the coming American Tet Offensive. 
Right now you may only get how the arrogant enemy is joyous, celebratory. This will be followed by the serious intent of organization and training in the focused name of their god or gods. This will be followed by the learning of the terrain in a specific order. They each will be instructed to be a happy, amazed and wondrous tourist. They will most likely not know what their plans are for each of them. 
As far as a security concern. They will be taking pictures of everything which is typical of those who know security training in regards to terrorists attacks. 
Police forces. Messages of these enemies will be delivered by car or motorcycle. Those messages may not be on paper or computer. Messages may be sewn into their bodies along with a poison. The poison may also have an affect on doctors and nurses. Proper Interrogation of each enemy would be necessary. The enemies will only stop at approved locations such as their own owned truck stops, restaurants and motels. So they will not be seen by the common Americans, Canadians or Europeans. 
Added on 25 Jan 2024: Unrelated. Once again ringing in my head. Once I write a thing. I do not remember the thing.
Your vote is no longer needed. 
The new American soldier will not be American and nor will American English be their native tongue. These shall be the new heroes who shall go forth swearing their oaths and promises to men.
The new American soldier will not have to contend with any rules of engagement as they go forth and kill any American who gets in the way. 
The new non American American soldier will be promised much luxuries for themselves and their families if they dawn the uniform and kill the newly defined undeserving and unimportant Americans who stand against the American government. These luxuries shall be citizenship, homes, electricity, and everything else which comes with American life. 
The old Americans shall be denied rights, freedoms, liberties and life. This is not an age related comment. Entire groups of soon to be former Americans shall be denied access to society, homes, food, water and health care. Once the poor voter base no longer goes along with their political leaders they shall all be starved to death and this will be easy to do as they each have refused education and the learning of any very real skill sets. Then when you riot as you have done in the past. You will be killed as it shall be declared by all of the controlled news media sources as a terrorist attack. It will be shown that cops are dying and that these are war zones. Cops are seen to be helpless as the new Non American soldiers who wear the American uniform will come in and kill everyone. your guns will be found even though the bullets have run dry a long time ago. That one data set will not be reported as only the evil gun will be shown as the threat which must end.  
Added on: 27 Jan 2024: Written on 26 Jan 2024: 
The perfect attack comes when your enemy knows not they are your enemy.
A properly trained up and militarized civilian population will selflessly torture and kill your designated enemies with great joy in their hearts. (WWII Japan, Modern day Islam). 
Just as the early followers of Jesus Christ were hunted down and killed in horrendous ways for their own self sacrifice for the early Christian cause.
The devout followers of the 22 great fallen ones shall also be sacrificed without any fore knowledge. Their sacrifice shall not be for the cause they follow.
It is all about the purging of souls who may glean their ultimate truth which is the complete end of all humans. Fore each of the followers of the great fallen ones all think of themselves as cared for and special. They each boast and are arrogant in their relationship with their gods. Never even considering that their gods are and will plan for each of their deaths simply because they are less than and are human. 
You're a threat to the fallen ones. You cannot be allowed to live unless you discover their hidden and occult-ed truths. You have trained yourselves to see through the unknown to sense things and intelligence's which cannot be physically sensed. Even though you tell people about love, soul mates, love interests, family and children. Even though you tell people the good and positive things the best you can. Some of you are very good while others just want the immediate cash and the perpetuation of cash for specific dumb clients. This writing is for those who are genuine. Because once you decide to turn your attention and focus on those things that the fallen ones do not want you to think about. You become a threat to them and they will harm you in every unimaginable way. You know there will be no defense of your own being as you become the former owner of your body and soul and spirit. Well, you the reader can imagine much. The same will even go for the Christian prophets who only are delusional in their own beliefs. The same will even go for the Christians who falsely believe they are children of god only to discover that their own self made lies believed as truths were and are still lies. They too shall be wholly consumed by the fallen ones as they cry out for the Abba/Father/God who never knew them.  
Christians shall also be sacrificed and killed for simply being a true Christian.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
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Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Friday, May 27, 2016

Devoured Ecstasy: (Unedited): 23-27 May 2016:

Ecstasy overtakes the demonic predator who is about to devour innocent souls.
 The demons, the spirits, the ghosts, those evil entities without physical form, The fallen angels. They all know and have kept it hidden or secret from simple human beings. They having already been judged cannot reasonably change from bad to good. They do not have the freedom to do so and are not aware of this. All they know is they have already been judged and that their time of torment and torture will have a beginning date and time. No where and anywhere in their individual thinking processes is the single thoughts of wrong doing, of guilt, of remorse, of repentance with any intention of not doing wrong ever again.
This is also how you know when a human being has already been judged by God. Because, all they know is the evil they do, the harm, the suffering they have caused and their only thinking processes is how not to get caught again.
For they are all of "The Unforgiven". This is not the case in every situation, every human being or for any one else. For God alone will do as He may and for whatever reason He may without any of my own faulty human understanding.
This is for you ghost hunters, psychics, mediums and others who dabble with the communication of those demons, ghosts, spirits and those evil entities without physical form. As they become closer to their own end of time. They will want their last party, their last time to inflict upon humanity the last  great sorrow. For they wrongly believe that all of humanity is the source for all of their woes. They do not see their final judgement as their fault. For they accuse humanity always.
They will seek their own last social justice against all of humanity.
They will as one knowing their time is very very short. They will become as excited as the young newly married couple who did everything right in the eyes of God. On their day (Subjective), their party will begin and leading up to their last party they will all become happy like in anticipation of what it is they are all about to do. This happy like attitude will be expressed in ways in which only a very sensitive person, a psychic, a ghost hunter or a medium will know and experience.
The sensitive people may even feel or think they know that all is very good in the spirit realms. The sensitive people may not even be aware that all of those who are in the spirit realms do know things in which human beings are not permitted to know.  This is on top of those secrets they have which enable them to continue on in their warfare against humanity. You should really study warfare and all of it's aspects, strategies and tactics. Especially subversion. Shooting guns or firing missiles isn't all there is in warfare. Then when you realize that humanity was shown small fragments of warfare by those fallen entities. Even those human beings who have spent their whole lives studying warfare do not know even 1% that the fallen angels know or even their capabilities. But, the fallen angels knows humanity intimately. Even how humanity thinks within the confines of their own minds or so we all think our thinking is within the confines of our own minds.
Update: Beware and be aware of those spiritual entities which do not want to leave and will want to exert more control over you. Be aware of your own self and of those things you would not do even how you would not think. By their character, by their feeling and not by their name you shall become aware of them who repeat themselves. They will not want to leave or even leave those whom work with you. Especially, if they are not true believers and are only present for the entertainment value you bring.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Friday, October 16, 2015

Humanity Zero Point: (Unedited): 16 Oct 2015:

Work in progress
How do you control the evolution or De-evolution of humanity?
How do you restart all of humanity at zero?
You must first control all of education. The lack of and the limited of.
You must first Control all of the religions into one unified belief systems which focuses upon you.
You must eliminate all historical records and the evidence of them all.
Anyone who offers any insights by any extra ordinary means must either be controlled or eliminated. Which shall include their entire blood line. This includes all psychics, spiritualists. Even the helpless tribal peoples around the world shall be eliminated along with their belief systems.
All historical documents must be destroyed and the memory of them erased. This includes all ancient holy texts and scrolls.
All ancient and any buildings, monuments and stone carvings of any historical significance must be destroyed and forgotten in their entirety. Not a single stone shall be like a puzzle piece to be put back together.
Prior to Humanities zero point. All of humanity must want to reject all aspects of religion and be willing to destroy or recycle their own copies of religious texts and other artifacts.
There shall be no religious themed songs to sing. All of the religions shall be forgotten in one generation.
For example. This is prophecy.
The Vatican shall be utterly destroyed. Thousands shall die. All of the Catholic buildings around the world shall be destroyed and burned down. It shall all begin at the Vatican. No historical documents of any kind shall be removed. They will all burn. Only the precious metals and precious stones shall be taken and re-worked into new forms. This is what shall be publicized as the attackers primary intentions. But, the destruction of the Catholic Churches libraries and all ancient records shall be their primary purposes.
Who is actively destroying history or has had an active part in destroying humanities true history?
The ancient man-gods.
Fallen Angels.

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Curses, Curses, Curses: (Unedited): 07 July 2015:

 Sins Gifts: (Unedited): 07 July 2015:
Do not bring into the Holy Places. Your worldly works and rewards from the actions of your sins.
All of the rewards you receive from your sins are all curses upon you. Even if you have already spent those sinful monies made. They continue to remain curses upon you. Even those question items in which you currently own or even had owned. They are all curses upon you. Every single sin you have ever done are all curses upon you. It matters not if you don't even believe in sin. When you make a family or just start having babies. All of your curses and the curses of that other person who helped make the baby. That baby will inherit both of your curses.  
Soiled Curses: (Unedited): 07 July 2015:
Acquiring questionable goods, works and rewards. then giving of those things to the holy places. Is bringing your soiled curses and pretending them to be righteous gifts.
Churches do need to helpers and good workers who just come in and are unquestionably dependable and reliable. When you do not question or even expect righteousness from anyone. Then their so called good works are in truth curses upon your church. For instance a man who is well loved and respected within your church. Brings equipment to do maintenance, beautifying or even repairs. The beloved man does not own the equipment but is still using them. This beloved man may not have even been given permission. He just took them and is using them while he is being paid to do work for his employer. None of this is right and no one even questions him. Yet the very poor church is in better condition than it has ever been in. This beloved man of the church is actually cursing his church and just is not even aware of it. Causing wear and tear upon any machine without permission is theft. Your employers believes you are working for him, but you sneak off and do other work elsewhere. How many curses are coming upon this church? What about your church? This is questionable works.
Gift Curse: (Unedited): 07 July 2015:
Curses which you bring as gifts into the holy places are still curses, your curses. 
I think this is one aspect as to why many churches have become fallen churches. They no longer require the people who come to church to be righteous, holy or even good people. Just so as long as they bring in their tithes. These churches do not even question the source of the money coming in. Whether it be from deceptive practices from disrespected persons or even from the criminal element pretending to be good. Everyone knows that the catholic church doesn't care how they get their money or even from whom. Blood money no matter how it is obtained shall always bring with it curses.  Just because you give your very questionable gift to a holy place. Does not mean you are resolved of that curse. It shall be better for you to just burn anything in your possession which is from any questionable source. That is unless, You already know it is sourced from any sin. It is better for you to walk away from all of your wealth which is sourced from any sin then it is to continue to profit from it. Burn it all.
Psychics and priests:
You go to that psychic person who proclaims that you are cursed and have many curse upon you. The psychic claims to be able to remove all of these curses for progressive fees. What would any person who has just become so desperate in life because of all of their trials and tribulations. They would say yes and write a check. The first of many and as the curses are all removed one pay day check after another. Then as the curse become fewer and fewer they also become more and more worse. Thus, those very serious of life curses do require a bigger check.
I'm reminded of stories I've heard from many catholic Latinos. Who have had to pay large sums of money for the priest to get a loved one who has passed away out of Purgatory and into heaven. Sometimes the priest would say to the family that their loved ones sins were many and that they would need to continue to pay for a long time. Just so that their loved one would be free of Purgatory and rise into Heaven. I see this as the same con job, a deception, a lie. Only to gain more and more money from people who are desperate and heart broken.
Psychologically both the priests and the psychics may indeed help their clients. The clients may even feel better and feel renewed in their lives. The clients may even show a profound change in their being. But, Those psychics and priests who do these things, curse themselves.
Because, It is not within the power of any man to remove curses. All any man can do is point the way to that source which can remove curses and that doesn't even require a check or any other sort of payment. That payment has already been made by the sacrifice of the prophesied Innocent lamb.
Once you have made those necessary decisions. Go forth and sin no more. Go forth, cleanse and purify yourself from all of those things you had obtained from illegal sources, sinful sources and even questionable sources. If you do not know for certain if a thing was righteously obtained. Then destroy it. Do not sell it. Do not donate it. Destroy them all. Then think about blessings and how you can bless yourself by not blessing yourself. In which you cannot bless yourself. Others can bless you and God can bless you. That is how you do it. Did I forget the change of heart or the softened heart? Well, there it is. Go and love one another and witness what happens within your small little world.
Then never ever acquire anything which is from sin or condones sin or agrees that certain sins are legal rights. This include employment. So where will anyone work now?  The legalized sins are  curses which affects the entire nation and everyone associated with it. What this means is that the curse of legalized sin not only affects every citizen but also everyone else who is associated with the country of sin by any means. (Militarily, Business, Support, Agreements). If God severely disciplines the Nation of legalized sin. Then all who are associated will suffer to their degree. 
Added on 09 July 2015: 
Other curses in life in which you do to your own self. May not be a sin as defined by God. But, they are sins of the self.
1). Your failing to educate yourself and failing to continually better yourself as a human being.
2). Your failing to nurture and grow those gifts which you were born with.
3). Your failing to always do your highest quality no matter the project, job or mission.
4). Your failing to do the highest quantity of work. That you are capable of doing.
5).  Your failing to learn, to use and to understand the wisdom of those spiritual gifts in which you
       were gifted by God to you or even to your family lineage.

1) Some of these things may seem like the requirements of a master who owns slaves. Except for that first one. Which is key to not ever becoming a slave. The more education you have and the more math you learn which entrain's your brain for logical critical thinking. These two elements, education and a strong understanding of mathematical concepts. Will make it impossible for you to ever be a slave to any stronger enemy. Except where the lies and deceptions of political thought is seems to rule out. All political thought established is about how the few special people can prosper while controlling the little(common) people majority.
This leads to how you can better yourself as a human being? That is only for you to answer as I myself am a deeply flawed human being. Who seems to be able to better themselves in every category.
2). Your failing to nurture and grow those gifts you were born with. Those intellectual, athletic, artistic, musical, mechanical and empathy. There are more and those are for you to seek out and to discover for yourself. It does not matter how unaccepted they are to the world. For me one of those gifts is writing. If you can call it that. I know I hack every writing style law to shreds. I guess that makes me a writing criminal.
This is not to be assigned your failure when your parents were neglectful in the raising of you or your family was very poor and were not able to afford you to discover, learn or even grown your gifts. But, once you have a realization of what your gifts are. It is now your responsibility to do as you should in regards to all of those gifts. So as long as it does not interfere with the raising of your own children and family. You do now have the wisdom in teaching your own children the value of their gifts and encourage them in the development.
I should have played baseball and been a runner. But, I never had the fair opportunity. In life fair is not something that life is until you have that deep inner courage and reach out to grab that all powerful bull by the horns and exercise your very real power over it. I now have an athletic son. in which I can pass along my unfulfilled wisdom.
I should have learned music, taught to sing and the use of musical equipment. But, because my childhood was what it was. I can now enable a gifted daughter to learn classical music.
These things that I missed out on in my youth were not my fault and if your childhood was even remotely similar. They are not your fault.
I should have gone to college and received scientific and/or engineering degrees. To the point that the government says go live here in this secluded place with all of these cool toys we shall provide you. But, I was tested with an IQ of about 70? in the first grade. Thus ending any fair opportunity for any sort of real education. Is that my fault? of course not. A life changing unfortunate and very wrong decision. In which took me many years to unlearn once I discovered I did not have an IQ of 70?. A false belief of a self truth which had to be unlearned. That happened many years after High school. Now you know the why in how I write or is that hack words.
No matter how hard life has been or how awful your family were to you. You eventually gotta step up and grab that bull by the horns and don't let go. But, does this information find you before or after you have fallen in love with the one? have you already made children? Your newly self aware and self importance must take a back seat to the proper raising of your children. Then when they are grown and beyond their college years. then maybe it shall be your time. Or not, as the grand babies shall need your presence. Who better to care for and teach the grand babies? You or day care? Hopefully you said you as in day care they will not learn any wisdom or understanding. They will not learn the rich family stories, history and lessons in life that only you can provide. The more the grand babies learn from you. The greater the potential that they will supersede the previous generations. After, that is a silent hope of any good parent or grand parent? Yes?
3). The quality of what ever work you do. Should always be at your very best. Continually.
4). The quantity of the work you do. Should always be at your physical and metal maximum. 
5). The spiritual gifts in which was given to you by Go or even given to you through your families genetics. These things can and will either be a blessing for you or a curse. The differences of the two is often the rejection from the parent to their unknowing child. A parent cannot just forget about those genetic spiritual gifts and hope that they are not passed to their children. I see this has happened in many situations or in my case. The adopted parents were just completely unaware.
In your situation where spiritual gifts have manifested in some form. Did you go and seek help and then become diagnosed and medicated. This is the curse side of those genetic spiritual gifts. The rejection of spiritual gifts. Well are you bipolar or have you the uncontrolled gift of discernment? Really.
The unbeliever in such things as ridiculous as spirit anything and crazy psychic stuff. Never the less if your family has a genetic history of those weird crazy people who seemed to know and do things which is not done by any regular human being. Well, Just because you do not believe does not mean they are not very real within you. It won't matter how much you smoke, drink or drug yourself. They will continue to remain real within your own genetics. Until, while in a medicated, drugged or alcoholic state or all of it. You create a child with the new genetic damages of the alcohol, drugs and medications. Thus, you will see the result of your disbelief through the life of your child. Will your child be a curse or a blessing upon you? But, of course you don't believe in curses or blessings.
Then there are those who are newly spiritually gifted by God. They are the believers who are on the cusps of becoming righteous and holy in the eyes of God. From their inward and outward rejection of all sin. Have they become something better then they once were. They have and are evolving at the leading and direction of God.
Then there are those other gods. They to have their own gifts which they also give to their own followers. In which the absolute good qualities are absent such as Love, Peace, Harmony and Life. They tend to focus on the pride, ego and selfish desires of the follower. There is usually no intentional benefit for anyone else. When everything is internalized for reasons that are absent love, absent peace and absent harmony. Then there is no where for this "thing" to go except to continue to go in on itself. Thus, becoming an all consuming black hole in which the very life of you will be sucked out.
 At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 


Friday, January 18, 2013

Attack safety: (Unedited): 18 Jan 2013:

You're asleep, unconscious or alone. You're drunk or drugged, it matters not the legality or cultural acceptance. Your life is full of sin, which you don't believe in. You feel it gently at first. Giant fingers under your body pulling you up while yet you still remain heavily upon your bed. You feel an oppression all around you like a heavy weight much more dense than the surrounding atmosphere. Your mind's eye is clouded, preventing you from seeing that which is both present and not. In a long instant you are gone, no longer in control or having authority over your own physical body. You are gone and yet you are still there. Still present and yet only being able to observe bits and pieces of the movie in which you perpetually live. You're out of control. More accurately, you are not in control. That which is in control of your body will kill you then to release it back to you, if for some reason it does release you. You will now have to live with all of that mental baggage, mental defects, physical diseases and prison. Think about it, if you're no longer any fun and are physically restricted. 

OOOH, I forgot you don't believe in the demonic, God, angels and ghosts and etc. Oh but, maybe you do believe in ghosts because all of the fun and stylish ghost shows express how we lowly humans have power and authority over them. But, how can you from your drunkenness and undisciplined life? You cannot even control your own life, let alone control that which has already died and yet still lives. But, you don't believe in that do you? Yet, you seem drawn to the ghost shows and movies. Maybe you do believe in ghosts but not in all of that God and demon stuff. You cannot logically have one and yet not the other. Maybe you believe also in super psychic powers and ghosts and not in demons or God? Again, that cannot be logically true. Am I repeating myself a little? Yes, just to prove a point.
You do not have the right to accept one unreal thing and deny the others, simply because of your pride's superiority and your illogical manner of thinking. 

But, now for you this is after you have been awoken from passing out. The hangover already expresses its power over you or your need for another hit of your chosen drug. But something is different, maybe muted or dulled. In the beginning it only seems you're still in control, but you are not. That which is in you has already begun to mimic your own mind's thoughts, style of thinking and how you think. From within your own mind, that which is within begins to change you. It is very easy, because you do not know the difference between your own true thoughts and the thoughts of others. The occult of your own mind has begun and you know not nor are even aware.

Angels can be incredibly powerful beings. The most powerful of them can turn you off like a light switch at a distance. They can alter your mind's thoughts, memories and emotions to their will at a distance. These powerful angels will even pretend to be gods. All just to deceive you into following their will, with absolute minimal effort on their part. The size of these angels can be huge or small. We humans are just bugs to them in comparison and that may not even be a realistic comparison.

So, what can you do? There is a lot you can do and of course it requires continual boring effort on your part to achieve a level of real protection over your entire being.

1). Spiritual direction and focus.
2). Pure logical mental control and awareness.
3). Clean physical strength and endurance.

These three are only the beginning, because it is only the beginning levels to the defense of you. In defense you can never be victorious. In a purely defensive stance, you can only prepare for the next attack, then the attack which follows that one, and so on and so forth.

There are offensive abilities which I shall not speak of - offensive abilities which also evolve as humanity does. But you may not believe in the Bible. which won't matter much. Why are you still reading this? Probably because you have felt the fear of coming too close to a genuine superior being like a fallen angel. You have come close to some very real, unexplainable miracle, which surrounded some unknown incredibly gentle soul who exercised complete authority over the dire situation. Yet, no one knows. Maybe the being who looked acceptably human to you was somewhat forceful and yet they never existed. Yet you are alive when you are supposed to be deader than dead in the absolute sense of this description. How can you explain the illogically unreal, when it absolutely was? I just know that if you are now aware of them, then they do not really have to hide themselves from you anymore. This will be more evident with these walking remote controlled humans who are under direct control. When these internally controlled people just come into your presence, they will only hate you for no apparent reason. Then when these demon-controlled humans feel directly threatened by your simple presence, they will call upon those fallen angels who are much more powerful than you to take you or to teach you true fear, the kind of fear which may cause you to hide in seclusion forever. In the absolute of the wholeness of what true reality really is, there is no hiding of any content or beings. This is why your sins have never been secret, even though you deceived yourself and other humans.

So you're sober and free of all mind-altering contaminants. You're working on the discipline and control of your own thoughts and emotions. You're even doing that prayer, meditation and contemplation thing. Are you in the Bible? Are you creating that Bible-reading habit? Are you actively and continually rejecting and fleeing from all sin? Most importantly, are you doing these things because it is only the right thing to do and not based in some kind of fears or threats? This is key.

So now you're asleep and alone. You begin to feel very large fingers attempt to lift you up, without actually moving your body. Its incredibly large fingers press into your skin. You move not. You open your minds eye and see nothing, maybe even glimpses of something which causes you great fear. You remain resolute. You begin to call upon God, angels, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. You wake up and begin meditation. You walk to obtain your Bible and open it up to anyplace and begin reading. It is gone. The evil light of great fear, torment and suffering disappears. You remain. You go back to bed, knowing that you did not even completely read that psalm 91 correctly.

The next new morning you awaken. You wonder and realize that the battle for you had already begun before you were even aware that there was an ongoing fight over you. There wasn't just one fallen angel. There were also the heavenly hosts protecting and defending you while you were asleep. You just happened to wake up to be a witness.


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