Friday, August 3, 2018

What Is A Fallen Denomination Or Church?: (Unedited): 03 Aug 2018:

What is a fallen Christian denomination or Christian Church?
A fallen Christian denomination or Christian church is one which has decided to go against The Word of God which is The Holy Bible or Jesus Christ. The fallen Christian Denominations have also mandated and forced new rules in which everyone must obey even if they are against the commands of God. By accepting and allowing sin into the holy places. Everyone and everything becomes corrupted and tainted. This has become such a huge problem within the USA that more than 100 million professed Christians in America attend a fallen church. Depending on which statistic you see anywhere between 69% and 74% of all Americans are professed Christians. There are about 18 Christian denominations left in North America and in Europe which have not fallen to the LGBT sins. There are other sins which can cause a church to be fallen. The LGBT sins is the simplest one to track. In time it is possible that the Mennonite, Pentecostalism, Latter Day Saints/Mormons and the Baptist denominations may be the next ones to fall as well. Soon the vast majority of Christianity will fall to sin and then allow sin to stand pridefully in the holy places. The signs are easily seen and equally ignored by all who are in leadership, control and authority. For the leaders of the fallen denominations will cause the most of the Christian body to suffer. Belshazzar's feast will come to the leaders of the fallen denominations. They will not know and yet they will all know their end cometh before the cock crows thrice. In which the last words these evil leaders will hear is I never knew you... Many will be tortured to death and a pope sacrificed upon his own alter along with others. Evil is winning and the true saints will suffer greatly. For only God will be victorious in the end. All praise and glory for the angry lion which cometh soon. In which the whole of the world will war against.
From the minority those who are trying to become holy and righteous in the accepting eyes of God only. They will become the rejected remnant of the church in the world. They will also most likely be the ones who will be raptured if the rapture is a true teaching. While the vast majority of professed Christians will not even be aware that a rapture has occurred. If there are eye witnesses and complaints of suddenly missing peoples. Especially those from other nations. Which is not the USA or Europe. The church leaders in the world will come together in a big meeting and they will all say the same thing. They will disagree that any rapture has occurred. The best reasonable explanation is that sometimes people just move without notice even if it is rude. The masses around the world will believe in what the religious leaders say. But, they will know the truth and they will refuse to speak the truth. Because, to speak the truth in this regard will only cause uncertainty among the people.
The two witnesses shall also come soon and the whole of the world will hate them and then when the two are murdered everyone will celebrate around the world.
Personal Note: All of Christianity is losing and they no it not. Christianity isn't even aware that evil forces are pursuing sinful changes in every denomination and are winning. Thus allowing sin into the holy places. What is going to happen? Denomination after denomination will fall to sin. The vast majority of people will accept it. While the righteous and holy remnant will quietly walk away from the cheering crowds. Alone many will feel, until the holy spirit comes to each one. Only a few of the remnant will embrace more earnestly the Holy Bible, intense prayer, focused and silent contemplation and fasting for days. Some will even perish in fasting as it shall be how they have endured unto the(ir) end. In love and in honor for their Heavenly Father. For I've already seen them die and yet be more alive than ever instantly. 
It shall be for the true remnant to find this and that it will be OK for them to walk away from their denomination. If you are a true remnant much work you still must do until your time comes to an end. Glorify and worship God always and in every way. Even if the outcome is not as you desire. Habakkuk. (I'm nowhere near the Habakkuk level. I'm at the argue with God level and then have a temper tantrum and then obey or do a Jonah level). (Like any of that ever works and thus is my folly). (Yes, I know what folly means. I studied it for three days, I'm a little slow I guess).
You the reader needs to know. I'm a deeply flawed human being. I struggle daily with numerous sins. But for you this is. Become holy and righteous. Go and sin no more. Have Love as you foundation for everything which is of God, by God and for God.
Because after censorship comes deletion. All that is righteous and holy will be disallowed eventually on this internet. So plan for this eventuality. Walk in the surrounding presence of daily miracles. Which is continually walking with the Holy Spirit. 
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Thursday, August 2, 2018

America Lost in Folly: +4: (Unedited): 02 Aug 2018:

How many times has Israel been lost and taken into captivity because of their folly? All of this allowed and planned by their God whom he loves and favors above all else. So who are we as Americans who have rejected their God and have legalized all manner of folly. The fate of the Americans will be like what has come to Israel many times before. Repent and flee from all sins. Become holy and righteous as which is only seen and accepted by God. 
Go and read the Holy Bible and discover for yourself how many times Israel was led into captivity? How many times did Israel lose their beloved land because of folly? If you have read the Holy Bible to any degree. You should know that Israel and the Jewish people are the favorites of God. So then who are we as Americans and as a people? We have been blessed greatly by God and now we have collectively forbidden God while building alter's to false gods. We have forbidden God to be taught in the public schools while also allowing other false religions and evil to be in the schools. And you wonder why there are so many school shootings. You evil doers have brought all of these curse to your own selves. Even you Christians shall suffer greatly as more and more denominations fall away from God as they allow sin into the holy places. More and more cursings shall be heaped upon all Christians as they individually refuse to take part in the political process of their nation. In just a few more elections cycles you Christians may just become outlawed from any public places. But, the worst is yet to come for the professed Christian. 
 Steeped Delusion: (Unedited): 02 Aug 2018:
While steeped in delusion, your belief and faith shall wane to the point that you will accept all manner of human legalized sin into the holy place. Not only will you be cursed in spirit but you will also suffer as you watch the cursing of your followers as they believe your words when you don't even believe them as they come out from your own tongue.
How many holy places are you aware of? Study this in the Holy Bible. When a leader allows folly to enter into themselves and into their congregations. They each will witness the suffering of their people. For as a leader sins and commits to all manner of folly. The people are murdered down to a surviving remnant and led off into wandering or slavery. In which God has told His people to be in peace for seventy years and grow your numbers.
There shall be so many fallen leaders, fallen religions, fallen denominations and fallen congregations that when the Holy Spirit moves it will be denied and rejected. When God sees that only a few of his righteous and holy children remain. Their disappearance will be fully rejected and denied. For they will not accept the premise of a rapture actually having already been. While continually to teach and preach that a rapture is imminent.
The best way to prevent the move of the Holy Spirit within your religion, denomination and congregation. Is for the pastor to become an idol, To not teach anything about sin, To not teach anything about how each person is to become holy and righteous in the accepting eyes of God only. When the Holy Spirit moves through your church. You are no longer in control and the attention is on the Holy Spirit. When miracles are occurring in your church you are no longer of any importance unless you can cause the people to believe you are the focal point or prophet of God/god. It is the will and message of God which is important and not the human being who happens to have been chosen by God for that moment to speak those words or to do those works or to lay hands in a miraculous way. It is only God, The Son and The Holy Spirit who is to be credited in the fullest of ways. All thanksgiving and all worshiping goes to them as One only.
You need miracles in your church and in your life. Become Holy and Righteous as which God will only accept, know and see. The purple words below. Then miracles will flow through you daily. Do not be swayed by the words of many people who claim that miracles are rare and if they were everyday occurrences then they would no longer be miracles. This is a falsehood. Because when Jesus promised to send the Holy Spirit to each of us that also included in the gifts of the spirit to be seen daily by all of us. But, as His loving children we must be obedient to His laws and commands. If you are not then you will not know miracles and we have not known miracles as often as we all are supposed to be.
Serpent's Prophetic Profits: (Unedited): 02 Aug 2018:
It is the serpent's prophetic tongue which tastes the lies in the air as it rejoices in the sweetness of coming profits. The serpent's sheep shall happily and boldfully follow their raised up idol even into the ovens of hell's torment.
Raised up, means up on high on the stage of the church. The half truth of the serpent guarantees your place in Heaven and all you have to do is just believe and nothing more. The serpent preacher will not teach any portion of sin, righteousness or holiness. This is the essence of his half truths. For even the devil, demons and the rest of the fallen angels all believe in God and yet they all were once saved and are not now. If there is zero evidence of your Christian faith then you are not a Christian. It doesn't matter what you do inside of your church. If you are continually taken advantage of people, causing harm, lying, stealing and all other manner of sinful acts. Your not a Christian and it does not matter how respected within the church you are. It does not matter if you have been a church leader for decades. It does not matter how much you have tithed.
I tell you this. There are fewer Christians in America then you think. They shall become the remnant. They shall be the ones who walk away from the church when the church allows sins into their holy places. For only the bold and brave in Christ shall walk away from their church who has turned to sin.
Righteous Lonely Walk: (Unedited): 02 Aug 2018:
There is not loneliness when you walk away from your church which has accepted sin into their holy places. Maintain your holiness and righteousness as only God shall see it and accept it. The Holy Spirit shall always be your comforter. Jesus Christ shall always be your heavenly brother and God will always be your Heavenly Father.
New churches will form. They will be small. Your numbers will most likely be less than 100. You will actually have a relationship with the pastor. Your small church will do more for the community than the churches of tens of thousands of people. Through discernment you will see the darkness of blight which surround these great churches. Pray for them who are within. Pray that they escape the tongues of the snakes within. Pray for the snakes that they shed their skins and become new transformed babies in Christ.
Blessed Missionary Church: (Unedited): 02 Aug 2018:
Blessed is the church which is filled with missionary pastors. 
Can you imagine a church filled with pastors? Where everyone is a pastor and missionary. This is the way it was supposed to be. The children of the Heavenly Father are not supposed to be passive observers in the world. Christians are supposed to be leaders in Government and in their communities.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Woe America: +1: (Unedited): 31 July 2018:

Great woes come for America. For the evil has infected the whole. The good within knows not that the evil would rather *suicide the whole than to lose or surrender to the good.
Note: Suicide word use. Those who have the money, power and authority will sacrifice nothing of true/real value. To the good person the answer to the question of what is of a true and real value? They will say family, friends, people and all life. Think about it. The evil doers will destroy, burn, kill, harm and allow their own people die just to promote their cause in which they will profit from in the end. They may even coerce Russia and China into attacking the USA. While the evil doers leaders are safely in their safe locations. Leaving their minions to suffer and die for their cause. Maybe, they will have a toast in honor of those who died for them but, they won't.
Once it is decided to coerce Russia and China into attacking the USA. Those very same evil doers will fan the flames of hatred in all of Europe. The evil doers will succeed and cause so much hatred that when the USA is attacked by both Russia and China. That the Europeans civilians will celebrate openly as the nations in Europe turn a cheek. The price for Trump's embarrassment of their rulers.
If you have read what I've written in regards to China and how it is they who will be a trigger for the extinction process of humanity. Mayne, it is the liberal left and those who control the liberal left who cause China to decide to act first. Then Russia sweeps into Alaska and or through Canada. In regards to Canada. Maybe, a secret negotiation with Canada and Russia happens. Guaranteeing the gift of Alaska back into Russian hands/control/ownership. Because, if Google was not masking or covering up the Russian infrastructure in their North East regions. It would be easy for anyone to see what Russia is and has been planning for a long time.
These up and coming midterm elections. If the liberal left does assume much control. Maybe, they will have enough power to overthrow all that is good. If they cannot not then it will all burn.
Known Christians to the churches and within the churches must run for every political office at every level. Your time is getting short. Repent. Become righteous and holy as which God will only accept and see. This is the how to mitigate or prevent.
The next step of the evil doers is to provide guns and bombs to their minion evil doers. Where will these guns and bombs come from? an indirect link to Russia and China. Russia and China may actually be innocent is supplying guns and bombs to the evil doers in America. This next step will most likely occur after the midterms or after the general Presidential elections. Especially if the evil doers gains no ground. But do expect attacks on churches which will appear to be racists attacks or burnings of churches which is historical. The news media in which is wholly own by the evil doers will proclaim racists to the whole world.
News Flavors: (Unedited): 31 July 2018:
No matter how many flavors are presented to you in the ice cream shop. It is all still ice cream. So to is the news.
Christian censorship is actually occurring corporately in which there are no laws broken. A corporation can do what it wants to do. Those who notice the censorship are those who have a lot of viewers or readers. While the individual person who puts out a simple Christian quote may never even know any kind of censorship has happened. I'm getting censored and I'm not big. So what comes after censorship's. Deleted accounts. So if your a Christian and have much content. You better have saved all of your content to other places. If you have not saved anything because you trusted. Then you better start now. No matter how many thousands of blogs you have. You need to start now. This also includes hard copies and back up data.
Added on 18 July 2019: Canadian politician reveals classified nuclear information to the public. Then the public political whining begins. Those who are hold high levels of political offices have always known about the nuclear weapons in their countries. They always knew and now. Can we allow Trump to be able to push a button from our own country? Read for yourself.
Added on 04 July 2020:
Original Question: What if the US (people - the land remains) just SUDDENLY, DISAPPEARED? There would be war, right?
Peace Keepers Answer: The United States is unfortunately the police for the entire world. The US is the backbone for NATO and the UN. The US should not have been put into that position as the worlds peace keepers. It has been thirty years and all of the NATO nations have fully financed all aspects of their social and communist lifestyles. To the degree that those NATO nations are largely defenseless without any support of the United States of America. It should not have been but what is too come with an absence of the United States of America is going to be far worse and will lead to the extinction of the entire human race. Unless a transition can be put into place. But, those plans that the world leaders will develop will also lead to the extinction of the human race even though the human population will initially go along with the plans. But, the human race will still end. But, there is hope.
The Plans Answer: There will always be evil doers as which has already historically happened. When you study the military powers of the world. It is easy to see how the United States is both the most powerful nation on the planet as well as the most defenseless. The USA is both at the same time. Even though American pride, ego and arrogance leads to an unquestioned attitude of never being able to be invaded or conquered. 
The enemies of freedom know that in order for each of them to achieve their own independent goals. The United States must disappear. So plans must be established and implemented. 
The enemies of freedom must protect their money(simplified). So economic changes which diverts wealth away from the United States must begin and already has many decades ago. Gradual and without any public civilian warning or knowledge. These plans are very long term. The enemies of freedom like their money, power and authority. The longer the enemies plans stay on track and develop. The more arrogant they will become. because evil doers always like to brag about their supreme plans. 
The enemies of freedom need to pay for their military buildups and modernization's. The enemies of freedom need to cause the United States to use up their weapons platforms and weapons systems. While at the same time influencing the American politicians to delay any new weapons systems development. While at the same time causing the engineering and design of new weapons systems and platforms to be severely defective, delayed and problematic (F35, LCS, Ford and others). While at the same time stealing as much classified information as possible and immediately using classified information in all new military equipment(IE/EMAL’s on the new Chinese carrier). Spies are in the American system. These American traitors will sleep well at night when 300 million Americans die. 
Socialism and Communism Answer: The rise of Socialism and Marxism within the United States will be a destructive and deadly force. While the near elimination of actual historical knowledge and understanding from the American civilian mindset will hasten the overthrow of the entire American system. Virtually no one thinks about how many lives that socialism and communism has killed in the last century and which continues on through today. This will even be historically named the rainbow tsunami or similar. 
War Answer: Within the next 10–20 years or so.  The USA will end and during this ending process. The whole world will ignore the needs of the American people. The American people will be alone. In the first year alone about 300 million Americans will die. All of the resources, intellectual, military that the United States has will be taken. The secret American doomsday weapon will most likely be activated. 
China will begin the completion of their civil war with Taiwan. So that their history will be complete without any unfortunate historical marks. Then China will go after all of those who are their enemies, friends with America and even those nations who were once enemies(Russia).
Russia will overtake Alaska and begin to reclaim all of those European nations that the USSR once owned. The successes of what Russia and China has achieved will be copied by every other lesser nation. Wars will break out all over the world. Islam and Christianity will also be at war. In which Catholicism will be terminated. many billions of people will die. Nuclear bombs will fly. Biological weapons of many kinds will be used by every nation. Directed Energy Weapons (DEW’s) in which civilians have never even conceived of will be used and cause terrible magic in the skies. These any other high technology weapons will cause much collateral damages. That no one has solved those problems as associated. All of these things together will cause the beginning of the extinction process. In about one hundred years or so. The last human will die. 
Sometime during the time of this extinction process. The whole of the Earth shall be purified with fire. God shall come and take those whom He considers His own children. In between the times. Great difficulties shall come and only those to be saved will be saved by God. Their saved numbers may be greater than eight. Only God will know and this author may or may not be one. 
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Graffiti Church: +7: (Unedited): 25-26 July 2018:

If graffiti is OK on the holy temple of your physical being. Then why isn't graffiti OK in the holy sanctuary of your church or even on the outside of your church?
Note: Graffiti also means tattoos where appropriate.
The powerful delusion can come in any form and all of these shall only be signs for Gods true children to witness.
When a pastor speaks falsehoods or purposely denies to speak or teach certain parts of the Holy Bible. Know that this pastor or that pastor is under delusion from God and he has become a sign of falsehood for the true christian.
The closer all of humanity comes to those end of day occurrences. The more the prophetic signs will only be recognized, known and understood by the true children of God. The true children of God won't need the worldly churches or prophetic teachings from worldly theologians. The true children will know all from their Heavenly Father directly.
The true Children of God will not depend on any human or any angelic being. They will solely go to their brother Jesus christ and to their Heavenly Father. For both human and angels are folly. The true children of God will pray, fast, meditate, contemplate and remain in the Holy Bible. They will not become distracted by worldly things. As each child of God becomes more repentant, righteous and holy which is only accepted by God only. Then other things will occur. Especially if their foundation was made from love and not made from a deep desire to save their own skin. The skin in which each person doesn't even own.
You the reader do not assume you think you know what the word "folly" means. I just finished a three day study on this one word "folly".
The worldly churches seem to all know that miracles are dead and if miracles are dead then so is God. This is their folly and evidence of being under the powerful delusion from God.
The ongoing folly of your pastor or teacher is not wisdom for you to attain. For wisdom can only be achieved through a wise heart, wise thinking and wise actions.
The folly of your pastor or any other teacher is directly tied to history. If your pastor or teacher teaches through a repentant heart of his or her own folly of the past. Then wise lessons can be learned.
The term Folly is not intended to be the light hearted definition as which is typically known in our modern day. Go and research the biblical meaning of the word Folly in the Holy Bible. I've found more than 30 Bible verses. But, don't just read the verse read also the story the verse is in. To get the full meaning.
The folliness may never end for you or me. For we are all less than the angels and yet Job 4:18. It is only our emergence out from the blood and water of Christ do we begin to live as a new righteous creation. That which we become responsible to maintain that righteousness through a foundation of love.
Celebrate not the still born in Christ. For they fool the many as they carry on with their worldly thinking and living. For their folly is in their self deluded separation of personal, church, professional, and secret lives.
Blessed is the church which is full of passionate pastors for Jesus Christ. 
Personal note: There is much folly in me. A hard truth to swallow.
Graffiti is the same as Tattoo.
You should research the history of tattoos and nose rings/piercings as symbols of slavery and ownership.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Monday, July 23, 2018

Righteous Escape: (Unedited): 23 July 2018:

You cannot escape from the storms in your life by fleeing into them. You can only escape from those storms by fleeing from them. You can be protected from approaching storms when your safely hidden within the cloak of righteous prayer.
In any situation which is uncertain. The righteous prays first and all throughout the uncertainty. Then once certainty is achieved. The righteous prayer turns into righteous thanksgiving and gratitude. Gratitude is even given if the outcome is unfavorable to the righteous soul in prayer. The key is always in you actually being a good son or daughter. All founded in your love and not in your fears of trying to save your own skin. Skin which is not yours.
Amazing lightning storm coming ashore from the Gulf of Mexico. Woke up sons. One took video and the cat took off as she always does. So it is her who inspired this quote. She likes to take off in total fear from the safety of the garage and hide in the tall grasses as the deluge falls. While running crazy like into tall trash cans and other immovable objects. When she found us as a starved and lethargic kitten. I thought she would die and maybe the humans who dropped her off thought she would die or be eaten by the many hawks and eagles around here. But, she came back mostly. Her mind never fully recovered. She really is an inspiration to watch and to know. How many people do you know who are walking inspirations in your life? Those who are perpetually in need, Some may even be in continual desperate need. Know it is they who typically have been abandoned by the Christian worldly churches. How do you know if you belong to a worldly church? What is one of the signs that you belong to a Christian worldly church? You have to assign some criteria. Do you have a lot of members? Are you considered a rich church or even a mega church? These churches will have a list of services for those who are in desperate need. This printed up list that the church offers sends the desperately needy to other places. Think about that for a moment. Your church sends people away. To government agencies and to small churches of less than a hundred people who serve more people than your thousands of rich people. You should ascertain the truth of my words towards you and if they are true. Then I think you should devote time to prayer in this matter and move your membership to the poor church who does more good and expresses more love than a mega church.
Yes, I know of one local near mega church which sends the hungry to a small church of about thirty people. Yep. The small church was someones converted house about thirty years ago. Yes and the real mission field is where you are. Blessed is the church of twenty with twenty pastors. Blessed is the church of one hundred with one hundred pastors. Blessed is the church of ten thousand with ten thousand pastors.
Know this pastors, preachers and theologians. God hears and knows your words and your teachings before you do. So when you preach and teach works of duty and responsibility versus works of faith and love or even imply you don't have to do anything once your saved. What is it are you trying to teach? or are you trying to justify the do nothingness within your church? Are you trying to blind the people in your dead church as you fund your retirement accounts and blight your community? Will you hide and lie about your early retirement in the moving to another church in some far away Florida beach locale as being led. Surrounded by gates and security. Surrounded by boats, beaches, pools and parks.
The evidence of faith is in your expression of love to those who are most in need. Your outward expression of love is not from some sense of duty, responsibility or the show of a showman. It is only out of your love for your Father and who is your father? Yahweh or satan? That is OK. You don't have to answer for your father knows who his children are and it is he who will take his children home.
Anytime I use the term "Your Church" anywhere I write. You should really consider those words as an insult. They are meant for you to keep those words in the back of your mind to always make sure that what you always do is only for "Whose Church"? So whose church is your church?
Many time when I've written "Your Church" I'm not even aware of it. While only a few times or 1% of the time I'm aware of what I write. Then once I've written it. It is gone to me forever. Which is why you always pray and have your Holy Text handy. If you feel the need to fast before reading. Then do it. After all I'm nobody of importance in the grand scheme of things. I'm just the invisible janitor. I'm your janitor just on the outskirts of your life.
I've been getting a lot of foreign readers. The kind who go to holy places not called churches. Some of your are very important. When an opportunity arises and your janitor happens to be present in his/her corner of their world. Approach him or her as which is proper. You may require a respected female witness. Allow them to look up to you into your own eyes and humble yourself before them. Express honor and gratitude as you only can. All without public recognition or fanfare. If someone wants to publicize your private action. It was private.
The Good Father snatches His children out of Hell while the evil father drags his children into Hell with him. Whose child are you?
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Sunday, July 22, 2018

Prophecy Inevitability: +5: (Unedited): 22 July 2018:

Prophecies based on the human decision and condition without any intention from you to make moral changes in your life makes all of the prophecies inevitable.
The inevitability of any human based prophecy solely reside on the human not turning away from their evil deeds.
All prophecies are inevitable if the human beings assume that prophecies are impossible to prevent or mitigate.
 No matter who the prophet/*profit is or where the prophecies are communicated. The typical and everyday response from everyone, is how to mitigate and prevent all bad and sad human decision based prophecies. 
The celebration and the worshipping of all inevitable bad and sad prophecies. Is acceptance of the coming human extinction event wrapped in your prophetic idols.
As the entire Earth becomes bathed in the fires of purification. Know that humanity has always had the free choice to mitigate or prevent all bad and sad prophecies. The single human family upon this planet utilized their free right to celebrate and embrace their coming extinction. While ignoring their collective decision to become righteous and holy. 
*Profit is the use of the word in error on purpose and is intended to express a message. But, some people who claim to be prophets are only for the profits. Follow the money trail. I'm neither and I can say this because I have not received an email from God nor have I received writings on the wall by His own hand. When God writes on your wall. It's not gonna be good or pleasant.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Friday, July 20, 2018

Gift of Love: (Unedited): 20 July 2018:

It's not a never ending sacrifice when you give much to the point of perpetual weariness. It is the continual gift of Love.
I have witnessed much sacrifice and love to others. I have seen anger as a result of abuse by those who only take advantage of love. I have seen love turn to apathy. I have seen good souls become uncaring souls with a very negative and profound outlook on life.
Self sacrifice: (Unedited): 20 July 2018:
The good sacrifice with an absence of love for one another only makes the one who sacrifices feel better about their own selves. 
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver books