Thursday, May 24, 2018

Church Unity: +5: (Unedited): 24 May 2018:

Big brothers always take care of their little siblings. It's just what they do no matter what. Yet, the big important preacher man expects all of you to have unity with one another no matter who they are or where they are from. Yet, when the big preacher man from the big church sees his little brother pastor from a poor church which is about to fail. The big preacher thinks to himself more for me as the poor church becomes a hair salon which will also eventually fail. 
The body of Christ also includes the small poor churches as well as churches with no homes. We all saw what had happened with the churches during each economic down turn of 2001, 2008, 2015 in recent memory. The Shemitah. How many churches did you see disappear? The problem with churches is the lack of financial wisdom. They go into debt and then encounter the economic down turn. They are often forced to close. I have seen and witness many. The devout Christians tend to get welcomed by other bigger churches. But, there is a reason why they each did not attend that church first. Which has become forgotten during the search for a new church home.
You know 2022 Shemitah is just around the corner. How have you and your church prepared for this upcoming Shemitah? Do you even believe in it? When you do the research you will become shocked. Hopefully your church has financial wise council. Hopefully your entire church is aware of the Shemitah and are endeavoring to become debt free themselves. I think it is the duty of every pastor, teacher and theologian to encourage becoming debt free. Financial freedom for every Christian instead of remaining enslaved to their debts. Means that every Christian can be more focused on the Christian faith instead of stressed by working the second or third job. Christians who are debt free will have more income and free time available to them. Which means more time to give to their church and to their own communities. This is how profound change will occur at every small church. Pastors help your people to understand becoming debt free and how it helps the faith and the church body.
--------For preachers and pastor only-----
Pray and meditate before you read. Pray that the message below is opened up for you. 
Just watch what happens when the majority of your flock becomes debt free. You will suddenly have volunteers and improved tithes and larger offerings. Yea, not just more volunteers. Think about this. I know of a large church which has very few volunteers. In fact they have many paid employees and outside contractors. Because, that is how they get things done in a timely manner. Then you have small poor churches in which they all volunteer. Because their small church has no one but themselves and they all work together. I know of a small homeless church in which they all are closely tied to one another as they go from place to place. In which their pastor teaches very deep and profound meanings to the Holy Bible.  It doesn't matter where they go, even if it is in the park in the rain. I even know a guy who has church alone in his workplace cooler. Think about those different churches. How can each become mutually beneficial to one another. While still maintaining their perspective identities? Except for the lone cooler guy.
I just suddenly realized That message is not for me to know and thus I'm unable to finish it.
Accepted Worship Song: (Unedited): 24 May 2018:
Christian unity always begins when the whole body is repentant, righteous and holy. Then with a loud singular voice of praise. Their worship song is accept by their Heavenly Father in the Holy of Holies.
Denominations will fall and already have. These fallen denominations can be saved but may be prophetically unlikely as they will all desire the acceptance and rewards of the world system. What must be done before you enter the Holy of Holies? Who and what must you become before you can enter into the Holy of Holies?
World Reward: (Unedited): 24 May 2018:
By getting more in the world and rewarded by the world will always be obtained by doing more in the service of the world.
Who is the prince of the world system and of the world?
World Reject: (Unedited): 24 May 2018:
Going against and being against the world will mean you will get less from the world and rejected by the world.
Are you ready to become a criminal? What about jobless and homeless because of your intolerant beliefs? What about abused and tortured in unmentionable ways for simply going to church and then the cops can't find anybody. Then if you go to the judge you will have no justice. Justice will become like it was in Sodom. You will have to do your own research. To graphic for me. Just what I've written is to harsh for me. The Judges commentaries are to awful for me. Fortunately for the USA. The USA is not yet like Sodom. That may very well be a current state timing sign.
Guess what it is beginning. This is because the Christian are not running for political offices at every level. Christians do not even go out and vote on a regular basis. Especially in their own local elections. Only known Christian people must run for offices at every level. Do not get suckered by the Hillary trick. She only goes to church during an election season and with cameras present.
The evil doers of the world who hate Christians with a passion. They are actually running for political offices at every level and the Christians are typically nowhere to be found. 
World Tolerance: (Unedited): 24 May 2018:
When tolerance means rejecting the laws of God. It means you have become an accepted religious person of the world.
The intolerant Christian will be criminalized through hate crime laws. Every worldly person will hate and attack the Christian. The worldly person will be celebrated and proclaimed to be brave. The lone Christian who gets badly beaten will be called stupid and then arrested for a hate crime.
The accepted worldly religious person who has profited much. They will endure all of the judgements of God worse than what occured in Sodom in their days of disobedience. Once they each have fully become awakened they will hear the Judgement of God Proclaim "I never knew you...".
Purple words dude-purple words.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Church Poor: (Unedited): 20 May 2018:

Prosperity Woes: (Unedited): 20 May 2018: 
Woe cometh to the teachers of prosperity. For they shall become lower than the evildoers and the evildoers shall embarrass them as Peter was embarrassed. But, everyone will certainly know you and know how you only took from the people. Not only will you deny God but you will deny ever having been a preacher. As you live in privacy within your gated communities in far away places. 
Below is for all of you who know more than me. Use it as you see fit. No need to mention or acknowledge me in any way. Before you continue on. Pray and fast. Grab your Holy Bible. Let yourself be led by the Holy Spirit. Is it T minus 4 years or T minus 7 years or T minus 12 years or all three or more? Four years is for 2022. Seven years is for Israel and their 77th year. The twelve years is for the coming AI/Robotics job losses to the whole world. These are estimates and for you to pray on. If you think it necessary. Sometime after 2024 if california passes their third anti-Christian law 6 years from 2018. If the second anti-Christian law is passed in 2018.
Note: The only reason why I give years is for you who have been given sight to see the signs. Can look for the new coming signs in those years to come if they appear. It seems that signs are appearing all of the time now.
Prosperity teachers have done a great disservice to their communities. For they are the blight. For they have rejected the poor, the perpetually sick and permanently disabled. They have rejected those who are always in need by saying go to the government for services. It is the government who will care and have mercy upon you. If this is not you. Then it is not about you. Although, you do need to concern yourself with false teachings. Especially, when you figure out how Paul died as well as the other followers of The Christ.
I do know of a church in my area who have gone to those who do not tithe and ask them to tithe their monies. If they do not tithe then they are ignored and excluded until they go elsewhere.
The tithe to the church is not meant to enrich the pastor or to purchase multimillion dollar airplanes. The tithe is supposed to be given to the most needy of the people. The blessing of tithes is not supposed to cause the elders to think we need to build a grand church. The tithes are also meant to ease suffer among and within the community. This is where many churches have failed and continue to fail. But, it is not just the churches. Because, if all of the work done for the church and at the church is done by paid professionals. Then one of the problems is the people. How many people volunteer in the church and what is the total membership? If your percentage is in the single digits. Then you have your answer. Then there are pastors who deny volunteers and deny ideas to help people as they really do not want to become a place where the homeless show up and sleep. The cities have also criminalized the helping of people in need. What do you do? You always do what Jesus wants you to do. That is LOVE ONE another. Jesus did not offer any exclusions. You do not have to be obedient to the laws of Men if those laws are contradictory to the Word. Remember Daniel with the lions or his three buddies in the fire or was that four?
I can assure you of this. If the churches all come together with a singular goal of lets say caring for those who cannot care for themselves. Then they all show up and elect their known Christian leaders in the communities. Those anti love one another laws will change.
This is in regards to other prophecies. All and only known Christian peoples must run for every political office at every level of local, state and federal government. The evildoers are already doing it in mass and if the Christians continue to do nothing. This Country will become a Babylon which will not be a welcoming friend to any Christian. No matter if your only a Christian as expressed by your mouth only.
new news.
A time is coming and has already come for many. The people are disappearing from the churches and the reasons are many. One reason is that many who do not attend a church are unable to financially do so. Because, they must work on those days that church is in session. Just think about it. People who are poor must work many jobs just to not be homeless. So a person or a family must decide to either work or go to church. Sometimes going to church will cause a loss of income and thus homelessness. Sometimes going to church means missing many meals. Think about that Mr. Pastor.
Why is your church only open for a few hours a week? Then the rest of the time your church is locked and the security system activated. How come many pastors cannot come together and have many church services throughout the entire week? I do know of many church buildings which have closed up. I do know many certified and bonafide pastors who have no church home and yet continue to refuse to go into the poor neighborhoods. Even the churches which are close to the poor neighborhoods tend to reach out into those areas where there is better wealth close by. Guess what, Poor people cannot tithe. Can you even imagine a family with children and the kids only eat when they are in school. Here in the USA. Here in Florida. Here in Pasco county. Here in Port Richey. Yet, the food banks only allow you to get food once every six months. REALLY. And your church has how many thousands of members. And you still can't get people to care for the church or for their community. That is a problem. I'm talking about actual works of faith and not just giving more money.
Although more money is good for the church. I just heard a statistic on a radio show on Moody radio. Christians give on average about 2.4% while non Christians give about 2%. A difference of only about .4%.
Personal Note: I have to work everyday. In order for my kids to eat and not be homeless. In order for all of my kids to go to college and to do their own gifted activities. I may not be the one who can go to church on Sundays but my wife and kids do. Do we participate in after church activities? No we cannot and are not able. Our perpetual poorness seems never ending. But, do not take what I write as a negative or some kind of stab or asking for assistance. It is not. It is just what it is and it is not your fault and you cannot fix it.
So Mr. Pastor, What can you do for your community? Cause everyone to become closer as a family. Especially in this time of plenty. This time of plenty will have a conclusion. Just as when Joseph foretold the prophetic dream of the Pharaoh. They all prepared for that great famine in which there was no escape for them. Joseph became the light of foresight and saved many lives because of planning.
So with any prophecy comes with a how to mitigate or prevent the bad and sad from occuring. With God there is always a way out of the bad and sad prophecies. All of them. Did you read my last post? Here it is. I think it is related.
While your still in the times of plenty but may see a diminishing effect on incoming tithes and offerings. The wise churches will begin to plan ahead. The churches who actually love and care for their communities will plan ahead. Just as Joseph had. The list I make is for all of you. It is not a full list nor will it be specific and exacting. But many churches who come together can get things done for everyone. Just love one another. Just know that money, investments will stop. How? I have no idea. Maybe, this bad and sad prophecy can be mitigated in your community and maybe in the entire nation. Maybe this is our Jonah countdown.
FIRST). Repent, Repent, Repent. See church pastor helpers here.  Flee from all sin. Become holy and righteous. Purple words. Church pastor helpers means you gotta go to the church.
1). Zero all debts. Within the church and among your people.
2). Become ultra efficient in all ways. Zero out electric bills and etc.
3). Grow food on site and/or at a site(s). Read other posting. For idea. Teach and develop. Think Venezuela or Pharaoh of Egypt worse. Egypt did profit from their plannings.
4). Develop ultra efficient housing on site and/or at a site(s). Debt free. Because, when the money stops. Then what?
5). Develop a micro economy which can easily work into a macro economy. The micro economy should be exclusive to only accepted *peoples and churches. Industry, manufacturing, needs and etc.
6). Your list begins here.
Remember all of the church closings in 2008. Look at the homeless churches now. When the money stops so do all tithing and offerings.
*Peoples only refers to faith only and not of the lies which is the races of humanity. Research for yourself the scientific truths in regards to the races of humanity. How the races of humanity began as a social construct to identify people of different languages after the event at the Tower of Babel. Which is most likely in the southern region of the Caspian Sea. Research the percentages of DNA used in regards to DNA profiling. Research the DNA percentages in regards to The Human genome project. All of humanity no matter how superficially different we appear from one another. More than 99.9% of all of your DNA is identical to mine and everyone else on this planet. Get that scientific truth into your noggin Mr. pastor and then truly look upon everyone else as either your true brother or sister. Besides Remember Adam and then Eve. Eve was made from a rib of Adam. So does that mean that Eve was a clone? And then all of humanity became what we are today. With less than a .1% difference in our entire DNA structure. Throughout all of humanity. Yea, I got a headache from them numbers.
I had to work all day and in prayer I knew I had to write this. Guess what popped up in one of my news feeds. Yep. How wonderful is this. Wait a second. I need to read it again. This is a beginning, a direction and a sign for churches.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Blessing Israel: Moody Church Prophecy: +: (Unedited): 15 May 2018:

I do not see any quotes here. Which means this is for those who are way smarter than I. Which means before you read. Pray and meditate. Fast if you feel the need. Grab your Bible. Minimize all distractions. This is for you to use as you see fit. No need to mention me or acknowledge me in any way. No quote as of 23 may 2018:
We all had another wrong date given for the rapture or the end of the world or we're all gonna die day. The 14th of may 2018 came and gone without any event. But did it? What happened? It is Israel's 70th anniversary. There was celebrations and news. My poor Bible believing friend must endure my claims that we are all gonna die on this date or my proclamation that he and I just missed it again. This is I think the sixth date for this year alone and I understand that there are many hundreds of dates for this year alone. Prepare for 2022, if?. All churches and Christians should continue to bless, support and pray for Israel.
---------------Possible Prophecy Updates-----
Look in the Holy Bible about Blessing or cursing Israel and how you will likewise be blessed or cursed in similar manner. Once you have your Bible verses. Go and read or watch all of the news reports again. You will see how the leader of the USA honored and respected Israel. You will see how Israel blessed the USA.
So did the USA just avert coming curses from former Presidents, laws and We The People? Probably not all of the coming curses and judgements. But a few may have been either delayed, mitigated, prevented or nothing evident. Which is most likely to you expert? and which ones? For abortions are still lawful. LGBT marriage is lawful. Professed sinners are in the holy places in the USA. Israel themselves is not without their own sins and acceptances of sins.
Read how when God judged Israel. God Judged them all including those whom were actually holy and righteous. In the USA it is We the people. So, when God Judges the USA it is We the people who will endure the wrath of God. All of us, Including those who are actually holy and righteous as only deemed by God.
The USA in order to possibly block any upcoming judgements or curses in the short term. Should begin to bless Israel economically. Since Russia and China are building their warmachines and invasion forces. The USA should bless Israel militarily and more than they have in the past. To do these two things in order to receive economic and military blessings from God. God wrote it and thus still honors it. Yes? But, the USA still must come away from its legal and lawful sins. Israel must also come away from their own sins. Because if the sins of the USA and of Israel is greater than who blesses who. Then judgement is coming no matter what or how or who blesses who.
====Church Prophecy======
This was focused on Moody church. Why Moody? I have no idea. But, I think it is for all churches where there is holiness and righteousness within. Is or has Moody Church begun to teach sin, righteousness and holiness? Will Moody Church continue this or will Moody Church allow people of sin to stand in their holy places with authority?
Churches must begin to eliminate all debts. Christians must eliminate all debts. Christian denominations must eliminate all debts. Your countdowns have begun. It is a countdown in which you know not when it started or when it will end. Because, many years from right now. The wealth coming into the Christian denominations and independent churches will cease. Tithes will be drastically minimised. Pastors will be paid in farm animals and meals. Pastoral wealth building and early retirements and regular retirements all will stop. Just like in the old days forty plus years ago. I know this because my Grandfather in law was a Methodist Preacher and he was often paid in chickens. He disliked chickens. He always expressed gratitude. LOL. but, not really funny. He served God and his denomination his entire life. He would be greatly saddened at the fall of the Methodist denomination.
How to avert the coming famine. The use of famine may not be in a traditional sense.
The actual churches which will survive will have these things in common.
The regular teaching of repentance, faith, trust, sin, righteousness and holiness, Christian character in all aspects of life. The message which was given to Billy Graham must be perpetuated.
Everyone and every church must become as close to absolute efficient as possible in every aspect of living. In other words learn how to live like it was in the 1400's but with modern day technologies.
The people had close relationships to their churches. Churches must restart those relationships. The evolution of the Mega churches is coming. This evolution will be all accepting and all tolerating.
Added on 16 June 2018: I think the evolution of Mega Churches will be as follows. Within the Mega Churches there must be a drastic growth in those persons who shall become the new pastors of the missions. Just recently, Something was highlighted in my mind. A small poor Latino church just graduated 10 new pastors in early June. If this is to be a formula where 1 in 7 become pastors from the Mega churches. Then these 1 in 7 shall depart and follow the Holy Spirit wherever The Holy Spirit shall lead. Then many of the remainder shall follow these new pastors. This is when the mega churches shall become the place where the sole star of the show can be seen. is the star of the show the Pastor or Jesus Christ? You may know how to respond correctly but is it the truth for what you truly believe?
---------Church Vision------
I saw a church with a field of containers. The people were working and living in them or very close to them on church property. I looked around and saw solar panels on the roofs. I saw wind turbines. Then a door opened into a container. With a not very happy person coming out. He was lax and allowed bugs inside of his vertical hydroponic farm. The community losses food. He was responsible and he knew it. His error will become a problem for the community.
I saw a T-Container set up. One had a livable space. While another T-Container had a fish farm directly hooked up to the vertical farm. I wonder if it was an H or I-Container set up or both?
Here is a problem.Those hydroponic containers can cost upto or more than $85,000 each. I think each manufacturer are very proprietary and there are not that many manufacturers. So this hydroponic vertical farming idea must become open sourced as well as all individual products to be universalized. Off the shelf materials must be used in every situation. This can be a church or a denomination led action. I think profit can be made by this. Especially if the system can be run by a older computer or sub $500. computer. USB1,2,3 driven. The insulated oversized container can run $5K. So if total cost of a unit can be lower than $20K or less. A savings of $60+K.
Added on 23 may 2018:
This idea can be expanded greatly. More than what you can find out today. (Memory hint small medium and big). I'll keep this to myself in case some big to do church contacts me with genuine interest. And no I will not profit from it or ask anything for it.
Personal Note: I'm really good at giving away invention ideas. This is one of them. This one is about saving lives. Preventing starvation and the church returning back to their roots of actually Loving one another. Through actions of compassion and mercy. Think about this. Churches today and right now have security systems which are on a very high percentage of the week. In the coming future. Churches will still have security systems. But, they will be mostly turned off. As the masses of people will be always present in every church. Especially, where God has sealed his own. How can the children of God be identified? Research that one in the Holy Bible.
If California passes the A.B. 2943 in 2018. This is a companion to the 2012 Senate Bill 1172. This is just something I thought about 2012, 2018 and then in 2024. The third law to make up a 6-6-6 in years. You probably should move out of California and divest of any business in California.
Devout righteous and holy Christians will be forced to move and the wicked evil doers will move in. Then when California is full of evil doers. Will God judge California then? When all that is good has departed.
You have been warned. That Christians are supposed to run for every political office at every level. You Christians have not done this. The evil doers are and when they have their majorities and judges. Then all of Christianity will become fearful of being successfully sued by anyone who is offended. Christians will lose their livelihoods, jobs, homes, properties and wealth. Then forced medicated and into jails. Even this aspect of elections is a countdown clock one which has already begun and one which has and end in which you will not be aware of. Until you have been criminalised.
Added on 23 may 2018:
Moving out of the entire west coast may be something to seriously consider. If California continues to pass anti-Christian laws and raise up immorality. Then God may very well bring Judgement suddenly upon them. The truly righteous and holy as accepted by God will leave quietly. If you consider yourself holy and righteous and your still in Sodom as it is being destroyed. Then your belief system is in error.
If your a church which is teaching sin, righteousness and holiness. Then leaving California may be in your present or future. If your already having thoughts, visions and dreams of leaving without reading my words. Then you know what you should do. Because remember Lot. How many family members scoffed and remained? They were invited and they refused. It is your free choice. Do or don't. If you are truly righteous, holy and have been invited to leave and yet remained to save many more. Then either way you will know glory. That is unless the angels who will come for you are in no mood to negotiate. I think that when the angels make themselves known again. Negotiations will no longer be an option. Yes, the angels can make you forget you were ever with them. This can even be a sign. That if you know you have forgotten a thing and the people who are close to you think you have become perpetually weird. Then maybe.
I still think that vaccinations could be "The mark of the beast". Especially if one could chemically alter the DNA of a person like the image of GMO corn. By creating a spot on the hand or forehead. To easily identify every person. California is going to make laws or already have to force all adults to obtain vaccinations. Research the law for yourself. Be sure you go to the source and not an opinion.
2016 SB792 is only a beginning. I think this is it.
Added on 23 May 2018:
Demonic and spiritual attacks upon pastors, preachers and theologians will become a near daily occurrence as time gets shorter for them all. The demons and fallen angels all know of your ancestors sins. Even if you do not know any of their secret sins or secret crimes. They will use this knowledge against you. For your ancestors sins have become your weaknesses and no sin is secret in the spirit. Even if that sin is still within your own mind and heart. You pastors, preachers and theologians who are genuinely Christian. Who are always repentant and who strive to be holy and righteous in the accepting eyes of God only. You will find your safety in the consumption and drinking of the Word, in purposeful fasting, in earnest prayer. Flee from all sins and do not allow yourself to become a victim of any demonic attack.
Because the time will come and it many cases it is already here. Just go and type in Pastor crime or pastor caught in the act and any other search term you can think of. For I tell you this a time will come when a pastors sin will no longer be just local news. The whole world will report all pastoral crimes and sins. Just as what was done to Swaggart and Bakker. So to will be for you. Even if you drink just one beer or throw a cigarette butt out your window.
The demons and fallen angels will seemingly be forever present in or around your mind. As they gather information in how and what you think. They will mimic your own thoughts into your mind causing you to believe their words into you are your own thoughts. In other words telepathy. Telepathy does not have to be a two way phone call in your brain. Telepathy can be a one way transmission into your brain. The demons and fallen angels are so good that you may not even be aware what thoughts are genuinely yours or theirs. There is a key. If you cause yourself to only be interested in the Word of God and the Word of God becomes all you care to know. You will not have time for worldly distractions. The demons and fallen angels do not want to be close to any mind which only transmits the Word of God or is always in Prayer with God or is always meditating or listening to God or is always worshipping God or is always actively rejecting all sins. Even the sins from the digital games you have played where you have caused harm or murdered your digital enemies in joyful celebration. Repent always. Become righteous and holy in the accepting eyes of God only. Here is your ammunition.
If you deny these words your at risk for becoming known throughout the world as a criminal sinner. It is what it is and this is spiritual warfare deeper than most people will ever conceptualize. This level of spiritual warfare is just for people just like you devout Christian pastor, preacher, theologian. You will not have to sin as deeply as Swaggart or become as well known as the criminal Bakker. Just to be caught in a poor decision is enough to prove to the whole world that you are not who you claim to be or portray yourself to be.
Note: I think and believe Jim Bakker is a changed man. I do not know Swaggart or have kept up with him. It is not my purpose to continually accuse or criticize either man. My use of these two men are only for historical purposes. Pray first and get your Holy Bible for this 3:29. Here is an interesting video from the Jim Bakker show.
Remember I use copy and paste for your safety and security.
Added on 25 may 2018: Active blessing or cursing Israel. I just found this from Jonathan Cahn From 14 May 2018:
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Monday, May 14, 2018

Profound Meaningful Actions: +4: (Unedited): 14 May 2018:

The most profound, purposeful and meaningful things you will ever experience in your life will always have a foundation based upon your selfless acts.
Perpetual Selfish Thoughts: (Unedited): 14 May 2018:
Having feelings of being deserving and entitled to your perpetual selfish thoughts and actions. May be enjoyable in the short term. But as the years roll by do not expect to have accrued any real wisdom or knowledge of gaining any real profound purpose or meaning in your life.  
Humanities Selfless Love: (Unedited): 14 May 2018:
Your selfless acts based upon your love for humanity and this world. Is one of the essential keys in actually knowing how to perceive the true meaning of life.
Purchasing Meaning: (Unedited): 14 May 2018:
Purchasing the meaning of life through your selfish desire to acquire it is a fundamental impossibility. While you may have helped ease suffering, hunger and ailments. The meaning and purpose of life will only be the empty correct answer to the known question.
Purple words below is a step.
I think I've written this story before. I worked for a local family owned office supply delivery company when I was younger. I worked hard. Cleaned up their warehouse. I was always on time even arrived before the boss. Made my deliveries without issue. While riding with the adult son of the owner we drove past the Alabama Baptist Children's home in Alabama. He made the proud comment of how his family donates to these people in order to keep those criminals off of the street. I was a little upset. I told him I was a former foster kid and would never steal from him or his family. That Friday I was fired. No reason. Yes, I knew I should have kept my mouth shut. Foster kids are taught this early on. Yes, even today there is still the master servant relationships. A servant is not supposed to speak out against the master or the Master's children in any way. Well, I did.
Where is the intentions of your heart? For what reason do you do good things? Out of fear or out of love? Do you do good things just to receive an accolade or respect? Just because a family has been in the church for generations. Does not mean they are actual Christians. Their church may just be their social club.
Youthful Joy: (Unedited): 14 May 2018:
Genuine youthful joy is just one of the rewards gained in this here and now. When you take necessary actions based on your love for one another. No matter the cost.
Purple words below is a step.
So you think this world is bad? Maybe not worth it? How about to far gone? or maybe your world is perfect as the rewards from this world always come to you in every decision made. But, is their real purpose and meaning to your life?
Personal Note: I have to work really hard to be nice. Even being past 50 years old. I guess for me growing up the way I have. Those things not learned is still very evident. Like how to properly respond to certain intentions and how to properly act to a variety of social stimuli is alien to me. Once I'm past the greeting and weather I tend to get lost in social interactions. I've tried to even ask about family and careers. But when I get returned one word answers. I'm like really.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Mars Landing Sites?: (Unedited): 08 May 2018:

Work in progress.
Elon Musk has made space exciting again. Through a logical approach of preposition. This can be done without unnecessary human risks.
Landing sites not in any order. I'm just a janitor and don't know nothing more than what is freely given for all of us to see.
My criteria is deep underground access close by.
Approximately 30+ successful launches and landings per site before any human landings.
Each of these sites will have at least one of the following. These will be self landing units. Once set up they each can easily join together and all work together easily. In other words these will be launched from Earth and land in one of three regions. They each will have a specific weight and filled with all manner of gear. Habitat, communications, multipurpose energy source unit, thorium power plant, water creation, wheeled water storage, fuel creation, wheeled fuel storage, Vertical food growing system, garage, hospital, temporary shelters, variety of related science labs, multipurpose storage container, 3D printing, foundry, specific manufacturing units.
Vehicles: Exploration wheeled vehicles, wheeled tractors with interchangeable implements, Tracked vehicle for extreme duty, mobile boring device. Mining equipment, mobile foundry,
All wheeled vehicles should come with attachable tracks. Every vehicle should come with winches. Extreme duty vehicle should also have a deep spool winch. It must be able to lower all assets down holes to maximum depth possible and raise them back up.
1). The northern regions. This is all I can say as the civilian Google Mars data is still torqued and blurry.
       A). A site.
       B). B site.
       C). C site.
2). The Southern Regions.  This is all I can say as the civilian Google Mars data is somewhat torqued and blurry. Although the Craters is very troubling and dangerous. There are places which seem smooth on one side. The good thing is that once humans man the equipment. They can move everything anywhere they desire or are directed.
      D). D site.
      E). E site.
3). Northern Olympus Mons region: Landing site in the Northwest region.
4). Rahway Valles: Seems safe to land. Region to the west seems very interesting.
5). Phlegra region: Seems safe to land and are seems interesting.
6). Syria Planum: Really interesting to garner the attention of having multiple sites in the area. Chasma region to chaos.
       Three or four sites.
7). Curie Crater: A southern landing zone seems good and safe.
       Two sites. 
8). Thoth region:
Two or three sites.
9). Cerberus Palus: Possible new skippy the meteor site near Wafra. Smiley face crater to the north west.
Two or three sites.
10). Rhabon Valles:
Three sites.
Before any launches can occur. Humanity must figure out how to automate their machines.
Humanity must put into place a full Mars GPS like satellite constellation.
Humanity must put into place all manor of scientific observing systems and specific metals detectors.
Humanity must put into place a full spectrum communications satellite network. Voice and streaming data.
Humanity must have in place two permanent space fairing stations. For rotational purposes.
The new human martians must be able to make enough fuel to resupply the space stations in a timely manner.
Humanity which is on Mars must be able with ease and safely get back to the space station.
The crucial part. NASA must build their magnetic shield satellites and put them in their appropriate Lagrange points. Plus some for the Jupiter transit. These must be designed to operate for hundreds of years.
I think after humanity is in place.
The devices should also be able to be modulated. Meaning if the atmosphere is not the way humanity wants it. Then the magnetic shield satellite can be turned down in order for the sun to blow away portions of Mars atmosphere. The magnetic shield should also be able to be turned up in emergencies from the sun.
The Earth should also have it's own Magnetic shield generator satellite placed in Earths L1 in order to protect the Earth from Carrington events or CME's.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

You mean this Bible thing is real!?!: (Unedited): 07 April 2018:

Usually when I write like this. It is for you the reader to backup all of these words through the Holy Bible and use them as you see the necessity of them. Before you read. Pray and meditate before you read this. I do my best to put forth the message. The church age may end in less than 40 years. If you use content or the interesting way it leads you to the message. There is no need to mention me or acknowledge me in any way. Just got quotes.  
The Christian denominations and churches of the USA and western Europe must get away from the lies and deceptions of worldly teachings today. Instead begin to focus on the actual evidence to prove that this Bible thing is real. Really real. Even many of you pastors who have been teaching for decades may not even really believe. Because, if you actually believed this Bible thing was real. Would you begin to control your actual real sins of your own actions, mind and heart? Or are you just waiting to get caught in your adulterous affairs? stealing funds? buying/selling drugs, abusing kids and etc.? Justice is coming for you and the whole world will know of your crimes and sins. Those real bad characters, actors and fakers will not even read this or know this. Those who see this and heed this are the ones who may decide to change or have been given the opportunity to change. For those who continually sin and have no guilt may be the ones who already have been judged and thus prevented from any change. Just like the Pharaoh in the days of Moses.
The Thomas Affair
We live in a time where all of humanity is bombarded in lies and deceptions. From the lies and deceptions of the races of humanity to aliens/angels in the heavens. Just think about it. We have made heroes out of super beings and some of those so called super beings have mythology. These beings and their powers may have been real. Just go and read the book of Enoch which was once a part of the Holy Bible until it was removed. These fallen angels came here pretending to be gods. They took advantage of human beings in a variety of ways. They did many other genetic altering things to many creatures including humanity. Yet, today the number one movie cult is the Marvel Universe. What heroes and villains are made up in the Marvel Universe. Remember in the end of days it will be like in the days of Noah. In the days of Noah it was common knowledge to know of the angels in a factual manor. It was common knowledge to know of the children of the gods. It was common knowledge to be a first hand witness to genetic manipulations of different species. Even everything named in space is based on the fallen angels who went by different names. Think about real bad people do they not hide their true identities and put out false names? Although the marvel Universe is entertaining to watch it is a distraction to what we really need to focus on in life. Because, even in your own made up fantasy's can you sin. Even in the video games you play you can still murder and enjoy it as you celebrate your victories of conquests.
Think about the TV shows that we watch. The shows about lawyers, crimes and investigations have been popular for many decades now. All of these shows train up the mind to seek evidence in order to prove something which is real to believe. Do you remember the statement from an investigative detective who often said "Only the facts Ma'am" ? We have had decades of this belief system. While at the same time our children learn in schools and in everyday life that the Holy Bible is a made up work of fiction. Our children learn that nothing in the Holy Bible is real. It is easy for children to believe teachers, instructors and professors as when they become of age to learn the truth in regards to santa, easter bunny, tooth fairy and etc. Your own children learn just how deeply you have lied to them. So when an educated person whom they respect tells them the Holy Bible is a false hood. Your children believe them and leave the belief system you raised them in. 
Ye pastors, theologians and religious teachers. Teach the evidence of the Holy Bible every week. Prove to your people and to yourself that this Bible thing is very real. Here is your warning. Once you and your people have that leap of faith into the very real idea that this Bible thing is real. Yours and their lives will be altered forever. Remember what was said to Thomas. But, maybe for our modern era of thinking. The teaching of hard minded people through a Thomas principle is necessary for people to become saved. But, then again the devil and the rest of the fallen angels know the facts and how the Holy Bible is real. So why do you think the entire Christian faith is under attack worldwide? So prove it - prove it all. I would highly suggest beginning with or not with Ron Wyatt and his discovery of Noah Ark as well as other things. How often has God used the insignificant person and unqualified person to tell a story? Think about that. Look for all archeology which originated with the Holy Bible. It doesn't stop here.
You then must teach how to flee from all sin. This includes those sins of the heart and mind. Yes, I know the psychologists all say and believe that it is impossible to control the thoughts in your own mind. Well, They are all wrong and what they say is a falsehood.
You must teach meaningful and purposeful repentance. In all aspects of life. 
You must teach how to become holy and righteous in all aspects of your life. This includes no longer causing harm to others. No longer taking purposeful advantage of any soul for any reason. 
If your a professed Christian and you cause harm in any way. You may not be a Christian. If you act, pretend and put on a show behind a podium and on stage you may not be a Christian. If your church has less than 10% of the congregation doing actual works based on their own out flow of love for one another. You and your church may in fact be all about you. After all, who is the star of the show? You or (Jesus Christ) Yeshua? Think about it. I'm not attacking you unless I am. I just want you to be aware that if you have gotten yourself caught up in the entertainment trap. It is one thing if you got yourself all caught up. It happens to everyone for any reason. It is all another if your an unbeliever or unfaithful and your putting on the show because your show is all about you. 
Added on 22 May 2018: 
Argument Lost: (Unedited): 22 May 2018:
Christians have lost the argument against a foe they did not want. A foe who feels they have no need to bring any evidence while at the same time forcing the Christian to bring all manner of evidence and then denying it all.  
Christian Solidification: (Unedited): 22 May 2018: 
As a result of the undesired foe's continuous rejection and denial of Christian evidence will become a complete solidification of faith within the entire Christian community.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Thursday, May 3, 2018

Khabib Abdulmanapovich Nurmagomedov Vision: +8: (Unedited): 03 May 2018:

This is a message for all of the Martial Arts Community around the world. It matters not if your traditional or mixed. Spread this message in your own way. No need to mention me in any way.
All new content is at the bottom and above the purple words. If your new to reading my blogs. The quotes are more important than any other words I write and should be considered as stand alone. Even though I try to explain the quotes. The intention of any of my writing is for you to take from them a positive message. 
It is important to note. That any revelation to any future event can alter that event by simply revealing information about that event. Because, anyone who has bad and sad prophetic words brought against them can either mitigate or completely prevent the bad and sad occurrence from happening.
I had a vision about the upcoming Nurmagomedov McGregor MMA fight. Mr. Nurmagomedov Wins and brutally destroyed McGregor. Mr. Nurmagomedov refused to knock out McGregor instead wanted to cause him to refuse to fight or become unable to fight. The first preference is or will be the plan.
It is one thing to knockout or to tapout. It is another to cause a person to not come out and fight another round.
Added on 15 May 2018:
The recent Amanda Nunes/Raquel Pennington fight.
I think the corner was right and also failed Raquel. I do not think Raquel was properly prepared for the fight and knew it early in. Fortunately and hopefully Raquel will be OK and heal well. 
Here is why....
The purity and wisdom which was associated with the Martial Arts seems to be dead.
As with Mr. Silva and with Mrs. Rousey. They each were the best in the world. They each had their flaws which was severe disrespectful pride and sin of taking a husband married to another.
Anytime you integrate a wrong/sin into your life it always infects your current level of your defined achievements. The wrong/sin can cripple you so much that a fall from your attained personal or professional greatness. You will appear like lightning falling from the heights of the heavens.
So to will Conor McGregor fall hard. For his pride has deep anger and rage. His lack of public self control will go badly against him. I would recommend that Mr. McGregor retire from fighting and begin his older life. Once he takes time to contemplate things. Hopefully repentance and then walking a righteous and holy life.
Of Course. What do fighters do? They fight and if they don't fight then who are they? As the emptiness sets in. If it does for either fighter as they are both 29 years old and about to hit that milestone of thirty. Depending on your genetics and skill levels. The way you fight must be altered in your thirties. You gotta fight smarter and be in control of yourself. Ages 34 to 45 are old and in these days of continual evolution. We may not see a forty year old any more. Although GSP is looking forward to retirement at 40.
For Khabib Abdulmanapovich Nurmagomedov: I suggest for you to maintain honor, respect and humility. Respect even if a person may or may not be deserving of it. Honoring the person before you is honoring yourself and your family even if the person before you is deemed to have no honor or self respect. Humility no matter how fast or long the victory takes. Shows your class and status as a genuine human being of deep and profound value. God/Allah does not like pride.
Do remember that any fighter you face does have the ability to win. Even if it is a lucky shot or you make that unlucky attack. So to with Mr. McGregor with you. Remember the red words above.
Note: I do not believe in luck.
Added on 15 May 2018:
Honor and respect just after the Victor Belfort/Lyoto Machida fight. When these highly skilled men and women are in the ring. The fight can end in any way. One surprised shot can end it. The obvious 2.5 or 4.5 round loser obtains a desperate tap out from what would have been the obvious victor. Either way honor and respect should be shown.
Martial Arts Rage Animals: (Unedited): 15 May 2018:
Men and women of the Martial Arts do not have to become animals of rage and anger. Then to symbolically spit in the face of their opponent or future opponent.
And there is the quote. Must mean something.
Woodward TV.
Added on 18 May 2018: Respect and honor as well as about the martial Art. Wisdom. Goals of truth.
Added on 26 May 2018:
Georges St-Pierre has been accused of being calculated and boring. I tell you that when you know your opponent better than he knows himself. Victory over your opponent can become a greater probability. Then all you have to really contend with is your own well known and self known imperfections and errors in timing.
If the viewer only wants to see body damage, blood and unconsciousness. Then they will never see or experience what perfection within the hallowed ring of combat. The viewer who only wants for bloody excitement will not see how one person has not only conquered themself but have also perfected the Martial Arts styles of their own choosing.
Added on 16 Aug 2018:
Well pride and arrogance is becoming evident in the Nurmagomedov family. Having fun at the expense of those who are suffering to any degree is not right in any society or culture. But, in many societies a work must be exchanged or should be exchanged for a free gift. But, their laughter is what appears to be demoralising to those whom they may have been helping out. What is more interesting is how now it is suddenly necessary to care for those who are desperate when foreigners poke fun at them. You know it can be comical when trying to even speak with the homeless who are severely mentally ill. While at the same time denoting the serious situation of each homeless persons plight. Look at the videos below.
Mr. Nurmagomedov, watch your pride, ego and arrogance my friend. These are those little things which can grow into the blind monster within which can lead to your downfall or failure. Even if that pride, ego and arrogance is from a beloved family member or friend. These negative emotions can even infect you and your performance. There are many ancient stories of where one sin led to sudden defeat.
I certainly hope that you revisit the teachings in the Holy Qur'an. All about pride and arrogance.
So you and your entire team must repent of your pride and arrogance before you face Conor. All of you must be properly clean.
This one thing which has happened publicly can be the one thing which leads to your first defeat. It won't be a defeat by some crazy irishman it will be your unaware sins which will defeat you.
I gotta go read that link. It is a lot to digest.
Added on 16 Sept 2018: I just had this vision earlier today.
I saw the multiple fights with Conor McGregor and Khabib Nurmagomedov. Conor is fast. Conor knocks out Khabib in the first round. Khabib had no chance. Conor's boxing was brutal. Then things began to change. Conor changes his fight plan to cause a brutal and long term suffering and defeat to Khabib. Just like what I wrote above in regards to Khabib. Then the fight was altered again into a any fighter will win when the other takes command of mistakes of the other fighter. Then it changed into mutual pummeling of each other. With Khabib coming out as victor in a dozen different ways on the mat. I do not think any of the fights I saw where Conor wins after the third round. It all started getting hazy and fuzzy. You know what that means? There is no certainty for either fighter. Especially, when both fighters seem to focus on the same game plan to inflict as much trauma as possible. Which means back up to the top of this writing and switch names.
If Conor goes in to fight to win only. Conor will win. If Conor goes in to just beat Khabib. Then everything gets murky for Conor. If Conor allows his emotions and his pride rule over him than the logical plan to defeat Khabib. Then Conor will lose. The same for Khabib. The biggest fight for Khabib is his pride and ego. What does your Holy Book say about that? and how many times?
Added on 05 Oct 2018: ALHAMDULILLAH
The Connor Khabib fight is tomorrow. I'm still in Khabib's corner. I chose the apparent righteous man and the better martial artist. I won't be able to watch it until much later on. It is the way of the poor person. All that I've written above still applies.
Added on 06 Oct 2018 @ 1648 Hrs.
Fallen People Sign: (Unedited): 06 Oct 2018:
A sign of a fallen people is they will cheer for the bad person and boo the righteous person. The children of the fallen people will emulate bad attitudes and bad actions of the bad people who have become their heroes.
While in prayer. I got the words "Prophetic Sign". Is this fight to be a prophetic sign? Can the brutality of what has become of the martial arts within the UFC be a sign from God. Will God use both fighters to His multi-dimensional teachings for the people who are willing to look, listen and seek for the prophetic messages to come from this fight?
Witnessed Action Permission: (Unedited): 06 Oct 2018: @1700 hrs.
Disrespect and disobedience of authority is a teaching of the evil doer. One where the children watching are given permission through witnessed action to be like those who are disrespectful and disobedient.
What Mr. Conor McGregor teaches the young people is that it is OK to do as you will it. It is OK to break laws, It is OK to lead a gang. It is OK to harm those not involved. It is OK to be a bully. It is not OK and these teachings without apology or humility will only cause society to fall even faster into the abyss of a hellish society. Of course it is not Mr. McGregor's fault it is all of society which has failed him in his youth and it is all of society which has cheered him on and encouraged him to continue to be the bad guy.
It seems obvious that he is not religious at all. Actually, Mr. Conor's religion is of himself. Maybe, this is where God will call upon Conor. Will this mean a severe loss as Saul had encountered. After all saul was the upcoming man. Saul was gonna be the man. Saul was hunting down and having Christians murdered wherever he found them. Then Jesus Himself caused Saul to become Paul. Pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy was striped away from Paul. All of the entitlements which Saul had been promised throughout his life was also taken away. Paul was then suffered throughout the rest of his life.
Then again Coming prophecy dictates that the saints will all lose and even the two witnesses will also lose and be killed. Since Mr. Nurmagomedov is seen as the righteous man. Will he be the sign of losing badly in such a public spotlight? What will this sign mean to the whole of the religious world?
Will a Khabib victory be a sign for all of Islam to go forth and conquer all that is before you. For God has raised up many nations to conquer and murder His very own chosen people. Except for His chosen remnant. Especially, when His chosen people have strayed away and become sinful.
If your still reading this. I will not be able to watch this fight until it is available basically for free. So, I will not be able to see what and how things happen and how things lead to other things. I will do my part and in time I will respond. Time now 06 oct 2018 @ 1728 hrs. Florida USA.
Personal Note: Usually when I write quotes. They are more important and should stand alone over anything else I write. Since I wrote two quotes today. This are of importance to some degree.
Added on 07 Oct 2018:
Congratulations on your victory Mr. Khabib Nurmagomedov.
I have not yet seen the fight. But, have been looking at the news involving the fight. Conor McGregor was reported to have been easily defeated by Khabib Nurmagomedov.
I have seen the fight.
The apparent righteous victor defeated the evil doer. Even after Conor struck you with illegal moves. Even after Conor did illegal acts to just hold on. Even after the referee refused to acknowledge many of Conor's illegal deeds. You stood toe to toe and in Conor's face. And then the apparent righteous victor dishonored the victory by going gangster. Yes, Conor McGregor insulted and disrespected everything you love and hold in great value of importance. Because, the evil doer acts crazy does not give you the right to be as crazy as the evil doer. For once your mind leaves God, You become just like the evil doer. For now you must be obedient to the world authority. You must be repentant to the world authority. The world authority is completely against anyone who is clean, righteous and holy. Your sin of losing control and your prideful sin of selfishly bragging that your right was in the clear sight of everyone who watched. For in that moment you were just like every other unbelieving evil doer. How easy is it? If you happen to have read this. Do not assume I'm more than I am. I'm not. I'm a deeply flawed human being.
Battle Continued: (Unedited): 07 Oct 2018:
Bad or evil intelligent beings who are wholly defeated, do not suddenly become good, righteous and holy. They become more hateful, angry, enraged and vengeful. So the battle led by the victorious righteous warriors must continue on.
The difference between a bad and a evil intelligent being is the bad intelligent being can become good. While the evil intelligent being has already sealed their own fate. Is Conor bad or evil? I do not know. If this one defeat changes his life and he has claimed with the birth of his child. Then we will see in the evidence he presents. Did Khabib act in a bad or evil manner after the fight? Which fighter was in character and which one acted out of character?
Who was at fault? Conor McGregor is at fault. Khabib Nurmagomedov is at fault. The entire UFC organization is at fault. The media and all of it's reporters in MMA is at fault. All of you encouraged and/or allowed bad attitudes to develop. All for a greater profit motive. What all of you do not see is that all of the younger generation will see the bad attitudes, bad characters and evil that all of you perpetuate. The young and impressionable souls will see all of you as their heroes and do their best to become like you. Bad attitudes and poor decisions in their everyday adult life. This is not what I think that Bruce Lee had envisioned for his dream of a mixed martial arts. Especially when he spoke of wisdom often.
Animal Brutes: (Unedited): 07 oct 2018:
Animalistic human brutish thugs without any wisdom, respect, self control and honor are just devolved cock fighting chickens.
Added on 07 Oct 2018 @ 2309hrs.
Good video from martial artist expert. From fightTIPS
Added on 08 Oct 2018: The question: Should Khabib be stripped of the belt?
NO. Khabib should not be stripped of the belt that he fairly earned. Conor was cheating. Dean allowed it. The UFC promoted the ugliness, hate and anger. Nevada and the Athletic Commission permitted it. They all saw it happening.  Khabib still beat Conor after all of that nonsense since May with a tap out by Conor. What is bad is that Conor lost while cheating many times. It seems obvious that the UFC wanted Conor to win as Dean allowed Conor to cheat many many times. There should be an investigation of the UFC. Go and watch the fight.
Added on 10 Oct 2018:
Are you ready for this comment? Conor McGregor was correct when he said he and his team won. I believe Conor is correct. But it is not like you think. Read the above again. All of it. Any time an evildoer can cause a righteous person to lose or leave their righteousness and become just like every other evildoer. Even for a moment. All of the righteous persons credibility is out the window forever as perceived by the evildoers of the world system. The evildoers and the world systems will never forgive or forget a righteous persons sins. Especially the sins which has become very public. So yes, Conor is correct he and his team won.
Added on 11 Oct 2018: Comment on fairness and Conor antics prior to the fight. What should have happened to Conor? I agree there should not be another rematch.
Business Core Values: (Unedited): 11 Oct 2018:
Honor, integrity and respect permeates all aspects of the Martial Arts life. This includes business. It is not only just business when you remove any of the positive core values in Martial Arts so that you can act the fool in order to make more coin.
Martial Arts Devalued: (Unedited): 11 Oct 2018:
A professed Martial Artist acting a fool in the public spotlight. Devalues all of the Martial Arts and Martial Artists regardless if they fight, coach or teach the younger generations. 
Added on 12 Oct 2018: The media is going after Conor and his "It's only business" comment.
No honor for Conor or Conor no honor.
Much worse. Conor is now being called a female dog in heat in very disgusting tones.
Added on 20 Oct 2018:
The Positive Messages Returns To All Of Martial Arts.
Khabib Nurmagomedov as well as Georges St, Pierre can become the two martial arts powerhouses which brings back all of the good things to all of the Martial Arts Community. GSP is most likely going to retire and Khabib Nurmagomedov is the new champion. As with all things the elders must retire and the youngers must carry on in their own way. So to as is should be in the martial Arts. While the elders remain to offer wisdom and knowledge where they can.
Khabib Nurmagomedov is now in the position to be more than a fighter and more than a martial artist. People from all over the world will begin to follow him and follow his wisdom, knowledge and understanding of the way things should be. For the western society this may be a return back to when we once had honor, integrity, respect and all of the rest of those important positive words that all of humanity should be governed by. For even Khabib as a son of almost thirty years old is still under discipline by his own father as a good son should be willingly obedient even through his ongoing disciplines. it should be noted that Khabib truly does not have to accept any discipline from his father, clan/tribe, religion or place of residence. Right? Yet, It seems evident that khabib is obedient even with a smile.
Think about all of this Khabib who leaps out of the cage like the eagle that he is. Now all of a sudden khabib is a bad person. Look at the great Bruce Lee. Didn't Bruce lee as legend tells go looking for fights and participating in fights? Many of those fights were provoked and unplanned by those who Bruce Lee happened on. Wasn't there even a real movie fight involving Bruce Lee and someone who wanted to beat Bruce Lee. It is now said that Conor McGregor was only building a fight any way he wanted to even if it means getting arrested and injury innocent bystanders. This was tolerated by the UFC, Disciplined by the UFC, Disavowed by the UFC and then all of it was promoted by the UFC in order to make even more money. Who are the bad entities here? Is it first the UFC? Is it second Conor McGregor and third the Nevada Athletic Commission who permitted everything and continued to allow all of the shenanigans after the bad attitudes and illegal acts occurred. Is the forth bad guy Khabib? Now it is evident that Conor's corner team was saying some very ugly comments. Conor had been cheating through the entire fight. The referee seems to have allowed it to continue. So Khabib being angry at everything occurring went after the loudest voice outside of the octagon. What would you have done after experiencing all manner of disrespect, dishonor, cheating by everyone except by your own people? Your ugly opponent just quits and you still have all of that energy which seems to be turning into rage as you fly like an eagle. Wait is that a song?
I use copy and paste for your security and protection. What you see is what you get. 
Somebody made the connection 9 days before me. I am not making light or disrespecting of this event. But, anyway. Here is the video at 571 views, 21 likes and zero dislikes.
Original song. I think? Steve Miller band. Fly Like An Eagle.
Skip this:
Personal Notes are typically for my family: I can remember hearing this song in my early youth. I seemed to have been stuck in my fantasy world of top 40 hits and batman. It is all I really had and I knew I was becoming a bad friend to my one and only best friend as I had already cracked his head open with a thrown piece of metal and pulled a knife on him once. I had already become a bad person. This is all I was ever told in my life. I guess this is why I was called "TAX" in foster care because everyone was gonna pay and they eventually did. Today the nickname "TAX" is insulting and saddening to me for it is who I was and no longer am. Yet, TAX somewhere still lurks deep within. I guess it is with all formerly bad people who actually had done bad things. The memory of the past. No names hold any importance to me except for how my wife and children call me. A hard false truth for someone who always knew they were "No One" in their youth and young adulthood. For a short period in my life I was gonna to change my legal last name to "MacNoone". I knew I was so bad that I needed to be away from anyone who was good.
Yet, in my mind in between Batman and songs. This one by the Steve Miller Band "Fly Like an Eagle" Was a good song for me. For I wanted to be the Eagle which was not bound by the Earth for its rest and the limits of the sky as its cage. I wanted to be that eagle which escaped all that there is here and just go far into the empty dark and towards whatever was out there - God. This was before anyone knew that I had 20/900+/astigmatism eyesight. So my view of the night sky was all dark and no moon. But, I knew the stars and planets were up there. I knew there was supposed to be a moon and in my dreams at night my vision was perfect as I flew above the rooftops, highways and cars on Clearwater nights. The concepts of freedom and joy I felt as I flew were feelings I could not conceptualize in those days as those emotions were alien to me. So when I felt very overpowering positive emotions of any kind. I did not know how to react to them in a proper or accepting manner.
By the time this song was heard. I was already in foster care which included shelters and foster homes somewhere in Pinellas County Florida being starved again, being told to keep quiet, being beaten as a fun form of a ping pong paddle game and etc. Foster care was a form of prison for me. They were prisons as I was always told to stay in the room and keep quiet. Only bad people go to prison and were forbidden to go to school. Not that I was ever welcomed in school or wanted to go. Foster care solidified within me of just how bad of a person I was. I was separated with other bad people and taken care of by bad adults. (Except for the D and G families).
The song fly like an eagle was a fantastical mind escape for me.(Escapism).
End skip this:
Parental Authority: (Unedited): 20 Oct 2018:
A son and a daughter should be under the respectful authority of their parents in a good and honorable manner. 
What can I say to this. It is unfamiliar and alien to me. For I have been without. It does seem true to me.
Added on 24 oct 2018: This seems like a closing to this blog. So I'm gonna close this one out. With a final words.
Each of you fighters are more than just mindless chicken cock fighters. Each of you fighters are representative of the entire martial arts community worldwide. Each of you are even far more important than martial artists as each of you are representatives of your communities, nations and more importantly your families. Regardless if your family is like mine with no active relationship or being able to respect your own family and yet you still should respect and honor your family. Even if you or them are undeserving. If in the past or even the recent past. You can begin to respect and honor whomever you face in or out of the ring. Revenge, anger and hatred does not have to enter into your heart, in practice or the ring.
It "seems" that Conor has had his pride evaporated. While his crime, dishonor and disrespect was shown to the whole world. Conor will forever be in those Karma videos. Conor is now known to be a female dog in heat. How that will translate in all of his extra businesses will be eventually seen and known? I hope that Conor finds his humanity and that the value of honor, integrity and character are far more important than building business and profits for the show to come.
Conor can still become one of the best fighters of all time or he can disappear into a typical business suit. Khabib can be defeated in the ring but will not be defeated in life. The question for Conor is, will your defeat in the ring lead to your defeat in life? Conor your righteousness is still available to you and for you.
Added on 05 Nov 2018: I thought this was the end.  This is a must watch video.
Quora Question:
Added on 20 Nov 2018: Khabib Abdulmanapovich Nurmagomedov news:
I've seem to always live in low income neighborhoods as the shadow of homelessness looms as a coldness in my own mind. I have seen first hand what alcohol, smoking and drugs does to families. I have seen how alcohol, drugs and smoking destroys. I have seen how wayward, worldly, sinful  lifestyles destroys marriages and people. I have seen those self destruct with the use of these things and then follow through with various crimes, violence and suicide. America had its sexual revolution back in the 1960's and today the destruction of the family is more than evident. Having many sexual partners is destructive to the person and leads the person into loneliness and a variety of depressive states. Which leads to mental illnesses and perpetual never ending use of medications for the control of various depressive disorders. This isn't freedom it is self destructive. To the point that a person chooses their own physical pleasures while sacrificing family and their own spiritual development. Having absolute freedom does not lead to enlightenment it leads to the devolution of a darkened and hopeless soul. It is the same for the LGBTQ belief in their rights, freedoms and false acknowledgement that this is how they were born. The LGBTQ lifestyle leads to the extinction of the family name and genetic line. Then if this deceptive LGBTQ belief system overtakes a nation. The nation will die.
Added on 17 Jan 2019:
Khabib still hasn't learned. He is still falling victim for the out of ring fighting and internet fights. Khabib still hasn't learned that when someone says bad things to you or about you. They are exercising their own control over you. They control you when they cause you so much anger that you respond with anger. Who is in control over your own emotions? You or those who seek to only embarrass you or make bad media? To turn you into the bully or bad guy?  Keep it in the ring and in doing so your respect and honor will not be tarnished. It is only my hope that Martial Arts return to honor and respect. Even if those don't earn it. Those who have proven themselves in the ring are typically the ones who dictate what honor and respect is. Does Conor have respect and honor? depends on how it is defined. Does Nate Diaz have respect and Honor? Again who defines it and how? I define respect and honor the original old school way of thinking. Not the street cred or the hoodlum way or the gang member rules or the prison culture. All of those other ways are animal kingdom rules and who is king of the jungle animals. Humanity is more than that.
If you happen to be inspired by this writing. Use it as you see fit in a respectful and professional manner which uplifts all of Martial Arts all over the world. No need to mention me in any way.
Added on 06 April 2019:
Well, I really thought I was not going to write about Conor McGregor any more. Conor just verbally attacked Khabib Nurmagomedov on Twitter. Then Khabib responds. In which I do not think he should have responded. The proper response would have been silence and let the world, all of the athletic commissions and the UFC handle it. I just do not think that Conor has earned the right to fight Khabib next. Conor has to earn that right. Conor has a sexual related assault charge against him and he is married - I think. The fall of Conor has occurred.
What was allowed by the UFC and the Nevada Athletic commissions should not be allowed again. Because, those who pay I'm pretty sure no one wants to see a murder or a killing televised or in person. I'm not just talking about these two Martial Artists. I'm talking about any fighter.
All of the Martial Arts and fighting related Athletic commissions in the world must speak out about this and fine, suspend or ban Conor McGregor.
Mr. Khabib Nurmagomedov your best choice in this is to maintain your self respect and honor with silence. Conor McGregor has already lost to you in your previous fight. That was a one sided fight. You were the clear victor and are the current champion. I am and have been a fan of yours even before your became the champ.
Added on 09 April 2019:
What does Islam say about dealing with the mentally Ill in personal life and in professional interactions? This would be my advise to Mr. Khabib.
My personal advise is there is no honor and no self respect if you fight with Conor in a cage or even engage in internet styled rants and accusations. Conor is disrespecting himself, his family, Martial Arts, UFC. So anyone who continually engages with him is not helping him. If you have to make a merciful and compassionate comment and then that is all.
All of the UFC and every athletic commission all over the world should not promote and or tolerate such behaviors. One tenant about Martial Arts is self control. Another is self respect. Another is honor. Another is not being a bully.
Added on 30 March 2020: Respect and honor.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
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