Friday, October 10, 2014

Corrupted Religion: (Unedited): 09 Oct 2014:

Unacknowledged sin within any house of worship is evidence of a religion corrupted by worldly beliefs and laws. 
The world shall always have their laws, their beliefs, their freedoms and their rights. They all or some may have nothing to do with God. But, then again you have to always ask which god do they worship? The quick and easy answer they each may give is Jesus or God or Allah or Jehovah or by some other acceptable name as defined by that specific culture/society.  When the truth of their answer is far more sinister. What this means is. If a person who is a leader has many immoral sins in their life. Then they are not of God, Jesus or Allah.  Or however you define a righteous and holy God.
You cannot lead a religion based on or in God/Allah/Jesus/ Jehovah and still live a secret part of your personal life in regular and everyday sin acts. You are a false prophet, False teacher and false leader as defined by God who has brought to all of humanity the laws and rules to live our life by. With love, peace, harmony and life.

The corruption of the worlds religions, politicians, leaders, clergy is plainly evident as is most likely influenced by the demonics and fallen angels who are imprisoned here on Earth. These beings greater than any human is involving themselves in the mind thoughts of all leaders and many people. This is why sexual immorality is so prevalent today.

Within your Religion, Church, Synagogue, Temple and Mosque. If the leadership does not even mention specific sins as a wrong. Then they are in sin and most likely corrupted by the world. It matters not their logic based in fears or by governmental law.

Just like John The Baptist. He proclaimed God so loudly the king had to shut him even after his own lustful sins of his own mind. This is the kind of faith we should all have.
Even in physical death. There isn't true death to those who are deemed righteous by God.
The word use of clergy also includes any person in any leadership capacity of any religion.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Pretenders Devotion: (Unedited): 10 Oct 2014:

Any person who only loves one another with only their words. Is an empty giver or a devout pretender. 
 There are those persons, religions, churches and other entities. Who seem to always goes forth and proclaim just how much they love everyone or just you. Yet, even though you are in need, they seem to always turn a blind eye and a deaf ear.
Or worse what you actually need is a hand up and not a hand out. A hand out only prolongs your suffering. While the hand up does seem to end your suffering in a predictable amount of time.
A bag of food or a bag of clothes may indeed meet an immediate need. But without a definite direction or even a hand up. The hand out only makes the giver feel good well after the receiver as used up the goods. The one who has received has used up the given goods and was most likely very thankful and prayed many prayers of gratitude. But, without a meaningful hand up. The suffering endured only repeats itself like a broken record.
For me this is a personal one. As I know to well how people profess their love, their compassion and they're mercy. Only to be ignored.  Even my adoptive mother who beat me on a regular basis, told me hateful things, locked me in small closets and tried to kill me. Used to always say how much she loved me. Yet, she still poured boiling tomato soup on my arm.
A shelter home in which they nearly starved every child and yet they could proclaim three hot meals to the counselor and not lie about it.
A foster home of a Scientology member who wanted me to become one of them. Would beat both me and his natural son with a ping pong paddle while laughing.
An abuser always seems to express love verbally in some believable way. Even to those whom they need to prove it too with their perfectly clean homes.
Another name for pretenders is liars and deceivers.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Intellectual Theologians: (Unedited): 07 Oct 2014:

Many of the religious intellectuals and gifted theologians are pretenders of their chosen religion. Even they shall not be remembered in the day of the taking. For all of their rewards were of the worldly system before the coming of the great purification. 
 All of those within the chain of command or chain of responsibility within any religion. Is fully responsible for the actions of their chosen religion. They are all responsible for the teachings to the general population at large.

Woe to you who are in the chain of responsibility. This prophecy is for you.

If by religious law you allow your religion to accept sin as a freedom or as a right. Then you shall suffer For each child and each adult you teach a wrong to.

If you because of your own fears, worries, concerns do not teach the cost of sin or even just acknowledge sin within your own little church. Then you shall suffer for all of those who choose not to come to God and for all of those who have fallen into sin.

If you teach and cause for anyone to pursue a life of murder in the name of your God. Then it is you who have become their god. You shall endure the suffering of all of those who have freely given their lives in order to murder others. You shall endure the full weight of your teachings and actions. There will be no escape for you. Not even in spirit.

The stories in the ancient texts were for humanity to learn the lessons of life. They were not permissions for you to go back conflict/war, Chaos, Hate and death.

Even the common man shall suffer. Not only for their own sins but also for the sins of their sons and daughters. All of humanity is brother and sister to one another. So if a man within one religion goes off to murder for their religious leader and another man joins their own military in order to protect the innocent. One shall be responsible for the other, because they are brothers and sisters to eachother. Even though they each consider the other as an enemy they must kill.
This is not only for the Christian religion. It is for all.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Taken Choice: (Unedited): 07 Oct 2014:

By your own free choice, you have decided to live your chosen life in righteousness or evil. Because, of your chosen life you either shall be taken in that time or forgotten. This shall not be your choice.  
In the prophetic appointed time to come. Many will not be taken but they will also not be forgotten.
The saving of the spirit is more important than the saving of the body. 
By your words is not enough to be physically saved. By your declarations of righteousness and holiness will not be enough for you to be physically saved.
Your physical selection to be saved will solely be based on the level of contamination to your physical body. As defined by God and not by anyone else.
Your spiritual selection to be saved will solely be based on how you have exercised your free will to live your physical life in a righteous and holy manor. From your own logical free choice. All without fears, threats or intimidation's.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Evil Risk: (Unedited): 07 Oct 2014:

The most evil you shall ever witness. Is from the single person who is willing to risk the lives of everyone, just to save themselves.
Think about this. Rape is bad, torture is bad, murder is bad and etc.

What do you think about a person who has had direct contact with any disease like Ebola?
Then in order to only save themselves plan a trip to any major country with great medical care. Then lie on a questionnaire. Board a plane with innocent persons on board. Then travel to that country. All the while spreading an infectious disease like Ebola to everyone they have the least bit of contact with. Then of course that person dies.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Achieving Drive: (Unedited): 07 Oct 2014:

Achieving is when you drive yourself and endure everything until the end of your defined challenge. Then you begin a new more challenging one. 
It is not important what level in any particular thing you are. It only matters how much you learn and grow from the challenge. It doesn't matter if you ended up in last place. because, even in last place everyone can witness just how much heart and drive you have.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Monday, October 6, 2014

Opened Abyss: (Unedited): 06 Oct 2014:

When the prison to the deep abyss is opened in some unknown way. Those bodiless souls, spirits, entities will find that they shall have easy access to human physical bodies of any age and and kind.  
The deep abyss of their dark prison shall be opened with a set of keys. That which is locked up and closed off to the limited human understanding can only be opened by the key of understanding as to what is the locked up place which entraps these various beings. Whom many believe do not even exist other than in fairy tales. But this bottomless pit of their prison shall be unlocked and opened.
All of these beings shall rush up and out like a great smoke. In search of an easy human host to inhabit. The great race for a physical body shall be on.
Not every physical human body shall be taken over. Only those physical human bodies which have had their personal energy shields weakened or drained. Your energy shield is your aura which surrounds the whole of your physical body. I do not know any more about this aura other than it does exist. The aura has many functions in regards to defense, communications.

How do you weaken your personal aura. There are many ways and all of them involve the condition of the physical body. Which may in fact be a dimensional type of physical body. If your own very spirit is something which cannot be physically proven and yet you know that you are truly your spirit which only resides within this human form of your physical body. Then your physical body must have other unknown abilities in order to contain your spirit. This is only logical. So your physical body is more than just physical. The condition of your physical body has a direct relationship on the condition of the spiritual aspect of your physical body.
So how can these soon to be free entities gain access to the human body, to control and to take over?
There are a variety of ways.
Those who are not protected and saved by GOD. Shall be targeted by those who are yet to become freed.
Those persons who use any mind altering substances. In matters not the legality or medical uses. If any drug alters the mind and body to such a degree that it causes your aura to extend to far or to even become very minimal. Those entities shall have easy access to the bodies. To take, to control to reside in. They can even hop from body to body. So if the body becomes no longer of use. The entity will just find another host body.
Who shall be their first targets. 
The greatest of those unbelieving and self serving leaders and families. This shall also include every false religious leader. In which the common person knows not of their unfaithfulness. The most powerful of demons will have these kinds of humans.
The wealthiest and most successful of humans will also suffer great spiritual take overs. Certain spirits may even fight great spiritual battles for select humans.
The strongest of minds and intellects. Yet, still unbelieving and unfaithful. The next tier of the most powerful of entities shall have these humans.
Anyone who partakes of any mind altering substance. Which includes any medications, tobacco, legal and illegal drugs, alcohol. Will become easy targets for the lower entities of the fallen angels who were cast upon their Earth prison. Any human mind which is under any chemical influence which alters the mind is an easy target for a spiritual possession. The lesser people of humanity who have never excelled in anything will become the targets of the minion entities. In which many may inhabit one body. They will not care if they cause the body to suffer and die. 

The most powerful of the worlds leaders may even have actual spiritual fights for the most powerful of human leaders. While other fallen angels will go for the next generation of the worlds leaders to come. This is the how humanity will find extinction.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 