Thursday, May 23, 2013

Prophecy God: (Unedited): 23 May 2013:

Should it be the GOD of your understanding saving His creation from themselves or should it be His creation saving themselves from their own self created messes? C.J.MacKechnie
Which is more empowering?
Which is the greater or better achievement?
Do you really want an angry God to return to right all of our wrongs? Especially if the interpretations of prophecies have been altered, omitted or defined to fit nicely in the human governed religion.

Humanity Worth Saving: (Unedited): 23 May 2013:

Humanity is worth saving, despite those individual people acting poorly. No matter what the percentage of people acting poorly. It should not be a death sentence to those good people acting well. Being continually lied and deceived should also not be a death sentence brought upon the innocent by those rulers who only selfishly want for themselves. C.J.MacKechnie

Knowing Things: (Unedited): 23 May 2013:

It is OK not to be fearful of knowing things without being taught. Especially if you have spent much time in prayer and meditation.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Post USA Observations: (Unedited): 21 May 2013:

Please do not get me wrong. I love the USA. I want the Country as a whole to remain as great as it was or is. Here is a new vision which foresees the ending of the importance of the USA. It is related to the Brain Trust collective within the USA. I do believe the USA can be saved and saving the USA as the sole remaining free society, can save the rest of humanity. Saving the USA saves 7 Billion lives and or final human extinction. Can you see what I see? Would you want to? There are worlds within worlds. The dimensionality of the whole is all interconnected. Meaning the intentional effect we make in our own individual small world has a direct impact on the rest of the great bigger world of Earth and maybe even the whole of the Universes. What you do and what you think has an impact on the small worlds which are connected to your own small world. Then those small worlds  having been impacted by you, influence the the other smaller worlds which surround them by simple associations. Thus, never knowing that you were the originator of good or evil. What you do, what you say and what you think is that important. So, how will you change today and right now. Will you continue to pursue warfare or peace? will you continue to hate or to love one another? Will you prefer to live chaotically or in harmony? What you do right now, will eventually have an effect on some farmer in some mountain town on the opposite side of our planet, that we all share with one another. 

The greatness plateau in the USA occurred around 1973. Imagine a bell curve if you will.
From around 1973 through around  2003. Is the Great USA plateau. After, around 2003 the downfall had begun. The downfall may not be a steady free fall. There will be speed bumps as the downward slide progresses in speed. Until, any speed bump will not be felt or recognized.  The great communicators have been voicing the warnings to the citizens of the USA since around 1983.

Can you find the correct puzzle pieces and put together the various picture groups. This is prophecy. We are in 2013. The rest of 2013 can be predicted and prevented. Here is a key. Now matter what any person actively does to make it happen or to prevent anything from happening. Both actions together will only compound upon that which will happen.
It is only the condition of the hearts, spirits and minds of the whole population. Which can alter all of the bad and sad prophecies as spoken by every great prophet in the last 6,000 years. That is all which is required. A simple change of the heart. Choosing to discover within your own self the eternal spirit which resides within. The will within your mind can change you. Choose to think for good, kindness and compassion. That is all that is necessary. The world will change and all of the bad and sad prophecies will become stories for the elder wise to teach the young. 
Billy Graham is the key support structure which is slowing down the USA free fall. When Billy Graham goes to be with the Lord. There will be a great vacuum within the USA. Not even the likes of Glenn Beck can voice his will. Most people who listen to Glenn Beck changes not their heart. They do not take a compassionate action from the love within them. They hold in there love and only take action based on the anger in their heart. This is wrong.
No righteous person shall go into any military branch within any country on this planet.
If you truly are a righteous person. You shall leave the military service of any country on this planet. ASAP.
Yes, I know there will be those who are 1 day from retirement and they will lose all of their retirement benefits. This is not an easy choice for any one. The choice is simple. Human Life or Human extinction? The end of the USA comes and with it the extinction of humanity. Save for the remnant.
This also includes law enforcement personnel at every level of government. City, State, County and Federal.
The righteous person shall only do business with the righteous. 
The trading of clean goods with dirty goods only fouls both persons/groups. No matter their intent or purpose.

 It is time for the righteous to separate themselves from the godless into those places which they deem as survivable. By beginning to live outside of a which has no morale's, ethics or honor. A better life can be achieved. Especially, when the end of days tribulations are no longer an argued prophecy.
The righteous must become elected to every governmental office at all levels of government. The City, The County, The State and The Federal. 
This must happen right now. This is another crucial task for the righteous. If this one thing does not become a follow up to those righteous living a righteous life. The end of the USA is certain and so to humanity. I feel the time limit is the final sleep of Billy Graham. So, It is now a race. Can it be won? will it be won? All i can tell you is prophecy says "NO"!!!. But, all
 Prophecy is only that which is probable.
Not Absolute.
This new vision may be just a new observation. Especially if someone does the research to back up my claim. Maybe, someone else has spoken this before I have.
A great vacuum is puling away all that which is unprovable by the limited human natural senses.
The American intellect, Invention, adventure, creativity and leadership. Shall be pulled away from the godless and re-gifted to those strange faces who yearn for the American freedom. Even liberty and freedom is being pulled away from the godless. Maybe the new faces will choose godliness instead of godlessness.  The wise and sensitive amongst you can only feel the absence of  or something that which is now missing or less than. This will continue until not even your physical lives belong to you. Not even the clothing upon your naked bodies.
The wiki version is very limited in it's over all description. I use the word Brain Trust as those group of individuals who have achieved a status which is deemed superior to those who are merely professional. This designation can only be given from/by those professionals in that field or profession. Every profession and every field has their own Brain Trust.
=====================  (I'm not able to see this puzzle piece.)
===================  (Whomever is in charge of keeping Billy Graham alive.) (Better do gooder). (If GOD takes him. Then He just does). A living Billy Graham buys humanity more time. Even if he is in a coma. Not very compassionate for The Great Billy Graham. Billy Graham is our Exodus 17. Who will hold up his arm? Who will carry on?
:Sign Posts:
The most wealthy and powerful people in the world will no longer visit the USA for any medical
                care. As time progresses all able Americans who are capable. Will seek medical care in
                India and China. For Instance.
The majority of all American wealth will be outside of USA governmental control. 
The wealthiest and most powerful Americans will quietly seek education outside of the USA.
               as time progresses on, upper class and then upper middle class families will send their
               children abroad for an education. 
The foreign nationals will no longer come to the USA for an education, better life and freedom.
The most skilled, talented and brilliant of all Americans will leave the USA for the best jobs and
                 livelihoods. Never to return.
Chaos in California. Leave California very soon. Somewhat in Oregon and a little in Washington.
                  The logistics, transportation, warehousing and rail, will see a loss in jobs beginning
                   after 2015-2016. Desperation will rule in Cali. 
The national political leaders shall be bought and paid for by foreign nationals who own American corporations. Be warned when the politicians become very rich through their own self created non-profit shell organizations. It shall be too late for all Americans. Their common votes shall no longer matter. The American government will only be pay to play. The USA has become a foreign owned entity.
Pray and meditate constantly. Live a life as GOD would want you to, by your own choice free of threats. I believe all of the end time prophecies can be averted. GOD does not have to return angry. GOD can return in celebration. Either way it is all of our choices. Hope we all choose wisely.
===================    (This is one factor which will encourage the United nations to seize control over USA assets.). Not just the Chinese but all wealthy foreign nationals.
The righteous family and church, must become a defensible force. Just the fact that every abled bodied person within a church congregation are all martial artists, trained and skilled in the use in fire arms, and knowledge in logical security approaches. Would be intimidating enough for any group to leave you alone.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Life Quality: (Unedited): 19 May 2013:

The quality in how you live your life after traumatic events. Is evident in the unbelievers eyes. When your history has been revealed. C.J.MacKechnie
When your friends discover that your history has been less than desirable. They're unbelief in the story of your ugly life is the proof that you have made the right and correct decisions in your life. 

Just smile and express gratitude.

Re-assure them that it is OK. Because some who may hear may not be able to handle with this new information about your past. You may have to help them through with the living with those old memories of yours. Keeping your history of abuse, torture and abandonment a secret may be a wise thing to keep in order to protect the innocent from re-living your life.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

DNA RNA Ownership: (Unedited): 19 May 2013:

Corporate and government owned Patents on human DNA and RNA can only legally occur. When the human body is no longer deemed as a free and self determined being. C.J.MacKechnie
Any modification, Treatment, Conditioning and correcting of the DNA and RNA structures within the human body by any corporate and/or government entity. May be deemed and defined as ownership over your entire being by those government and corporate entities which provided to you those alterations. Legal Genetic Enslavement is as of today probable if not prevented in the legal arena.

Do not stop with my general list of places to search and learn. Go on your own journey and search for the truth.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

New Free Society: Bloodless Revolution: (unedited): 17-19 May 2013:

Those who have a difference of opinion or a different mind set as defined by the ruling authority. Will see a denial of services and exclusion within the new free society.
Lies and deceptions in any transformed society will be based in lies and deceptions. Such as those  who change any government from victorious wars actions. Will they themselves rule with a thirst of achieved power and authority. From this quenched thirst begins a satisfied pride. From the wealth and comfort of wars achievement begets a violent cruelty over those who questions in any way their new won rule. The outcome is the same despite the difference in rulers who seem to always promise a better life. The better life never comes for the common people as the limited wealth pie/spoils of war is divided up amongst the victorious war participants and their families. Leaving nothing left for the innocent common people.The suffering and distressed common people who seem to be perpetually the poorest and helpless of all. Know the truth of action over the words of those who claimed to be for them. Wealth, opportunity and true freedom is only for the new rulers and their relations/family/friends. While enslavement, a quiet tongue, hopelessness and a helpless state of being seems to be forever perpetuated amongst the common people. 
The change and transformation of any truly free society must be based in lies and deceptions. Because why would any free reasonably thinking person within any current free society be Willing to allow the newly elected rulers take away all of their GOD given freedoms?
Very easy to answer.
1). Wealth.          (It is always about the money)
2). Resources.     (It is always about the money)
3). Power.           (It is always about how to get more money)
4). Hate.              (It is always about how to take away the money
                            from those superficially different from you).
5). Godlessness   (It is about becoming a god. Making it a Right
                             for you to do whatever you will and then taxing
                             the people like the religions do. Which means even
                              more money for you)

The political and selfish pursuit to fill up the financial coffers only quenches their greedy thirst just enough to figure out how to get and take more. Even if it requires them to force the once wealthy common people to exist with only the minimalist amount of sustenance, housing, education and medical care. This even includes forced labor. Which those words will not be used. Different words will be used by the ruling authority and defined by them as their truth. Thus, When a person defines their own truth. They never lie. No matter their intentions. The word Enslavement changed for the betterment of us all. Government Managed jobs and duties to end the stranglehold of evil corporate business.
This can only work if the new ruling authority can hide their accumulated wealth and lifestyle from any questioning common person.
:Bloodless Revolution: 18 May 2013:
A bloodless revolution is one where the common people surrender their Freedoms, Responsibilities and Will without any blood shed. Becoming instant slaves and taxable property to ruling authority.
Asking good questions in any situation is based on a persons level of intelligence, education and work history. The greater of any of those three. Better the content and the formed question. If you can prevent or diminish any or all of the three. Then the population as a whole can be easily controlled  with the simple sound of the rulers voice.

To Prevent any enslavement to any people. No matter how the ruling authority names it and defines it. The common people must achieve a higher level of education and logical critical thinking skills then those who seek to Rule. That is it.

Once enslavement has become entrenched. What, how and to a ruler defined level of education, directly related to your job set has become normalized. Any person born like Nat Turner will be killed. Before, they can lead any rebellion. People like Nat Turner will be discovered through their excessive questions in their training years. The medical persons will deem those kids as mentally ill or defective. Then sent away to be medically dumbed down or killed. Study genetics. Study Breeding practices.  By stopping any genius kids from growing to maturity. You prevent rebellions for generations or for ever. It will be scientifically worse than you think. 
Did you know that ADHD doesn't exist? Go and factually prove it for yourself. I could find no real physical evidence. No real concrete provable test. ADHD is only proven through simple observation from a teacher (Which is illegal) or voiced from parent (Which is still illegal) to Doctor. Teachers and parents are not doctors and cannot by law practice medicine. Just follow the money. 
In mechanical machines we call a lack of fuel flow and the gaining of horsepower and torque as great improvements. In the human biological machine. We call the lack of blood flow into certain parts of the brain as problematic. While at the same time the brain works nearly twice as fast or faster, more than 20% more intelligent. We call that a defect. You need some critical thinking skills here.
My words are meant to prevent any enslavement within any group of people, culture, society, government or religion. This content is not a How to Enslave!!!
Added on 20 Jan 2016:
A word has come to me today "Exclusion".  I think 2015 is the beginning of the Christian exclusion within the USA. Yes there has been a build up over time. But, now discrimination against Christians has become actionable. As in with the Christian Cake bakers in Oregon. This is just the beginning. A time will come very soon when horrible and terrible things will happen to Christians and no one will know or even care. The crosses are coming down and the word "church" is changing to "center". Soon even that will not be enough.
American Christians have figured out how to live in the world and become a part of the world while professing their Christianity. I think this is done through privacy and minimal interactions with anyone else in church. The people who go to church do not seem interested in making relationships with any other. They seem to only want to feel good for their one hour of church service. While pretending to be good people only on Sunday. Of course this is not everyone. But, I think it is the majority. While the minority are those who go out into the world and peacefully protest evil. Will this minority become the chosen remnant as spoken of in prophecy within the Holy Bible? Will there be so few of the remnant in the USA. That if they all disappeared. Not to many people will notice. If they do notice. American pastors and religious leaders will ease all fears of any rumor that the rapture has occurred. By denying it and proclaiming that people just move around and leave. Or whatever other reasonable excuse which eases the minds of people.
Sample stories:
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 