Thursday, October 20, 2016

Prophetic Prophecies Collide+8: (Unedited): 20-21 Oct 2016:

Unheeded Prophecies:  (Unedited): 20 Oct 2016:
The unheeded warnings from all of the prophecies given to all of mankind shall mean a violent collision of all of those old prophetic words into your modern day reality. 
God always seems to use a step by step approach when dealing with people or nations. Families grow huge when they are obedient to the word of God and families end when they do not. All of this can take time and is not instantaneous. God send his chosen teachers and mentors. Then as more and more teachers and mentors are ridiculed, ignored and scoffed at. The prophets of doom arrive on the scene. Mentors are the same as prophets and can be the same person or not. I think most of the time the psychology of the mentor and prophet is not the same. But, it can be. A loving, gentle and wise mentor can be a wise, gentle and loving prophet. But a prophet who is of the fire side of psychology may not be the ideal candidate for a mentor. The same can go for the gentle mentor when a prophecy require much fire.
If you have noticed that the teachers and mentors who actually teach the purity of love, peace, harmony, law and life have disappeared. Now there seems to be an over abundance of firebrand prophets who proclaim doom and death is coming. That alone is an indication that the collective population has no repentance within them and the idea of righteousness is an alien concept. You need to know you me and we are about to die horrible deaths. It won't matter what side of the planet you are on. because, when the Holy one dressed in blood trimmed garments arrive. Everyone may think he is the devil. Because, the devil has been imagined in red. satan is a beautiful being of white light.
Prophetic Rejections Collide: (Unedited): 20 Oct 2016: 
As all of the old prophetic words to all of humanity collide. Great calamity, chaos and confusion comes to those as they suffer and die. For their rejection of the prophetic words is their judgement before they even committed their crimes/sins. 
It seems that many different traditions which have their own prophecies. Seem to have similar prophecies with other traditions. Such as the Hopi, Lakota and Christian. You guys and gals who know more than me. These puzzle pieces may be able to fit together to form a better and clearer picture of when things can happen. Are you following me on this. To be able to study all of the old prophecies and match them together. Humanity has only been able to do this until recently. You just have to make sure the prophetic information is from actual sources. The Lakota Black Snake is happening right now. Is the Hopi red Purifier the Jesus in Christian prophecy? What about the other prophets? accepted or not? yet still accurate-ish?
Prophecies Collide: (Unedited): 20 Oct 2016:
The wisdom of living a righteous life as only accepted by God is the only way to prevent and/or mitigate all of the bad and sad prophecies about to collide into the realities of all human beings. 
The purple words below. All without fears, threats or intimidation's.
Last Ditch Prophets: (Unedited): 20 Oct 2016:
From all over the world. Many peoples and traditions have their prophets. The prophets seem to have a common tone of coming calamities. For the words of the living prophets shall be your last ditch change of averting death and destruction.
A possible time line may be stitched together to form a clear event plan. For instance the black snake prophecy of the Lakota. How does that fit into the Christian timeline? How does other prophecies fit into the Hopi prophecies? How does it all fit together? How do you use this knew collective information to illuminate false teachings and reveal wrong interpretations? The big HOW!!! Indian Pun. (Stupid I know). How do you save lives? How do you prevent or mitigate all bad and sad prophecies ever spoken or written? Because, when Jesus comes again dressed in blood trimmed robes. He is coming to destroy. There will not be any negotiations or surrenders? The lamb of God is coming back as a hungry and very not happy Lion. Ever tried to deescalate a hostile lion face to face with soothing and loving words? Don't try it.
NOTE: I'm probably the only human being on this entire planet of 7.7 billion people who does not want Jesus to come back. I just don't. Not like that as stated in prophecy. I do however want Jesus to come back as a loving adopted brother of mine. A holy older, wiser adopted brother who welcomes me with open arms and a gentle smile. The other way as prophesied. Not so much. At all.
But, if the world continues on and the Lakota black snake is completed. Then the end follows in time. The DAPL in North Dakota may be just one of those obvious prophetic keys to all prophecies timings. Especially, if there is another mass killings of Native Americans by a militarized police force. Made up of various law enforcement organizations from various states. The militarized police force has air assets, armored personnel carriers against a people who pray. Which looks like mostly women. Really. This is becoming offensive to think about. But, I believe the Native Peoples will lose.
When those native peoples lose. It will force another very clear sign of prophecy. My writing does not mean I want the natives or first peoples to lose.
I want the first peoples to abide by the purple words. To pray. To conduct ceremony 24 hours a day. The shamans and holy people from around the world need to come together in that spot of Standing Rock. Stand together and become the rocks the people need. All peoples.
Repentance Last Call: (Unedited): 20 Oct 2016: 
The words of the long deceased prophets were your fore-warnings as the pleas and cries of the insane appearing living prophets are your last call for repentance and life.
 The time is at hand. When prophecies from all of the various peoples and traditions shall collide into oneness. From that oneness shall be seen the great purifier dressed in blood. He shall be followed by the hosts dressed in purity. There will only be war. No options for negotiations. satan has done his best to confuse the people with his own devil clown deceptions of dressed in red, horns and a tail. When in reality satan was the most beautiful of the angels. So when humanity sees the being dressed in blood trimmed clothing of holiness. We all will think that the purifier is the satan. For we all have been deceived to follow satan.
One Moment: (Unedited): 20 Oct 2016: 
As one is victorious in the moment another shall lose everything.
Who defines who the another shall be?  For the another is all of us.
Can you see with your eyes of reason? and a heart of love? or shall you see with disbelief and a heart of apathy? Look to Dakota and it's meaning. Look to the women and men who arm themselves with prayer as they are confronted with military men equipped with warfare. Who shall win? For I tell you the truth. As one is victorious in the moment another shall lose everything. The water protectors whose only weapon is prayer. Shall buy all of us time. Unless those prayer warriors lose against the thunderous weapons of apathetic men. Then how shall any of you drink clean water?
It seems the Lakota prophecy of the black snake leads to the Hopi prophecy of the red purifier which leads one to the return of Christ dressed in blood.
In the Dakotas. The name shall change when history of slaughter, suffering and death repeats itself. Where the prayers of the helpless. Shall be answered as the their last prayerful breath returns to the heavens. This shall guarantee a response.
Prophetic Tongue: (Unedited): 20 Oct 2016:
It is for man to predict the possibilities and probabilities of his own future or even fate. But, man can only communicate words of actual prophecy when that absolute prophetic message has been placed upon his own tongue from God.
Even the angels, do not know absolutely what is going to happen. Although, the angels are more advanced than us lowly human beings. They most likely mentally reside in the realms of absolute probability than that of possibility. Where as humanity tends to reside from the impossibility to the possible. To the most intellectually gifted of all human beings. The consideration that the angels and even the fallen angels may seem like they operate in the prophetic. But, they do not operate in the prophetic. The angels operate at an extreme higher degree of probability that seems like prophetic to us lowly human beings. Thus making us human beings that easy to deceive. Even those human beings that belong to that very exclusive club who consider MENSA an insult. I just hope that you smart people know that if your dealing with the fallen angels. They lost the war, lost badly, lost quickly, they were captured, imprisoned here and they didn't foresee it, nor could they defend themselves from any of it. So if you think your love, mercy and compassion for them is real. Well, maybe not. The fallen angels end game in regards to any human. Is humanities total extinction. Including their most devout and loyal followers.
The last part of the quote "when that absolute prophetic message has been placed upon his own tongue from God." Those angels and fallen angels which are far superior to any human being. They each can implant thoughts and memories as well as delete thoughts and memories from any human they choose. What the angels can do to our minds can go far deeper than I can explain now. I'm not even fully aware. Nor do I pretend to. The fallen angels and the good angels can alter your decision making capabilities as well as your belief systems.
Added on 20 Oct 2016@1715hrs.:
Well, Apparently the non-Christian and non religious people like to follow certain blogs that I write. So, I would suppose just by the numbers of certain groups who read these writings. May indicate a possible importance. Sometimes it is disheartening to suspect that the so called bad people are more interested than the so called good people. I find it interesting.
Over all It doesn't really matter. Because, Those persons who are the so called bad people or even the religious. They all will endure the coming wrath of God upon this world. What is worse is if those persons have no intention or care to change their own lives to become righteous and holy in the accepting eyes of God only. Which can lead a person to believe that they have already been prejudged. Just as those in the day of Noah and the time when Sodom was destroyed. Those people were living and they most likely knew not that they all had already been prejudged. I will soon be adding a section on prophecy, possibility and probability. In which you have already read.
Added on 21 Oct 2016:
Prophecies End: (Unedited): 21 Oct 2016:
All old and new prophecies end when the Holy purifier clothed in blood begins to rain fire down upon us all. 
This is for everyone who is only religious and not righteous. This is for everyone who has already been pre-judged by only God. This is for those who believe in a rapture which may not be a true teaching. Everything ends and a new thing or a new way shall also begin. All that was known and forgotten shall be erased. It will be like nothing ever existed. There shall be no escape unless it has been ordered by the Holy One dressed in a blood red robe. If you have the ability to depart this solar system. You may want to go now. It will not matter if you can go back in time or not. Because, the purification from the Holy One may even cleanse the entire time line. It will be like you never existed. Except you will either be rewarded or perpetually purified in everlasting pain and torment.
Note: I Really Really Really want the Rapture teaching to be true. Really. But, I also know that no matter how this body I reside in expires. The greater form of living life actually begins out of the prison of this very limited life form known as a human being. I also know how the prophets, saints, disciples, unknown common Christians and Jesus Christ died. I'm not as worthy or as important as any of them. Who died as Steven and Jesus had. With love and forgiveness being expressed as they fell asleep.
Unknown News in the USA: Middle Eastern Christians are dying horrible deaths and are being exterminated. Many reports state that they are dying as Jesus and Steven had. There was no rapture for any of them. So what makes us think we are more important?
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday.
To Love one another.
To live in peace with everyone.
To exist in harmony with all.
To Cherish all life.
To be obedient to the Laws of God.
To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.


At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Ecstasy of Destruction: (Unedited): 05 Oct 2016:

Victory, Celebration and ecstasy awaits the evil hordes. When the permission is finally given unto them to go forth to kill all Christians and (Americans)westerners. What ever remains of anything which is truly good and historical in the western world. Shall to be destroyed.
 I see the use of hordes as a racist word. Similar to the use of the term evil barbarians. Habakkuk is a book in the Bible you should read as with the book of Amos. They are very short reads. If you want to know more look for my writings specifically on Habakkuk. There is much in depth information and links to study materials.
A friend of mine watches worldly movies and is a Christian. He told me about one movie called "The Purge". I do not know anything about it. His description of the movie to me was a little scary. I have no intention of learning more about this movie.
But can you imagine. That in one hour and in one day the great Babylon shall be destroyed. There is only one country in this modern world which can be identified as Babylon and that is the USA. If you read what I have written previously about modern day Babylon. Then you know. If not then read my older writings about Babylon and the USA.
The United States is full of gangs, bad people, Islamic fighters and a host of other pre positioned military personnel from other Nations. Just basic strategy. All of these people know something will happen and they all know it to be their sign to go forth and to do as they will it. Once these people figure out the three strikes has occurred. 1). Power outage 2). All technology dead/fried 3). No working modern day transportation or infrastructure. These people will know it is their time as soon as the planes stop falling out of the sky.
In that first day, which will be less than 72 hours after the third strike. All of these groups or persons will go out and do as they feel they must. Millions will die. Fires everywhere. Those who are not hunkered down in that first year may very well perish. Those who remain underground for even a longer period of time may improve their chances of over all survival. Assuming good health and sanity can be maintained.
The US Federal Government will survive. Although the Federal Government will be at war with their own people. One of the tenants of the American Government is to protect the people. It will become common knowledge that the US Government sold them out, started the war and wars. All in secret. It may even become known that the US Government manipulated Russia and China to attack first and swiftly against an unknowing and unaware American population. How many of you have eaten in mindless peace and enjoyed a wonderful meal in a Chinese restaurant? Did you wonder if that Chinese person was going to kill you at any moment? of course not. What about those Russian neighbors or friends? have you ever wondered about when they were going to kill you as you did or conducted some form of business with them? NO.
So if the USA, Russia and China are in a state of an approaching hot war? how have you prepared to survive it all? Or have you thought that the coming Chaldean's is all in the old testament of the Bible?
Not a story and not a prophecy for today?
The Lord God must discipline New JerUSAlem for all of their sins which they put forth into every nation of the world. For New JerUSAlem has evolved into the last Babylon. Even erecting alters and statues of satan and the god baal. All over the nation. All without argument or action. The new marriage laws which is absolutely contrary to Jehovah. The gay rights parades and celebrations in which the Christian body does nothing. For God must act if God does not act then God will become a liar. The time is at hand. Just as those devout Christian souls are being tortured and killed all without any hope for a rapture. They are dying for their faith and are dying like Steven and Jesus.
Now is your time to become righteous and holy in the accepting eyes of God only. Now is the time to pray and fast. Now is the time to stay in the Holy Bible.
Be certain of this. The coming disciplines from God shall be felt by the Christian body first and most. For it is they who were entrusted with this Country of God. It is the Christian who has allowed it to become a godless and evil entity. So everything which happens to America is the fault of the Christian.
So go and vote or not at all. For your vote of one of the greater evils or for one of the lesser evils shall still be a vote for evil. Your vote and non vote shall be one against God Jehovah.
The term use of "third strike" is a reference to baseball. That a singular event can cause all three strikes or realizations of an occurrence.
The use of the word "Chinese" is also a racist term in this particular blog. Not intended as an insult. Just more about American ignorance.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday.

To Love one another.
To live in peace with everyone.
To exist in harmony with all.
To Cherish all life.
To be obedient to the Laws of God.
To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Unholy Space: : (Unedited): 05-12 Oct 2016:

Unholiness of every kind shall always fill the empty space which has an absence of holiness, righteousness, Love, Mercy and compassion. 
The kind of unholiness which fills those empty spaces in your heart, mind and body is a type of unholiness which is intelligent. Which means the unholiness knows the desires of your heart and those things which are important to your mind. Then that unholiness will fill you with those things which you truly want.
The unholiness in which I write is both in the singular and plural. Unholiness is singular because all of it is in absolute agreement. All of the unholiness acts as one singular intelligence.
Christian Funding Cease: (Unedited): 05 Oct 2016:
The removal of all government funding to anything which is Christian related shall cease. This shall include all educational grants and free tax status of the churches. For the worldly wealth of professional Christian people shall be revealed.
The abomination and blight which has become of the worldly Christian (Churches) shall all become known. For the worldly Christian has fleeced the sheep of the lord for their own selfish desires. Mathew 10:9 shall be known to all and those teachers who have taught prosperity shall be flogged into living an oblivious life of waiting for the end with their wealth.
In order for the worldly Christian to save themselves and their families. They will need to move all of their wealth to Europe. Under the guise of helping the refugees. All of their funds shall be secretly  paid to their select European governments to pay for admittance for all of their family members as citizens of that country. For the worldly Christian will do all of this in secret privacy. The million dollar or Euro homes shall all be paid for. Their planes shall all be readied for private departure. Because even the worldly Christian knows that the USA is not clearly mentioned in Christian prophecy. So they all shall save themselves and all of their worldly wealth. Even they know and have chosen it is better for them to die with their wealth then it is to live in poverty. For in their coming hell fires torment they will at least have the memory of being rich in those days of living on Earth.
They are full knowing of this and yet they still press forward in the fleecing of the sheep of God. 
The word Flogged may mean symbolic but it could also happen. As those deeply believing security personnel fade away into the angry crowds. As the unwise worldly Christian has stayed their welcome far too long.
You will not be able by law to express your Christian faith anywhere outside of the church.
The laws of the USA will change just as it was for WW2 Germany. You could not express your faith outside of church. While everyone else can express anything they like or desire. No matter how offensive.
Freedom of speech and freedom of religion shall end for the Christian. The Christian shall not have these rights anymore.
It shall even get worse. Just as in China the removal of crosses is forced upon churches. So to will the local governments destroy the Christian churches.
Those who speak or profess in any way The Christian faith shall lose everything including their lives. Christians shall lose their employment, businesses, their homes. The Christian shall even become homeless as property owners will not rent to any Christian.
Just as government agencies go forth and destroy homeless cities. So to will they also destroy all that the Christian has in their own collective homeless cities.  
The coming crushing hate against the worldly Christian shall snuff all life out of the true believers spiritual and mental lungs. 
The revelation of the wealth of the worldly professional Christian shall have a profound impact upon those who are the genuine sheep of God. To the point that those sheep will even walk away from God. Do not flee from God. Maintain yourselves, your righteousness, your purity, your love, your mercy, your compassion. For this is what sets you apart.
The crushing hate towards the worldly Christian shall flood over against all Christians. Chaos in all of the Protestant churches. Violence and murders. Protestors disrupting church services shall be common. Violence shall also come to the poor churches who cater to the hungry and disabled. Those poor churches who cannot defend themselves in any manor. For they are they sheep. The sheep are helpless in the world.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday.

To Love one another.
To live in peace with everyone.
To exist in harmony with all.
To Cherish all life.
To be obedient to the Laws of God.
To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Coming Hateful Hordes: Praised Profits: (Unedited): 05-09 Oct 2016:

The coming evil hateful hordes shall surround those professed Christians who are absent of righteousness and love. For no mercy or compassion shall be shown to those who are blind to sin and readily accept sin.
 This also includes all of those current, former and retired religious leaders no matter their denomination or non denomination of who have been fleecing the sheep of God for their own personal profits.
The demons, the sinful people of hate, The ancient raised up Chaldean's are quietly surrounding you. You have no walls and no protections. You are absolutely helpless. By law you will be criminalized. In society you shall be rejected angrily. You shall lose all because of your professed faith. So much so that you shall deny the faith.
Praised Profits: (Unedited): 09 Oct 2016:
The prophets of God shall be ridiculed, ignored and rejected silenced while the worldly profits shall be praised and followed. 
All aspects of the Holy Spirit is rejected while still invited to come. All aspects of the spiritual gifts are expected but summarily rejected when they manifest. Who ever shows any of the spiritual gifts are they themselves silenced and rejected from the church. Because, the entire focus of the churches is that upon the lead or senior pastor. The sin of this is having a god above Jehovah.
Those souls who continue to attend the churches where the worldly profits are worshiped and where the pastors have becomes their gods. They shall all perish.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday.

To Love one another.
To live in peace with everyone.
To exist in harmony with all.
To Cherish all life.
To be obedient to the Laws of God.
To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Fear of Prophets: Doom of Death: +2: (Unedited): 09 Oct 2016:

Fear of any Prophet from God is a sign of your disconnectedness from God and from righteousness.
Any person who is righteous as accepted by God only. Needs not fear any prophet. It won't matter if that prophet is from God or not.
Those unbelievers who do not believe in a God or the God of all. Should fear greatly and turn away from their evil lives. The unbelievers if not having already been pre-judged. Should repent and begin a life of righteousness. A life of righteousness begins through the Bible, through prayer, through meditation and through fasting.
Any Christian or religious person who fears a prophet no matter their status is a sign to you of their own disconnectedness from God and righteousness.
Every religious group, organization, denomination who has accepted sin into their holy places. Shall fear the prophets of God. For it is they who shall bring those fiery words of coming doom to them all who reject repentance. Assuming they actually have the opportunity of repentance and have not been pre-judged by God.
Doom of Death: (Unedited): 09 Oct 2016:
From their doom of death they shall be reborn into fiery hell's torment.
"Their" defined: Anyone who lives in sin. Anyone who has accepted sin as a right. Anyone who is in a position of religious leadership and continues to sin. Anyone who has placed sin within a holy place. Anyone who has fleeced the sheep of God for their own profit and reward.
Is this a continuation of the sign of Hurricane Matthew?
Have not discovered news or the lessons needed to learn about McClellanville, S.C.
Maybe not for me to know or to discover.

Matthew 10:9-10New American Standard Bible (NASB)

Do not acquire gold, or silver, or copper for your money belts, 10 or a [a]bag for your journey, or even two [b]coats, or sandals, or a staff; for the worker is worthy of his [c]support.
Free Choice Righteousness: (Unedited): 09 Oct 2016:
A life of righteousness is a free choice decision. 
Without any fear. Without any Threat. Without any intimidation. One chooses to live their life in righteousness as only defined by God.
To Love one another.
To live in peace with everyone.
To exist in harmony with all.
To obey the Laws of God.
Not because you have to. But, because you want to. These are the foundations of pure genuine honor.
Rightly Righteous: (Unedited): 09 Oct 2016:
One who lives a righteous life. Does so because living rightly and wisely is the right thing to do.
By living rightly and wisely allows those who are in your presence and who are in your knowing or unknowing to live a life which is better for them. Thus, is the foundation of leadership. It is that simple. No complication at all.
When all peoples begin to serve one another. Not because they have to, ridiculed into doing, or are forced to, but because they want to. All of this must come from the internalized love from within each person. This is the source of mercy, compassion and good will to all peoples. ALL PEOPLES.
Added on 28 Oct 2019:
A true prophet from God already knows that he or she will most likely die a most brutal death like the greatest prophet who has ever lived. John The Baptist. Mathew 11:11. Luke 7:28.
We know that the Prophets of God as read in the Holy Bible are mostly still deeply flawed individuals and continue to make mistakes. Even errors in judgments. Even absolute disobedience.
So when a prophet is more interested in their profits. Think about Judas and Balam.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday.

To Love one another.
To live in peace with everyone.
To exist in harmony with all.
To Cherish all life.
To be obedient to the Laws of God.
To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Friday, October 7, 2016

Christian Collapse: (Unedited): 05 Oct 2016:

Concerned and confused christian professional men and women shall not know why revival comes not. Nor shall they even see that all of Christianity is in collapse.
Below is nine stories of alleged criminal behavior by Christian pastors and leaders. These stories are about one month old. This is the hard truth which needs to be acknowledged by all devout Christians. Christians are to become righteous and holy in the accepting eyes of God only. To a Christian just having thoughts or feelings of hatred is equal to actual physical murder. With zero intended violence acted out.
I have heard the biggest names in Christianity speak out and pray for RIVAL all across America. Then only to discover that yet another entire group of Christians have accepted legalized sin into their holy places and even into leadership positions. This is on top of lies and deceptions taught to those who go to the big churches through the prosperity teaching. Which is equal to the fleecing of the Lords sheep.
You all want REVIVAL. Well, it isn't coming. What is coming is your doom. You had better trim your lamps and have your oil at the ready. You all should have a history of repentance, rejecting sin, fleeing from sin, prayer, fasting and the consuming of the Holy Bible may be your only ticket to true and real freedom. You should also hope and pray that the rapture is also not a lie and deception. But, that is only for God to Judge and not me. I'm still a deeply flawed human being who struggles and fails with sin daily.
===Recent News====
Always remember people who are accused are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.
Topeka Kansas:
Pensacola Florida:
Orlando Florida:
Bridgeport Connecticut:
Denver, Colorado:
Phoenix Arizona:
Hoquiam, Washington:
Smyrna Georgia:
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Backwards Signs: Miracles Prophecies: Suffering Freedom: (Unedited): 04 Oct 2016:

A sign in which you know that your world is backwards. Is when prophecy becomes more important than a life in miracles.
What is important within your personal world? What is obvious to see while at the same time difficult to observe? Prophecy is one of those signs which is dimensional in meaning. Sort of like how an experienced teacher can teach a dozen different lessons just from the one story of Jonah.
To a righteous people or to any people a prophecy is of importance. A wise people will make those necessary changes in their lives. While the unwise will change nothing in their spirit, minds and hearts. The unwise will travel away from one great storm to the next. While the righteous may see no storms. The unwise build super strong homes on shaky grounds as the fire storms burns it all down.
When you constantly live your life governed by one prophecy and then the next prophecy. You live in fear. Go, Jesus and all of those heavenly Angels seem to always say. "fear not". Where as anything which is demonic seem to desperately want you to be very fearful and scared to the point of absolute helplessness. These are keys to the secret signs of the times. Prophecy stated by those who are negative want you to be scared. While those who are good and true do not want you to be scared at all. While at the same time pressing you to be righteous and holy in the accepting eyes of God only. To flee from and to reject all sin.
Out of your fleeing from and rejecting all sin is one of the beginnings of righteousness.
Out of your internal desire to become a good person you from your own free choice begin to read the Holy Bible on a regular daily basis.
Out of your wanting to be connected with your Heavenly Father. You begin to regularly pray and meditate upon Him.
Out of your overflowing of love, mercy and compassion for all peoples, ethos and tongues. You begin to fast regularly for the powerful benefit of others.
From these things does prophecy become unimportant in life to the genuine righteous soul.
Miracles: (Unedited): 04 Oct 2016:
Miracles should be a common everyday occurrence among the righteous faithful. While prophecies become dominant in the hearts and minds of the disobedient masses.
For the genuine righteous soul. Miracles do become an every day common occurrence in their lives. While those souls who are professional in their religious teachings may not have ever made the leap of faith required from being merely religious to becoming righteous in the accepting eyes of God. Out of the blessed gift of righteousness from God can you only experience miracles to and through you. In which none of those powers is about you or from you at all.
NOTE: I struggle with sin daily and Miracles are not a routine part of my life. Thus is the evidence of me.
Suffering Freedom: (Unedited): 04 Oct 2016:
The disobedient masses shall always be concerned with every possible event which will cause suffering or the end of their own self chosen lifestyle. While the righteous faithful sees the end as a means of freedom from this human form and the righteous faithful shall rejoice in it.
The disobedient masses shall always be concerned with their own safety and security. Out of their own internal psychological fears do they effort to avoid hardships. Where as the righteous souls seem to naturally trust in the Heavenly Father and fear nothing. Even though historically the saints and disciples suffered and died horrifically. Yet, they forgave, were at peace and seemed to welcome their Heavenly rewards. Hate, anger, curses and accusations seemed to be absent from them.
NOTE: At this stage in my life. I do not think I can rejoice in it. This is my failure and any of my failures in life are solely mine. Done of my failures in life gives you permission to make the same mistakes as I had and may still will tomorrow. Steven was stoned and he did as Jesus had done and prayed for their forgiveness. The Christian level extinction event happening right now in the Middle East and parts of Africa has reports of those who are being slaughtered are speaking those same words as Jesus and Steven had before they died. Could I do the same thing? I cannot say for any certainty.

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Musings of an American Truck Driver 