Showing posts with label Mentor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mentor. Show all posts

Friday, October 17, 2014

Your Daily Prophecy: (Unedited): 17 Oct 2014:

The prophecy of your life is and has been fulfilled daily. This is a fact. Everything which happens to you today was your prophecy of yesterday. It doesn't matter if you were told about it or not. Everything which is supposed to happen, happens. 
Here you are in this life of yours. Everything is great or average or enduring or unbearable. So shall be your tomorrow. So, you need to ask yourself. Do I need a prophet or a mentor? This is an important question. Because, if your really at that point in your life where you genuinely want a profound change in your life. Then you will listen and follow through with advice. Otherwise, A prophet/prophetess who speaks their words to you will either be for entertainment value or just more bad news. What shall you do if anything? Can you do anything? Will you do anything?
Abused and tortured children is a concern of mine and I just read the news about two in Pennsylvania. Typically, these kids spend the vast majority of their lives being trained negatively. To the degree that so much negativity occurs. That their future can be easily seen as one which shall be negative. The FBI statistics pretty much show that.
But, then there are that ten percent of these incredibly abused children who for some reason. Prophecy cannot be spoken to them in a predictable manor.
Wait, it gets even better. There are those one-per-centers in which prophecy is impossible to predict.
These ten and one percenter's are the ones who have thrown up their hands and have declared to the whole of the world. ENOUGH! They each in their own way have cast away all of the old and wrongful things they have learned from those awful adults who were supposed to love and protect them but instead only used and abused them. They have had enough. They are just done with that life and just completely leave it. So alone they begin to walk in a world and to make their mark upon it as defined by each of them.
These are the ones who become amazing people. even though daily they still endure the psychology of their own awful past. But, for some reason that psychology just becomes a pushing force which continues to push them away from all of that bad and sad. All of that bad and sad psychology becomes a positive motivating force which propels them forward in this life of theirs.

This is why the tortured soul who does a complete anti-typical 180 degree turn around becomes unpredictable. The prophet cannot predict just where the tortured souls life will begin to level off if ever. The tortured soul becomes self determining and self willing. Thus becoming the soul creator of their own future. They in fact have become their own prophets and mentors within their own life. Any reliable predictions which is about these ten and one percenters can only come by their own reasoning's. This is wonderful and everyone who become self determined also becomes their own prophet and mentor.

So what does this all mean. Well, it means that if you do not like your present, then your future is also gonna be disliked. Without any effective positive changes. It is just logical. Unless you make those positive changes today and right now. Then continue on with those positive changes while your own predictive future becomes altered. It all takes time, resolve and patience. Coupled with the attitude that you will not relent in your positive changing endeavors. No matter what. No matter what.

This is what these incredible people do.
They become self inspired. Why? because they have had no one to inspire them.
They become self motivating. Why? because there was no one there  to encourage them
They become self led. Why? because there was no one there who pointed the positive way.
They have become their own prophets and mentors.
They are trail blazers in life.
If you don't like what the future has in store for you. If you do not like or agree with the words of the prophet or prophetess. Then change it.
Ignoring the words of the prophet/prophetess and doing nothing does alter the outcome of the future. This logical end result is most likely to be worse than what was spoken or written.
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  “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:


Monday, September 29, 2014

Prophets Prophetesses: (Unedited): 29 Sept 2014:

Yee, Prophets of the world and for the world. The time has come when all of those dire events planned and created by all of your leaders. You cannot see them because a hundred hundred things must happen simultaneously.
This is why you cannot see the single events. Because, they are all confused one upon another in a single moment in time. It would be like trying to watch all of your HD Cable T.V. Channels all at once.
Every person has the ability to be a prophet or a prophetess. Do not begin with trying to see the end of the whole world. Because, the whole of the world is full of billions and billions of minds, of choices and intentional actions. Which of the all has there own individual impacts locally which translates into the global.
Begin, first with your own life and the future of it. Then  graduate to those whom you have close and mutual relationships with. Then again graduate to predicting your locale. Then to your state, your region and etc.
Added on 18 April 2019: It is not enough to affect change by simple predicting. You and each person must be doing those positive and good things to effect necessary change. All of this goodness and those good works must be based on a foundation of love for one another. For if you do not have a foundation of love. Then all of your good works will be yours alone. That is until you become deeply weary and worn out.
Those gifted persons who begin this journey of becoming a genuine prophet or prophetess within your own locale. Then through networking together can you each then create a patchwork of prophecy.
Added on 18 April 2019: The prophets and mentors must become one and the same being. With love as the stitch work which binds them together. By aligning and joining with those who are the doers. This is where bad and sad prophecies become like vapor at the rising of the morning sun. Just like with Jonah and Nineveh at their very last moment. When all they could do was to humble themselves and repent. So in a way Jonah was wrong but, it was a good kind of wrong which lasted about forty years. Then Nineveh was still destroyed.
Always, remember the other side of the prophecy coin, which is the mentor side. Mentoring must be applied when the listener is actively engaged in fundamental change of their own beings direction.
Added on 18 April 2019:
To do so any other time will be like good water being poured upon a very dry rock.
Always, remember it should be desirable for you to want any bad and sad prophecy to be false. In which it becomes false when you apply your directional words of mentoring. The words of the mentor are those necessary things which need to be spoken to the person who has already ceased in their wrong direction. The words of prophecy needs to stop a person by their own understanding and free choice. While the mentoring words give the new more positive direction in which motion can be applied by the person of their own free will.
Added on 12 March 2019, 18 April 2019:
Be wary of the prophet or prophetess who desires only to be right and first in predicting any bad and sad event. All bad and sad prophecies are meant to be prevented or mitigated to some degree. Which is why the prophet and prophetess must also speak those words in how to mitigate and/or prevent the bad and sad occurrence. Just like Joseph in The Holy Bible of Egypt. Even though Joseph had an Egyptian name. A slave doesn't even have ownership of his own name. Then what about a convicted and imprisoned slave? Even in the United States when slavery was lawful. Those slaves already had their own names. They were given new names and lost their languages.
Added on 18 April 2019:
The prophecies in the Holy Bible is direct proof to all of humanity that God loved us and still loves us all. Because, if God did not love us then why warn us? Do you as a human not warn your own children of the dangers of the stove or electricity or of playing in the streets or of making of wrong friends and etc? Do you not love your own children? Do you not desire your own children to be free of harm and accidents? So to God loves each of us-all of us. Which is why their are so many prophecies in The Holy Bible. So when your in church celebrating and worshiping an angry God for coming and destroying everything. This is not wise nor is it the intention of God. The intention of God for all of humanity is for us to read and live by the purple words below. All of it by our own free choice and not because we have too because we have to like some slave. We choose to live by the purple words because it is the right thing to do.
Evil is when you do nothing and allow evil to happen. Just so that God will do what He has said He was/is going to do. God does the prophetic things because He has judged. Which means all or most of humanity is in the wrong and has succumbed to evil. Why do you think the last two witnesses of God is killed in the street and all of the world knows it directly and then celebrates like it was Christmas. The whole world celebrates their victory. Then they all physically die as the world is purified with fire. Yea, that went well. Not even Christians want to discuss that part or the part where only two of the churches are not rebuked. I think they were the church or Smyrna and Philadelphia.
Note: Everything I write you must do your own due diligence. Your required to pray and have your Holy Bible at hand and in hand. This writer is a deeply flawed human being. It is the message which is important and not the messenger. I can be deceived as I am less than a worm and less than a maggot in comparison to those who reside in the heavens. So, if satan can speak through Peter then who am I? I am just a janitor and not a very good one. If satan can use the inherent flaws and sins of Judas to cause him to sell Jesus. Then who am I? I was not chosen to walk with Jesus in the knowing and physically. I am not worthy to be. I'm not even worthy to be tested like Job as I have been like Jobs friends.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Mentor Prophets: (Unedited): 23 June 2013:

Mentors are prophets of positivity in action. Creating profound changes within each human life. Thus, Changing and altering probable hopeless, bleak and miserable futures. C.J.MacKechnie
In today's modern environment. A prophet is known to be the one who spreads doom and gloom of greater probability. While a mentor is one who actively works to change and alter another person hopeless outlook in life. Which leads to perpetual and compounding hopelessness?

I have not heard of many prophets who speak their words of doom and gloom without following it up with how to prevent it, mitigate it and manage it. This needs to change into a more proactive method seeking prevention, mitigation and management. The prophets of doom and gloom needs to adopt the lifestyle of the mentor. 
The word prophet and mentor needs to become exchangeable and interchangeable. 

Where is the value of speaking words of upcoming doom and gloom? Without seeking a way of preventing and altering the entire probable undesirable event.  

I defer to the teaching of a prophet/mentor in action.
Genesis 41 shows profoundly how all of the life of Egypt were going to die. The Pharaoh had this dream in which the wrongly imprisoned slave who was sold by his own brothers. Basically said "We all are going to die" But I (Joseph) can mitigate and manage it. Well, go and read the full version and not my shortened interpretation. This is the essential school of prophecy understanding and the action which must be taken to prevent, mitigate and manage the event or events. This is something which apparently NO CHRISTIAN or any other religious person understands. All of the bad and sad prophecies are only probable and not absolute. All prophecies which have ever been spoken or written are NOT ABSOLUTE. C.J.MacKechnie

This is another teaching of prophecy. A prophecy of the Compassion of God/Allah. A prophecy of a sinful people who empowered themselves even for a moment to repent and become righteous. A story about one man who God/Allah used one city and one specifically created fish/whale to teach the prophet Jonah a lesson. The depth of teaching within this one singular story is astounding.

The teaching which is important for this particular message is that GOD/ALLAH spoke a message of intent. Then gave all life within the opportunity to repent. When they did repent. God/Allah words of promise to destroy was taken back. Even for a time. Gods love and compassion is for all of us. Which means all of us. No matter where we were born or who we were born to. The prophet Jonah was not wrong with his prophecy and God did not lie. The reason I say this is because Jonah found himself a nice spot to watch the destruction of the city. I guess for his personal entertainment. Who Knows?
:Added Content 01 July 2013:
This is about prophets and mentors. The psychological outcomes which they may encounter with the people who they communicate with.
In this real life I know of a man retired from the USAF. He told me he was on the outs with his father. He a heated argument
The son said; I'm going into the military to be an airplane mechanic.
The father said; Your not good enough or smart enough to work on any airplanes.
The son went into the USAF the very next day and retired with honors. That now retired man told me how well that reverse psychology worked on him. He eventually loved his father for it. Especially, when the time came when the two men became brothers in arms. While still father and son. They both experienced a hell which is not usually ever communicated with any civilian. Which often includes wives and children. It isn't about keeping secrets. Its about protecting those who are innocent from carrying their memories of hell.
The father probably knew he was losing his son and in that last verbal outburst became a mentor or a prophet. By telling his son the opposite of what he believed. In the hopes that the bad son would become so focused that he proved his father wrong. Both men were American war heroes.

:Story of Fiction:
I have told this story about two parents who took their children to see a psychic/prophet. For a glimpse at what their children would become as adults. The two children were of a similar age. One was a boy and the other a girl. The psychic saw the boy and his mother first. The psychic declared that the boy would grow up to be an important and wealthy man. He would become married and have 6 children. All of whom would become successful in their own right. They both came out excited and very happy and told the waiting parent and her daughter the wonderful news they had received. All about fame, fortune and family. The two waiting became excited as well as the psychic/prophet called them in. The psychic began with hesitation and then another. Then in the most positive spin. The psychic declaration is made. You will grow up to be an average young woman. You will marry an average young man and have 3 average kids. Nothing drastically or traumatically bad will happen in your life or that of your family. That is really all there is.
The mother and daughter quietly left and went home. The mother sensing her daughter s quiet demeanor. Said; You are going to have a good life. No pit falls. Many people would wish to have an average life with average kids. But, all the daughter heard was average, average, average and more average. She hated the average word already. By the very next day the girl began to study twice as hard and spent more time studying. She worked hard every day. Then into college she received a scholarship to attend an Ivory League university.  She became a Lawyer and then she became a Judge. She was married to another Lawyer and they had 4 kids. End of her story.
The young boy and his mother went out and celebrated. For a month everyday was a birthday. The boy slowed down on his studies and sports. He spent his days wondering how great and rich and famous he was going to be. Then the time for college came around and he figured he didn't need that because he was going to be rich anyway. So, why work so hard. He went and got a job and got fired. Then another job and got fired from it to. His parents died and now he was homeless. So, begins his career in crime. He got caught over and over and eventually the government refused to let him out into society. He had two kids by two different women and they seemed to be destined to be like their father. Failed criminals. End of his story.

The question.
Was the psychic/prophet right or wrong? Then read the green letters below. Then read about the two essential stories about Joseph and Pharaoh. Then read about Jonah. In the other prophetic related writings I use these two stories often. These two stories are the all encompassing guides in understanding all prophecy.
Ask yourself?
Was the Pharaohs dream accurate or wrong? When did it become inaccurate?
God/Allah promised he would destroy the city. Jonah was so convinced that God/Allah would destroy the city he picked a good vantage spot to watch all of the upcoming destruction. Was God wrong? or was Jonah have a temper tantrum?
What is the purpose of a prophet or mentor? Are they not the same person or persons? If anyone can be a mentor, then anyone can be a prophet, right? A mentor is a prophet. A prophet is a mentor. Except in today's society we have prophets of doom and mentors positively encourage for future goals and dreams. They are both the same. Even though society has split them up.
:Added on 01 July 2013:
Prophecy is only probable, when a simple revelation can alter everything. Which must be followed with good and righteous works of prevention.

Will be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Get your hanky ready.
The National Problem with the Foster care system would end when 500,000 good Christian families become foster parents. If that were to happen. The national crime rates and gang populations would go down steadily.
This is not a problem in a few states. It is with every state in the USA and the world.
The pharmacology used against children is in itself a hells prison.
Even if you cant be a foster parent or even an adoptive parent. Mentor a foster kid and not treat them like they will be the Future Criminals of America (FCA). Kids tend to become what you expect of them to be.
:Be Sure to share and to Spread this information:


I was born to an unwed mother in 1965 Arizona. Before, I was born,. The birth father wanted my birth mother to go get the problem fixed. In which about a 45 minute drive south across the border and the problem would be solved.
I spent 5 months in the Arizona foster care system. Where I endured some kind of abuse. I assume it is related to the 20/900+ eye sight I had.
Then I was adopted by what appeared to be the perfect family.

I'll write more later. It late tonight.