Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Artificial Piggyback: (Unedited): 12 Aug 2012

All of the artificial energies created by man. Can piggyback on the Earths natural magnetic lines of force. Causing core heating and additional core pressures. Possibly resulting in greater numbers of earthquakes and volcanism seen today. C.J.MacKechnie
All artificial energies. Which include all HAARP sites around the world. All radio transmissions. All Television transmissions. All civilian and military radar installations. All satellite transmissions. All cell phones transmissions. All of the combined artificial energies can interact and merge with the Earth's natural magnetic lines of force. Causing core heating and or fundamental changes to the magnetic makeup of the core.
Global warming may be the fault of man. So to the drastic uptick in Earthquakes. The prophetic global changes may be caused by man.
If the core warming is true. Even if it is only a little bit at a time. The Earth will also begin to expand in over all size. Just a little at a time. With planetary expansion. The rise in ocean levels will not be as prominent. If the fluidity of the core material becomes slicker then the magnetic alignment will move. I believe we are seeing that now. The north pole is moving slowly. When the north pole gets to a specific degree in latitudes and longitudes. The Earth will begin to alter its rotation and equatorial alignments. As the equator realigns the bulge at the center of the Earth will also adjust. Thus causing worldwide crust re-adjustments.  Such has not been seen since creation.
If this is true about core warming. Mars frozen core can be warmed. Thus the magnetic field may be able to be rejuvenated.  Coupled with various forms of injected energies from microwave to magnetic. Mars can be warmed slowly. How ever slowly may be defined by people way smarter than me, without fully or partially blowing the core and the planet apart.
WARNING. Since HARRP is classified. Any evidence that I post about this is incredibly suspect. So, put on your paranoid caps.
Prophetic Future world maps.
Added on 06 Oct 2018:
This is an interesting accidental find. Especially with all of the volcanoes exploding. What are the global effects of CERN and the magnetic energy which is transmitted through the planetary core. When you begin to add all of the electromagnetic spectrums into the equation. These all add into their own frequency and harmonic frequencies. Thus magnetic frictions must occur deep within the core causing two types of heating. Inductive and friction types of heating. The other bigger problem is with the addition of more artificial power going through the core of the Earth. this may cause the magnetic connections to the sun to become more pronounced. Thus naturally causing the sun to send even more energy through the Earth. The new now known to the civilian population which studies military technologies. The concepts of DEW or Directed Energy Weapons will also have an effect upon the planet. Especially, when power levels are achieved to send powerful RF blasts through the atmosphere or through the planet itself or both. Then when RF blasts from different signal sources and from many different directions. Will cause very profound effects on the surface of the planet and in the atmosphere. The keys will be when energies are applied to one destination from many multi dimensional sources simultaneously. All of which will have the power generation to achieve the necessary wattage points.
Here is a key in the technology. Which is most likely classified. There are many different ways to create effective power. Some methods lead and others lag. While another method has good realistic timings. The trick is to cause the lead to lag a little and the lag to lead a little. Thus when mutual timing is achieved into one singular time constance. Which would be unrecognizable on a scope. Effective power is far more than tripled when each of the 3 single sources are equal in their individual outputs. 1a+1b+1c could equal 7.8abc-ish (Not a real formula, Just to express an idea). Sort of like the flux capacitor on the going into the past movie. Except without the cool light. But, could create a plasma type shape of harmonic which would glow on the outside. This plasma would even have it's own magnetic field. The magnetic field and harmonic distortion may even have each of their own ripples.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Death Walking: (Unedited): 14 Aug 2012:

The death of a child can often times be seen in the empty shells of walking adults. C.J.MacKechnie
Loses and abuses can be so traumatic for a person. They often become temporary smiling shells of walking humanity. The death of a child is an awful thing for any parent to experience. The death of a kids own childhood. Can lead that young person to become an empty shell of adulthood. So full of nothing, That not even apathy can fill the void. 
Ive in my history witnessed many deaths. Both physical and emotional. Some become the walking dead. This means they just exist in life as some lower animals do. Their early death is a sort of misguided and deceptive freedom from this life of living hell. In which no one seems to care, another false perception. They seem to be to broken, to un-socialized, to feral for  any good persons compassion or love, kindness or friendship. When a friendly kind person makes their way. It is often only kindness and compassion in the moment. The lesson of the good Samaritan is forgotten. Especially in regards to the time it took for healing and recuperation. It seems that many Christians seems to think a good dead is only the writing of a check or should only last for the duration of the purchasing of a McDonald's meal.
A person who has experienced more abuse than you the reader could handle. Needs friendship, guidance and mentoring more than the cash your willing to give. Because, When you give a person full of emptiness  your cash. They forget you quicker than you have forgotten them. Logically, Spiritually, emotionally and physically. What positive benefits have you the giver actually given? Something of great importance or of minimal value? The selfishness of giving money benefits you more than the tormented soul who received your money. You the giver will feel better for days, weeks and even years for the continuous giving of the loose change which is of little importance to you. You may never realize this. But, the giving of your loose change. This may be more of a dis-service to the tormented soul than it is to give nothing at all. Thus, prolonging their self tormented hell of a life. Unless, a person is critically ill. A person will not starve themselves when given the opportunity to save themselves. In the USA the land of many Opportunities. There is always an option for a person to save themselves.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.
To live in peace with everyone.  
To exist in harmony with all.  
To Cherish all life.  
To be obedient to the Laws of God.  
To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.  
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Love fabric: (Unedited): 11 Aug 2012:

Love is the fabric on which we embroider the most important words of our lives. C.J.MacKechnie
Talk to anyone who sews. You cannot embroider anything without the fabric. The Fabric is Love. Then everything else can be embroidered on to it. Such as peace, harmony, Kindness, Compassion, friendliness, Patience, gentleness, Goodness, Joy, Self Control, faithfulness, 
Will be included in future volumes of "Musings of an American Truck driver":
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Curiosity Success: (Unedited): 06 Aug 2012

Americas first communist president will be concerned with re-election. His curiosity will be the success he needs when he quenches the public's own curiosity with the revelation of secrets. C.J.MacKechnie
He will take all of the credit for revealing a truth which has been a secret to the American public. A secret which all of the world wants to know as a fact. We are not alone. There is life elsewhere. These revelations will only be used for his greatness. This will only benefit him and those he selects as his benefactors. Prophecy.
May not be included in future volumes of "Musings of an American Truck Driver". 

Demise Proof: (Unedited): 14 Aug 2012:

The proof of the demise of the American system, Will always be easily seen in the absence of the devout Christian person at all levels of government. C.J.MacKechnie
A devout Christian is one who follows the path of Jesus Christs path and teachings of "Love One another". A devout Christian will not be one who goes on military crusades and seeks war. A devout Christian is one who treats everyone fairly and with love. 
Politicians typically use religion as a tool for their own political advancements. A politician will volunteer their time in organizations which will benefit them the most. The truth of a politicians interest is solely a selfish one. It matters not if the predominant religion is Christian, Islam or whichever. Just as a car and insurance salesman goes to the largest and most popular churches in order to sell their wares. Worse it is for the politician who has done nothing in their lives but pursue politics. What would you expect of any government when the worst of people are at every level of government? The lies and deception upon the common American people is incredible. We seem to live in a world where the truth is a rarity. 
Think about this. There are two groups of people who participate in Political conventions who are typically uninvited guests. The private detectives and the prostitutes. Yet, the information that the private detectives find is payed for information by the original client. Such, information is used for future favors. Which will typically never see a media outlet. Unless, of course the political slave does not do as they are told and instructed.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Fore Swing: (Unedited): 20 Nov 2005

As a man goes forth upon the greens in life. He has it within him to overcome all manner of obstacles created by someone else or by his own swing/hand. C.J.MacKechnie
Golfing Language. The golf course represents life. With all of its victories and trials. With all of its Triumphs and Difficulties. There will always be people who are slower or less skilled and these are the true lessons to be learned about life. There will always be those who are of great skill and speed, who over take you. The wise golfer inspires those who are slower and less skilled. The wise golfer learns humility when a more skilled golfer is faster than he. This is the opportunity to learn and celebrate the better golfer. The wise among you will discover that there is always a lesson to be learned from addressing a motionless and silent golf ball. To laugh and learn for the errors of your swing is what is important. Address the ball in your life and always make your best swing. No matter how many strokes you make. Find the flag, find the Cup/hole. Do not give up, do not give in, never quit. Unless, of course there is lightning. Then run. LOL. While fussing at your partners who was supposed to keep up with the weather reports. Which means it was you.

Unhappy Servant: (Unedited): 11 June 2004

A wife who desperately tries to make her husband happy, when he is not. Will simply become his servant.
A person cannot make another person happy. A person can feel happiness for a short time, but once the happy event is concluded the temporary happiness fades. A person can even drown out their misery and sadness with  alcohol, drugs, cigarettes and medications. The misery and sadness still remains, just temporarily subdued and temporarily forgotten. The good and dutiful wife who sees sadness and misery in her husband will begin to do all she can to make her husband happy. This can be a fruitless effort as the problem whatever it may be is not addressed. The problem or problems must be addressed, confronted and conquered. The problem or problems if they cannot be solved, Then you must adapt and over come. You must learn new skills and new talents.
As the years go by for the good wife who continually endures and confronts all obstacles in her life. Will become like her husband when the grey and silver arrives.
Will be Included in future Volumes of "Musings of an American Truck Driver".