Friday, May 10, 2013

Human Responsibility: (Unedited): 09 May 2013:

Every human being is responsible for the continuing existence or the final extinction of the human species. C.J.MacKechnie

Righteous Reputation: (Unedited): 09 May 2013:

A worthy human is one whose righteousness and reputation is beyond reproach. C.J.MacKechnie

Worthy Human: (Unedited): 09 May 2013:

Humanity becomes a species worth saving. When each human becomes worthy. C.J.MacKechnie
For some reason. I'm thinking about how many people think that GOD or however you identify with the creator is going to save us all from our own self destructive tendencies. Or how some advanced space alien group is going to save us from ourselves. Why would anyone think that? Because you cannot stop or save an alcoholic or drug addict from destroying themselves. You cannot prevent or stop a person, who wants to kill themselves (Suicide). So, what makes any one think that GOD or some advanced space aliens is going to save us when we are all collectively destroying ourselves. It isn't logical or psychologically sound and should not be expected.
To sum up all of the prophecies of the world. They pretty much predict that we are all going to die. Which means as a species. We may become extinct. The prophecy of the Christian faith, assuming interpretations are correct. A select will be saved. How many is that? Define remnant for yourself, Very small.
I seem to be the only one on this planet who thinks all of the undesirable prophecies from anyone who spoke them can be prevented, managed or both. My belief stems from the story within The Holy Bible. Joseph and Pharaoh. I may be the only Christian who does not want Jesus to return the way He does as foretold in the Bible Prophecies. There is prophecies of the coming one from the traditions of Christianity and Islam. I believe the interpretations are wrong, even though the visions of the prophets are very accurate. What this means is. I believe the purity of the visions are correct. Islam believes that the enemies of ALLAH will be destroyed, Just as Christianity believes the enemies of GOD will be destroyed. The logical thinking is there can only be one victor in a war. That victor is GOD. The enemies of GOD will be the military forces of this world. So in effect both prophets are correct in what they see. It is each faith which chooses to see only one side of their perspective coin.

The only way to prevent humanities foretold and probable extinction is for each person to willingly choose without threats or fears to live righteously as defined by the Holy Documents. Every human person, by their own free choice. There is a little more to that. But, this little sliver may be all that is needed to save us all.
The Father leaves his children to manage His lands for a time.
The good children manage things well. They make fair and equitable increases in every way. There is no harm or damage to anyone or any thing. When the father returns what will be His fair and justified response?
The bad children do as they want to. They selfishly use up what they will. They fight with one another over selfish things. They kill, they destroy whatever they will. Soon they forget about their father. They use up everything. Plants and creatures become changed or destroyed. Power struggles and wars perpetually exist. Abuses and tortures rampant. The children now have the power to destroy everything which the Father has created. When the father returns what will be His fair and justified response? 
This seems simple to understand. This seems easily predictable. So, How do you want The Heavenly Father, God, Creator, Universal Source to return? It really is this simple. Do you want to be the good children or the bad children? So far we all have been the bad children. Then begin right now to take the necessary action. I hope everyone chooses to be the good children. As I want to be.
It is important for everyone to no longer fight or go to war for any political or religious authority. This is for all of the common peoples of the world. We all must begin to believe that we are all brother and sister to one another. 
This is most likely the only way we all can save ourselves. The purple words. This also mean that if your sons and daughters participate within any military service any where. Encourage them not to go to war or actively participate in any cause of death or destruction.
To love one another.
To live in peace.
To exist in harmony.
 To cherish life.
To obey/honor the Laws of God.
 To become the holy and righteous people as The Heavenly Father intended us all to be.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Futures Result: (Unedited): 08 May 2013:

The actions or non-actions you make today. Creates your future which will be a logical result of those actions or non-actions taken. C.J.MacKechnie
There is a logical math formula in this. Which I cannot see the whole of. Relates to volumes and quantities. Degrees of importance and unimportance. Predictable prophetic outcomes.
Learning logic and math principles is crucial to determining the probable prophetic outcomes or achieved goals within your life. Beforehand. If a young person can dream about what their own future is desired. Then through the skill of logical thinking can that young person accurately predict a logical path to achieve those goals. The logical journey in which they embark on, will have a specif heading. Just like a tall sailing ship which incorporates a directional heading. Just like a wise Captain who uses maps and a determines the best and swiftest course to take. Combining the logical information of the map with the compass. The wise captain will discover the safe conclusion to the journeys ends.
 If the wise captain deviates from the logical path. Then all can be run aground or destroyed upon the rocks. The powerful gales and hurricanes will not be avoided. Then all will be drowned in the deep dark loneliness.
Prophecy is for all and is of all. Each and every one of us can be our own prophets.

Separate Professional: (Unedited): 08 May 2013:

Any person who can separate their professional or public life with their religious private life. Should not be trusted in any thing or in any agreement. C.J.MacKechnie
 Yes, it does matter. How you live your whole life. To approach infinity or becoming that which as observed by others being all things are possible. Face two mirrors and witness visible infinity in two dimensions. Face three mirrors together and witness infinity in multiple dimensions. Each mirror represents a different aspect of the lives you have. One mirror is your private life, another mirror is your public life and the third mirror is you professional life. When all things are in complete agreement with one another. All things can and will be possible for you. Because infinity is in total agreement. All of the images are perfectly identical.
For more dimensionality. Within each mirror contains a myriad of smaller mirrors. All facing each other. Thus, creating a deeper and more profound infinite image of perfect infinity.
Within the perfect and identical images of the infinite you. Any defect of your whole being can be easily seen amongst the infinite. It would be like filling a sports arena full of 100,000 you's in black suits and then placing only one of you in a red suit. All of the black suited you becomes invisible or blurred. While the red suited you becomes the most easily seen and pronounced.
Yes, it does matter. How you live your whole life. Your professional, public and private life must be a perfect mirrored reflection to one another. If you do not or cannot see the truth in these words I write. Then you are a deceiver and a liar. Negative actions applied to ones own whole life. Logically concludes with a outcome which is less than what you desire for your own life. It will not matter how hard or smart you work. You will lose all of the good aspects within your life one small piece at a time. Until, such a time, your whole blood line becomes extinct.

Separate Person: (Unedited): 08 May 2013:

The person who can separate themselves from their religion, also separates themselves from righteousness, Honor, Integrity and trust. C.J.MacKechnie

A person who can separate themselves from their religion and make decisions which favors business or politics. Is a liar especially if those decisions involve sin, death, cruelty, Harm, Chaos, hate, anger, revenge and enslavement.


Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Self Control: (Unedited): 07 May 2013:

The control and authority you desire in life. Must first begin with the self. C.J.MacKechnie
The control and authority you think you have in this life is an illusion. When you first think and believe you have control and authority in your life. This is an external illusion. Control and authority in your external life is based upon agreements, associations and relationships. All of which grants you the illusion of control and authority.

The control and authority of the self is first. Right? Think about this. You are a human animal defined as a bipedal mammal. As such your physical animal has certain requirements and desires which delve into the animalistic natures. If you allow the self to exert control and authority over the desires, needs and wants of the physical body. You will become stagnant in your life.
So, The lazy mind wants to make preparations for itself in order to survive and to become more comfortable. This is an evolution over the physical and animalistic domain. Until, such a time when the creative mind begins to discover crime, abuse, torture, cruelty, war, hatred, immorality, abandonment, and humanistic laws.
So, from the spirit being whom your true identity resides with is that which should have control and authority over your entire physical being. This is the governor, which can begin to bring about the revelation of enlightenment. Where love, peace, harmony and life can become the governing force in your life. So that happiness, joy and true satisfaction can be realized.
So, once you know there is a spirit world and that your spirit is just a small part of it all. There begins the search for God as HE/SHE is and always have been. So, where is control and authority supposed to be located?