Saturday, September 8, 2012

Less Than Human: (Unedited): 19 April 2010:

When you allow others to call you dehumanizing names. Don't be surprised when you yourself become less valuable than a human slave. 
Even in fun and in jest. In the air of competition. The personal or biological insults fly. All of these things dehumanize you. You dehumanize each other. Eventually you and your friends will become less than human. You are brainwashing each other with dirty filthy talks and rants. 
You are more than the color of your skin or the curl of your hair. You are more than the shape of your face or the height of your body. You and we all are brothers and sisters to one another.
As spoken of in the old Holy Texts. From one man and one woman we all came from. From the saved family of 8 we are all related to. As recently as 11 or so years ago. President Bill Clinton reported the finds of the Conclusion of the Human Genome project. That 99.9% of all of our DNA is Identical. Thus proving that race and race identity is all a lie and a deception.
Even in or around 1984, The DNA finger printing is used to ascertain differences. While at the same time over looking the huge percentage of commonalities. 
Humanity on Earth is one family and one race of human beings.

Human Animal: (Unedited): 19 April 2010:

The caged and entrapped human may become a dehumanized animal. C.J.MacKechnie 
It matters not if you have been Imprisoned, Alone, Forgotten and abandoned. You may become a dehumanized animal. It matters not if you have endured much time of severe abuse and torture. You may become a dehumanized animal. There is always hope for you and within you. Even though the word hope may have been long forgotten or is an alien concept to you. The feral De-humanistic animal in which you have become is what was needed for you to survive your horrors. Once in the place of safety. Once in the environment of love, peace, harmony and life. You can now remember who you are supposed to be. Who you were supposed to become. You can now remember that you are more than an Earth animal.
Even if right at this very moment your in a prison or a cage. You do not have to become the animal the prison keepers think you are. If you are that animal. You do not have to be anymore. Search for your own spirit. Reach for that pure and holy light deep within you. That is where you will find your peace, your love, your belonging, your joy and the forgiveness of your Heavenly Father to be.
 From the depth of you. You must endure the full memory and emotion of all of your evil. From there a hard and true wisdom will grow. The kind of wisdom that incinerates the old you. Leaving behind an empty lifeless shell. This too must happen. Now begins the birth of the new wise you. A new you which can now live with your memories and a full knowledge of the terrible emotional damage you have caused. Yes, you are guilty. Yes, You must admit to all of your crimes. Yes, You are forgiven.
Now is your time to become the wise teacher. To become the soft humble destroyer or hardened prideful hearts. This is your repayment. This is your duty to freely walk the wrong way through the open gates of Hell and point the way for the souls to exit. It was Jesus who burst open the gates to free all of us. There are still those who are so entrapped by guilt that they know not the way.

Will be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:
Please support my Endeavors:
7143 Sr.54, Box 276
New Port Richey Fl. 34653 USA

To the above address as well as online contact information. Dreams can have a great depth of meaning and reveal an incredible amount of information about your real and true nature. All information will be kept confidential. Dream interpretations can take me several days. On going communications with questions is mandatory. There will be no verbal communication as it is not necessary and would get in the way of prayer and meditation.
Thank you, John

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Free Bird: (Unedited): 19 April 2010:

The caged jail bird can be more free than the human owner who is locked within his own home. 
While in Foster care. I just needed to be free. Free from the foster care abuses. Free from the abuses from my adoptive parents. Free from being unwanted and unloved. Free from being deemed a waste of effort from the free educational system. Free from Ritalin and Cylert. Free from any mind altering contaminant. Free from being labeled a bad man.
I've studied all aspects of ADD/ADHD as well as the old medical terminology of Hyper-Kinetic. There is absolutely to physical proof that this disability exists. There is absolutely to medical test proving the existence of the disabilities. The scientists who search for a sign of a problem will accept anything. Even a diminished blood flow through certain parts of the brain. While never even thinking or considering of an increase in efficiency of the brain. A brain which thinks faster than normal or average brains is not a possible indication of a disability. On the contrary a faster brain process may be an indication of continuous incremental evolution. 
Free Bird. Gotta love it. There was much feeling I felt when listening to this song. This is the good long version.
Updated on 31 Jan 2016:
 At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Day Of Beauty: (Unedited): 19 April 2010:

A beautiful day can only be seen and experienced by those people who expect it. 
Added on 16 Sept 2023: What do you expect in life? Is your expectations beautiful or ugly? Is your life trying, stressful, unfair and/or awful? If it is? then when is it that you decide to open your eyes to see anything which is beautiful? Naturally beautiful, unplanned and unexpected beauty. There is always hope and if the hope you no longer have is lost. Then your lost hope can be found in the beauty that you choose to seek. If you decide to search for and to become aware of those things which are truly beautiful.
Plan to expect to see a beautiful day.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
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Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Proven Actions: (Unedited): 03 April 2008:

If you want your child to grow up to be a good person with good characteristics. You must show her/his through your life long positive actions taken. This will be the only proof that will make a said difference in her/his life. Words are empty.
C.J. MacKechnie
Your actions are the real teaching tool for your own children. The revelation of your misdeeds along with the wisdom and understanding you have learned can be spoken truthfully to your children. These will be long lasting for your children. Assuming you have had made those corrective behaviors. If you are still acting poorly and still under the thumb of sin or addictions. Your words will quench your children's thirst like cool sand in a cool glass offered to them. Yea, did you get that confusing look on your face reading that cool glass full of cool sand.

How To Stop the End Time Prophecies: 05 Sept 2012:

Loving One Another:
Living in Peace:
Existing in Harmony:
Cherishing all life:
Being obedient to the laws of God:
Enables you to Live a life worth living:

All of the man made events in all of the end of time prophecies from all over the world and from all of the religions of the world. Can be prevented with an agreed upon continuous action from all of the common peoples on the world. The simple teaching from the Lamb of GOD. To love one another. When all of the common people do this one thing. No political or religious force can have the power or authority to make war ever again. 
Added content on 29 July 2016:
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Actions Meaning: (Unedited): 03 April 2008:

The pursuit of meaning in your life can bring personal satisfaction and happiness to your future self. When you define what means most in your life. Then you will have a direction. Take action.
C.J. MacKechnie
Making positive efforts today. Will bring good emotions to your future self. Do not allow the falsehoods of cultures and politics to enslave you into a life of injustice and misery.