Sunday, July 30, 2023

The Coming Savagery Of Peaceful Resolute Civilians +5: (Unedited): 30 July 2023:

 Resolute peaceful citizens deeply desire to hold on to the good ways of living. But, when force is applied to their self chosen ways of righteous living. All manner of godly hell will follow. For it is the one and only righteous God who created hell in the first place.
When peaceful and free citizens begins to take up arms against their own newly grown tyrannical government. It will be those who blindly support the risen up evil doing regime who shall realize that their honor and integrity has been given away in favor of quenching their murderous blood lusts. 
Those evildoing governmental supporters who deeply want the tyrannical government to become all powerful. You shall find yourselves in a no win crossroads. For if you go forward or backwards you shall die. If you go left or right you shall die. For your just a foolish pawn which must be sacrificed and you will.
While it is true the American civilians are buying guns and ammunition in record numbers. But, this is for tradition ammunition like .22 and 9mm types. The problem for the evildoing and wicked tyrannical government is when those very same civilians begins to buy very large caliber guns. 
As the civilians begin to realize that it will be their own governmental forces who will come against them. The civilians will begin to buy large caliber guns in order to defeat the body armor of those governmental forces which come forth. They will engage at distance first. I have written about this I think more than once.  
Yea, the .22 short, .22 Long Rifle, .22 Magnum .223, 5.56mm are all .22 caliber bullets. Think about it.
The American civilian at heart is the kindest, most generous people on the planet. But, when the government begins to take away their freedoms and liberties. They will become the most savage of forces ever seen. Any evil doer who comes before them with intent to harm or capture. Will be met with absolute savagery. 
You will see this change when the wicked evil doers discover that they shall be utterly helpless and defenseless when the good people take up arms against them. No manner of pleading shall save you as your brutally killed. 
As the right living peaceful citizen begins to realize that civility, law and order as well as justice is gone from the land. The citizens will transform into the kind of savages which have been foretold in histories past. 
The blind, deaf and stupid evil doing soldiers know not the savagery in which they will face. They will learn what happens when good-natured people transform themselves into individual war machines. The psychological effects in which they will never recover from. Self induced final sleep shall be their only escape.
The delicate nature of the evil doing governmental forces shall be evident as their ineffectiveness becomes the sounds of crying and panic. The citizens who have become war machines incarnate shall kill them all and strip them bare. 
The civilian shall repurpose all equipment taken. This will lead to a practice of the government bombing their own equipment and dead personnel. In my visions the government shall not even make an attempt to recover or support their own lost or losing soldiers. 
The useful idiots who stupidly follow the rise of the new wicked government will not even consider that they are all sacrificial pawns specifically chosen to die and buried in mass graves with no respect or concern. To be forgotten forever.
This is assuming the very same wicked government will even come for their corpses. In which they will not. It shall be the good natured people who exert the resources to respectfully bury their forgotten corpses. They shall even pray over your bodies. Even as the government will kill them who pray for your dead bodies. Luke 23:34.
There will be an evolution of government forces after the war against the civilians have begun. The government will begin to use foreign special forces who wear the uniform. In the soldiers rank will be those who speak no English. 
Those who shall wear the uniform shall speak no English and not desire to speak English. It will be these who thirst to kill everyone and destroy all that comes before them. Their vile hatred shall torture all of those who happen to live. They will kill everyone. Those who are involved in the fight, those who do not fight and even those who are known as treasonous traitors for their benefit. Those who give up on their own people are the most distasteful to them. Those who stand up to them shall be respected with a good death. Those who do not fight which is not the same as physically incapable. Will be seen as cowards as their stench is removed from the Earth. 
The government forces shall use all aspects of technological intelligence gathering methods against their own citizens and shall bomb sleeping families from fifty plus miles away and then declare that it was a bomb/bullet making factory and they blew themselves up. 
I've written about this before. This time I see in this vision hundreds or thousands of darkened homes being bombed with individual missiles.
Tactics will begin to be applied to those who who march for evil. They will be encircled and their faces revealed as they are pounded upon. 
I have seen this in a vision. I saw a group of evil doers protesting and then a group of good ole boys staging a confront patter in order to cause the protestors to remain in place. Then from behind the confronted evil doers another group of good ole boys complete the encircling. Thus, outnumber the evil doers are then able to capture, Take ID, reveal to the world and bust up their faces and bones.
The good people will become fed up and will begin to pound the faces of those who interfere with their livelihoods. 
Good people are still trying to be nice when trying to move protestors are of their way. While the protestors have no concern if their actions cause harm or suffering. When the good people realize this. The good people will become brutally violent.
These visions and dreams from last night and this morning seem very clear. There were some blurry things. But, one clear dream was this. The respectful burial of government soldiers was met by one prayerful woman who openly prayed over or on top of the properly respected dead in an organized and marked mass grave. An incoming rather large missile or bomb destroyed the mass grave and instantly killed the praying woman. I found it suspect that she was the only one and I assume that this has been done before. So the living people left her behind to pray for the soldiers souls. I think they knew and yet she stood alone and stilled prayed for them. The crater was huge and deep. Th seems like an evolution of previous actions. How big does a guided bomb have to be in order to create a hundred foot crater? Something had to guide the bomb? Spies or hidden soldiers? Is this how tactics evolved to use many thousand pound guided bombs against individuals? The US Military does have a history of doing that. 
There are many things which can be assumed. Such as the elections are lost during the next cycles as the right and left which are really one continues to play their public games. In which it was an indigenous who first wrote that the right wing and the left wing are of the same bird. When I first heard that it was a truth which impacted my mind and jarred me out of that wishful delusion. Now it seems more truthful than in the past and the good civilian population is realizing it as they are now being calmed down by the right wing of the Republican party. This is just a delaying tactic to cause those to not prepare or to take any further action.
So does this mean that the coming elections no longer matter? How will the people respond? When the vast majority of the people know who won and yet he loses. What happens in the next 6.5 years when all branches of the Federal government becomes under the control of evil doers? With a super majority all aspects of freedom, liberty and human rights can end. You need to realize that a common belief right now is that the meaning of "We The People ..." is meant only for the ruling class. Which means you the common citizen has no rights, no power and you continue to succumb to population controls as administered by them through the corporations.
The quotes are stand alone. The other words are just me trying to grasp what I'm writing. Any other writing by me is to be deemed as insufficient, unimportant and less than. It is the quotes alone which are important. Sometimes, when I do write and do not highlight as I typically do. There may be hidden quotes in which I'm unaware of. These to are important even though I'm oblivious to them. Apparently, I do have a writing style in which I'm also unaware of.
You the reader need to know the purpose of any prophecy. All bad and sad prophecies are meant so that the people can prevent or mitigate that which is foretold. So in your own locality. It has been prophesied that there will be people who have dreams and visions. In which they should all be discussed openly without negative baggage associated with them. Then each person needs to figure out how to prevent or mitigate the bad and sad dream or vision. This is prophecy of the Holy Bible. Go and look it up. 
Further Note: The Holy Bible does not say that the pastors, preachers, church leaders and theologians will have dreams and visions specifically. Go and look it up. So, you church leaders how are you gonna respect God in this? Because, if you go against God in this in any way, you may find yourself judged just like Lots wife. Fore she was saved and then she wasn't. What would that specifically mean for each of you? If that would mean anything? 
Added on 03 Aug 2023: These words are not threats. This is just revelation of what has happened in humanities past. This is history repeating itself. This is for those who are actively against God and who shall go against the actual children of God. Look up millstone in the Holy Bible. Mathew 18:6. For when you as a Cop arrests any young person who is simply reading the Bible. While prideful sin by permission is actively engaged. You Citizens Of Peace will suffer as you arrest the young people or any of His children. This is the fate of all of those who goes against God in any degree and your fate just doesn't end with your death. There is continuation.
If those who control you as a good cop or any other kind of good law enforcement person at any level. Gives you orders to go against God or godly people or good people. It would be better for you and your family to resign. For no man can your honor away. It is you alone who willingly gives your honor away. It takes a lifetime to build honor and one evil deed to throw all of your honor away. 
As you evil wicked leaders begin to use your own militarized police against your own good citizens. Do not be surprised when you and your family are brutally killed.
 You law enforcement officials at every level who have no reason, no conscious, no honor or a good heart begin to enforce unrighteous and unholy laws. You and you family will suffer greatly and shall be brutally killed. 
Everything must be done to prevent violence and the spread of violence.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Friday, July 28, 2023

MicroEconomy Countdown: (Unedited): 25-28 July 2023:

 Warning: As I write this, you need to understanding that I have no idea what I'm talking about in regards to anything related to economic knowledge or understanding. I've always been one paycheck from homelessness. I've missed meals because of not having enough money. No Quotes.
There are allot of threats coming against your way of life. They are almost to many to count. You can no longer trust the best and greatest hope to the world which was and is the United States of America. So for the common person there is no longer the better or freer place. But, because the people of the world are not aware of these changes. They still come rushing to the last great free nation. What do you do? What can you do? Your first thing and to take action on is to think within. Think about your family, your church, your friends, your community. 
In order to economically hardened yourself, your family, your friends, your church, your neighbors and your community. You must only do business with only those businesses that are within your defined borders. Stop doing business with all big box stores. Do not do business with any company or business which is outside of your own localized borders. In doing so begins the hardening of your own local economics. Thus, creating your own micro-economy. As more and more citizens participate in your local economy. The stronger it becomes. Then when those elites continue to threaten global starvation, global resets. Your way of living will suffer but you should not be destroyed as you continue on with the exchange of things instead of the exchange of cash or digital cash. Remember, In European nations they are teaching the school children how much fun it is to eat bugs and other insects. All without the warning of how you can get a variety of parasites. Research those people who have escaped North Korea.
You each must begin to remain closer and closer to your home town. Each small town, church, community, neighborhood and family must become as self sufficient as possible as quickly as possible.
As an individual, Each person in the due season must remove all ornamental plants and replant with only edible or medicinal trees, bushes and trees. You should only plant heirloom, antique, wild seeds, plants, bushes and trees. Please remember it can take many years to go to first fruits, then another couple of years to go to full fruits. But, there are grafting techniques which can offer you fruit during the very next harvest. Do honor your specific growing region and sun requirements for each plant, tree or bush.
Then consider to choose which animals you can take proper care of. Plan your vegetable gardens. 
Small Towns and small communities. People will start wanting to come back. Encourage those with what is considered by you as essential skill sets. Begin to allow multi uses in your empty spaces down town. Which means families can live above their stores and work shops. By managing those people with necessary skill sets. Will go a long way to harden your own local economy. 
Small towns should be able to seize abandoned and unused local properties and buildings. Then demolish and clean off all lands and conduct a do over in the rebuilding of what you imagine a modern small town should be. 
Building requirements should include a full and tall basement, business/warehouse floor, residence on top floor. Drives and roads must be engineered for truck drivers to drive around counter clock wise. 
Basements should all be interconnected. With proper security and privacy. 
New Home builds should also include highly recommended solid one piece concrete monolithic dome homes which can be fully buried or partially buried. This will bring a massive improvement to safety and security.  
The success of any American micro-economy is dependent on the continued reliability upon each person and family. This idea is not just about doing more than surviving any economic downturn. This is also for the aftermath of just about any emergency event.
The links below is for basic educational purposes. 
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Thursday, July 27, 2023

Ruling Wicked Evildoer Prophecy +13: (Unedited): 27 July 2023:

 I do not like violence and do not condone violence. This is not permission for anyone to be violent in any way. Human history is full of when the wicked evildoing ruler and his family gets murdered by his own civilian population. This is what is coming. It is essential to know that when the civilian population is disarmed and helpless. They cannot defend themselves. When the civilian population is starved they cannot fight or flee very well. Just like in North Korea.
Before any class of wicked evil doers can take absolute control over their civilian populations. They must disarm that population which does not include just guns but also any aspect of martial arts. 
The few wicked evildoers who govern the many will be torn apart by the good people who have had enough. 
Woe, to those who serve and are obedient to the ruling wicked evildoers for their fates shall be equal to that which befalls the wicked evildoer. 
As the ruling wicked evildoers fall dead within their own pools of blood so to shall all of their family members and most faithful servants. 
It is the ruling wicked evildoers who have taken away law, justice and civility and it will be those who support the new evil ways proclaimed as good who shall die when the truly good people have had enough. 
The ruling wicked evildoers find comfort in their layers of safety, security and protection. But, once those who serve and protect you begin to feel guilt over the loss of their humanity, honor, integrity. Your layers of safety will become your prison before your brutally killed by your own beloved servants.
As you pridefully glory in your wicked evildoing supremacy and how you can manipulate the stupid people of the world. This will not end well for you or your loved ones as your tortured and lifeless corpse is publicly dragged in the streets. 
When the divided people of the world becomes as one. There shall be no place that you can run and feel safe. Even your own personal security forces you shall suspect. 
To mindlessly follow orders will result in the loss of your humanity, honor, sanity and any sense of goodness you once were.
The empty shell of a human you have become can once again be refilled with good after repentance, forgiveness and refusal to do any more harm. 
Note: But, this does not take away the memories. 
Becoming a force of good does not mean causing harm to any innocent souls while ending the source which brings forth evil into the world. 
To believe yourself as good simply because your good at it. Is a powerful delusion sent to you/world by God and a deception sent to you by the demons. Turn away from your mindless evil doing and open your heart once again to love, mercy and compassion. 
Do actual good things one to another and do not simply believe yourself to be good because your good at it. For the demonically evil in the world will celebrate and glorify the violence your good at to continue to spur you on to create even more violent actions. 
Any person can use reason, logic and repetition to become good at their job. This does not mean your good to any degree of what good actually is. Over time as your heart becomes more black and empty you will lose reason and logic. You will begin to find false joy in the death and destruction you cause with every mission. You will begin to enjoy the harsh male banter humor. In the end you will lose your humanity and self as the memories of the innocent souls comes back to haunt you in your dreams. 
All of the evil doing you have ever done will come back for you to steal your sleep just as you stole away those lives. This will be your never ending torment. Then when you die your torment will not end then either. 
I have studied prophecy for the last 40 ish years. I've studied prophecy from many religions and many cultures. I've studied from unapproved prophets and psychics. I've learned much. Yet, here are the quotes I've just written. All the while knowing the good people of the world, suffer die and lose. While God alone returns and is victorious for all of those Good people whom He recognizes. In other words while we all lose this coming worldly war we all win in the end through the coming of God. 
This is the essence of prophecy. Anytime someone has any kind of bad and sad dream or vision. This is an indication that the event can either be mitigated or prevented. Many times the prevention is repentance and a change of heart. While other times it does require some kind of continuous preventative action. I believe this is for all prophecy's written and spoken by all humans at any time. 
Note:The continuous action is purposeful and we get some of that lesson in the Holy Bible with the story of Jonah. While the city of Nineveh(Under Mosul Iraq) was saved. It was only save for 50-100 years and then it was destroyed. So a preventative action was given it was also not permanent.
It is like today how the demonically led evil doers in the world seem to have the power to walk, harm, steal and destroy anything they can. All because the good people refuse to show up in mass and stand their ground. All because the good people refuse to show up in their government buildings in mass to demand no permission of this kind of filth and sin to walk upon their streets. All because the good people refuse to show up at school board meetings and police stations to demand the arrest of school board members and teachers for the distribution of porn to school age children. The vile filth that you see out in the open is all your fault you so called good people who do nothing, who take no good action, who won't even defend the good nature and good character of your own small towns and cities. Guess what even you church going people who go to church by the millions every Sunday. It is your fault as well. It is your duty to prevent any kind of sin from standing in the holy places as well as gaining entry into your own small town. 
If there is to be any kind of filth parade legally going down your street. Every church and every church person is to demonstrate against it and to prevent it from physically happening. My words is not about violence it is more about marching forward in prayer and absolute silence.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Friday, July 21, 2023

In The Vacuum: (Unedited): 21 July 2023:

In the vacuum of what once was good all manner of evil will fill that space.
In the vacuum of what once was peace all manner of wars, battles, confrontations will fill that space.
In the vacuum of what once was love all manner of vile hatreds will fill that space.
In the vacuum of what once was harmony all manner of crazy chaos will fill that space. 
In the vacuum of what once was truth all manner of lies and deceptions will fill that space.
In the vacuum of what once was reason and logic all manner of delusion will fill that space.
In the vacuum of what once was sane all manner of insanity will fill that space. 
In the vacuum of what once was morality all manner of defiled immorality will fill that space. 
In the vacuum of what once was family unity all manner of human disunity will fill that space.
In the vacuum of what once was law and order all manner of cruel lawlessness and insane public chaos will fill that space. 
In the vacuum of what once was blind balanced Justice all manner fully seen public unfair injustice will fill that space.
The end result of these dimensions of vacuum means the end of the nation, rights, freedoms, liberties and of life shall be the reasoned and logical result. The days of Noah shall be realized. The cities of your nation shall become like Sodom and Gomorrah. You will burn, die and be destroyed. The final judgement of God will find you out. In which only a few will be aware of as they exhale the breath of God for the last time. 
When good people do not physically take their God given responsibility into action. In order to protect and safe guard all that which is good. This creates a vacuum which will be filled with all manner of defiled disgusting elements. 
Know that all of the chaotic elements that you see in the world today are dimensionally planned occurrences by those who worship in the evil godlike rulers of this worldly system. 
It is the embodiment of the pronouns as which is known of in the Word of God. Which becomes a sign to His true children of where and who are demonically led and embodied. 
His children of truth will see and recognize signs just as you see and recognize signs on the roadways and highways. His children of truth shall respond and be obedient to these signs as you would when you are driving. 
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Popularity Pastors and The Elites Prophecy +11: (Unedited): 18-19 July 2023:

Woe is coming to you popularity pastors and theologians for your worldly rewards have already been given unto you and the rest shall be judgement. 
Popularity pastors and theologians have sold themselves for the rewards of the world. While only appearing to be godly and selfless servants of God. 
Popularity pastors and theologians pridefully hold themselves in higher regard than that of Biblical pharisees. Yet, they each are not even worthy to be a lowly student of any as they continually thirst for more and more worldly reward. 
There shall be no heavenly reward for the popularity pastors and theologians. For as Jesus came against the pharisees so to shall God come against each one of you. 
Human population control is not for the self defined elites it is for the common human being.
Look to human history and what happens to evil rulers and dictatorial tyrants who allow their populations to become to large, well fed and well watered.
To the elites there is no difference between the commoner, servant or slave. The three are as one to the elites. 
As good people are unable to be nice. Righteous anger and holy violence will result as religious texts shall be used to give them permission to be violent. 
Any writing that I write in regards to violence and wars is not permission to be violent or warlike. 
The elites are above all other human groups and will lawfully demand to do as they desire without judgement or guilt.
The elites shall think and believe themselves as human gods. Because only gods make laws and exert absolute control over all things, people, water, air, earth, plants, fish and animals.
The elites will even have the power to evolve themselves beyond what they consider as base humans. These actions will only embolden their pride, ego, arrogance, and supremacy as they demand and murder for even more entitlements. 
For those so called elites who think and know themselves to be greater and more worthy than any other human being. Once they begin modifications to their physical being. They will thirst for even more. Never realizing that they are becoming less than.
The popularity pastors and theologians shall bring public worship on a global scale to the supreme elites.
All worship goes to God alone. 
One of the coming beloved elites shall become superior to all and under His rule he shall even murder all of the actual protected prophets and true messengers of God. 
In the end. God wins and they all lose.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Friday, July 14, 2023

Thought Control Rises +9: (Unedited): 14 July 2023:

The sinful lives of the elites cannot be revealed by black listed people. 
This seems to be as evidenced by customer harassment of those who desire to view the documentary like movie called "Sound of Freedom". 
Even though I write this quote does not mean I'm writing from my understanding. This or these quotes seem to be from the elites own mind set as they fight to control their narrative and way of sinful life. 
The lives of the elites seem to desire the shadows and darkness of their unrevealed sins.
Darkness always hides sins. Until the light of God illuminates all and all is revealed. In which everything will be revealed.
Freedom of speech, human rights, liberties, and of thought only applies to the elites.
Why do you think the enemies of your religion and of your godly ways no longer has the right to even show your face in any professional, cultural or social setting. That you are no longer allowed to take part in any aspect of public participation. Why do you think that you're forbidden from participation in political affairs. These are false beliefs in which you remain obedient to as you quietly remain in your home. Hoping and praying no one finds out that your one of them. In which you will lose your job, your home and your life. Remember they are most diffidently coming after your children.  So it is everything that you will lose and you can only hide for so long. Because, A Christian will be easy to find as a Christian must love their fellow human beings and this is how they will eventually be caught and martyred.
Denial of rights, liberties and freedoms can only be successfully be done if those who the denial is being done to are unaware of any rights, freedoms or liberties. 
Thought control must begin during a controlled educational process at every level. Thought control must continue on during every professional, cultural, social and family interaction.
How to think logically and reasonably is no longer being taught in schools. But rather to absolutely believe every single word of your teachers is mandatory even above your parents and religious leaders. This is the essence of thought or mind control. The teacher and educational system is true, right and correct. The parents cannot and do not have the right to oppose the authorities and if a parent speaks up then they are labeled as terrorists as which has been officially revealed by the American government.  
The idea of freedoms, liberties and human rights will only be known to the coming rulers and authorities of a one world government. 
As the young commoners are not taught how to think and reason. They will not even be aware that words like freedom, liberty and any kind of human rights as well as other empowering words will even exist beyond conceptualized form. 
Words such as freedoms, liberties and rights of any kind shall be erased from the minds of the commoner peoples. Then for those commoner peoples who know of such words must be erased and exterminated. 
Though cursive writing is no longer taught in American public schools may seem innocent enough. But, when you realize that the ancient American documents were written in cursive. You can see a single process of how important words begins to disappear. Just as how teaching history began to end in the late 1970's to the degree that the younger generation knows not what the history of their own American government is and all they know is all of the atrocities ever committed. While also being taught that socialist and communist states are amazingly positive. While also at the same time the actual fascists know not they are the fascists while violently and angrily accusing the non fascists of being fascists.  Which is evidence of rampant deception and delusion. 
The individual commoner can stop the elites by refusing to give their hard earned monies to anything as related to each offensive elite person.
Bud light is only the beginning. Go woke or go broke is only a beginning. Because once the commoners see the elites and politicians as evil doing demonic entities. What and how the Russians killed their own rulers in the past will seem amateurish. 
The individual commoner will begin to leave all aspects of worldly society as their monies stop going to any worldly owned thing as governed by offensive elites. 
This does mean everything including software of any kind. 
The power of the politicians is given by the people. While the money powers the elites, which is also given to them by the commoner people. What happens when the people refuse to give their power and money to sinful evildoers like YOU?
The commoner people can stop evil doers who hold power and authority. Just as the elites are beginning to realize that their own woke agendas will bankrupt them if they continue to push. Target, Walt Disney and AB INBEV are just the beginning. The suppression of "Sounds of Freedom" is also being seen and experienced by the commoner peoples in which they see as something which is beyond evil and horrific.
The commoner people are truly awake to your own evil wokeness and they are only beginning to respond with their hard earned monies. But, once you sinful elites and evil politicians begin to mess with their own hard earned wealth. The commoner peoples will rise up as they had in the historical human past and it will be your blood which will flow into the streets along with your children, family and any who are associated with you. So as the great reset continues forth. When the people of the world all realize that your messing with all that they have worked hard for. Even a newly seated king will have his crown crushed.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Sunday, July 9, 2023

Destruction Of Nations +6: (Unedited): 09 July 2023:

 As nations and people distance themselves from good Godly things. The disappearance of Honor, honesty and other good character traits will no longer be in their awareness. 
As religious things continues to be outlawed by nations which were once religious. Their blessings will diminish and their curses increase. 
Winds of the Holy Spirit lift human souls up on high. As the human souls no longer pursue holiness or righteousness those winds of the Holy Spirit will stop and the human souls will free fall into the the dark world of decadence, disgrace and destruction. 
As nations pass more and more anti-God laws. All manner of unexplained chaotic curses shall fall upon the citizenry likes never ending boils on the skin. 
As secularism is pursued by both the government and the people. All manner of unreasoned foolishness shall become commonplace each and every day.
Just as God has done to many different nations in human history. Those who embrace all manner of decadence and immoral living shall be destroyed. God will raise up a people who will come forth and utterly destroy you. 
It is known that great nations which collapse from within do so because of their right and freedom to sin however they desire. So to will happen to those great nations of this modern era or the next. Once unexplained chaotic violence begins. Know that your end is near. 
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.