Friday, May 27, 2016

Blind Armata Vision: 27 May 2016:

The American, Canadian and European have made their places up on high. Unseen they are, to the Russian invaders which are full of pride in their technological advancement in Armour. Their prized and very amazing T-14  Armata is advancing with all available speed. Russian aircraft and Russian helicopters own the skies. They are making their way towards those unknown mountains to me.
They wait for their orders. Hidden and secluded under much debris. I can see everyone and there are to many to count. Rockets erupt from everywhere on the mountain side. Then flashes of lights from many points all over the mountain. The targets of the high powered Armour piercing sniper rounds were the sensor boxes on the great Russian tanks. All at once. The tanks are blinded and it was the American, Canadian and European sniper teams which stopped the advance. Hundreds of men stop the might of Russian air-forces, Armour units. The Russian infantry units take a holding position. The allies have a chance to fortify and begin an offensive before Russian Armour can attain eyesight.
President Putin's great Russian takeover comes to a halt.
As with any vision or dream which could be prophetic in nature. Once the revelation is made all aspects of it can change. Because, those who desire a desirable event to happen. Will want to make it so. Those who do not want an undesirable event not to happen will want to prevent it.
Will it be President Putin who still will rule over Russia in 2024 or longer. Mr. Putin will be in his 70's. Or will there be another who will suddenly have a military which has never been more powerful than it shall be after 2024. Will the possible new president of Russia. Stretch forth his hand and declare that they will retake all of their old lands and then extract a bloody revenge on those in the west?
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Forbes Science Story: (Unedited): 27 May 2016:

#Forbes trying to do science. Here is a basic lesson from a janitor. that be's me. Three errors to this story. Each in both examples given and Einsteins famous theoretical formula is incomplete. It's kind of like how one of Newtons laws is also incomplete. You know two objects cannot occupy the same space at the same time. That law does not include dimensions or things which are spiritual. That law also does not take into effect fusion reactions in which two or more objects do merge and become a new singular identity. And then there is #Cern. If Newton's and Einstein's laws were not considered partial. I would not have spent the $19.99 on that way cool toy called Cern. If they did not know certain truths. The #Math scientists around the world will also begin to leave 2 dimensional mathematics. This is the next step and the connectivity of the known mathematical formulas.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Devoured Ecstasy: (Unedited): 23-27 May 2016:

Ecstasy overtakes the demonic predator who is about to devour innocent souls.
 The demons, the spirits, the ghosts, those evil entities without physical form, The fallen angels. They all know and have kept it hidden or secret from simple human beings. They having already been judged cannot reasonably change from bad to good. They do not have the freedom to do so and are not aware of this. All they know is they have already been judged and that their time of torment and torture will have a beginning date and time. No where and anywhere in their individual thinking processes is the single thoughts of wrong doing, of guilt, of remorse, of repentance with any intention of not doing wrong ever again.
This is also how you know when a human being has already been judged by God. Because, all they know is the evil they do, the harm, the suffering they have caused and their only thinking processes is how not to get caught again.
For they are all of "The Unforgiven". This is not the case in every situation, every human being or for any one else. For God alone will do as He may and for whatever reason He may without any of my own faulty human understanding.
This is for you ghost hunters, psychics, mediums and others who dabble with the communication of those demons, ghosts, spirits and those evil entities without physical form. As they become closer to their own end of time. They will want their last party, their last time to inflict upon humanity the last  great sorrow. For they wrongly believe that all of humanity is the source for all of their woes. They do not see their final judgement as their fault. For they accuse humanity always.
They will seek their own last social justice against all of humanity.
They will as one knowing their time is very very short. They will become as excited as the young newly married couple who did everything right in the eyes of God. On their day (Subjective), their party will begin and leading up to their last party they will all become happy like in anticipation of what it is they are all about to do. This happy like attitude will be expressed in ways in which only a very sensitive person, a psychic, a ghost hunter or a medium will know and experience.
The sensitive people may even feel or think they know that all is very good in the spirit realms. The sensitive people may not even be aware that all of those who are in the spirit realms do know things in which human beings are not permitted to know.  This is on top of those secrets they have which enable them to continue on in their warfare against humanity. You should really study warfare and all of it's aspects, strategies and tactics. Especially subversion. Shooting guns or firing missiles isn't all there is in warfare. Then when you realize that humanity was shown small fragments of warfare by those fallen entities. Even those human beings who have spent their whole lives studying warfare do not know even 1% that the fallen angels know or even their capabilities. But, the fallen angels knows humanity intimately. Even how humanity thinks within the confines of their own minds or so we all think our thinking is within the confines of our own minds.
Update: Beware and be aware of those spiritual entities which do not want to leave and will want to exert more control over you. Be aware of your own self and of those things you would not do even how you would not think. By their character, by their feeling and not by their name you shall become aware of them who repeat themselves. They will not want to leave or even leave those whom work with you. Especially, if they are not true believers and are only present for the entertainment value you bring.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Sins Monster: Sin Thief: (Unedited): 23-24 May 2016:

In adversity, persecution and in slavery. Unity can be found.
While the progressive nature of sin grows disunity 
into an out of control apathetic monster.
Just like everything we know of about life. There are living babies, then toddlers, kidlings, Pre-teens, teenagers, Young adults, adults, parents and then old people. These are the stages of life and then you die. Sin sort of works the same way. Sin always begins small and easily controllable and manageable. Then they grow into those things which must be kept secret at all costs.
As sin grows and grows. Sin becomes more important than your own flesh and blood family. Sin becomes more important than friends or career. Until, a point is reached where the sin over takes the mind of that person becomes fully in control of life itself. of course no one tells you any of this when you first begin to sin. It's like your first adult or alcoholic drink. But, your funner and cooler to be around. Unless your an anger management drunk. That usually comes later. Once your out of control and the demons begin to influence you or just take you over. Why do you think they call alcohol spirits? Really... No one say your gonna become an alcoholic. You just do. You just learn how to manage your alcoholism. Until you lose your job, your family and the good friends you once had. Now all you have is your bar friends. Who are not really your friends or are only your friends when drinking is involved. The rest of your time is working and being alone until it is time to go to the bar.
Very similar to smoking cigarettes. No one says these will become more important than the health of your children. It just does. Smoking makes you more calm and more at peace. Yes, it does. But it is in the how smoking does that. Smoking tobacco makes you care less. Smoking causes your brain to become apathetic to everything around you. To a degree and that degree of apathy grows with the duration of decades of smoking. Even when a needed thing is needed for the family and yet you buy a pack of cigarettes. Nothing is more important than you cigarettes. That is what they become. Even when your lungs are full of cancer. You still smoke. Until you die. The love from your own family cannot persuade you from smoking. So you die with a cigarette in hand.
Yes, drinking and smoking is a sin against your own physical body and mind.
There are also all kinds of sins and once a person has one sin. Other sins will be desired and developed. A multitude of sins will further push you away from the good people and good things in life. The true meaning of life will become absent from your mind. The true purpose of life will become that undesired side road not taken. You life becomes like a NASCAR track. Left turn, left turn, go fast, cheer, left turn, left turn, go fast, cheer. There is no purpose or meaning to a NASCAR life other than to go faster and faster.
But, what about the adversity, persecution and slavery. Like minded people will find their unity. Until sin is introduced and divisions are made. Such as people who have experienced the same persecution can find common understandings. These things will grow until a sin is discovered in which one or the other cannot accept. Then disunity gains a foot hold and the two who shared similar horrific experiences become divided because of sin. While the two who share the similar persecutions and the same sins. Will go off and become fast friends. Not because of the shared experiences but because of the same sin. It is always about the sin and the sin becomes the cornerstone.
While those without the sin and who focus on their shared and similar persecution. They find meaning. They find understanding. They gain wisdom. They move forward. There is comfort in wisdom and understanding that any bad and sad during a childhood. Was not ever about the child. It would not have mattered if the child was someone else. The abuses and tortures still would have happened to that other one.
This is vastly different than those who embrace sin. The sin becomes the corrupted blood which covers their growing  negativity. This corrupted blood must be poured into and onto the body daily. In order to try and forget or to make it all go away from their mind.

 A man and a woman will marry and find their unity in their children. Those new legalized relationships made from sin cannot ever find true natural unity. As their rewards are purely selfish and cannot be perpetuated naturally.
Sin Thief: (Unedited): 24 May 2016:
Sin is the thief which steals righteousness, wisdom and understanding from you.
It is not my intention to Insult NASCAR or NASCAR fans. Even though I did. I know you NASCAR types are very serious about your racing. Just painting the picture here. Especially, you fans who think that one driver is hotter than your spouse and you would have an intimate relation with them if it were presented to you. Lust is a sin and you don't even have to touch. Or that you hate that one driver for being better than your favorite driver. Hate is a sin and is as is murder. This also includes other wrongful emotions and thinking. Maybe, that e-vile driver will crash in which we will become excited over every crash. How many back in the day cheered Jr.'s crash head on into a wall and then he died. You see now you former Jr. haters keep it secret.
How much beer do you drink while watching NASCAR? Enough to cause you to walk funny or to slur your own speech? Are your children watching you and learning how to become alcoholics by your own example? But, this isn't just about NASCAR. Football, baseball or any other sporting event.
I remember my adoptive mother walking out onto the playing field of my little league baseball game and then passing out on the field. Yea, that was before I went back into Foster care for the second time of my life.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Fearful Faith: Genetic Corruption: (Unedited): 10 May 2016:

Faith which begins in fear only lasts until something more fearful is encountered. 
New people who come into the faith should never be taught hell fire and damnation. They not even be taught prophecy to any degree. That is until they have what is needed which births the faith within them. From that foundation can they then grow into mature people who continually walk in righteousness and holiness as only seen by God. 
Sure those are good tools to grow the congregation of any church and then lead into the tithes which will financially grow the church. But, how can you go from those teachings and into a loving God? When the new convert only became a convert based in fear of self. Doesn't the Bible teach us to be selfless?
Fear is a very good motivator. It can cause a person to choose to obey a command. That command will be obeyed until the person or person giving the commands disappear in some way or something more fearful assumes control. Either way the negative emotion of fear is maintained. That is until that which is more fearful is benevolent. What does the Bible say about living in fear. So what can you conclude about fear teachings?
Jesus Christ came and expressed love, compassion, mercy and forgiveness. Jesus came to show that we should serve one another in Love. Jesus was the example. He was also the completion to the covenant from God. Which gives those who freely choose to believe and follow Jesus on the path to righteousness. Why do you think Jesus often said to those he healed to go and sin no more?
In prophecy. There comes a falling away first. How can this be? If people who are genuine mature Christians and who are walking the same righteous path as Jesus. How can they just fall away from the faith? It has to be one of several reasons. 1) They are not truly Christian as accepted by God only. 2) Their faith originated in fear and remained in fear. Until something which seems more fearful presented itself. 3) They are not walking the righteous path in love.
Think about this. Sunday used to be owned by the Christian church. To such a degree. That businesses were closed on Sunday til about noon. You could not buy alcohol until noon  or a little after as well. There were even many counties which did not allow alcohol consumption at all. These were known as dry counties. 3 or 4 channels on the television. Which meant more family time and more time for prayer, contemplation on the bible. Sunday is now owned by sports of every kind. There is so much entertainment that no one has time to dwell into their own mind let alone within the spirit. Alcohol can be gotten anywhere and almost at any time. Drugs can be purchased nearly at any street corner in spite of how illegal it is. So is the proof of the fallen away.
Those that do fall away shall be prevented their possible return through a great delusion. From this great delusion. The people who had the free choice to know the truth shall not. Even if that which is truthful and factual is presented before them. They may even agree with the facts. But believe they won't. For they are already judged. Just as it was in the time of Noah. Where the people saw a man build a 500+ foot long wooden ship and did not believe until the waters came down. But, they only believed it was raining and wanted to save themselves. Their was no intention in them to change the way they were living their lives. For they all were corrupted and contaminated. Even their own perceived innocent children. For no child was saved in that day. For even the children were corrupted at birth through their corrupted parentage.
Genetic Corruption: (Unedited): 10 May 2016:
Willful sin corrupts your own genetic code and that corruption or genetic defect is passed along to your own children. This is why no children survived along with Noah and so to may it be the same in the coming fires of purification.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Empathic Time Waves Concept: Thought Concepts: (Unedited): 03 may 2016:

Note Form:
For the most sensitive of empaths. They can smell smells which have not been made. They hear the words of people who have not spoken them yet. They can see things which have not even become into action.
Sometimes I wonder why so many who know not the gifts they have been given seem to always know them all as curses. Medications they consume until their brain is numb and dumb. Maybe even chemically burned up.
An empath can see, feel, hear and smell those things which only ride the top of a profound time wave which like a stone tossed into a calm lake. Sends it's ripples outward in all directions. The empath being on top of the water can only see that which is facing them in the on coming wave. The closer the empath is to the source of the wave. The more clear and stronger their picture will be.
Think about it. In our natural state of being we see, hear, smell and feel everything? or do we? Think about that. Our human state of being is very limited as compared to other animals and in some cases at a distinct disadvantage.
If I'm not being clear. Try this. Go out into a safe place.  This is realized humor.
Here is the test for you. Go and just sit and then begin to focus on everything and everyone all at one single time. Try to see, hear, smell and feel everything and everyone all around you all at once. No excuses. Don't immediately accuse me of being silly because your defective human form has only given two eyes at the front of your face and you cannot see all around you at once.  Get it. smile.
Then travel to the beach. Go and enjoy yourself except for about 15-30 minutes. Be sure you know how to swim and watch out for under toes or is it under tows. Go out into the water to that safe place where you are comfortable and safe. Face the incoming waves and keep only your eyes above the water at all times. Yes, breathe occasionally if you have to. (More humor).
Imagine the waves covered in real time news feeds. With those family and friends the most highlighted. Imagine again but in truth. As each wave approaches what can you see, hear and smell? You can only see the front side of the wave as it approaches. The back side not so much. The information deep/dimensionality in the unseen wave can only be seen when you yourself go deeper into the information within that wave. The wave is more than the seen surface. But, once the wave is gone so to is that information. Coming at you quickly is another wave with additional information. If all you know is what is on the front side of the incoming wave. You begin to notice that all you know is bits upon bits of information in real time.
 But, if you can body surf or dive into the depths/dimensionality of that one wave of interest you can stay in or on that wave and know more actually, spiritually, and mentally. 
The speed of thought is greatly superior to the speed of light. The difference between the speed of thought and the speed of light. Can be equated to comparing a baby walker and a rocket ship or maybe one of them ultra cool UFO ships on the T.V.  Because if you can think of a person or place. Then you can actually be in that timely presence mentally, spiritually and maybe physically. But, that can be very hazardous if you do not have total control of every thought, emotion and desire. This includes knowing which are your thoughts and which ones are not.
Thought Concepts: (Unedited): 03 May 2016:
New thought Concepts become probable when you consider them possible instead of impossible.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.
To live in peace with everyone.  
To exist in harmony with all.  
To Cherish all life.  
To be obedient to the Laws of God.  
To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.  
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books