Showing posts with label Energy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Energy. Show all posts

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Anger Energy: (Unedited): 03 Aug 2013:

The energy of anger and hatred is lower than the energy of Peace and love. Anger and hatred always leads to extinction. Peace and love leads to maintaining life. 
The energy of anger and hatred always leads to perpetual misery and suffering. 
The energy of peace and love can lead to harmony and joy.  
The energy of anger and hatred can feel very exciting and thrilling. Triggering the human animal adrenal gland in the production of hormones. This is the lower level of self.
The energy of peace and love can be very calming and harmonious. Having a uplifting effect upon the heart, mind, body and spirit. This is the higher level of the self.  C.J.MacKechnie
 It seems that every aspect of this modern day is geared to the excitement and production of the human adrenal gland. Opinionated commentaries all seem to be angry. News shows communicate events which causes anger. Politicians do things which make people angry. Successful Television and movie shows all show events of anger, fighting and thrills in the atmosphere of entertainment. Popular books are exciting with suspenseful intrigue and a build up of events which  culminates in a soon to be discovered ending.
All that we do and experience within our daily lives is without peace and harmony. Feelings of anger and hatred is always devoid of love. The end result when within you is absent of love, peace and harmony is always death. Death will always be preceded by sadness, misery and suffering. It is just the way it works. If you choose to pursue a life of aggressive excitement. The thrill will be there until you become accustomed to those feelings and then you must risk more to feel more. Will the heights of your thrills become your demise? or will those animalistic thrills cause your heart, mind, body and spirit to become disabled from any meaningful transformation or evolution?
What you take into your mind through your natural senses has a direct impact on what you psychologically become. Altering your psychology through chosen input of information does change you  in the short term. Just by turning off the Television, talk radio and changing the music you listen to will alter your consciousness almost instantly. Then over a period of just one month. You will become a calmer and more peaceful person. This does not sound very exciting and it isn't.
Just stop watching horror movies and reading horror books. Just stop listening to talk radio or watching opinion related television. It doesn't matter what side your on politically. The two sides just want you to remain angry and frustrated. The two sides always points to someone else who is the defined bad guy. Do you not become angry and frustrated? of course you do. It is the two who have become in control of your emotions and hope that you take action from your emotions. Your logic side of your brain matters not to them. Your spiritual connections also do not matter. Which is why all of those entertainment networks always play upon your emotions and not your logic or spirit. They separate the emotion out of the rest of you. Because that is the part of you which is the easiest to control. The world media is all about the control of you. The cultural, religious, political, ethnic and racial leaders all use the same practices to garner their followers. Which also leads to their wealth and prosperity. It's about their money. It's about their power base.
Why do you think the races and ethnic are still divided? Angry? Frustrated? thirsty for justice? Willing to go to war over their perceived truth which is all based on a lie.
Why do you think the religions of the world are all still separate and isolated from one another? All religions proclaiming that all others are evil and of their defined devil.
So what do you do? Pray and meditate upon the truth of those things which are important to you. Be warned when spiritual realization becomes apparent and all that you thought you knew turned out to be a lie and deception. This realization can cause you to become hurt and angry. Which is not the intention here.  Pray and meditate upon life, love, peace and harmony. The result is joy.
Reject the cultures of lies and deceptions as you discover them. Do not participate in their wars anymore. Do not even become an active member. Do not pay any of your valuable attention, intention or focus.
:The Lies and Deceptions of RACE:

We are all one humanity, one species and one family. When all of the common peoples unite together to love one another, to live in peace with each other and to exist in harmony. Then we all can find a very rich life we all can live with great meaning.
If you cannot separate yourself from the lies and deceptions of the separation and division of the races. Then you, your family and your entire church will/may not be one of the elect, protected, saved or raptured. You must begin to know and believe that we are a single race of beings called humans. We are all brother and sister to one another.

The DNA fingerprinting was established in 1984. Read it well. Believe the truth and reject the lies you have only known as truth.
The history of humanity told by many different traditions.
From about 8 minutes and 50 seconds to the introduction of the European leader. Listen good. This was in 26 June 2000. President Bill Clinton Library.
Research for yourself the Human skin. learn how it is the largest organ of the human body. Learn about all of the primary functions of the human skin. Then learn about the minor function of the coloring of the skin. Learn how if you lose a primary function of the skin. You can die. Where as if you lose your skin coloring. You will just be uncomfortable, but still living with possible social ridicule. Now, after you have learned all about your human skin. Ask yourself this. Why do we not compare other organs of the body with other people such as the liver, kidneys, gall bladder and etc. How come there isn't racial stereo types for those who can drink much alcohol and those who cannot drink? Why? Race or the coloring of the skin is illogical and without any actual fact. 
 May not be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:

Friday, July 5, 2013

Stolen Life: (Unedited): 05 July 2013:

Always, living within an artificial fantasy world. Will steal away the short time you have within the real universe. 
I have known people who have spent the majority of their childhood playing games. They became very good at those games. Then when the time game and they were forced in some manor to stop playing games. Those same people often found themselves ill equip to function successfully in the real society. They spent so much time playing games that their education suffered and their friends were associated with the games.
Now, not only are they alone with no friends. They also have virtually no real life skills.
What can they do? How can they transition into this real life from a life of fantasy?

The exact same time, energy and effort you had put into the fantasy world. You do the same in this real world. You start like everyone else at level 1 and then you progress in accordance to the known and unknown rules and laws of the land. Training and education is the same first steps as in the fantasy world. Go and get it in real time with real effort. There is no re-boot. You cannot save the session. You must attend real life every single day. Yes, you will sweat and shed tears, you will get blisters and you may have many head aches. You can be just as successful in this real life as you were in your fantasy life. You will make new real friends. Whom you will actually know and see in real life.
When you go forth with that same intensity and zeal in this real life as you have in your fantasy life. You should be as successful if not more so. With very real rewards and benefits that you can actually touch, fell and use.
 May be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Sacred Self: (Unedited): 14 April 2013:

Where is your energy and effort in saving your sacred self? When it is so easy for you to see the wisdom of saving the sacred lands and waters of this sacred planet. Do you not know your more important than all of the sacred lands and waters. C.J.MacKechnie
Keep your mind clean as defined by the old ways.
Keep your body pure as defined by the old ways.
Keep your spirit pristine as defined by the old ways.

If your mind is not clean, your body is not pure and your spirit is not pristine and can you hope or expect the same from this sacred planet with all of it's sacred lands and waters? You cannot. The land, water and planet is just a reflection of you and all of us.
Life = Love, Peace, Harmony. All together in unity and not in coexistence.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Space Strategy: (Unedited): 10 April 2013:

Any beginning type space faring society which decides to attack a specific planet in any solar system. They Must maintain direct line of sight with the central star or position itself in a high orbit so that binary stars always are in sight.
The distance away from any star greatly limits the ability to absorb the energies which we humans are not yet aware of. (The formula for energy concentration is similar to the amount of photons a star emits at certain distances). (There is an energy barrier which is contained within the magnetosphere of a star, a lot inside and less outside. CME's can cause this unknown energy to also be out burst-ed.).  It is essential for these new types of space faring peoples to dip into a star to absorb all of the energy needed as quickly as possible. By dipping into the star it could take only a second to become fully charged and then depart out of the star before detection.

Imagine ships in an identical solar orbit as the planet they are about to attack. They maintain relative traveling speed as the planet. Except they move ever closer. Causing the stars energy to be partially blocked from reaching the planets surface. As the planet rotates on it's axis. It begins to freeze. The atmosphere begins to collapse. This will be relative to how much of the stars energy they can block.

Since the ships have a direct line of site with the star or stars. They have a continuous influx of unknown solar energy. Thus, if they choose they can begin their bombardments from orbit.  With which ever weapons systems they so desire. Especially, If their bombardments is designed to defeat any underground hardened structures.                                                   
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.
To live in peace with everyone.  
To exist in harmony with all.  
To Cherish all life.  
To be obedient to the Laws of God.  
To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.  
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Waters Edge: (Edited): 13 June 2010:

From the middle inland, I can still hear the waves' echoing roar. From the deserts west, I can still taste the moist salt in the mists. From deep within the northern forests, I can still feel the powerful waves crashing through my whole being. The deep emerald greens of these southern waters have colored my eyes. The warmth of the swirling coastal waters surrounds me and comforts me. The living waters of the gulf fills me with a natural, everlasting energy. To swim gracefully along side the dolphins out in the ocean's deep is a freedom my heart desires. (R) C.J.MacKechnie
The (R) means wife approved and edited. Well, maybe just edited.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Stars Picket: (Unedited): 06 Jan 2013:

When gaining control and authority over any solar system. The stars must first be captured. A complete defensive picket must completely surround the stars. While incorporating aggressive attacking elements. Which can be semi-autonomously strike for a prescribed distance, hold for a time and then return to original set positions.  C.J.MacKechnie
To observe any star system which has inter stellar intelligent life. One must look for anomaly's in the polar orbits of the central star or binary systems at various distances. Any intelligent people who has control and authority over their solar system. Will have obvious and easy to observe platforms. Declaring we are here and this is ours.
In Binary systems. The greatest source of energy to be obtained is in the middle of the two stars. Depending of distance. If the binary is a stable system. In which there is minimal energy being robbed to the dominant star.

Civilizations which have conquered planet and star creation. Odd star systems should be seen. Meaning a central star and various other stars in stable equal orbits around the central star. Perfection and equality should be easily seen in these created solar systems. In the polar orbits of these systems. You may not see any defensive platforms. As any other lesser civilizations will know the system by simple observation and not approach unless accepted by that civilization.

Any civilization which has not conquered the ability to control the programmable intelligence within atomic structures. Will have a need for resource acquisition from planetary bodies and stars. Even if they pretend to be God like. Which they will not be gods. So, when a greater civilization contacts a lesser civilization. They begin to make trades for resources or for genetic knowledge. However that occurs. They are not as superior as they make themselves out to be. Be warned of contaminated gifts. Such as medicines, sciences and technologies. Each one begins an addiction of helpless behaviors without them.
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Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Artificial Piggyback: (Unedited): 12 Aug 2012

All of the artificial energies created by man. Can piggyback on the Earths natural magnetic lines of force. Causing core heating and additional core pressures. Possibly resulting in greater numbers of earthquakes and volcanism seen today. C.J.MacKechnie
All artificial energies. Which include all HAARP sites around the world. All radio transmissions. All Television transmissions. All civilian and military radar installations. All satellite transmissions. All cell phones transmissions. All of the combined artificial energies can interact and merge with the Earth's natural magnetic lines of force. Causing core heating and or fundamental changes to the magnetic makeup of the core.
Global warming may be the fault of man. So to the drastic uptick in Earthquakes. The prophetic global changes may be caused by man.
If the core warming is true. Even if it is only a little bit at a time. The Earth will also begin to expand in over all size. Just a little at a time. With planetary expansion. The rise in ocean levels will not be as prominent. If the fluidity of the core material becomes slicker then the magnetic alignment will move. I believe we are seeing that now. The north pole is moving slowly. When the north pole gets to a specific degree in latitudes and longitudes. The Earth will begin to alter its rotation and equatorial alignments. As the equator realigns the bulge at the center of the Earth will also adjust. Thus causing worldwide crust re-adjustments.  Such has not been seen since creation.
If this is true about core warming. Mars frozen core can be warmed. Thus the magnetic field may be able to be rejuvenated.  Coupled with various forms of injected energies from microwave to magnetic. Mars can be warmed slowly. How ever slowly may be defined by people way smarter than me, without fully or partially blowing the core and the planet apart.
WARNING. Since HARRP is classified. Any evidence that I post about this is incredibly suspect. So, put on your paranoid caps.
Prophetic Future world maps.
Added on 06 Oct 2018:
This is an interesting accidental find. Especially with all of the volcanoes exploding. What are the global effects of CERN and the magnetic energy which is transmitted through the planetary core. When you begin to add all of the electromagnetic spectrums into the equation. These all add into their own frequency and harmonic frequencies. Thus magnetic frictions must occur deep within the core causing two types of heating. Inductive and friction types of heating. The other bigger problem is with the addition of more artificial power going through the core of the Earth. this may cause the magnetic connections to the sun to become more pronounced. Thus naturally causing the sun to send even more energy through the Earth. The new now known to the civilian population which studies military technologies. The concepts of DEW or Directed Energy Weapons will also have an effect upon the planet. Especially, when power levels are achieved to send powerful RF blasts through the atmosphere or through the planet itself or both. Then when RF blasts from different signal sources and from many different directions. Will cause very profound effects on the surface of the planet and in the atmosphere. The keys will be when energies are applied to one destination from many multi dimensional sources simultaneously. All of which will have the power generation to achieve the necessary wattage points.
Here is a key in the technology. Which is most likely classified. There are many different ways to create effective power. Some methods lead and others lag. While another method has good realistic timings. The trick is to cause the lead to lag a little and the lag to lead a little. Thus when mutual timing is achieved into one singular time constance. Which would be unrecognizable on a scope. Effective power is far more than tripled when each of the 3 single sources are equal in their individual outputs. 1a+1b+1c could equal 7.8abc-ish (Not a real formula, Just to express an idea). Sort of like the flux capacitor on the going into the past movie. Except without the cool light. But, could create a plasma type shape of harmonic which would glow on the outside. This plasma would even have it's own magnetic field. The magnetic field and harmonic distortion may even have each of their own ripples.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books