Friday, January 25, 2013

Devices Divine: (Unedited): 24 Jan 2013:

The devices of mans creation divides you from your divine connections. C.J.MacKechnie
Three word origin.
The word Separation was changed to divides.
Is there a relationship between the Divine and devices? Is there a beneficial relationship or a divisive one? As one increases does the other decrease? Is there a correlation with Luke 18? 
Please support my Endeavors:
7143 Sr.54, Box 276
New Port Richey Fl. 34653 USA

Breaking Yourself: (Unedited): 28 May 2010:

Breaking free. Breaking out. Breaking under the weight of lies illusions that once governed you. Enslaved and imprisoned by the heavy burden that once threatened to break you. Standing firm. Standing strong. Victorious from winning the war over yourself. C.J.MacKechnie

 Lies, lies and more lies. Believed as truths told to you and expected from you by those who were supposed to love, comfort and protect you.  Yet, Here you are today. You remain a broken person. Your free of all of those abuses and tortures you have endured. Today and right now begins the discovery of who you are supposed to be. Do not fear this now. Today can begin your search for your true identity. Just like that show "Diggers". Those incredible things of value which will define your true identity is all buried beneath the dirt and filth of the lies told to you. Some of the valuable gems which are buried are forgotten. But, most of of those valuable gems need to be re-discovered by you and all of them will fill in those empty spaces of your true nature. Just like a missing puzzle piece which finally reveals a new thing about you.
Getting to those places may be hazardous for you and you may have to relive some old memories. Just keep digging carefully. Walk down those dangerous crevices with care. Seek and search for the beautiful contents of your soul. It's worth it and you are worth it. Your beautiful and always have been. Despite the ugliness of the life you have had up until right now. Go and find your beauty with as much zeal as those digger guys.
Formerly Titled "Breaking".
Partial Inspiration is from Mercy me "Beautiful"
Original content titled "Breaking"
Will be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Order 66: (Unedited): 24 Jan 2013:

The idyllic heroes of the free state must be killed before that state transitions into that which is less than free.  C.J.MacKechnie
Who are the defenders and fighters of your belief system or way of life? The Army rangers, Navy Seals or any other Special Forces Units. What about those who hold positions of various law enforcement agencies? Do they not actively enforce the laws of the land so that we all can live civilized lifestyles?
Who will be the ones to stand and fight for the civilian population, when the corrupt and traitorous leaders attempt to steal everything away?

The corrupt and traitorous leaders must raise up their own military and law enforcement personnel. They will do so just as other dictators have in the past with bribery, better life and generational guarantees for their family. They are the castle walls of the king made up of flesh and bone. The more layers of flesh and bone castle walls created. The more difficult it will be for anyone to get to those leaders who have created this system of self protection. The Castle Keep of old is the new COG (Continuity Of Government) castle keep of today.

They are patient. They will take away one genuine freedom at a time while giving the freedom of immorality, sin and self contamination. This also includes the manufacture of mental disabilities and chemical controls.
Altering a pure educational system into a state controlled social system on how to think. This means the raising of your own children will and has become the responsibility of the government. The next step is to insure that parents have limited access to their own children. While children are in school. Another freedom gone in the name of security.


A point will come when no person of genuine religious belief will be considered for any advanced positions of authority. Then as those of the highest ranks are filled with godless and atheistic mindsets. The lower levels of command and of management will be filled. All the way down to the lowest levels.

A point will come when those who are of the most skilled and intelligence. Will be targeted because of their unwavering beliefs in the "old" Constitution and of the Holy Bible. It will not be enough for the government to simply retire these heroic individuals. They must not escape into the general population. Even their individual gene pool will be targeted to stop the greatness within their own DNA. They will be declared as traitors. All civilians will believe they are criminals and dangerous.

Then the free people can be forced into enslavement. The current former military personnel will be offered positions in accordance to their stance on anti-religious faith. They will be the civilian spies and one of the selected group who will commit what is considered as random murders.
The random murders will have several commonalities. Such as religion, leadership, intelligence, education and military training.

Even though this is fictional. This is similar to what I have seen. Not as dramatic. More quiet and secretive. Accidental deaths and killings. Messed up mission plans. The journey into a dead zone where the enemy lies in aware wait. The heroes all unknowingly walk into the trap constructed by their own leaders.
25 Jan 2013
Title change from "Idyllic Heroes" to "Order 66" .

Even though the Jedi are fictional characters. In real life aren't they just like the Heroic Jedi of today. Doing incredible things that the common man cannot do.
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Back Lie: (Unedited): 28 May 2010:

Truths realization will always break the back of lies believed. C.J.MacKechnie
 Sometimes when a lie has been believed for numerous generations. The truth can be very hard to bare. It is important not to give in to anger, hatred and the thirst for revenge. Because the simple revelation of a lie revealed will always destroy that lie. No matter how many people who taught the lie as a truth or how long it has been told as a truth. Let only the revelation of truth do it's work in causing the lie to become like vapor.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Home Involved: (Unedited): WORD WARNING: ADULT CONTENT: 20 Jan 2013

You will always bring home the excrement of the world, when you involve yourself in it. 
When you involve yourself in the crimes of the world. What do you really think is gonna happen? This is what will happen. Your friends and family who are unaware of your crime will become victims. Innocent people who don't even know you will become victims of your crime. Then lastly, you become a victim of your crime either by severe disability, prison or death. You are not going to win in crime. You are not some untouchable pirate slash Robin Hood. Assuming you plan on sharing your wealth.
When you do crime from your own neighborhood. You involve your whole family. It doesn't matter if they know or not. Your secret life of crime will get them killed. Even if you do your best to conduct all of your crime business out of town or out of your neighborhood. The stench of that excrement will follow you home. Just like stepping in dog pooh. You can clean it off of your shoes in the grass and the smell follows you all  of the way home. This happens every single time and will happen to you.
It doesn't matter if you move out of your country. The offensive smell of your crimes will follow you even into the place where you have found peace and quiet.  The safe place to raise your own family. You will have none of it. For you to think so is only a delusion of your own creation.
Please support my Endeavors:
7143 Sr.54, Box 276
New Port Richey, Fl. 34653 USA

Calm Mind: (Unedited): 20 Jan 2013:

Your calm mind and expressions of peaceful assurances can ease the troubled mind.
A person who is troubled and worried. Cannot find calm and balance. If those whom they love are always in some kind of turmoil. To calm those around you. You yourself must remain calm and at peace. No matter what.
It doesn't matter if you have no idea what will happen. It doesn't matter if the end approaches for you all. When you remain calm and at peace. So will those who watch you. No matter the eventuality. That is the drastic conclusion. Most tragic events only end in some kind of harm and mostly those who suffer are only just frightened. By what you do and how you act can help those who witness your strength to find their own. Even if your scared beyond reason. Either way, express that everything will be OK, because it will be OK. I am telling you the truth. You will be OK. I have no idea what harm you will be walking into or the incredible dangers you will face. You will be OK. No matter what. I believe my words to you, the unknown brother or sister of mine.

Find Neither: (Unedited): 20 Jan 2013:

The troubled mind and worried heart. Will find neither easement or healing in bad news or sad events.
A troubled mind, a worried heart, a tormented spirit, a disabled body. Calm, Peace, Humor. Good things happening. A good day. The witnessing of somethings beautiful and wonderful. Learning new wisdom, knowledge and understanding. Love experienced and known. Harmony felt. A combination of all of the above.

You who are troubled of mind. Fight to think about those good and wonderful things.
You who are of a worried heart. Fight to feel those good wonderful things which happen daily.
You who are of a tormented spirit. Seek out and cry out for God. Do so always.