Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Apathetic Administrator: (Unedited): 12 March 2013:

The apathetic administrator will weigh all of his selfish decisions on how it will impact his bonus. 
So, Do you think you have an apathetic administrator or have you just fired one? Either way, The duration of his tenure will become a multiplication of monies which must be spent to restore. You the controllers must find a remarkable person. One who is intelligent, professional, caring and compassionate. Then you must free up the monies for this person to restore the way things should be. Do not be surprised nor allow your anger swell in the discovery of those hidden cheap fixes, which could have even brought everything down in flames. Rid yourself of the apathetic administrator(s) and feel for what he had not done, no more. Become mission orientated and mission focused. Get the mission done with no emotion. It is only the way it is. Thinking how and why a person would do such a thing is irrelevant and will only get in the way of completing each task.  Create your priority list which can be easily altered, upon the discovery of the new problem which has been cheaply repaired. Then just simply add it to your priority list. Without any negative emotional attachments. Even the new creations just before his departure should be suspect. The apathetic Administrator will even want to profit for himself in every financial transaction. The quality of any project must be suspect.
You controllers. Do ye fear finding the right person? Be warned. The one who may be selected may very well be a caring pretender. So as long as his/her monies add up. The smiling man who dresses nicely worships his paycheck as he can't wait to leave your employ for home.

You controllers. Look first to the ones who had to endure the evil you hired on, long ago, Who smiled at you and promised those promises. Who had the acceptable car, lived in the acceptable place and spoke those acceptable words. Who you perceived to have an air of authority. Yet, he turned out to be your apathetic administrator. The hidden costs of his lies and deceptions will burden you. Those hidden costs may even burden you for years to come.
You controllers. Sit and look. Be still and listen. Be present and witness. Discover who the go to person is? Every one will go to the person who is of the most importance. No matter their title, status or pay rate. This person will most likely be your chosen selection.
WHY? The apathetic administrator is one who typically needs to feed his laziness. So, he will have a remarkable person or persons, who he can bully to do his work better than he can. Then he takes credit for everything. Thus, becoming your deceptive hero.
You controllers. Look for separation and isolation of groups of people. When you find division, you will find troubles. Even in the upper tiers of management. If those uppity upper class managers, see no need in any association with any of the regular/common help. Then they have an issue of pride, which will lead to your quality and most productive persons departing. To lose your quality and productive persons may be just that symbolic death blow. Watch, you controllers. Watch those who seem to know and can handle it all. If they separate and isolate themselves from the common staff. Then they are the new Apathetic managers/Administrators to be selected by you. To select them, will only continue the financial misery. Because an apathetic manager with cheaply fix what has already been cheaply fixed. While proclaiming heroic deeds suffered by them to get those seemingly impossible re-fixes done below projected budget and on time.
You controllers. Listen and watch for those supporters of the apathetic administrator whom you had to discharge. For, they will cry foul and continually accuse your new administrator of all sorts of atrocities. Which like the foundations poured by your former apathetic administrator, Those accusations will all crumble in their time.
added on 24 July 2014:
The apathetic administrators will deny 
The necessary tools for the corporations lowest workers.
The necessary wage increases for those workers who care the most for the corporation and is reflected in their professionalism.
The necessary hiring of new people especially when the work load has already become burdensome.

The primary reason for this kind of administrator to do these things is to maximize his corporate bonuses over the needs of the corporate entity.

The apathetic administrators will also put forth new corporate policy changes which only inflame his/her arrogant pride and egotistical supreme attitudes toward anyone who is outside of the corporate walls. Even if those policies are essentially wrong and can even be a practice of controlling his/her slaves.
A policy which controls an employees free time and where they can spend there legally earned monies.  These kinds of policies are of the most evil as they are born from the fear of an arrogant heart. Even if the corporation is a nonprofit and does much good within all of the communities in which they reside. There is no love for the least of their employees and those corporate officers who have agreed with any policy which forbids how any employee uses their own free time and the monies they have earned. Is absolutely wrong. Especially, when there is no involvement of any law enforcement, litigation or no trespass warrants.

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Monday, March 11, 2013

Personal Comments: (UNedited): Various Dates:

Jun 12, 2010
I really hate when people say to those who are suffering from past trauma. To stop living in the past. When the result of everyday life is directly related to your past. You may not be able to do anything about your past but you can do something about your today and your tomorrow. By doing things that are positive and constructive in your life. Can you then begin the healing process. The healing process will truly begin when you begin to live clean. When you begin to live your life in accordance to old religious values. Just don't give up.
Jun 15, 2010
I'm a social misfit. I guess it is because I spent most of my childhood heavily medicated. Did not go to school much. I wasn't taught anything. Beside why should they. I had a tested IQ of 70. Then there was the closet. The belt. Other weapons of discipline. Being knocked out by various means. Mom proclaiming that we should not have adopted you. As a child of around 10. I have slept in a tree, under a railroad bridge. Inside of the big pier 60 on Clearwater beach, FL.
Jun 28, 2010
with no one she quietly enters. Love so pure within her softly beating heart. Dark sparks of invisible misfire emanates from her very real mind. She dutifully sits at a table and silently waits for her love to bring her a popeyes fried chicken meal. She never takes her eyes off of him. The crowd dissipates. Confusion and loss sets in as she pushes up her rectangle rimmed glasses. She hand combs her auburn hand cut hair. Without a sound she walks up to the popeyes counter and asks where the man went who was just standing here a minute ago. The popeyes woman reinforcing her realty of delusion. Says he left. She quickly leaves alone and into her pretty blue car rushes off. C.J.MacKechnie
This really happened. Yesterday. Sawyer, MI. I-94, exit 12. T/A Truck stop. 
Jul 4, 2010
I've discovered in life. That there are usually 3 choices to make on most problems or decisions to be made. Even in movies this is often true until the evile villain gives you only two choices and the hero saves the day or planet with the third option. I'm not big on horror movies. Probably because my chilhood was a continuous horror show. The current vampire/ werewolf/human movie. Is very similar with three choices in life that a young girl must make. I'm gonna call them the three important decisions in life that we all can make or have made and can still make. I think i'm running out of cell phone space so I will continue this in the comments. Forget about all of that girlie love and passion stuff in that sissy story lines. My observation is also lacking any testosterone manly manliness. So. Just open up your mind to the possibilities of the 4th choice. Forget the hormones. I heard you girls make those noises in the dark theater. Go to comments. Just breathe and cool down first. 
1st. Choice. The human choice. Which is very boring and your stuck in a week body that is always getting sick. Then you die. Very negative.  
2nd. Choice. The werewolf option. The emotionally primal and physically powerful werewolf is always the fun choice. That we can all choose to become. when we choose to de-evolve from our current human state.
3rd. Choice. The ultra cool and mysteriously dark vampires is always the sensible and chic/civilized/modern choice. That we can all choose to become when we deny our humanity and our ties to what it means to be human.  
The 4th. Choice. We can all choose to evolve and become the possible next step. Energetic light beings or enlightenment. This may also seem as boring as the basic human decision. There shouldn't be any drama and trauma as always associated with the werewolf and vampire decisions. Besides, when the vampires, werewolves and anything dark comes into your presence. They will become like fading smoke and Ashe. The end. C.J.MacKechnie 
Jul 9, 2010
When your a slave to anyone, any group or any political thought. You will never have to concern yourself with anything that is important or complicated as defined by your master owner. Being a slave, you will never have to worry your pretty little head about thinking or planning, success or failure, profit or loss, efficiencies or waste, ideas or improvements. As a slave you will never become anxious about housing, education, food, water and health care. All of these things will be provided. So as long as you are of use and worth to your master owner. If you are not a slave to the master owner. Then you will not be allowed access to anything. Until you choose to become a slave and receive your mark. C.J.MacKechnie 
Eye of the Storm:
Jul 12, 2010
You have been warned by those who are in the know. You set your sails and turned your rudder into the oddly beautiful sunset. For a short time the gentle breeze was fun. Then the winds became thrilling. The lightning and the waves as exciting as you have ever known. A new dawn approaches with it daylight you will not see. Your rudder damaged. Your mast is snapped and your boat is taking on water. The thrill and excitement you felt some time ago is now turned into a desperate weariness to helplessly stay alive. You call for help but all you get is unwanted verbal static. Suddenly like a blessing from GOD your underneath a beautiful sun and clear sky. Except all around you is dark foreboding clouds. You scream and cry for help. No response on your radio. All is hopeless in your cries for help. The ocean is unforgiving and it seems you will become one of the nameless many who have gone to the bottom. Not yet, for you. Your still alive this day. You can still be alive tomorrow if you you just continue to struggle. 
Standing Strength:
Jul 13, 2010
There is always those that we encounter in our daily lives whom we admire for their strength and courage. Especially when they have been tested and purified by fire. We see them as heroes set above us common people. While us common people seem to always be less than or lacking in some way in comparison to these admired heroes. The truth will always be seen when you dirt bag of a common low life human bug discover. That these heroes in life are no different than you are. The only real difference is not so real. The hero decided to step up and stood alone in the face of the monster and conquered it. That single decision based purely in emotion is the only real difference between you and the hero. When the hero completes his heroic deed. He/she is still the same dirt bag low life human bug. With the same problems as you. Maybe even more problems. Decide to stand and be a hero that only can be defined by you. Face and confront the monster before you and inspire people that they to can do the same as you and better

Jul 13, 2010
I remember a story about a WW2 medal of honor winner. He was the loser among losers. Then one day something happened. He saved his brothers lives by rushing a German fortified pill box. A time passed and a general arrived with the media and no one could find him. He was peeling potatoes. He didn't even have a proper uniform. Your regular Forest Gump or Gomer Pyle i suppose. The point of my unedited write. Is to cause each of you to believe in yourselves. That you to can be that hero and at least save your own selves from the whatever monster that afflicts and torments you. You the unknown and forgotten are equal to or better than any known and famous hero. All you have to do is decide not to give up and quit ever. Period... An emotional decisions. That is the only difference between you and a claimed hero. A fireman will always find those he cannot save. A cop will always recover the body of an unsaved victim. Their failure they will always remember.

Jul 13, 2010
the average man who witnessed evil and did all he could. He had his list and cried that he could have saved more after the fact. Schindler. He stood alone in the face of the monster. He is no different then you are.

Jul 13, 2010
The simple and humble volunteer. Who does and does and does. Just a little bit everyday. The blood donors who have gallons of giving. The auto mechanic who fixed a car for a desperate woman. Etc. We all can be a hero to someone. 
Jul 18, 2010
We as children often become exactly what our parents and society expect us to become. I figure that is why so many of my foster brothers and sisters end up in jail, homeless, mentally ill or a combination of all three. What happens when you realize that you are better, stronger, smarter? Than what your parents and all of society expected of you. What do you do now? Do you remain a turkey after tasting daily that your truly an eagle? But, always returning to the comfortable familiar life of being a turkey. Being a turkey is like being just average. You don't have to do anything very hard. Maybe society has expected you to be a farm animal. Everything is provided for the farm animal. Food, water, medical care, housing and the education needed to remain a farm animal. Just remember turkeys and farm animals always become food product for the farmer who is in complete control of your life. C.J.MacKechnie

Jul 18, 2010
the farm animal will always become upset when they learn something that they were not given permission to learn. The farm animal will always become upset when they are forced to think for themselves and in a way that is not common to the rest of the herd way of thinking.

Jul 18, 2010
you can substitute the word animal with slave. The mind sets and thinking process are similar. The end result somewhat the same. When the farm animal or slave is no longer of use. the farmer kils them.

Jul 18, 2010
What will you do or me for that matter? Will yo go back to sleep or remain awake? If you remain awake? Will you remain a farm animal slave? A free man is always responsible for the contents inside of their own brains. A free man always decides for themselves how and what they will think. Then take decisive action with their own conclusions.

Jul 18, 2010
We all must decide for ourselves. If we each decide to freely soar as eagles. The life and ways of the farm animal will become alien to you and me. If we each decide to stay and remain as farm animals. Then the wild savage beasts like eagle and big cats will be something to be feared always. Farm animals are taught to fear the beasts of the wild brutal and barbaric lands. Their is safety and security when your within the cage. Safely and securely Locked from the outside by the farmer. How will one within the cage pray? As prey or as free beings?
 Aug 2, 2010
Torment, insanity, misery, suffering, sadness, loneliness, confusion, abandonment, torture, disease and sickness. You die a thousand times everyday and yet you continue to believe that GOD ALMIGHTY has forsaken you. Deep within the valley of death all you know is the cold steel blade that pierces deep into your soul and burns you from the inside out. Your wails and cries hauntingly echoes from the canyon walls causing you to become more paranoid and more fearfull. You look into the shimmering shadows of the canyon walls only to discover. There not walls of rock. They are walls made up of a billion billion souls. All singing their same insane song of miserys lament. Your life, your energy, your hope, your love, your compassion, your kindness, your light, your heart is all being drained out of you. Soon very soon even your very identity will be gone from you as you become a part of the valley of death. The end is at hand and yet it is still your choice. Which song will you sing? C.J.MacKechnie

Aug 2, 2010
yes. There is a positive message in this one. Really? U have 2 thunk it thru. This is written for those of you who seem to continually suffer. GOD IS always with you. Remember it is not you who is lost to GOD. It is you who lost GOD. All you have to do is reach out for GOD and he will do the rest. 

Light Ray: (Unedited): 28 June 2010:

A single ray of light needs for nothing. Does not complain about the clouds. Asks not which direction to go. Nor ponders its own profit. C.J.MacKechnie

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Cleansing Rain: (Unedited): 16 June 2010:

Even under the clouds and in the rain, one can still experience a peaceful cleansing.
Do not fear the gentle rain showers in life.  Fleeing from the cleanliness to come after a rain shower. Will prevent you from experiencing the freshness to come into you with every inhaled breath. 
Do not deny yourself a wonderful pleasure of feeling a beautiful rain shower. You have work hard. You have become sweaty and dirty. Allow the natural rain shower to clean you all the way into the depths of your soul.

At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Friday, March 8, 2013

Look Up: (Unedited): 08 March 2013:

It is easy for a short person to always look up, just as it is easy for a tall person to always look down. No matter your height be like one and not the other. C.J.MacKechnie

I was just at Publix buying American Cheese. There was this older couple approaching their mid 80's. They were rather short. Shorter than my 12 year old daughter. Their attitude and outlook in life was remarkable. They were vibrant and physically mobile. The insight of this sub 5 foot elder and much wiser than me woman. proclaimed to me. The key in life was to always look up. Just amazing the insight of this woman. So, to her is the inspiration of this little quote.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Life Sings: (Unedited): 14 June 2010:

Even through the pain and suffering of everyday human life. The sun still shines and the birds still sing. C.J.MacKechnie 

Illuminate Truth: (Unedited): 15 June 2010:

Lies and deceptions whispered in the shadows, will fade once truths light illuminates. C.J.MacKechnie 
To the common person. This is a truth. The common person seems to have a need to believe anyone in authority. The common person even wants to believe anyone who has a high level of education. So the lies spoken as truths is difficult to prove. When those in authority or with High levels of education have themselves been deceived. 
The creation of lies and deceptions are often created in a capitalistic society, when money and resources can be gained. In a socialist society lies and deceptions are created when money and resources are lost to the common person. In a communistic society lies and deceptions are created which will only benefit the communistic elites, for any reason as defined by them.
For the common person, who cannot depend on any modern form of government today, to put forth the truth. What and where can they go for the truth? Self empowerment and self direction is key. The truth is in the non-physical. Through prayer, meditation and contemplation. The truth of the question will manifest within the person. The person will begin to know things without being taught.
A person who becomes wise, knowledgeable and understands a great many things from prayer, meditation and contemplation. Can become prideful and selfish. He or she may begin to have a desire to have followers for their elevation into a holy status or godlike status. It is not for the individual person who has achieved wisdom, knowledge and understanding to acquire for themselves. It is for them to raise up everyone who is willing to achieve a similar level or greater.
Added on 11 Oct 2013:
The importance of Education.