Thursday, October 22, 2015

Sin Fade: (Unedited): 20 Oct 2015:

Reasoned and imagined sin shall fade away with your active mental energies focused upon God.
Both reasoned and Imagined sins or thoughts can become uncontrolled within any person.  If they were ever controlled disciplined thoughts.
This is where reading the Holy Bible, prayer and meditation comes into importance to each and every person. These three actions teaches everyone discipline and self control of thoughts. By learning how to control your own thinking processes. You begin to mentally sin less and less. Which will eventually translate into less physically manifested sins. The way more educated evil psychologist persons who want to keep you forever as a patient. Will tell you to your face that it is impossible to control every thought. So don't even try it. While they up the doses of your new more powerful prescriptions which keep you enslaved to them forever.
The more of a threat you are to the fallen angels and the spiritually demonic. The more attention these entities will pay attention to you.
To love one another.

To live in peace.

To exist in harmony.

 To cherish life. To obey/honor the Laws of God.

 To become the holy and righteous people as The Heavenly Father intended us all to be.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Unhappy Equally: (Unedited): 19 Oct 2015:

Both the educated slave and the uneducated free person can be equally unhappy with their lives.
Was it wrong for the wife of the master of the slave to allow education. Knowing that the slave will become unhappy with their circumstance.
I share a birthday with Nat Turner.
Then there is the free person who may be mentally enslaved by their deceitful culture, social circles  or poor family upbringing. They to will become saddened by their life once they have become enslaved by it and unable to alter their course without harming others in the process.
The wise and strong who are in the age where everyone is free. Will discover this is not so. For an imprisoned criminal can be more free than the jailer. The homeless more free than the CEO (Chief Executive Officer). The autistic more free than the declared normal person.
Know the difference between those who only want to harm you by keeping you down or one of the down trodden and those who offer you sage advice of deep wisdom. Such as an education is only the first steps to your freedom. While those who want you to remain enslaved as they are. Will declare to you and accuse you of trying to be white or someone else whom you can never be or become. You can only ever be who you are. This is the wisdom. Do you want to be a better human being or remain unchanged in your current and possible undesirable state of living. Then you must know that it is not everyone else who must change for your benefit. It is and always has been only you who must change for your own self benefit. This is where your freedom shall always remain.
There was a time when Nelson Mandela was an imprisoned criminal who had no freedom. Then in a singular moment of time. he became more free than his jailers and the rest of the people of south Africa was.

To love one another.

To live in peace.

To exist in harmony.

 To cherish life. To obey/honor the Laws of God.

 To become the holy and righteous people as The Heavenly Father intended us all to be.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Russian Peaceful Leadership: (Unedited): 18 Oct 2015:

The thrum reverberates through our entire home world. From below my feet I want to dance the war dance. I can hear the war drums coming from the West and East. I can feel the war drums coming from the north and south. Hate and anger is all around. Men want to fight any other men for any reason. There is no talk of peace or yearning to love any other. Even if they are all brother and sister to each other.
The desire for war is very strong. The expectant excitement for the blood of another to drip upon our tongues will become an uncontrolled insane enraged action to kill more. Just like the hungry bear who has slept long only to awaken to see a stupid and sin drunk eagle causing unwise chaotic problems for the rest of the world. Even a stupid sin drunk eagle can respect the power of the irritated hungry bear who is waking up. For even this dark eagle who is prideful of its own great intelligence. Shall be easily destroyed by it's own self ignored ignorance. Maybe the sin drunk dark eagle is not so ignorant if it's desires are to cause the destruction of all that is righteous and holy in the soon to be destroyed land of freedom it rules over.
Oh the bear, the bear of the north. Great power the bear has. Timid is not this bear with it's new found strengths in which the sin drunk dark eagle does not even know. For now is the time of the reawakened great bear and startles the sin drunk eagle by leaping over it and devour the evil in which the dark eagle feeds and protects.
Oh the bear, the great bear of the north, whose deep wisdom and understanding has evolved beyond it's own natural animalistic aggression's. Can and will the bear choose wisely and express wise insights to the whole of the world or will the bear succumb to enraged blood thirst and become one of the animals who brings about the extinction of all humanity.
The dark sin drunk eagle cannot fly as it wants when (ALL) of it's sins are known to the whole world. Even a great wise bear cannot protect a brother who only wants to wallow like a pig in it's own sin drunk fecal matter. Eventually the sin drunk eagle will drown in it's own creation. As all that the dark sin drunk eagle creates torment for the rest of the world. It will come back upon eagle like a great smelly torrent. The wise bear must let the eagle fall in order to save the rest. The sin drunk eagle may never fly again. Even when the eagle regains it's former glowing brilliant luster. If it does?
The wise bear who has evolved out of it's own animalistic ways can save the world from extinction. So as long as the great bear does not De-evolve itself into acting from it's own animalistic natural tendencies.
The Christian prophecies dictate that revelation shall occur and all common peoples shall know the truths. No matter how harsh they are and who has perpetuated those lies known as truths for eons. Let and allow those who have perpetuated lies and deceptions to suffer their own fates. In the short term humanity will be angry but in the long term a new enlightened brotherhood will rise out of the darkness.
I just hope the great balding bear remembers these purple words below. Is this prophecy?
Note to self: Do not add or delete anything.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.
To live in peace with everyone.  
To exist in harmony with all.  
To Cherish all life.  
To be obedient to the Laws of God.  
To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.  
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  

Friday, October 16, 2015

Humanity Zero Point: (Unedited): 16 Oct 2015:

Work in progress
How do you control the evolution or De-evolution of humanity?
How do you restart all of humanity at zero?
You must first control all of education. The lack of and the limited of.
You must first Control all of the religions into one unified belief systems which focuses upon you.
You must eliminate all historical records and the evidence of them all.
Anyone who offers any insights by any extra ordinary means must either be controlled or eliminated. Which shall include their entire blood line. This includes all psychics, spiritualists. Even the helpless tribal peoples around the world shall be eliminated along with their belief systems.
All historical documents must be destroyed and the memory of them erased. This includes all ancient holy texts and scrolls.
All ancient and any buildings, monuments and stone carvings of any historical significance must be destroyed and forgotten in their entirety. Not a single stone shall be like a puzzle piece to be put back together.
Prior to Humanities zero point. All of humanity must want to reject all aspects of religion and be willing to destroy or recycle their own copies of religious texts and other artifacts.
There shall be no religious themed songs to sing. All of the religions shall be forgotten in one generation.
For example. This is prophecy.
The Vatican shall be utterly destroyed. Thousands shall die. All of the Catholic buildings around the world shall be destroyed and burned down. It shall all begin at the Vatican. No historical documents of any kind shall be removed. They will all burn. Only the precious metals and precious stones shall be taken and re-worked into new forms. This is what shall be publicized as the attackers primary intentions. But, the destruction of the Catholic Churches libraries and all ancient records shall be their primary purposes.
Who is actively destroying history or has had an active part in destroying humanities true history?
The ancient man-gods.
Fallen Angels.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Journey to Your Innocence: Naturally Reacquainted: Innocent Odd Ball: (Unedited): 14 Oct 2015:
The return to your innocence isn't lost in your forever. You are who you were and can become so again. We each can be all of who we were and once were all at the same time. No matter the difficulties we had ever faced. No matter the abuses and tortures of our youth. Innocence is merely lost and not gone. Waiting to be seeked for and found within the deep recesses of your own mind. It is close to where your child like joy was once prevalent. Finding one will reveal the other.
Many adults have lost their innocence. Even lost the capacity of their own humanity. It doesn't matter how or why these things were lost. They just were. Typically, It is not just the two things it is also true deep and meaningful joy. If you can imagine that joy can be meaningful. Which it is and joy can be yours all over again or be a brand new concept which has become a part of you.
The return to your innocence will require you to take that purposeful journey into the deep dangers of your own mind. Where you will be required to fight for your own sanity and for the right of your authority over your own thoughts and feelings. No  matter how displaced it all seems to be. Can you muster the courage and become brave enough to go into your own dangerous mind and tame all that is within? because, once you have conquered all that is within yourself. Can you then begin to know the joy of loving other struggling souls. The happiness of peacefully living with other dangerous spirits. The intimate harmony of being directly connected with all of the wonders of life. This is where the deep and most profound of joys resides.
Naturally Reacquainted: (Unedited): 14 Oct 2015: 
Shedding off all of those self created defensive shells also releases the torrential tsunamis of uncontrolled tears of every and all angst. This is healthy and necessary as you reveal your own helplessness and delicate nature to the whole of the natural world. You become reacquainted with the natural world through your return to innocence. 
Quotes in here. Not sure where? 
The return to your own innocence also means losing the worldly self whom you have grown to know in the artificial life you were brought up to look forward to living within. The artificial adult is what we all have become. Unable to know or experience the wonders of the true reality of all that is natural in this delicate and innocent world in which we inhabit. We can each mindlessly inhabit a self created artificial world and not ever actually have a life within the real world which surrounds all of it.
Innocent Odd Ball: (Unedited): 14 Oct 2015: 
The returning to your innocence will make you an odd ball in the artificial world.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Inevitable Heart: (Unedited): 11 Oct 2015:

It matters not if you win every game or lose every game. The greatest of hearts is the one who played every game already knowing the inevitable outcome. 
Have you ever seen the young athlete who could not be defeated? Have you ever seen the tiniest of athletes who continually faced every monster who has come before him? Have you ever seen those who just quit or those who just refused to play the superior player?
Of the three different types of people. Who showed the greatest heart, the greatest courage and the greatest dedication?
It can be said that it is easy for the greatest athlete to face any opponent. While those who quit or refused to play a superior opponent were realistic or smart. But, neither of these two ever showed any real heart, real courage or real dedication. It is that tiny one amongst you who daily faces all of his monsters and returns to face more. No matter how many times he loses against the giants of this world. The tiny one wins. For his will, his resolve has never been defeated.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Beauty Deep: (Unedited): 11 Oct 2015:

The beauty of any flower always begins deep down in the roots and from deep inside the core of it's being. 
The beauty of any flower does not begin in any external superficial understanding of accepted outward beauty. What it means to be beautiful does not begin with an agreement from the world or even from any sort of approval from the world.
While a delicate and beautiful rose can be agreed upon by many as beautiful. The rose never allowed any worldly constraints or global acceptance to be assigned a beautiful designation. it just is, was and remains beautiful.
Yet, when a beautiful rose plant becomes bothersome, unwanted or not of use anymore. It is simply dug up and replaced by something else. With never any thought of any sort of loss of missing anything which was deemed beautiful. This is the worldly way of things. In which no one of the world and who is in the world can ever truly understand the origin of beauty. The origin of beauty simply does not matter. To those who are in the world and of the world. It only matters how the beautiful thing makes them feel, right now. That is until something else makes their good feelings renewed. Then that which was beautiful is of no importance. It matters not if the old thing is still beautiful. The old beautiful thing has become nothing to the world and no longer of any significance. This often becomes a great sadness to that which was deemed beautiful. It should not be so. For the great sadness and the deepest pity should be for those who had genuine beauty in their midst and then rejected it wholly. The rejection of anything which is beautiful is not a judgement by the world that YOU are no longer beautiful. You are still beautiful so as long as deep down within you. You have maintained the deepest understanding as to the source of great natural beauty.
Here are your keys in keeping your beauty beautiful. Remain pure of spirit. By spiritually becoming what it means to always love, to always be in peace, to always exist in harmony, to always cherish and allow life. These are spiritual laws. Which are not enforced. There is no threats, no fears and no intimidation's to cause you to obey. You do so because you want to and see them for as they are. Which is good and righteous.
Remain pure in mind. Always only take in that which is truthful, clean, morale and pure. In this aspect. It may be of supreme importance to unlearn and to UN-know false truths. For instance RACE. The lie that an abused young person knows. That all of their abuses were their own fault. There are many lies and deceptions in the world. All and any lie and deception makes your mind ugly. To seek out truth and making it a part of your mind is beautiful. By throwing away all of the ugliness into the trash and then not remembering those old lies and deceptions any more is also beautiful. For instance, when you throw away the trash. Do you remember all of those individual things you had thrown away? really, go into your own trash and retrieve them so you can remember them all. (Don't do that, just understand the concept).
Do not put other peoples trash into your mind. From your eyes and through your ears. If that which you take in is not loving, peaceful, harmonious and life continuing. Then it is evil. Evil is ugly. Even if that country music you listen to is not considered by you as evil. Then you shall be aware of it when you consider the words of hate, drunkenness, lust and revenge that is within. The same goes for your T.V. shows, movies, books, magazines or video games you play.
Remain pure in your body. By eating and drinking those things which are known to be good, healthy and pure. Your body remains healthy and youthful. This just makes sense. Research and study GMO foods and foods which have been bathed in pesticides and hormones. They are just not good for you. Do not take in any drugs or alcohol of any kind. Do not smoke, sniff or dip any tobacco products. All of those things harm the body and alters your natural thinking mind. Everyone knows it.
Do not take in any medication which alters your mind. Here lies yet another lie and deception. If you have no conclusive proof of any kind of brain damage, injury or genetic defect. Then you should not be taking any sort of mind altering medication. I understand people get depressed. Depression needs to be talked out, worked out and understood. The long hard way. The easy road of medications only covers up your problems. Your mental problems never ever go away with any medications. Unless of course you become a life long zombie. Is this beautiful or not? It is never beautiful.
There are your three keys for true life long beauty. Maintain your spirit, your mind and your body.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 