Showing posts with label Doomsday Preppers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Doomsday Preppers. Show all posts

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Less Than 30 Days: (Unedited): 23 Aug 2015:

Will the coming September event be a self fulfilling prophecy? There is growing hype of 23 Sept 2015(Not my date). Before the 3rd. 7 year economic collapse begins. Look to the events which precede it. Which I believe have already begun. Look at China explosion and for any more which are to follow. If they do follow then there may be a state of war and that fear alone will crash the worlds economies.
Do not become so focused on the 23rd Sept 2015 date. Maybe, see it as an end point instead of an exact set date.This Sept 2015 may just be the event which precedes the 2022 event. All of which gains in magnitude in correlation to the sins of the USA. What is not certain, Is 2015 to be the end of the USA or will it be 2022. It may be  2022 as none of the worlds military's are ready for any kind of global war. This includes the USA. The USA is most likely the most helpless of all of the nations.  The key dates may be from 15 Sept thru 28 Sept 2015: Remember It's not the prophecy which is import or even dates. What is important is the purple words. Your relationship to God and your direct efforts to live your life as righteously as possible as seen by only God. This is truly important. Your preps or whatever else you may do. Is just less than.

We had the disciplines of 1995, 2001, 2008 and then if they do continue we shall have another discipline more severe than the one in 2008. This is progressive and I believe directly related to the sins of the American people. Lets look at what 2015 means as far as the American sins are concerned.
:Sins of 2015:
1). The number one sin which has been ongoing all year long is equal marriage rights for the LGBT community and they won. With minimal actions from the entire Christian community. This inaction may be seen by God as a non action by the entire Christian community as a whole.
2). The repressed news of Planned Parenthood. Which will be eventually scrubbed from every media source. Including YouTube. Yet the American people do not seem to care and the entire Christian community is not taking collective action against any entity of Planned Parent hood, any politician and on abortion rights. Abortion is clearly big business which is wholly supported by the USA. In which the Government of the USA is supposed to be reflective of the entire civilian population. In which because of Abortion every civilian will be held responsible. It is obvious that Planned parenthood and other directly related entities are breaking federal abortion laws back to 1994. I'm no lawyer. But it seems a variety of state and federal laws are being and have been broken, everyday.
3). The USA has been and is now an Oligarchy. Again, The entire Christian community has allowed the loss of their Country given to the corporate world. Which began during the Reagan administration.  Thus, as of 2015 is clearly evident as the worldly corporate powers even have powers over the states including Florida.
4). The Lies and deceptions of the races of humanity which promotes the actions of murderous racism. In the Holy Bible it declares that we all of humanity are direct descendants of the adult family of Noah and that they are the direct descendants of Adam and Eve. Yet, The entire Christian community have isolated and separated themselves based on race, culture and sociology. Which is directly against the intentions of God. We are all one family and of one relations. We are all meant to aspire to become Israel. Even all of Islam. The absolute truth was known before DNA Finger Printing of 1985. The Human Genome project of  2003. Which made absolute proof that more than 99.9% of all of OUR(Humanity) DNA is identical. Identical means the same. This information has not adequately been relayed to all of humanity as such. We are all brothers and sisters to each other. 
5). Abomination of desolation within the churches. Any Christian which follows their pastor before Jesus. Just as any Muslim person who follows any human leader into anything which separates them from the pursuit of peace. The acceptance of any of the sins of God which have been commanded. Which is brought into any of the holy places and agreed upon by the representatives of that church or religion. Shall be disciplined by God. They may all suffer. Save for the remnant which shall be removed in some manor as designed by God. The remnant may be so few in number. That every church congregation and denomination. Would declare that no rapture has occurred. This may not even become a declaration as the response would be. People move around, people change churches. Never mind that all of their worldly things are abandoned. The actual remnant may become so alien to the church they attend. That their disappearance may be welcomed.
6). The Federal Government of the USA is currently attacking the Navajo nation. These kinds of actions which support corporations shall become more common. Research this for yourselves. It seems like the primary water source for the Navajo nation was purposefully poisoned and contaminated. Then the EPA sends the Navajo Nation water in uncleaned/non-santized oil tanks. This is a new beginning of atrocities being conducted on behalf of the federal government by the direction of a mining corporation. This is not the first though. The first was the BLM in Nevada against a rancher on behalf of Walmart and China.  To build a solar panel farm. I believe all of that news has been scrubbed and/or just forgotten.
Just in case that God passes over the USA. I really do not think so. It is better for you to get right with God. Then it is to make all of your doomsday preparations absent of God or anything related to the godly spiritual gifts.
Also, Just in case the pre tribulation rapture is a false teaching. You should endeavor to endure unto your ending. However that may come to you. May you worship and bless all that is Godly with your last breath.
As I have mentioned. Just in case nothing happens. It would be wise to put into action all of your final doomsday preparations. It will also be necessary to activate your relationships with other like minded persons and groups. The greater number of groups in which you have a mutual relationship with. The greater the possibility of your survival. Like I said, even if nothing happens. Each of you must evaluate each other for strengths and weaknesses. Without any emotion.
The severity of a possible economic  down turn may be more severe than it was in 2008. It probably will be more severe. The 7 year pattern exists right now and should be easy for anyone to see. If you have planned properly. You should see it through and into the next discipline of 2022. In which the USA may end in 2015 or in 2022.
I think that since the USA is a newly established oligarchy. The corporations of the world will want to continue to suck all of the wealth from the USA and begin to enslave the entire civilian population. I think this is possible and may not be probable. I think it is directly related to the Trans Pacific Partnership and the abolishment of forbidding the use of slaves within the agreement. This may eventually work both ways.
Added on 24 Aug 2015@0625 Hours.:
2 explosions in China and one explosion in Japan at an Army ammunition warehouse in the last week or so. The Chinese stock market has already taken the worst plunge since 2007 and it is not even day light in the USA. North Korea has deployed the vast majority of their Navy including 50 of their approximate 70 submarines. They are preparing for war with the south. While talking peace.
Wall Street Futures may down by as much as 350 points. (I have no idea what a future is.)
Added on 25 Aug 2015: I do not believe this is the end as humanity is not fully into the Christian prophecies. What i mean is. "As it was in the days of Noah..."
There is still at least one critical thing left. In those days everyone had common knowledge of Angels. Today, we still do not have this. Or as they may be called in our current modern world as Aliens. This is common knowledge as in all of humanity knows of these angels/aliens. No more doubts. No more theories. No more wishful thinking. These angels will just be obviously present in our world and most likely involved in our everyday life. This is a key sign.
Added on 26 Aug 2015:
So since all of humanity does not have common everyday real knowledge of angels. Then it can be thought that if a dramatic economic collapse occurs. Which shall be worse than 2008. Then this last days until the beginning of the coming Jewish New year. Shall be survivable. For those who have prepared in advanced. Unlike my family which is to poor to do much preparing at all.  To repeat the key before the end of the Christian Prophecies. The angels must make a return. I could be in error. So be prepared for this error as well. Then plan for a 2022 event. Which should be worse than the 2015 event. If it happens. Billy Graham is a sign to look for. What? and How? and Why? I have no clue. It is also becoming apparent to me that Billy Grahams daughter may be a Christian prophetess. She would be a person to watch and to test (With Respect).
Here is the short list on how every human being can avert extinction. Remember extinction does not have to be immediate. It can last a couple hundred years or so or not.
Added on 31 Aug 2015: Doomsday Preppers and survivalists.
In and during these times of plenty and maybe even a little while after the possible 2015 events which causes the economies of the world to crumble yet again. For the third time.
You must immediately begin to prepare for the 2022 events. Which will most likely be in September as well. Remember my words above. Your number one prep is your connection to God. Remember the Mathew 24:22
It isn't going to be any of your physical preps which saves you. All your physical preps are going to do is allow you to survive longer than those poor souls who have done nothing. Like me and my family. It isn't that we won't. It's that we can't. Anyway. Here is your words. This is new. Share the Wealth. Find those and test those who are to be like you. Begin relationships and develop partnerships with other like minded persons, families and groups. Form up into towns. Realize your gifts and the excesses of them and give them freely. You may be the chicken lady. Well, from your excesses and from your experience. Teach and give those who are passionately willing all that they need to become better than you. This also goes for those who are gifted in cattle, Goats, Pigs and every other manor of raising animals and crops. One can hope that good deeds do not go unnoticed. So if something happens to you. Then the whole of the group does not suffer from your absence.
Also, You and others will need to come together to support those persons who are gifted in other ways and cannot do for themselves in an agrarian type of society. For instance a medical doctor, dentist, veterinarian and etc. You may know how many chickens or cattle are needed for your family. But, have you even thought about these importantly crucial people who are necessary for survival. But what about that jack of all trades guy and the school teacher. They will be important to. Because when everything is said and done. God has done his thing. The 1000 year countdown begins. We had 2000 years after Christ. So when humanity begins again at nothing and depleted resources. A thousand years is all we or you will have left. Till the next major event which shall test all of humanity yet again. Not that surviving isn't a test. But surviving isn't living a life.
Your group or township may also desire to support a devout person, a gifted, a shaman or a spiritualist. They will need to be tested and the numbers of them cannot be more than the group or town can support/sustain. There is a reason why there was usually only one within any group. Sometimes there were a male and a female.
Remember the meek shall inherit the Earth. For whatever that may be worth. If God does not exercise a boat load of miracles. Because the Earth shall be of fire for a time and the only true safe place may in fact be off planet for a time. Can you a Doomsday Prepper become one of the remnant? Will I be one? The purple words below are a start.
These purple words are awesome. Do you want to avert the majority of the bad and sad prophecies spoken and written by awesome prophets of old and of today. the importance of the purple words is of free choice. To do the purple words without and fear's, intimidation's or threat's. Well read the purple and do the purple. For instance to obey the Laws is a choice and is not to be forced upon anyone. God has not forced any human being to obey the laws. It is only mankind who has forced other people to obey the laws. You do so because you can see the good importance in them. Not because you have to but because you want to. It is the absolute basic understanding to a righteous and holy life as designed by God. So that we all can become a righteous and holy people as seen by only God and not to be decided or awarded by any human being or any other entity who is not God.
To love one another.
To live in peace.
To exist in harmony.
 To cherish life.
To obey/honor the Laws of God.
 To become the holy and righteous people as The Heavenly Father intended us all to be.
Added on 03 Sept 2015: Do the research yourself. Always remember. Go to sources and not propaganda report repeaters from the foreign owned news/media sites. For instance. Check out.
By counting how many warships and subs are out at sea. Then if you can extrapolate a reserve fleet in the established ports. This would be a concern. If you see former inactive naval equipment under going  reactivation. This would be a concern. Especially, if the entire civilian population is completely unaware of any war footing from their President. Mr. President Obama, What are you doing? Are you going to strike first? If China, Russia and North Korea believe that you will strike first. It would be prudent for them to strike before you can.
War. Will the events in Sept 2015 be war? China, North Korea and Russia will attack the USA? How many American ships and boats are at sea right now? How many have a return to fleet status? China has 5 ships near Alaska. Russian spy ship near Nuclear sub base in Georgia, USA. 50 or so submarines from North Korea are missing still. I have only read a few sources where a few subs have returned due to storms. Before you attack you position your assets. Then attack.
Please read Hole Shot Prophecy: For possible locations around the World and the USA.
Added on 17 Sept 2015:
Well, It looks like. The USA has made it through these last many days. The next upcoming series of doomsday events follows through until 28 Sept 2015: I just do not like date setting at all. Because, this year alone there has already been dozens of were all gonna die dates. Were all still here. What is of interest though is happy new year on the Jewish calendar.
The prophetic red horse has already been riding through for a couple of decades. If you are deeply involved in prophecy. Then you must be aware that just as the Jewish religious elites were confounded and confused with Jesus Christ/Yeshua. Because of false interpretations. What was thought to happen did happen but not in the way expected. I believe this is the way it shall also be during the entire time of the Christian Prophecies. That many, most or all of the Christian prophetic interpretations of Christian prophecy will be in error. This is most likely at the design of satan. Just think about it. If satan can manipulate even Peter to influence Yeshua. Who are we or who are you Christian person who has written and taught much about Christian prophecy interpretation? What you think is absolute truth and correct in Christian prophecy may only be partially correct. Prophecy is not meant to be an absolute thing which must happen. Prophecy is meant as an all encompassing sign. Telling everyone that they need to change their ways or else. I refer back to Joseph and the Pharaoh story. The pharaoh had a vision in which was an absolute thing which was and is to happen. Basically, Joseph said to this living god. "Were all gonna die". But, if you mitigate and manage the event. Then maybe you will live as a living god for a little longer. Please forgive my over simplified paraphrase. Go to the Bible yourself. Then Joseph with the blessing of God and the Pharaoh. Saved them all. Thus averted the absolute nature of the prophetic vision. This one lesson is proof that we all can avert any and all prophecy caused by any man. We can also mitigate and mange any awful natural event prophecy. In order to save lives.
What is of the importance is those purple words above. Coupled with your doomsday prepper plans.
I think the Christian red horse in prophecy can be resisted. maybe? possibly? or most likely not? I may write about this more later. Although the red horse does seem to be an absolute of God and it probably is. Which means when peace is taken away from all of mankind. Extinction cometh for all life on this planet. We may not have to many choices. As it appears. The leaders of the world seem hell bent on going to war with each other. There seems to be little or no option for any peace. The sides of this coming WW3 is easy to see. The time lines are becoming very very easy to see. It will boil down to who will ignore the signs? Most likely Europe. Who will jump the gun? The USA under whose leadership? President Obama after a severe natural or man made emergency. Hillary Clinton who may be the harlot of Babylon? Donald Trump who shall steal the business vote of both parties in this Corporate America which is a corporate Oligarchy. Whom ever it is shall be a bought and paid for voice of them all who actually run/own the USA.
Added on 29 Sept 2015:
Well, Nothing to drastic or tragic has happened. All of those predicted dates from early September to yesterday. Many people whom you have researched have set dates. For me this was just another test. Another unfolding of the didn't happen 2012 event or the year 2000 event or the mid eighties events. What does it all mean? Well, I don't know. I do know what usually happens. People who are weak in the faith falls away. The prophecy dates are very stressful to live with. Because, In Bible prophecy God has to intervene lest we all be destroyed. That is our fate by our own hands. We destroy ourselves and blame God for it all. Well, just go and collect yourself. Stay focus on those things which are truly important. Your faith and soul. Your family. Your close friends. Your good works which you freely choose to do without any expectation of reward or that you have to because God said so. You do good works because it is the righteous thing to do and for no other reason more than you want to.
Then on the list of important things comes your Doomsday preps. Because, it is the smart thing to do. Did you hold your practice drills? Did you mutually conduct your drills with other persons, families and groups? Did you at least talk to others about this?
You know there will be other people who are going to set prophecy dates in the hopes they will become famous for being right. Yea, Really. Remember what I said. Prophecy isn't important. They are just warnings for you to seek out those signs on your own and then to do as Joseph in the Bible had done. He managed and mitigated the dire natural event which came through proper and wise preparations. Joseph basically saved all of Egypt. Including the human god called a Pharaoh.
It's about those purple words above. Your relationship with God. Your continually active prayer life. Your continually active meditative life and those other times in which you just contemplate those things. That you should.
I shall be looking and seeking those signs of the times. I think one sign is The reverend Billy Graham and his passing. The return of the angels. What is the time line for these 2 things and many more? Well, any time between now and 2048. Most likely sooner than the 2048 date. But, I seem to be the only person on this planet who wants to avert all of the bad and sad prophecies ever written down or spoken. I believe it is better to listen to a mentor than a prophet. Because, if you live in a world where there are more prophets than mentors. Your in a big world of trouble. It just seems that we may not have that Jonah who just walks around yelling "Your all gonna die" and then we all change our ways in order to alter our prophetic fates. Are you getting this. Part of the red horse is the taking away of freedom to choose peace. What of the other horses. What do they take away within our humanity internally. This is getting deep and the fate of the world shall threaten extinction when God intercedes. Will 5-7+ billion die before that happens? Will there be a rapture of the remnant? Are you a remnant or how do you become one and remain one of the remnant? A good start is in the Bible as well as those purple words above. AND do not think I'm part of that good start. I'm a deeply flawed human being. Who is struggling as you are. All i do is point and you are to freely choose to go forward without following me.
Not to add any more stress. But, this is only the beginning of the Jewish New Year and the bad and sad prophetic events can happen anytime throughout this whole year. Yea, Just remember if a sudden confusing bad thing happens. Don't automatically become an angry hateful animal. Ready to kill everyone who comes to close. Just be prepared and when it is time to go. Do not return to your home or anywhere else for anything forgotten. Just go. This can be considered harsh advice but, it is Biblical advice. Be sure to train everyone to act accordingly and be able to trust your children. Teach them without adding fear. This is about being smart.
I think this whole month of September 2015. There were about a dozen prophetic dates spoken and written by many different people. With dozens of duplication's. Well, I work with one of those Bible readers. Whom I enjoy interrupting or bothering all of the time. It's just easy. Like when I don't see him in a while. I look astonished and declare I thought you went and got yourself all raptured. Or For a dozen times this month I greeted him with we missed it again. We were all supposed to die yesterday. By the way Good morning.
The point to this bad humor of mine is. If you are so worried and concerned about the real life end of days bad and sad prophecies. Then your missing the point of all of this righteous and ever lasting spiritual life stuff. Your body has to go to sleep that last time in order to free the true being within your physical body. That is where the true you exists. From your true self can you freely choose to become righteous and holy has seen and defined by only God. Then no matter what happens to the shell of your physical body. Your true spiritual self shall continue on. Get yourself right with God. Without any fears, intimidation's or threats. Know that if anyone expresses anything which is the opposite of life, love, peace, harmony and the laws of God. This includes me. They are absolutely wrong, wrong, and more wrong. It doesn't matter how popular, how educated or how rich they are. They are still seriously wrong. It doesn't matter if they preach and teach at the largest churches, mosques, synagogues and temples in the whole world. They are wrong.
How about this. Remember the SIGNS. This one is obvious. Anyone who goes against life is wrong. Remember satan and his fallen angels wants us all dead/extinct. They all know that God uses people like the poor and homeless Jesus. So why do you think the majority of abortion clinics are in poor neighborhoods? Anyway here is your sign.
 Thank you for reading through my writing style mess. john
02 Nov 2015:
We still here? Last comment.
Added on 17 Jan 2016:
We are all through the new year. There have been a few events since the signs completion. Signs are and always have been information sources. To look here or there. To think about this or that. Signs always require your choice to be aware and your choice to choose to abide by the sign(s).
As of right now there have been Three western events. Russia and China united in continuous military action in Syria. The Islamic attack in France. The Islamic attack in San Bernardino.
Signs always precede. So now we are in the continuation.
Added on 30 April 2016:
Yes, These are important: John Guandolo. You Tube search term with less than 1 year. To find more info. It is important to match his Quran versus with what he is saying. Get the facts and actually verify them from sources and not from parrot people.
 At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something. Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Christian by Mouth prophecy: (Unedited): 02 Aug 2015:

The end of 40 days (04 Aug 2015) is approaching and there has been no Jonah for the American people. Is this evidence of enough is enough or is it still to early in the prophecies? God has been rejected. Ten Commandments Removed. Abortion legalized. Gays rights established. Apathy is rampant. Not even the whole of the Christian community is willing to fight for what is right and true in the Word of God. Can you imagine that no one is willing to stand up for the Word. Kenya is standing up against sin. Mexico is standing up against sin. Not in the USA.
Celebrating those who come out of the shadows of their own closets proclaiming their free right to sin as they publicly will it. Murders us all. You may not see the harm in another person's sin. This is what is does. It does harm you. When the blessings of God are gone and all that remains are those curses upon ourselves. Will you be one of those who curses God for allowing us to become angered at our own experience of self cursing? Or will you be one of those who prays to God to ease the coming sufferings? While still accepting all manor of sin as a free right.
You cannot have it all. 
Free, legal and public sin.
The protections and blessings from God.
One or the other.
In this there is no spoken answer. How you live your life which is either in agreement with Gods standards or not. There is no in between and no none answers. You either do in it's entirety or you don't do in it's entirety. 
This is prophecy where the people begin to curse God for bringing calamity upon us all. When in truth it was us who shall bring the coming calamities. We are at fault and not God.
Because, The entire Christian community has allowed these actions to continue. They shall be the ones who suffers the most. Because, they are only Christian by mouth and not in mind, not in heart, not in spirit and not in life. Thus, Beginning after 04 Aug 2015 and through the next ?30? or so years.  It will be evident that the Christians have lost their good ole USA and the entire planet. Of course it all will not happen on 04 Aug 2015. This is just a beginning date. In order to turn the events around and to regain the USA. The entire Christian community must as a singular unit of people must actively reject all public displays of sin. Every where their is a parade of sin. The entire Christian community must actively be present and engaged in the repelling of all sin. This includes physical establishments of every kind. The Christian community as a whole must not do business with any business of sin and must not allow it to exist. No matter what the local, state and federal laws state. 
But, of course, this shall not happen as prophecy says it won't. But, prophetic events can be altered. By living righteously and holy in the eyes of God. The entire Christina community shall become the enemies within their own country. Which shall be controlled by a great evil influence. Which is already controlled by the evil influence.
Because, in the end of the prophecies. 5+ Billion people will die in a short period of time and then extinction on this planet shall follow in a purifying manor. Those who have built those great defensive cities underground. Shall also perish. The only safe places is far away off planet or by becoming one of the very small remnant of God. Those who may even find refuge within the ancient archeology of this solar system. Shall still find their final resting places.
Years of suffering. You must use Jewish years. For instance.  A few months prior to the years may have a direct relationship. Such as the savings and loan scandal of 1993 which was preceded by Yasser Arafat event on 13 Sept 1993. Also in 1993, The Waco,TX. event which may have been the slaughter or sacrifice of innocents.

1994(5754), 2001(5761), 2008(5768), 2015(5775), 2022(5782), 2029(5789), 2036(5796).
Preppers and Survivalists

You Doomsday Preppers and survivalist. Need to continue to plan and evolve your plans. Grow your skill sets within your personal toolbox. Reach out and create your own real inter web of personal relationships. You will not be able to go it alone. The government will isolate you, surround you, declare you a crazy criminal on all media outlets for instant guilt. Thus, when they do rush in and kill you all. They will be justified with no cries for an investigation by the general public.
It will be necessary to establish your own internal micro-economies and economy exchanges. With those other related groups and of Religious beliefs. Then do no business and have no relationship with any sinner or with those who are even in agreement with a sinners rights/freedoms. These economies will need to establish themselves as private clubs. Such as Sam's and Costco. There is already much legal president for these kinds of businesses.
Your Number one prep that you can do is still preparing the condition of your body, mind, heart and soul. You must freely choose without threat's, fear's or intimidation's, to live your outward and inward lives with righteousness and holiness as accepted and seen by God. There is a difference between being religious and righteous. Yes, The time will come when you will have to leave your church and church friends. For if they or anyone comes to accept sin as a right or freedom. Then you must flee from them ALL. Even entire religions. If it comes to that.
If God wants any of you to endure unto the end and the rapture becomes a false teaching. Then may you all endure unto your end with a godly mind, godly heart and a godly spirit as seen and accepted by only God. If the rapture is true and it will only be known to you personally. Then may you all be willing to be taken without fight, argument or negotiation. Either way eternal life shall be yours.
As with anything. Your mindset is your greatest asset coupled with your training. Shall see you through to the end. So train, train and train. Join together with individual training regimes. Which grows into multifamily, multi group. Leaderships shall not be automatically given to the one who financially gave the most in monies and property. Because, in those dire times. ownership goes to the whole and not individual. All wealth is shared equally. With no top down approach. In those extreme times of drastic survival. There shall be no historical rights of ownership or any legal protections which has protected you.
yet, we have another prophesied and predicted event for Sept 2015. Take them all with a grain of salt but use these events as training for when any event which may actually occur. Whether it be natural, unexplained or man made.
All individual survival training routines shall seamlessly merge into a larger group and that larger groups training routine shall seamlessly merge into those much larger groups.
A reminder. Those individuals, families and groups which rejects all sin from the Word of God may survive and endure unto the end. However that may be defined by God. So if adultery thrives within the group. The whole group shall be overtaken and perish. You would be better off. To send the two adulterers out into the wilderness then to experience the wrath of God upon the whole group. Read about Balaam and Balak. Numbers 22-26. Do not become like those who curse themselves, their families or their nations. This includes you.
It shall be better for you to cast out your sinful sons and daughters then it is for the whole of the family to be destroyed and to be made extinct. For in those days when the prophecies are openly revealed to everyone and yet they continue to sin. They have made their decision and have chose physical and spiritual death. In those days they will no longer be able to freely change their own minds. God has taken that away from them. Even though they know the outcome to come. They know they cannot change and this is not a will not change.While the angrily disobedient is willful in their decision to remain disobedient. Those ones who cannot change their ways have already been judged and must play their parts accordingly to Gods will.
Added on 02 July 2015: 1834 Hrs.:
All of you doomsday preppers. Who are already self sufficient and self prospering. It is time for all of you who are righteous in your living to come together as a singular self supporting unit. Your numbers shall grow and become as large as a small town. Being a newly created small town. You must continue to reject all sinners from entry into your small town. To go and come together. Lift up your roots and find like heart spirits who are righteous in living, in spirit, in mind, in heart, in body. Those who are like you will come but so to those evil ones who know the difference between the true light and the fake lights of the fallen angels who still want to be gods all to themselves. All must be tested as one tests the spirits and angels. Even the good and righteous angels must be tested with respect. Because, You still must be accepting of the chosen ones of God. No matter their skin tone or national origin. So, if you want to remain or become righteous. You must sever your ties to any racially motivated or isolated group who pretends to be religious. That won't be enough. Because, if you choose to become righteous because of any fear's, threat's or intimidation's. That may just be enough for God to not know you. Even though you are a gifted theologian, preacher or Holy Bible teacher.
But still prepare to permanently keep your bug out bags at the ready. In that time just as the Jews of old had to flee. So to all of you. If you decide to keep the faith. The time shall come when all must take the mark and those who do not shall thirst, starve and be without new clothing. They who do not take the mark shall have no ownership rights whatsoever. Whatever that mark shall end up being.
Other Doomsday Prepper Blogs:
Added on 03 Aug 2015:
This work was re-published on Freedom Preppers News paper.
Thank you to the Freedom preppers team for selecting my work to be republished. 
 At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something. Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Civilian Desperate Ground: (Unedited): 12 April 2015:

Death Lands, 
Dying Ground, 
Death Ground,
Desperate Ground,
By: Sun Tzu 
Depending on the interpretations this is the final ground of 9. The book of Sun Tzu and his "The Art of War" Is for warfare in a variety of degrees. But, this entire book is also used world wide for business and other ares of aggressive yields. It is my opinion that this is an evil book. One that I have read many times.
The reason for this is because the USA seems to be on the path of becoming Dying Ground. The whole of the country becoming grounds of death. In which the police officers and other law enforcement personnel are going to become actively involved in shootings on a regular basis. 
The more the civilian population becomes fearful of authority. The more often the civilian population will begin to actively respond in a psychological manor as if they were actually on Dying ground. In which for however they base their own psychological decisions. They conclude that they must either fight or die, to kill or be killed in order to just survive contact with any law enforcement agent. This state of immediate desperation is easily seen in the recent WalMart shootings by justifiable police officers in Cottonwood Arizona. It will only be much later for anyone to discover that this family is apocalyptic. Which is centered around the Christian prophecies of the end of days.
Psychologically speaking in regards to these types of Christian apocalyptic families. Separating them from one another can result in serious aggressive actions. If they do not understand that the separation is just to collect data to ascertain the incident. If there was one. If the people do not understand this separation activity then they will immediately respond with violence. Without any ramp up in aggressions. It does not really matter their level of self defense as shown by this so called Christian family. Fortunately for those law enforcement personnel. None of them appeared to be well trained in hand to hand combat. They were willing to kill or be killed. 
You can easily see just how religiously brain washed they were. From their deep religious beliefs they have never transcended into the actual righteousness as taught by Jesus Christ. Listen to their verbal accusations and their curse words. Their aggressive actions is absolutely contrary to their life of chosen faith. For even Jesus healed healed the servant of the ear which was violently taken by Peter. For I tell you the truth this family and others like them have the spirit of Judas. In which Judas acted badly and then violently took his own life. You cannot love one another and then act out with violence. This is the most basic teaching of the life of Jesus.
Interesting from
21 march 2015: Cottonwood Arizona. WalMart parking lot.
Warning Mature content on
Holy Bible, Wiki, Books and Chapters to study. 
They are to deliver you into tribulation and you will be killed. No where does it say to fight back and to kill. 
Why is this one important? Because even though the Roman empire was and has ruthlessly controlling the Jewish people. Yet, Jesus Christ saw it to express love to this roman police officer.
Jesus did not resist nor did He fight back when He was taken. Jesus never even defended himself. This is a cold hard truth that many Christian doomsday preppers or Christian survivalist seem to not agree with and how it relates to their own lives. It is easy to be religious and so difficult to live righteously as Jesus had commanded his disciples and followers. We are all to do as Jesus had done. 
And Jesus knew and still went forward in peace. Jesus was brutalized and yet he did not cry out for His legions of Angels. Jesus allowed himself to be nailed and pierced. Jesus even offered forgiveness to all. Where is the violence in all of his deeds and actions from the last supper?
Even if that means walking willingly into the modern day incinerators which may be coming to the USA. Maybe, even during Hillary Clinton's reign, if the USA survives President Obama. The only way President Obama can stay in office is to institute nationwide martial law. Oops, Transgress? 

This is going beyond race. The common people of the USA are already becoming one. Even though their is no such thing as race amongst the species of human beings. So anything the general population views a cop killing what appears to be an innocent human being. They see themselves getting shot or shot at.  This is the psychological creation of mental death ground.
What follows below is very graphic. Mature content. Warning.
Just because I post the videos. You should not automatically assume who is guilty. Without first researching the entire story from sources. Which includes court cases. Some of these are failure to comply. You will not know the circumstance for every stop. The intentions of these videos are not for entertainment purposes at all. 
Dallas Police, Mentally ill man
Montana cop.
New Jersey cop fatally shoots unarmed man.
SC Trooper shoots unarmed man following instructions.
Police dog mauls suspect to death
SC Cop on murder charges.
Taos, NM. Cops fire into minivan with children.
There are more and there seems to be whole lot more of cops getting shot at and killed. This is what is going to happen. The news media is running every story related to guns and cops. It is almost as if they are manipulating people psychologically. People are also cops. Because cops are human beings, they also feel fear everyday and at every stop or call. 
The bad cops are going to cause good cops to get killed. Civilians will begin at some time to defend their friends and family. Civilians will begin to see all law enforcement officials as an enemy equal to any terrorist. Will these feelings be true? of course not. But, truth doesn't matter. If truth mattered there would not be any racism. Because, the separation and division of the races of humanity is an absolute lie and perpetuated deception. 
How to end all of the coming woes to the world
You must love one another.
You must live in peace with every one and yourself.
You must exist in harmony with all.
You must be obedient to all of those Righteous and Holy laws. 
All of these things you must be willing to do by your own free will. All without threat or fears. You must do these things because you know it to be the right thing to do.  

At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Thursday, April 9, 2015

California Prophecy 2016: (Unedited): 09 April 2015:

01 Sept 2015 Closed: 
California Final Warning prophecy
California Prophecy Final Warning for those who find this: California Prophecy final warning.
If you are reading this on or after 09 April 2015 and are living within California.
Sell your real estate now. Look for employment in another state. Then move. The wise will already be moving. The wise will already be established. The wise will be going on with their lives as they watch those who remain in California suffer greatly. This will not be an overnight event. This will take time. The first employment losses will be in Shipping, Trucking and warehousing. To be followed by every other business which supports or serves families in logistics. The California tax base falls. Around the same time frame. Commercial real estate bankruptcies. Unemployment skyrockets. Sharp rise in Crime. Starvation, Death in the deserts.
May delete all of blue. Final warnings and not of possibilities beyond 2016. ????

If you have any investments which operate within California. Divest of them as soon as possible.
If you are so upside down on your real estate assets. Then go find other employment and then move before the banks take them over.
If you primary form of employment is in logistics. Which includes, Shipping, Rail, Warehousing and trucking. You have about 1 year left before your jobs disappear. So if your company has transfer options. Take them and run. Especially if it is near the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic Ocean. It doesn't matter where. Just go and go very very soon.
Here is the reason why.
California prophecy related blogs:
This is Prophecy. California Prophecy:
Added on 01 Sept 2015: I'm closing this.
I sure did miss the drought problems. If you have any business in California. Then Divest now. If you have friends and relatives in California. Tell them to move out now. Time is short.
Added on 02 March 2017: 
Calexit written about in 2016:
Added on 21 Sept 2018: Any videos seen is for you to back check all information spoken as fact on every video. 
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

 Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Beautiful Conformity: Bloody Dissenters: (Unedited): 04 April 2015:

There will be those who believe that for humanity to become a one people and a one world. There must be conformity in all aspects of life. Through strict conformity shall humanity obtain an accomplished beauty that has never been seen. But, at what cost? Loss of natural evolution? Loss of Self directed ascension? 
The management of all of humanity is not the right path to becoming a singular people, a singular family, a singular planet or even a singular race of humans. Before we human beings can become a singular planet and a singular family of people. The truth must all be revealed. Starting by first making the truth, news worthy. You can start with all of the different human races and how racism is an action based on an absolute lie. Research for yourself DNA finger printing, The Human Genome project and a clearer understanding on how the skin functions. Not to mention how the ancient oral traditions and the Ancient holy texts clearly prove that we are all one race called human beings.
There is a reason why the leadership in North Korea are heroes to the rest of the world who wants to control everything. Just like how the wealthiest dictators are some of the wealthiest people in the world are are admired by the rest of the worlds leaders. 
Other losses will be in the arts, Music. Illegal - Free and illegal- unrestricted thinking will limit invention as well as accidental invention. Stagnation in all aspects of life will begin and will become an exponential decline. Creativity will be murdered. Any aspect of spirituality merging with the human mind and physical body will be impossible.
Of course all of those human beings who are to be managed forever. Will know not of anything and only know what has been taught to them without the freedom to question other possibilities. But, those who are of the management class will have the freedom to do as they will. So as long as nothing is revealed to the managed class.
Bloody Dissenters: (Unedited): 04 April 2015: 
Bloody shall be all physical, mental and spiritual dissenters. Those enemies of directed conformity. To be free of freedom's enslavement is a stressful release. Which often times requires the dissenters blood to be freed to flow upon the battlefield.
Assuming there is a such a thing as evolution or ascension. Which I do believe are both real and yet somewhat different to each other. I think evolution and ascension can be achieved in the single short life span of any human being who chooses to seek them out. But, for any human to do so. Immediately becomes a genuine threat to every religion and every political leader. A threat which must be destroyed. Just as all of those who have taught love, peace and harmony have all been murdered.
All of those who isolate themselves shall be killed. If you cannot be exactly like the many who are to be managed. Then you will be killed. This includes those survivalist and doomsday preppers. How this will be done is through isolation. With the state of technology the way it is today. Conduct research into their secret locations and then just drop bombs on them. End of their anti-conformity problems. If those who are to become the Human managers/gods cannot find a human being to obey their orders. Then those robotic drones will do it for them. All without dissent, hesitation or guilt.
Top Secret Drum Line from blue to bloody red. What is the real message? From minute 3. Just watch how the two dissenters are separated and isolated from one another. Then they each are ganged up on and then ultimately destroyed. This to is how everyone will be responded to in that time of the cleansing of all dissenters.
Captain America. Is he a dissenter from planned and directed conformity? What happens in the next movie. Where Bucky the former dissenter is brought back into conformity time and time again. When any dissenting unwanted memory develops or creeps back.
The only hope for humanity at this time is to search out the truth and to question within themselves everything they think they know is truth. The journey towards evolution and ascension can be merged together for a spiritual freedom. Which has only been known to only a few human beings all throughout human history. This does involve choosing to freely live your life within the philosophy of love, peace, harmony, life and law.
Your total freedom if you freely choose to follow the journey towards evolution and ascension based on the principles of law, life, love, peace, and harmony.  You shall become as the creator intended. A righteous and holy people as he defines it to be.
To be righteous and holy are not those things which are only awarded to a lucky few and is determined in a vote by only a few so called superior human beings
Righteousness and Holiness are states of being. 
This is prophecy.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Israel USA: (Unedited): 19 March 2015:

This is prophecy
Current News. The USA under the leadership of president Obama. Will re-assess it's policies with Israel.
News from around the world

This can become a very serious issue for the USA. President Obama is all of our duly elected President of all of these United States of America and territories. It does not matter if you voted for President Obama or not. He won and won twice. It does not matter your argument against the sitting president. It just doesn't matter. The president is the singular voice of us all. So Say we all..   So what ever the President speaks. We all will either be blessed or become cursed.
 Here is why this can become very serious. If the president of these United States does reassess the American policy toward Israel in a negative and nonsupporting fashion. Then God Himself will discipline the whole of the country because of the actions of that Countries leader. God has done it before. Read your Bible. Or read these:
When God disciplines the whole of a nation. All of the people suffer. 
You doomsday preppers and survivalist. Just in case the President speaks of nonsupport of Israel at the UN and also n policy changes. Then expect God to discipline us all. Here is some extreme thinking. If President Obama is certain of Israel protection and favoritism from the God of Israel. Then President Obama may use the coming discipline of God to evolve his presidency into the supreme ruler under martial law. There is an old Kenyon prophecy that the Kenyon son will be the USA's last President. 
Dinner Date night with wife. 
We went to Chili's and sat side by side. We sat at table 22. It was very cool. In front of a television monitor which was on CNN. CNN aired to two stores about racial violence. A black skinned man hanging from a tree in Mississippi. The young black skinned college man from a Virginia College. Who was beaten bloody by police on cell phone cameras. Then the story of President Obama and how he is planning to reassess policy in regards to Israel. 
Usually, If God wants me to pay attention to a thing. I am usually presented with the number 22 in some fashion. 
Here are the numbers on the top line of the receipt. Table #22. Check #20020. Guest.2 
No more related numbers. Time 6:24 PM. 
The two violent stories based on race. is actually stories of false beliefs. The separation and division of the races of man is all a lie. We are one race of people called human. I found it interesting that these two lies and deceptions surrounded President Barack Obama story. All three principles were all dark skinned men. Do a Google search term: "C.J.MacKechnie Racism race" To learn the source of truth. The absolute logical facts. 
Added on 20 March 2015:
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 


Sunday, October 19, 2014

Self Quarantine: (Unedited): 18 Oct 2014:

How do you save yourself and your family? When a global pandemic occurs. By self quarantining yourself before the virus comes into your area. But, buy that time weeks may have gone by and contamination can have already spread. If a virus like the quickly mutating Ebola can survive on a surface under the right conditions for a couple of weeks. Then it can take from 3 to 6 weeks for the human being to become contagious or show signs of illness. The only thing you can do is to go underground and remain there for up to 6+ weeks after the last sign of Ebola for this case. How long do you have to remain underground? I have no idea. You will just have to maintain contact with the news and other sources of communications via technology only. Once you have locked up. You cannot have any physical contact of any surface outside of your primary security door. Even if other family arrive late as in days, weeks or even months. It will be too late. To open the door. Kills you all. You may want to plan a 6+ week safe room which can have a direct access to the primary shelter. Which means all supplies will have to be in place as well as decontamination supplies.

Each of you will need to become debt free. Including full ownership of your real estate properties. Because, If you do go underground for an extended period of time. You do not want the bank or mortgage holders to come in and foreclose on your properties. You won't want your electricity, water, gas, cable/internet to be disconnected either. You will need to use those services for as long as they are available and be able to pay for them with online services. 
In the beginning a governmental quarantine for specific areas is just going to be a deceptive ploy. One which calms the population at large and the other is to maintain COG. Continuity of Government is exactly as it sounds and is something very troubling if you are not one of the selected. The government will go underground and all of those who are selected shall be secreted off. No one outside of those activities will know and it will not be advertised or reported by any media outlet. If the information of selected civilians are released in any public format. It will just cause more panic.
The federal government will use the National Guard,  local law enforcement agencies, fire departments as well as non-selected medical personnel to become the compassionate face of the federal activities in action. They will all become the ones who are sacrificed for the survival of COG. Even though they shall not know or even be told their purpose.
But, many will suspect and know and they will abandon their posts and duties in order to attempt to save their own family members. No one will even know that those selected will have been placed in their secure environments as they all will be able to still maintain their duties and businesses with the help of technology.
:11 Truths of Ebola:
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  “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:
