Showing posts with label Extinction. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Extinction. Show all posts

Saturday, August 11, 2018

The Strong Will Survive: (Unedited): 11 Aug 2018:

As the human extinction process begins. The strong will survive unto the bitter end. While the Good will die young and will be among the first. The strong will eventually see the mercy and compassion in those good souls who died sooner than the strongest soul will die alone at the conclusion of the extinction process.
At any Cost: (Unedited): (Unedited): 11 Aug 2018:
Those souls who shall continue to live at any cost will eventually know how this wonderful planet has become a hell to live upon. Then once those strong souls breathe their last breath. They too may awaken to experience a hell worse than what this planet has/will become.
Renege on Evil: (Unedited): 11 Aug 2018:
It is better to renege on contracts and deals with evil. Then it is to follow through with the evil conclusion. For once those deals and pacts are complete all of humanity loses. No one wins and no one will profit anything. For all of humanity will be lost. Except for those repentant souls who have become holy and righteous in the accepting eyes of God only. 
Isolated Hell: (Unedited): 11 Aug 2018:
The pride of the strong soul is deceived into thinking that when they go to hell they will overthrow and rule over all of hell. The strong soul falsely thinks that hell is the preferred place of satan's and devil's. Hell is a Holy and Righteous God created prison in which you are forced to maintain all manner of consciousness while you are perpetually tortured with all manner of pain and while you are completely isolated from the other lost souls including the fallen angels. Until it is time for even your spirit and soul to be permanently executed. God brings the hell not any satan's or devil's.
Note: I've written this before. I knew some of the most brilliant men in the USA, back in the day. The kind of intelligence which required no calculators. Of course there weren't any calculators until Texas Instruments red display. Even after they did not require machines to do their thinking or calculating for them. Unlike today, Software programs are preferred by common people for everyday thinking like "Ask Siri"(Had to conduct serious spell checks). There will be many evolutions of these Siri types of programs. Anyway one thing I learned from being around these very brilliant men for years is that they were very capable of doing amazing things. While at the same time still be very capable of messing up their own personal lives and the personal lives of everyone else involved with them.
I know there is great human intelligence in USA, Russia, China, Iran and everywhere else in the world. I also know that no matter how pridefully smart you think you are. Your just a dumb human being who shares more than 99.9% of all of your DNA with every other dumb human being on this rock. Which means those decisions you make affects us all. Including your dealings with those fallen angels who you refer to as other names and designations. You may think that what you are doing as beneficial to your own people. You are not. For all they will tell you is half truths. While you make machines in which they never mentioned the inductance effects upon this whole planet Or for one device. They will forget to mention those other effects which doesn't seem to important in that moment of your excitement. You are getting into the place where the absence of perceived information is more important than what the idea will do for you.
I've written this before. Those fallen angels will tell to you your specific half truths while at the same time tell the Russians and Chinese and whoever else they have direct contact with half truths for them as well. While calling themselves a particular name or kind for the Russians, another name or kind for the Chinese and yet another name or kind for the Americans. While proclaiming no contact with any other nation using that one name or kind they use with you. Which is a half truth. Remember the gods of old and their human interactions? Those things which they taught us and which has even survived unto today in the minds of all humans such as the names of all of the stars. Have made the world we all have today and if we all want our or their(currently) world to survive and our species to survive into the next evolution of humanity. We all must reject all off planet(other) interactions until all of humanity becomes as one as our DNA suggests. If you smart and in the know people do not begin this rejection process of them, then they are going to end us all. Oops, except they won't end humanity. We dumb humans will do it for them. Through the hatreds and untrusting eyes of your own brothers whom you call enemy. You ever know someone who had pride, ego, supremacy and arrogance at their knowing of just how much they can manipulate other people they perceive as less than them? You probably do. Well guess what. This is the fallen angels and their dealings with all of humanity. Because to those fallen angels we are all just that stuff which is in their petri dish worthy of the same rights as whatever else you smart human people put into those petri dishes in your own public, private, governmental or classified labs. How much power do you exercise over the contents of your petri dish? How would you react if those contents demanded anything like right to life? as you properly incinerate those contents without a second thought or any emotional connection. But, what if you can manipulate those contents to make their own device of incineration or extinction? After all what follows is just an evolution of the experiment.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Sunday, July 22, 2018

Prophecy Inevitability: +5: (Unedited): 22 July 2018:

Prophecies based on the human decision and condition without any intention from you to make moral changes in your life makes all of the prophecies inevitable.
The inevitability of any human based prophecy solely reside on the human not turning away from their evil deeds.
All prophecies are inevitable if the human beings assume that prophecies are impossible to prevent or mitigate.
 No matter who the prophet/*profit is or where the prophecies are communicated. The typical and everyday response from everyone, is how to mitigate and prevent all bad and sad human decision based prophecies. 
The celebration and the worshipping of all inevitable bad and sad prophecies. Is acceptance of the coming human extinction event wrapped in your prophetic idols.
As the entire Earth becomes bathed in the fires of purification. Know that humanity has always had the free choice to mitigate or prevent all bad and sad prophecies. The single human family upon this planet utilized their free right to celebrate and embrace their coming extinction. While ignoring their collective decision to become righteous and holy. 
*Profit is the use of the word in error on purpose and is intended to express a message. But, some people who claim to be prophets are only for the profits. Follow the money trail. I'm neither and I can say this because I have not received an email from God nor have I received writings on the wall by His own hand. When God writes on your wall. It's not gonna be good or pleasant.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Friday, May 25, 2018

Humanities Great Adversary: (Unedited): 25 May 2018:

The Roman Empire brought hell to all they were about to conquer. The Romans became the masters of dimensional warfare. The American war fighting style is many generations of evolution more advanced than what the Romans seemingly began. The modern American war fighting style has even influenced distant observers from Russia, China and every other nation who have their own war fighting capability.
The USA modern war fighting style can simultaneously attack one spot on the planet more than 12 different ways/methods and each of these *12 different ways/methods have their own unique dimensionality to them. Which is far beyond the ability of this janitor to comprehend. Yet, those 12 different ways/methods of attack are just one way to conduct an attack. There are psychological, intellectual, political, economic, resource hoarding, industrial, computer and religious forms of attacks which humanity can all conduct upon one another.
So too it is with the great adversary of humanity. His war fighting style is an unconceived number of evolutionary generations greater than the modern American war fighting style.
The great adversary only wants for all of humanity to end. He is willing to do this by causing humanity to freely decide to take those necessary actions which will result in their own extinction. All of humanity's war fighting styles are all under the subliminal control and authority of the great adversary, to the degree that all of humanity is consciously unaware of his leadership, management, plans and his final goal.
Humanity's great adversary uses all of it as well as spiritual and psychic attacks to a greater and deeper effect more than we are even aware of even in concept, even to the point that all of humanity is unaware and if humanity does become aware then they are all unbelieving in an outward expression of absolute denial.
Note: The *12 different methods of attacking one spot simultaneously is just the number that I know is available to the US Military. I'm just a janitor and I'm not in the actual know on anything. I suspect that real number is closer to 40.
Note: I find it interesting how the countries suddenly become enemies to one another and the civilian populations are not even aware of this. What happened to working for peace? Instead governments seem like they are in a digital wargame with one gamer who is controlling everything. Everyone who is capable of building their war machines are doing so for their own self-defined end game. Each nation may have their own picture of how their own end game will play out. It will not be as they see it because the great adversary of humanity is playing them all. His end game is extinction of the human species. It does not matter how you leaders of the world like him, trust him or get what you want from him. You may think you want something and are controlling him. It is he who is causing you to think what you think and to feel what you feel - he is that powerful. You will not even be aware of just how much he can actually see into all of your minds. Did I forget the great adversary has his own military forces. Their numbers are far more than all of humanities military forces combined. Each of them individually is far more advanced evolutionary than simple single generation human beings. There is no near equal comparison to us and them that we can make. They are just that much more and he is that much better than his followers. Yet, you military leaders of the world happily hold onto the secrets they teach you. Thinking that you are the special peoples and the ones who are more good than anyone else. Not know that they are also telling your perspective enemies the very same thing and they believe as deeply as you. All of humanity have been and continue to be deceived by all of them daily.
We do have a safety net. The purple words below is just one part after the initial commitment. The rejection of what the great adversary have taught you and all of humanity. Think about this and it is not to late. If every military person, warrior, soldier and combat fighter in the world. Just stopped doing what they do and just go home to pursue peace. The whole world will be at peace. If there are not anyone to fight. Then peace must result.  This is one of the choices in prophecy. That humanity converts all of their weapons into useful tool for peace. This is prophecy but then again so is extinction of all of humanity. We are all truly brother and sister to one another. We are one family. We are not supposed to be enemies. But outside sources have caused us to be what we are now and we all can choose to be different than the bad persons we are expected to be. We each have worth and value. Sir or madam it's all about the purple words.
Added on 27 May 2018:
In a secular government and a secular people how would they define any entity/angel which is encountered? Especially when all religious terms are deleted from either lack of use or of importance or from a belief of a lack of accuracy.
No matter how or who or even from where. The ones to be feared most are those who can travel from here to there instantly and in any time without any ships or technology. Think about that.
Also think about how in this specific dimension and time line. Those who are in this physical universe will either succumb or exercise their own will in relation to those who are inferior in one or more category. We humans are inferior in a lot of categories to those who require physical ships. Those who require physical ships are incredibly inferior a many categories to those who do not require ships for travel. These beings who do not require any ships or technologies to travel from here to there instantly in any time as defined by you who is way smarter than me. You need to know that these beings also have spiritual structures here on Earth and elsewhere (Whatever that means). I think one is in Dunedin Florida. Think about that spiritual beings who can create spiritual structures and tie it to ... .
Yet, all of you secret people interact with these physical beings who are and have been only using you, manipulating and controlling you without your awareness or permission. In fact they have even followed many of you home. Especially if you were deemed interesting.
Yet, over time you have become separate from the purple words below to the point they are all alien to you or just unimportant as you continue on in your little box of toys. You may think and have become singularly focused on the fact your job is incredibly important to your country and all of humanity or just your country. Guess what it is all a lie and many of those toys given to your nation all contain half truths or an absence of information. Simply because you do not know how to ask. We are like small children wanting to control the burner on the stove. We learn sometimes after we get burned. But, in your secret world. What you do not know can harm all of humanity or a percentage of it. Because, those physical beings only want you and the rest of humanity to become extinct. Think about it. If all of humanity died. There will finally be peace on earth. The extinction of humanity has nothing to do with the purple words below. Your super secret life also has nothing to do with the purple words below. The beings who are still able to travel anywhere to anytime want for all of us to think about the purple words and to live by the purple words. 
So is the Earth expanding? Can you measure down to feet or inches as the diameter increases? Has the gravity increased? Can you measure gravity in the smallest of numerals to the right of the decimal point. You probably should start doing that.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Sunday, April 1, 2018

Other side of Pole: +6: (Unedited): 31 March 2018:

Big brother of honor on other side of the pole from me. Your leadership and accomplishments for your people is astounding. You have done many wonderful things which benefit your people and yet all of humanity is still on the cusp of extinction. Yet, you are still just a human man with your own sins. The propaganda from all sides sways me not. The Americans still do not even acknowledge you or are even aware that a threat is imminent. The media still lies and deceives their own readers or followers. What shall you do to gain their attention and respect? When that which whispers in your own ear also whispers in theirs. Do you not know that the whisperer of secret knowledge and secret wisdom only wants for all of humanity to come to an end by the purposeful collective choice of all humans? While he bribes you with more and more worldly gifts.
You probably know people who become happy happy happy when they can cause a person to choose to their will. The person who does the manipulators will thinks and believes that they have freely chosen to do for them self. Which is not true. This is the intent of the whisperers for every human they whisper secrets to.
Destination Decision: (Unedited): 01 April 2018:
The compass of each human being will always lead a person to their chosen destination. Even if the person is not aware of where they are going. Arriving at their destination will always be based on every decision they have made in their lives. 
Even while the world is going into the direction of extinction. You do have the power Mr. Putin to steer humanities ship into safe waters. Even while your enemy ignores and disrespects you. For a true leader shows his power and strength when the tiger with him strikes not the mindless enemy. For even the brutish enemy which has no honor and tired capabilities deserves what they make for themselves. There is no honor in bringing the fire to a defenseless foe. But to allow them to destroy themselves is also the lesson that they must learn on their own. Let them learn to pray to God. let them repent. Let them become reacquainted with sin, righteousness and holiness.
Righteous Wise Prayer: (Unedited): 01 April 2018:
If your enemy has truly been blessed by Yahweh. Then what ever you do unto them. No matter how deserving you think they are. You will likewise become reciprocated by God in his anger towards all of your people. It is wise to pray to God in regards to His wayward children. The wise prayer of the righteous is heard by God and acted upon.
Seek out those unknown righteous people who have become like the purple words below. Bring them together in secret. They may prefer it. Protect them from sin and evil. Ask them to fervently pray while in purposeful fasting. So as long as they each are in agreement with your intentions and plans. Are your intentions and plans righteous?
Bring them to the place of silence and no distractions. A variety of Holy Bibles.
The fasting can take from 1 meal to many, many days. Repeat as necessary.
Rudder Righteous Leader: (Unedited): 01 April 2018:
The compass of the world may show a hell bent heading. A righteous leader sees what is up ahead and with his hand upon the rudder. Steers clear of the coming hell to the rudeness and vile disagreement of many. The ship of the whole world is saved as those who heckled you jump into the water destined to find their own fate. In which God will see to their fate. Let them and forget them.
Bribes Gifts Value: (Unedited): 31 March 2018:
What matters of the value of bribes and gifts when the giver desires all to be destroyed and dead? even you and all that you care for.
The end for all of humanity shall be as prophecy states. We(Humanity) shall end and our end will be allowed except for the few chosen souls who will be taken and/or "*may already have be taken". Just let that sink in. Most likely not have been taken yet. But, if those on this planet who are the most innocent, righteous, and holy still remain. Then maybe there is still hope for all of humanity. But, I think once the chosen remnant are taken. All bets are off. The rest of humanity will become extinct and the Earth shall return to it's original state of a molten fireball. To become purified and restored to it's most beautiful living state. With zero evidence that Earth was ever populated by any living creatures at any time.
Yes, May already have been taken does mean I remain here as with all of my children. Yet, the purple words below remain of the upmost importance. No matter how our end occurs. We shall endure unto the end however that may happen.
Leaders whisperer: (Unedited): 31 March 2018:
A great leader leads his people with gifts of peace and harmony. A great leader espouses love for all life. A leader who selfishly listens and thirsts for secret knowledge and wisdom. Leads his people towards the final destination created by the whisperer of those secrets. For the whisperer of secrets whispered the truth. His secrets do lead to peace. But, it is the kind of peace which is known on *Venus. 
The whisperer's of secret wisdom and knowledge answer to a higher authority in which they will not admit to any lowly human who is about the same as a maggot or worm. Except instead of stepping on us as you would any ant and then go on with their lives oblivious and apathetic to the death and destruction they have caused. They only want to manipulate and experiment on all of you leaders and common peoples to seek their own ultimate suicide.
Personal Note:
As far as this civilian janitor who knows know worldly secret. There is peace on *Venus. Reader now go and research how Venus is right now.
Revealed Secret Weapon: (Unedited): 01 April 2018:
When the secrets of who is your enemy has deceived their own people. Revelation becomes your best weapon. Truth always follows the righteous and burn the evil doers. Just as hell goes with the righteous and the evil doer flees from hell. 
Being the man of contemplative logic that you are. When you come to the final conclusion that their is no hope for your enemy. But, their deceived civilian population still has hope and promise within. The truth should be put forth. The propaganda war you shall win.
When you choose peace as which is dictated by your public faith. Your God will may choose to use another method to discipline his blessed people who are your enemy. Is the Christian God your God? Then the purple words below should be of importance to you. To ignore them brings extinction and erasure to all of humanity.
Prophecy is not supposed to be those things which will happen no matter what. All bad and sad prophecies can either be mitigated or prevented.
I think there is a code in this.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Zuma: (Unedited): 18 Jan 2018:

No matter how much you desire peace on the celestial beaches with the gods. There shall only be your complete deception to be followed by your total extinction in entirety. 
There is only one way in which we all can save ourselves. AND it is the things in which most of you will wholly reject. Probably because your too smart or too educated or just too you or just too all of it. Maybe even some of you know to much or wish you had chosen a business degree to live a regular civilian life. For as many of you know it is below yourselves to acknowledge a janitor as a real person. So as they see you except far worse. They see all of us as below the worms and less than dirt. We are not even worthy of their attention and yet we are. Like an ant under their boot. Because, they messed up and our ancestors messed up. So if they are all gonna pay then they are taking us with them. It is really that simple. You guys can change all of that. There is always a third option or the option which is not presented. This is what you must seek out. Because, just because an option is not presented doesn't mean it doesn't exist. No matter how much you may have a distaste for it. You must always remember that even a gift can contain within it a half truth and a hidden secret. Both of which may not be desirable to you but acceptable to the giver of the gift. Sort of like tobacco and liquor given to the natives on the beaches in the days of sail. Did anyone say that they were addictive back then? Yet, they did know of their addictive capabilities. This is why they were given as gifts.
The entire planet has become like Nineveh, Sodom and Gomorrah, and like the days prior to Noah completing the Ark. Unlike then as it is now. We have everything and ancient humanity had nothing. So we each should strive to become like Job. A man whose character was beyond the accusers ability to comprehend. The accuser who only saw the blessings, the wealth, the respect and did not see the character of this one man(Job). In life these are the truly important things which makes each of us wealthy. They are love, mercy, compassion, honor, integrity, patience, and many many other good words. True wealth is not in land, homes, boats, cars, planes, inventions and rocket ships. Your true wealth is directly tied to each person in your family. Who is in your family? About 7.7 billion human beings.
We should all be like Yeshua, The Messiah who had come and our direct ancestors brutalized, tortured and killed him upon a cross. Yeshua, Came to serve his fellow human beings. Yeshua asked for no payments for He was the perfect sacrifice and payment for each of us. Yeshua would say to those after He healed them. To go and sin no more. This is his message to each of us to seek and walk upon the righteous road in this life. Before any person can walk upon the righteous road. Each person must repent of all of their evil doings. Then live a life of causing no harm to anyone. Read and live the purple words below. For they are just one step.
Noah's Ark can be found in South Eastern Turkey right next to the museum.
The Ark of the Covenant can be found in a small cavern underneath where the Cross of Yeshua stood. Warning. Be sure your invited first before you try to be in it's presence. Righteous and Godly angels don't play.
 To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Monday, January 15, 2018

Chinese Profound Accomplishments: (Unedited): 15 Jan 2018:

The most profound of all accomplishments also comes with the greatest risks and bone chilling fears.
The leadership of China eyes their friendly foe far across the great water with distrust. Yet, they stare in disbelief as that once great nation falters and tries to regain it's own stability. Yet, they know they must leapfrog over this still very powerful nation militarily. Sometime prior to 2050, China will leap frog all of the world's military's in every category. Just as how the USA once owned every military category ever written.
The biggest question is. Is China the trigger to the extinction of all human beings on this planet? Yes, I still believe so. The evidence is clear. China is still building their war machines faster than ever. China's modernization of every weapon system is never ending.
There is an out. There is a way to stop being the trigger. Because, a trigger is not ever in control. It is the one squeezing the trigger who is in control.
How to stop being the trigger. This means stop being the threat. If the USA sees that you are no longer a threat. Then the USA will stop building their own war machines and sending them into your claimed waters. I know you Chinese have read my writings and you know what I will write next. NOT.
I had another Chinese vision. I saw a large force of to many to count Chinese soldiers and much equipment marching into North Korea. Not a shot was fired as they crossed. But, if any North Korean soldier fired. It would have been an absolute blood bath. In which North Korea would lose badly and totally. The US/South Korean forces would wait for the North Korean commitment towards China's forces and then take out all of the "C's". Russian forces held off their line as well as transgressed into North Korea many miles.
 The how to it all is unknown to me. But, it happened peacefully or in our here and now. It is possible. NO COMMENT. The civilian news proclaimed it the worlds largest humanitarian effort led by China. Then days later the USA joined in as well as many other nations to lead North Korean under Chinese rule into world acceptance. This needs to happen. Because, apparently the top level of the USA and South Korea knew as they were prepared to do their responsible part. Russia also knew and did their part. This can happen without a shot fired. I think the key is to flood North Korea with Chinese troops. So that the North Korean police, military and spies can be all neutralized quickly. By protecting the civilian population. The North Korean soldiers will not have the fear of their entire family being killed. So the individual North Korean soldier may capitulate to the Chinese and may even escort the Chinese regulars.
Once the North Korean threat is neutralized to the American satisfaction and a reunified Korea is established in time. The Americans will see no need to maintain a presence or maintain their scary weapons systems. The Americans will leave a unified Korea.
Now comes the old vision of China. If China stops being the trigger to the world. The whole of humanity lives. So China, stop building your war machines and begin to look up. Then plan to go up there. You people of China will eventually take all of humanity to the edge of the solar system. All in peace. Now you know the meaning of this quote. So do and lead humanity. By you China doing peaceful things. You lead all of humanity into great accomplishments. You should have made those islands into resorts. The longer you(China) Travel down the road to war. The more likely war will be in your future. You will always reap what you sow. There will be no honor or glory in the next world war. Only extinction.
 To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Prophetic Consequences: (Unedited): 26 Oct 2017:

It is the collective disobedience of humanity which brings forth the collective prophetic consequences that all of humanity will have to endure and suffer through.
As prophecy states it is the end of days, end of the age, end of the world or the end times. No matter how you understand it as. The collective disobedience and collective sins of all of humanity will bring consequences to us all. Even the beginning of the extinction process. We each may have to endure unto our own individual end. However that may happen.
If we are all truly so close that the horses are about to ride in order to pour out the wrath of God upon us all. There is still time to avert all of the bad and sad prophecies from happening. All we each have to do is the purple words below. If you are a soldier. Then just go home to your family and fight no more. The final war of this worldly age is about to cause our end. It is the common person who can stop it all from happening. All the common person has to do is stop building the war machines. Go home to your family and obtain good works for the benefit of all of humanity. Anyone who causes harm and suffer. Cease such evil activities and be at peace. When your at peace, harmony will come and then love will fill you with a renewed and profound purpose in life. Then will you understand the purpose of the laws of God and of life. That is when you will begin to know what righteousness is all about. Righteousness and holiness causes no harm or suffering. Any human clothed in special clothing who orders or encourages others to cause harm and suffering is an anti-God and anti-Allah.
Any human who proclaims Christianity and declares that it is OK to sin and tolerate sin in any way no matter the legality is an anti-Christ. Any human teacher, preacher, priest and theologian who omits the teachings of how to become righteous and holy in the eyes of God only. Is an anti-Christ.
You really need to read the Holy Bible. Who is the victor and who loses? God wins and the saints lose in the physical world. satan and his fallen angels lose badly as well. How does Jesus return? Go and read the demeanor of the returning Emanuel. Is the returning Yahshua a happy fuzzy wuzzy hug-able and fun loving kind of dude? Go and read the Holy Bible on His returning demeanor.
The purple words below is the how to stop it all. This is for everyone on this planet.
Personal note: If you are in a religious position of any authority and you have refused to teach sin and righteousness. Then you are an Anti-Christ. If you actively tolerate sin openly and publicly. Then your an Anti-Christ. I'm sorry if my statements make you feel sad. But, I had to write these words. Not to accuse or destroy. But, to wake you up so that you can again begin to teach that which you are supposed to and more. So that we all will be saved, this means you too. So that we all can change the mind of God just as Jonah and the people of Nineveh had. It is possible for all of humanity to either stop and or mitigate any bad and sad prophecy. Or suffer a worse fate than those of Sodom and Gomorrah. That is in the Holy Bible as well. Why, will it be worse for us than it was for the people of Sodom? Because, we have everything and they had very little. Yet we refuse to be obedient not because of the law but because we all refuse to love one another.
It is already known that there is change happening in some church leadership. I'm supposed to say that. If enough people change and begin to see the impossible path of righteousness and holiness. Yet still walk upon that holy path. Then maybe, A true life changing revival will come to the world in the felt movement of the Holy Spirit as it was in Pentecost. Go read about it in the Acts 2:1-5.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Revival Revulsion: Religion Extinction: Prideful Supremacy: (Unedited): 12 April 2017:

Revival comes when those who are on the outside. Desire to be within. When those who are within cannot get those who are on the outside to join in on a planned revival. Then expiration of the religion is at hand. 
Religion Extinction: (Unedited): 12 April 2017: 
If the religion set up by God to teach each individual person on how to get back to him is no longer taught. Then God will cause the extinction of that religion and begin a new. 
It is really very simple. Religion is supposed to be a pathway to God. A heathen sinner is supposed to become repentant of their lifestyle and of all sins. Religion is supposed to teach against immoral lifestyles and of every sort of sin. Religions are suppose to teach the path to God is each person freely choosing to become righteous and holy in the accepting eyes of God. All without any pride, ego, arrogance and supremacy.
This feels like a prophecy and yet it isn't because revulsion of Christianity is occurring right now and everyone knows it. Yet, no one wants to acknowledge the revulsion of Christianity and who is at fault for the population to become disgusted.
It is also very simple as to why. Christians are no longer christian and yet proclaim themselves to be. People get to go to church and pretend to be christian and yet outside of church. No one knows who they are on Sunday for 1.5 hours. In church there is no relationship or no church family. A church family whom you have a everyday relationship with - daily.
Christians today in America have the same problems as the heathen sinner. Which must mean that the professed Christian are actually the heathen sinner or wolves dressed as sheep. Statistically speaking of course. My words are also against pastors, preachers and theologians. For if you Google search pastor arrested you will be disheartened as I was. It seems in every locality pastors are committing all manor of crimes/sins.
Wasn't it back in the old days. Christians had no relationship with anyone outside of the faith. If a person began to live a worldly life. They were excommunicated. people who were new or who were on the outside saw how the Christians actually were. By that observation. The seeds of revival begins to grow. But, when Christians are the same as everyone else. What is the point of revival? Revival no longer matters. When those who are on the outside see and witness how actual Christians live their own lives like ever other heathen sinner. They see the truth that Christians are Hippocrates. That the churches condone all sin and allow all sin within their holy places. Even heathen sinners know this to be wrong. Any person can logically conclude that it is impossible for any sort of genuine revival to occur in the current state of Christianity.
Standing in your lifted up place of prideful supremacy and calling it a place of holiness is the same as making yourself god. 
You who are in those places of authority. Those of you whose words are golden, It is up to you to begin to teach the whole truth on how each person can get back to God in the entirety. This must include teaching all sin and rejecting all sin. This must include teaching righteousness and holiness. All without any pride, ego, arrogance or supremacy. You must begin to build church family relationships. Those who are not on the path of righteousness. Must be excommunicated.  Christians must live in the world but not of the world. This includes all manor of dealings with outside of church persons and businesses. In other words you don't. 
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Saturday, August 13, 2016

Political Triggers: (Unedited): 13 Aug 2016:

New content at bottom. 
I'm very displeased with the politics of humanities various belief systems. Which seem to be all based in many various forms of deception.

The political system has always been the trigger to great and mighty fires. The last human trigger to rise up shall grow a weapon which shall spread fire and death all across the globe. In their victory and conclusive peace they shall celebrate as the last remaining human beings die off. Extinction.

As of August 2016. China is now the official trigger to the extinction of humanity on this planet. The trigger is not what is dangerous. It is the action which causes the trigger to cause an event. If you have read my writings you know I think that China is the trigger. The biggest danger is that force, group, beings or people who put the squeeze on the trigger. The trigger can only do what it is designed and engineered to do.
There is still hope for us all. Though becoming more and more improbable everyday. Extinction is our future and our extinction is our fault. It is only the common peoples who can avert extinction. This must be done through non participation in any security, para- military police or military force. Then each common person must begin to live by example. Which means the purple words I have written many many times.
Love one another.
Live in Peace with everyone.
Exist in Harmony with all things.
Revere all life.
Obey the laws of God.
Chinese Leadership.  Your All In? Aren't You?
Truth and revelation is the answer. The words in purple is the answer above.
Just as what the old Soviets has brought and caused the world to be, shall be paid for by the Russians of today. All of what the Russian's perceive as threats is of their own creation or ancient plan.
The funds/monies spent by the Chinese Leadership on the Spratly Islands. Shall become a burden to all of the peoples of the world. Starting with the Asian Peoples. All will know suffering and death. Because, of this endeavor.
China will do this with the Spratly Islands. This is only one aspect of the growing military force of China.
The Spratly Islands will become an evolutionary leap in military fortress creation (Leap Frog). Each of the Chinese occupied islands will have it's own nuclear power plants. Power generation will far exceed the requirements typically thought of. There will also be power storage capabilities. All of this excess is for the new energy based weapons systems which will come online. These energy based weapons systems will quickly destroy satellites in orbit and at a larger conical or circular diameter than what will be thought of by the USA, NATO and Russia.The Chinese side of the planet will be their side of the planet. Even all orbital assets. Your worried about A2/AD. What China is building is a genuine leap frog.
A2/AD school.
With that kind of power output. The destruction of airplanes of any kind will happen quickly and thus re-targeting can be achieved quickly for the next immediate threat.
The RADAR systems will be multi frequency phased systems. Networked into a central control system. Clouded. 14 Aug 2016: Not so clouded now.
Deleted prideful comment.

----News of Nuclear Power--------
Added on 14 Aug 2016:
===The 9 Spratly Islands===
Fiery Cross, Subi Reef, Mischief Reef, Cuarteron Reef, Gavin Reef, Hughes Reef, Johnson South Reef, Sand Cay, West Reef.
When all 9 islands are complete by the Chinese leadership. This will become a singular exclusive military zone of China. This will also leapfrog any capability by any military force in the world. Including the USA and Russia. No military force in the world will be able to defeat the 9 Islands. As a matter of fact the combined military forces of the world will not be able to get close to these islands. Without Chinese permission.
The biggest problems which China will face in defending and exerting their power forward in the future. Will be their ability to feed their people and their machines on each of those Islands. Water, Food and Fuel.
From what I've seen in their military training and readiness programs throughout all aspects of their military forces. The Chinese training and readiness programs at every level continues to be third rate. Because, of this. It will not matter a great deal how effective any machine is made. If the human element is poorly trained, educated and ready. Then this will become a very real problem for any outcome desired by the highest level of leadership. You gotta have heart for what you want to do.
and the one which will be next
Added on 15 Aug 2016:
===?Bible Prophecy?==
This is revelation. Interpretation is always very tough. Just remember back to when Israel was looking for their savior. The one prophesied to come. They were waiting for a military leader who would lead them in their defeat of Roman occupation. What they got was some lovey dovey turn the other cheek pacifist man. What we think we know is what we want to happen. Just like the pre-tribulation rapture. We all want this to happen. I really hope it does. It is all about what God wants and what he does will be perfect justice, compassion and mercy. Not what any human wants. To avert any bad and sad prophecy. Every human being should choose to love one another, Live in peace, exist in harmony, revere all life and obey the laws of God. All without any fears, threats or intimidation's. So, this is why a new Christian should not be shown any of the prophecies.
What is getting me on this. These islands are genuinely rising out of the sea. Symbols of China is the Dragon and the their color is red. The feet of a bear can be said to be the foundation of the animal. The foundation of Chinese military technology is from the Russians. The Symbol of the Russia is the Bear. So for those of you who know way more than me. I think this is matching but I also think that other interpretations are valid and even more valid. But, still the questions to pose are.
Can this singular beast be a seamless network system of many different things to become one?
Matching those things on the islands with the numbers and symbolic items as listed in the Holy Bible.
A beast will have eyes and ears. These could be the various kinds of RADAR systems.
Need to study the history of every island. Looking for ugly names, ugly legends and ugly symbolism.
(OK, I forgot. There is a person who has matched the possible re-emergence of Turkey, Ottoman empire to the Revelation 13). This time it would overtake the whole world.). There are many more interpretations.
You know something Chinese Military. I drew and rendered those specific hex buildings about 40 years ago. Even the variations. I just have to work out the differences between possibility and probability. I was much younger I drew this on paper. I was playing naval pencil war games as a kid.
 The very center of the Hexagon cluster was a RADAR Tower. The kind with a big ball on top of it.
Then on the outlying Hexagons were big guns. Which could rotate and elevate.
The whole hexagon element was raised up so as to cover (360 degree) the entire island with inlets.
Then later I discovered other aspects of technology. Now imagine. What this could be.
This is a weapons system.
A total of four on each of the three islands. That makes twelve units. To begin with. All should be considered first generation. All of which will be networked together into a seamless real time map. In which all sea and air craft can be targeted.
The hexagon just above the seven hexagon circle. Will most likely be a redundant power storage system. The smaller hexagon just above that will most likely be a control or operations room. The square box will most likely be security entrance and exit. Military worker, technicians, living quarters, food and management offices.
The central Hexagon tower will most likely contain a Spinning RADAR antenna system protected by a typical shroud as seen at any Airport. This is the very top.
Built into each side (Option) or on just five or to begin with three sides facing the South China Sea will most likely have a single octagon shaped phased array antenna. Just below the phased array antenna will be another Rectangle phased array antenna. This can be used for identifications.
When all of the Radar systems are on line or fully operational. There will be a control switch and an hazy method to align all of the radar antennas to a single point in the sky. Then there is a high power switch. When the high power switch is pressed with all of the antennas aligned in a single point in the sky. If a surveillance plane is in that location. The electronics may all burn up and maybe the people inside will cook. So from a distance or from orbit. This could look like a crown.
The three or five outlying hexagons which face the sea with an option for six. These will have self contained EM Rail guns, Laser weapons or standard automated big guns. These will be able to be interchanged at will. Although, not very quickly in the beginning. But, the change out and upgrades will become within the hour. There will be rotating covers which open up like a clam shell. Allowing for vertical elevation.
Why the two different flavors of Radar systems? Because, It is highly rumored that multi-frequency or muti-bandwidth Radar systems can more easily sea all current levels of Stealth. Since it is known that the F35 has limited range, maneuverability and speed. Targeting and destroying is seen as something to be easily done.
This part is hazy. Since each island will have at least four of these units. Each Island must have at least one nuclear power plant. But, as power requirements increase and performance levels improve. Each of these building will need to have their own individual Nuclear power plants for sustained rates of fire. Then when each nuclear power plant is tied together. power distribution and stability is greatly improved. So on one Island you could have five small nuclear power plants. Each small Nuclear power plant should be able to develop about 400-600MW of power output. Maybe, the early generations won't be as high as 400 MW. If China can create a type of American A1B reactor in the 600+ MW capabilities and they can create Rail guns and laser systems which can achieve destructive capabilities at, % of or beyond LEO (Low Earth Orbit). Then No known military asset I can think of will even be able to touch these islands. Except maybe the fictional Rods of God.
Since the Chinese military network will be far superior to what is known. They will be able to integrate Russian originated 300's, 400's, 500's air defense systems as well as a variety of type 730 CIWS systems. Plus,plus and more plus. In some of my remembered drawings. I did see three minor looking emplacements around each unit which could have been the 730's.
I do seem to remember creating buildings which had vertical Launch Missiles. Although I just called them Missile buildings. If they can place at least 1000 vertical launch missile onto each island with the ability to store many more. Then these three islands will become something that no nation will be able to threaten.
There will be an attack upon these islands. Everyone loses. China is able to keep them going. The USA does not recover. Those nations which rely on the USA do not recover.
So revelation of any prophecy changes everything. So does everyone conduct all out attacks? The outcome will be worse with all free Nukes.
If no one attacks China. Then will have absolute control over all of the South China sea and Low Earth orbit.
Remember, I have said that China is the trigger which begins the extinction process of all life on this planet. So who wants to squeeze the trigger? Because, the trigger must do what it is meant to do.
Do you even want to remember the purple words above? Or are you saying to yourself what purple words?
The purple words are an option. The other option is for China to look up and go there with the same mindset and intensity of what they put into those islands. But, on one hand if they do those islands correctly and learn from every instance of success and failure. Even if a janitor losses a single strand from a mop head. All that is discovered. Can be applied when China focuses on going up.
So make friends with one another after all you/we are all related to one another.
The point of this is for everyone to choose life and peace. Not death and peace. Either choice there will be peace. 
Added on 14 March 2017:
The islands have become a bigger problem for the world. Who is the trigger? Remember? I have been waiting for update satellite images. I'm unable to find them. I have also re-looked at the old ones and some appear to have obvious scratched out information. The new images even appear to have blurring. Obvious hiding of information in order to cause China to look better than they are and to cause the western leadership to not look as stupid. AMTI is purposely hiding information with manipulation of the newly released photos. The use of low quality imaging, over exposing and thumbnails. Really guys in this day of Google Earth.
The South China Sea is now owned by China. Period. Within the next 3+/- years no one will refute that claim by any measure.
I think the military capability is to fearful for for anyone to acknowledge forthright. Right now those scary building's are most likely completed shells. Now is the time to fill them up. Power them up. Get all of those systems to talk to each other. Then transmit all of that DATA to homeland China.
If China can merge all of the various RADAR data into one easily defined data set. Then stealth is dead. It is one thing to see a stealth target. It is another thing to target and engage a stealth target.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 