Thursday, February 5, 2015

Worthless Nothing: Emotional Murder: (Unedited): 04 Feb 2015:

The nothingness that YOU think you do. Is that all important lie that YOU have applied to that thing. Maintaining that worthless decision of YOURS. Will eventually cause you to believe that YOU to are a worthless nothing. Always, seek the meaningful truth in all that YOU do. 
I have witnessed many people belittle themselves and anything that they choose to do in life. Forgetting that we have evolved into beings which do need meaning and purpose. For some being a janitor, a trash collector or a lowly construction helper is a fundamental source of their own inner self esteem and self confidence. While I have seen others who have that college degree or two and find little which is of any importance. But, I can say the same for many janitors, Trash collectors or even the lowly construction helper. Who fail to see that they are of any importance or that their duties is of any necessity.
I have also seen those incredibly intelligent people. Typically those who are not to be embarrassed with a MENSA card in their wallet. In other words. They do not belong to Mensa and consider that beneath them. Yea, a lot of pride for them. Who have dedicated their lives in those unspoken subjects and details. You know those things which everyone thinks they want to know which is so incredibly important to all of humanity. Fall victim to near absolute uselessness. Really. They lose their families and drown themselves within the drink of forgetfulness.
So how can all of these different kinds of people with many different kinds of backgrounds. Find themselves in a nothing job. While others thrive in a job of importance. There can be a variety of causes and events in any persons life.
I think what it boils down to is this. YOU have decided that your job is worthless and means nothing. It's your decision based in your own emotional negativity. Which has brought you to the state you are in now.
It is that simple and it doesn't really matter how or why you got to this point in your life. Maybe, You were to Kool for School. Maybe, you just failed at everything. Maybe, the party life was to important. Maybe, your parents beat you and told you bad and sad things. All of that Bravo Sierra doesn't matter in this here and now. What matters is your current state of negativity. The dark depths of your darkened depression of darkness. Yea yuck.

So what happens if the janitors of the world stopped cleaning? What happens if the trash collectors stopped picking up everyone's trash? What happens if all of the greasy mechanics stopped fixing your broken things? It is only then you see the importance.
But, you say I have sheep skin with my name on it on my wall. That is your accomplishment and now you feel like a trapped cat in some hopeless corner of the business world. You have to ask yourself. Really? While the majority of people like what they do and who they work for. YOU on the other hand think it all sucks. Can't you see it's all about you. You are the problem. But, But. Suzy says she hates it to. Is Suzy one of those friends with everyone kind of people who agrees with everything? Probably. People will agree to agree so that you don't feel so isolated and alone or to make you feel better. That is just basic nice people human nature. To console and to relate and to offer hope.

What do you do. Take time to think about yourself and your actions of recent times. Have you been on the wrong side of the donkey in the room with nice people? Do you even care? Which is the big question. Because, if you just don't care then nothing you do in life will ever cause you any kind of happiness or peace. You have to care. Not caring about a thing or anything is not self preservation of your emotional state. Not caring is the murder of your emotional state in order to protect your emotional state. Read it again.
Emotional Murder: (Unedited): 05 Feb 2015:
Not caring (Apathy) is the murder of your emotional state in order to protect your emotional state.
If you don't care about your job. You will never be satisfied with your job. You may not realize this. But, everyone is empathic to a degree. So when you walk around with apathy. Everyone will know it and become emotionally harmed by your apathy. Do you care about others or even want to care about others? Even while most good people will care about you.
Yes, You may have been filled with apathy for a very long time. It is possible for you to regain your own full humanity. Although, it does mean you will have to go out of your way for others. In the beginning you will be annoyed and bothered. But, after seeing smiles and gratitude. You will slowly get your humanity back. If you smoke. Be sure to quit smoking as tobacco takes away your ability to care.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Deep Mountain Fortress Penetrator Vision: (Unedited): 01 Feb 2015:

From orbit I see an unknown thing. Something which I cannot conceive. Out of it comes forth a long object with fire. Within seconds it disappears into the atmosphere as a streak of fire. I look upon a screen which is tracking the object. I notice the speed which is told to me as faster than anything known to humanity. In another few seconds. Impact is made and can be seen from orbit. Great fire and smoke erupts.
Then a launch of these super fast rockets is targeted upon a great dormant caldera of earth. A dozen for the super volcano. Soon the whole of the earth is covered in clouds.
This is what I didn't see. But knew.
This was obviously a rocket of some kind. Which continued to burn on it's downward decent. At a predetermined altitude. A projectile was fired through the heat shielded nose cone. I seem to instantly know that it was some kind of EM rail gun. Which fired it's very heavy projectile into the target. Thus, causing a great release of destructive energy.
This was followed by the rocket itself. In which inside of it was a deep penetrator nuclear weapon. Designed to destroy Deep underground bunkers.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Confused Lady: Self Respect: Absolute Freedom Cost: (Unedited): 29 Jan 2015:

The woman who wants to be treated like an respectable lady and yet wears the costume of a prostitute or of loose women. Is a confused female. 
 I just don't think you can have it both ways. Yet still want everyone to treat you with respect and honor. When you are a woman who dresses like a prostitute and/or a loose woman. Everyone who simply sees you. Will automatically see you in a less then equal light. They will see you as a damaged person or an unworthy person.
Self Respect: (Unedited): 29 Jan 2015:
Respect and honor of self. Begins with the decisions you make for yourself. 
Just as you cannot love others until you love yourself. So it is with respect and honor. If you do not have any self respect. How can you respect others? If you have no honor of self. How can you honor others? You cannot and most likely will not, especially when it costs you discomfort or inconvenience. 
Absolute Freedom Cost: (Unedited): 29 Jan 2015:
The unspoken cost of absolute freedom is your self honor and self respect.
What is the other costs of absolute freedom in an insane world. Crime. Lawlessness. End of civilization. Of course none of this will happen in the now. Over time. Civilization will crumble and fall. Such as the USA which has gone from a of the people and for the people to of the corporation and for the corporation. Politicians have become a pay to play representative of the corporate governmental system. All of this began with President Ronald Reagan. In any new grand thing. There is always infancy and then growth and then evolution. I think the USA is still in the growth phase of their Corporate form of state government and federal government. At this time I'm not sure how it fits into the Capitalistic form communism which seems to have been formed. Maybe, the Corporatism rulers will see themselves as the communistic rulers of the worlds capitalistic markets. This all is way above my head. Where as in China and their communistic form of communism has given rise to their super elite. Which at this time seems to have minimal powers. This is the infancy stage for China. As for Russia and their form of Communistic capitalism. I got nothing at this time. It seems to be a failure. Having all of their assets in oil. Is not wise even to an uneducated person as me. I knew and understood this when I was a child. Plus, to top it all off is President Putins pride. Which started the economic fall of HIS Russia.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Becoming Archeology: (Unedited): 26 Jan 2015:

Any society which values their greatness and comfort more than righteousness, wisdom and humility. Will become the next archeological dig for those who follow after. 
This is prophecy:
Think about today's age of modern man.  It seems that mankind has forgotten the importance of love, peace, harmony and life. Where creature comforts are more valued than another persons well being. Where the freedom to sin with the blessing of human laws is of paramount importance. From these human laws which ease any sort of guilt from breaking any of the spiritual laws for the governance and maintaining of life.
The world wide abuses of women and children. The continued enslavement of selected peoples. The seemingly never ending wars and atrocities affiliated with battles. The extermination of certain groups of people considered undesirable or just rejected.
Just by this and many other measures. The human species may become judged as a race of beings not deserving to be allowed for advancement. We will be allowed to exterminate ourselves. By the will of God. Every nation shall become the enemy of one another. Not because they have any real choice but from the will of God to take away even their awareness of free choice. Man shall rise up against man. Again, this will involve no awareness of any free choice as these things shall come after humanity has been judged.
For instance. Mr. President Putin is preparing for war. There will be no peace from the west with President Putin. Mr. President Putin has no choice and no free will. He will go to war. He will strike first. Mr. President Putin is already very intimate with how to send the USA back to the 1800's.
Mr. general secretary Xi Jinping is also another leader who has no awareness that he has no free will in regards to world war. Mr. general secretary Xi Jinping and the rest of China is actively preparing for war with the west. Mr. general secretary Xi Jinping only sees the future of China in a constant state of war. Mr. general secretary Xi Jinping isn't even aware that his beloved country of China will only be a trigger. As with any trigger there will be a cause. This cause will be in absolute control over the whole of China leading to it's destruction. The art of war used against China.
Even with all of the western leaders of the so called free world. They to are all or will become without the awareness of free will lost. They to will each go to war with one another. This also, includes the President of the USA. Who will most likely be the sacrificial sheep for the worlds journey into extinction. The total loss of the USA must precede the military growth of whatever is birthed from manufactured chaos. This new world order of things. Which brings everyone hope and everyone will love the new leader who brings the population of the world together as one. The oneness this first leader of the world brings to all of humanity is one total death.
Added on 02 Feb 2015: Japan:
Mr. Prime Minister will also fall victim to the unaware loss in free will. All will be lost for Japan. So to the entire population. To avert total extinction. You must truthfully humble yourself as well as the whole of the Japanese people. They must seek out forgiveness and publicly admit all of their evil deeds. With this humble truth. A new era shall begin for the Japanese people. I still think there is much hope for the Japanese people, but only after humble truth. Make amends with all of your brothers and sisters. Start building those domed cities I've seen. I've seen one in China (NE, Mongolia and Russia), Texas (Gulf of Mexico) and Minnesota (W90 or between lakes). Not sure if each were certainties or singular possible outcomes.  Seek not to expand your war machine. Allow China to know that your not a threat. Brothers should not be threats to one another. Look to space as well as multiple places on Earth to offset possible Japanese extinction.
Those domed cities are about 25 miles wide.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Tested Faith Journey: (Unedited): 24 Jan 2015:

Faith is always tested in your uncertainty as you continue forward on your journey.
Faith is like honor or your reputation. They can not be made until you act in their regard. You cannot have honor until you act honorably and have a history of honorable actions. Your reputation is always being made whether you want it to or not. So your reputation will either be good, bad or questionable. So your faith grows as you walk forth on an uncertain journey in which the out come is clouded from your logical reason.
Building meaningful honor and a noble reputation takes an entire lifetime. You can lose it all in just one moment of time.
This journey that you are on in this life of yours. You really need to ascertain all of the qualities of those lessons you are learning and living. This is very important, to judge your own life. What is it that you are doing? Is it worthwhile? Is it meaningful? Is it important in the grand scheme of things? Does it positively enhance your reputation? Does it solidify your honor? Are you sober? Do you have a sober history? Have your decisions been made based in righteous reason? 
Questioning your own life then effecting those very necessary changes to become a better human being. Isn't that what everyone wants to be or to become? A better human being.
I do find it interesting how everyone seems to want the world to change for the better. But, the vast majority of the world doesn't want to even change their core being. People do not want change or even to change themselves.
No one seems to understand that how you live your life and how responsible you are for your own life. Is absolutely manifested into the very personal world you live in. You life and how you live will translate into your families world and into your friends world. Which translate into their families world and into their other friends world. Thus eventually affecting or infecting the whole of the world. This is exactly how one person changes everything. Like Jesus Christ, Nelson Mandela, Dr. Martin Luther King, Mahatma Ghandi, Mother Teresa. Be that soul change for yourself. Which may manifest soul change in your family, your friends, your world and in the whole of the Earth. You can and you can be.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Friday, January 23, 2015

Gay Outlaw: (Unedited): 23 Jan 2015:

A gay judge who convicts another gay person for being gay is a conviction upon himself/herself. Just as a gay politician who creates laws which are against the gay person. He to is outlawing himself/herself. 
 So, gay judges and gay politicians must be absolutely against any righteous or holy person from any religious tradition. Any religious tradition which has predetermined that 1)man/2)woman who love other 1)man/2)woman in a sinful manor is destined to be Judged by God unfavorably.
This is prophecy repeated. Look to other blogs I've written.
The political agenda for the Gay rights is to put into place and they already have. Those gay leaders who will promote the gay lifestyle as a fundamental right and freedom. But, it won't stop there. Christians will absolutely lose their freedom of speech and lose their freedom to teach anything which is anti gay hate speech, by LAW. Right now it is already a truth. Preachers will not teach anything which is ant-gay out of pure fear.  Because, These celebrated gay folk would only be the beginning and then there would be an evolution within the gay terrorist community. Just watch the 32 seconds. Nobody does anything except to pick up the papers.
So out of fear. American Pastors refuse to preach the whole word of God. Out of their fearful actions. The gay protestors are more fearful than God. This is truth. Just as the people of David suffered under this one sin of doing a census. So to will the people of your church suffer from your omission. Including your own family. Your children will not be excluded from the wrath of God or the attentions of satan.

If your church does not teach the whole Holy Bible then your church will become one of those which are to be disciplined in the book of revelation.
If you are attending a church which is not vocal against the gay community. Then you should leave that church and find one which teaches and preaches the  whole Holy Bible and the Ten Commandments. 
Like I said this is prophecy and all that which is good, righteous and holy on planet earth loses to satan and his control over the whole worldly system. So what you are seeing right now is just part of the process of losing. This is already 2015. 7 years after 2008 and 14 years 2001. The question is what was significant national sin of 1994? Which would be 21 years ago. The dates are symbolic to their well known discipline. Which is a response to national sin a short time previous to the event.
In Christian prophecy. All of those who are righteous and holy in the eyes of God/Allah. Shall lose to the world system. Look at Islam right now. Are the righteous and holy ones winning or losing in the eyes of Allah? They are losing and shall continue to lose. Look at all of Christianity.Are the Christians winning or losing in the eyes of God? They are losing and shall continue to lose. Until, such a time comes. That those who remain holy and righteous are starved, tortured, abused, beaten and murdered. Just as the Christ Jesus was done. You better hope and pray there is a real rapture for the pre tribulation.
Added on 24 Jan 2015:
It is nearly automatic knowledge. That Christianity should not be acceptable or even tolerating to any gay rights or freedoms. So when the news comes out with two gay men who are married who want to send their children to a private christian school. Why would they do that? Just to receive an official rejection letter and then send their sad story to a reporter. Then follow up with law suits. See the happy family photo. Photo's can lie. Notice the head line. "Kids-rejected". Every Christian related organization, company, church, school will be attacked and litigated out of existence. Those who will not comply will go to jail for hate crimes and crimes against humanity.  This is the coming future for all Christians in the USA and the world. It will get worse. All because the Christian has refused to take responsible action for their God given country and now it shall be taken away. Where shall the Christian go? There is no where to go. You will be forced to take the mark or die. This is prophecy.
Added on 31 Jan 2015: Even Gay leaders within the church. The prince of the power of air is in full charge and control of churches. Not all churches but those who offer any acceptance of any homosexual or any other person in willful sin as defined with in the Holy Bible. ===========================
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Whole Earth Followed: (Unedited): 21 Jan 2015:

Incomplete. Work in progress.

The book of Revelation is about Revelation of prophecy, Revelation of admonishment and Revelation of Truth.

The book of Revelation in the Holy Bible. Is very fearful to read as well as those other books which seem to be prophetically related to the Revelations.
In the thirteenth chapter and verse 3 of the book of revelation.

I saw one of his heads as if it had been [b]slain, and his fatal wound was healed. And the whole earth was amazed and followed after the beast;

And the whole earth followed after the beast. This must include every Christian, Muslim, Athiest, gay and every other sort of human being.  How can this happen in the state of the world we live in today? It cannot and it will not. It seems everyone is opposed and against one another.  Each group of people must have their individual belief system altered or changed by their own free choice. Future events must happen in order for every human being to freely give up their faith, non-faith or heathenistic lifestyles. This includes people within every political system with different approaches of control, leadership and management. 

So what must happen. The beast can be easily seen. larger than life under the waters. If the knowing person just looks carefully. I've written about this system  before. I think it is the the new political system which merges Capitalism and communism. Right now, there are two forms of it. The American approach of Capitalistic Communism and the Chinese approach of the Communistic Capitalism. The Russian are figuring it out, but at this time seem to be faltering. So to shall the American form as the USA should fall and in doing so. Gives rise to the world authority. 

So what actually causes the whole earth to follow the beast while forsaken their God? The revelation of truth. The revelation of truth which has been told to every human being for thousands of years. False teachings believed as truths, throughout every religion. A god like entity which even causes atheists to become faithful. 
For instance the American Christian which has been absent from witnessing any true miracles. may not see any miracle of the coming rapture. Will that be enough to sway the beliefs of those Christians who stake their lives upon the rapture? Only to live and die because they refused to take those active righteous actions in their lives and allowed their own God given country to be taken by organized heathen minorities. Why would God save you through a rapture when you the American Christian have allowed your country to have become transformed into something hated and evil. The American Christian were warned not to become deceived and they have. The American Christian have become a group of people which are indistinguishable from non believers. A believer cannot live their life as the non-believers do and still expect life saving miracles. It's just not going to happen. Especially, when you study every death in the Holy Bible. I charge you to do this. Study all of the deaths in the Holy Bible. How and why they occurred. Only 8 adults survived the flood. No children or those who we would understand as innocent. Because of King Davids sin. God killed 70,000 through a judgement. Just to teach King David a lesson. There are many many more. Look how Jesus died and all of the apostles. How is it that you the American Christian who statistically is similar to  every sort of heathen is going to be saved? Maybe, saved in spirit but not in physical life. Which shall all be Judged By God. All those who shall be saved will be done so by their Heavenly father.Do not get me wrong. I am not questioning God and His actions. I am just merely stating the history.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 